Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yet Again Why I must Defend Myself from the Libel of Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell

When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies spread across the Internet results now going back several years.

As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.

I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.

The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.

This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.

This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Case Number: MC020860
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.

Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:


Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:

I have put up a precis of the specific information for her victims and law enforcement here:
You are encouraged to share information you may have about her and her activities with me.

While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".

She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.


I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.

I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.

Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?

This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?

This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??

This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?

Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.

As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison

Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.

You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.

You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.


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RobMoshein said...

New blog here. Carry on!

RobMoshein said...

So Oma, no letters from Judge Triana-Doyal, nothing from your "Texas Lawyer", no FBI pounding on the door, just you screaming for the umpteenth gazillion time that we are "criminals" but, funny, law enforcement does NOTHING, for years now, so what does that tell you? Don't go back to that lame excuse that you are too "scared" to press charges because, get this, YOU don't press charges, the district attorney does whether you want to or not. DUH...

Mitzi said...

Darling, I was just going to ask if you and darling Bob had heard from darling Judge Triana-Doyal.

And Omele, sweetness, bubbe, darling, enough with the gutter talk! Iamginary children read your forum!

Darling Rivka, what's the deal with your niece and the German ski bum?


RobMoshein said...

Oma, you've been screaming that same tired crap over and over for what? six years now...

What have you done about it, except repeat the crap? NOTHING.

What did your lawyers do about it? Nothing.

What has law enforecement/FBI done about it? NOTHING.


Blake Springpasture said...

Ahoy, now. That's quite a screech fest going on over at the "Ask Oma" forum.


Rebecca Jordan said...


Not much. I think she had a good time, but she is being kind of close-mouthed about the whole thing. I did get out of her that he might be coming to New York at the end of April. We'll see.

My God, Oma is going crazy. Incomprehensible post after incomprehensible post are littering the last couple of pages, punctuated by really mysterious ones from my BFF. How is Peter Kurth involved in anything at all???


RobMoshein said...

Blake, it can't be menopause, since Oma is almost 48 now! She went through that ages ago...

RJ: Peter Kurth has nothing to do with anything. Biernat the brain dead felon lover just wants people to think she is SOOOOO CLOSE FRIENDS with a "published author"... let's face it, she has worn out her welcome everywhere, so Oma's little snake pit of a forum is the only place she has left. Of course, that is because she is the only participant there who ISN'T actually Oma Hamou...

Can not wait to see what poorly written ridiculous nonsense Oma sends to the Court...

RobMoshein said...

My Oma must be in a TIZZY this morning. Here it is only 930 am in Palmdale, yet she has read this blog FIVE times already. Over and over...

Yep, she's freaked out for certain.

Old, crazy, and freaked out.

Rebecca Jordan said...

But still fertile!

If Peter Kurth has nothing to do with anything, why is my BFF is a "tizzy" about him?


RobMoshein said...

Hey Oma, guess what?? Bob spoke to the Court Administrator, and not only was the Motion for Summary Judgment not supposed to be put on calendar, but the Court was not supposed to issue Citation and Service either!!

So, as far as the Court is concerned, it is as if Bob was NEVER SERVED! So, the Court will only see that for some sixteen months, you never asked for, or got service. Thus they have no choice but to dismiss the case! Cool.

Thanks for the heads up!

RobMoshein said...

ummm. Oma. Bob told me he spoke to the Court Administrator, I wasn't on the phone, so I didn't "lie", I don't know which person he spoke to. Bob was quite clear though, that he asked the person about service, and that he was told "nothing at all can happen in any file on DWOP" and he asked specifically about service, and was told the Court should never have issued it because the case is on DWOP and NOTHING can happen in any case on DWOP including issuing citation for service.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I'm so impressed! After all of the hoopla and the stolen identities and the cancer scams and the money taken from Refai and the landlords stiffed and the Pushkin scam she pulled, and everything, this is all going to be about whether Anastasia survived!

RobMoshein said...

I feel so sorry for the Court Administrator's office. It looks as if Oma Hamou is driving them crazy (as she does) with a barrage of phone calls. Maybe that will give them a good reason to get the Judge to finally get to the October DWOP docket and sign the dismissal...

RobMoshein said...

Hey OMA!! Guess what I just noticed. It seems you didn't file the Brief in support of the bill of review until DECEMBER 2010, AFTER DWOP! You know what that means? The Judge won't even LOOK AT IT when he considers the Motion to Retain!

Nice work.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, King and Wilson thought then and think now you are crazy. I've already posted that proof. They never wanted you IN their forum, and closed it down the moment they found you had snuck in as "Alexandra" rather than deal with you.

Get a grip and get over it. That "KNOWN AUTHOR" thinks you are nuts.

Her words on May 19, 2006 (BEFORE the "Alexandra" incident):
"On the Oma Hamou front -- I really think that she is so completely narcissistic that she believes she will be able to talk her way out of anything, even Tsarfan's proof of her conmanship (is that a word?). This can be the only explanation for her continuing to fight it out on LoA. I mean, it's a locked forum with only a couple of handfuls of members -- folding your tent and leaving such a place is hardly a major loss of face. The fact that she didn't take Tsarfan's offer to take her con elsewhere tells me that she has something already in mind for a further con -- perhaps even having to do with something like the "writing prize" that one of her alter-egos suggested yesterday.

The letter that she wrote to Helen -- well, she's just not normal, is she? And again, the narcissism is apparent. As is her complete disbelief in anyone else's intelligence. Oma must think that Helen is one dumb bunny if she thinks that such an "excuse" would be believed."

RobMoshein said...

Well, Oma, if Helen is right about Penny after all, is she also right, after all about what she says about Oma Hamou? Probably...

April 11, 2006:
I suppose "Anastasia Davis" could be anyone including Oma Hamou. This is exactly why I never wanted to get involved in any of these demented affairs, these people are certifiable! But you just end up getting sucked in somehow, by default.

RobMoshein said...

Well well well. I found a copy of the avatar photo that "Justin Edwards" used on the LOA site, and then got the REAL Justin Edwards pic from his website...

Put them side by side and guess what!?! Same exact person!! See for yourself...

Sure hope someone sends that to the REAL Justin Edward's lawyers....

RobMoshein said...

Oma, you shriek a lot of crap, over a thousand words of it, but...BUT

You don't EXPLAIN how it is that the Avatar "Justin Edwards" used on the LOA Forum is the SAME PERSON as the picture of Justin Edwards of the AFI!

The picture with the cigarette is exactly the one from an archived page of the LOA forum and the other one is from Justin Edwards own website...

so. EXPLAIN why "justin edwards" is only part of your name but YOU USED HIS LIKENESS as well...

We will wait. This should be amusing.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, you shriek a lot of crap, over a thousand words of it, and added hundreds MORE...but...BUT

You STILL don't EXPLAIN how it is that the Avatar "Justin Edwards" used on the LOA Forum is the SAME PERSON as the picture of Justin Edwards of the AFI!

The picture with the cigarette is exactly the one from an archived page of the LOA forum and the other one is from Justin Edwards own website...

so. EXPLAIN why "justin edwards" is only part of your name but YOU USED HIS LIKENESS as well...

We will still wait. This should be ever more amusing.

Blake Springpasture said...

Glad you found that avatar, Rob.

I sent the link to the Edwards family lawyer a few minutes ago. I'll let you know what he says.

Blake Springpasture said...

Jeepers, creepers. I just looked at the "Ask Oma" forum.

Post a simple link to an avatar and get an avalanche of hysteria over there.

RobMoshein said...

No Oma, they are the SAME person. The one on the left is 4-5 years more recent than the one on the right. It is clearly the same guy, five years older...DUH.

RobMoshein said...

VERY VERY interesting news this morning.

Someone sent the "Justin Edwards" comparison to the real Justin's attorney, who has known him all his life in fact, and told him that the cigarette pic was the avatar used by "Justin Edwards". GUESS WHAT the lawyer responded with??

It was NOT "That isn't forgetit" nossiree

the answer was "I had better have a chat with Justin about this"!

RobMoshein said...

I would LOVE to hear a recording of the phone call Oma Hamou claims "Justin Edwards" had with Justin Edwards...

"Justin? This is Justin Edwards".
"I use your name online to hide from criminal stalkers. I hope you don't mind...I used your photo too..."
"No, really, see "justin edwards" is part of my real name, so I'm using it online."
"Oh, dude, hey, sure thats cool. No problems HAHA."

Yeah, RIGHT.

Lying criminal scam artist bitch.

RobMoshein said...

I hereby apologize and admit I was mistaken. The real Justin Edwards confirmed to his lawyer that the avatar from LOA was not a pic of him, but he also never spoke to "Justin Edwards" either.

RobMoshein said...

So Oma. You live on a ranch in Palmdale/Victorville....Do your creditors know? That most cost a lot of money....

Do they know where you are getting the money for a trip to Russia in the next few months?? You OWE lots of money to lots of folks. Don't you think they might resent you spending so much money on a trip??

Oh right. you don't CARE about them. only about yourself....

RobMoshein said...

My magazine article is on the stands now!!

Mutineer Magazine, issue 16, March/April 2011. sweet!

Its available at most larger Barnes & Noble...

Mitzi said...

Darling Omele, just so you shouldn't feel neglected, darling.

You're a crook.

Have a nice weekend, darling.


RobMoshein said...

Oma Hamou's profile: "I love life, I write, I ride horses, I love all sorts of animals, I own Enigma Films & I have stalkers"

Interesting choices, no? She owns "Enigma Films". "Enigma Films" is a suspended corporation in California, and has been suspended for over five years now. The only other "Enigma Films" in the United States is in Florida, and has nothing to do with Oma Hamou (and THAT one in fact has produced and released movies, unlike Oma Hamou who produced nothing but nearly a million dollars in debt and a criminal record.)

AND she "has stalkers", you see how important she decides this is in her life? How she uses it to become a victim, to elicit sympathy for her crimes and scams.

Abusive husband makes her a victim
Abusive father makes her a victim
Cancer makes her a victim
"stalkers" makes her a victim.

Oma Hamou is a criminal SCAM ARTIST who portrays herself as a victim, which is the BASIS FOR HER CRIMES.

RobMoshein said...

My my my. Palmdale read this blog SIXTY FIVE TIMES in the last four days! Funny, but not one single place read this blog more than four times in the same period....

Oh, and Oma the criminal, still no letter from Judge Triana-Doyal, no FBI, no law enforcement, and guess what? nothing to stop Bob's deposition either! See you on the 8th.

RobMoshein said...

See how Oma Hamou wants to portray herself as some sort of victim? She posts things on one of the most public sites on the net, twitter, then complains that someone READS it, calling that stalking.

Ummm, Oma, if you don't want to be responsible for the stuff you write on the net, DON'T PUT IT OUT ON THE NET...

Once again, Oma Hamou is a criminal, felon, con artist who uses the ploy of being a victim to scam innocent people.

I will NEVER stop calling her out on this unless she disappears and stop these crimes.

RobMoshein said...

anyone else want to bet that the "activity" looking into Oma Hamou's aol and google accounts is most likely the FBI or LAPD? That's where my wager lies.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I see that Oma spent it by the computer grind out her usual garbage. Girlfriend, if I were you I would be getting ready for the debtor's examination. This could be the mother lode!

For the last time, no one kidnaped me in Idaho or wherever the hell it was supposed to be.

And BFF, you have an imaginary BFF! That's so cute! But what's the story about you spreading stuff all over the internet about the new book? You don't pay attention for a few days and the next thing you know there's a whole new storyline to follow!

Rob, congratulations on the article! Any further details about the NY trip?

And I know it's off topic, but I was pretty pleased with Colin Firth's win last night, not because I liked The King's Speech all that much, but because it was Colin! He's been my Mr. Darcy for years! Can I get an "amen!", girls?


RobMoshein said...

The Bordeaux event is being held at General Assembly, 902 Broadway. I don't know the hotel details yet...

It is invitation only, but if you are in town on Wed the 30th, I'll get you in if you want to. Otherwise, maybe drinks the night before...

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dearest Rebecca. I can't tell you how much the Oscars upset me last evening. Every time I heard anyone mention Colin Firth, I just could not help worrying all over again about Ms. Hamou / McConnell and her cancerous colon.

Then I would barely get that behind me, when someone would talk about a "best picture" or "best performance" or "best cinematography". Well, worry wort that I am, off I'd go wringing my hands about poor Ms. Hamou / McConnell and her cancerous breast.

Oh, and my dear, I don't think I even need to tell you what would happen when they kept talking about the 83rd annual this and 83rd annual that. Why, Ms. Hamou / McConnell's cancerous anus would just rise up before my eyes like an upside down toadstool. Now I know they weren't actually saying "anal". But, my pets, that's how worry works. Just any little thing can set it off all over again.

At least I thought I'd get a reprieve from worry about her cancerous uterus. But wouldn't you just know it. There I was, just sitting there craving a watercress sandwich to help me get through the evening, and they played that film clip where, in a very dramatic moment, the actor just had to mouth the words, "it's you or us."

Honestly, Rebecca, my sweet. I don't think anyone has said Ms. Hamou / McConnell hasn't had cancer. I think it's so many cancers, and just at the time money or a court date is due, that has us all so fretful. The poor, poor dear must walk around with a bag of chemo in her purse pretty much all the time. I don't even know how she has room for all the checkbooks.

Blake Springpasture said...

It's kind of weird over on the "Ask Oma" forum lately. Kind of like the last rope tethering the boat to reality has snapped, and the boat is floating lazily downstream with two crazy, frustrated women babbling away to each other and not even noticing the shore receding.

RobMoshein said...

So Oma tweets from the "airport". Lets see who reads the blogs now...

So Oma will you be back in time for the Deposition on Tuesday??

Nothing file with the court yet or served on Bob....

No letters from Judge Triana-Doyal either...

or the FBI

or your "Texas lawyer"...

all as PROMISED by Oma Hamou...

What up with dat?? Oh right.

Oma Hamou is a criminal lying con artist bitch.

Blake Springpasture said...

Ooops . . . sounds like a crisis brewing to keep her from attending the deposition.

A cancer clinic in Mexico?

A friend about to abort another multi-headed baby?

A safe house (well, maybe a safe trailer) in West Virginia?

I can just hear the radio communications among her security detail now:

"Gumshoe Three, this is Cheetos Now. Colon One is on the move."

"Roger that, Gumshoe Three. But keep an eye out. Cat food is leaking from her purse, and we don't want a repeat of that little incident at the bus stop."

"Ten-four, Cheetos Now."

Illuminati II said...

O Mighty Shovel,

I don't want to complain or anything, O Tic Tac of Higher Consciousness, but I really do think that the Lords of Theta could have afforded at least a second class ticket. I am tweeting, as the humans call it, from the wheel-well of a commercial jet liner. The large-jawed woman boarded some time ago after a prolonged spell in the lady human's room at the airport. When she came out she seemed a lot bulkier than before she went in, which doesn't seem possible given the sheer amount of avoirdupois she is normally carrying around, but when I snuck up behind her on line (I was disguised as a potted plant), I saw that she had stuffed her coat pockets with beef jerky strips and packages of Cheetohs and Fritos. The new regulations specify that the Terrans have to pay for in-flight meals, and the large-jawed woman seems determined to make it across the water body without having to pony up for a sandwich.

I myself have a package of Mentos, the Terran Food of the Gods.

I have no idea where we are going. When she got into the SUV driven by the large posterior woman --- correction, the other large posterior woman --- the large jawed woman told her to step on it or she would have to go to Texas for something called a "debtor's exam" and there was no way in the infernal afterlife that the Terrans believe in she was going to do that!

I will tweet when I land, O Sacred Dipthong of Theta. Whereever that is.

RobMoshein said...

Hey that's fine with Bob if Oma refuses to comply with the SUBPOENA and show up for the deposition.

Bob will just get a CONTEMPT OF COURT order against OMA HAMOU! It won't be the first time....

Oh, and it is too late now to file the appropriate paperwork (but I won't tell you exactly what it was) to have the legal excuse not to show up...

cool. Oma in contempt of court yet again. typical.

Guess your twitter lied as usual Oma. You're still in Palmdale...having read this blog four times today already!

Blake Springpasture said...

I just got a message to check out Amazon. Looks like Pyles has filed a lawsuit against Hernandez in Illinois, and Hernandez has been running around Amazon deleting posts right and left. Every single post he put up on the Amazon UK site is gone now, and most of his posts on the US site have been deleted.

Since Hamou has promised to send Hernandez all her "evidence", I guess Pyles is going to get to see all those emails the police sent Hamou and other stuff she has that proves what a criminal he is.

This should be fun.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my pets. I do SO wish that spiritual and accomplished Reverend Doctor E. A. Hernandez luck in defending himself against that sharp Mr. Pyles' lawsuit.

I know Mr. Pyles has every right to be offended at the Reverend Doctor's conduct, but I really think a man of the cloth (and the hospital gown, too) should be left in peace to do all his good works for his fellow man. And to write all those interesting books.

I just know Ms. Hamou / McConnell will give him everything he will need to prevail, as Mr. Snoopy has promised she will. But I do so wish there would be a way Mr. Snoopy could do it without Mr. Pyles getting discovery of it.

Not that I wish Mr. Pyles any ill, of course, but it just seems that poor Ms. Hamou / McConnell winds up with a bit of mud on her face whenever she tries to prove things. I just can't help but think of how her attempts to show what a staunch supporter that saucy Ms. Wilson was blew up on her. Or how that "evidence" from her expert document examiner Mr. Curt Baggett turned out to be from a convicted felon, a perjurer, and a con artist in his own right. Or how her defense against Mr. Atchison's lawsuit failed to impress a jury.

I just wish the poor dear could find enough fulfillment in her cats and her friends and roommates to refrain from doing this to herself over and over.

Oh, dear. One tries to help. Really, one does.

RobMoshein said...

Good job Oma!!

First of course, you will need to produce the telephone RECORD to prove you tried to call Bob on 2/23. Besides, a mere phone call is not enough.

But the REALLY cool part is you filed for a "protective order". Guess what? In order to GET a protective order, you will have to file a BOND! Remember like the TRO?

Guess how much Bob will HAVE to insist that Bond be? Ummm, somewhere northwards of $20,000, the amount you owe him, including accrued interest.

So, Let's see, it was allegedly filed a week ago? So where is proof of service on Bob? Nothing is here...

RobMoshein said...

I do have to love what Pseudo Rev posted just now, about Oma Hamou on :

"I am sorry you are apparently being hounded by this mysterious criminal "Oma" and others. You need to know - and no doubt you know by now - that I AM NOT involved with any of those characters, Oma or her friends."

At least Rev is bright enough to see that Oma Hamou is a criminal! Thanks Rev. for that objective opinion from someone on the "outside".

Mitzi said...


So exciting! Lawsuits breaking out everywhere! And this Hernandez schlemiel is a rabbi and and archbishop! I don't even know what that lawsuit is about and already I love it!

As for you, Omele, darling, you need to go to your strategist, Darling Russophile Lady! Like a spy she is, with the baited traps!

Darling, it's like Goldfinger if hillbillies did it over there!


Rebecca Jordan said...

Oma, I am sure that the nice judge --- there is always a nice judge --- will be glad to explain to you about how none of what you include in those silly amateur documents you are posting has anything to do with what an actual Bill of Review is and why yours doesn't fit the bill. But you just keep posting and submitting, girlfriend. When you send these into the office, do you include the picture of you with the horse? I hope there aren't those pesky Tourette's Syndrome interruptions you write when you are pretending to be "Snoopy", either. Nice judges probably frown on that.

And whoever that man is on Amazon, Oma, you should sue him for calling you a criminal. After all, Harmon Pyles is, and all he has to do is prove he isn't.

You could do that, couldn't you?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oma, while I appreciate the fact that you are compiling a timeline and all, I am not sure how posting on the internet constitutes "stalking", girlfriend. You regularly say the most insulting things about Rob Moshein, Bob Atchison and even me, sweetheart, and you seem to get bent out of shape whenever anyone responds.

I merely asked why, if Harmon Pyles is suing this man on Amazon for calling him a "criminal", you don't do the same thing? After all, he called you one too.

I'll tell you the truth, Oma. I stumbled into this mess because I googled my name and it led me first to your forum and then to Rob's. At first I enjoyed it for the comedy, but then I began to realize that your silliness was a little more than that. You actually have harmed people, Oma, and you have no remorse at all for your actions. I don't expect you to, either, after these past few years of reading your posts. You're not that smart, and you certainly aren't what might be called an "introspective" personality.

But you already know that.


RobMoshein said...

So Oma Hamou, when you PROMISED that Bob would hear from your Texas Lawyer once you got the papers from him

YOU LIED!!!!!!

Typical con artist criminal behavior.

Blake Springpasture said...

It's remarkable, isn't it?

Hamou has a roommate, Tina Van Veen, who turns out to be a convicted felon with a forgery background.

Hamou has a friend, Debbie Holland, who turns out to be a convicted felon.

Hamou hires an "expert document examiner", Curt Baggett, who turns out to be a convicted felon, perjurer, and con artist.

Hell, even Hamou’s son, Nicholas Royal (yep, that’s right) Moran, is a convicted felon.

Now Hamou convinces a man posting on that she has proof Atchison and Pyles are criminals, and he is foolish enough to take her at her word and post about it there. And guess what? He turns out to be the one with the criminal record and to have been arrested and sued almost as many times as she.

This woman attracts criminals to her cause like shit attracts flies.

RobMoshein said...

Sorry snoopy who is Oma Hamou. YOU LIED when you made these statements:

by Snoopy on Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:51 am
I am certain when Oma gets the documents sent by Bob Atchison her Texas attorney will file an immediate response until then your thinking you got one up on her is meaningless.

by Snoopy on Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:12 am
in the Texas situation she will either be there or an attorney representing her interests will. This is how it works asshole: A substitution of Attorney doc will be filed in court the attorney will then get in touch with Bob and you know if Bob yells at that attorney like he did Dave Slater will that attorney will do what Slater did and hang up on the asshole. Cool.

by Snoopy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:34 am
I will let the real attorneys and courts decide whether or not you are right or not

Gomer said...

L'il Bit is just plain FRIENDLY y'all!

Mitzi said...

Darling Debbie Lady,

Darling, darling Blakele can't be slandering you if it isn't you, darling. And of course if it is you, darling, then it isn't slander. See how it works, darling?

Because I care, darling. Because I care

Blake Springpasture said...

Hey, "Snoopy". If you're so desperate to see someone sued, you already know who Harmon M. Pyles is. He put some pretty dicey stuff about you -- er, Hamou -- on Amazon. Right out there in plain daylight.

Why doesn't she (snicker, snicker) just sue him?

Could it be that she is a little worried about his private investigators' reports and other information he has being entered into a court record?

And just in case you've forgotten, you've been right on the verge of getting identifications of posters for several years now. These hot trails you put on emails sure do take some time to produce results, huh?

RobMoshein said...


We WILL see you Tuesday at the Deposition now OR you will be found in contempt of Court.

Why? Well, see, nothing was filed in the Court as of yesterday afternoon. I checked.

Secondly and FAR MORE IMPORTANT, you never scheduled a HEARING on any Protective Order. You can't just drop papers at the Court and expect them do something about it. You have to ASK for a HEARING and Texas Rule of Civil Procedure requires you to put the hearing ON DOCKET AND SERVE NOTICE OF THAT HEARING THREE DAYS BEFORE THE HEARING (SIX DAYS BEFORE HEARING IF YOU MAIL IT).

SO GUESS WHAT? No hearing, no notice. Bob hasn't even gotten anything from you whatsoever. You are therefore going to be held in Contempt of Court unless you show up for the Deposition Tuesday. Nine AM, Central Time.

See you there or see you in Contempt of Court, AGAIN.

RobMoshein said...

BUSY day it seems for the blog yesterday!!

FOURTEEN reads from Palmdale/Lancaster
Three from Phoenix/Tucson
Two from New Jersey (who reads daily...)

Moscow! London (Kensington)! Wow lots of people want to keep up with Oma Hamou's lies and criminal activity...

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, oh. Talk about baiting a trap.

Hamou files a Bill of Review. But she misses all the deadlines, including the one to have Atchison served. This causes the court to put the case on the DWOP calendar and refuse to accept any further filings in the case.

However, by filing the Bill of Review, she submitted herself to the jurisdiction of a Texas court not just for the Bill of Review, but regarding all legal matters within the cognizance of the Texas courts regarding her.

Then, by serving Atchison a summons (which the court has put on hold) with a return to her mailbox address, she made that mailbox address a legally-binding point of service for actions against her in any other Texas case involving her, such as the breach of contract case she lost.

Consequently, she has been served with a notice of debtor's exam relating not to the Bill of Review but to an entirely separate case. (Remember that a Bill of Review is not an appeal of a prior case. It is an entirely new and separate cause of action.) Therefore the hold the court has placed on the Bill of Review does not place a hold on the debtor's exam.

So she has been legally served with the notice for the exam. She has failed to challenge it successfully. And she will be held in contempt of court if she does not show.

Now, how's that for baiting a trap, Biernat?

Brought to us by the Woman Who Sued Herself.

RobMoshein said...

ummm, sorry snoopy who is Oma..

"Again, as for this bit, I was told a hearing date has been set..."

dimbulb...The hearing would HAVE to have been set for MONDAY, you can't have a hearing for the protective order AFTER the date of the Deposition...idiot.

The Court Admin's office was QUITE clear that there was no hearing scheduled for Monday...

Want proof? Go here:

Click "dockets" and look at Monday. You AREN'T there. You therefore MUST be in the Depostion or be subject to Contempt of Court.

I will GLADLY post the Contempt of Court citation against Oma Hamou, since you asked...

RobMoshein said...

Here you go Oma.

The Judgment of Contempt of Court against Oma Hamou, signed December 2, 2005:

Now aren't you glad you asked? I know I am.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, that poor, poor dear Ms. Hamou / McConnell.

She hires lawyers to sue other people, and she winds up being the one sued -- by her lawyers. Her own lawyers, my pets. Why, whoever heard of such a thing?

Now she tries to sue that nice Mr. Atchison and what happens? The poor little thing finds herself in contempt of court. Surely she didn’t see that one coming, now did she?

It just seems that Ms. Hamou / McConnell keeps finding herself in quicksand, sinking deeper and deeper the more she flails and thrashes.

Or walking across a hot tar parking lot in summer, where first her shoes get stuck and pulled off, then her stockings, and finally her ……….

Oh, dearie me. I think I’ll stick with the quicksand metaphor.

RobMoshein said...


Prove you did. You can't.

RobMoshein said...

Oma Oma Oma

Even by your psychotic reasoning you still don't make any sense.

You were SLAPPED WITH SANCTIONS by the Court for even asking to have Bob's computers forensically. The Court listened to Slater the Dog Turd, and still SLAPPED YOU WITH SANCTIONS for abusing Discovery.

YOU refused to pay, so the Court held you in Contempt. The COURT listened to Slater THREE times and still SLAPPED YOU WITH SANCTIONS AND CONTEMPT OF COURT.

I fail utterly to see how this somehow "helps" you.

RobMoshein said...

Stop pretending I'm lying Oma. Just go LOOK FOR YOURSELF. You can EASILY post the pdf to prove I'm lying if you are on Monday's calendar. I'd post it here, but can't. Google won't allow it to work.

RobMoshein said...

Sorry snoopy who is Oma Hamou. YOU LIED when you made these statements:

by Snoopy on Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:51 am
I am certain when Oma gets the documents sent by Bob Atchison her Texas attorney will file an immediate response until then your thinking you got one up on her is meaningless.

by Snoopy on Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:12 am
in the Texas situation she will either be there or an attorney representing her interests will. This is how it works asshole: A substitution of Attorney doc will be filed in court the attorney will then get in touch with Bob and you know if Bob yells at that attorney like he did Dave Slater will that attorney will do what Slater did and hang up on the asshole. Cool.

by Snoopy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:34 am
I will let the real attorneys and courts decide whether or not you are right or not

Oh, and calling him Slater the dog turd isn't "libelous" or "defamatory". It is simply my opinion of the person. Just like it is my opinion that Oma Hamou is a career con artist criminal lying bitch.

RobMoshein said...

Poor Oma.

LYING that you "mailed" something to Bob...You have to send stuff CERTIFIED RETURN RECIPT REQUESTED in order to PROVE service.

Plus, where is the proof anything was FILED with the Court?? convenient you can't produce the stamped filed copy.

MOST important, NO HEARING IS SCHEDULED! You can't prove there is and I have PROVED there is not!.


RobMoshein said...

Oma Oma Oma.

I called the Court Admin office this morning. You are NOT on docket today for any hearing.

Thus, you will NOT HAVE a protective order tomorrow, since you didn't get one in time. Without one, your failure to show up tomorrow for the Deposition will be CONTEMPT OF COURT for FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH A SUBPOENA!

They STILL don't show anything filed either...

So, we seeing you tomorrow?

RobMoshein said...

Yet again OMA HAMOU proves she believes herself to be ABOVE THE LAW.

She has been served with a SUBPOENA to appear at a deposition. The ONLY LEGAL EXCUSE NOT TO APPEAR IS A PROTECTIVE ORDER.


Yet, she says she REFUSES TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBPOENA AND COURT ORDER "because she has other "commitments" which takes priority in her life".



RobMoshein said...

Yet again OMA HAMOU proves she believes herself to be ABOVE THE LAW.

She has been served with a SUBPOENA to appear at a deposition. The ONLY LEGAL EXCUSE NOT TO APPEAR IS A PROTECTIVE ORDER.


Yet, she says she REFUSES TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBPOENA AND COURT ORDER "because she has other "commitments" which takes priority in her life".



RobMoshein said...


She has been served with a SUBPOENA to appear at a deposition. The ONLY LEGAL EXCUSE NOT TO APPEAR IS A PROTECTIVE ORDER.


Yet, she says she REFUSES TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBPOENA AND COURT ORDER "because she has other "commitments" which takes priority in her life".

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, we've finally arrived at the proof of what we knew all along. This whole Bill of Review feint was one of Hamou's con artist tricks to try to buy time to dig herself out of a hole.

She bragged for months that a Bill of Review was coming. Then she fell mysteriously silent about it as the deadline for filing approached.

Then, when we brought it up again near the deadline, in an effort to keep from looking like a fool, she rushed an incomplete filing through on the last day (accidentally suing herself in the process and looking like a fool, anyway).

She then pointedly avoided serving legal process on Atchison within the deadline, just to be sure the case never went forward.

Then, when she was poked about that, she suddenly got certification of service at a point where the court was no longer accepting any new filings on the case due to her delays.

Of course, she blundered again by missing the point that by giving the court a mailbox address for her service of process on Atchison, she also gave Atchison a legal address for his service of a summons on her for a debtor's exam, to which he remains entitled by the judgment he holds against her.

Now -- with no corners left to back into -- she's claiming she is allowed simply to fail to appear on a duly-served summons because she has "other commitments".

So, the end result of all this: the judgment in favor of Atchison will stand, and she will accumulate yet another contempt of court citation.

As we said at the very beginning of this little comedy, OMA HAMOU WILL NEVER WALK INTO A COURTROOM OR A POLICE STATION VOLUNTARILY.

RobMoshein said...

Oma Hamou REFUSES to comply with a Court order!

Then, she expects to walk into a Courtroom Three WEEKS later and ask for a pass!!

Not a date for your mani-pedi...

Blake, she pulled the same stunt when I subpoenaed her for my depo in the lawsuit she filed against me. She no showed for that too, with the same lame "prior commitment" excuse. I had the motion for Sanctions and Contempt in my hand when she non-suited or else I would have made the motion to the Court that same day!

Typical. She won't show up on March 24 either...Of course,

RobMoshein said...

Oma, "law enforcement" is not doing ANYTHING on any of your "complaints". You have been making those same worn out threats for YEARS and guess what?


Nobody even believes you anymore Chicken Little. The sky ain't falling.

RobMoshein said...

No Oma, you MADE UP the "pneumonia" after the fact. In fact the email you SENT me said NOTHING about being "ill", just that you refused to attend because you had prior pressing matters.

RobMoshein said...

So "snoopy" by your own admission then, EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SAID OMA HAMOU HAD FILED A COMPLAINT WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT prior to August 2010 was a LIE...

Shall I post all of them again, to show HOW YOU LIE?

RobMoshein said...

So 'snoopy' You are now saying that when Oma Hamou wrote Judge Triana-Doyal back in 2006 that she "HAD FILED complaints with law enforcement and the FBI"she LIED TO THE JUDGE IN WRITING!!!

Blake Springpasture said...


The cork guns are going off left and right over on the "Ask Oma" forum today.

So Oma's got a private investigator on Penny Wilson's tail, huh?

That report ought to be good. Assuming it gets to Oma before the investigator tries to cash the check.

Blake Springpasture said...

Sometimes I don’t know whether Hamou is playing a joke or whether she actually takes her posts seriously.

The document she posted to “prove” she had pneumonia proves nothing of the sort. She went to the emergency room, was diagnosed with “acute viremia and upper respiratory infection”. (Look up acute viremia on any medical website. You’ll find it’s just a generic reference to any virus moving through the bloodstream.)

Hamou was given a couple of prescriptions and released. One was ibuprofen and the other is a drug prescribed for migraines, restless leg disorder, and other neuropathies – not for pneumonia.

Rather than say she caught a cold that gave her a headache, of course, it’s much more impressive-sounding to have VIRAL PNEUMONIA. (Cue the thunder and lightening.)

I wonder what the real ailments were behind what became the breast, rectal, colon, and uterine cancers. Diarrhea and zits?

Rebecca Jordan said...


I know what you mean. She's posted the exit document from the hospital before and been called on it. No pneumonia, just what might have been a bad cold.

Honestly, I cannot believe what has taken place on Amazon. Thanks for the link, Rob! I sometimes wonder why Oma Hamou doesn't realize that she has left a substantial trail of annoyed people behind her, in Russia, in Texas, in California, and probably anywhere else that she has occupied space. And that sooner or later these people will be meeting up, comparing notes, and having the kind of explosions that are currently taking place on the Amazon thread for the new book. I sent Pyles an email introducing myself, hope he responds!


Blake Springpasture said...

I think he'll respond to you, Becks. He told me some interesting stuff.

For instance, that stuff Hamou posted about the Sarskaia phone number having been just recently assigned to that bank when Sarskaia shut down. It's bunk.

Pyles wondered if that had been the case, and he asked the woman at the bank. She said she had been there eight years, and that had been the bank's phone number the entire time.

Like so much of what Hamou was doing back then, that charity was just part of the facade Hamou was trying erect to make herself look legitimate and well-funded. Sort of like the bank documents she waved in front of Moshein and Atchison about having a $66 million trust fund behind her. Sort of like that faked Global Insight report and that faked Dun & Bradstreet report.

The woman's a con artist. She knew how to put together a kiting scheme. What she didn't count on was having it unravel so fast on her before she could pull her tits out of the wringer.

RobMoshein said...

I physically WENT to the "offices" Oma Hamou "had" on Camden Drive, several times, since my parents lived just a half mile or so away. You entered on Camden Drive, but the offices were actually on the second floor upstairs from what was then "The Sharper Image" store on the corner at Santa Monica Drive.

The place was a large open space, with a big desk at the front, and tiny cubicles with doors along the walls and a bunch of desks in rows in front of the cubicles. I talked to the manager, twice. She knew who Oma Hamou was, but told me "she very rarely was there". The way the place works is this:

For a monthly fee, you get a phone number that one of their people answers with your business name "Hello Enigma Films"...and they hold your mail for you. IF you want to use a real office or conference room, you can rent the space for the time you need, the same if you want to rent one of the desks to sit and work at and make and receive calls...

To call them you "offices" is pretty much a sham, its a cheap way to have a Beverly Hills address without actually renting a real "office"

Sort of also how Oma Hamou used the "address of the office she WOULD HAVE HAD IF SHE HAD RESTORED THE RUINED BUILDING BUT DIDN"T AS HER REAL OFFICE IN RUSSIA..."

The realty agent handling the entire Fedorovsky Gorodok confirmed to me that Oma Hamou NEVER had an office there, anywhere, ever.

RobMoshein said...

Oh, to be fair Blake, the Global Insight report was not a fake. It was a genuine report they created at Hamou's request. The problem was that Hamou NEVER PAID FOR IT! and they got pretty riled at her spreading it all over the place and using it WITHOUT HER PAYING FOR IT.

She STILL owes them for it.

RobMoshein said...

Oma wants a LIST of people who are annoyed with her?

Bob Atchison
Chris Malish
Eric Cowan
Huiku Batchelor
Global Insight
Freeman Freeman and Smiley
Hamid Refai
Boardrush LLC
American Express
Reed Elsevier
Westar Legal Enterprises
Scott Latendresse:"I have been chasing her for payment ever since....with nothing but excuses regarding health issues, etc. etc. etc. I am not only out the $9,000.00 that she owes me for my design fee but am also out cash that I have spent out of pocket for model supplies, blueprints, research costs, and $2,000.00 that I myself have paid for the assistant that she "approved" to hire. So as you see; I am out nearly $3,000.00 out of pocket as well as $9,000.00 for a design that was completed as per her approval. FYI; the "event" never took place as
scheduled...due to once again "health issues" etc. But the design was completed, ready to go to the construction shop etc.
Monique Hahn
Rich Schaefer
Rio at Wild West Media
Jaqueline Anker (lawyer for Global Insight)
Albert Timashev
Ivan Sautov
Don and Edna Morton
Kirk Monroe "she now owes me $2,000 of a $4,000 fee and has weekly excuses for non-payment.
Tina Vanveen
Deann McClung "Hi I was just wondering if you would like an update on the weasel/con artist, I lived with her for 10 months of hell, she has been up to her same old things"
James D. Viscio, CEO of TransMedia. Oma never paid them so they never went beyond their first few weeks of work. "There were many, many promises to pay - stories of illnesses and FedEx envelopes" then they cut her off.
Father Markell "I have stepped on that rake three times already and will not step on it again."
Vladimir Vikulenko
Nadezedah Ovchinnikova
Alexy Markov
Valeri Vakulenko
Igor and Slavitza in New York
"As I know now F.G. and Sl. are bringing an action against her, because she didn't pay for telephone bills, for being there in their appartment, and for the service

Blake Springpasture said...

I think the Global Insight report was faked in that they used assumptions based on actions Hamou had no means to complete. A report based on falsified assumptions is faked, in my view, even though the organization that issued the report may not be the one doing the faking.

RobMoshein said...

Oma are you STILL playing that old game that nobody believes? The "Dave Slater (the dog turd) got all these letters and documents, but somehow mysteriously they were never turned over to Bob in discovery (so you could never have used them at trial) and nobody but YOU has ever seen them and you NEVER actually produce a single one, EVER??

Give it up, nobody but nobody is stupid enough to actually believe you...well except for the felon loving cancer scam supporter in Portland...SHE is stupid enough...

Mitzi said...


So exciting, darlings! Darling Omele is melting down fast than a snowball in hell. All of this nonsense she puts up! I can't believe even Darling Russophile Lady can accept what she is saying, but then again, darlings, to judge by what she has posted in the past, Darling Russophile probably believes the moon is made of green cheese.

Oy, darling, Omele, sweetheart, can we be frank, darling? Whenever I say that, Bitsy says "only if I can be Barbara!", which kind of dates us, but is still a scream, and does anyone know why Barbara Walters still looks so good? What was I saying? Oh, yes, darling Omele, do you really think anyone, anyone at all reads the nonsense you post and thinks, "Oy, does that one have it on the ball!" Because darling, that thing from the hospital that "proved" you had pneumonia but actually proved you had not much at all.

Darling Omele, crazy lady, I'm worried about you!


Mitzi said...

Darling Russophile Lady,
Really, darling? Even if all of the Oma Hamou things are true, it doesn't matter? Darling, you should have a chat with Mrs. Batchelor, Eric Cowan and Hamid Refai. It matters to them, darling. Maybe you should lend darling Omele a few bucks, darling, and then try to get them back. You'd care then.


RobMoshein said...

Sorry Oma, but yet again you lie, as usual.

Remember that I was a party to the litigation. One of the demands made to allow Foster Malish to fire you as a client was that all discovery be turned over prior to their leaving. I personally went down their offices on 6th street to pick it up. I asked Ryan Rogers, "Is this everything??" and said "Yes, that's everything." Don't forget, you were ORDERED by the Court when it granted my Motion to Compel discovery to turn EVERYTHING over.

None of these "claimed" letters, documents, affidavits, etc etc etc that you say Slater the Dog Turd had was turned over.


and Biernet doesn't care you are a a liar, thief and con artist.

RobMoshein said...

So Oma, which is it??

Those claimed letters etc were in dog turd Slater's possession, turned over to Ryan Rogers and Foster Malish committed a serious breach of their legal obligation (one which will get their Bar Cards pulled when I file a complaint for Breach of Ethics against them) by not turning them over to me and Bob as ordered by the Court


They don't exist.

There is no third possibility.

Blake Springpasture said...

So Biernat is all freaked out because the debtor's exam was scheduled to be at Atchison's house.

What's the biggie? Hamou said she has a Texas lawyer, and she's entitled to have her lawyer with her. He or she should be perfectly capable of protecting Hamou's interests at the exam.

Besides, there is a duty for litigants seeking to recover costs to keep those costs reasonable and, since Hamou would be hit for all costs Atchison incurred in collecting the debt, it would seem that avoiding the cost of renting a venue would work to Hamou's advantage.

On the other hand, her lawyer could have offered his or her office, which I'm sure would have been acceptable to Atchison. Why wasn't that offer made?

Where is that lawyer, by the way? Why has no one heard from him or her?

Didn't he or she realize that the venue of the deposition has to be challenged before the scheduled time to appear? One cannot simply fail to show up and later tell the court the venue was not to one's liking.

Sounds as if there's a contempt finding in the works.

RobMoshein said...


You just don't get it. You are now claiming that your lawyers committed a SERIOUS breach of their ethical obligations as attorneys by failing to comply with the court order to turn over all documents.

The State Bar of Texas doesn't care a whit what I may have done, you had your opportunity to file appropriate motions with the Court if you felt Bob or I didn't turn something over to you. They don't give a rat turd about your ludicrous stalking claims. That will only demonstrate you clear pschopathic disorder...

They WILL however be VERY upset that Ryan Rogers breached his Oath as an Officer of the Court by not turning over all those documents you now insist were in his possession at the time.

They can dis-bar him for that.

Blake Springpasture said...

Oh, and Biernat. Regarding that email you sent from Benefit Design Group's account on 8/21/2009, in which you wrote:

"The character Hedley told Rob to sue me. That's who I thought was Simon. I mentioned over on Oma's site if they do, I'll bloody well supeona Rob's blog and get everybody's IP. He didn't mention that again ........"

Well, I'll mention it again. First, as Moshein posts here under his own name and would freely own up in court to anything he's said about you, you would have no grounds to subpoena the accounts of others. Rob, on the other hand, would have plenty of grounds to get discovery on what else regarding him has been sent and received from Benefit Design Group accounts, as I can provide him evidence that such accounts have been used to communicate things about him.

And you're forgetting that any attempt to uncover the identities here would be met with a demand to uncover the identities on the "Ask Oma" forum, where numerous claims have been made that various people are under police investigation, are soon to be prosecuted, etc.

And I think you really know what the outcome of that would be.

I wonder if Joel Biernat knows the things you've sent out over his business accounts.

(Oh, and I particularly enjoyed the emails where you confessed that you knew Hamou has been involved in "some bad crap" and where you said her "stupid friends who had stupid problems" turned on her.

Then there was the email in which you said that "the funny thing about Facebook is that you can see other people's friends" and went on to list connections you've found between people who post -- something that Hamou claimed can only come about from hacking into Facebook accounts. So, Biernat, have you been hacking?)


Blake Springpasture said...

Hmm. I see "Snoopy" is back to the gay bashing. Always a sign Hamou's in total meltdown again. I bet there's another outbreak of pneumonia and cancer in the works.

And I didn't even mention the emails where someone wrote that they backed away from Hamou when every time a post came up from Oma Hamou, Justin Edwards, or Mike Newson this person got sent an ad about sex with Russian women.

Whoever heard of a "history" forum such as Legends of Anastasia professed to be with links to autosend sex ads?

Oh, yeah. A forum run by Oma Hamou. You peddle what you know, I guess.

RobMoshein said...

Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct:

Rule 3.04 Fairness in Adjucatory Procedings.

A lawyer shall not:
a. unlawfully obstruct another party's access to evidence; alter, destroy or conceal a document or other material that a competent lawyer would believe has potential or actual evidentiary value;
d. knowingly disobey, or advise the client to disobey, an obligation under the standing rules or a ruling by a tribunal...

Blake Springpasture said...

Not freaked out at all, Biernat. Everything Moshein has posted on his blogs, he's posted openly under his own name.

Not much of an expose' now, is it?

And I guess harassment is in the eye of the beholder. Hamou's recent victims view this blog not as harassment but as useful revelations that help them understand more about the creature who stung them.

I just think it's funny that we now know for certain you know Hamou is a crook and that we know you're still defending her and doing it from your husband's business account.

RobMoshein said...

and Blake, as "snoopy" has been enjoying saying the last week or two:

"That means she has ASSETS"

RobMoshein said...

yep Blake, Oma is so out of control in a rage she doesn't even make sense anymore...

The last couple of her posts aren't even coherent.

Blake Springpasture said...

Okay. Two women. Two total meltdowns.

The "Ask Oma" forum is smokin' today like a plastic container on a hot burner.

Blake Springpasture said...

Oma, Oma, Oma. Compared to you, almost everybody has assets.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hmmm. Not Joel's company, either.

Well, that's interesting.

Rebecca Jordan said...

You boys have certainly been busy today! I can't believe the sheer level of incoherency over on Oma's site.

Oma, whether Bob "accepts" your fax or not does not change the fact that you have failed to show up for your debtor's exam. You are now in contempt of court. I realize that your understanding of the way the legal system works is comparable to my understanding of nuclear physics, but girlfriend, you're in a heap o'trouble thanks to your inability to deal with this mess you've created.

I'm really surprised. My BFF knows the woman is a crook, writes emails to people telling them that Oma does "stupid" things (and for "stupid" read "criminal"), but her hatred of Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison (a man who says he has never had any dealings with her whatsoever) is so profound that it obliterates whatever moral sense she had. That's just pathetic.

And taking shots at a man with Alzheimer's? That's worse than pathetic.

On the other hand, I have to remember that you are willing to defend someone who has used cancer as a scamming tool, BFF.

And Oma, only the fact that you have no assets has prevented lots of people from coming after you. That, and the fact that you live the life of an outlaw.


RobMoshein said...

According to the Oregon Business Registry, Benefit Design Group is an LLC, with Joel Biernat as the sole member/manager.

According to Chapter 63 of the Oregon
Revised Statutes, Joel Biernat has personal property rights to the profits and assets of the LLC. A creditor can attach that property right.

You can squirm all you want, but Joel Biernat "owns" Benefit Design Group, LLC.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hoo hee. It looks like old Boris Romanov is over on Amazon trying to find out what is going on with the lawsuit Pyles filed against Hernandez. Probably at Hamou's behest.

And Hernandez doesn't seem all that happy about it.

Oh, well. Boris is just giving them a platform for more revelations on Amazon about Hamou. You'd think she'd be smart enough to tell her "friends" to keep their mouths shut over there, wouldn't you?

Where did all this kerfluffle about Hamou over at Amazon begin? Oh, yeah. Now I remember. People were having a discussion about the book, and Biernat decided to swan onto the board with absolutely nothing to add to the topic but instead to take swipes at the AP forum on Amazon.

Boy, that was some clever move. Look how well it’s worked out for Hamou.

RobMoshein said...

Let's see.

If Oma Hamou HAD $66 million in financing, WHY did she end up owing close to a million dollars she has YET to repay?

IF Oma Hamou's project was REAL, why was there nothing more produced than a really bad over long script and a MOUNTAIN OF DEBT and unfulfilled contracts?

IF Oma Hamou's project was REAL, why was NOT ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT turned over in Discovery as DEMANDED by a Court to substantiate that claim??

I could go on, but the list of Oma Hamou's victims is a long one, and most of them are happy to warn others.

Call Hamid Refai, Call his lawyer, Call the District Attorney in San Bernardino who was HAPPY TO PROSECUTE OMA HAMOU FOR FELONY FRAUD...

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. I just heard about that horrible earthquake in Japan which, let me tell you. was awful enough. But then I happened to catch the end of a newstory on CNN (I just adore that Anderson Cooper) saying that the American embassy has released a list of Americans traveling through Narita Airport at the time the quake hit.

And, oh ..... oh, my darlings. Wouldn't you just know it. Our sweet Ms. Hamou / McConnell was on the last plane to land just before the earthquake hit. The airplane hit the runway just as the earth started shaking, and the captain could barely keep it under control. Eyewitnesses said that big, huge thing was just whipping and twisting all the way down the runway.

And how did Ms. Hamou / McConnell's name make it into the story? Well, wouldn't you just know it. As passengers were being interviewed upon exiting the plane, they were all talking excitedly about a beautiful middle-aged woman who alone kept her cool as the plane heaved and humped and who, casting all caution for her own safety to the wind, rushed to the assistance of the elderly passengers. The passengers wanted everyone to know that this heavenly creature's name was Oma Hamou.

Thank goodness everyone made it off the plane safely. However, the CNN report mentioned that the embassy has had to extend some emergency financial assistance to some of the passengers. It seems that, inexplicably, quite a few wallets went missing during the landing. Mostly from the elderly.

Those poor people. They can be so careless.

RobMoshein said...

"The DA in San Bernadino has said in writing the words you published on the web about their office and one of their District Attorney's is a lie. "

PROVE IT. YOU want proof of your claims. SO PROVE THIS ONE. Watch, you wont'. You'll come up with a weasel reason, and conveniently refuse. Just like your paid conspirator in con, Boris Romanov....

RobMoshein said...

See? I TOLD you Oma Hamou would come out with a weasel excuse. NOTHING has stopped her from posting ALL SORTS of "privileged" documents between lawyers (like between Dog Turd Slater and Lauren...)

Oma Hamou has threatened that "future litigation" so long and so often that even brain dead Biernat doesn't take it seriously...


RobMoshein said...

Sorry Oma. Scream all you want about demanding "proof". I've decided that since YOU refuse to prove YOUR claims, I will ignore your requests that I prove anything.

You want "proof" come to texas and sue me and get a court to order Discovery.

I've posted the phone numbers for all the world to call the persons involved and the world can make up their own minds.

Odd that not ONE single real person will defend you under their own real names....NOT ONE.

RobMoshein said...

To ANYONE who wishes to "do business" with Oma Hamou, here is her idea of paying people.

IF she has the potential of securing the necessary financing those debts which SHE DEEMS legitimate could be paid ONLY AFTER RUNNING UP THE BILLS WITHOUT ACTUALLY HAVING ANY MONEY IN THE BANK.




Blake Springpasture said...

Top of the morning to you, Rob. And give my regards to Bob on his good luck.

It seems Hamou is going to retain a Chicago law firm to sue Pyles. That'll cost a pretty penny I bet.

With just two of Hamou's judgments localized -- the $50,000+ for Refai and the $20,000+ for Bob -- it looks as if about the first $75,000 of the retainer will go to Hamou's creditors. I'm sure Hamou warned the law firm, though, and they will take it into account.

Of course, I'm assuming that Bob would want to localize the judgment and that Pyles will agree to localization. I know Thomas Ward would like nothing better than getting his crack at the till.

I wonder if Pyles will tell us who "Snoopy" really is once they get through discovery, as "Snoopy" has made some pretty outrageous claims about people being investigated, being prosecuted, going to jail, etc. And all those emails "Snoopy" has seen from the police and others. They should be fun to read. Bonanza time, boys.

And, Rob, I think I can guess how Bob feels about Russophile. But I really think he should extend her his thanks for going onto Amazon with her attacks on the AP. It seems that it will result in Bob's finally getting paid.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I just had word from my bank that someone has tried to access my account figures. It must have been the PI that Oma hired! Not only that, but this morning, when I was walking Frobisher, a very seedy character in a trench coat sidled up and asked me about how much my dog was worth! I'm afraid it may cost you, Oma, as Frobe bit him. He was highly insulted. I explained to him that if you won him in a lawsuit, his life wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel, given your (ahem) track record with pets.

I don't just have assets, my dear, I have considerable assets, and all of them will be mobilized against you. My name is Rebecca Jordan, I live in Manhattan, and my number is not in the book. I assume that your PI has supplied you with my mailing address.

Hasn't he?

RobMoshein said...

Yes, Blake this is indeed wonderful news. Bob will without doubt localize his judgment against Hamou and attach any retainer funds with her Chicago lawyers. Refai's attorney will without doubt do the same. Eric Cowan will serve her thru her Chicago attorney as well! I'm pretty certain that Freeman, Freeman & Smiley will also be glad to know about this.

More GREAT news, Bob was contacted this morning by the Tsarskoe Selo Museum people who asked for his assistance with the current restoration work on the Alexander Palace over the next few years! Bob is delighted to work with them again, of course.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. I do wish when that even when that feisty Mr. Snoopy gets himself all worked up about Ms. Hamou / McConnell's problems he could avoid using the word "motherfucker".

Even allowing for a West Virginia upbringing, I don't think that children fuck their mothers often enough to warrant such a frequent use of the expression.

I do wish people who cannot write without being profane would try a different phrase. Perhaps "wifefucker".

It does not sound quite so crude, is not illegal, and might exert some power of suggestion where it would be appreciated.

And no, you scoundrels, I am not thinking about Mr. A. Our intimacy was quite satisfying, I assure you.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I'm sorry, am I missing something? Oma just spent $7,000 on a building to house animals? Eric Cowan must be spectacularly good-natured to pass up being paid.

My best guess? Some old person in Southern California needs to check his checking account. I think someone just got scammed!

Blake Springpasture said...

So Oma-who-is-Snoopy told Snoopy-who-is-Oma that she is not going to call Dr. Sautov's widow after all.

I guess that means they have caller ID in Russia, too.

RobMoshein said...

So Oma Hamou, we've been wondering, just exactly WHY in 2002 Don Morton filed his Motion for Protective Order against you using the following ALIAS NAMES:


AKA OMA HAMOU - Respondent

CHEDID OMA - Respondent


MATIN OMA - Respondent

MCCONNELL OMA L. - Respondent

TAYLOR JORDAN - Respondent

They are all YOU, so please explain the ALIAS NAMES.

Rebecca Jordan said...

She actually did use my name as an alias? Oma, you little scamp!

And BFF, I'm so impressed! Terry Bradshaw! Terry Bradshaw! Once DiCastelis explained who he was, I was jealous!

Colin Powell, on the other hand, is someone I would like to hear speak. We were at the same cocktail party six or seven years ago, but so were about two or three hundred other people, so I only saw him across the crowded room.

Seriously, Oma, you need to rachet down the crazy a bit. These past few days you've just been a posting fool. Tributes to yourself as an animal rights activists, quotations from Mick Jagger (?!?) and made-up communications from Father Markell, who wants nothing to do with you. And you refuse to call Mrs. Sautov? I'm sure she'd love to hear from Satan's Handmaiden.

Rebecca (note that I only use one "b", Oma, if you are thinking of using the alias again.)

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Oma,

If it's the thought that counts, then perhaps Father Markell appreciates your current desire to honor him, or whatever it is you think you are doing with your foul-mouthed posts. On the other hand, he was pretty clear about never wanting to have any contact with you again, so if you really want to honor him, I suppose it would be a good idea to stop dragging him out every time you want to try and score points off Bob Atchison.

At the very least, Oma, try not to use the word "motherfucker" when you are writing about a priest. I am pretty sure Father Markell would agree with that. Possibly Jesus would as well.

ReBecca Jordan

RobMoshein said...

Oma Oma Oma...

Three thousand more screeching words of your lies, innuendo and insanity. Yet, you STILL have not answered the direct question:

exactly WHY in 2002 Don Morton filed his Motion for Protective Order against you using the following ALIAS NAMES:


AKA OMA HAMOU - Respondent

CHEDID OMA - Respondent


MATIN OMA - Respondent

MCCONNELL OMA L. - Respondent

TAYLOR JORDAN - Respondent

They are all YOU, so please explain the ALIAS NAMES.

Blake Springpasture said...

Whoa, hossy. Ask a question about a few aliases, and "Snoopy" just blows the top off with the profanity.

I don't know, Rob, but those aliases look to me like names that could have been used on checks maybe.

Am I right?

RobMoshein said...

VERY interesting that Oma Hamou now claims the money for her lawyer, bail, etc came from "verifiable sources", since she FAILED to list that income/assets and creditors paid AS REQUIRED TO HAVE DONE UNDER OATH in her bankruptcy filing.

WHY did you use alias names Oma? WHY did you fail to disclose these things despite SWEARING UNDER OATH that you HAD done so in the Bankruptcy?

Oh right, you are a liar, criminal and scam artist....

RobMoshein said...

Funny Oma, but so far you HAVE NOT DENIED using these alias names. IF you didn't use them, why did Don Morton file them as your AKA??? Still waiting for that explanation...

Blake Springpasture said...

Oh, chill out, "Snoopy".

No one said you -- er, Oma -- signed those checks with those names.

RobMoshein said...

Umm Oma, I'm not lying when I said:

"You know quack astrologer, claiming you have documents but refusing to produce them to PROVE your point is the same con artist scam technique that your dear close friend Oma Hamou, the convicted Felon for FRAUD, uses"

YOU refuse to post a single document from anyone that you claim you have in your possession that says I'm a liar. Brian Stodgehill, Eric Cowan, all of law enforcement, your lawyers etc etc etc.

Boris Romanov is doing exactly the same thing you do. Claim you have documents but "conveniently" you REFUSE to show them.


RobMoshein said...

Hmmm, Let's see just WHO is being rude.

One phone call number one, the person calling was asked if they were Oma Hamou's ATTORNEY, when told no, that person was informed that Bob and Pallasart would not accept calls "on behalf of Oma Hamou."


Now, who is being rude? Bob Atchison is under no obligation, civil or otherwise to accept any phone calls from Oma Hamou or "on her behalf". She has alternative methods of communication, but wants to IMPOSE her desire on others. Sorry...

Pathetic lying con artist criminal. Typical.

RobMoshein said...

Bob asked me to correct the above post.

There were FOUR calls first, where the person on the other end said NOTHING, despite being asked who was there...

it was the FIFTH call when the person was told they weren't going to accept his call

THEN they called EIGHT MORE TIMES...

THAT is "civil" behavior...??

Blake Springpasture said...

I am told this afternoon around 5:30 pm Austin time a call was placed to Palmdale for one Oma Hamou. The person on the other end who answered the phone in Palmdale called "Muslim" (he's the guy who made the call) a fucker then slammed the phone down.

1,832 separate attempts were made to speak with Oma Hamou.

Muslim asked if he could once again speak to Ms. Hamou and told the person on the other end he was calling about the pretend March 24th hearing on behalf of Oma Hamou and wanted to know if Bob Atchison was going to attend that non-hearing. The person from Enigma said, "We don't accept calls on behalf of Oma Hamou" and once again hung up the phone.

On the 1,926th call the person at Enigma threatened Muslim the person on the other end proceeded to lie and falsely accused Muslim of having placed 22,746 calls to that number which, of course, phone records, as well as the thirty six witnesses who were present, will testify this is a big fat lie. Muslim then proceeded to inform the person on the other end he was going to sign an Affidavit about this incident and how rudely/hostilely the person on the other end had behaved.

My friend Bob Atchison has notified Ms. Hamou by way of Mail and Fax and other communications of absolutely nothing. He has a moral responsibility to stay sane ---

Oma Hamou, we want you to know if you file another false police report with the Austin Police Department about the call Muslim made 347 people as well as fake phone records will prove to the Austin Police Department you are once again lying and they should press criminal charges against you for filing a false police complaint - this would make, what, 194 times you have filed a false police report about Ralph Kriptitz with them?

Rebecca Jordan said...

That is so odd! This morning I had 673 phone calls from someone who used the name "High Church Anglican".

I do love the idea that while "Christian" was dialing your number again and again, there were four people sitting in the room watching him. Were these real people, Oma, or the usual figments of your crazed imagination?

"Up until four a.m. helping a friend"? Is that a euphemism?


Blake Springpasture said...

Wow. So Kurth was involved in a lawsuit according to the "Ask Oma" forum.

Tell us, "Snoopy". How did it turn out?

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, oh. Sounds like the lawsuit didn't go so well.

Mitzi said...


So Fritzi ordered some cosmetics from Amazon last night, and what do you think, darlings? They come with an "O.H. Warning Label"!

Meanwhile, darling Omele, you should maybe form a club, darling, with all of the people who have dreamed of collecting money from you for all these years!

Caring so much, darling. Caring so much!

Mitzi Kedem

RobMoshein said...


What a coincidence! I got an email last night from someone who was reading Amazon and sent ME the following email (I'll forward the whole thing on to you guys, but of course won't put the sender's name or address here for Hamou to stalk and harass as she does):


I just wanted to say I don't know HOW you do it, and manage to stay sane. That entire group on Amazon and the two on Oma's forum (Her & Russo), they are nuts, pure grade A nuts. I just hope that you can put an end to the stupidity from her. I have been watching the last month and I am amazed that anyone could support that crazy woman and what she stands for.

That Boris is something else also, he is a two bit chiseler, and he obviously like Russofool is still shilling for Oma. What a piece of work.

I really do admire your strength in standing up to them.

RobMoshein said...

Sorry Oma, but no "special agents" read Mitzi's post. You can't outwit Google you know.

EVERYONE who has read the blog today:
Long Island New York. (probably RJ)
Palmadale/Lancaster of course...

That's it.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Rob,

Yes, that was me. I am taking an extended weekend out on the island.

Oma, you never answered the question about Penny Wilson. You claim she gave Rob an IP number that located you in Kansas somewhere. Yet you also claim you were never in Kansas. And now you are going to sue Penny Wilson for providing a false IP to Rob? Girlfriend, it sounds like she was trying to save your ass. And Oma, let's face it, there aren't that many people interested in doing that outside of your addled imagination.

On a completely unrelated note, I am thinking of retiring at the end of May.


Rob, when are you up here again? I want to clear my schedule for at least lunch.

RobMoshein said...

Am in NYC Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, and leave thursday mid afternoon. Am staying near Rockefeller Center.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, save your crazy for someone that gives a crap...Oh wait, that would be nobody. Just like you, nobody.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Wednesday? I will meet you anytime after 1:00, you pick the place.

RobMoshein said...

HI Oma,

Check your faxes!! Bob sent you something.

Afraid thursday won't work for him.

RobMoshein said...

Umm Oma, YOU didn't need to "provide" Bob with the fax number. The FAX machine you used stamped the fax with the sending number. Thus, legally, this is a valid fax number for you:
818-543-1771, the fax number you used.

But, I'll email a copy on Bob's behalf, and will gladly swear to the Court that I sent you a copy of his letter.

RobMoshein said...

Should be REALLY amusing for Oma to tell the Court that she "has no fax" when she FAXED a notice to Bob about the hearing. Bob sent his reply back to that fax she used. It's there Oma, and now you know where to find it. Plus I emailed it to you.
AND here is the text:

Robert D. Atchison
101 Laurel Lane
Austin, TX 78705

March 21, 2011

Oma Hamou
145 S. Glenoaks Blvd, #305
Burbank, CA 91502

Re: Motion for Protective Order

Ms Hamou;

I am unable to attend the hearing you scheduled for Thursday March 24, 2011, 2pm. I will not be available for a hearing until the second week of April, as I will be with my brother and his family. Please choose a date after April 12 and I will let you know if that is convenient.

Further, I have checked with the Court Clerk and there is NO Motion on file with the Court, nor have you served me with a copy of the Motion as required by Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Should you not remove this hearing from the Court Docket this week, I will inform the Court that you have not served me as required and request a Continuance.

Further, I will not accept email or telephone communication from you. All communication from you must be in writing, either by Fax or US Mail. I can not have you or someone “on your behalf” disrupting my business with numerous harassing telephone calls.

Robert D. Atchison

Rebecca Jordan said...

She who represents herself has a fool for a client.

I trust that you and Bob have started the procedures to have her declared in contempt of court?

Also, what gives with the reliance upon one verb, Oma? First you use the word "slap" in regard to what you persist in referring to as a "restraining order" even though it was never in effect, and now you are fantasizing that people are going to "fork" over large sums of money to you.

First, baby doll, you will never willingly enter a courtroom, and second, I can't imagine any circumstances under which you would enter it other than as a defendant. Even then you skip around and act as though the law means nothing in regard to Her Hillbilly Highness, Oma Louise the First.

I will have a lot to talk to you about on Wednesday, Rob.


Rebecca Jordan said...

Or, Oma-Posting-As-Sandman, Mr. Atchison's actions could be seen as the normal response of someone who deals with Oma Hamou: Keep your distance and get it in writing. The truly fastidious person will wash with Lysol after contact with you.


RobMoshein said...

Bob was not in the office when somebody who called "on Oma's behalf". Bob was sick in bed all of last week, he will gladly show the Judge the huge abcess on his foot. Besides, Bob is not under any legal obligation to speak to someone "on Oma's behalf". You've been informed three days in advance. Get a credit for the plane ticket, use it another time. Even "non refundable" tickets" can be exchanged for another date...

IF you show up now, then you will have not mitigated your costs and the Judge won't give you a dime. You are now on notice Bob can't attend.

RobMoshein said...

Ummm Oma you can't read....

Bob SAID he can't attend the hearing on March 24...READ THE LETTER AGAIN. IDIOT.

RobMoshein said...

ALSO Oma Hamou, you never ANNOUNCED READY as required by the Court LAST WEEK, thus Bob could reasonably assume you weren't coming...THAT IS THE LAW...

RobMoshein said...

No Oma, I'm NOT wrong. Go to the Docket for Thursday and read it. It doesn't show "Announced"...Besides, if Bob didn't "announce" in time, then you were ALREADY ON NOTICE he might not be available...right? of course right.

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, "Snoopy".

You keep posting "under penalty of perjury". Just how does a post come under the law of perjury if no oath has been administered?

The way you throw legal terms around in an attempt to make your nonsense sound more weighty is sort of comical, in a pitiful sort of way.

But, then, we are hearing from The Woman Who Sued Herself, aka The Woman Who Unwittingly Set Herself Up for a Debtor's Exam.

Blake "Under Penalty of Perjury" Springpasture

RobMoshein said...

Bob HAS notified Oma Hamou, under his "obligation" that he can not attend the hearing. It's been done.

Nothing bounced back from the email addresses the notice was sent to. I'll gladly testify under oath that they were sent to the SAME email addresses Oma Hamou has published here as hers.

Bob will testify that he faxed that notice to the SAME fax machine Oma Hamou used to SEND her fax.

Bitsy said...

Rob, darling!

We've booked our tickets, so excited! Nitzi and I will be arriving in Austin on the 23rd so we can get a ringside seat. I have the camera, and Nitzi is planning to take notes during the entire hearing for the second part of her interview with Oma Hamou or What Do You Mean, I Don't Qualify to be a Contestant on Celebrity Rehab?

Oma, make sure to check your pantyhouse before you leave the motel! Going four-star again this time,darling?

Bitsy Kedem

RobMoshein said...

Thanks Bitsy, you gave me a great idea. I'll call Eric Cowan and Refai's lawyer and see if they want to fedex over anything to me so I can serve Oma Hamou with it on Thursday if she shows up.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, nitwit, keep up. My trip to New York City is NEXT week, the Bordeaux Event is March 30...RJ lunch Wednesday should be fine. I'll let you know where.

Now "snoopy" just HOW can you know Oma will request sanctions if Bob doesn't show up?

Also, why get sanctions when all you would get is your motion GRANTED anyway if Bob doesn't appear? did we not think that part through very carefully? Of course not...

Blake Springpasture said...

Has Oma found a job on the cleaning crew down at the Federal Building in Los Angeles? She seems to be there pretty much every time I turn around.

RobMoshein said...

Oma Hamou tweeted yesterday:

"A beautiful day here in Los Angeles and am on my way to Century City to meet with my attorneys, gonna stop by Starbucks in Beverly Hills..."

Really? It rained yesterday morning, and was chilly all afternoon in Los Angeles..

I hope those Century City attorneys got they know Freeman, Freeman & Smiley?

and like HOW many Starbucks are there that she needs to be so pretentious as to stop at one in Beverly Hills??

Lord the white trash nobody that wants to be somebody so bad....lying bitch...

You taken the hearing off calendar yet?

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. What a wonderful morning here in Palm Beach.

After my maid brought me my coffee out by the pool, I got in the Bentley to go to my couturier for a fitting, waving at the guard in the gatehouse as he opened the gates for me. What a sweet man!

Not halfway to the fitting, I got a frantic call from my secretary, who was reminding me that I had meetings with my attorneys this morning about just all sorts of important things.

Well, silly me! All I could do was whip the Bentley around and head for downtown. But I did call to have my butler Cravisher meet me there with a cup of Renate's fresh-brewed coffee. Call me Miss Picky, but I just can't abide the store-bought stuff.

Ah, well.

RobMoshein said...

ummm, Oma, shouldn't you be on the way to the airport by now??

You seem to really NOT understand what tomorrow's hearing is about (no real surprise there)...

You can't bring up anything that doesn't relate to your specific issues raised.

The claim that coming to Texas for a deposition is "burdensome" and

the claim that because the Bill of Review is not fully dismissed, discovery in furtherance of fulfilling the judgment against you should wait until the Bill of Review is resolved.

THAT IS IT. The Judge won't permit a word about anything else.

This should be amusing tomorrow, at the very least...

any takers on $100 that Oma ends up in an emergency room or hospital tomorrow and doesn't show up at the hearing?? anyone?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Sucker bet, Robert. I am assuming that the Kedem sisters will be there to take pictures outside of the courtroom? I am personally hoping that she shows up with a Russian headdress and little Korean flags festooned all over her bridal gown. Put the crazy right out there at the beginning.

This is so exciting. Now, I don't want you to reject this out of hand, boys, but Mitzi and I were emailing about this yesterday and we have a theory.

Oma is in love with Bob and this is her way of getting his attention! The whole one woman vendetta she has been waging has been a secret cry for him to love her!

That's why she hates you, Rob, and we think that's why she hates Penny Wilson. Now that Penny and you two are no longer mad at each other, Penny Wilson is a potential rival for Oma! It explains her insane obsession with "Gay Men" that she is always posting about! The Love That Dares Not Speak Its Name is squelching the chance for Hillbilly Passion!

So tomorrow we envision it will play out something like this: Bob will walk into the courtroom. Their eyes will meet, and then Oma will slowly haul herself to her feet and lumber towards him, her arms outstretched, her eyes shining with excitement!

At that point I would call a bailiff and run like a deer.


Rebecca Jordan said...

"Snoopy", what kind of Imaginary Friends are all of you? You never make bail for the girl when she goes to jail, you never spot her a grand for the rent she owes, you don't feed her cats while she is in the slammer, and now you can't be with her when she sees Her One True Love in Texas? At least "Sandman" will be there, I'm sure, because "he" lives in Austin!

Rebecca Jordan said...

And here's how we tell if she is in Austin. Getting any hits from there, Rob? Or just a lot of hits from Palmdale?

Rebecca. And I keep telling you, Oma, my name is Rebecca Jordan. You did not kidnap me or steal my identity, although of course I can't swear the same is true for any other Rebecca Jordan.

And at least I give things to Moshein and Atchison. I sent them a lovely piece of crystal from the Czech Republic and three books I picked up in St. Petersburg. Your friends can't seem to come up with a stinking Hartz treat for the kitties.

Rebecca Jordan said...

BFF! Isn't it terrible about Elizabeth Taylor? Of course the last movie I actually saw her in was Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and she has been in terrible health for what seems like forever, but she was one of the great beauties of all time, wasn't she? A few years ago some friends dragged me to an art house showing of A Place in the Sun, and the sight of her enfolding Montgomery Clift in her arms while murmuring "Tell Mama. Tell Mama all about it!" was enough to melt the screen. And of course when I was a little girl and had a crush on my horse, National Velvet was a religious experience!


Rebecca Jordan said...

Oma, girlfriend, no one doubts that there was a "Justin" character in court back in 200whenever. Or that once upon a time a man named Mike Newson took an interest in your affairs. You've had lots of associates through the years.

You're the one who said that none of them will be in court with you, not I.

And since you bring him up, where has Mike Newson been for the past couple of years, Oma?

(Best guess: hiding from you.)


RobMoshein said...

My my my Oma using the snoopy alias is very unglued today. "fuck off fucker" in really LARGE LETTERS...

Will you use that language in Court tomorrow Oma? Hope you don't get Judge Dietz, he really won't appreciate it...Maybe you'll get Judge Livingston who might remember you for not showing up at any of your previous Motion Hearings...that would be fun. OR Judge Triana-Doyal, who will really love to hear your tale about fraud etc etc...

Yes, tomorrow will be fun.

The Grand Shovel said...

Hail, earthl -- er, I mean friends.

Has anyone seen the green Gremlin lately? One of my spac -- er, street cameras picked it up going in for an oil change and a set of new shocks at a Midas Muffler in Beverly Hills on Monday, but one of the minions coming in for a landi -- er, stopping at a red light hit the camera mounting pole, and we've lost track.

Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel

RobMoshein said...

Yep. Oma's really unglued today. I wonder why? Is there an impending bout of anal cancer erupting? Dengue Fever??

OH, RJ, you pick somewhere for lunch next Wed, I'm booked for dinner at ABC Kitchen, the new Jean-Georges place with the Bordeaux folks. Can't wait!

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. Someone just sent me a link to the most moving song written to honor Ms. Hamou / McConnell and her upcoming trip to Austin. You can find it at:

For some reason, Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) told me the link wouldn't open on her iPhone, even though she has the brand spanking new model.

So I'll just post the lyrics here since I just know everyone is familiar with the tune to this delightful little standard (Leaving on a Jet Plane):

All my checks are packed, I’m ready to go
I’m standin’ here all out of blow
I hate to wake you up to borrow cash
But the court’s awaitin’, it’s early morn
Debbie’s waiting, she’s blowin’ her horn
Once again I’m so broke without that stash.

So lend to me and then forget
Tell me that I’ll be all set
Lend it like you’ve never lent before
‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when I’ll pay again
Oh babe, I need some more.

There’s so many things I’ve left unpaid
So many times I’ve been unlaid
I tell you now, it’s hard to earn a buck.
Every place I go, I’m on the run.
Every time I hide, I need a gun.
When I come back, maybe life won't suck.

So lend to me and then forget
Tell me that I’ll be all set
Lend it like you’ve never lent before
‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when I’ll pay again
Oh babe, I need some more.

RobMoshein said...

anybody else notice that while "Oma Hamou" is allegedly travelling to Austin, "snoopy" is suspiciously silent??

Let's see if there is a profane rant this afternoon, say between 2 and 4pm Central Time....

there won't be of course. Oma is snoopy. snoopy is Oma.

Bitsy said...

Do you think?

RobMoshein said...

Thanks Oma for proving you ARE snoopy!

See, you posted this morning, as snoopy. Now, Palmdale/Lancaster hasn't read this blog since yesterday morning...

BUT guess who did, moments before snoopy posted a little while ago??

A FEDEX store IP address that belongs to their stores in .....



Now, IF palmdale/lancaster HAD read, then maybe somebody might believe you. BUT TEXAS did, from a public Fedex store's rental computer.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dear dears. This is all just so exciting. Ms. Hamou / McConnell will get to stand in front of a judge at long, long last. (Well, on this case, anyway.)

I can't wait to hear her explanations to the judge for why she never appealed. Or how Judge Triana-Doyal deprived her of a fair trial by forcing her to proceed without counsel. Or how Lauren Matthews committed perjury. Or why Ms. Hamou / McConnell failed to request timely service.

Oh, if only I didn't have that bridge tournament this afternoon Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) and I would be glued to CNN for the blow-by-blow.

Personally, I do hope the judge today keeps the case going, especially now that they are canceling "All My Children". Alas, those Philistines.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Hugs and prayers for you, Bob! Hugs and prayers for you!

Bitsy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rebecca Jordan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
RobMoshein said...

Hi guys. I will ask that nobody post anything here for the next few days until further notice.


RobMoshein said...

Well Oma, I was right when I told Bob that you were lying to him about everything.

You couldn't even keep your agreement could you? I did.

I asked the others not to post and they respected that.

You didn't. PLUS you left the posts up and did nothing and not even an apology.

Now the world can see that you are a liar and incapable of living up to the promises you make.

Bob now knows in his heart that I am right and you lied. If you don't like that, blame "snoopy" who is you (posting during your layover in Phoenix or Vegas) and the felon lover in Portland.

You won't live up to the rest of the agreement either, clearly.

I, on the other hand, do apologize to you publicly for yelling at you in the Court room. I'm better than that, and better than you. It was the ten years of your lies, deceit, twisting of facts and allowing your "friends" to publish deliberate lies and slander about me and Bob over and over and over.

while I do apologize for the manner in which I acted, I do NOT apologize for a single word I said.

Take that to heart Oma, and to the bank. I know every single word I said to you is the stone cold truth.

You never denied a single thing I said...all you kept repeating was "prove it" ..."prove it"...

You just did by your actions Oma Hamou. You just did.

Blake Springpasture said...

US Airways 2697, connecting to United 2096. Had her on the ground in Phoenix at the time "Snoopy" posted.

Of course she made an agreement to pay Bob the money when the judge denied her motion and told her she had no excuse not to pay the judgment. She would say anything she had to in order to get her ass out of Texas as quickly as she could once she saw she was wide open to a debtor's exam.

How many times has she promised other people she would pay up when cornered and then disappeared?

Now when she fails to pay, Bob can do what the judge suggested and apply for the bench to issue an order that she submit to a debtor's exam. Then, when she fails to appear, Bob can get his contempt citation.

Let her try to show up in a Texas courtroom again with a contempt order in place.

Wow, this whole Bill of Review strategy certainly worked out well for her. It gave Bob a legal way to serve her with a debtor's exam notice. It caused yet another Texas judge to tell her she owed Bob the money. And it will get her her second contempt citation from a Texas court.

So, Biernat. Are you still as excited about all the legal havoc Hamou was going to wreak on Bob? Seems to me he came out of this in an even stronger position than he went it.

Of course, he was up against The Woman Who Sued Herself.

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, once again Biernat falls for Hamou’s nonsense.

This little “Perils of Pauline” melodrama is pure Hamou. Yes, Rob Moshein blew his cool in court. No, no sheriff was called. No, no judge thought Hamou was in danger.

And why wouldn’t Moshein have blown his cool? He was witnessing Hamou pulling off another one of her cons against Bob Achison right in front of him.

You see, Biernat, here’s what actually happened in that courtroom. Hamou was explaining why she felt the way in which she was summoned to a debtor’s exam was unfair. The judge, though, determined that she owed Achison the money and was therefore subject to a debtor’s exam. So Achison suggested that arrangements more convenient to Hamou to take the debtor’s exam be made right there in open court. The judge agreed and asked Hamou what arrangements would work for her.

This, of course, Hamou is absolutely determined not to do. In order to get her fanny out of the crack she now found herself in, she suddenly said she would settle the case and make arrangements to pay Achison. The judge said he would leave it to them to discuss the matter, and he also told Achison that if the payment was not made Achison could come back to the court for an order from the bench for the debtor’s exam.

This is exactly the same trick Hamou pulls every time she gets cornered.

It’s what happened in the Eric Cowan case. Hamou produced an altered cancelled check to try to prove she had paid Cowan. When the judge did not fall for it and called a recess to send her out to the bank to get proof of payment, she came back claiming the bank had made an error in an effort to get herself out of the courtroom intact that day. Once out, she disappeared and failed to appear at the subsequent hearing where judgment was delivered against her. And, of course, despite her assurances to the judge, she failed to pay Cowan.

It’s also what happened in the Hamid Refai case. When her shenanigans were made public on this blog, in an effort to blunt the attack Hamou called Thomas Ward, Refai’s attorney, pretending to be ready to pay up. When Ward asked her for a callback number she suddenly hung up. Refai has not been paid.

It’s what has happened over the years in case after case with Hamou as she claimed multiple cancers, car accidents, fainting spells in bank lines, baseball mishaps, hospitalizations, abortions, mailing empty envelopes by “mistake” as reasons for delays of payments that she promised certainly to send.

As much as Hamou would like to make Moshein’s outburst the real issue here, it’s not. The real issue is that two judges have now told Hamou she owes Bob Achison payment of a judgment. She has also now been told by a judge that her Bill of Review filing is not an excuse either not to make payment or not to submit to a debtor’s exam.

I’m sure we’re in for pages and pages and pages of posts about Rob Moshein and his temper. But none of it changes the law. Hamou lost her case to Achison. She owes him money. And she lied in front of a judge about her intent to pay.

Now, Biernat, there are only two ways that I can be proven wrong here about what Hamou was doing in that courtroom last Thursday. Hamou will either make the payment to Achison that she told the judge she would make or she will appear for a debtor’s exam.

I’d suggest you not hold you breath.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, I was right when I told Bob that you were lying to him about everything.

You couldn't even keep your agreement could you? I did.

I asked the others not to post and they respected that.

You didn't. PLUS you left the posts up and did nothing and not even an apology.

Now the world can see that you are a liar and incapable of living up to the promises you make.

Bob now knows in his heart that I am right and you lied. If you don't like that, blame "snoopy" who is you (posting during your layover in Phoenix or Vegas) and the felon lover in Portland.

You won't live up to the rest of the agreement either, clearly.

I, on the other hand, do apologize to you publicly for yelling at you in the Court room. I'm better than that, and better than you. It was the ten years of your lies, deceit, twisting of facts and allowing your "friends" to publish deliberate lies and slander about me and Bob over and over and over.

while I do apologize for the manner in which I acted, I do NOT apologize for a single word I said.

Take that to heart Oma, and to the bank. I know every single word I said to you is the stone cold truth.

You never denied a single thing I said...all you kept repeating was "prove it" ..."prove it"...

You just did by your actions Oma Hamou. You just did.

As for the newest lies and deliberate defamation you, pretending to be snoopy (and as both Bob and I told you NOBODY believes that you are "Justin", still), I will only quote you Oma Hamou: "Prove it".

RobMoshein said...

For the record, Oma. I never said you were a piece of shit (though I think you are actually, not, shit has value as fertilizer and you have no value as a human being).

I said you were Evil, which you are, and said also that you had Satan in you, which you do, and which even the Babushka's in the Fyodorovsky Cathedral and Father Markell recognized.

What would "Chris" know? You said he wasn't there and Oma told him. Or was "Chris" the homeless 50 year old Mexican dude hanging around Oma all day?

RobMoshein said...

OF COURSE OMA HAMOU IS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT OF A HOSPITAL! Why? she is supposed to PAY BOB ATCHISON the settlement money she promised to pay him!

Like clockwork, every day when Oma Hamou is supposed to pay someone as she promises, she ends up in a hospital! Every single time.

No problem Oma. Bob will simply serve you with a court order to compel the document production and issue another subpoena for you to come attend that deposition. Remember, that nice Judge TOLD YOU BOB HAS EVERY RIGHT TO DO THIS AND YOU MUST COMPLY.

You will, of course be required to provide hospital records to a Court to get out of any of this with that lame old Oma Hamou excuse...

I don't hate you Oma Hamou. I do think you are evil. I do think you are someone who leaves nothing of value to the world, who harms others and fails to live up to the promises she makes and so injures others,

I wish you no harm, nor do I ever encourage anyone to harm you.

I just hope some day you stop lying and stop harming innocent people.

So pay Bob already. The Judge told you that he has the right to pursue that Judgment the Court slapped on you.

RobMoshein said...

So, who actually gives a crap whether the Mexican dude hanging around Oma Hamou actually IS 50 or homeless, it's beside the point that he sure LOOKED 50 and homeless...


Well???? Which is it? Pay BOB or cough up the documents disclosing EVERYTHING about your financial worth, employment, assets, etc...and get deposed....

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Rob,

I think you know what the answer to your question is. But we all agreed to stay off your site until such time as you are satisfied that she is going to renege on her deal with Bob.

See you Wednesday, looking forward to it.

Rebecca Jordan

Blake Springpasture said...

Caught up in their frenzy about Rob Moshein, it seems that Biernat and Hamou have not yet digested what has actually happened here.

By filing a Bill of Review that would never be heard on the supposed merits, all Hamou succeeded in doing was putting herself back under the jurisdiction of a Texas court and providing Bob Achison with a means to serve her with a demand for a debtor's exam.

Caught in a vise by her opening ham-fisted maneuver, she had no choice but to move for a delay in the debtor's exam if she didn't want to be hit with a contempt order, which required her attendance in a Texas court.

Showing up, she found her motion denied by a judge who told her she was obligated to produce her financial documents and submit to a deposition. Now backed completely into a corner, she said on the record in front of the judge that she would settle with Achison.

Now, if she doesn't pay as agreed, she will be formally ordered by the court to produce her financial documents and submit to a deposition. If she fails to appear, she will be put under a contempt order.

What a brilliant set up for bringing a lawsuit against Rob Moshein or anyone else in Texas.

Frankly, there doesn't appear to be a full hod of bricks between Biernat and Hamou together.

RobMoshein said...

So, who actually gives a crap whether the Mexican dude hanging around Oma Hamou actually IS 50 or homeless, it's beside the point that he sure LOOKED 50 and homeless...


Well???? Which is it? Pay BOB or cough up the documents disclosing EVERYTHING about your financial worth, employment, assets, etc...and get deposed....

RobMoshein said...

oh, and get your facts right. NOBODY escorted me out of any courtroom. I apologized to the Judge for losing my temper and walked out into the hall and sat down on a bench outside. Also for the record, I never asked anyone to run Oma Hamou for warrants. THAT was the Sheriff's own idea when he found out that she was a convicted Felon, for fraud, who was recently arrested for Felony Forgery. He confirmed her felony convictions, and then decided to run Oma himself. ALL HIS IDEA. Not mine.

RobMoshein said...


Well???? Which is it? Pay BOB or cough up the documents disclosing EVERYTHING about your financial worth, employment, assets, etc...and get deposed....

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear BFF,

We're all still here, BFF. In fact, I am having lunch with Rob tomorrow. Nothing to worry about!


RobMoshein said...

Hi RJ,

Plane landed at 2:30, got the hotel about 4ish. room wasn't ready yet...just got settled.

Thanks for agreeing to meet me at Katz's so I can get my Deli fix in. Like I said, its convenient for me as the blind wine tasting I'm doing is only two blocks away.

We don't need the "When Harry met Sally" table..LOL

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Rob,

I'll have whatever you're having! And looking forward to meeting up. I do want to hear all about the other day in court!

BFF, I AM posting under my own name. Sorry if you don't believe that. Blake is as well, and of course so are the Kedems. I'm not sure about Illuminati. The "real" Justin Edwards, as opposed to the identity theft victim of Oma's did not post under his real name, but of course she knows what it really is.

And Oma, when you get a chance, could you explain exactly why you are suing Ms. Wilson? Either you were lying when you said you weren't in Kansas, or you are going after her for supposedly releasing false information about you. This barely begins to come to grips with the idea that you only basis for the accusation is Rob Moshein's statement. How will you get around the fact that you routinely vilify him as a liar?

So many questions, Oma! I do hope you can take time out from your chores on the ranch to think about the answers.

Rebecca Jordan. There is only one Rebecca!

RobMoshein said...

Great fun last night. Drinks at Epstein's in SoHo, then dinner at Bistro Charbon and tiki bar drinks at Lana Kai after.

Off to the tasting and lunch with RJ at Katz's and the afternoon at the Met. The conference this evening and dinner at Craft! Whew.

Oh, Oma, good luck on showing actual damages, you know that pesky little thing court's DEMAND since less than a year ago, you swore under oath that YOU HAVE NOTHING. YOU ARE IN DEBT AND PENNILESS.

So when you paying Bob as you PROMISED? When you turning over those documents as the JUDGE TOLD YOU TO....?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Lunch was lovely, and I know you're worried about Rob's finances, Oma, but don't fret! I picked up the check! By the way, the French wine group is paying for everything associated with this trip with the exception of his cab fares to places like today's restaurant. You know what that's like, though. You're always getting your expenses paid by other people. Even if they don't exactly know it!

Rob was charming in person, and he will return the lunch in Austin at some point this summer. I am promised perfect wines to accompany the meal, and boy, does the man know a lot about wine!

He also gave me the lowdown on what happened in court, Oma. I have only one question. Are you such a raging homophobe because you don't have any gay friends? Because I saw a photo of you in court, girlfriend, and honestly, no self-respecting gay friend would have let you walk out of the house looking like that. And Lancome makes an excellent under-eye concealer, Oma. Well worth it.



Illuminati II said...

O Mighty Shovel,
I am uploading this from the back of what people in this city call a “Yellow Cab”. My driver is a very nice man named Aziz, whose eyes lighted up at the sight of me outside of the restaurant I followed the wine man to by clinging to the roof of his “Yellow Cab”. Aziz promised to deliver me to the aerodrome called LaGuardia so that I could secrete myself in the wheel device of the next airplane bound for Los Angeles. According to my calculations, we have now been traveling for three and four-fifths millaris, and I just saw a sign for Philadelphia. Aziz assures me that this is a shortcut.
The Wine Man arrived at the restaurant before the person he was meeting, which gave me ample time to hide in a glass display case disguised as something called a kugel. From there I had a swintar’s-eye view of the entire facility. I am rather proud of myself for getting into place, although it was a strain to cover myself in noodles.
Eventually the female Terran arrived. He greeted her as “dear RJ” and kissed her on each cheek, which I have noticed is a customary greeting for those who regularly partake of pressed grapes and the legs of small amphibians. “Dear RJ” was a bit taller than the usual Terran female, with dark hair and a normal-sized jaw. I think her last name must be Prada, because I noticed those initials on her bag and shoes when she sat down.

Illuminati II said...

Before they could order, The Wine Man asked a passing woman servant for an extra napkin. She promised to bring one right away, but after several minutes still had not done so. The Wine Man asked again, and the woman servant said that she had forgotten it because she was distracted when she had heart palpitations back in the kitchen. The Wine Man asked a third time, and the woman servant said that she had been bringing napkins for both him and RJ Prada, but on the way she had a collision with a male servant whom she referred to as a “bus boy” for some reason, and the “bus boy” had taken both napkins to clean himself off of a spilled order of chicken soup. The female servant said that she then picked up a fresh napkin, but she accidentally picked it up from the wrong pile of napkins that had been sent from a closed laundry that would not accept them back for laundering. At this point the Wine Man went ballistic, his eyes flashing and his fists clenched with rage. He kicked back his chair, and got in the female servant’s face and accused her of lying and making up excuses. At this point I expected one of the male diners to go to the aid of the female servant, but instead nearly every diner in the restaurant chimed in that they, too, have had problems getting any napkins at all from this female servant. Several diners said that they heard she had been taken to the emergency room the last twelve times someone asked her for an extra napkin.

Illuminati II said...

The man who was in charge of the restaurant, watching his whole restaurant careen out of control, asked the Wine Man to sit down. The female servant was shaking with fear and screamed to the whole restaurant that the man in charge of the restaurant beats her, and that is why she can never remember napkins. At that point she pulled a pen out of her pocket, briefly turned around, and then whirled with her sleeve raised to show everyone some very big blue marks on her forearm in support of her claim. The man in charge of the restaurant screams back that this is the ninth female servant with the name Uma that he has hired, and that he should have known there would be problems when she missed her first shift claiming that her cataracts had spread to her fingernails. At that point the female servant doused him with a large pot of hot caffeinated beverage! She also screamed on penalty of something called “perjury” that she has lots of friends who know what she says is true. And guess what happened??? The dark-haired woman who thinks she looks like Ava Gardner stood up and yelled “that’s right!” Then she looked around and realized no one else in the restaurant was believing anything that the female servant was saying and slowly sat down.
At some point during the melee, the Wine Man and RJ Prada slipped out of the restaurant. I had a little trouble following them because several old people decided to order kugel, but when I finally extricated myself, I saw them disappearing into a McDonald’s just down the street. And then Aziz found me.

Could you please check to make sure that my Thetan Express Card is charged? I think I am going to need it, O Double-Stuff Oreo of the Outer Rings!

Your faithful minion,


RobMoshein said...

RJ, Lunch was fun, thank you again. The corned beef is to die for. I had a lovely afternoon at the Met (thanks for the lift in the cab!). Now to shower and head to the conference and dinner at Craft. I hope Collichio himself is in the kitchen tonight.

Oma is of course, as I said, wrong as usual. Bordeaux paid everything for me to come, airfare, hotel, meals. They asked me back in June to be on the panel to judge the Today's Bordeaux Top 100 for 2011! Sweet!

I called Bob, Oma still hasn't paid him as she promised, nor has she coughed up the Documents as the Judge told her she was REQUQIRED UNDER THE LAW TO DO.

Guess Bob will have to file a Motion for Contempt of Court against Hamou on Monday.

Rebecca Jordan said...

It was good, and I think Frobe is going to enjoy the remains of my sandwich tonight!

The Illuminati post is very funny, although none of what he (it?) reports as happening in the restaurant actually happened, so I suppose it isn't just his description of my BFF as looking like Ava Gardner that isn't true. That isn't either, and I believe her when she says she has never claimed to look like Ava. Although let's face it, who wouldn't want to look like Ava Gardner? I have seen pictures of my BFF and she is a nice, ordinary looking little woman. Mitzi thinks she looks like Liza Minelli, but I don't, way, way too dramatic a look.


Oh, and Oma, Rob didn't take a picture of you in court. Or out of court. Bitsy Kedem had that honour, and she sent copies out in emails. And she also sent pictures of Rob and Bob. So, no, "Chris" is wrong, they didn't look like slobs at all. Quite the contrary. On the other hand, they didn't look like they were going to a hillbilly funeral, either, which seemed to be what you were aiming for. Guess it didn't work, though. You still lost the judgment.

And will you please stop harping on the poor woman in Idaho? I have never claimed to be that Rebecca Jordan, Oma, and you know it.

RobMoshein said...

Please don't post for a few days. Thanks

RobMoshein said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RobMoshein said...

Sorry Oma. I know you asked Bob to tell me to stop saying anything. However, I don't believe you.

I'm going to document your trail about "promising to pay Bob" the $15,000. When you truly pay him, I will take it all down. I promise. Until then, I will document each step, as "snoopy" tends to deny the truth of things later here it will stay, until you pay.

In Court, March 24, you told Bob $15,000 was "not a problem"...You promised to contact him by the first of the next week. You didn't, until I posted about it.

Then, on the 30th, you called Bob saying "someone was giving you the money" and you would have it "Monday/Tuesday?" and promised to pay him then. You didn't.

You called him yesterday morning and said you would have the money by the end of the day. You didn't.

You called him last night, and said you had "half the money" and will send him that...We shall see.

Sorry, but your tales will be documented here now, until you pay. This won't come down until then.

You did this to Bob before and I watched it in silence. Not this time.

RobMoshein said...

Not a word from Oma Hamou yesterday about paying Bob Atchison. Nothing has come yet in way of payment today, nor has he heard from her.

Monday he will file the Motion to Compel Post Judgment Discovery and Sanctions for her failure to do so (as the Judge told her she was obligated to do) and he will refile a new subpoena to subject her to Deposition (which the Judge told her she will have to attend).

He will stop the proceedings when she pays him...

My money is that Oma Hamou won't pay. There will be excuses. Every one will be documented here for the world to see...

Have a great weekend guys.

RobMoshein said...

Nothing at all from Oma Hamou on Friday. No partial payment as promised. No communications, as promised...

Her Bill of Review was dismissed on DWOP by the Court this week, so that is now a dead issue.

Will continue with daily updates on Oma Hamou's "promise" to pay Bob Atchison.

RobMoshein said...

Nothing today from Oma Hamou. She did not answer Bob's email either.

RobMoshein said...

Not a word from Oma Hamou yesterday about where the money is that she promised to pay Bob, neither the total $15,000 as promised, nor the "half" she had that she promised she would send last week.

Motion to Compel Post Judgment Document Production and Sanctions for Failure to do so against Oma Hamou being filed with the District Court.

RobMoshein said...

Still no word from Oma Hamou again yesterday about where the money is that she promised to pay Bob, neither the total $15,000 as promised, nor the "half" she had that she promised she would send last week.

Oma Hamou PROMISED to pay Bob Atchison, so why the silence now?

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