She claims I am involved with the Web Design Company "Pallasart". I am not now nor have I ever been an employee of that company. I have a full time job in the wine business, and have been employed in the wine business for some fourteen years. I have been contracted by Pallasart three or four times to write content as an Independent Contractor. I own no interest in Pallasart. I own no interest in the premises where Pallasart is located. They claim "In 2005 your name appeared on deed [sic] to the house where Pallasart operates its business from now you’re pretending that you own no interest". I DEMAND THEY PROVIDE THIS DOCUMENT. SUCH A DOCUMENT DOES NOT EXIST, NEVER DID. ANYONE WISHING CAN EASILY CONFIRM THIS BY SEARCHING TRAVIS COUNTY PROPERTY TAX RECORDS. THIS STATEMENT IS A COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIE, FALSEHOOD AND DELIBERATE FABRICATION INTENDED ONLY TO DECEIVE.Similar claims by these same people that I had "filed Bankruptcy" were made earlier with the very same shouted "certainty" until I similarly insisted they produce evidence to prove the claims. Then, suddenly they became "Ralph Wiggums" with a finger up the nose claiming "someone told me"...but they didn't research the claim yet they assiduously asserted it as fact until forced to provide proof. I do not use Pallasart Computers, as I own my own computer. This is in fact the only reason I post here, to protect my professional reputation and to attempt to address, correct, and to show why the insane negative libelous false propaganda this woman and her cronies publish virtually daily on the website bearing her name is in fact nothing more than her attempt to destroy me and others as she feels "she has been destroyed".
Why does she makes these claims? Because she wishes to threaten and defame and destroy this business because she sued them and LOST her claims when she voluntarily non-suited her lawsuit. She was sued by the owner of Pallasart and LOST. In fact, she attempted to "prove" the self same allegations she now makes during that litigation, by "demanding" the Pallasart computers be "forensically examined" to "find that proof". The Texas District Court found that request to be SO unreasonable, that she was found to be abusing the Discovery process and she was punished with Sanctions for having even asked. She refused to PAY the Court Ordered Sanctions and was fount IN CONTEMPT OF COURT for her refusal to pay.
She now claims that I "incite others to violence" and "conspire with others to cause harm" to her. She now makes the claim that she was "raped" by someone who read "my blog" and felt compelled to cause her harm as a result. She also says, and I'm not making this up, that she became pregnant as a result of the rape (at age 45) but lost the child, and that her "animals were murdered" by the rapist.
This is outrageous and to lay such claims on me is defamatory per se.
I do not wish this woman harm. I have NEVER advocated harm or violence towards this woman. I have NEVER conspired with others for physical harm or violence against her. It is beyond insulting that anyone should make the claim that I find pleasure in ANYONE being raped or assaulted. These serious allegations ARE FALSE.
I find no amusement in harm being done to any person. Period. They can not provide proof of this perfidious lie, as it does not exist.
This woman has played the "victim" in so many words for years. She has called herself my "victim" in so many words for years. I have found on another blog that there is a well known psychological disorder,
"taking the victim stance, where when confronted about their own malicious behavior, these psychologically disordered characters will try and turn the tables by trying to get you to see them as the injured party. THAT is what this woman has done for years. She has published literally hundreds of web pages devoted to one purpose, to try to entice people to see HER as wounded, injured, and suffering in some way in order to elicit sympathy, cloud the picture about just who is the victimizer and who is the victim, and otherwise impression-manage the real victim. They often use this tactic in combination with the tactic of “vilifying the victim,” where she calls ME the "evil villain.
In claiming the status of victim and by assigning all blame to others, a person can achieve moral superiority while simultaneously disowning any responsibility for one's behavior and its outcome. The victims 'merely' seek justice and fairness. The victim stance is a powerful one. The victim is always morally right, neither responsible nor accountable, and forever entitled to sympathy.
Ask these questions: "IF" the woman was raped, where is the Police report? "IF" the rapist "told the cops he did it because of the blog" (I allegedly wrote) WHERE IS THE ARREST of the rapist? WHERE is the conviction of the rapist. Since they know who the alleged perpetrator is, where is his affidavit? Where are the doctor's reports about the pregnancy which allegedly resulted from the rape? Where are the DNA tests? Since they allege they "know for a fact" I wrote any blog other than this one, where is their proof? THEY REFUSE TO PRODUCE THESE DOCUMENTS, BECAUSE THESE DOCUMENTS MOST PROBABLY DO NOT EXIST. When other blogs about the woman appeared, they claimed with the self same "certainty" that "Google and the FBI told them" who owned the other blogs. THIS WAS A BALD FACED LIE AND A COMPLETE UNTRUTH. THEY "CLAIM" BUT HAVE NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THESE CLAIMS. I DEMAND AND INSIST THAT THESE PEOPLE SHOW CONCRETE EVIDENCE AND PROOF I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THESE OTHER BLOGS. THEY CAN NOT AND WILL NOT AND THEY WILL REFUSE TO PRODUCE THESE DOCUMENTS, BECAUSE THESE DOCUMENTS MOST PROBABLY DO NOT EXIST. THIS STATEMENT THAT THEY HAVE EVIDENCE I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OTHER BLOGS ABOUT THIS WOMAN IS A COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIE, FALSEHOOD AND DELIBERATE FABRICATION INTENDED ONLY TO DECEIVE. Similar claims by these same people that I had "filed Bankruptcy" were made earlier with the very same shouted "certainty" until I similarly insisted they produce evidence to prove the claims. Then, suddenly they became "Ralph Wiggums" with a finger up the nose claiming "someone told me"...but they didn't research the claim yet they assiduously asserted it as fact until forced to provide proof. Read the other blogs about this woman, do you see one single instance of anyone calling for harm to the woman? So far, I haven't see it.
Odd they make all of these the claims but offer no proof. They do serve up lots of proof when it suits them. Silence, however, on these serious allegations should be telling. Assess her credibility for what it is...
As for her continued threats of obtaining an attorney and filing in "Federal Court" which I have already addressed, I can only add that I do truly hope she HAS retained counsel and paid them, as any retainer is an asset which her creditors can and will levy against with their judgments to satisfy them. Further, they can serve that counsel with orders for Debtors Exams. Bob Atchison already has an attorney in Southern California who intends to do just that the moment the attorney is identified. I myself will personally forward that information on to her other creditors as well.
Dear Madam,
While it is fascinating to learnt hat you have contacted another "Rebecca Jordan", you did not contact me, and I fail to note where I claimed to be a missing person. I have always known who I am.
Dear "Russophile", if in fact you are not simply the woman who runs that website, and who is, in point of fact, every other person on that website,
I forwarded the dossier to the Russophile who contacted me and asked for it. If that was in fact not you, then you obviously did not get it. I fail to see the cause of your complaint.
If in fact it is because someone else is using the same screen name as you on the internet, I can save you the cost of a lawyer consultation. They cannot be copyrighted, since they fall under the rubric of title. You can call yourself Gone With The Wind, and there isn't a damned thing that the Mitchell estate can do about it.
The woman who runs the website under discussion has co-opted real people's names, as witness the distress voiced here by Justin Edward and the entire Kedem family. According to her family, Nitzana Kedem is on her way to join her in Canoga Park. Perhaps Ms. Kedem herself can address the question of identity theft. Take a Hike is aware of the fact that her screen name has been used without her consent upon the "other" website as well, but she has declined to pursue the matter. In an e-mail to me Take a Hike said that it is "hilarious". I think Take a Hike is a teenager. Out of the mouths of babes, indeed.
Rebecca Jordan --- there is only ONE Rebecca. If you don't count the porn star and the woman missing in Idaho.
Dear Sock Puppet Rebecca Jordan, You KNOW it's not me and you KNOW you are lying. Amuse me some more with your tales. Please.
I'm recording them.
Of course it wasn't YOU. It was ME.
Dear Russophile,
I KNOW it's not you? How the hell would I KNOW anything about you, lady? I had never HEARD of you until I saw the other website. I STILL have never heard of you other than what you post here, so how the hell would I KNOW anything about you? Get a grip, will you? I don't see how you have a dog in this fight, to tell you the truth. But "record" away, my dear, everyone else is. Why should you miss out?
I trust that amused you enough?
Dear Russophile,
If you are not the Russophile who has been posting nasty remarks over on the other site, shame on you for pretending that you are. If you ARE that Russophile, never mind.
If you BOTH are Russophile, please take your medicine.
Rebecca Jordan --- there is only ONE Rebecca, which is more than Russophile can say.
Here my poor old sister was raped and lost her little baby and all you two can argue about it who is Russophile.
We still caint' figure out though who Domer is. He's this cute little baby that sister showed up with after she wrote all about him on the internet a while back, but now she says he was really a miscarriage. That's way more confusing than who is Russophile in my book.
saphey you aspoid rufcking oisuwewasshodle Unqwecle Oxmrwer wtpostopppp calingweoooooooooooooo mea miswecarrigaiagege
Alright, who is Michelle? Now "they" are posting that I have misused the name of Michelle. Russophile, is that you?
Please, keep going with your crazy postings. Wait until I get another cup of tea, though.
Okay. Now continue. . .
Oh, Fritzi. I am in despair. Utter despair.
You know I told you how I was going to restart my journalism career with that breakthrough story on Godiva Stables? Well, I went there last week and found all the horses had been murdered! MURDERED!!!
All they could tell me was that some madman wielding a chainsaw had descended on the stable one afternoon yelling something about a Bart Atkinson and something about some art in a palace. Before anybody could stop him, he went at the horses in a frenzy of blood and guts. There were horse legs, tails, hooves, and other parts flying left and right. (Oddly no saddles got cut up. I asked why, but they said there were none in the stables as they discouraged the customers from using them. Something about not being able to keep the pommels clean.)
Anyhoo, Fritzi dear. They told me that the police questioned the perpetrator, who admitted this Bart person drove him to it, but for some inexplicable reason they just wrote up a report and released him. Can you believe that? RELEASED this vicious horse murderer!
Could you use your government contacts to track him down? I need to interview him. Maybe there's a story there. I've got to get this damned journalism career of mine back on track somehow now that I have moved on beyond that mess That Woman caused me.
P. S. Please say hello to Mitzi and Bitsy, Fritzi.
Dear tea-drinking Russophile,
Go right ahead. I'm sitting here with a gin and tonic myself, but whatever floats your boat.
Hysteria seems to have broken out on the other website. She is now posting in capital red letters, and asserting that a 45 year old woman can have a child. This is true. According to our investigation, the lady in question is 47. That makes it a little more unlikely --- although the whole story is unlikely enough that this is merely gilding the proverbial lily.
Justin has e-mailed me that his wife is out of the bathroom. He printed out portions of this website and slid them under the door as part of an effort to prove that she is not alone in fearing the retribution of this woman, and reports that she has now perked up enough to take a little nourishment. Thank God for that.
Who is Bart Atkinson, and why is he killing horses?
Rebecca Jordan --- not the porn star and still not missing. There is only ONE Rebecca!
Well if that dont beat all! Look at that little rascal Domer typin up a storm! And if there was any doubt that hes L'il Bits youngun, listen to that little bastard cuss!
Nitzi, dear. I was able to track down the police department that interviewed the horse murderer. The desk sergeant pulled the report and, as he began to read it, he started chuckling. He could not reveal all the details to me since no charges were filed, but he did tell me the police offered to buy the guy another tank of gas for his chainsaw.
Nitzi, dear, Mitzy, Bitsy and I think you should move on to another story. In trying to get away from the curse of once having interviewed That Woman you have again unwittingly crossed paths with her.
Perhaps you should try to do an investigatory piece on people who forge documents relating to the film industry. You know, things such as correspondence from famous producers. That should help you get far away from the unfortunate scrape with that ingenue wannabee.
Let us know how it goes.
Mitzi and Bitsy say hi.
oheyy uNoicle GOmsredr ilouve u 2lku feuick youiiuuie a ll;l hhhqaqaqahhehheahe
There has been an unfortunate development in this story. She has become aware of our existence, the ages-old secret forum on the Alexander Palace Board. Until now we have been content to lurk in the shadows, protected by our human vassals as we weave our nefarious plots: the destruction of Europe in two world wars, the sinking of the Lusitania, the Bolshevik Revolution (we paid for Lenin's ticket on the train that carried him to the Finland Station), the Reichstag Fire, the Kennedy assassinations, the dissolution of Jugoslavia, the first two season's of Three's Company and the refusal of any major Hollywood studio to touch the property As a Matter of Honour. Yes, we are powerful. Throughout all time we have existed. (The French Revolution? Us. Totally us.) But now She Who Opposes Us has discovered where we lurk. Aieeeee!
Unleash the albino monk! Send him to Canoga Park!
Fie and curses upon you, Illuminati, for revealing our presence behind the Sacred Curtain.
No more secret rites for you, villain.
But by the way . . . nobody was going to make that silly movie, anyway. Have you read the script? Jeez.
Now, go crawl under the rock to which your impolitic disclosure has sentenced you.
Your Lord and Master
Sis explained to us how she had that one baby she talked about on the internet and still had that miscarriage from being raped by that guy who got all worked up about Russian history stuff. They was twins. She just forgot to talk about the dead one back then cause she was so happy about the one she had live when she was going to Russia to get ready to make her big movie. She says making a complicated thing like a movie and meeting all kinds of important people can make you forget details sometimes. I think that makes sense to me so you all best quit making fun of her about having that miscarriage just cause she forgot to mention it for a while. And rape ain't nothing to make fun about. It's a lot harder than having to get sick ever time she gets into trouble or has to go to court or pay some bill to some body.
Dear Mr. "McC",
Every lawyer formerly employed by your sister has been less than compassionate about her proclivity to become sick at the exact time she is scheduled to either appear in court or pay their bills. When our legal team spoke with them, each expressed certainty that her current "rape" fantasy is simply this inability to confront her own behaviors carried to its' logical conclusion.
I am sorry if it disturbs your family that several of us with only tangential interest in this case have begun to make inquiries. I have been besieged by Justin Edward, who seems a nice enough young man. He was been ensnared by your sister in this mess, and I have always been drawn to those who are the prey of others. When I was in the Middle East I frequently assisted young women to escape from their restricted lives to new freedom in the West, a sort of Underground Flying Carpet, as it were. His association with your sister has cost Justin everything. The family pineapple ranch is gone, and these past few years he has only been able to eke out a living waxing surfboards for tourists on the beach at Waikiki. And now, of course, poor Mrs. Edward has now lost her own position as an island lei. While I understand that within your culture family loyalty is paramount, surely you will not begrudge Mr. Edward his chance to break free of this mess? Or the Kedems the opportunity to rescue their sister Nitzana from the morass into which her association with your sister has plunged her?
I know, of course, that you are legitimately concerned about your sister's safety. To be frank, her capacity for self-harm exceeds that of any other human being I have ever met. Think of it; within the past year, she has borne twins, lost one of them, disowned one of them, apparently killed her own animals in a fit of blind rage and then attempted to blame this on others, angered both Arab extremists and a renegade Russian Orthodox association, been incarcerated in a psych ward, escaped, hitchhiked seven hundred miles while wearing only a sheet, molested one or more horses and/or rocks, and now has drawn the wrath of a super-secret society that has been lurking at this Alexander Palace plotting world domination for centuries. My goodness, she's a busy girl. No wonder your family worries.
I wish you well, sir, in your efforts to aid your poor sister. When I started my inquiries I was very irritated. Her use of my name as a porn star nom de plume has caused me serious inconvenience at times. But as I have come to be more aware of her ongoing struggle with psychosis, I find myself --- despite everything --- becoming more compassionate.
Good luck, and I hope you reach her before that albino does.
Rebecca Jordan --- there is only one Rebecca!
Oh, dear. She is posting as "Justin" again, which will be upsetting to the poor boy. This time she accuses me of hiding behind an identity, which is pretty rich, all things considered.
I have to remind myself. The woman is mentally ill, she is being hunted by terrorists, crazed Orthodox priests, albino monks and every lawyer she ever hired. The stress must be enormous.
I heard a lot of you goons in that secret part of the AP forum are making fun of me for saying I am shutting down Her forum because you think just because her greeting page says its her forum really means she is the one who put it on the internet and wrote all that stuff.
It was me - MIKE - that put up that forum. She might of written that cover page but she never looks at the stuff on the forum. She is way too busy producing movies, modeling, taking care of her little baby, recovering from the horrible trauma of getting raped, helping the Russian Orthodox Church get going again in Russia, and trying out new saddles to be writing stuff on some forum.
I do all this for her because I think a person of her artistic ability ought to not to have to worry about little things like you dumbasses who are just so jealous of her and her accomplishments that you have to keep answering stuff she puts up on the internet which she never looks at.
She wouldn't have to worry about this stuff if you asswipes would just quit putting stuff on the internet about her about just because we do.
Just because she lets us keep creating websites to defend her don't mean she wants her whole life on the internet. She ought to be the only one who can post about stuff about her.
And I know there have been a lot of you jerks making fun in that secret AP place about how so many different people all have her legal documents and drivers licenses and private papers. You would have to do the same thing too if your trailer kept catching fire that isnt your fault. Sje has to be sure all her copies stay safe so she can keep trying to sue you for calling her names and libeling and slandering her, you sucking psychotic rape hiring sonsabitches.
Just like Octomom said yesterday, just because she calls press conferences and brings in camera crews to her home doesn't necessarily mean she wants attention. She just has to defend herself because the courts won't help her when she keeps losing cases.
This is Mike writing this. Mike.
If I understand your post correctly, you are the "Mike" from the other website? Are you the same "Mike" who ran a host of soft-core porn sites during the late 1990s? But you are really "her"?
Just when you thought this could not GET more confusing . . .
Oh, and this is Rebecca writing this. Rebecca!
Yeah. Right. If you're really Rebecca then I'm really Mike.
Oh, damn. Wait a minute. I am Mike.
Oh, Fritzi. Here we go again.
I took your advice about researching a story on faked letters from Hollywood producers. Well, wouldn't you just know it?
The first studio I called to see if they had any such stories was Warner Brothers. It turns out that some guy named Alan Plotkin wrote a couple of episodes of this Lorimar sitcom called "Perfect Strangers". Somehow a letter got put on the internet pretending to give a glowing recommendation to someone and claiming to be written by this Alan Plotkin, who was now calling himself a Producer of the sitcom. I thought, "Wow, I've hit pay dirt on my first try."
Now, Fritzi, don't you just know what's coming next? This glowing recommendation by this supposed producer was about HER!!! Annnnd - this Plotkin guy was NEVER a producer of that sitcom at Lorimar.
What is going on here? Why can't I get away from HER? I write my first ever big story on HER, buying all her shtick hook line and sinker, and suddenly I'm out on my ear from the West Hollywood Tattler. Then I try to write about some stable that let's women ride horses naked, and what do I find? Its owned by HER family and all the horses are dead anyway because some man came through with a chainsaw screaming something about some Bart Atkinson.
Now I try to write a story on Hollywood people who falsely claim to be producers. And damned if it isn't HER again.
I guess I'm going to have to give up my hopes for a journalism career for good. I just can't escape the curse of having met her and getting played by her little schemes.
Maybe I'll try catering events for visiting royals. That should keep me out of trouble - and away from stories about HER.
Frustrated but hopeful,
P.S. Tell Mitzi and Bitsy hello and that I'll say an Alienu for all of you.
oh wow oh wow. she sent me an email (she's posted it on her website) but the response wasnt mine! now she is posting stuff all over the place about how she tried to hire someone to kill Bob Atchison and how she has letters from big Hollywood producers about her movie even tho none of them were ever interested in it enough to do anything. the part about the dead horses really made me sad!
I see that "I" posted on her website again today and that "you" did the same, Hike. Man, the crazy never stops. Apparently "I" am going to prove that Rebecca Jordan isn't Rebecca Jordan. This should be a good trick, since I have actually emailed Ms. Jordan and received a reply, so I know she exists. I had to laugh when I saw "my" posts here. I NEVER drink tea. But I will sure as hell join you for a g&t, Rebecca!
Dear Mitzi,
Fritzi and I just missed Nitzi, but were were able to spot the lady at her place in Canoga Park. Oh my God, you should get a load of the tuchis on this one, Mitzele. I don't know who this photographer is who keeps posting her pictures on the web, but the man is a da Vinci with the photoshop, I'm just saying. The hair is a little not from nature, if you know what I mean, and I couldn't get a good look at the jaw because she kept a big bag of Fritos in front of it the whole time. Which kind of explains the tuchis. She was pushing a baby carriage along with her stomach (both hands being busy with the Fritos), and Fritzi got near enough to get a look at the kid --- I think his name is Domer? Anyway, I asked him what the baby looked like, and he said, honest to G-d, Mitzi, if it was my dog I would shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards. So I'm thinking not so good, huh?
We trailed along until she got into her car and then followed her home. But the funny thing is that we weren't alone. There were two cars behind us, one driven by a really, really white guy with glowing red eyes and the other filled with men wearing black caftans and sporting beards. Kind of like the goys in the production of Fiddler on the Roof we saw in Tel Aviv last summer, remember? Happy days, happy days, before Nitzele went nuts and ran away. Anyway, she was at the head of this little parade until she turned into her driveway. Fritzi wanted to follow her, but the really, really white fellow made me nervous and I told him to drive on.
So we managed to find the Motel 6 where Nitzi had stayed. The manager let us into the room. It was pretty clear that she had met with the lady, the whole place was covered with Cheetos and Moon Pie wrappers, and it couldn't have been Nitzi, you know how she is about marshmallows. Anyway, there was no sign of our sister except for a matchbook with "You too can be a famous film producer (see inside cover)!" On the inside Nitzi had written the name Allen Plotnick, and then a question mark. What can it mean? We're off to try and find him for more information.
OH MY G-D! It just came over the television! There's some kind of shootout going on in Canoga Park at the lady's place. The video shows the really, really white guy and the men in caftans shooting at each other!!!
More on this later!
Your loving sister,
If Alan Plotkin was a producer of Perfect Strangers, then I never wrote an article about HER.
And Bitsy, most darling, please keep your head down anywhere near that woman. We saw the baby, and he was packing heat.
thATQ wqtaes miytp wqatterrrrrrrr
pissstal uyououu aShsswhooles.../l;
Mitzi, sister of my heart ---
Well, the gun fight is over, thank G-d, and she made her getaway. Fritzi and I were surprised that the police department in Canoga Park didn't seem to take much interest in it, but then they don't really take much interest in anything as far as we can tell --- rape, animal slaughter, whatever, no one ever seems to file a report, or if they do, the police never seem to investigate. Too odd, not the way we do things back in the Old Country.
Anyway, at the height of the battle the trailer caught fire and she had to make a run for the barn, the little baby in her arms. I have to tell you, it was quite a sight. She has what you might call a bubble butt, if your definition of a bubble is something that looks like two watermelons covered in spandex. To tell you the truth, I think the sight of her enormous tuchis stunned both the guys in caftans and the really, really white fellow, because they both put up their weapons. That was a mistake, because the Ugly Baby had a semi-automatic and was able to shoot out their tires. While they all ducked for cover, the waddled into the barn and jumped on a horse. That was a mistake; the poor creature buckled immediately, and she had to get on another horse. This time she picked one of those Clydesdale models, you know, the kind that pull the beer trucks in those goy Christmas ads? Those things aren't really built for speed, but she managed to pelt off down the road while the other guys couldn't get their cars moving with the flat tires and all.
So that was exciting, huh?
Don't worry about us, darling, we were safe as houses the whole time. Oh Mitzele, will this never end? Fritzi and I are off to try and track her down again. Once we put down the horse whose legs she broke, that is.
Oy. That's all I can say. Oy.
Your loving sister,
Thanks for vouching for me, Russophile, there will be a bottle of Gilbeys on its way to you in the morning.
I just skimmed through the nonsense she has been posting on her site all day. Not to steal the Kedems' thunder, but oy. Lady, if you are reading this, and I am sure that you am, can we talk? The lawyers with whom I work have been rolling on the floor all bloody day. In the first place, no lawyer in his or her right mind is going to touch your case. You've poisoned the well with years and years of these silly posts, culminating in the truly bizarre rape story that you have been carefully floating these past few days. Far from Moshein and the man you persist in referring to as his "life partner" slandering you, girlfriend, you have cluttered up a fair slice of the web with your shenanigans. You're toxic. Moreover, the fact that even a cursory investigation revealed so much bad debt and so many pending lawsuits puts the odds at slim to none that a lawyer will represent you. Even if you decide to actually pay his fee, the money would instantly be garnished. Don't take my word for it, sister, ask a lawyer. Hell, ask a paralegal.
Next, you may want to be careful in your accusations. You consistently accuse Atchison's attorney of collusion in fraud at the trial you lost. She can sue your socks off.
Finally, you should know that the real Justin is salivating to testify against you. You have not only cast aspersions on Moshein, you have portrayed Justin on your website as a foul-mouthed twit, and that has to burn.
But the lawyers with whom I work have one word of advice: shut your pie hole. Not only will it save you a lot of trouble, it may help you shrink down to a size 8 again.
You probably won't take the advice, and frankly, I don't care. I hope you were better when you were using my name, dear, because I would hate to have your level of sheer incompetence associated with it.
Cheers. I've been working late tonight on the damned stress test that Obama's people are putting us through. I need a drink, and I am off to a little place I know on 53rd for one.
Rebecca Jordan. There is only ONE Rebecca, and she is exhausted and cranky.
Oh, dear. I'm afraid the lady in question confuses pleadings for one party in a case with the case itself. As most even moderately informed people know, the other side can produce its own share of countervailing paperwork in any case. What really matters is what the final judgment is in the case when ALL the evidence for both sides is put forward.
Hence one has a woman who posts page after page after page of legal and pseudo-legal documents on the internet trying to create an illusion of credibility and trying to plead her case to a minimal but highly bemused public. But, in fact, she has sued and been sued numerous times and never - NOT ONCE - brought home a victory, either as plaintiff or defendant, handed down by a judge or jury. On the other hand, she has lost rather consistently to a rather wide array of opposing parties. I am still dumbfounded that she has twice found herself opposed in court by her own attorneys, both of to whom she lost.
Oh, well, let her post away. The mere volume of redundant paperwork she plasters on her websites for pages on end would cause anyone's eyes to glaze over in a trice and virtually assure that no one would actually read any of it.
Indeed, I have seen major antitrust cases churn out less paperwork than this ridiculous eruption of bottomless spleen.
By the banter on this blog, I can only assume most people do what I do. They skip over the pointless pleadings and look for the comic elements that make for high farce: the silly soft-core porn shots; the self-congratulatory paeans to her own beauty; the contradictory claims of rapes and births and miscarriages; animals murdered by history buffs run amok; the posts under an array of names that all come from one ipn; the assurances for months on end that "papers will be filed" by ranks of lawyers "next week" or "within 10 days"; the claims that Homeland Security and the FBI are on the case; the constant jet-setting around the globe with high affairs of state and religion while public records indicate she's tooling around southern California in a jalopy with no license, registration, or insurance; and, last but not least, the horse fetish.
Oh, no. Wait. I forgot about the fact that she was sued by her acupuncturist. That's rather like the doctor suing the patient rather than the other way around.
Ah, even we lawyers appreciate theater of the absurd when we're sitting front row center.
Hedley Atmam, III
She has been sued by her own lawyers??? Wait till I break that news to the boys in Legal tomorrow. The fun never ends.
Before I left work tonight I downloaded that picture of herself that she posted with her ass in the air. You know, the one from what appears to be 1985? I stopped off at the corner Fed Ex/Kinkos and had it blown up into a 36" x 48" foamboard mounted poster. Tomorrow the Legal division gets a new dartboard on me.
Also, lady, you seem to have a rather advanced case of Tourette's Syndrome. You should pay attention to that lovely Take a Hike child. Was that you who posted about being able to tell that the man's lawyer was lying, Hike? Because you managed to do it without a single four letter word.
Rebecca Jordan. While there is still only ONE, that ONE is less cranky because she had a big fat martini tonight.
no it wasnt me, i know the lady is a liar. shes posting as me. my mom and dad got alook at her website tonite and they are really really pissed off. they want to put some kind of block thing on my computer so that i cant see what bad words the lady writes but i said its ok i know all of them anyways. mom is downstares rite now crying because she says the lady has screwed up her baby.
maybe that acupuncture guy stuck the lady in the head and maade her not think rite?
Good grief, Miss Jordan, where have you been ? Yes, she was sued by her acupuncturist, her gym, her lawyers, American Express, and others. She leaves a trail of lawsuits behind her as she lurches through life as wide as that trail of Cheetos dust the Kedems keep stumbling across.
I am truly sorry she and Ms. Phile cannot accept you are who you say you are instead of some Pyles guy. If they had any ability to divine the subtleties of differing uses of humor and of writing style, they would know they are barking up the wrong tree.
But they have barked themselves hoarse up so many wrong trees (from backfiring scams to being fooled by royal pretenders) that they are just squeaking at this point.
I understand your frustration, Miss Jordan. To paraphrase a noted huckster who once posed as a princess, "how does one prove the truth when one can't discern it?"
Hedley Artmam, III
Mr. Artmam,
Thank you for being a voice of reason, and stating very clearly what I have hoped the rational, lucid reader would understand about this situation, which has being going on for literally YEARS now. Three separate "discussion forums" have been started, used to do nothing but discuss me and Bob Atchison, and by discuss I mean defame, disparage, slander and outright lie for propaganda purposes. Each time, "she" takes them down, but like a bad case of Herpes, they erupt again after time.
Again, my thanks for clearly stating the situation.
Mr. Moshein, while I too appreciate Mr. Artmam's fine exegesis of that schizophrenic fen of a website, I regret to inform you of developments in other matters.
Ever since Mr. Illuminati panicked and confirmed our existence as the deux ex machina behind so many of the world's momentous events, it has become increasingly difficult to keep things under control on the current footing.
Therefore I must inform you that, after having let it appear for some time that you were the puppetmaster pulling the strings of the thousands of puppets/members on the Alexander Palace Forum, I must now step out of the shadows and reveal the true order of things.
To that end I am seizing personal and direct control of your Forum. This step is regrettable but necessary if it is to continue to function as the organ through which we exercise our dominion over the world and its affairs.
I would have preferred to work in secret on the prior footing but, alas, Mr. Illuminati has made that impossible.
Your Lord and Master
The Grand Shovel
P. S. Uh, could you shoot me a PM with all the passcodes and tell me how to block people? I've got a few scores to settle.
Ah, how wonderful at last to be out of the closet and in open control of the World and its new-fangled internet.
Oh, and yes . . . good morning, Ms. Croft. Glad to see you on board.
Your Lord and Master
The Grand Shovel
Rebecca, I wonder where that bottle of Gilbey's is going, certainly not to MY house because I do not like gin. And I do so enjoy my Earl Grey and English Breakfast tea. You really ought to do your homework. So here's a tidbit for you: the REAL Russo shall be celebrating with RUM tonight. My son, who is serving his country, was promoted and I'm thrilled to pieces about it.
He is serving with honor and distinction something Rob Moeshin could never do as he hasn't the balls. Bob keeps them in a jar by the door.
But rest assured, Robby, we all think you're Eunuch-que!
What a fine young man your son must be. I can't imagine how proud he must be to have a mother who posts constantly on several internet sites about her daily drinking habits.
Whinerpile, is that all you've got??? No wonder you guys are in the tank about your business, etc. Shoddy homework!
Try again.
Russo is in the mood to be amused by your idiocy.
Dear rum-drinking Russophile,
Since you didn't receive it, you won't be burdened with drinking it. I'm not sure what you want me to say? I am dealing with Russophile; we have emailed, and as of today, spoken on the telephone. She called to thank me for the bottle. Apparently she is the Russophile with manners.
Does your "darling" Peter Kurth know that you are such a homophobe? The eunuch crack and the aspersions on Moshein's manhood reflect little credit to you, and are certainly consonant with the steady stream of invective that you have released upon your website. You have tarred poor Justin with this brush when you write as him. Do you think that the real Russophile would be so quick to cast slurs at a gay man based upon his sexual preference? I guess you can take the girl out of West Virginia, but . . .
I do congratulate you upon your "son's" success, although with you as a mother it is hard to see how he has amounted to anything. But at least Domer has a role model, I suppose.
Enjoy the rum tonight.
Rebecca Jordan
We have received the codes. The plan has been activated! Even as we speak our sleeper agents come to life in all corners of the globe. Each has been programmed to seize control of a different location in the name of the Secret Forum! None shall stop us!
Oh, and Russo? Do not get drunk and lay upon the sidewalks that run along your street. Again. It's nice that an environment like yours has them, but when we cry havoc ande unleash the dogs of war, we don't want you trampled or anything.
Yesssssss! Yessssssss! The Time of the Secret Forum is NOW! Thank you, oh mighty Grand Shovel, for restoring your servant to favor!
Illuminati, do not give away our methods or the Secret Uses of the Sidewalk! Is it not enough that you have already revealed our presence?
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks again! This Russophile loves her gin, and plans to put a serious dent in the bottle once it gets on toward 5 out here. Did you see that she had put up a pst last night that she was closing her forum? It's gone today!
I see we have selective posting on this board. My previous comments have been deleted with regards to Ms. Hamou. You all must be quaking in your boots to do so and that amuses me no end! To be afraid of me, well, that makes you Rob and Bob, the biggest wussies in Texas, doesn't it? Or do we not like to hear the truth?
That's right, it's okay for Bob, Rob, and Pyles, et all. to slander, but when the shoe is on the other foot! We delete, don't we gentlemen? And I use the term loosely. Very loosely.
It's "et al." or "you all", not "et all".
That's for Simon the teacher to correct. I'm fishing and I think I've caught. Tell me, how are the performances doing at The Abbey? Hmmm??
Oh, the things one sees from one's perch atop the World Wide Web.
It seems rape and births most foul have bedeviled our heroine more than once in her life. Not only has she been raped at least twice -- once by her husband who put a pistol in her mouth and once by a rampaging maniac obsessed with Russian history -- it seems her once trusted associate Allison Whitmore was similarly abused. And the poor dear was left with twins that fused in the womb, leaving a two-headed monster.
Oh, how many times has rape cast its shadow over our heroine? How many times have she or her associates been left with deformed or miscarried fetuses? And why, oh why, do these freakishly-frequent incidents always coincide with bills coming due?
Just asking.
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
Please, it's more properly styled "Simon the Teacher", thespian extraordinaire.
There you jerks go making fun of sis again for trying to do somethin good. She didnt even go to the cops about that poor little Whitmore girl using that money to buy an abortion. She didn't have no choice cause how was she going to get that two headed baby down the ramp, if you know what I mean. And it ain't my sister's fault she been raped twice and people around her get raped a lot. She's just so damned pretty like all those women she worked with and wouldn't hardly no real man be able to pass that up.
I have had to spend the entire weekend sorting out the affairs of your insignificant little planet and its World Wide Web, and it has left me in something of a mood.
If you note the absence of Illuminati, I would suggest you ask no questions. Questions are most inconvenient.
And I will hear no more of that Allison Whitmore and the two-headed rape baby. Had she not stolen that money for the abortion, that baby would have grown to fulfill his destiny as the two greatest thinkers of the age. And he could have helped his mother learn not to use the exact same rural turns of phrase and sytlistic devices in her correspondence that her employer uses.
Poor Allision, who ended her plaintive with, "I have to begin therapy tomorrow". Good advice.
Your Lord and Master
The Grand Shovel
OMG! did anyone see the CNN report about the shooting in canoga?! they found the big horse by the side of the road and it was all lame and all but there was no sign of the lady except for a dirty diaper and an empty bag of pork rinds!!!! oh wow oh wow oh wow!
Dear one and all, even you, "Grand Shovel", whoever the hell you are:
Just back from a weekend in Sag Harbor, and it looks the inmates are still running the asylum. I had a lovely time walking on the beach, reading, and generally trying to forget about this crap. Imagine my surprise when I was greeted at the elevator this morning by our legal counsel's executive secretary and dragged down to a conference room. There were six, count 'em, six, lawyers and their secretaries waiting for me. Why, you ask? They have decided that this is the most fun they have had in years. The continuing saga of Our Lady of Fraud and her struggle to convince the world that she is Rebecca of Romanov Farm has caused a highly paid division of my bank to put aside their meager concerns with our nation's tottering economy for the latest news from this battle front.
And what news it is! She has now posted a horoscope that implies she is the reincarnation of one of the dead imperial family. I did a little research on them, and my vote for her past life is grand duchess Marie, who had an eye for the boys. I think we can all get behind that. She has posted a jaw-dropping account of her life as a waif in Hollywood, arriving there with only a baby doll in a sack with some clothes, and what she was wearing. And yet fortunately Lolita of the Sticks was able to connect with a man who was "as a father to her", which I suppose is a euphemism for some really specialized tastes.
All of this pales into insignificance in the face of her self-comparison to Jesus Christ. That's right, Our Lord and Savior (well, for some of us, I don't imagine the Kedems want to get behind that idea) who suffered and died for our sins. Guess who his suffering reminds our heroine of? I'm sure you can figure it out.
I left the conference room filled with hooting legal eagles. Some of us have business to attend to, although they have promised to get back to me after they speak to the long list of lawyers she has stiffed during the past decade.
And what the hell is up with "The Grand Shovel"? Can this ongoing crusade to avoid paying a simple bill get any weirder? Probably so, probably so.
Rebecca Jordan. There is only ONE Rebecca, and she is typing this.
Really, Rob, I DO have to admire you for keeping all your other personalities in line. To keep posting as one person, then the other, etc. really takes some skill.
Take A Hike, We have pulled that CNN report on the Canoga Park shootout from the airwaves. We cannot have press coverage interfering with Our plans.
Anderson Cooper is in one mighty snit, let Me tell you. But We know how to keep him in line.
And the horse will be fine. He is a sturdy beast, built for hauling some very hefty burdens.
Now, Ms. Jordan. You have got to calm down. Grand Duchess Marie has not yet been reincarnated. However, the shade of Grand Duchess Bubbalova Daddievitch Romanova did go missing something just shy of fifty years ago, so We will check out any possible connection to our current ingenue. I cannot, or rather will not, say exactly how GD BDR died, for royalty will have the respect it deserves, dead or alive. Suffice it to say the bed was repaired and the horse was fine afterward.
Your Lord and Master
The Grand Shovel
I don't have to bother, you worthless moron. I ONLY post here under my own name. Why is it so hard for you to fathom the reality that the VAST majority of people view you and your "friend" as laughable lunatics, (and I mean other than like only YOU and the two old perverts she hangs with)? except of course the fact that your "friend" doesn't bother to pay her bills and always ends up "in hospital" when time comes to pay up or show up in Court...Now, drive your little Toyota back to that lower middle class one story mid 1950s hovel of yours with the crappy yard and weird two toned sidewalk, pour yourself a big box of Merlot and accept the fact that anyone with an IQ of 3 digits knows what I've said is true...
Now tut, tut, Mr. Moshein. Manners, please.
Sidewalks do not last forever, and it is very hard to match the color when patching, even in the best of neighborhoods. You really should show some restraint in your invective. Besides, large RV's parked on the street cover most of the patchwork, anyway.
I'll just keep posting about the idiocy of this blog and you can keep deleting it. I'm here all day. Try the veal.
Spending the day reading a blog you think is idiotic is kind of strange. But I guess heavy drinking can make you do weird things.
Whoever you are, Russophile, you're not me. I have a job that prevents me from hanging around on the internet all of the time and I hate veal.
As always, whoever this is, it is not me. It's her.
Sister Jordan! Get down on your knees!
No. NO! Not in that position.
Now you ask the Lord's forgiveness for making fun of someone who has suffered just like Jesus Christ.
Until you have walked in her unzipped jeans you cannot know her suffering. YOU . . . CAN . . . NOT!
Oh and we're deleting comments again, aren't we Robbie?
I have to sound schizo, but none of my comments have been deleted. I don't know what "I'm" talking about.
I'm so confused
Dear Grand Shovel,
The arm of your vengeance has stretched forth and smote thy servant Illuminati. His bleached carcass has been cast out to rest upon the two-toned cement sidewalk of doom whose existence he revealed. Now I have ascended to his place within the Dark Circle of the Secret Forum. I, Illuminati the Second!
Thus perish all who reveal the secrets of the Forum!
Whateverrrr . . .
Oh. Please excuse me. I was cleaning up some little problem out in L.A. and lost track a bit.
Uh, yes, Illuminati II. Welcome to the Secret Fold. Now you behave yourself, you hear? Dark Minions aren't exactly a dime a dozen at the moment.
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
Now, Ms. Phile. Your comments were not deleted by some Robbie person. I have put a pith and wit monitoring device on this blog and, well, what can I say?
Only your comments that are witty (either intentionally or, more often, inadvertently) will be allowed to stand.
Get with the program, dear(s).
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
Don't punish me, Grand Shovel. I'm the witty Russo. The other Russo is the lady and by definition there is no sense of humor THERE.
Sinners! Take heed and show compassion to our Sister Woman lest the vengeance of the Lord be upon you.
Read your Bible which will light your path back to righteousness and understanding of her woe.
Matthew 7:9
"Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? It mattereth not that a woman bearing no clothes shall bend over it."
Revelation 14:11
"Neither they have rest day and night, which worship the beast and his image. But if the beast be a horse and the rider be naked then sleep cometh upon them."
Matthew 25:1
"At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom, whose name be Marcus Demian."
Genesis 3:6
"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked, whereupon they acquired wisdom to calleth a photographer and setteth up a website for mammon."
Ephesians 4:28
"Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth to make movies and play Alexandra."
Ezekiel 16:15
"But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by, no matter how old and gross he were be."
Judges 1:19
"And he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron, which for they had all three of license and registration and insurance."
Forsooth, my flock. Clearly the Lord speaks of and to our Sister Woman.
Yes, witty Russophile, thank you. I know which is which. I am the Grand Shovel.
I will attend to you and the other you anon, but right now I am well occupied trying to determine why the World Wide Web signals from Placentia have gone dead.
So many bloggers have appealed for my help, knowing that the dogs of satire grow weak without the fresh meat of ludicrous, if somewhat hysterical, source material.
Two-headed babies. Rapes by crazed history buffs. Butchered animals. Pistol whippings by old . . . . Oh, that reminds me.
Sherry Argov has followed up her 2002 blockbuster book, "Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl" with a new tome: "Why Men Marry Bitches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart".
Truly great literature. And available in paperback.
Your Lord and Master
The Grand Shovel
Aye, our Sister Woman hath been much beleagured by her daddy, getting succor as a child only from Brother Omer and her mama. And the Lord in his wisdom doth deal with such matters through the providence in good time of old men of wealth and charity.
For it saith in Genesis 24:53,
"And the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels of gold and raiment, and gave them to Rebekah: he also gave to her brother and her mother precious things."
Yea, and we know the clothing must have been most especially welcome as she so often hath need to appeareth in public without.
Yeah, let's try and refrain from using my name in inappropriate posts there, Rev. And about the only apt Biblical quote for this whole sorry mess is "Jesus wept."
This morning I checked her new website and discovered that she is now using soft-core bondage images to illustrate some sort of moral cluckings about what a good girl she is (if basically misunderstood and a little scampish). She has also posted a truly astounding timeline that allegedly explains her struggles with the law two decades ago. Apparently she was wife #10 to some elderly man for about ten minutes and it did not end well. What this has to do with her ability to defraud everyone she encountered during the decade following this "marriage" is beyond me. There is a terribly photo-shopped picture of her that supposedly illustrates her condition after a beating. It's amazing the things you can manufacture on a laptop at home.
She has now publicly accused Moshein and Atchison of responsibility for a rape she claims resulted in the stillbirth of a child. I realize that Moshein's chief goal in this cesspool is to get her to leave them alone, and therefore he does not wish to engage in dialogue with her. However, this is serious stuff. It is certainly a lie, and should be challenged as such by lawyers. You would have grounds for quite a slander action according to our legal people. I might add that we now have a full wall of photos of this woman in various states of undress, all culled from the internet.
Not one of these photos has anything to do with selling a product --- or at least not a product that is legal anywhere save Nevada. She insists that she was a working model, but the pictures do not support that. According to a friend of mine in the advertising industry, what were are viewing are the kind of pseudo-art shots that amateurs take all of the time in an effort to put together a portfolio. Again, according to my friend (who has professional photography experience), these photos have been extensively air-brushed and photo-shopped. The photos are of uniform poor quality, and he doubts that anyone would have hired her on the basis of what is presented. Her face is simply not attractive or distinguished enough to make her stand out from the literally thousands of women who use these kinds of pictures in hopes of obtaining representation.
She also claims to have appeared in movies. It would lend some credence to the claim if she could list a single motion picture in which she appeared during the 1980s.
All of these fantasies (I was a "jet set" model, I was an "actress") are really beside the point. The record of her transactions with people during the time she claims she was running a production company is riddled with bad debt, bad faith and unsettled lawsuits. According to the Chicago Dossier, this woman has a record of poor action that is as long as my arm. And I am a tall woman!
Rebecca Jordan, there is only ONE
Oh, and how about this one, Rev?
"And then the devil lead her to a high mountain and showed her all of the riches of the world, especially in Southern California and just outside of Petersburg, and said "all these will I give you if you will fall down and worship ME!" And the woman said, "You got it!" And there was heard the cry of hubba-hubba in the land."
Sister Jordan, be ashamed! How dare you mock a beautiful woman who has so much trouble sorting out her identities!?
Genesis 26:7
"And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to look upon."
Life for a pretty girl with several brothers in West Virginia cannot have been easy. IT . . . CAN . . . NOT . . . HAVE . . . BEEN!!!
Fritzi and Bitsy,
Look what I have found! This is the draft of the interview with the Horse Lady that Nitzana wrote five years ago! It arrived this morning special delivery with the words "Chicago Dossier" written across it! I will post it as I can! Hoo boy, what a nut! It breaks my heart to see how she dragged our poor sister into this!
Your loving
MiztiI met HER at the Victorville McDonalds; she was dressed in black jeans, black boots, a plain black jacket and her hair pulled back. It was clear even before she said that she had just gotten off shift, as two or three stray French fries clung to the front of her jacket. She appeared to be wearing very little, if any makeup, and in the harsh fluorescent lighting she did not look well. I had a lot of information to pull from to prepare for my interview, thanks to the packet of information she had sent over (oddly, nothing that could be corroborated, but that is just part of the thrill involved in doing an interview with her --- YOU CAN MAKE EVERYTHING UP! My professors at the Rufus T. Firefly School of Journalism back in Haifa had no idea how much EASIER this makes being a reporter!) However, before our interview began it was interrupted by a telephone call from a law firm called Freeman, Freeman and Smiley. They were seeking payment for some kind of enormous bill she had run up. Naturally, she had a ready excuse for her non-payment, and I BELIEVED IT! Of course, I also believe in unicorns and wee little pixies that live at the bottom of the garden. It seems that She had been ill with bilateral pneumonia, which kept her bedridden for 2 ½ months and the mean lawyers wanted a hospital to have her come in for blood work, just in case she was faking. I could hear a lot of noise through the receiver about how she had already claimed to have every disease known to man as part of her efforts to duck her creditors, and they wanted independent verification. She asked me if I wanted to accompany her and I thought, "Why not?" She said that she was a little nervous that the wonder drugs might have erased evidence of the pneumonia, bubonic plague, leprosy, anthrax and Karpal Tunnel from her system, but was willing to risk it.
After a quick pause to brush the parking tickets off the windshield of her parked car out back of the McDonalds, while she loaded up a rather large sack with Big Mac and put the convertible's top down, we drove her 98 XK8 Jaguar down winding dirt roads listening to Kenny Chesney’s “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy”. When we got to the hospital, after several tests, her physician informed her that her body was "dehydrated" and hooked her up to several IV's. I was a little surprised by the hospital. It was way out in the boondocks, and the only sign that it was in fact a medical facility was the doctor --- his name was Gomer McConnell, according to the handwritten tag on his somewhat stained white lab coat. Other than that it looked like nothing so much as a horse ranch of some kind. When she got out of the car all of these horses that were standing near the fence watching us got kind of spooked and ran down the field away from us.
It's impossible to imagine that this waiflike person was the President of the motion picture company, Enigma Films and Chairman of the non-profit foundation, The Sarskaia Foundation. Particularly watching her tear into those Big Macs. Let me say it again, it was IMPOSSIBLE to imagine.
continuedThe IVs seemed to do the trick. I don’t know what she was getting, but she kept saying things like “That’s right, Mama needs a JOLT! YEEHAH!” although it was kind of hard to make out what she was saying around the burgers.
After this we drove to Warner Brothers Studios to its wardrobe department. Warner Brothers has one of the most extensive wardrobe collections in Hollywood, but she told me that they were keeping most of them in a shed out in a town called Canoga Park. She told me to wait in the car while she went into the shed, and when she next appeared she was DRESSED LIKE THE EMPRESS OF RUSSIA! It was so sweet! She kept twirling around and asking me what I thought in this weird kind of little girl voice. It was just like she was a child playing dress-up! This excursion left her feeling exhausted, and she mumbled something about “coming down” and getting a “serious case of the munchies”. She asked to continue the interview next week because she had to fly to Washington D.C. that next morning. President Bush needed to consult with her about the direction he wanted to take the Iraqi War. It was going to be a high level meeting (of course!), that she simply referred to as a “three-way” with Condoleeza Rice!
My next interview with her found her sitting alone in the Motel 6 just outside of Placentia. She was looking very elegant, almost prim and studious - hunched over papers and notebooks that were spread out on a little table. She had on black rimmed glasses, hair pulled up; knee length, oatmeal-colored skirt; very sleek black long sleeved sweater; and a pair of knee high boots with a slight heel. As I got closer, she looked up and smiled. She gathered her things and removed her glasses and smiled. "I need glasses, especially at night when I drive. I am blind as a bat", she laughed as she sipped her water. Then she explained that she had just come back from what she referred to as a client’s “Marian the Librarian Scene”.
Turns out I had caught her preparing a letter to President Putin. "It's always nerve racking trying to think of the right words to write to the President of any nation, even more so to His Holiness the Moscow Patriarch,” she said. “It’s especially hard when neither of them has the faintest idea who I am. I like to think of these letters as cold calls, although I know that it might appear to be simply crazy and delusional to those who don’t share my vision, Or my ego!” I reminded her that John Hinckley had started exactly this way, and that seemed to reassure this delicate waif. I noticed a small bag of honey smoked pork rinds peeking out from her briefcase. “Thank G-d,” I silently prayed, “she is taking some nourishment.”
continuedThe emergency IVs seemed to have worked, as she had obviously gained about twenty pounds during the week since I had seen her.
She reached in her brief case and handed me a small gift, a candle as a token of her appreciation for my understanding. I explained that I understood --- I didn’t, but it hardly seemed worth arguing over a $1.98 votive from Kmart --- and that I also understood that she was a busy woman, a woman who has a crisp manner of business and purpose. A woman on a mission to make her fantasies known to every dictator in the world!
I found her to be borderline schizophrenic. She described herself as an undeniably beautiful woman (despite the evidence to the contrary, I think it is rather touching that she clings to this self-image), and to bolster her claim she passed me some of the strangest pictures I have ever seen. There was a very odd one of her as Venus on the half-shell that was clearly the result of sticking her head on some starlet’s body.
She has a strong personality - so strong people either love her or hate her, although as she girlishly confessed, they mainly hate her. What is it about her that provokes such powerful feelings? "I don't know!" she said, shaking her head, "I don't know. Maybe it’s the lying. Maybe it’s the graft. Maybe it’s the unpaid bills, the monomaniacal self-obsession, the fact that I have stolen funds from their aging parent, the fact that I have stiffed them for unpaid make-up sessions, the fact that I have refused to settle bills that were run up at the expense of small business owners, the fact that I have lied and --- oh well, you get the idea. And some people have never met me." Does it hurt her feelings? She paused for a moment, and then conceded, "It does, sometimes things that have happened in my life or what I've said are taken the wrong way and it's crazy to be misinterpreted and it bothers me,” she paused, reflectively chewing a pork rind. “ I've learned that I have no control over people's perceptions of me. So I’m going to get me a bunch of internet sites and flood the web with stuff that twists the truth and makes me look good. Sounds like a plan."
Dear Ms. Kedem,
Thank you so much for publishing your sister's original draft for the article. I remember when she was contacted for this piece. What She was looking for was an incredibly gullible kid, sort of the way I was when we first met. And your sister sure fit the bill. Not to be rude, but her personality was so flat it was almost as though she wasn't really there when she was in the room, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, it's nice to see that she caught on at least a little to the scam. It's pretty obvious what happened. "She" asked for editorial control over the article, and when Nitzana sent it to her "She" simply rewrote it. It wasn't the first time. After the Morton woman wrote As a Matter of Honour and "She" took the script, "She" did a little rewriting to include a scene where Alexandra tells Nicholas that she learned to speak English from an Appalachian governess. That was supposed to be the explanation for Alexandra's accent. I never did figure out how she was going to explain the tattoos.
I just want you all to know that my wife has pulled herself together. Ms. Jordan has been so kind! The poor economy has really cut back on the number of haoeles who need their boards waxed, and Ms. Jordan sent us a cashier's check to buy groceries and cat food this week.
Pseudo Rebecca, your post:
I realize that Moshein's chief goal in this cesspool is to get her to leave them alone,
So why this blog? I mean really? Other than to feed the ego of this small minded, mean spirited man.
"Why this blog?" Here is the original words which BEGAN the blog...
Only when business associates and friends googled me and reported some serious, disturbing and blatently false and defamatory stuff about me was turning up, and the woman and her alleged "friends" acting in admitted conspiracy with her making these allegations specifically stating that they were to "destroy" me and see me "in prison", did I decide speak out and to set the record straight. For the record, I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written these false and defamatory statements herself for the last three years. If she didn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me.
For years now, I have ignored these same continued statements made by a woman with whom I had only a passing acquaintance some 8 years ago, through a close friend who she hired to consult on an alleged movie she said she was producing. A background check on her that I did revealed she has no experience in the motion picture industry. Her claims of being an "actress" "model" and "author" were equally unsupported. She puffed up having an unworkable, poorly written script (I read it...laughed at how badly done it was) into "a career as a Motion Picture Producer", puffed up being an extra in a commercial into being "an actress on TV" and having some silly way over touched up photos into being "a model.
THAT is why this blog. No "ego" here about it. The accolades and continued recognition from my peers in the Wine Industry for my Wine Guy blog is more than enough for my ego....
Mr. Moshein, you tout yourself as the wine guy, yet you were completely rude in your comments concerning my residence. That's not very good customer service. It just makes for good business not to cheese anybody off based on their supposed financial situation that you don't know anything about. I do know wine, though I enjoy a bargin. My ex father in law is part owner in a winery and a vineyard. Everybody knows everybody in that business.
Dear Russophile,
I assume that you are the Russophile who does not drink gin?
I am about to head out to the eastern end of Long Island for what I hope is a very quiet Memorial Day Weekend. If I was smart I would just go downstairs and catch a cab to Penn Station, but no, I had to sign on to this thing.
I can't presume to speak for Moshein. Never met him. Never met HER, either. Not a member of her forum, not a member of the Alexander Palace (although I have checked it out).
Look, even the cursory reading that I gave her posting forum reveals message after message from you in which you make fun of Moshein's (and his partner's) masculinity, in which you spout what might be referred to as her party line. So it seems a little ingenuous to cry in your beer because he took a couple of swipes at wherever the hell you claim to live. I am writing you as if you are a real person, by the way, and not her.
If her posts make sense to you, then by all means continue to support the woman. Frankly, I can't imagine why you buy into her nonsense about a world-wide conspiracy to keep her from ruling the world or whatever the hell she wants to do. But as any lawyer will tell you --- or at least the ones connected to my bank, who aren't even criminal litigators --- what she is doing is actionable. She had her day in court with Moshein and Atchison. She lost. Finito. End of discussion. There were options available to her, but she allowed them to lapse. Her ridiculous threats to sue again through these past umpteen years (there is a long list of them on one of these damned websites) merely serve to illustrate how untenable her position is. In the end, you will have to assume that every single person who has had a bad experience with her is colluding with Moshein and Atchison. They do indeed have one thing in common. They were all scammed by her. And Russophile, if you are indeed a real person, so have you been.
I suppose he will have to live with the knowledge that you won't be buying wine from him. Mr. Moshein, do you know Russophile's father-in-law?
Rebecca Jordan, not pseudo at ALL.
Rebecca, the reason why I say "pseudo" is because you write like a man, not like a woman. I had thought you were Mike Pyles until your comment about the balls in the jar by the door. Mike Pyles would know that that was a completely straw man arguement as there are plenty of hetrosexual couples that operate the same way and not use it. It's too rudimentary.
You say you have never met Rob or Bob yet you know an awful lot about them and Ms. Hamou. Why?
I have no idea who the "ex father in law who owns part of a winery and a vineyard" might be. There are well over 7,000 wineries and double that number of vineyards in the US. I'm certain he is her "ex father in law" for good reason of his not wanting to be related to her even by marriage. Further, I am a distributor of wine, not a retailer and could not possibly care less if some lower class peddler of insurance in the slums of Oregon buys cheap wine from me or not. Given the outright psychotic libelous and outrageous statements Michelle Beernuts has made about me already, there is little I could care if she ever bought wine from anyone ever anywhere as she is an embarrassment to the reputation of wine lovers world wide.
Actually Rob his son is a coke addict and a womanizer. Sorry to disappoint you.
My goodness, you're so classy today.
If his son was married to you, then it is clearly reasonable and justifiable that he turned to drugs to escape the mental reality of you and turned to other women to escape the physical reality of you. I don't think he was at all in the wrong if you were his wife.
I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day Weekend. I did, it was nice to get away from the city. Not that anyone cares.
Russophile, I paid you the respect of treating you as a real person, and not simply another identity assumed by the lady. And then you go and forfeit it by saying that I "write like a man". On one level it's kind of funny. How old are you? I am 61, have been a working professional woman all of my life and carved out a respectable career since my M.B.A. I have competed against intelligent men and woman my entire life. In the future I will try to remember to use a pink font just to appear more feminine. You, on the other hand, assuming that you are in fact the lady and not Michelle Beernuts (that can't be your real last name), have been dependent upon wealthy older men your entire "working" career. It makes perfect sense to me that you would be inclined to separate intelligence along sexual lines.
As to how I know so much about you and Moshein, I really don't. I thought Moshein sold wine as opposed to his expertise. I did the usual thing about a month or so ago. I idly googled my own name, and lo and behold, there it was ALL OVER THE INTERNET. ANYONE can learn a lot about this situation with about two free hours and a search engine, because YOU have published more information about this than anyone else. I READ IT. Isn't that what you wanted? Of course, when I finished reading it I came to the conclusion that you are kind of whacked, but, well, that's me. After I posted here (initially as a joke, although it is true that I have been dogged by Rebecca Jordan the porn actress), I was contacted by Justin and she whom I think I will have to call the "real" Russophile.
I have no personal feelings about Moshein, save that he has been perfectly polite in the e-mails we have exchanged. In fact, I will probably ask him to recommend a good wine slate for a dinner party I am giving in June. I have no personal feelings about YOU, either. Until you became really unpleasant with the rape charge, this was all kind of funny. Illuminati? Grand Shovels? Cursing babies with weapons?
You put all of this out there, so I'm not really sure what you are complaining about when people read it. And you should at least be open to the possibility that people will read it and conclude that you are not telling the truth about this situation.
Now I'm off to change into something frilly and low-cut.
Rebecca Jordan, pretty in pink
Grand Shovels?
There really is just one of me. Taking over the World Wide Web is really not a job for a committee, now it is?
Oops, I forgot to mention . . .
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
I have fretted much over the tribulations of our poor sister the horse rider, and wondered long over her trials (those being her Biblical trials, not the ones at the Los Angeles District Court).
Lo, did the Lord come to me in a dream last night to explain just why she seems always to be without clothes. It all has to do with that man who took her to 10th wife.
Deuteronomy 22:13-17
"If a man takes a wife and, after sleeping with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying 'I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,' then the young woman's father and mother shall bring to the town elders at the gate proof that she was a virgin. Her father will say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said, "I did not find your daughter to be a virgin." But here is proof of my daughter's virginity.' Then her parents shall display the cloth before the elders of the town."
Lo, this has happened so many times to her that her parents just kept the clothes, leaving her naked most of the time.
Lo, this be true saith the Lord.
Dear Reverend Billy Bob,
I dont know how you found out about Big Mama and Big Daddy doing that blanket test but we4 dont appreciate it being all on the internet. L'il Bit was by way of bein' a handful to raise and unless you have young'uns of your own you can't understand what they went thru. So shut your trap.
L'il Bit and Domer done wound up in a hidey hole north of here.
And I had forgotten about how we pulled the wool over that Kedem womans eyes, me pretending to be a doctor and all. Not for nothing but your sister aint the sharpest tool in the shed. Course I know what thats like!
More from the lost notes of Nitzana KedemRecently, she says, her endeavors to rehabilitate the city of Pushkin's historic core, located in Russia, came under attack by Bob Atchison. The city of Pushkin's website also fell victim to these attacks and was forced to shut down their guest book when it refused to listen to the belligerent and abusive messages posted on it's website demanding that the city officials reject the woman's membership. As a side note, my repeated requests for confirmation of this claim were met with stony silence by Pushkin officials, who uniformly hung up as soon as I mentioned the lady's name.
Mention Bob Atchison, and her eyes momentarily turn glowing red and yellow-tipped flames spit out of her mouth. "I can't comment on that person or specific details of the litigation because it is still going on in Texas." I told her that I read what he wrote on the Internet, and she said (without a trace of self-deprecating humor), "So did everyone else, in the world. Because he used my name, and as we both know, there is nothing more guaranteed to get notoriety than my name. All of the lesser supermodels of the past twenty years face this issue. Carol Alt, Lauren Hutton, Cheryl Tiegs, Tyra Banks --- I sometimes ask them how they deal with the Bob Atchison problem. And of course to make me feel better they just ignore the question. Actually, they ignore my phone calls, emails, and the time or two I have scaled the fences around their homes." I asked her if he continues to "stalk" her. She paused and quietly said, "I don't want to talk about Bob Atchison," dabbing delicately at the froth that had appeared at the corner of her mouth as she said his name. I took that to mean "no", but I am not so sure he could answer the question about her stalking him the same way. And not for the first time during the interview process, I confess I was confused. Surely Bob Atchison is all that she talks about?
Rob, I am yet indebtted to you again for a good laugh.
Rebecca, I googled your name and yet, there wasn't anything about this blog and you.
Well, Ms. Phile (if this really is you and not she who is not you), you apparently do not understand how the World Wide Web works.
One must google "rebecca jordan rob moshein", and numerous hits pop right up. Since most people long thought that Rob Moshein was the person pulling the strings of the concerted, vicious, international attacks on a famous model / actress / writer / horsewoman / producer / CEO / probationer / divorcee / horsewoman, obviously no one with even a modicum of savvy would search a name without also including "Rob Moshein" in the search string.
Oh, did I mention she was a horsewoman?
Your Lord and Master,
The Grand Shovel
Oh, keep teaching me what you know. I am all ears. . . .
Dear Russophile,
Don't let the blue font for my name fool you. I'm still a girl.
I did make the mistake of using "google" as a verb to indicate that I had used a search engine. My bad. I still say I "xeroxed" something when I actually mean photopied. Sue me. (No idle dare considering your track record in court, either.)
But for the hell of it, I did actually just go over and google myself on Google. There were something like 22,000 hits. You searched all of them? Because I have at least seven references on the first six pages displayed. Not to brag or anything.
Sorry about the plural, Grand Shovel. You seem to be so omni-present that I can hardly believe there is only one of you. Kind of like I find it difficult to believe that most of the people posting you-know-where exist.
You probably don't want to mix it up about credits on the internet, Russo. Have you located any independent confirmation of her career as an actress/model/international woman of business? It's odd. I have seen Xeroxes (sorry, PHOTOCOPIES) of all sorts of things uncovered by a detective agency about her activities, and they haven't located a single professional credit. Not one.
I suppose they just didn't have the research skills.
Rebecca Jordan, the Queen of Google
Oh, Mitzi! How could you?!?
Is it not enough that my career went down the tubes over that interview with HER? Is it not enough that my attempts to write about forged letters from producers brought me right back to HER?
Now you find my notes and publish them on the internet!!!!?? Could you not see how once this woman's story was examined under the cool light of detachment it would appear as one of the silliest, most insipidly spun tales in the annals of journalism?
I feel so betrayed! So violated! And by my own sister (which is even worse than being violated by your daddy or brother I bet).
As Uncle Seven Day War would have said (may God give him rest), what no one else could do to a Kedem, one of their own has done.
Shame, Mitzi. Shame!
Say hi to Fritzi and Bitsy.
Excuse me, Rebecca, what's my track record in court? I am not Ms. Hamou, nor have I ever been.
It's funny how Bob and Rob keep pointing the finger that anybody who defends Ms. Hamou IS Ms. Hamou. Yet, on this site, there are multiples of the same people posting the same things. You protest, but nothing happens. Rob Moshein is the owner of this blog and he does nothing. The Shovel/Spade/Garden Tool still posts absurdities as does the Nitzy,Bitzy Mitzy, Chintzy people. . .
Why should I do anything? I have no idea who all are posting all the different posts, and as I've said, I think they are extremely witty, funny, and insightful. The only genuine thing I know for a fact is that Bob Atchison kept getting dozens of emails from "different" people, all threatening in nature and claiming "inside information" about the litigation. Well, I traced the IP addresses of the emails, and guess what? They all traced right back to Oma Hamou's HOTEL ROOM at the Hilton Garden Inn and Marriott Courtyard while she was in Austin!! and funny, but the MOMENT Bob filed a police report about it, ALL those "other people" suddenly STOPPED sending him emails...Coincidence?? I think not. And yes, I have the documentation to back this up. The emails came right from her room at her hotels in Austin...So, you and your good buddy have no reason to scream about "made up names...SHE is the DRAMA QUEEN of made up names.
Well you certainly have an ODD sense of humor Mr. Moshein. . .
Harken unto the seventh Song of Solomon, those who will savor the beauty and lustiness of our dear sister:
1 How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman.
2 Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies.
3 Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, all furry and rutty.
4 Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Palmdale, by the gate of Victorville: thy chin is as the tower of Mayall which looketh toward Hollywood.
5 Thine head upon thee is like Placentia, and the hair of thine head like purple; the king is held in the galleries.
6 How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for hot delights!
7 This thy stature is like to a size 8 palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of shriveled grapes.
8 I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the withered vine, and the smell of thy nose like rotten apple cider;
9 And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak nonsense.
10 I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me until someone else gets off work.
11 Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages and ride the horses on the ranch.
12 Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth: there will I give thee my loves for money (lots of money).
13 The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my really old beloved.
You really DON'T get it, do you Beernutz??
These people are hysterical! They understand what you seem to be incapable of grasping (and trust me, they are very much in the majority)...To wit: Oma Hamou is a JOKE. All those around her are a JOKE. She is a pathetic, psychotic needy individual... Obssessed with "being somebody". Why else does she constantly call herself "actress" and says she "appeared in movies" yet for TEN YEARS she refuses to name the movies?? She calls herself a "moderately successful model", so why does she refuse to name when and where her photos were published?? She mentions writing to Presidents and world leaders LIKE THAT MAKES HER SOMEBODY. Any Travis Bickell with a computer can write Putin or Obama...does that make them "somebody". hell no. Her "projects" are a joke. You have no idea the people I have known all my life in the Motion Picture a one, she was laughed at when I asked. She told me on the phone once she "was in Cedars Sinai" too sick to send Bob money as she had promised for WEEKS. Well guess what Beernutz? My father (rest his soul) was CHIEF OF SURGERY at Cedars at the time, so I asked him one question only...Was Oma Hamou IN Cedars as she claimed? Nope. Never been there...
Tales of two headed babies? hysterical. All the crying wolf about constant rapes?? Give us a break....Trying to get people to believe she was "alone" at trial as some sort of victim?? Riotously funny...she was "alone" at trial because she REFUSED TO PAY HER LAWYERS. Call Chris Malish and ask him...He'll tell you, I see him around town from time to time.
Are you really the most brain dead person on the planet?? Look at the record. Oma Hamou stiffs everybody she contacts out of money and services....She hasn't had a JOB for decades. Doesn't that raise any questions for you?? She is NOBODY, with no proof of anything she claims. These people see that, and they skewer her as she deserves, for the hysterical, bottom feeding joke she is with her sad delusions of grandeur. You are similarly a joke if you actually buy into it. Thats why they skewer you too...
Carry on! PS Bob loves Rev. Billy Bob....Amen Brother!
Dear Russophile,
One more post and then off to bed. Lots of meetings in the morning.
I told you in a post above my last one that I thought you were the lady, just as you kept insinuating that I am not Rebecca Jordan but someone named Mike Pyles until you decided that my methods of argumentation weren't smart enough to be him.
For the sake of argument I will once more operate on the assumption that you really exist (although this fails to explain the Russophile with whom I have actually spoken, but never mind). One more time: I do not post these things to annoy you. Except for what you have posted here and on the lady's website, I have never heard of you at all, so what would be the point? Moshein doesn't like you, but then again he has been libeled by your friend as a rapist --- or at least responsible for a rape --- a liar, and a cheat. This isn't recess in junior high, girlfriend, and you don't get to behave like that just because you are an internationally known jet set model/producer/actor/businesswoman/whatever else she decides to stick on the resume. You seem to support your friend. I'd like to say that's admirable, but in fact I think it's kind of stupid, since it is apparent to even an unbiased observer (that would be me) that your friend wouldn't recognize truth and/or reality if it crawled between the sheets with her.
I actually disagree with something Mosehin wrote. I have not tried to "skewer" you, Russo. I haven't tried to do anything with or to you at all. You, on the other hand, doubt my existence, insult my intelligence and sexuality and then get your panties in a knot because I allow for the possibility that you might be . . . her? Fine, you're not her. So what exactly is the reason you believe in the tripe she dishes out?
Mitzi, I do hope you will continue publishing your sister's lost notes? She'll thank you for it, mark my words.
Rebecca Jordan --- there is only ONE Rebecca . . . if you don't count the other 22,100.
Oh, Fritzi, Mitzi, and Bitsy. I am so, so sorry that getting involved with That Woman has now caused poor Chintzy's existence to be made public and our family's shame to be on display for all to see.
It is not Chintzy's fault, though, so please keep feeding her and keeping her clean. I'd try to drop by and help out myself, but ever since she stole that key off me and got out that time, I understand why none of you trust me around her. It's amazing how someone who's so slow in some ways can move so damn fast.
Oh why, oh why must everthing that touches upon That Woman cause our family such grief?
And Mitzi, dear. I'm sorry about my outburst yesterday. You can publish my notes if you want. Maybe it will help the world understand that I was acting under a spell of some kind when I wrote that stupid story about swizzling down Perrier in toney hotels and zipping around from studio to press room to studio in Jaguars. I just wish the poor horses hadn't been dragged into it. They've been through enough. Really, they have.
I see she re-opened her forum last night and posted. A lot. Once again she is posting as poor Justin. Talk about stalking.
Anyway, since you are apparently reading this: I am not a school teacher in Virginia (?), I am not "Mike Pyles", although thanks to a deluge of information that you have placed on the internet it took me about 30 seconds to find out who he is (superior research skills, remember?) and I have never ever claimed to have been a missing woman from Idaho. I actually was in Boise about sixteen years ago, but I brought maps and was able to get from my hotel to the corporate headquarters I was visiting without incident. I do not "hide" behind a woman's name (is the converse true? Do you only feel free to be an insulting twit when you are pretending to have a penis?), I post using the name I was given at birth. As opposed to, say, using it as an alias when engaged in activities unbecoming a lady. I have not defended Robert Moshein, nor have I attacked you by name. I have merely commented upon oddities one can find on the internet, and lady, you are one of the oddest oddities I have ever encountered. For the love of God, get a grip on yourself.
This seems to be a place in which a lot of people who know far more about your personal history have been having some fun. And yes, fun is the right word. You now claim that Moshein and Atchison can't prove you weren't raped. How can you have spent so much time around lawyers and failed to absorb even a drop of legal sense? That isn't how American law works. The burden of proof is upon you, my dear, unless someone switched out California/Texas law with the Napoleonic Code while we weren't looking. Are you claiming that when you were "raped" by your ex-husband years before you met either Moshein or Atchison that he was muttering their names? On top of everything else --- rapist, restaurant owner, serial husband, actor, writer, dazzling man about town --- that he was a seer?
Sorry, watching your contortions as each shot these people make lands home is in fact . . . fun.
Back to work,
Rebecca Jordan, proudly bearing the name since 1948.
Nitzana Kedem wroteI just wish the poor horses hadn't been dragged into it. They've been through enough. Really, they have.You're telling us?
Genesis 24:61
"Then Rebekah and her maids got ready and mounted their camels and went back with the man."
They reported great disappointment, however, with the man.
Camels rule!
Jeepers. she's at it again. I don't really have time for this stuff this morning, as I am going out looking for work, but I couldn't resist taking a peek and there she is using my name again.
She's right when she says that I am not her, but she is not me. I never founded any blog dealing with this mess, I haven't seen her or Mike in years and once again I want to apologize for her use of my name to insult everybody, especially you, Rebecca, who has been nothing but nice to me and my wife.
No sweat, Justin, really. I feel sorry for you, but as the lawyers explained in the conference call last week, unless you are willing to prosecute her for defamation of character she's going to keep on doing this shameful thing. I understand that your wife gets hysterical at the mention of the lady's name, but I would encourage you to think about it.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. I never said that I had googled, sorry, SEARCHED, under my name AND Rob Moshein's. I think that was The Grand Shovel's helpful contribution. For someone who gets upset when she thinks she is being misquoted, you are remarkably sloppy in your own attribution.
I have no interest in "proving" you are anyone, since I don't really care who you think you are. Nor do I care who you think I am, for that matter. The infamous Chicago Dossier told me all that I need to know about who you are, or at least what you have done. And since you claim to have seen it, how exactly do you deal with the fact that it contradicts every single version you offer of the events that have taken place? How do you explain the fact that you have never --- never won so much as a single case that has been brought against you? Not one. Surely that is odd, given your dewy innocence in these matters?
Rebecca Jordan. There is only ONE Rebecca. Which is more than YOU can say, dear.
Dear All,
Some of you have contacted me to inquire when a lawsuit might be forthcoming in this matter, as one is constantly being mentioned.
I am afraid we are up against a problem of simple arithmetic. The person claiming always to be just days away from "a filing" has been making such claims for at least several years now. Since that person also claims to be using not just a lawyer, but teams of the finest lawyers (Mensa members, for example) and to be having boxes upon boxes of documents delivered to these lawyers to support the massive pending litigation, a very simple set of calculations reveals such preparation would cost literally millions of dollars.
Yet the track record of this person -- in the form of two lawsuits filed against her by her own past attorneys -- indicates an inability or unwillingness to pay fees to a single lawyer who has a fee structure well short of what a "Mensa member" presumably would charge. (My goodness, she was not even able to pay her acupuncturist and hairdresser or to get her car insured.)
Of course, I guess there is the possibility of pro bono work, but that would more appropriately be donated for the commitment proceedings which are the more likely legal wranglings in which she will next be enmeshed.
For, you see, there are only two explanations for these years-long threats of imminent litigation: it's either a colossal joke, or this person is utterly delusional.
As her postings indicate a complete lack of sense of humor, the latter seems to be the more probable explanation.
Hedley Artmam, III
Damn it. You all went and got sis upset again. Specially that preacher who keeps talking bible scripture about her. She ain't that old you bastards and I never did see her riding no camel. We don't even keep no camels at the ranch.
And sis ain't Rebecca neither. I yelled Rebecca to her at supper last night to see what she would do and she didn't even look up from nursing her two-headed abortion baby. Course that would keep any woman real busy.
Do you know what I would hate most of all if I were Justin? That when she posts under his name she makes him look like a functional illiterate.
Glad my name helped, Omer. And for the record, the Rebekah that the camels were talking about wasn't me either.
Rebecca Jordan
OMG! I got an email from her telling me thsat she was opening her fourum up again. My mom is real upset because she put a block on her email address because she said the lady is a threat to kids but she has somehow figured out how to hack me! OMG! all of us at the alexandepalace are really really scared because we figure if she can do this she will find out that there are a lot of people who think she is totally creepy.
does anyone know what happened to that horse she was riding with the baby when she escaped? the CNN report just said that it was found by the side of the road.
Clyde had to be put down. He couldn't bear the load, and all his fetlocks broke.
Oh my God, you killed Clyde! You bastard!P.S. Camels suck, horses totally rule.
This constant harping that woman does about some judge issuing a temporary restraining order because she had "proven" her case is just tedious nonsense.
One would think a woman who had been in court so many times would understand at least a modicum of civil procedure.
Nothing is "proven" until a full trial on the merits is had. All a temporary injunction or restraining order holds is that the applicant has stated a case that, if proven, would state a cause for harm to the applicant. In order to forestall such hypotheticial harm, the judge issues the temporary injunction or restraining order.
The fact that this woman so conveniently glosses over is that she failed to proceed to trial. Consequently, her claims were NEVER proven, no matter how many times she tries to obfuscate the issue by her rantings.
She also conveniently fails to mention that she provided false addresses and phones numbers for potential witnesses during the discovery process -- something that would have resulted in the court issuing severe sanctions to her had she actually gone to trial.
(Of course, she has been held in contempt by other courts for her behavior during proceedings, so it is perhaps no matter of great consequence in her view.)
Her very willingness to falsify information during discovery is a strong indicator that she never intended to see that case all the way through, knowing she could not prove her claims under the scrutiny of full trial procedure.
It would appear her real motive was to file a case and just get far enough into it to create a set of documents she could then later misrepresent and blaze across multiple websites for years on end in a pitiful attempt to rehabilitate her sorry reputation or, worse, to damage the reputation of others.
One thing is patently clear. She DID NOT proceed to trial on the merits. So, by definition, she PROVED NOTHING.
She can rant, scream, and post endless obfuscatory pages. None of it changes the hard, cold fact that she fled the rigors of a full trial on the merits and consequently PROVED NOTHING.
Hedley Artmam, III
Horses, we're sorry about Clyde. He missed out on so much.
Take us, for example. She takes off all her clothes when she comes a rubbin' up against us.
And Camels, you're just too full of yourselves. You might think those nasty humps and that swaying gait do something for the rider but . . . oh, wait. I see what you mean . . . .
Hats off to you, boys.
Rob, you really don't insult me with that name. The kids call Mr. Russo's son that all the time in football. It's cute.
Rebecca, you SAY you have no ax to grind, etc. but you keep POSTING.
It would seem Ms. Jordan simply enjoys a good time -- the kind of good time one can only have when posting to others who actually exist.
If you do not want to join the Illuminati do not read this message. Rules * You must be above 18 years of age. * You must have full access to the internet. * You must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to anyone. * We are not interested in anyone who has obtained their knowledge about the Illuminati based on what they’ve HEARD from Mass Media (News or Performing Arts), Conspiracy Theorists (Amateur or Professional Authors or Speculators), Internet Rumors, or other HERESY. * Once you join the Illuminati within one week of your membership you will achieved the greatest goal in life and also have wealth and fame. * No one discard the message of the GREAT ILLUMINATI if discarded the person will be tormented both day and night. * Failure to compel to the order and rules of the GREAT ILLUMINATI shall see your fame and riches taken back. * The money ALWAYS flows TOWARDS Illuminati members...And AWAY from NON Illuminati members... One of the rules of the Illuminati is "We don't talk about the Illuminati" so I can't say too much about it here. If you are truly interested and get back to me via email or call +2348169340571
Do not play mind games
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