Saturday, July 2, 2011

Why I Must Post and Defend Myself from the Lies and Tales of Oma Hamou

When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies spread across the Internet results now going back several years.

As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.

I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.

The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.

This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.

This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Case Number: MC020860
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.

Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:


2011 "Alexandra Moran" rented a room from Patrick J. O'Connor, but presented an expired California Drivers License in the name of Oma Hamou. She then claimed to want to purchase the property. She delayed the purchase for FIVE MONTHS with numerous stories, and is now squatting on the property without permission nor paying rent Mr. O'Connor has retained an attorney and legal action is pending for yet ANOTHER EVICTION.  Patrick J. O'Connor will confirm.
Published on the web by Oma Hamou herself:
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The Motorcycle

Mr. O'Connor,

I will not be arrested for the motorcycle as you left it here because I was going to buy it. If you no longer want to sell it to me, I have no problems giving it to Ralph. He must contact me and arrange a time and the day with me so that we can coordinate our schedules. He or no other friend of yours can just show up and expect to gain access.

She admits here that she doesn't OWN the motorcycle and admits Mr. O'Connor wants his bike BACK.
So what does "Alexandra McConnell" aka Oma Hamou aka Alexandra Moran do??
She SELLS THE MOTORCYCLE to one "Craig" for $4,500!!

"Craig" gets suspicious because "Alexandra" can't produce the title (which of course Mr. O'Connor still had) and would only give him a handwritten bill of sale (a copy of which I have in my possession now). The Los Angeles County Sheriffs were involved YET AGAIN with her and her various names to safely return the motorcycle to Mr. O'Connor!
Selling property that she admits isn't HERS to sell legally! Isn't that "grand theft"??
Also, taking money for property you do not own nor have title to by claiming it is yours to sell is "THEFT BY DECEPTION" a felony crime for which she has been convicted three times in the past.

Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:

I have put up a precis of the specific information for her victims and law enforcement here:
You are encouraged to share information you may have about her and her activities with me.

While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".

She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.


UPDATE May 19:
On March 24, 2011 when Oma Hamou agreed to settle her judgment with Bob Atchison and PROMISED to pay him, she asked ME to settle as well and asked me how much it would take. When I told her a mutual settlement on both sides was agreeable, she ran straight to the Austin Police and filed a Criminal Complaint against me for "extortion". After speaking with Det. S. at length recently, and after he expressed interest in her background and criminal record, he told me that no crime had taken place, I had done nothing wrong, he would not proceed with the case and that he "believes is is possible she filed this to be retaliatory and vindictive against me" trying to set me up. I am NOT being investigated for ANY crimes at this time, according to the Austin Police Department.

I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.

I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent. She has been promising to pay Bob Atchison $15,000 for over two months, even claiming she had the money CASH but could not use a bank to pay him, and had to fly to Texas with the cash to give him! This was of course all a lie.

Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?

This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?

This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??

This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?

Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.

As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison

Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.

You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.

You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her NEWEST Alexandra Moran, I encourage you to contact me.


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Bob Atchison said...

What was the economic impact report that Hamou ordered, used and never paid for?

I think she still is using it.

Didn't she owe like $20K for that report? Was there a judgment?

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, I see that David Slater has the same problem with the use of proper English that Oma Hamou does.

In particular, his use of the possessive form leaves something to be desired:

“...... my clients’ filed their First Amended Original Answer” should have been "my clients filed ......"

Also, he misspelled "gravamen" as "gravaman".

The misspelling of words meant to convey weight and authority somewhat defeats the effect, don't you think?

But here's the real fun thing about this letter Hamou posted from her attorney Slater:

If Bob had, in fact, violated a court order to preserve and produce evidence he would have been severely sanctioned by the court.

Did that happen?

No. What, in fact, happened was that Hamou was sanctioned by the court for making the demand to examine Bob's computers.

And, of course, in the end Hamou lost the case, once actual evidence was put before a jury.

This is one of Hamou's constant tricks. She posts her one-sided pleadings and letters, claiming they prove some point she is trying to make. Of course, they are nothing more than her claims about something.

It's the same thing she does with that TRO from Judge Livingston. When it came time to have a hearing on the actual evidence in an attempt to make the temporary order permanent, what happened?

Hamou dropped the case and beat a retreat. Hamou would dearly love to get a restraining order against Moshein and other people. The fact is that she cannot.

Her pleadings, correspondence, documents, and recounting of events are almost always packed with half-truths or lies.

She's a con artist, people. It's just what they do.

Blake Springpasture said...

Lordy, now Hamou has posted the rest of that supposed letter from Slater. And there are even more errors in it.

For instance, what does this sentence mean:

"Using the unprecedented power of publication via the internet, Mr. Atchison, a web designer and internet sophisticated by trade, has utilized Pallasart’s website to publish the defamatory statements listed above to millions of prospective readers.”

Sophisticated by trade? What the hell is that supposed to mean.

Also, notice that the letter is not actually signed by Slater. I wonder if it is something he actually sent to anyone or if it's Hamou's invention of what she wanted a letter to say.

And millions of prospective readers? Oh, please. That's Hamou's insane megalomania talking, not something a lawyer could write with a straight face.

Blake Springpasture said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blake Springpasture said...

Slow down, Hamou. Catch your breath. Take time to hit all the letters on the keyboard.

You're really coming unwound this afternoon.

By the way, shouldn't you be spending your time preparing for Friday rather than stomping your foot and trying to pretend that collapsed Ponzi scheme you called a movie project was ever viable?

Rebecca Jordan said...

The problem, Blake, is that when Oma Hamou is finished with a lawyer, they never want anything to do with her again. Either she owes them money and recognize that she will never pay them, or they are so fed up by her nonsense that they say things like Slater's "I couldn't wait to put her in my rear-view mirror." The judges before whom she "argues" consider her a fraud.

And Oma, how are the list of lawsuits and unpaid judgments against you not relevant, ladybug? They demonstrate a long --- long --- history of irresponsibility and malfeasance. What lawyer in his right mind is going to take on a client when his fee can be attached by so many people?

You have no answer for any of these objections, based upon simple common sense and documented evidence, other than "you lie! You and your ilk lie!" By the way, we get it, Oma, you use the word "ilk" correctly. But the word means people who operate according to similar practices or standards. And in that regard, Blake, Bob, Rob, Mitzi, Justin, Loftis and even those strange aliens who keep posting are doing that. One way or another --- sometimes in the form of a joke, but mostly not --- we, along with the others, are telling the truth.


Blake Springpasture said...

I'll try to quit laughing long enough to write this.

Rob just sent me a picture of "Oma" with her head photoshopped onto another body. The picture was used in some self-promoting puff piece about "The Marriage of History and Hollywood".

The head is too small for the body, and it's sitting offset on the neck. It looks like something from a "Kids in the Hall" skit after Mark Kinney had been doing one of his "I'll squeeze your little head off" routines.

Please, Rob, please post a link to this photo.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Will Dave Slater be representing you again, Oma?

Mitzi said...

Pennele, sweetnessheart, are you alright, darling? Maybe you've had one or two watercress sandwiches too many, darling, but all of this stuff about sharks and my people, who are you all of a sudden, darling???????

Also, darling, about the parka? Nordstrom's, darling. I know darling Beckele has taste, but let's face it, at bottom she's a shiksa from Connecticut, and that means L.L. Bean, darling. And no girl looks all that good in down vests and khaki.

But just wear the parka, darling. No armmbands, now!


RobMoshein said...

Hi Oma,

Glad to see you are reading so often this evening...

Nothing new, except Yetter Coleman has really read EVERYTHING about you. laughing hysterically no doubt...

Blake Springpasture said...


Remember the Sue Ann Carwell who was a co-defendant along with Enigma Films in the lawsuit filed by Eugene Earl in 2005?

Well, Carwell is a little-known recording artist who has a website promoting her career.

When I checked it this morning, there was a "Contact Us" tab that allowed viewers to contact Carwell by posting comments. (It's a very low traffic website, apparently, as there were no comments posted at all.)

So I contacted Carwell via her website to see if she could shed any light on the lawsuit.

Well, guess what.

The ability to contact Carwell through her website comments section was taken down within hours. When one now clicks "Contact Us", one is directed to her business manager's email address.

I wonder what so freaked Carwell out that she would suddenly shut down some functionality on her website when she heard the names Oma Hamou, Enigma Royal Films, and Eugene Earl.

I guess Oma Hamou's name just has that effect on some people: several of her former attorneys, people in Pushkin, all her recent landlords, people who thought they were only lending her money, the friends she complained recently abandoned her.

Bob Atchison said...

Blake -- very, very strange. Tell us more when you get to the bottom of this mystery.

Blake Springpasture said...

I'll do my best, Bob.

When I posted the comment, I got a message saying it would be posted after being reviewed by the site owner, so Carwell obviously had the ability simply not to post my inquiry and thereby to keep it out of public view.

Thus I found it very strange that an aspiring recording artist would take the extreme step of removing the functionality completely on a website for her fans simply because someone inquired about her association with Hamou and Engima.

Bob Atchison said...

In a couple of days Patrick and his attorney will have Hamou-Mcconnell before a judge and expose her lies. It will be over for Hamou.

Next - immediate, swift eviction proceedings can begin.

RobMoshein said...

Bob, not "can" begin. Rather "WILL BEGIN"!

and with that, lets start a new blog...too many comments again.

RobMoshein said...

New blog is up. Take comments there please.

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