For years now, Oma Hamou and her cohorts and various alias names she uses have been threatening me with arrest, lawsuits and making outlandish claims, such as she was raped because of something they ALLEGE I wrote, but they don't even have the evidence to support any of these allegations.
Here is what the Los Angeles Superior Court told her when she asked them for a restraining order, when the refused to issue it:
"Why this blog?" Here are the original words which BEGAN the blog...
Only when business associates and friends googled me and reported some serious, disturbing and blatently false and defamatory stuff about me was turning up, and the woman and her alleged "friends" acting in admitted conspiracy with her making these allegations specifically stating that they were to "destroy" me and see me "in prison", did I decide speak out and to set the record straight. For the record, I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written these false and defamatory statements herself for the last three years. If she didn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me.
For years now, I have ignored these same continued statements made by a woman with whom I had only a passing acquaintance some 8 years ago, through a close friend who she hired to consult on an alleged movie she said she was producing. A background check on her that I did revealed she has no experience in the motion picture industry. Her claims of being an "actress" "model" and "author" were equally unsupported. She puffed up having an unworkable, poorly written script (I read it...laughed at how badly done it was) into "a career as a Motion Picture Producer", puffed up being an extra in a commercial into being "an actress on TV" and having some silly way over touched up photos into being "a model.
She claims her "animals were murdered by people who told the police they had read blogs allegedly written by me." OK, so since they "told the police" they were arrested. Where is the Police report? Where is the identification of these people? Where is their conviction record for this crime? IF Oma Hamou refuses to provide this information, ask her and yourself WHY?
Oma Hamou claims she was raped by people who "read a blog I (allegedly) wrote". Well, Where is the police report? These are serious allegations. There would be a police report. Exactly WHAT did these people "say"? What exact "blogs" or "websites" did the say they had read? these are serious allegations so ask HER and YOURSELF why they refuse to provide the proof of these allegations??
Oma Hamou "claims" to be an actress with movie appearances. ASK her what specific films she appeared in. IF she refuses, and she will, ASK yourself why she refuses to answer this simple question, and rather, responds with thousands of words that have nothing to DO with answering this simple question. Ask the same questions about her claim of a "career" as a Model. IF she refuses, and she WILL ask yourself WHY the refusal.
ASK Oma Hamou WHY she used the name "Ashkenazy"? She never admits to marrying anyone with this name but INSISTED on her divorce that she be able to use this name. WHY???? IF she refuses, and she will, ASK WHY she refuses...
Oma Hamou WANTS in so many words, to "destroy" me. I have NEVER said any such thing about this woman. So, ask yourself and HER, WHY...
She writes many such blatently stupid things. Here is just one, from today
Rob in California so I am told Bob's Texas judgement against Oma doesn't hold water in California meaning the courts have no jurisdiction over it so that's what the attorney Dave Slater says. I don't know but I figure Dave Slater being a real Texas attorney he of all people would know, just thought you might want to check it out yourself Well, if you DID ask Dave Slater, who is indeed a licensed Texas attorney, and he TOLD you that, well I sure hope his malpractice insurance is paid...
It is a VERY simple matter to enforce a Texas judgment in California, against California residents and their assets, here is some REAL law, so she might "want to check it out yourself...":
The United States Constitution, under Article IV, section 1 provides that full faith and credit must be given in each state to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other state. Thus, a judgment issued by one state court must be given full faith and credit by the foreign or "sister-state" court. Although full faith and credit must be provided to judgments of another state, enforcement actions in the sister-state often requires acts to be taken by authorities in the sister-state (such as Marshals or Sheriffs) who will only act pursuant to an order of a court of their home state. For example, a judgment is obtained against a judgment debtor who has a bank account in California. To execute a levy upon the California bank account, the judgment creditor registers the Texas judgment as a California sister-state judgment, obtains a Writ of Execution directing a County Marshal in California to enforce the judgment and the judgment creditor then instructs the County Marshal to perform the bank levy at the bank where the judgment debtor has his/her money.
Here is another example of her outright LIES. She now says:
Documents posted on this forum by Justin and others like hospital discharge documents show Hamou was ill in September of 2005 likewise witnesses who worked at the hotel she had been living in for more than 3 months during this time say she had spent most of her time in bed, sick.
ONE: "hospital records" have NEVER been posted to substantiate this allegation
TWO: Oma Hamou in her OWN AFFADIVIT said she was NOT IN AUSTIN TEXAS for the THREE MONTHS prior to September 2005:
"...on August 23, 2005 Oma Hamou flew to Austin to find new counsel..." Memorandum in Support of Motion for Continuance (motion: DENIED). How could she have BEEN in Austin for the three months prior to September 2005, when she swore under oath to "fly to Austin" in late August?
That same Memorandum, sworn under oath says Oma Hamou spent "over $18,000" for travel and living expenses for JUST THREE WEEKS, the period from August 23, to September 19, 2005. Heck, I was flying round trip Austin to LA on American Airlines around then for $300. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS A WEEK FOR "LIVING EXPENSES AND HOTEL"??? But THIS WOMAN can't pay her creditors?? What does that tell you?
Do you see how just this one instance of outright lies and deception is used as propaganda to make me appear in an unfavorable light??
WHY does she REFUSE to answer the important questions, but obfuscate the truth with trivia about the unimportant questions??
WHAT "movies" was she in? WHAT publications were her "model shots" published and when? WHO was Ashkenazy and WHY did she use his name publicly if he wasn't married to her?? WHERE are the police reports about her supposed rape where a blog I allegedly wrote was "to blame"??? where are the police reports, arrest reports and criminal trial reports for the people who "murdered her animals" and "told the cops" they did it because of something I 'allegedly' wrote?????
THAT is why this blog is needed. To address Oma Hamou's outright, silly, self obsessed, narcissistic, evil and outrageous statements that she makes nearly daily about me; and to show the world what a joke she, her alleged projects and her "companions" really are.
A note about the comments: While my personal comments here are indeed meant quite seriously, I allow the comments to be posted because of the humor, wit and obvious satire, which more clearly than I could write, demonstrates the sheer idiotic lunacy of the woman, and how laughable they would be, except for the serious defamatory statements they make about me on a daily basis.