Wednesday, October 8, 2008
More Deliberate Lies and Distortions
"You have committed real crimes against this woman and you are being investigated for YOUR ACTIONS. Anyone wishing to verify Rob Moshein is lying can either contact their local FBI office or contact the one that I did"
They then posted the address and telephone number of a midwest Field office of the FBI, one which has no jurisdiction in Texas where I reside nor in California where the woman says she lives.
So, I called that specific field office and spoke to the Duty Agent this morning Oct 8 at 935am. He told me that nobody has called their office in the last several days to discuss the woman, nor even to inquire. He repeated to me exactly the same things the Austin Field office Duty Agent of the FBI told me. That "if" the FBI "were" investigating me, I would be fully aware of the investigation, "no question" was the exact phrase he used. He further said that while the complainant could call in to add additional information relevant to their complaint, the FBI would "NEVER reveal any information about their investigation to the complainant" his exact words, nor even give the complainant a 'status' report on their complaint. PERIOD. EVER. He was quite adamant in confirming everything that the Austin Duty Agent told me was exactly correct and accurate.
Further, he advised me repeatedly to contact local Law Enforcement about the ongoing publication of allegations by this woman that the FBI is investigating me, as such, is in his exact words "is something they probably would be able to help with." He was clear that this is something that local law enforcement agents would be interested in.
Oh, and for the one cyber-crony of the woman who now claims about me that "in person the guy is short, real real short..." The actual FACT is that I am 5'10.5" (five feet ten and one half inches) tall. That may not be real real tall, but it is the exact average height for adult males in the US, and I certainly have no "hang up" about my height, so you can see yet again they resort to deliberate distortions of truth to try to denigrate me publicly. I mean to call me "real real short" when that isn't even true...How childish, petty and stupid is that?
Once again, you can see the deliberate lies, and deliberate distortion of truth, simply to defame me and libel me in the public arena.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Again, Old Lies Repeated to create false truth.
This is just another clear and outright lie. In fact the statement itself contains the proof of her deliberate false statement. In fact, this same lie was presented a few months ago, I highlight the important statement in bold:
July 7: This woman and "friends" claim that the FBI is investigating me, and that she has been specifically "told" things by the Texas FBI about "the investigation" against me.
Her exact words just from yesterday July 6: "The FBI in Texas and law enforcement in California have told me they believe I am a victim of persistent crimes ... ****** & Rob say they're not criminals because they haven't been convicted of a crime. The FBI told me, one becomes a criminal when they commit a crime."
I decided to call the Austin Field office of the FBI. The Duty Agent told me that FBI policy will of course not confirm nor deny that I am actually under investigation, BUT he was emphatic that the FBI policy is equally strict that they NEVER contact anyone who made a complaint (other than for information), but will NEVER even disclose they are investigating or not) and they NEVER EVER discuss ANY investigation with ANYONE, not even the original person who made the complaint. They CERTAINLY would never say the things this woman claims the FBI "told her" His exact words were "the fact she says the FBI has confirmed or discussed anything with her of the alleged investigation is strong evidence that she is simply not credible." He also said that if there "were" an investigation about me that I "probably would have heard something from them." He said may people file complaints with the FBI which are judged "not credible" and are never acted upon. The mere fact she "may" have filed a complaint does not mean that the FBI would actually conduct an investigation. The most likely scenario is that the FBI did nothing with her "complaint" (if she even did file one) as either not being credible or a waste of their time.
This is not the first time she and "friends" publicly accused me of being investigated by Law Enforcement. Over two years ago, they said publicly that I was "being investigated" by the Texas Attorney General's Office for "crimes". I went down to the AG's office and asked. They replied in writing that NO COMPLAINTS had been filed against me.
As the FBI said to me "this is strong evidence that the person making these claims is simply not credible."
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Deliberate Lies and Deceptive Lies AND their Motive.
Just today, September 17, they wrote that they will continue to post their mis-truths,defamation, libel and slander about me saying: "I will with sadistic pleasure."
The Dictionary defines "sadistic":
1.sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others. Compare masochism.
2.The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure or enjoyment, from cruelty..
3.extreme cruelty.
What more do you need to know about their motives?
Sadly two more of these tawdry tactics from these persons without morals, ethics, decency or any genuine evidence of anything require my statement yet again.
First. They trot out a "statement" they claim I was "willing" to sign. This is designed to somehow assert that the verbiage of that statement is somehow true. This is a deliberate and bald-faced LIE. In February 2005, during litigation this woman instigated against me, I was willing ONLY to CONSIDER a settlement of that litigation. HER attorney demanded that this statement be a part of their offer of settlement. I REFUSED to sign the statement which they published. AT NO TIME WAS I EVER WILLING TO SIGN THE STATEMENT THEY PUBLISHED. The fact was then and remains today that I found that statement which they claim I was "willing to sign" to be repugnant and I refused to admit to things that were not true nor was I willing to pretend that things I knew to be true were not. I repeat, any assertion that I was "willing" to sign the document they publish is a DELIBERATE LIE. The only thing I was ever "willing" to do was read it and consider it as part of the settlement of litigation.
Second. They claim to publish an "affidavit" by her then-attorney as if to assert that the statements therein are somehow "true". This is a DECEPTIVE LIE. The document they purport to be an "Affidavit" is nothing more than the private letter of her attorney to the attorney of another party in the litigation. An "Affidavit" is a statement made under oath and penalty of perjury taken before someone with the authority to administer the oath. The document they claim to be this "affadavit" is nothing more than the blustering opinion of one attorney during the pre trial phase of litigation. This woman was given the opportunity to have the assertion of her attorney to be tried in Court, AND SHE REFUSED AND DISMISSED ALL SUCH CLAIMS AS IF THEY NEVER EXISTED. Now, she and her cohorts DELIBERATELY LIE about the documents, and attempt to assert "opinion" as "truth" by LYING about the document and call it an "affidavit" to deceptively twist reality by attempting to claim the statements therein are "true".
UPDATE: Less than an hour after I posted this blog, I was called a liar. "Snoopy" wrote: "Show me dude where in the hell on this forum or elsewhere on the web does ANYONE and I mean ANYONE claim the letter between [the other party's] attorney and [her] attorney was an AFFIDAVIT, no one has made cliam (sic) this letter was an affidavit you asshole, lying sack of shit."
Well, just three posts above "Snoopy", posted Sept. 12 2008 8:45pm from cohort "Mike":
"and remember that affidavit of the lawyer who reviewed the case finding merit in Oma’s case said:" and then quotes the letter in question.
SEE for yourself how they spin lies to look like truth, see the invective and defamation and deliberate falsehoods.
Yet again, one can see their tactics for what they are. Judge them for yourself.
I wish to state again, that I would not write anything at all publicly about this woman and the matters concerning her which would best be forgotten and in the words of her own attorney to me "the faster she is in my rearview mirror the happier I will be"; however she and her ilk continue to publish these deliberate lies, falsehoods and distortions about me and leave me no alternative but to address them for the deliberate smarmy campaign of defamation that they are.
Monday, June 2, 2008
*Sigh* yet more response needed for falsehoods spread
(updated below 6/4, 6/6)
I won't get into a "tit for tat" waste of time, but do wish to demonstrate their continued campaign of falsehoods and defamation with no basis OTHER than to defame me.
July 7: This woman and "friends" claim that the FBI is investigating me, and that she has been specifically "told" things by the Texas FBI about "the investigation" against me.
Her exact words just from yesterday July 6: "The FBI in Texas and law enforcement in California have told me they believe I am a victim of persistent crimes ... ****** & Rob say they're not criminals because they haven't been convicted of a crime. The FBI told me, one becomes a criminal when they commit a crime."
I decided to call the Austin Field office of the FBI. The Duty Agent told me that FBI policy will of course not confirm nor deny that I am actually under investigation, BUT he was emphatic that the FBI policy is equally strict that they NEVER contact anyone who made a complaint (other than for information, but will NEVER even disclose they are investigating or not) and they NEVER EVER discuss ANY investigation with ANYONE, not even the original person who made the complaint. They CERTAINLY would never say the things this woman claims the FBI "told her" His exact words were "the fact she says the FBI has confirmed or discussed anything with her of the alleged investigation is strong evidence that she is simply not credible." He also said that if there "were" an investigation about me that I "probably would have heard something from them." He said may people file complaints with the FBI which are judged "not credible" and are never acted upon. The mere fact she "may" have filed a complaint does not mean that the FBI would actually conduct an investigation. The most likely scenario is that the FBI did nothing with her "complaint" (if she even did file one) as either not being credible or a waste of their time.
This is not the first time she and "friends" publicly accused me of being investigated by Law Enforcement. Over two years ago, they said publicly that I was "being investigated" by the Texas Attorney General's Office for "crimes". I went down to the AG's office and asked. They replied in writing that NO COMPLAINTS had been filed against me.
December 7, 2004 she said on her own "forum" on the web "I want justice and I am glad that I've been vindicated in the eyes of the law enforcement people I talked to today." "And after the facts have been proved, then the legal system will have the evidence it needs to go after the criminal aspects." Nothing ever happened, still after four years no "investigations" no "charges", nothing.
June 5, 2005 again on her own "forum" on the net: "we have massive overwhelming proof, that our lawyers say is enough that the judge will most likely put Rob in jail for a spell " NOTHING happened. No "charges", no "investigations", NOTHING happened other than plastering these claims on the internet.
Sound familiar to the current "allegations"? It is now almost 4 years, but nothing from "law enforcement" has ever actually come up, despite lots of writing on the internet about "imminent" investigations and "charges" but nothing ever happens. As the FBI said to me "this is strong evidence that the person making these claims is simply not credible."
This woman claimed publicly to have "witnesses" to support her allegations. During litigation she was compelled to provide me a list of these "witnesses". She provided exactly two names with addresses but no phone numbers, one address was in England. Investigation proved that NEITHER PERSON existed and the "addresses" she provided were bogus. Are her current claims of these same allegations credible as a result?
Do you see the ongoing pattern here of these baseless threats designed only to defame, slander and harass me?
July 2:
Such statements are incorrect, false, uninformed and are being made up by those writing them only to be intentional attempts to defame, libel and slander me.
I owed my business partner NOTHING when we closed, in fact he left the state the very same week and left me to deal with the creditors alone, and he declared bankruptcy immediately to avoid paying anything to the creditors himself. I worked with our creditors and finished up the business leaving NO JUDGMENTS or even legal filings for claims against the business or me personally. The public record will confirm this. Compare this to the woman making these statements, who has numerous judgments against her unpaid outstanding for years now, as well as having many more lawsuits on record filed against her for her unpaid bills. She claims she is "the same" as I am. Judge for yourself.
In litigation, I was asked several specific questions. I was asked:
"You have stated that (this person) was convicted of fraud and theft by deception in the state of Utah . "
I denied this question. I have NEVER EVER stated this woman was "convicted of Fraud AND theft by deception in the State of Utah". I have only stated the truth, that this person was convicted of Theft by Deception in the State of Utah. Such is what her felony public record shows.
Now, the Los Angeles Court on the other hand, has said she had committed the crime of Fraud in Utah:
Here, however is what is now being said of me, notice HOW they TWIST reality to libel and defame me publicly:
It would appear through Rob’s own letters to law enforcement and such about (this woman) that as an officer of the court (he is a licensed attorney though not active) Rob Moshein deliberately and unabashedly committed perjury
This woman ADMITS to being convicted of Theft by Deception in Utah, which IS her conviction charge. I admit freely that I did state so. However, they CAN NOT document, as I NEVER STATED, that she was convicted of BOTH FRAUD AND Theft by Deception in Utah.
I denied the question correctly. I never stated she had been convicted of BOTH offenses, just the one the record shows. Why accuse me if her attorney asked a bad question? Its his lack of skill, not my answer...
I was asked : "That you have blocked and prevented certain Internet Protocol’s associated with (this woman's companies) and (this woman) from viewing LaBloodhound website"
I denied the question. Why? there never WAS a website called "LaBloodhound". Thus, I could not have denied access to such a website. Thus I did not lie as the I did deny her and her friends IP addresses access to a website, but NOT to one called "LaBloodhound". YET, here is what is said of me:
"Accordin g to Mike Newson & Justin Edwards this was a lie as they (this woman's Team) has (sic) web photos showing that certain IP's were blocked because it was believed they belonged to (this woman)or those who defended her"
I was asked to admit or deny "That you stated that you worked for Pallasart as the director, billing and accounting." I denied and still deny this statement. I NEVER EVER STATED TO ANYONE ANYWHERE I WORKED FOR PALLASART AS THE "DIRECTOR, BILLING AND ACCOUNTING." One, I never "worked for Pallasart". Two, I never posted anything anywhere on the internet, nor ever said to anyone verbally or in writing that I "worked for Pallasart as the director, billing and accounting."
Yet, the woman and her cronies say "Rob has been caught lying and he wants the public to believe he didn't commit perjury in court documents, he's a lying liar." To "prove this" they show a many years old internet archive page from Pallasart, which says "Rob Moshein, billing". I had NOTHING to do with this web page. I didn't make it, so I never "stated" anything about being "the director, billing and accounting." "IF" somebody at Pallasart put that up there, made that statement, it was not I who made it, I was unaware of it, I never made such a statement, and I never worked for Pallasart as "director, billing and accounting." Again, the woman's attorney asked a bad, poorly written question, which I answered directly and quite truthfully that I DENY that I ever made such a "statement". Somebody else must have made the statement, but I did NOT.
What is actually pretty funny about their insisting and screaming that just because some web page "says" I was the "director, billing" for Pallasart that I MUST be lying when I deny it, is that the very SAME archived pages all show one "Max Sonesta" as "content director".
Well, "Max Sonesta" was not an employee at Pallasart either. One of the Pallasart guys would bring his Scottie dog "Max" to the office every day, where "Max" would pretty much just curl up and sleep all day. "Max Sonesta" is colloquial Italian for "Max, he is sleeping". They used to tell unwanted telephone marketing solicitors that "Max Sonesta" would return their call. "Max Sonesta" was the office mascot and his being on the staff page was an inside joke. I wonder if they will as well still insist that the Scottie dog "Max Sonesta" was "also" a Pallasart employee...
See how they distort reality to try to disparage, libel and slander me? To falsely claim I committed perjury is LIBEL PER SE. Their actions and such behavior surely demonstrate who they are and how they operate far greater than anything I can say here. Why am I a liar if her attorney was too inept or stupid to ask a proper question? I ONLY answered the specific questions asked, I never lied, yet, prudently also refused to volunteer information that was NOT asked.
Judge the rest of their unintelligible ranting for what it is...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sadly, more response required
There are no open investigations according to these agencies and I have NEVER been contacted by law enforcement with regards to any complaints filed or alleged charges against me EVER.
Notice that this woman offers NO REAL PROOF of her very public claims of these investigations, but rather instead demands that I prove I am NOT under investigation. Well, I have such proof. Law enforcement advises me there are no investigations. Law enforcement further advises that their policies REQUIRE them to contact anyone they investigate. I have never been contacted.
So any burden of proof now lies with her that SHE prove her claims.
"I hope she carries a gun. Because a nice shot in the head would teach them. But that's just me.
I'm the one who would pull the trigger"
LET THIS SPEAK FOR ITSELF AND TELL YOU WHAT THIS WOMAN IS REALLY ABOUT. She claims to be a victim of violence, yet permits the advocation of physical violence toward me and others in a forum bearing her own name.
UPDATE 5-26:
So, only AFTER I published this, did she take down the comment advocating that I be shot in the head. After months of similar such comments, did she post "rules" asking that violence not be advocated. Of course, this was probably only because I was advised by attorneys I had discussed this threat with to report this to the Austin Police Department for investigation. Since the threats have been removed, law enforcement told me they couldn't do anything at this time. Notice tho, that she continues to permit people to post threats, such as the one where the same poster who advocated shooting me said that if she were in my presence I "best watch it", and she wrote"So yes, my first reaction is to shoot first, ask questions later. I'm sure Dick Cheney would enjoy having me in his hunt group! HA!" (exact quote) and then defends her resorting to violence as being ok and "That's how I am. And that's how my 2 miliatry (sic) sons are as well. " On this Memorial Day, I hope every single military family that reads this feels the same shame I felt at reading the debasing abuse of the reputations of the brave soldiers fighting and dying for our nation. Of course, the woman who runs the forum permits such people to post unfettered. She, clearly, feels no such shame and prefers to surround herself with such "friends".
Notice again, she only removed the threats of violence and tried to distance herself from the MONTHS of advocating violence and harm to me AFTER I PUBLICLY MENTIONED IT HERE .
LET THIS SPEAK FOR ITSELF AND TELL YOU WHAT THIS WOMAN IS REALLY ABOUT. She claims to be a victim of violence, yet permits the advocation of physical violence toward me and others in a forum bearing her own name.
She allows these threats to stand ONLY UNTIL they are called to public attention and could subject her to police investigation...
Friday, March 14, 2008
I've tried to ignore it all, but enough is enough
Only when business associates and friends googled me and reported some serious, disturbing and blatently false and defamatory stuff about me was turning up, and the woman and her alleged "friends" acting in admitted conspiracy with her making these allegations specifically stating that they were to "destroy" me and see me "in prison", did I decide speak out and to set the record straight. For the record, I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written these false and defamatory statements herself for the last three years. If she didn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me.
For years now, I have ignored these same continued statements made by a woman with whom I had only a passing acquaintance some 8 years ago, through a close friend who she hired to consult on an alleged movie she said she was producing. A background check on her that I did revealed she has no experience in the motion picture industry. Her claims of being an "actress" "model" and "author" were equally unsupported. She puffed up having an unworkable, poorly written script (I read it...laughed at how badly done it was) into "a career as a Motion Picture Producer", puffed up being an extra in a commercial into being "an actress on TV" and having some silly way over touched up photos into being "a model."
Further, she genuinely has multiple convictions for Felony crimes of fraud and passing bad checks, these are "crimes of moral turpitude". 4-17: She denies being convicted of "fraud" and calls me a liar for this. The criminal record shows that this person was in fact convicted of the Felony crime in Wyoming of FRAUDULENT CHECKS, DOCKET: 3659, CODE: 260, by JUDGE: HUNTER OFFENSE DATE: 26-OCT-92 COUNTS: 1 SENTENCE PRONOUNCED: 31-MAR-93 SENTENCE EFFECTIVE: 31-MAR-93 SENTENCE TYPE: SUSPENDED NET SENTENCE (MONTHS): 120. So, judge her words accordingly. She ran up literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. My friend became yet another one of these vast debts, based on her repeated promises to pay, which, of course, never happened.
She sued me claiming "Libel", "intentional interference with a contract" (not even a real tort, by the way...) and other silly stuff, for my telling people via a blog/website I used to own about the public record I found. And no, NOBODY else owned that site or contributed to it, despite her paranoid statements, it was just me.
She was forced to "put up or shut up" by Texas District Court and go to trial. Instead of going to trial, she "non-suited" her claims, which means they were dismissed as if they had never been filed. In other words, it is now as if her lawsuit never existed. True, she no longer had attorneys by that time, but this was only because they withdrew after she failed to pay them over $20,000 she owed them. I have the emails from her attorney's to her, which they brought to the Court when asking to withdraw. I was also present in Court that day when her attorneys told the Judge she hadn't paid and were asking to withdraw. She wasn't there, of course. She also has never paid these attorneys either, of course.
3-23: This person now FALSELY alleges that in respect to this specific statement "In one of Rob Moshein's more noteworthy lapses in coherence is in the way he mischaracterizes this event -- The attorney representing me up until the trial date did not withdraw because he did not get paid."
Here is the very 2 page motion with 2 pages of email to support it that her attorneys filed with the District Court and which was granted. Notice clearly the reason given for why they asked to be removed was "The Client has failed to substantially fulfill an obligation to the lawyer regarding the lawyer's services, in this case an obligation to pay the lawyer's fee as agreed..." Notice also that the attorney states clearly she had arranged to wire $20,000 but that she never wired these funds, according to his emails. (apologies the pages are in reverse order)




Now, she calls me a "lying liar" because she had an attorney for ONE LIMITED PURPOSE, to get the trial continued and NO OTHER PURPOSE. That failed. So ask her to explain WHY she had NO ATTORNEY to represent her at trial. IF she "had attorneys up to the date of trial"? One can't have it both ways. SHE HAD NO ATTORNEYS AT TRIAL. IF SHE HAD PAID HER ATTORNEYS AS SHE PROMISED THEM SHE WOULD, THEY WOULD HAVE REPRESENTED HER AT TRIAL. BUT SHE DIDN'T. [I Don't say she "couldn't" , just say that she DIDN'T. Frankly does it matter either way? She seems to think so. Take that into account when you read the rest of her crap] THAT IS THE SALIENT POINT. See above as to why. TWO DIFFERENT JUDGES HEARD HER EXCUSES FOR DELAYING TRIAL, AFTER HER ATTORNEY'S WITHDREW BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T PAY AS PROMISED. BOTH JUDGES HEARD HER EXCUSES AND REFUSED TO ALLOW HER TO DELAY TRIAL FURTHER. WHEN ASKED TO PRODUCE MEDICAL RECORDS TO SUPPORT HER CLAIM OF ALLEGED "ILLNESS", SHE COULD NOT. SHE CAN ONLY BLAME HERSELF OR THE COURT. One wonders which one she will blame. I suspect she will blame the Court for refusing her third and fourth requests to delay trial ( 1- April 5, 2005 2- August 4, 3 -Sept. 22, 4 - Sept 26.)
It seems clear that this person has her own "noteworthy lapses in coherence in the way she mischaracterizes this event --"
3-24: OK, now this woman is truly whacked. Look at this which she posted:
"Two Judges did not deny any Motion for a Continuance “after” the law firm of Foster, Malich & Blair resigned being my attorneys of record.
On August 19, 2005 the Honorable Judge Yelonosky granted the law firm Foster Malich & Blair’s Motion to Withdraw for failure to pay.
September 22, 2005 the law firm of George & Brothers, LLP Motion for Continuance was denied.
September 26th before trial commenced my Motion for a Continuance in Pro Se was denied by the Honorable Judge Gisela D. Triana"
Follow me here.
8-19 Her attorneys resigned.
9-22 The Hon. Judge Lora Livingston denied her motion for Continuance, made by Boyce Brown of George & Brothers. (That's ONE Judge denying her motion after Foster MALISH (not Malich) & Blair quit.) While she posts this Motion, as if the contents actually "mean" something, they don't, as the MOTION WAS DENIED. The Court heard it, and said NO. She pretends that it means something more than this. It doesn't.
9-26: The Hon Judge Gisela Triana DENIED her motion for Continuance, made in Pro Se.
THAT'S TWO JUDGES who each denied her motions for Continuance, after Foster Malish & Blair quit, YET she says "Two Judges did not deny any Motion for a Continuance “after” the law firm of Foster, Malich & Blair resigned being my attorneys of record. " Worse she accuses me of making up this fact, she wrote "This is a blatant fabrication and self-serving" and yet, her own evidence and her own words prove that it IS IN FACT THE TRUTH. Court records show it is NOT a fabrication as well. Do you yet begin to see how this woman twists and manipulates reality just to accuse me?
Ok, to be fair, she owned up that I was "not lying" about this. Only after I demonstrated in detail the truth, of course. That should speak volumes. HOWEVER, this also clearly shows the extent of how far this person goes to twist and manipulate the facts to accuse me and defame me publicly. This clearly shows her mental state, in my opinion. Frankly, I don't have the time, nor SHOULD I BE REQUIRED TO SPEND IT, continually defending myself against this person's self admitted public lynching of me. OBVIOUSLY, any reader at this point can see the reality for themselves. This is not her first occasion of such blatant and negligent behavior. Clearly, it won't be the last either. Keep this in mind should you read any more of her ravings.
Also, Judge Triana didn't ask for her hospital records. The Hon. Judge Livingston DID on 9-22. She of course didn't know that because she wasn't there. I was. Judge Livingston was angry that the woman NEVER appeared in court, and demanded medical proof from George & Bros. Attorney Mr. Brown as to why she was not at the Hearing on that day. He had nothing to provide. Her failure to appear was one reason among the others given by Judge Livingston when she told the open Court the reasons why she denied the Continuance Motion.
NOW, she is claiming that she can "prove" these insane allegations against me. Rather than "prove" them for real in a Court of Law when she had the chance, she refused. Further, rather than re-file these allegedly "serious" and "provable" allegations, she allowed the Statute of Limitations to elapse, forever preventing her from actually proving these allegations in a real Court. NOW, she tries to use these claims to defame me. Let me be clear, as I said to the Judge in open Court, I spoke only the truth about her, her felony crime convictions and her debts. I have said virtually nothing about her since she nonsuited her claims. LET me repeat that, I HAVE MADE NO PUBLIC STATEMENTS about her on the open internet for some three years now. I refuse to even name her here for this same reason. This blog is specifically aimed only to speak out to those who have read her defamatory statements and address them.
One example: 9-27-2006, published on the net, speaking to me personally: "This is going to court and to trial, make no mistake; all the Court Transcripts are now complete... Expect something to be filed within 10 days, as the legal team has to finish fine tooth combing the remaining pages of transcripts first. But it is going to happen, and then the world will see who is telling the truth" Well, its a whole lot longer than ten days. Its EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Nothing filed. Certainly no apologies for threatening publicly with lawsuits that never happened...
Another publicly published example: 7-6-2007: "why can Rob declare his Austin wine business the “Cellar” as bankrupt leaving behind around a half million in debt". While it is true that I did close my wine shop "The Cellar", I have NEVER declared Bankruptcy, either personally nor for my business, nor did I leave anywhere near $500,000 in debt. THIS IS A FALSE STATEMENT AND IS LIBEL PER SE BECAUSE UNDER TEXAS LAW IT IS LIBEL TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BANKRUPTCY WHEN SUCH AS NEVER BEEN FILED. Anyone wishing may certainly avail themselves of the public record in Travis County Texas and will not find any Bankruptcy petition filed by me or my business. Does anyone retract or apologize for this blatantly false statement? Of course not...
LET ME REPEAT: I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.
I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON. The one letter sent to me by her I refused as further evidence I want nothing to do with her. Its a bit hard to stalk someone when you don't even know where they live, not to mention that I don't even care enough to even bother. She joined a history discussion forum (under an alias name) of which I was a member. That forum was a "members only" forum, only registered users could read it, and there were less than 30 such users. The owner of that forum, a published author who I know, had told me directly several times that the woman was never welcomed in her forum. When she openly revealed who she was, I mentioned this to the forum owner, who took steps to remove her, and in fact shut the discussion forum down as a direct result of this that very same day. She now calls this "stalking" on my part. Interestingly, while my statement was not public, since the forum was restricted to only the few members who could read it, she HERSELF now repeats what I said to the entire public.
She claims that I "destroyed her reputation and career". Before a career can be "destroyed" there must first be a "career". Again, this person has NO prior experience as a Producer of movies (much less as a genuine "actress", "model" or published "author"), thus she had no "career" to destroy, except perhaps in her own mind. Perhaps this fact accounts more for what transpired to her than anything else, as her public record is available to anyone who cares to check her out. As for her "reputation", her criminal record and track record of substantial unpaid debt probably speak for themselves.
I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory.
For three years, she claimed I am "about to be arrested" for "crimes" against her. For three years she has said this publicly. The truth is that there are NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS nor CRIMINAL CHARGES against me nor have there ever been. I have checked my criminal record history with local, state and federal agencies, and all have come back with the same answer. NO, "and if there WERE an investigation, you would know about it." THERE ARE NO OPEN OR PENDING CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS ABOUT ME AT THIS TIME. As this woman has said "It is up to law enforcement to decide the merits of my complaint". Law enforcement has clearly decided that her complaint lacks merit utterly, because they have refused to investigate or pursue her "complaint".
I can only hope that anyone who reads her defamatory rantings understands that this woman had her day in Court, and lost. Rather than prove her case to a court, she now rather attempts to convict me in a court of public opinion. She has admitted publicly that she refused to pursue matters legally, and now deliberately attempts to defame me on the internet. This is her stated objective. Judge her statements accordingly.
I have put my name on this, and anyone with questions may contact me directly. I have nothing to hide, and deny each and every allegation made by this woman, or her "friends" on the internet.
Rob Moshein