Yet again the delusional and revenge driven barely literate foul mouthed sock puppet "Justin Edwards" goes on for tens of thousands of words, rehashing the same tired old lies, unsupported allegations and libel per se statements.
They state I "have written other blogs" about the woman. They give no evidence to support this statement, which I have denied, other than "someone told them so". Google has never revealed the actual owners of the blogs, so they have no actual knowledge. Is this credible to you?
They claim law enforcement denied speaking to me, but they never state to whom they spoke or when. I will gladly repeat what was said to me by law enforcement, and by whom under oath and penalty of perjury.
Notice how they make assertions of fact, which are deliberate and calculated lies to defame me. One example they insist that a Temporary Restraining Order "identified me as a person using the alias Tonya Hoochie". THIS DOCUMENT SAYS NO SUCH THING, ASK THEM TO PRODUCE IT. All it said was that I was Temporarily Restrained from using that alias name, which I laughingly agreed to with Judge Livingston BECAUSE I HAD NEVER USED IT PREVIOUSLY, SO I COULD NOT HAVE CARED LESS IF A COURT WANTED TO RESTRAIN ME FROM DOING SOMETHING I HAD NEVER DONE. In fact, in that litigation, I truthfully stated under oath I have never used that silly alias. One actually wonders why they obsess about such ludicrous details, but then, Oma Hamou and her cadre of criminal lunatics are obviously obsessed with some sort of sick revenge against me for what they perceive as anything bad happening to that woman "must" be somehow my fault.
I mean, this woman deliberately wrote a number of checks on an account that had been closed for YEARS...yet notice how they want to equate her to being the same as someone who accidentally bounces one check once, which many people have done. How many of YOU wrote six checks to various people on an account you KNEW had been closed for some years already?? How many of YOU have been found guilty of the felony of fraud by bad check? Oma Hamou has, notice the phrase that she "was charged with the crime of FRAUD, a felony, in the State of Utah, County of Summit"...
Notice how they hide behind pseudonyms, "Sandman" being the most appropriate because his nonsensical ramblings over thousands of words with no logical conclusions can put anyone to sleep...
I am quite happy always to answer any questions, so feel free to email me if you actually believe the psychotic ramblings of those people with no productive lives who seemingly have nothing else better or more constructive to do.
Yes, I have been approached by several attorneys who will gladly assist me in litigating against Oma Hamou and her cronies, to obtain an injunction against them, as many of their statements are libel per se. However, as I learned many years ago in practice as an attorney, you can't get blood from a stone. To do so would cost me money I could never hope to recoup as Oma Hamou has some one million dollars in personal (not her companies') debt already still unpaid (just a small selection of the KNOWN debt in her name all easily found on the web as I did:
Judgment in the amount of $213,805 was awarded on May 21, 2002 against Oma Hamou in favor of Boardrush, LLC. by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York by the Hon. Richard. F. Braun in Index No. 01/605021 for a Default Judgment against Oma Hamou, and was filed with the Clerk's office on June 11, 2002.
10/24/2002: Writs of Execution for Judgments in Case PC027665 in Los Angeles County Superior Court were granted for American Express Travel Related Services, to execute judgments for unpaid American Express Credit Card charges against Oma Hamou in the amount of $127,155,
7/28/2003 Reed Business Information files a lawsuit in New York Supreme Court, no. 03112486 against Oma Hamou in the amount of $112,179 for unpaid advertising in their magazines in 2002.
WESTAR LEGAL ENTERPRISES, LLC. v. OMA HAMOU ET AL. Los Angeles County Superior Court Case PC033237, Breach of Contract, filed 08/05/2003, Default Judgment issued against Oma Hamou individually for the suit originally filed on 04/23/2004 for an unknown amount in excess of $10,000
2/2/2004 Default Judgment against Oma Hamou issued in favor of Freeman Freeman & Smiley LLP for an unknown amount in excess of $10,000.LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT, West Los Angeles Case 03T02636, Breach of Contract, lawsuit
10/11/2005 Robert Atchison v. Oma Hamou, cause GN303141, 345th District Court of the State of Texas. After trial a jury found in favor of Bob Atchison for services he rendered on behalf of Hamou in the year 2000 and for which she never paid him in the amount of $13,859.99 plus interest.;
by her own admission she does not even own the third hand fifteen year old car she drives, she has no income, she has nothing and is nothing. She admits publicly she no longer has any of her nebulous and never specified "projects"... She knows all of this course, which is why she and her criminal cronies continue their tirade and campaign of unending attack to destroy me.
Oh my God, Mr. Moshein, I am so sorry. "She" is writing as "me" again on another blog she has created about you. For the record, I am not "Justin Edwards" (my correct name is Justin Edward), and every single thing that she is attributing to me on any blog she creates is false and defamatory. I have sent her cease and desist e-mails, but she ignores them.
Things here have been pretty good for a couple of weeks, and now this. Again, I am so sorry about this. But please know that she isn't me, and I am not her, and if anybody is reading up on this, none of it is real.
Darling boy,
I am so pleased to hear that things are going well for you! Can you send me your address? Nitzi has been hard at work on you'll never guess what! It's a screenplay! It's called As a Matter of Dishonor! Guess what it's about! That's right, darling, and you're in it if you will just sign the release. Nitzi has already had a lot of studio interest (one guy at Universal said that the whole thing reminds him of Heaven's Gate and he insists on first right of refusal! Or maybe he said he wants to refuse it first, I can't remember.) I am sure it is going to be made!
Mitzi Kedem
Clearly, Mr. Moshein, this woman stalking you has deep-seated issues of psychotic obsession.
Perhaps she was emotionally damaged by her earlier career in video? I hear life can be rough in the trade, so to speak.
I keep hearing all this stuff about them videos. Can some body here let me have a look at them things? I talked to Mama and she says she can take it.
Well, that's an interesting choice of words. Like mother, like daughter, I guess.
Shit. Shes off her damn meds again. I hope you people are happy. Your not the ones what has to deal with her when L'il Bit gets on the warpath like this. We had her up the ranch for a bit this past month to help us break in some horses --- I dont wanna hear one damn word outta you, McGrope --- but even layin out nekkid on them every day didnt seem to help her none. And one of the horses got lamed. So that was kind of a bust. And you can tell your damn sister that none of us is gonna sign no damn release for her movie, Kedem woman. She got my sister all riled up last month in that motel down in Victorville and we sure aint gonna be helping her do it again.
Omer what the hell is wrong with you, boy? Mama eont need to see no movies with L'il Bit doin the horizontal slide. And theres Domer to consider, whats he gonna think of his mama?
Thingsis pretty bad. She just keeps sitting in front of the computer talking to it. Sometimes she goes ahead and answers her self in some other voice that she calls Justin. I reckon thats you, right? Plus she wanted some of that high class French shit bottled water, so we got her an ampty and keep refilling it from the garden hose, buit she don't know the difference.
Man its gonna be a long summer.
Dear ones,
Nice to see everyone back. Justin called me with the news that things were busy again. While I am sorry for his sake (and yours too, Mr. Moshein), I have to admit that the cessation of blog activity removed a lot of entertainment from my daily schedule.
However, I wasn't idle this past month. I downloaded every single scrap of postings I could locate. And as you know, Mr. Moshein, there is a LOT out there thanks to your opponent's seemingly indefatigable typing skills. Once I did that I transferred them to a flash drive along with the contents of the Chicago Dossier. And then I passed the whole thing along to a friend of mine who is a licensed psychiatrist for examination.
Her response arrived last week, but I have been too busy to post. Anyway, Mitzi, you will be happy to know that your theory as to why she is waging this never-ending struggle is pretty much right on the money. I want to be clear that my friend is not offering a diagnosis. For that she would need several personal sessions with your opponent. However, as she said in the e-mail, "in this case a taste is as good as a feast."
Your opponent has a fixation with father figures who exercise power in her areas of interest. She sequentially defines herself in relationship to these men, probably as the result of an unhappy childhood with an overbearing biological father. And she will do anything to please these figures in her life, beginning with the man who kept her during her first few years in California. The "marriage" to her Demian husband is a classic attempt at manipulation that resulted in a loss of self-control. In turn, this loss of self-control allowed her personality to deteriorate even further. Your opponents needs the validation of older male admirers, as her core self-esteem is so low. Again, this undoubtedly can be traced to her upbringing.
Now comes the tricky part. It is plain that she was initially attracted to the person she persists in referring to as your "life partner", Mr. Moshein. It may well be that she deluded herself into thinking that she was in love with him. Why? In the beginning there was a commonality of interest in Russian history, and it is undeniable that your partner presented an attractive package. He offered her access to the world of the Romanovs, and my doctor friend thinks that it is entirely possible that once besotted, she planned a future with him.
Unfortunately for that future, you exist, Mr. Moshein. It is her irrational desire to supplant you in his affections has lead her to wage this decade-long war to get his attention. There are classic instances of attention-grabbing posts in which she tries to get him to respond. Her fury is fueled by the fact that instead she gets you defending him. So Mitzi is half-right. She is not angry because YOU have rejected her, but because your partner has. It also explains the routine outbreaks of homophobia that pepper her posts.
The sad part of it is that she may be entirely unaware of her true motives, although to virtually everyone else they scream off the screen.
Rebecca Jordan.
Are you talking to me? Apparently rudeness is a genetic trait in your family, Omer. On the other hand, given your sister's apparent motivation when she is rude, I should probably be flattered, as you are making some kind of pass at me. Beat it, sonny. I'm too old and too smart for the likes of you.
Okay. Old bitch.
That's old bitch ma'am to you, Jed Clampett.
This ain't funny no more you sorry piece of white trash. They showed me them porno pictures they said was of my sister but it looked a whole lot more like you. I tried to show Mama one of them with a piece of napkin over the dirty part just to show her what poor sis is having to put up with but the damn napkin fell off and Mama near about passed out with crying. She kept saying that she never could get you to keep your hair washed and it looked stringy ever time you got your picture took. I kept telling her the pictures weren't of sis but of someone who looked just like sis but she wouldn't have none of it. She said she knew her daughter when she saw her. And she kept begging me never to show them to Daddy cause no telling what he might do.
Yea, it is time for you people to quit talking about these evil images, saith the Lord.
Psalms 97:7
"All who worship images are put to shame"
Why would any man give up his modesty and honor just to be in such pictures?
Psalms 106:20
"They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass."
And it wasn't grass they were eating.
Shame on you all. Shame.
Lo. Verily.
Hokity Smokity Amerikanski Friendniks!
It is I Aleksandr Aleksandrovitch coming into you from beautiful city on the Neva! News I am having for you about Her Imperial Highness (Maybe) Bubbalova! I am uncovering many many information bits about her during past month and family of Grand Duchess who remain in Weectorville area have become alarmed with sudden appearance of angry priest demanding many rubles he is claiming she is owing him. No, they say, Her Imperial Highness (Maybe) is long time dead, since 1962 even, but he says no, she is back in human form! Oh my God, they say, from Great State of New Jersey? No, he say, don't be being ridiculous, Great State of New Jersey too high class for Bubbalova except maybe for Atlantic City but still! Anyway family become afraid and have entered St. Petersburg Safe at Dacha Program. Is wonderful thing that saves all peoples in it from annoying bill collectors, so ha ha to the priest, nyet?
Mr. Romanov, good to hear from you again. However, I must admit that, as the legal representative of the Grand Duchess Bubbalova's descendents, I am somewhat alarmed that you have been able to discover their need to enter the Safe at the Dacha program.
Things do seem to be heating up. The family has received word that a movie about the family's plight in the years after the revolution is in the works and might actually make reference to the fact that some members of the family became, most regretably, involved in prostitution. I hear a working script might already be coming together.
While I had been hoping to find evidence to discount this possibility, I received some alarming news about some pictures disappearing from the Las Vegas police files of a young woman who had been beaten up by a john -- pictures which have somewhat mysteriously shown up on the internet.
One can only hope there is no connection between this incident and the rather seamy saga of one branch of the Grand Duchess' descendants.
Well, carry on, sir. I know that you, as a possible distant relation, have only the family's best interests at heart.
I dunno Rob, I think you're doing a good job of destroying your own career. I have seen your answers to people on your Austin Wine Guy blog and a lot of them are pretty rude.
(I'm sure you'll delete this as you have a penchant for NOT wanting to hear the truth)
This is really hard for me to admit, but Rebecca's post about what her psychiatrist friend said about Her real reasons for chasing after Mr. Atchison all of these years are probably true. Back in the day when we were all in court together I kind of knew that She was carrying a torch for him. I used to find the legal pads She kept by her side filled with doodlings like "Mrs. Bob Atchison" and tiny hearts with their initial entwined. I never said anything to her because of my own feelings. I guess you know what they were, Mr. Moshein, from all of the times that our eyes met that day in court. I tried my best to hide how I felt because it was so unexpected, but I know my wife guessed. A lot of her insecurity issues stem from that discovery. I knew that you were devoted to your "life partner" and that I would never have a chance, but it didn't make the whole experience any easier for me. And I could also see the compassion in your eyes that day as you recognized the struggle I was having with my feelings, the likes of which I had never experienced before. Those feelings eventually led me to separate myself from the film "project" and the "foundation" and flee back to Hawaii with my poor wife. If I had thought that there would have been a chance for me I'm not sure I would have had the strength.
This is what makes it painful that she uses me to attack you. But at the same time I can understand how she feels, at least the part of her that feels "rejected" by Mr. Atchison. I wish that she could move on with her life, but I think that this is the first time she has not been able to land the man she wanted and her pride was damaged.
Anyway, I know you have always known how I felt. It was seeing how astute Rebecca's psychiatrist friend was in her analysis of the other situation that has finally given me the courage to come forward and say this, and I do feel better. Thanks for understanding.
Goodness. Just a passing mention of a little prostitution in Las Vegas, and things certainly do quieten down.
I guess when you ask for directions to the horse ranch, you'd better be sure they didn't think you said the whore's ranch. Ha ha ha
Goodness gracious, people. Why is it this discussion keeps coming back to porn movies and now prostitution? Am I missing something?
Lowly minions, I must apologize, although you are all too low to warrant such condescencion. But due to another snafu by one of the postulates assigned to Illuminati, it seems the internet wires got crossed again and someone got inadvertently connected to the NCIC database while doing a search.
They will pay.
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
I know you're all going to be thrilled to hear that Nitzi has finished the screenplay! So quickly! As I told Fritzi and Bitsy, who knew she could type so fast? It's almost as though she stole it from someone and passed it off as her own work, although face it, what kind of a schmendrick would do something like that!? Anyway, she has called it A Matter of Dishonour --- and yes, she used the fancy-schmantzy "-our" spelling like she's a princess or something! --- or Heaven Help the Working Girl.
And Justin, bubbele, I am proud of you for daring to shout the love that dares not speak its' name. If you decide you're still interested, let me know. My cousin's boy Sidney is a lovely guy and no one's looking for grandchildren, if you know what I mean.
Mitzi, dear. I'm going to need your help with this movie or we're going to end up with bupkes. As you know, it starts with the birth of Nicholas II while his whole family is standing around. Thank God they make it to the bedroom in time so that at least the little shlimazel won't get born in a hallway.
But the opening words as Nicky pops out just seem a bit too cold to me as they stand. I mean, we're talking the birth of a costar here. (The Empress is the big cheese in this production, as you know.) Could you maybe help?
And, or course, we've got to start talking about casting soon. Any ideas?
And please don't mention this to Fritzi or Bitsy yet. They might want to bring in cousin Ditzy, and you know what a shmendrik she can be with all this wanting to be a big film actress.
I'm thinking that Chris Walken fellow for the M.D. role in the framework story that now wraps the Romanov plot. Who else has the animal magnetism to convey the massive sex appeal of a man who could persuade ten women to marry him? Well, maybe my first husband Chaim, G-d rest his soul, but after him, Walken all the way. Unless we could get the real M.D. So he's 90? I'm sure he's still got the juice. Justin, do you have any ideas who should play you? I'm thinking the vampire boy from that Twilight movie, he looks like he hasn't had a decent meal since G-d knows when.
Alan Rickman has played Rasputin already, neh? I'm thinking for princesses we get that Lohan girl, Mischa Barton, Anne Hathaway and Beyonce.
I know that we will have to replace Her as the Tsarina, and the actress has to be able to double as Her Herself in the wrap around. Do you want the same look? Because I have to say two words: Susan Boyle. I mean to say, the jaw alone!
This is so exciting!
Your loving sister,
Well, Mitzi dear, I don't quite know what I think about Christopher Walken as the MD character. Granted, there is some animal-like quality to him, but I've never been sure just what animal he most evoked. Something nocturnal, though.
Besides, don't you think all those women hooked up with MD as much as the result of their own psychoses as anything he exuded? Unless, of course, he had some really kicker cologne. Apparently, it doesn't take much of a hook to reel some women in. I mean, really, schatzele, look at the men who managed to bed poor Chintzy almost every time she broke out of the basement.
How about Larry King for the MD role? The age, the jowls, the camera time, the legal scrapes, the multiple wives. He would so get MD. It could work, dearest. Really.
I knew that she would deny her feelings for Mr. Atchison, Mr. Moshein. You know what they say about a woman scorned, that they become more bitterer because the love turns to hate. I think that's pretty obvious, but I had to laugh at the e-mails she has posted. Did Mr. Atchison ever get an answer as to what to tell the people at the Alexander Palace in response to their questions?
What really hurts is that she is denying my feelings for you. I really resent this, as I have resented so much of what has gone on in my name these past few years. She and I talked about the hopelessness of our two loves (hers for Mr. A, mine for you) years ago and she told me then that she understood and even respected me for trying to make a go of it with my wife. But all she was doing was saving it up to throw it out there like this and try to embarrass me for having these feelings.
Well, she can't. I know they couldn't have gone anywhere, but I will never be ashamed of them. On the other hand, I know that they are hopeless which is more than she has ever been able to admit about her love for Mr. Atchison. My feelings for you are like some kind of jewel, some kind of precious gift.
Very truly yours,
In the circumstances, I don't think you have to call him "Mr. Moshein", my dear.
Oh, I just love a good tale of unrequited love. It's takes us all to such a higher plane than we often attain here.
Reach for the stars, Justin, dear. After all you've been through, you deserve it. You do.
Thanks, Ms. Autumnvale, but I don't think I can call him by his first name now that my secret is out. Look at how unrequited passion has wrecked Her life, made Her incapable of doing anything but thinking about Mr. Atchison 24 hours a day, making her hate Mr. Moshein because She can never take his place.
I just would like to be left out of all of Her nonsense, but that doesn't appear possible. What really bothers me is how awful She makes me sound, cursing and all. Anyone who knows me knows that is not me, because I would never talk like I am talking when She is talking like me.
Oh, Justin, you poor boy.
I don't think Mr. Moshein would mind at all if you called him Rob.
While he may be in no position to return your love, I'm sure he must be flattered by your confession. Who wouldn't be? You seem like such a nice young man who is always concerned for the feelings of others.
Alas, as happens to most good people in this world, when you run across someone truly crazy, they just tend to stick to you like fly paper, don't they?
At least only your name was hijacked. It could have been your social security number and credit cards, you know, as happened to so many others.
Nitzi! Mitzi!
Darlings, the script is genius!!! Where did you come up with this stuff, Nitzi? I mean, the idea of a simple peasant girl from West, err, Phalia passing herself off as the Empress of All the Russias and the poor Nicholas II not realizing who she is once she conks the real Alexandra over the head with the champagne bottle at the banquet she crashes disguised as a waitress??? Genius, I'm telling you. To say nothing of the escape of the real Empress into the woods of an Appalachian state in the United Staes of America where she has more children, one of whom eventually turns out to be the mother of Our Plucky Heroine who escapes to glamorous Hollywood?? This is genius. And how it all comes full circle when after some really hair-raising adventures on the lam from the American police Our Plucky Heroine realizes that she is, in fact, a Romanov by birth? Wait till that snippy Maria Vladimirovna hears about this! This movie has it all, action, adventure, sex, heartbreak, sex, great costumes, sex, evil monks (it's a shame the albino monk was killed last month in the shoot-out at the horse ranch, there would be a role for him in this!), Russian Orthodox priests, sex, psychosis, beautiful backdrops and sex! This part can only be played by One Magnificent Actress! Only One Magnificent Actress could convey the heartbreak and suffering that Our Plucky Heroine goes through to bring herself to such complete joy!
And my vote for the one who could play Eliahu is that nice Tom Selleck. Okay, he's tall and good-looking, but after all, Cary Grant played that nebbishy little Cole Porter and no one complained.
Who's going to play you, Nitzele darling?
Also, not for anything, but did you see the post where she talks about not showing her "plumbing", like this is some kind of achievement? Not for nothing, you can take the girl out of the woods of the Appalachian state but you can't . . . well, I'm sure you get the idea.
And she thinks she looks like the Venus di Milo? What does that mean, she has no arms?
You have got to be kidding. I've seen the woman at "work", remember?
The Venus di Milo? More like the Venus di mileage.
Oh, Bitsy, I do appreciate you saying my script is genius. But as I read your synopsis of the plot, it dawned on me that maybe it's a bissel too convoluted.
Maybe I should expand the dialog about sex. You know, make it something our star can really get her mouth around.
I did not do porn.
I did not write bad checks.
I did not steal social security numbers.
I did not use fake names (except for Rebecca Jordan).
I do not have almost a million dollars in outstanding judgments against me.
I do not have a brother named Omer.
I do not whip my clothes off at the sight of a camera.
I am a good girl.
I am not writing this.
You are not reading this.
This is not a computer.
This is not even me.
Mr. Moshein I need some help. I was on the internet doing this google search on a woman I know and I found this blog.
I got out of prison a while back because that asshole boyfriend of mine got himself picked up running meth again and he was already on probation. They also found some identity theft stuff in his car. The s.o.b. started running his mouth to the police and they came and picked me up in the motel on the Sierra Highway in Palmdale where we was living. and they took my computers. They found a bunch of mail to other people and identification cards too that they said I stole from at least 10 different people.
I need your help to find this friend of mine who I was google searching about. Can you tell her I need to talk to her? Tell her its urgent. She’ll know what to do.
Things ain’t going real well right now. I got picked up again not long ago in Lancaster and had another court date just the other day. I’m having to use a public defender cause I didn’t pay my last lawyer and word got around.
I had this real good gig going as a stripper and with phone sex, but I don’t know what I’m going to do next. I ain’t looking so good right now.
Oh yeah that reminds me. There was this big woman named Rosaline Rundmund in the holding pen with me and I was telling her about this blog. She is looking real forward to that movie Miss Kedem is making. Rosy might be out of jail by the time the movie comes out and she really likes all the yiddish talk which she says is real authentic.
Aha! There you are. We've been looking for you.
"Tina Vanveen"? I assume that is your stripper name?
Justin asked me to post this for him because his internet access has been cut off. The poor kid is behind in his bills, so I have sent a little something out to him. He just wanted me to apologize again for all of the trouble your "friend" is causing, Mr. Moshein. I have told him again and again that he isn't responsible, but he feels it because of his regard for you. He should be back online in a day or so.
I just re-read that woman's post more carefully. Identity theft? Really? It's like a theme in this mess, isn't it?
Mr. Moshein thanks for letting me use your blog, but that woman I'm looking for hasn't contacted me yet.
I don't know why becuase I always thought she liked to hang around with me because I was one of the few people she knew who had an arrest record longer than hers. and her and me could always talk shop, you know, about our work.
But I sort of did suspect she was jealous of me a little bit because I'm only in my 30s and she's pushing up pretty hard on 50 and showing the mileage pretty bad. I told her she could still work the phone angle even if she can't do it in person no more but that just got her more pissed off.
She said she had some other ideas she was working on about some movie and big things were about to happen with it. But then she been telling me that for years.
anyways if you hear from her tell her I'm thinking about her a lot these days, specially since I'm in trouble again and might not be around for a while. I know she knows how that feels.
Oh, Miss Vanveen (and what a lovely name, dear), do let me hear from you.
I was looking over your, shall we say, colorful history with the law, and you have given me some wonderful ideas for my own movie, especially in how my heroine, who conks the real empress over the head, managed to create a fake identity so easily.
I've seen your pictures on the internet, and you're one cute little treasure. You, unlike some of your acquaintance, might even be able actually to make the transition from video to legit film. And you still have your youth, too, which helps in this business.
Shit fire Tina, we done told you that Chris was a complete idiot. It was the crystal meth that messed him up.L'il Bit tried to warn you when you took up with the sumbitch. You shoulda listened to my sister there aint no one with bad men experience like she has, she oughtta know a bad one when she sees one. Course usually she marrys them.But she learned her lesson from that MD guy, from then on she just moved in with the old guys.
L'il Bit's havin a hard time today on account of shes trying remember shes a guy when shes posting as that Jusitin kid. Which aint exactly the easiest thing in the world given as how shes always been what you might call a girly girl.
Omer we may all be coming up to the ranch for a bit. I tryed calling you but your cell aint working.
Whether you care to believe it or not, whoever you people are, I honestly do not post any comment, or anything else for that matter, on this blog that is not under my own name. All of these other people who post, are not me, nor do they speak for me or at my request about anything...
A happy and safe 4th to everyone.
Uncle OMer can you help me. Mama done left me with antie Tina all day yesturday and ever time she went to change my diapers she stayd down there waaaaaay to long.
Oh, my goodness me. Someone certainly seems to have her linen in a wad this morning.
Poor dear. Every time she tries to start a new blog on the same tired old subject, it doesn't seem to go very well for her, does it?
Cucumber sandwiches, anyone?
I spend all of my time apologizing to you, Mr. Moshein, but please accept one more. I had no internet for the past few days, but Rebecca sent me some money and I was able to get reconnected this morning. Don't worry, we're alright here, but life in Hawaii is expensive and I can't seem to locate a better job than the one I currently have at the Qwik-Mart.
I see that she has put up another series of posts in my name, which I wish she wouldn't do, but please believe me when I say that I can't stop her. I read Tina Vanveen's posts over there and have to wonder if she is real either. Probably not, I guess. I guess they did time together or something and she just remembered the name. I don't know.
Anyway, I am going to call Google first thing in the morning and complain. What she is doing definitely constitutes cyber-stalking. I think that I can get the Honolulu police department involved too. We'll see.
Isn't anyone worried about that poor baby? Although I have to say, he is certainly a smart one, only a few months old and typing.
Can someone call social services?
You damned right I'm smart you meddling old bag. And uncle omer can take care of this. He knowed Tina long time and what she and sis been doing back in that motel in plamdale. Them child proective people done been around twice already this summer anyhow and they cain't see there feet for ther tail.
So you're the one pretending to be Justin? You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady, letting your child loose on the internet to talk like that to me. Honestly, you people need a bar of soap!
And please say hi to Tina and tell her that I wish her well with the new boyfriend. So exciting!
You sound so much like Bob Atchison --
The last time I checked, I was a man with a penis. I can't wait to see who it is that is hiding behing the name "Mitzi"
Over this weekend and elsewhere you have made statement of facts, about my friend Oma Hamou. Not once have you produced one shred of evidence that would prove your telling the truth.
What you did was to defame, libel my friend because you think online harassment and cyberstalking is o.k.
It is not o.k.
Justin, dear. Didn't you learn in grade school the difference between "your" and "you're"? Perhaps your (note the correct usage, dear) friend can explain it to you. That assumes, of course, she gets it.
I'm getting rather confused here. Who is this Oma Hamoo person Justin keeps bringing into this?
Simon aka Penelope aka the Virginia University Professor:
Why is it that you are a stickler for grammar and not a stickler for truth?
Well, for starters dear, I am not a professor anywhere. Ah, would that I were, though.
To the point of your question, however, my experience has been that if people cannot use standard English correctly, all sorts of doubt and confusion can arise from their attempts to explain themselves.
Writing has so many clues in it for those who can divine such things. I find it interesting that you and Justin Edward write very differently, but you and other people write so very similarly, right down to repeating the same punctuation errors.
Damn it all you people. Just cause I aksed my uncle omer for help You done gone and got antie Tina all mad at me for talking about what she does with my dipers and she come storming in here throwing stuff all over the place. She done flung mamas weejie board on the wall and broke it all up and thats gone to piss mama off real bad at me. She cain't even take a drink without aksing that weejie board what to do bout things.
I have been in this mess as has Mike Newson between what started out as Enigma, Pallasart & Sarskaia, Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein since 2003. I also traveled to Austin in 2004 and sat in a court room just in case I was needed to testify at the hearing where the judge slapped a restraining order against Rob and Bob's company. In 2005 I went to Austin because my friend was in the hospital there with what turned out to be pneumonia. I have read and re-read legal documents & letters between attorneys some of which were provided to the courts. At the onset of all of this I was told I needed to write such a way such as "amongst other things" by attorneys representing my friend. I have read lots of Bob Atchison's letters to my friend and others such as to the nice people over at WMF and elsewhere, I can tell you Mitzi and other posters on this blog sounds so very much like him.
Impersonating a person so you can continue to harass, stalk and intimidate a person is not o.k.
Online stalking and harassment is not o.k.
Online harassment is not o.k. and that is what you are doing. Stalking is not o.k.
There you go again Dromer,
Maybe you are the person who sent the real Tina that shitty letter about the DARK SIDE?
Guess its only fair to tell you since you brought it up has been forwarded to the cops. It proves Oma is not safe. The person who sent this letter and who wrote I am afraid to reveal my name did him/herself in. Chances are that person will be linked to Rob/Bob or Pallasart.
Rob made a statement of fact on the 4th he said Oma was using her friend, Tina's identity. I ask myself why does this man continue to lie about my friend?
Then he answered it with another lie by saying she claims she is this bigshot hollywood film producer. No she doesn't. He does and all of you do but she has never made this claim.
Online harasssment and cyberstalking is not o.k.
A courtroom in Austin? Were you there to see the jury verdict delivered against this friend of yours?
How many of the other dozen or so cases she lost have you attended?
I do hope your friend got over her pneumonia. She must be in very poor health, though, given all the times she has missed court dates, failed to pay debts, and otherwise reneged on obligations due to medical conditions. It's a wonder the woman can manage to pull her blouse over her head to go horse riding.
Mr. Edwards, if, as you say, you're forwarding all these posts to the police, you might want to quit calling them "cops". They generally don't appreciate that appellation.
Just trying to be helpful, dear.
FYI, I was not in the court room when Bob Atchison got up on a witness stand and committed the crime of perjury and used forged documents in convincing a jury to side with him.
I do know my friend wants someone in power to prosecute this matter and for other things because something to do with "collateral damage"
As to the debts my friend owes or doesn't owe she already has stated in her own words she will never pay Bob Atchison and although you and others on this blog beleive you are entitle to know her arrangements with her creditors you are not.
That's not true.
Perhaps, Mr. Edwards, you can tell the police that Miss Vanveen won't be hard to find if they'd like to discuss this with her, since she's apparently back on the criminal court docket yet again.
I mean, that conviction record of hers is something else. For someone so young, she's been in more legal trouble than even your friend.
Frankly, though, I really don't know what the police are going to be able to do for her, since it was Miss Vanveen who inserted herself into this.
Good luck, my young friend.
Any of this sound familiar Dromer?
I sure know in the hell know it does because both Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein has communicated this to third parties about my friend.
From: Noname
To: The real Tina V.
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009
Hello there,
You dont know me and its better to keep it that way because what I'm about to tell you is for your own good, and I myself am paranoid of my identity being found out because the person I am writing to you about is close to you, and she is also very devious and will go to great lenghths to keep from getting exposed or being incarcerated. I think you should know first off that she is a liar. She lies about everything for a reason, there are motives to everything she lies about, which makes it scary. She keeps people around her for reasons as well, so it would probably be a good idea to start finding a place to move to or else you will most likely be the fall guy for something she did or is doing. Do you really think she was pregnant? At her age?...Anyone of sound mind would know right away that is a farce and wonder why? Why would she make something up like that? I'll just leave that one alone. Further more, you are I believe are in danger, and I dont want you to be scared, just be cautious and just know you cant believe a word she says. She is evil, and she plays with the other side, the dark side. She is playing with you.
no name
Thank you for your well-meaning admonitions, Justin.
As for your friend's credit arrangements, we have talked with enough of her creditors to have a good understanding of where her legal debts stand and what steps will be taken should she appear again in court.
Your theory that a woman who has lost virtually every legal case she has launched or had launched against her could only lose when the other side commits perjury is really rather novel. She must be about the most unlucky and maligned woman in the annals of American jurisprudence.
As for poor Miss Vanveen, if she were to pursue legal action it would at least give her opponent cause to obtain an order to trace e-mail accounts. So we here wish her all the luck in the world with her action.
Again, thank you for your help.
Here you go again stating a fact that isn't a fact.
I think they call this libel & defamation. I think the real Tina Van Veen has a good case against you and the person who impersonated her on this blog.
To the best of my knowledge having spoken to my friend, Oma, Tina is not back on the docket. My friend said her parole officer would've arrested her last week when Tina went to that office to report.
Like so many of you, you choose to beleive Rob or Bob without verifying if the information was true or not. Don't you claim to be an attorney? Then why Sir do you not verify stuff before making such a statement of fact?
Online stalking & harassment is not o.k.
Impersonating someone to continue to do this is not o.k.
I dont read real long stuff. boooooorrrrriiinng.
With the exception of Bob Atchison and maybe one of his friends, I know for a fact because I have read the letters from those creditors that neither you or anyone else from Bob Atchison's side has talked to my friend's creditors.
I don't know why you lie? I guess it is because it is to further your stalking and criminal harassment against my friend.
As to Tina tracing emails when the person with NO NAME sent his/her letter proving my friend is not safe that she is a victim of stalking & harassment law enforcement are tracing it, as we speak.
That letter proved my friend is not safe from Rob Moshein and his ilk.
I can't wait to discover who you are hiding behind this name.
I know you did read it.
Online harassment and stalking is not o.k.
Impersonating a person just because you want to harass and stalk, defame and libel someone like my friend is not o.k.
There are laws in place that protect people like my friend from the likes of you and your ilk.
The phrase "the likes of you and your ilk" is redundant. "The likes of you" means the same thing as "your ilk".
I can let these things pass with Dromer who is, after all, just a toddler -- although a rather precocious one. As a grown man, though, you really should be in better control of English, my dear.
I'll try to help you as much as I can, dear.
Let's take your previous post, shall we?
"In all honesty I appreciate your taking the time to point this error in my grammar. In the future I will try to remember it and use it properly."
In the first sentence, you omitted the word "out", which should come after "point".
In the second sentence, the references for the word "it" are unclear. The context would suggest that the first "it" refers back to the error you made and the second "it" refers to grammar generically. However, the context could also suggest that the first "it" refers not to the error itself, but to my well-intentioned act in pointing out the error. Unfortunately, the construction of the sentence leaves your precise intended meaning up to guesswork on the part of the reader. Put another way, I don't know whether you are repeating your expression of thanks for my help or whether you are mocking me.
Such confused writing, dear, is so often the source of unfortunate misunderstanding between even the most well-meaning of friends, which we all are here, I'm sure.
Thanks "P" :)
It is true many of you are friends and do participate on Bob's Alexander Palace Time Machine web site.
My goodness, schatzi, you are some kind of nuts, aren't you? I am not Mr. Atchison or Mr. Moshein, sterling gentlemen though I am sure they are. And not for anything, darling,but you have a nerve the size of all outdoors to show up copmplaining about identity theft after what you have done to the real Justin, the real Rebecca, the real Tina and my sister, whose work you faked to make yourself into some kind of big schlmiel out there in California.
Look, my brother and sister got a look at you last month when you were pushing the baby around town and they said you look like hell. Can I make a suggestion? leave the baby with his Uncle Omer and take some time for yourself, sweetheart. You and Tina need a girls' night out! And since she has the new boyfriend (Tina! We're all still dying to hear about him!), maybe he has a friend. I know the hardware isn't everything it used to be, darling, but as Tina said, a little lipo and you'll be able to close the zipper on the Calvin's. Seriously, sweetheart, you deserve it. And the real Justin could use the break, you know what I'm saying?
Best regards,
Mitzi Kedem
I am a man with a penis. I have never pretended to be someone by the name of Rebecca Jordan or the real Tina VanVeen.
Although you may know where my friend lives, as far as I know, neither you or anyone else associated with Bob Atchison do not know where my family and I reside.
What you write is false, defamatory & libelous as such I demand you cease & desist.
Online harassment & stalking is not o.k.
As to your comments about my friend, Oma she is a size 8, that is hardly someone who is FAT.
Your statements about her is false, defamatory & libelous.
Maybe it was you who sent the real Tina the NO NAME eMail? Just thinking...
Online stalking and harassment is not o.k.
The real Justin just called me from Hawaii to alert me that she is at it again. Thanks to this nonsense, his wife has locked herself in the bathroom again. Justin is understandably a little frantic and I am a little annoyed.
Look, you. You lost a penny ante court case years ago, and you have no intention of paying Moshein and Atchison a dime by your own admission. You make wild-eyed accusations of perjury and other courtroom chicanery in an attempt to cover up the fact that there are judgments against you in several states, none of which you have settled. You parade around the internet posting about Moshein and Atchison under avariety of ridiculous pseudonyms, not one of which is credible. You post utterly preposterous and badly done photographs of yourself from around the time Ronald Reagan was President that are supposed to provide convincing proof that you were a "model".
As a woman who has pulled herself up by her bootstraps, I resent the hell out of you, girlfriend. Grow up, and if you can't do that, shut up.
Rebecca Jordan --- there is only ONE.
Well, sweetheart, they didn't mention the penis, just the tuchis. And darling, there is no shame in being a size 8. I myself am a 6, but all of the Kedems run to petite.
But I'm confused. Have you done what that daughter of Cher's is planning to do? Because honestly, darling, think about it before you complete the switch. A lot of girls think they would be better off as men, but in the end, you will want to wear something frilly. Although Nitzi says your taste is a little ehhh, and your girlfriend wears fiberglass jewelry. What is the deal with that, by the way?
I am a man with a penis.
I have never impersonated any person in my life. I have never been convicted of any crime here in the US or abroad.
My friend Oma does not owe Rob Moshein any money or anything not even an apology.
As to Bob Atchison, I believe I have by way of documentation I've posted on Oma's own personal forum proved the man committed perjury and used forged documents in order to win a judgment against my friend.
I have also proven by way of court documentation that both Bob and his attorney committed perjury at trial by pretending a different lawsuit in Texas had existed between his company and Oma's.
These same documents were provided by my friend to those in power so they can decide whether or not to criminally prosecute Bob Atchison.
These same documents will also be used in the next litigation proceedings against Bob Atchison & Pallasart.
That's all.
Online stalking & harassment is not o.k.
Again with penis thing? Oy, darling. You seem to have a little fixation with them, but I suppose that's to be expected.
And you're the one stalking, dear. Like a leech you are all these years, and now you show up here to say such nasty things to people like me and Rebecca, to say nothing of poor Justin's wife locked in the bathroom. You should be ashamed of yourself, young woman. Honest to G-d, call Tina, throw on some decent clothes, a little fiberglass jewelry and alot of Jean Nate, and get yourself out there. I'm sure some guy will find you attractive.
Wanting only the best for you, despite what you did to my sister and Eliahu (whom I never really liked all that much, G-d knows, but still,
I refuse to address "you" as Justin, since that is not your name. However, I am going to at least point out some of the contradictions in your statements.
You have "proved" nothing, at least according to what I have read about the history of this harassment you have undertaken for the past several years. In fact, you do owe Atchison money, and it may interest you to know that individuals do not get to set aside court judgments simply because they don't like them. Otherwise O.J. Simpson wouldn't be in the slammer. You have judgments against you in New York and California as well as Texas. The legal division of my bank turned them up in something like fifteen seconds. The Hedley guy listed them earlier on this website.
Your own website indicates that all of your "information" is several years old, and that you have failed to take action through the legal system. Wich is polite way of saying that you have dodged every occasion in which you could have met a creditor in court. According to Richard DiCastelis, assistant legal counsel for my institution, you are the classic problem child: a person who thinks that because she watches Boston Legal she is a lawyer.
I repeat: grow up or shut up. I honestly couldn't care less whether you pay your debts, but it is irritating to see this kind of stupidity being used to stalk people on the internet.
Your former namesake,
Rebecca Jordan
L'il Bit will you shut the hell up! Your making a dam fool of yourself here and you need to quit it right now! When I left you at the damn ranch I told you to stay the hll off the computer and now look at you. Where the hell is Omer and Big Mama?
Oh, dear, that linen is still in some tight wad, isn't it, dears?
Justin, my child. I really don't know how anyone has defamed you. Is living in Hawaii something so bad that its revelation is defamatory? Is discussing your helping your wife through difficult times defamatory? Is lauding you for finding a job and getting yourself back on track defamatory?
Perhaps the discussion of your sex organs is a bit out there, but you are the one who brought up that rather indelicate subject.
I'm no lawyer, but I must say that I find all this claptrap about stalking to be rather disingenuous. As nearly as I can determine, every single website your friend has started has either from the very outset or soon thereafter turned into an unrelenting bashing of poor Mr. Moshein. He establishes himself as a well-known local wine merchant, and your friend uses his trade name as the title for yet another blog aimed solely at bashing his reputation.
This ability to stand the facts on their head and prattle on as if you have said something that would hold the least bit of water is, I am sorry to say, a sign of a somewhat disturbed psyche.
I do hope the source of that disturbance is not something having to do with your sexual identity, which does seems somewhat confused, to put the kindest light on the matter.
Rebecca Jordan,
My name is Justin Edwards and I have never pretended unlike you to be someone I am not.
I do not owe Bob Atchison or any other person any amount of money.
I have always paid my bills on time that is why my credit score is above 700.
I have never been convicted of any crime in the US or abroad.
I have created several websites for Oma Hamou and her companies. I do not have a personal web site about me.
Online harassment and stalking is never o.k.
The hell you don't owe any money! You owe ME for setting up your websites, and I can use the money. And for the last time will you please stop posting under my name? I ask you to cease and desist in this false and defamatory activity!
One more time: SHE is not ME.
To the nut who is impersonating me on this blog, thank you very much for this post.
I was wondering when you were going to pop up. Now I can ask the authorities like Tina is doing to tell me who the hell you are.
The only reason you are impersonating me is to commit the crime of criminal harassment & stalking against my friend Oma Hamou.
Online harassment & stalking is never o.k.
She owed Eliahu momey when they split as well. Once Nitzi met with her he was able to get the Jaguar, not that it was worth anything. And of course he couldn't get the Cheetohs out of the upholstery anyway.
Anyway, "Other Justin", have you eer considered just not coming around here? I mean, darling, you have your own silly website that you fill with slanders about all of us, Nitzi sent me the link.
Gomer, she was a man? Details! Provide those, and I'll even forgive you the "old bitch" remark! Bitsy said that the jawline was beyond belief, did she have a chin implant when they attached the you-know?
If memory serves me correctly I believe several years ago Bob Atchison made the claim my friend Oma owed her ex-husband Eliahu money. Oma's then attorney received a letter from Mr. Hamou who stated his ex-wife didn't owe him anything and he signed an affidavit to this fact.
That means what you just published as a fact is a lie and that makes you a liar.
Online harassment & stalking is never o.k.
But darling, thaat's what I said. You didn't owe Eliahu anything, he got the Jag!
Gomer, you might as well leave Ma out of this. She has decided to rise above all this and not to look at it no more. She's just too much a lady to lower herself to the level of these assholes and she's going to leave it up to us to handle. Cause she's just to ladylike for all these shenanniguns.
That isn't what you said. You said: She owed Eliahu momey when they split as well.
The stuff after this statement was and is bullshit. I responded in kind, Mr. Hamou signed an affidavit stating this kind of statement was false. It was and remains a false & libelous.
Online stalking and harassment is never o.k.
Darling girl,
I am agreeing with you! Eliahu McC (and can I tell you how thrilled we were when he had to change his name to some goyische Scottish thing because his own last name was tied up in so many shady deals? For awhile he was thinking of Demian, but we talked him out of that, hoo hah) wasn't owed a thing.
Because he got the car.
I mean, he had to pretty much steal
it from right under her tuchis, and then it took forever to get it shipped over here and the icons stripped off the dashboard. He gave one of them to me. Who is St. Seraphim? He looks like a nice man in the picture, although frankly who can tell with these saint things?
Speaking of shiksas, Rebecca (and such a nice name, you're halfway there!), you never responded to my offer to set you both up. Just one question? How tall are you? And how do you feel about wearing flats a lot?
Good grief do you all mean that mama's really my daddy cause shes got that man pipe!!!!! Im just a baby you assswipes. It ain't fair to put me threw all this shit.
Bubbelein, your mother is apparently someone with a, you should forgive the expression, male organ. Oy gewalt! I know how hard this is for you, like Rosie O'Donnell's kids probably, but hang on. Help is on the way.
Here's what I want you to do. Crawl over to Mammele's/Papa's purse and take out a handful of the green pills and sprinkle them into the open bag of snacks she probably has next to the computer. Make sure she doesn't see you do this. Once she eats them, Mammele/Papa will take a nice nap and you can open the door and let Uncle Omer in.
Do this for Bubbe Mitzi, who loves you, darling.
I am not "pretending" to be you, and I am going to speak with the Honolulu Police Department first thing in the morning about this.
I don't want anything from you. We just want you to leave us alone!
If this is all because I revealed your crush on Bob Atchison, I'm sorry, but I thought Rebecca's psychiatrist friend really nailed you. And now Mr. Moshein knows how I feel about him. Happy? Like they say in The Godfather, just when you think you're out, they drag you back in.
And I have contacted Google, and they say we are s.o.l. about your use of our names.
I must take issue with this statement made by "Justin EdwardS" "Then he answered it with another lie by saying she claims she is this bigshot hollywood film producer. No she doesn't. He does and all of you do but she has never made this claim."
Actually, She HAS made this claim, under oath, to two different Courts of Law.
1. Case SC075036, Oma Hamou v. Bob Atchinson (sic) Filed 12/12/2002: "OMA says: As a filmmaker the responsibility of making a film such as this is as daunting as it is creatively and emotionally challenging." and "Today Oma's life is full as she juggles parenting, writing, running a film company and her many projects. and Enigma Films Inc is engaged the production of a major motion picture "As A Matter of Honour".
2. First Amended Counterclaim and Third Party Petition of Oma Hamou, Cause GN 303141 in the District Court 345th Judicial District of Travis County Texas, 12/30/2004 "38. The Defendants' defamatory statements are of the kind calculated to cause harm to Ms Hamou in her profession and ability to earn. Because she is a motion picture executive she is dependant upon worldwide public acceptance of her films. THIS statement was made under verification and penalty of perjury signed by Oma Hamou. So is this or is it NOT the truth??
oh, and lets quote the lady herself in a letter dated April 25, 2000, signed by Oma Hamou Executive Producer of Enigma Films "Enigma productions is an independant film company that has developed a feature film project entitled "As A Matter of Honor (sic)" with a budget that places it in the top 2% of films that are made in Hollywood. A distribution contract is pending with Warner Brothers and Universal Studios.
Tina VanVeen has asked her Parole Officer to investigate who is impersonating her on this blog as that person is committing the crime of harassment & stalking against our friend Oma Hamou.
Tina VanVeen has no new cases against her and despite what was published as a fact on this blog is not going back to jail or prison.
To the nut who is impersonating me I am waiting for the LAPD to come to my home so I can file a report against you.
You are impersonating my name to commit the crime of criminal harassment and stalking against my friend Oma Hamou.
Also Google did not say one is SOL get your facts straight. I just got a letter from them about this blog and you impersonating me so you can harass and stalk my friend.
Online stalking and harassment is never o.k.
Rob let's put things BACK into the LEGAL TIMELINE of the events that transpired between you, Oma and Bob.
No where in these documents does it state what you published on the web that Oma says she is this big time hollywood film producer.
At the time the legal briefs you cite on this blog were filed my friend was well on her way of producing a film about Nicholas II.
This is a fact.
Also is the fact that despite your many letters and that of your life partner's Bob to people Oma was doing business with and telling them there was no film project, she was a fraud and so on, not once during the course of the previous litigation could you or did you prove Enigma's film project did not exist.
Seriously, "dude", LAPD is coming to my home? Are they going to swim or fly over? I don't live in L.A. or California in general. But I think we know who DOES.
And of course Mr. Moshein is right. Don't you remember that scam "dinner" you stiffed the catering company for, with all the important Hollywood people who were going to attend? But you're also right, because I guess you always knew you weren't going to get that stupid movie made.
Shit, why do I bother? Sorry about the language.
Lets get this clear. You said "Then he answered it with another lie by saying she claims she is this bigshot hollywood film producer. No she doesn't. He does and all of you do but she has never made this claim."
So which is it? She USED to make the claim, but doesn't anymore because she is no longer a film producer
SHE NEVER MADE THE CLAIM, which is what you said originally.
I Justin Edward have never stiffed any catering company.
Thank you for continuing to post under my name -- amongst other things, it proves what both Mike & I have said for years about the people on Pallasart's Alexander Palace Time Machine web site.
You're doing it again, girlfriend. One would think that someone who has been involved with the legal system as many times as you have would have learned something but no, there you go with the Boston Legal "legal timeline" crap.
And Tina is asking her parole officer for help? You cannot make this stuff up.
Justin, be sure to give the Honolulu P.D. my telephone number.
Rebecca Jordan
Thanks, "dude"! You just posted as me, Justin EDWARD, so now I really do have something to take to the police! I made a digital record of the page!
And you are right, I NEVER stiffed a catering company. YOU did.
Rob Moshein:
Let's keep it real shall we?
You said on this blog specifically my friend claims to be a bigshot Hollywood film producer. You go on to cite information found in some legal briefs that was filed in 2003thereabouts.
In 2003 within those briefs the words she is a bigtime hollywood film producer does not appear.
At that time in 2003 my friend was indeed producing a film about Nicholas II.
This is a well known fact.
It is now 2009, my friend is not producing any films about anything.
You can't have it both ways, girlfriend. Either you were a big important person back in the day when you were writing Vladmir Putin, or you were just another sad, burnt-out case roaming around Los Angeles with a lousy screenplay you were trying to shop.
And trust me, I will have no problem backing Justin's story of being stalked.
I have a meeting now. You know, at my job. For which I draw a salary. Concepts that obviously have no meaning whatsoever in your world.
Rebecca Jordan. There is only ONE and she is EMPLOYED.
Therefore your statement on this blog dated 7-4-09 that she claims to be a bigshot hollywood fim producer is false, libelous and defamatory.
I have never written a letter to Valdimir Putin.
I have never shopped any film script.
I have never stalked anyone.
I am gainfully employed thank you very much. :)
Your statements about me are false, defamatory & libelous I advise you to cease & edsist.
Oh, dear. I am now utterly confused.
"Justin Edwards" posted, saying, "I Justin Edward have never stiffed any catering company." (I'll overlook the fact that there should be a comma after the "I" and the "Edward". That boy never will learn.)
Yet there is another person posting as "Justin Edward"? So does the "Justin Edwards" who is posting from Northridge have an "s" on the end of his name or not? I really can't see how it can be both ways.
And, dears -- I simply have to chuckle at the notion that the LAPD will drive to someone's home to take a complaint about internet posting. The notion that the LAPD would make house calls for non-emergency situations for the convenience of the public somewhat strains credulity.
Or is poor Justin abed with pneumonia or some other ailment?
And Justin, dear, how is saying someone claims to be a film producer defamatory? It might be if it were a matter of adult films, but I do not think that is what was meant here.
. . . or is it?
I thought you were going into a meeting?
Another lie?
Another what....
Let me get this straight on the record, then, Justin Edwards.
You say you live in Los Angeles and not Hawaii?
Thanks for pointing out I forgot the "s" to my name.
I asked the LAPD to come because I want to report someone is impersonating me and committing a crime in my name of stalking and harassing someone.
I am not ill, thank you very much for asking. That snarky remark wasn't really for me but directed at my friend, Oma Hamou.
As so many here in Los Angeles, I am very lucky to be able work from my home. Why Bob Atchsion does the same thing, it is one of those pleasant things about being your own boss.
It is a false statement to say my friend has (HAS) said she is a big shot hollywood film producer when she has not.
Defamatory no. Libelous maybe? Because Rob used it as an excuse in him allowing people to post comments on this blog that specifically harasses and stalks my friend.
No, "Justin", it was postponed until 5:00. But thanks for worrying!
I own several properties both in Hawaii and here in Los Angeles.
Justin, you seem very confused about the law.
The difference between libel and slander is not the content of the communication, but rather the means of communication.
By definition, the content of a statement cannot be libel but not slander.
Perhaps the police can explain this to you when the squad cars roll up to your front door.
Thank you Hedley for pointing this out to me. I do appreciate it. :)
I am reporting someone is using my name to impersonate me so that person can commit the crime of stalking & harassing someone.
You own property in Hawaii and California? It's like Dynasty! You're like Blake Carrington, well, really Alexis of course, but still!
I can't wait to tell Eliahu! If he'd known you were going to come into something, darling, he would never have taken up with the cocktail waitress at Bellagio. Not that we minded going over for the wedding. That Wayne Newton, I could pinch him until he screamed!
Well, dear Justin. Aren't you just the real estate magnate.
You must have a very fast jet, too, as you manage to read from Hawaii and post from Northridge almost simultaneously.
Perhaps you could help your friend with some funds. She could at least get some insurance for that old car of hers. And then her friend could use a little help, too, since she was back in court only last month after posting that $100 bail in April. While her parole office sounds like an absolute prince, I doubt if he's spotting her for bail money.
Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't own any property any longer. My family used to have a pineapple plantation but that all went away during the lawsuits that followed the collapse of the film company. She made me borrow against it to support her stay in Texas during the trial, and let me tell you, she lived high on the hog. As for California, I did have the title to a mail drop at one point that was represented as being an office building, but unless my wife and I can figure out a way to crawl inside one to live, it doesn't do me much good.
Bob Atchison at one point owned a home in California and in Austin guess that makes him a Blake Carrington?
Oh, Justin. I must apologize, dear. After taking you to such task over your grammatical errors, I see I left the "r" off "officer" in my last post.
I know you will understand the difference between a typo and a grammatical error, though, since you made a similar typographical error in spelling your last name. However, I must say it is very unusual for someone to omit the final letter in one's own name.
Psychologists view it as a response to a subliminal urge to shed one's life and assume that of another. You poor dear. I hope you're not sewing any skins together in large basements.
Very funny...
Well, only if it's not happening, dear.
"P" wrote:
You must have a very fast jet, too, as you manage to read from Hawaii and post from Northridge almost simultaneously.
I see Rob is attempting to locate my whereabouts. That's called STALKING ROB, STALKING.
"P" wrote:
Perhaps you could help your friend with some funds. She could at least get some insurance for that old car of hers.
Why should my friend get insurance for a car that doesn't belong to her?
Online stalking and harassment is never o.k.
No, Texas and California is more like Knots Landing. Good G-d, it's the middle of the night and I can't tear myself away from this!
So I still want to hear about Tina's new boyfriend (Chris sounded like a nogoodnik) and the fiberglass jewelry. I myself am strictly a Versace girl myself, but I am always on the lookout for new fashions. Stuck out here on the kibbutz makes one feel a little less than au courant sometimes.
And has anyone checked to see if that poor baby has managed to escape? I guess he hasn't had a chance to slip her a mickey yet because G-d love her, she's posting like no tomorrow, but don't give up hope, Dromer!
Oh, and I heard from Nitzi. She's in final rewrite! So exciting!
Sorry my post to you was not in response to your post about all that mumble jumble BS basement stuff. Nope, I was commenting on your post above that one where you call me a real estate magnate because I own a few pieces of property.
If these things have a feature that lets Mr. Moshein see where we are posting from, why is it stalking? Or is that not a feature?
Maybe the baby put the meds into the Cheetohs after all. It sounds like they are hitting! Hang on, Dromerle!
So did you or one of your friends slip Tina a mickey according to Tina this recently happened.
As for your comment about the real Tina posting on this blog Rob deleted all of her posts.
What's to attempt, sweetie? You are the one who said you're sitting at home in Los Angeles waiting for the police to arrive and that you also own property in Hawaii.
And what's to stalk, dear? Since you're going to be the complainant in a criminal proceeding, you'll be right there in court when the time comes, won't you? Now, of course you will.
Your sense of melodrama seems a tad overwrought, Justin. Although one must admit it makes for fine entertainment in a rather burlesque way.
Oh My God!
Someone slipped Tina a mickey?!!?! Was she about to have a two-headed baby????
No, I was asking if Dromer had managed to slip his Mammele/Pappa a mickey. Someone tried to slip a mickey toyour friend! You girls move in such exciting circles! So what happened? Oy!
I think that's how the other baby happened! But I thought the mickey didn't work because she was awake long enough to hear why the men were doing it to her?
You asked a question about stalking IP's on this blog. As far as I am aware and Rob will correct me, there are no such features. And if there is please do Rob enlighten all of us.
Rob has a history of stalking IP's and using it to cause harm to people. On another history forum Rob pretended he was assisting the cops in finding my friend Oma because he and his pal from the Alexander Palace Tima Machine web site said there was a warrant for her arrest. The cops didn't want his help and there was no warrant for her arrest.
It was explained to me that the "real" Tina was posting from Northridge this weekend. Is that near Palmdale? (Please forgive me, but my California geography is not quite up to snuff.)
Oh My G-d, is Tina in the family way?
This makes Dynasty look like a documentary!
I think Palmdale isonly a horse ride away!
Wow. Have you guys seen Tina? I've been looking for her to pay back some money she lent me.
I don't get your post.
You people believe you have the right to impersonate me, Tina and my friend Oma and her family.
The law says you don't.
California's Attorney State General says you don't.
My filing a complaint against the nut who is using my name on this blog to impersonate me so he/she can commit the crime of harassment & stalking is my God given right.
I have no idea what you are talking about when you wrote:
Mitzi said...
I think that's how the other baby happened! But I thought the mickey didn't work because she was awake long enough to hear why the men were doing it to her?
Care to elaborate?
Hi Brandy. It's me. The real me.
You can bring that money over tonight at the motel. You know where. It'll help me right now more than you know cause I got to get through this month without getting into no more trouble. Stuff is happening with someone pretending to me be on top of everthing else.
I know Rob/Bob have said the email they received from "whoever" it was claiming to be Tina that they were able to trace it back to someone living in Northridge, California.
To the best of my knowledge the real Tina lives in San Diego not LA county.
And Palmdale is I don't maybe an hour away from Los Angeles 2 if you hit traffic.
Online harassment, stalking and impersonating someone's family member is never o.k.
To the FAKE Tina VanVeen,
Oh yeh stuff is coming down the pipe towards you because you are impersonating someone, stole her identity so you can post on this blog and commit the crime of stalking and harassing my friend Oma Hamou.
I don't know where you think Tina lives, but she got hauled in back in April by the Los Angeles County sheriff up north in Antelope Valley. And that ain't in San Diego.
She really might of done better by staying out of this. But hey, if she wants to put herself in the middle she's a big girl.
You'd think she woulda known all this stuff is in public records any body can access.
Brandy Station,
So guess you're trying to say she can't leave San Diego and travel to the AV area because you say so?
So she got a ticket in AV so what, my God and you post as if you are her friend. Not.
From what I have heard from my friend Oma, the real Tina has never lied to her and by all accounts her posts this weekend on this blog reflect this.
Are you the person who sent the real Tina the NO NAME email about Oma and the DARK SIDE?
Justin, dear. How do you know anything about an e-mail that a Bob or Rob received from someone claiming to be Tina?
Nothing has been said anywhere on this site about any e-mail from someone claiming to be a Tina anyone.
Dearest, I think you accidentally stepped on your own, er, privates here.
Excuse me now. I've got to pull something off the printer.
While some of you spent the 4th behind a computer and posting comments on this blog, impersonating people so you could stalk & harass my friend I asked her who Tina was.
I thought she was a name you idiots made up. I was told by my friend Tina is a real person, who is a good person and good friend to my friend, Oma Hamou.
The real Tina forwarded the email sent to her by the NO NAME person to Oma who then forwarded it on to me.
Which one of you sent this letter to the real Tina VanVeen?
From: Noname
To: The real Tina V.
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009
Hello there,
You dont know me and its better to keep it that way because what I'm about to tell you is for your own good, and I myself am paranoid of my identity being found out because the person I am writing to you about is close to you, and she is also very devious and will go to great lenghths to keep from getting exposed or being incarcerated. I think you should know first off that she is a liar. She lies about everything for a reason, there are motives to everything she lies about, which makes it scary. She keeps people around her for reasons as well, so it would probably be a good idea to start finding a place to move to or else you will most likely be the fall guy for something she did or is doing. Do you really think she was pregnant? At her age?...Anyone of sound mind would know right away that is a farce and wonder why? Why would she make something up like that? I'll just leave that one alone. Further more, you are I believe are in danger, and I dont want you to be scared, just be cautious and just know you cant believe a word she says. She is evil, and she plays with the other side, the dark side. She is playing with you.
no name
Justin, dear, I think you are confused. You put up a post at 2:56 p.m. referring to an e-mail to a Bob and Rob from some Tina person, not an e-mail from some unknown party to to a Tina.
There has been no mention whatsoever on this site of any e-mail from a Tina anybody.
So, dear -- how would you know of such a thing?
As far as I am aware, there are no tools on this blog's comment page to trace IP's. You said you were told the person posting under the name Tina came from Northridge, California. I assume Rob Moshein made this assertion. But of course he did. :)
That said, the only other information provided to me about the person who stole the real Tina V's identity is the email sent by NO Name person. That email can be traced.
Well, dear, it seems one still has your 2:56 post in which you said something quite different. How unfortunate for you should Tina become too upset over this.
And I'm afraid your "awareness" about tracking tools is somewhat limited, sweetie.
Blogger Justin Edwards said...
I know Rob/Bob have said the email they received from "whoever" it was claiming to be Tina that they were able to trace it back to someone living in Northridge, California.
Now, how could you KNOW Bob or I said any such thing, when neither of us DID?? THAT is the point, now isn't it??
I guess your post is suppose to ruffle my feathers?
Sorry but that just isn't happening. I stated on this blog something and have later explained why I said it.
Why would the real Tina V get mad because of this?
Get real.
Since you know more than I do or pretend to know, why don't you tell me this blog offers one the ability to trace IP's.
I am waiting because as soon as you post the answer I will contact Google and verify it.
If I am wrong, no big deal. I have no problem saying so unlike you and so many others here do.
My post isn't supposed to ruffle your feathers. You make an assertion of fact
YOU KNOW BOB/ROB have said the email they received from "whoever" it was claiming to be Tina that they were able to trace it back to someone living in Northridge, California.
We never did say any such thing. Prove we did. You can not. Therefore you were deliberately lying. Right??
Rob Moshein,
Thank you for your input.
Here is an opportuntity Rob to illustrate something you've been regularly doing to my friend.
You/Bob are told something and immediately without verifying the information publish it as a fact. Such as Oma pretending to be Tina VanVeen you did publish this on this blog's comment page.
I was told you/Bob claimed the person posting under the name of the real Tina VanVeen that you traced the IP to Northridge. As I've explained to the best of my knowledge this blog's comment page does not offer one the ability to do trace IP's.
Therefore, I assumed the trace was made through the email which was claimed sent to you by someone claiming to be Tina.
Sorry Rob my post about ruffling your feathers wasn't directed at you but "P".
Oh, dear, Justin. You just keep obfuscating.
A very simple question has been posed, which you just duck and duck and duck.
You made reference at 2:56 p.m. to an e-mail from Tina to Bob and Rob. Yet nothing about any such e-mail has been mentioned anywhere on this site.
So, dear. How did you know anything about such an e-mail?
It's very rude not to answer a legitimate, straightforward question.
Justin Edwards said:
Therefore, I assumed the trace was made through the email which was claimed sent to you by someone claiming to be Tina.
That is the point you are dancing around, as usual.
I answered your question you did not answer mine.
Why don't you answer MY question??
No Rob I am not dancing.
I assumed as you've done in the past in so many instances, when you told others you traced Tina's IP to Northridge you were talking about the email I was told was sent to you.
This blog's comment page does not provide a way to trace IP's. Since this is the case there is no way you could have possibly traced any one's IP to Northridge, California or anywhere else.
You published on this blog there wer 3 Tina's with the same last name and my friend was using her name.
I now ask you to provide proof my friend has been and is using the name of her friend.
Question is Rob how can you pretend to know for a fact and publish it as a fact that my friend stole her friend's identity.
Why did you say this?
Because you claim my friend claims she is the bigshot hollywood film producer?
Not good enough. You made the claim my friend did something she says she didn't.
Nope, you STILL havent answered my question you said:
when you told others you traced Tina's IP to Northridge you were talking about the email I was told was sent to you.
I already answered your question please go re-read it.
You accused my friend on 7-4-09 of committing the crime of stealing her friend's identity.
Can you prove my friend Oma Hamou has used the name of Tina Van Veen?
Did you send the NO NAME email to Tina?
You STILL have not answered my question. I re read everything you wrote. Here it is again:
Justin Edwards said:
Therefore, I assumed the trace was made through the email which was claimed sent to you by someone claiming to be Tina.
That is the point you are dancing around, as usual.
Since I never said anything to anyone about getting an email allegedly by Tina, WHY would anyone "tell" you I did.
So, again, WHERE WHEN AND TO WHOM did I say this? I did not.
unless and until you answer my question I will delete any further comments from you. Period.
I have no idea about any emails anyone else got. I don't write emails that aren't under my own name.
and I certainly have no idea what Tina's email address would be, now would I?? How in the world could I get it?
Oh, dear boys. It is clear Justin is not going to answer the question of how he knew about an e-mail supposedly from this Tina person, even though no one had mentioned such an e-mail.
Of course, rational people know exactly how he knew about a private e-mail that was not disclosed by the intended recipients.
Now let's move on to other matters, shall we?
How about a report from Miss Vanveen on how she feels about someone faking an e-mail from her?
Oh, my. A rather mediocre try, Justin, dear.
Nothing here gives any indication of an e-mail from Miss Vanveen to these Bob and Rob fellows.
It would seem much more likely that Mr. Artmam was referring to a means of divining the connection between Miss Vanveen and you, er, I mean your friend.
You see, you still do not explain your next to last sentence in the above post, that is, who told you about an e-mail from Miss Vanveen to either that Bob fellow or to Mr. Moshein.
If Miss Vanveen told you about it herself, then it's simply proof that she put herself and her reputation into play in this discussion, and she can have no beef if matters of public record are discussed. If Miss Vanveen said nothing to anyone involved in this discussion, then someone involved in this discussion faked her identity. And that someone must be known to you.
It's really the only place logic can take one, my sweet.
Dear, you really should let it go. People will soon move on unless you keep putting your discomfit at your unfortunate slip on display. I know letting things go is not quite your strong suit, but you really should try, dear. You would be a happier person.
Oh, sweetheart. What he meant was that if Tina told him she hadn't written the post he would take it down. Which she did. And he did.
Honestly, now. You're making a fool of yourself. But I still want to know if anyone has checked on the baby?
Did LA KGB ever show up, Madame? Also I am reading on blog you run that Putin is hero for you? How can this you be saying? You have dachas in Hawaii and California? How rich you are! Perhaps you can be donating money to Village of Pushkin to restore ruined buildings. I am seeing you love Boris S. Give the money, Madame! He would want you to do this! Also give money to Russian Orthodox Church! If spirit of Bubbalova is within you, Madame, and I know it is, you will send many, many rubles here! And Russian history will bless your name! Whatever you want to call yourself, Madame, we will bless it! Just send rubles!
Aleksandr Romanov
Dear Namesake,
No, online stalking is never a good idea, so knock it the hell off! It looks as though Penelope, Moshein and Hedley put you on the ropes pretty quickly there and you are currently reduced to parroting these fortune cookie sentences. What is patently obvious is that you have made a false accusation, and that you wrote the "e-mail" that is supposedly from Tina Vanveen. That name. At any rate and at the end of the day (or at least it is on God's coast), no one is stalking you. As you yourself have admitted, you have no plans to produce a movie. You have no plans at all. So what exactly would be the point of stalking you? This is simply a means to grab some attention. Well, you've got it, dear. People from as far away as Israel and Russia are talking to you and about you. Satisfied?
Rebecca Jordan
Well, since we've been reduced to you sticking your tongue out at people ("you really a nut case" --- where the hell are we supposed to be, recess in middle school?), I'm signing off. And yeah, I'm worried about the impending litigation. I'm especially worried because of the sneaky, clever way you will handle it. Years will pas, and I will never know when it is going down. Or maybe it will happen . . . TOMORROW!
You, lady, need to get a life. Of your own, as opposed to Tina's, Justin's and all of the others you have adopted as your own.
Your namesake,
RobMoshein said...
You STILL have not answered my question. I re read everything you wrote. Here it is again:
Justin Edwards said:
Therefore, I assumed the trace was made through the email which was claimed sent to you by someone claiming to be Tina.
That is the point you are dancing around, as usual.
Since I never said anything to anyone about getting an email allegedly by Tina, WHY would anyone "tell" you I did.
So, again, WHERE WHEN AND TO WHOM did I say this? I did not.
unless and until you answer my question I will delete any further comments from you. Period.
Oh, for God's sake. Delete her. It will be putting her out of her misery.
And honestly, lady, everything has been proven again and again. You are a first-class liar.
Strong words, Rebecca, but from the heart, I'm sure.
So you still haven't said. How tall are you? Eliahu is between shiksas. He's kind of like the Jewish Marcus in terms of marriage, but one of these days he's going to meet the right girl and settle down.
No one is trying to "prove" anything about "your friend", "lest" (sic) of all ME.
As I have said repeatedly, I have no interest in whether you, or she if you insist, pays her debts, or whether you, or she if you insist, has a penis, or whether you, or is it she, were an adult film performer. I am interested in seeing the real Justin Edward establish some kind of life because I feel sorry for the kid.
It will be "delicious"? Ooh, girlfriend, no man would ever write that in a sentence. What happened to that penis you're so proud to wear?
It hasn't been a good day for you, has it?
Im okay Miss Mitzi. I just woke up from my nap with a new diper on but I dont know who put it on me. but i feel kind of tingly down there like I want another diper right now. Mama said Antie Tina came by but I don't remember nothing bout it because I was sleeping real hard
Mama is always saying things is delicious. its like her favorite word. Ain't that funny.
Dromer, bubbele, you're safe! Thank G-d! Bubbe Mitzi was so worried!
I think she must have read my post and put the green pills in your bottle!
Did Uncle Omer or your grandma Big Mama come in and rescue you from the Mammele/Papa, or are you still stuck in the room with her typing?
How did you get control of the computer to post, darling? Did Mammele/Papa go out for more snacks? This is your chance, darling! Saddle up one of the horses and ride! Ride as fast as the horse will take you!
hey Justin, you're a FAKE and a FRAUD and a part time BROAD, guess who Justin Edwards is people? HINT: She's ALWAYS the victim, She is a socialpsychopath, and I know for a FACT that Justin is a LIAR when she says she has a penis, the only penis she might have is a plastic vibrating one...
and its funny what Justin Edwards says about me going to the authorities to find out who is impersonating Justin Edwards, because its the same person every time posting as Justin Edwards, and she thinks she's so slick!! she's a weirdo and a liar and she also has multiple personalities. She fooled me for awhile, but when a person starts lying and forgets the lie they told and says something contradicting, and tries to clean it up, or the lies are so outrageous that one feels like a blatant fool just listening to her because she thinks you are believing it, really, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see right through her. The thing is, I WANTED to believe she was'nt as screwy as she turned out to be, I didnt want to believe what a liar she was, I thought she was so nice and good hearted, and it really hurt to find she was a living FAKE. Nothing about her is real, and I mean NOTHING.
Rebecca Jordan is in question I'm pretty sure she and Justin are one in the same, Justin is for sure %100 sure. Rebecca, I'll be fair and say %98 sure, when I find out for sure I'll be sure to post it. Im posting on other sites too, just in case all of you here are the same wacked out bitch
The reason I didnt start posting sooner is because I have been working with the Department of Corrections State of California Parole and their Internet Fraud Detail Unit, just to cover my OWN ass because no telling what this wack job was trying to do to me. I know she freaked me out enough to get the fuck out of her house, I believe she was working something out to make it fall all on me, what more perfect person such as myself? I have the record, i'm on parole, then she started claiming someone syphoned her bank account for $10,000. ?? I didnt even think she had 10 dollars, seeing as how I had to give her $130 for a cable bill she couldnt pay, and I dont even watch TV! Yeah, I figured it out, pretty fucked up thing to do to someone trying to staighten out their life huh? Well, she shoulda found someone a little less intelligent than me, I admit she had me snowed for awhile, but I'll admit, I used to be quite the con myself, now reformed of course, but you can spot certain things a person does, and know exactly what their up to. She is good, I'll give her that, but not that good..
I hope you read this you fucking weirdo. Go ahead and TRY to call someone on me, they are waiting for you to do it. They know all about you and are finding out more everyday. Im talking the State of California lady. So if I were you, I'd stop doing what your doing because you are headed to a place you dont want to be, I know, cause I've been there. You wrote to me there, remember? I paroled to your house! So that ridiculous blog you posted under my name, guess what? that is a CRIME! I'm allowed to post anything I want just short of threats (which I wouldnt do anyway) its all part of the investigation. I told them I wouldnt want to see ANYONE (except pedophiles) go to jail so these posts are your chance to read them and stop your shit. Mabey you'll be normal one day who knows?
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