They displayed their typical tactic of outright falsehood, by claiming they "knew" I had told people I had gotten emails from someone. Well, I never ever made such a statement to that effect to anyone. It never happened. When confronted directly, they would only say "well I was told you did..." When confronted as to who "told them" any such thing, they conveniently disappeared.
JULY 8: Now they write "A close friend of mine who is an active member of Bob Atchison's Alexander Palace Time Machine web site told me Rob did this by tracing the IP of an eMail sent to him by someone pretending to be Tina."THIS STATEMENT IS A BALD FACED AND DELIBERATE LIE. I HAVE NEVER EVEN RECEIVED ANY SUCH EMAIL, NOR HAVE I TOLD ANYONE ANY SUCH THING. THEY MUST PROVE THE TRUTH OF EVERY ELEMENT THIS STATEMENT OR BE REVEALED TO BE THE INTENTIONAL AND BALD FACED DELIBERATE LIARS, FABRICATORS AND PREVARICATORS THAT THEY ARE. THEY WILL NOT, AS THEY CAN NOT. Allow me to quote them from the same blog where they make this allegation: If you publish defamatory remarks about people or organisations made by other people you will be just as liable to be sued as they are. So if you can’t prove the truth of their statements, don’t repeat them. Also, see the deliberate DISTORTIONS they make by putting up a primer of Defamation law, they WANT you to think applies, except the primer is on UNITED KINGDOM Defamation Law which is very different from US law and NOT APPLICABLE. But they want you to believe it is...SEE HOW THEY MANIPULATE FOR PROPAGANDA PURPOSES? Judge the rest of what they write similarly.
They claim people are stalking them, yet the spend an entire day posting?? The upshot is, they posted so many comments that my blog was listed on the google blog main pages as one of the day's hot blogs! Many many many more people read the blog than would have ever seen it only because of their actions. If YOU were being "stalked" would you reveal yourself to an even wider audience?
Notice the patterns of how they make assertions of fact, which are deliberate and calculated lies to defame me, yet when pushed to prove them, they revert to "well somebody told me...:" Just like yesterday.
I mean, this woman deliberately wrote a number of checks on an account that had been closed for YEARS...yet notice how they want to equate her to being the same as someone who accidentally bounces one check once, which many people have done. How many of YOU wrote six checks to various people on an account you KNEW had been closed for some years already?? How many of YOU have been found guilty of the felony of fraud by bad check? Oma Hamou has, notice the phrase that she "was charged with the crime of FRAUD, a felony, in the State of Utah, County of Summit"...
Yes, I have been approached by several attorneys who will gladly assist me in litigating against Oma Hamou and her cronies, to obtain an injunction against them, as many of their statements are libel per se. However, as I learned many years ago in practice as an attorney, you can't get blood from a stone. To do so would cost me money I could never hope to recoup as Oma Hamou has some one million dollars in personal (not her companies') debt already still unpaid (just a small selection of the KNOWN debt in her name all easily found on the web as I did:
Judgment in the amount of $213,805 was awarded on May 21, 2002 against Oma Hamou in favor of Boardrush, LLC. by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York by the Hon. Richard. F. Braun in Index No. 01/605021 for a Default Judgment against Oma Hamou, and was filed with the Clerk's office on June 11, 2002.
10/24/2002: Writs of Execution for Judgments in Case PC027665 in Los Angeles County Superior Court were granted for American Express Travel Related Services, to execute judgments for unpaid American Express Credit Card charges against Oma Hamou in the amount of $127,155,
7/28/2003 Reed Business Information files a lawsuit in New York Supreme Court, no. 03112486 against Oma Hamou in the amount of $112,179 for unpaid advertising in their magazines in 2002.
WESTAR LEGAL ENTERPRISES, LLC. v. OMA HAMOU ET AL. Los Angeles County Superior Court Case PC033237, Breach of Contract, filed 08/05/2003, Default Judgment issued against Oma Hamou individually for the suit originally filed on 04/23/2004 for an unknown amount in excess of $10,000
2/2/2004 Default Judgment against Oma Hamou issued in favor of Freeman Freeman & Smiley LLP for an unknown amount in excess of $10,000.LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT, West Los Angeles Case 03T02636, Breach of Contract, lawsuit
10/11/2005 Robert Atchison v. Oma Hamou, cause GN303141, 345th District Court of the State of Texas. After trial a jury found in favor of Bob Atchison for services he rendered on behalf of Hamou in the year 2000 and for which she never paid him in the amount of $13,859.99 plus interest.;
by her own admission she does not even own the third hand fifteen year old car she drives, she has no income, she has nothing and is nothing. She admits publicly she no longer has any of her nebulous and never specified "projects"... She knows all of this course, which is why she and her criminal cronies continue their tirade and campaign of unending attack to destroy me.
You can see the evidence for yourself in just yesterdays comments..Yet they claim not to be "obsessed" with me. Well, what do you call spending an entire Monday posting defamatory and threatening comments on a blog for 9 hours if NOT "obsessed"??
The same rule applies here as the previous one, until my question is answered.
Well, Mr. Moshein, I am one ticked off lady here. I was working last night and couldn't see what was hapenning on this blog place until this morning. It looks like somebody pretended to be me and sent you some email full of god knows what kind of crap. And I pretty damn well know who that some body is. She's gonna pay because now people have looked up my criminal records and found out about my being a forger, identity theif, and other stuff just like her. Now my parole officer is probably goning to find out about all this too and I"m already in enough trouble. Yessirree i'm about as ticked off as this lady ever gets.
I find this whole episode simply despicable.
Poor Miss Vanveen might not be quite the girl you would want sonny to bring home to meet the family, but it's a downright shame that all this information about her wide-ranging criminal past was brought into play by someone who used her identity to send an e-mail to Messrs. Atchison and Moshein, which appears to be what happened here.
Tina, dear. I do hope this does not put you in any more dutch with your probation officer. I know the court has to get involved any time you have any contact with the police. And with Justin sitting at home in Los Angeles just waiting for those patrol cars to roll up to address his concerns, I'm afraid you might be having more contact with the police after all, beyond that troublesome little matter with the recent ticket.
Just remember, dear, that when the police contact you about the complaint a woman in Los Angeles filed, you will have to remind them that the complainant was a man. They may find that a bit confusing but, then, who doesn't?
I apologize for my recent absence from this blog. For those many newcomers who don't know me, I am the attorney representing the descendants of HIH the Grand Duchess Bubbalova Romanova.
Lately I have been wrapping up the cataloging of the papers, photographs (wowza) and other memorabilia from the GD Bubbalova's remarkable life, as well as investigating the possibility -- nay, the liklihood -- that she was reincarnated in the early 1960's.
Well, enough background. I have some good news, indeed. I have unexpectedly come across the diaries of the GD Bubbalova's late revered father, the Grand Duke Dadi Pedovich Romanov. It sheds a fascinating light on the complex and, perhaps to some tastes, exotic relationship between father and daughter. And it certainly puts paid the notion that the Grand Duchess' later less exemplary activities arose from her own character alone.
I've got to run for now, but I will be back with some of the choicer excerpts of the Grand Duke's diaries. I'm sure you'll all find them fascinating and enlightening.
Hello, peeps. I came across this blog yesterday when it showed up on the blogspot homepage as one of the day's most popular blogs. At first I was very confused about what was going on, but after I read some of the earlier threads it all came together.
This is all about RUSSIAN HISTORY! I can't wait to hear about this new branch of the Romanov family. I thought I knew all the relations, but I guess a lot of things got lost during the revolution, including poor old Bubbalova's reputation.
Let us know what you found, Mr. McGrope. Those diaries sound interesting.
Dear Mr. Moshein,
I just wanted to thank you for preventing her from posting as me on this blog. For awhile my wife had been adamant that we enter the Hawaii Safe at Home Program, but in the end I managed to persuade her that it would be a vistory for Her if we did that, and gosh darn it, we're just too proud to give in like that!
Of course, if we did do it, we probably wouldn't be showingup all over the internet picking fights with the people we claim are "stalking" us, as this is counterproductive, but logic has never played a significant role in Her actions.
The saddest part for me is how delusional She continues to be, and not only about herself. The idea that I own "property" in Hawaii and California is just too silly for words. If I owned property, do you think I would have to work at the Kwik Mart (not that I am complaining if you are reading this, Mr. Sephardim!)? It's not that I'm not grateful to Rebecca for the money order she sent out last week, I am, but a man wants to think that he can support himself, and what with this economy and all, that just hasn't been possible.
My wife is doing better, although I don't think she was best pleased when I confessed my feelings for you. She knew about them, of course. As she said, everybody in the courtroom that day could see it all over my face. But like I said, she came back to Hawaii with me to start a new life, and it had been working until recently.
It will work again, I know it.
Well, thanks again for providing me a "safe place" to vent a little of the frustration that everyone who deals with Her feels.
Your friend,
Natalie, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only newcomer to find this a little confusing. But I think I got it figured out.
There was this Russian grand duchess who was born in New Jersey. Her father took a special interest of some sort in her, her mother didn't know or pretended not to know what was going on, and she grew up liking to ride horses, which she kept doing even after she got a little large for the saddle. She also had some trouble keeping her clothes on in public and left some racy photographs behind.
Some people now think that shortly after she died, she got reincarnated as some woman who shows a lot of the same behaviors but went to Los Angeles instead of New Jersey.
Oh, and yeah. They both got sued a lot and kept losing.
Hello, all. It's good to see some newcomers here, although the GD Bubbalova's descendants have very ambivalent feelings about the seamier side of the Grand Duchess' life gaining currency. In the final analysis, though, they -- like the grand old lady herself -- are devotees of the truth, which they think will out anyway.
Just to get everyone back up to speed as I reveal the diaries, the 3 main characters are: the Grand Duke Dadi Pedovich Romanov (the man of the family); his dutiful wife the Grand Duchess Seno Evilevna Romanova; and their oldest (and eventually heaviest) daughter, the Grand Duchess Bubbalova Dadievna Romanova.
Now, with the introductions aside, on to the diaries of the Grand Duke. This first entry is dated "Hoboken, April 4, 1986":
There is still snow on the ground today, in keeping with this whole dreadful winter. Who knew we were going to be staying here for the duration of the season? But Seno kept winning at the tables and pressed me to stay here until her delivery was hard upon her.
In the wee hours of the morning, the little thing entered the world. As soon as I saw her, my heart rose into my throat and my breathing thickened. That little bottom of hers! So round. So red. So pert. She's going to be a bubble-butt for sure. I just know it. I've got to make sure she has the best horses so that she can exercise those tender little thighs and keep that little bubble butt good and tight. It's what any devoted father would do, nyet?
And I've got to speak to Seno about the name as soon as she's up for it. I'm thinking Bubbalova. It just fits, and I know she'll always wear it with pride, on or off the horses.
This is so interesting, Mr. McGrope. To think that after all these years another insider's diary from the Russian court has shown up. Keep it coming.
Folks, I'm so glad you're interested in this diary. Although the Grand Duchess Bubbalova's family had their reservations intially about making it public, they realize it's not that for which are you known but the mere fact of being known that is important.
With that, here's another excerpt, dated "Tsarskoye Selo, April 10, 1898":
It's Bubba's second name day, and Seno and I took her over to the palace to see Nicky and Sunny. Sunny was still complaining that we won't call her Bubbly instead of Bubba. She's not sure why, but she says there's just something about the nickname "Bubba" that makes her uneasy. But Seno and I held firm. We think both a Sunny and a Bubbly in the family is going a bit too far with the "jung, froh, und gesund" theme.
The oddest thing happened after tea, though. We all know what a photo bug Nicky is. Honestly, he's been almost insufferable since he got that Brownie and set up his own dark room. Well, anyway, after tea Nicky whipped out that camera and said he wanted to take some photos of Bubba. She laid eyes on that thing, and not two seconds later she was ripping off her top and sticking her thumbs in the top of her diaper, pulling it part way down and wagging her cute little buns this way and that. It cracked me up, but I have to say that Sunny was somewhat appalled. In fact, she went into a rage, saying that it would be a warm day in Sembirsk before she would have a two-year-old harlot in her house. Nicky and I finally got her calmed down a bit, but I expect it'll be a while before we get another invitation. Meanwhile, I'm going to have to talk to the governess about some different clothes for Bubba. Something harder to get out of so fast.
Show me the email...You can't. it doesn't exist. I never got any email from anyone named "Tina".
Who could have "told" you, since I have never SAID any such thing? Well?? Who was it?? You won't say because THEY DON'T EXIST.
And you wonder WHY I don't want a lying psychotic obssesed/compulsive lunatic such as Justin Edwards posting here??
Thank you!
Mr. McGrope!
Correct you are! No matter that family of Her Imperial (Maybe) Highness is in hiding in Safe at Dacha program, they are indeed wishing to have information put all over the internet about Bubbalova and family, including fact that they are hiding in Safe at Dacha program. Is crazy, nyet? But just part of what makes them people they are!
Later I will post excerpt from Grand Duchess Mariya's 1913 diary of how she and Bubbalova get into trouble on board imperial yachts Standart for picking up two Finnish sailors. Mariya is rescued by her grandmother Dowager Empress Mariya Fyodorovna, but Bubbalova is described as going "around the world". Surely not? Yacht is moored in Helsinki harbour entire time! Can you explain this?
Your friend,
Aleksandr, good to hear from you again! As always, your information brings insight into aspects of the Grand Duchess' life that are sometimes left murky by the records I have.
There was, in fact, an entry in the GD Dadi's 1913 diary of which I could make no sense. But your information about a possible episode on the Standart at that time sheds some light on it.
From the GD Dadi's diary, dated "Krasnoe Selo, May 15, 1913":
I just got paid an unexpected visit from Lurkovich [an obscure court functionary who was rumored to be a "fixer" for problems the imperial family wished to keep under wraps] about the cruise Bubba had been on with Nicky, Sunny, and their kids. Lurkovich was being very careful with his words, but it seems that Bubba got into some kind of trouble -- again (sigh). This always seems to happen when she and Maria get together. Anyway, Lurkovich came to notify me that the press would be running a story that someone had managed to steal Bubba's identity and was using it during some sort of naval exercise (or did he say escapade?) in a foreign port. I was instructed to go along with this story and to mention to no one that it really was Bubba on that boat. If anyone asks, I am to say only that, being of such high birth and so widely traveled, Bubba is the frequent target of identity thieves. I'll go along with this, of course, as I have no choice. But I do wonder what that little minx did this time. Lurkovich also rather mysteriously recommended that we have a discreet doctor handy when Bubba got back to "home port", as he put it. (Now I've got to go tell Seno about all this. She won't believe it, of course, which is just as well. It's unbelievable the stuff you can get away with right in front of that woman's eyes. Thank the gods, or this grand duke's duck would be cooked.
Rob, why should I give you the name of the person who told me?
So you can stalk, send that person harassing email or pms like what has been done in the past when people from yours and Bob's history forum forwarded your nasty messages. (Penny and Others) :)
No, I don't think so.
People should be careful reading your blog for so many reasons one of them being a nut like you will capture their IP and they could become a fixation of yours because you believe they are my friend, Oma Hamou.
It's weird you do this kind of thing. You need some MAJOR help mentally speaking, normal people don't do this. There is nothing normal about a stalker. A Judge in Texas said Oma had proven her causes of action against you and Bob and Pallasart and one of those causes were STALKING, DEFAMATION, LIBEL, LIBEL PER SE, INTERFERENCE WITH CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS and so on.
You can whine all you want that is what stalkers/liars do when they get caught but as Judge Livingston said when she issued that Protective Order against you - You had damn well make certain what you publish on the web or tell to people or communicate in messages and emails is the truth.
That was 2004 it is now 2009 and you never learned anything because you and Bob and Pallasart continue to republish old lies and create new ones.
That is way more than one cause of action. Basic counting skills are not your strong point, are they, dear?
"A Judge in Texas said Oma had proven her causes of action against you and Bob and Pallasart."
Oh, here we go again, dears. Mr. Artmam has already explained before that a judge never said any cause was "proven".
The judge was simply using a standard legal formula when acceding to a petition you -- er, she -- filed. No final ruling on the underlying merits of the case is made until all evidence has been presented by both sides.
And my understanding is that, as much as it apparently continues to gall you, the actual judgment in the lawsuit went against you -- er, her.
It's rather tedious to keep having to explain this point to you -- er, her -- over and over and over. But tedium seems to be the handmaiden of obsession, no?
Basic counting skills? Hah! That's an understatement.
This is a woman who cannot keep count of the number of lawsuits she has lost, the amount of judgments she has outstanding against her, the number of times she's been convicted of writing bad checks.
Nah. Counting is a real problem here.
Please, people. Let's have some more diary entries. History is much more fun than all this stuff about some woman and her friend Tina getting arrested for all sorts of things. Petty criminals are a dime a dozen, no matter how important they try to make themselves on the internet.
I'm not going to be be put in the weird poisition of arguing with "myself" because that isn't me, but I have to wonder why it is "stalking" when as far as I can see, she/he is the only one posting on his/her supposed "oopponent's" blog. Mr. Moshein put this up because you have been creating blogs all over the internet to defame him. All this blog does is make sure that people hear both sides to the story if they are interested. Incidentally, not-me, congratulations on running up the number of hits yesterday so that people came here and read this stuff.
Mr. oshein called your bluff, Louise. I'm sorry, "Justin". You can't post an answer because there is no answer.
Mr. DeCastelis has offered to look into a lawsuit about damages caused my reputation by your postings, and maybe even the chance of recovering some of the money that I am owed for creating websites, etc. Thanks, Rebecca!
Aw, c'mon. Can we puhleeze get back to the diaries?
The tiresome, redundant, incoherent, unceasing rantings of that man/woman who keeps coming onto this blog are sooooo boring.
I want to know more about GD Bubba. She's starting to feel like a sister to me, the more I know of her. So real. So modern. So totally with it.
Justin EdwardS
I have told you that I will not permit you to post unless you prove the allegations you made. You will NOT sidetrack this issue.
Prove that I got an email from someone claiming to be Tina Vanveen. You can not. It does not exist.
Explain WHY you would claim that I even GOT such an email. Since I never got an email from "her", WHY would you even think that I had??
You claim that "said" I was able to track the alleged email to Northridge. PROVE I SAID ANY SUCH THING. YOU CAN'T BECAUSE I NEVER DID.
Since I never GOT any such email, why would this mysterious someone "tell" you I tracked that email to Northridge, of all places?? HMMMM????
The ONLY thing I was able to track to Northridge were all the posts that the person "claiming" to be the "real" Tina Vanveen posted, which was the EXACT SAME SERVER THAT JUSTIN EDWARDS WAS POSTING FROM THAT SAME DAY. Therefore, the only rational conclusion was that either "Tina" and "Justin" were the same person OR they were acting in conspiracy together, which is why I removed the posts.
As for "stalking" get a life, loser. People read this blog daily from Cincinnati Ohio, England and Atlanta. Do I know who they are or where they live? Hell no. Do I care. Hell no.
I CAN tell you that your obsessive rantings here have driven the traffic to this blog up substantially, from virtually NOBODY reading it, except for one person in, drum roll please, NORTHRIDGE who read it five or six times a day, at yes the EXACT SAME SERVER that "tina" posted from.
So, lots more people read this now because of YOUR actions. You might want to speak to that "attorney" of yours....
I'm with Natalie on this. I haven't posted much but I've been watching this blog since I first came across it looking for an apartment with a ground floor bedroom ("GD BDR" some of you might remember got me here.)
Like Natalie I think Bubba is a real sister figure to me and probably other people too.
But I have a question. I assume these diaries were really written in Russian not English. Am I right?
The question of which languages the imperial family used is very interesting, Ms. Garbitsch.
As a very cosmopolitan set, they were all tutored in Russian, English, French and a smattering of other languages, with German being the most prevalent in the latter category. However, by the turn of the century, a good bit of the senior imperial family's personal correspondence was in English.
The Grand Duke Dadi Pedovich seemed to prefer English, especially after his two known trips to New Jersey. He once commented that the northern New Jersey accent just seemed to land as music on his ears.
GD Bubbalova (or GD BDR, as you remind us) presents a bit more confusing situation, though. While she no doubt had mastered several languages, her correspondence is mostly a mishmash of Russian, Italian, English and, for some inexplicable reason, Celtic.
It actually took some time for scholars to identify the Celtic. This difficulty was occasioned by the fact that all the Grand Duchess' letters and diaries were written backwards (not only the spelling, but the letters themselves). The cause remained a mystery for some years until a refurbishment of her private apartments discovered the concealed mounts of what appeared to have been a mirror on the ceiling above her bed.
Given the fact that she developed this style of writing as a little girl, this is somewhat astonishing, if not to say alarming.
I hope that helps.
Either it was Rob Moshein pretending to be Tina or it was Bob Atchison or some other person from Pallasart. I bet $1,000 that Google's investigation will reveal this. I bet it will also reveal many of the posters on this blog are indeed Bob/Rob or some other person from Pallasart. When this happens I wonder how it will impact a jury.
Good grief. How many times can one person say "so long" in a day?
Be gone, already.
It should be "harm's way", dear. You and your friend really do find the possessive form beyond your grasp, don't you? Did you both go to the same school perhaps? Even sit in the same chair?
I will TAKE that bet. Put up the Cash...
Dear Mr. Moshein, perhaps you've heard that old Hollywood joke? It would seem to apply to this situation:
Real Estate Agent to Movie Star: "I've got some great news and some not so good news."
Movie Star: "Really? What's the great news?"
Real Estate Agent: "You can get the house for just $6 million."
Movie Star: "That's wonderful! What's the bad news?"
Real Estate Agent: "They want $100 down."
Dear Miss P,
That was why I specified CASH, I know full well what sort of credit history that woman and her ilk have...
Would you take American Express?
Not a chance. Last time when Bob took her AmEx, it was in someone else's name and she never paid AmEx's bill...
Ugh. That Edwards woman just keeps belching fumes like an old car that needs a valve job. Can't we just dump her ridiculous posts and all the silly answers and get back to the diaries. Bubba's story just has me on the edge of my seat, and who needs that Edwards woman's buzz kill?
Good God. Can you imagine being stuck at a dinner table with that?
Rob deleted my post.
O.k. Rob here you go again lying about American Express as the card was in the name of Oma's company.
And you wonder why I call you a prolific liar.
The Card was in the name of David Davidson at Enigma Films. We have the receipt and you got a copy of it during the litigation so get off your high propaganda horse.
I see, dear. So -- did American Express honor the payment you -- er, she -- submitted with that card?
Yes, AmEx did not reverse the charges. However, the debt created on the card was never paid.
I see.
Was that why American Express sued him -- er, her -- for a couple of hundred thousand dollars?
(Sorry for removing this post just before you answered, Mr. Moshein. I made a typo, and I just cannot forgive myself.)
Dear, how can a plaintiff be forced to dismiss a case?
I am glad there is a digital record of the posts Rob has selectively deleted.
But, dear, you did not answer my question. How were you -- er, she -- forced to dismiss your -- er, her -- lawsuit?
Well, we're all glad of the digital age, dear. How could we have all become such good friends here otherwise?
She was not. She withdrew it because it was specious.
Justin EDWARD.
At no time did I see an Amex statement.
Also, I have checked. There is no "Google" investigation of anything. AND YOU KNOW IT. YOU ARE NOT ME AND YOU KNOW IT! STOP STALKING ME YOU WEIRDO!
I'm sorry to contradict you, dear, but you actually did say you -- er, she -- were forced to withdraw your -- er, her -- lawsuit. Digital copies abound everywhere.
But more to the point, dear, why would someone file a specious lawsuit? Besides being an actionable offense, it is in very bad taste.
Or perhaps you used the wrong word. Do you have a dictionary handy?
Whichever the hell one of you Justins is my sister will you get the hell off the dam internet and stop putting the family business out there for everybody to read about? I had people from as far away as New Jersey calling me to tell me that they had read all about us on this damn blog thanks to you typing your ass off ye4sterday L'il Bit. Now knock it the hell off!
To the fake me,
I made a complaint that is what I wrote on this blog. That is what happened. You are a person impersonating me so you can harass & stalk my friend. You are liar and liars can't be trusted. Dig some more because a complaint was made against you.
Fake "me" yourself,
(1) I am not pretending to be you.
(2) I e-mailed Google this morning and I also asked Mr. DesCastelis to look into it. So no one answered me, but they did him because he is a lawyer, and guess what? he sent them links to all of the blogs you run as Sandbox or whatever the hell you are calling yourself, as well as to the forum, as well as to the wine blog, as well as to this one. AFTER THE PEOPLE AT GOOGLE STOPPED LAUGHING they told Mr. DeCastelis that there was nothing that could be done about this, that nothing was being violated, and that we are all nuts (with the exception of YOU, Mr. Moshein!) Thanks for trashing my reputation, Louise! Oh yeah, and the guy who talked to Mr. DeCastelis did say that you had a nice ass.
To the fake me,
Your posts are fake just as you are. I made the complaint. You are a known liar. Liars can't be trusted. Online harassment and pretending to be someone your not is never o.k.
Fake me,
If you have issues with Sandman's blog and his friends from Texas take it up with them, not me.
Oh, how I do despair of ever getting you to understand the difference between "your" and "you're", dear.
Do all your friends have the same problem, or just that special friend of yours to whose interests you have apparently dedicated all your waking hours?
Quit with the snarky remarks cause you have made a few on this blog's comment page.
Well, at least you didn't write "this blogs comment page", dear. Perhaps there is hope for you, after all. It's so fulfilling to help one along.
However, it's "because", not "cause" in this context, dear.
I know I have not pointed that out to Omer and his associates who confuse the usage, but I do have such higher expectations of you, dear. We all do. That's why we're a bit harder on you, you see.
tina vanveen, who posted exactly as here, your comments are not appearing, for an unknown reason, perhaps relating to the weekend. I can tell you that I have read them, most interesting especially that you paroled to Oma Hamou's residence, and all the rest of your information.
Perhaps you might choose another name and re post. I am certain many will find your posts enlightening.
I don't know how anyone else could be deleting them, unless they hacked my account. I certainly am NOT deleting them. Hell, I'm laughing my butt off!
I have automatic email alerts to new comments, which I have gotten to my email account, but those posts are not here.
50 cats?? really???
Justin Edwards, dear. We know you've seen these recent posts in the past few minutes. Could we please hear from you, as they are most intriguing?
It seems that things are not quite as you represented between yourself -- er, her -- and your -- er, her -- good friend Tina.
Thank you, dear. We are somewhat confused, as I'm sure you must appreciate.
Here, kitty, kitty . . . .
Well, I don't know if "she" read the first five posts of yours or not Tina. As I said, they never appeared on the blog, I did not delete them, but I only saw them on my email alerts and they were somehow deleted before I could see them here on the blog.
THAT disturbs me actually, about why they never appeared, since I did not delete them.
Now, Justin, dear. We know you read this blog again about 7 minutes ago. Why, oh why, aren't we hearing from you?
You've been so very prolific for the past few days. This silence is somewhat unnerving, dear.
Justin! Dearest!
WHERE are you? WHY are you letting this person say these things about you -- er, her -- without defending yourself -- er, her?
Now, Justin, dear. This is getting downright strange. We know you just read this blog again -- twice. But still the silence?
Although I have found you somewhat annoying the past few days (as we all have), I'm actually getting worried about you, dear. This silence just ... isn't ... you.
Justin in on the phone to see who will listen to her?!? You mean Justin really is a woman? Well, my goodness gracious.
If you need my assistance with anything, please do contact me, let me know somehow it is really "you" (your friend has a tendency to use fake email names) and I will gladly do what I can.
ill be in texas in two weeks, im not far from austin, ill look you up
ummm. who are you??
as you can see im deleting all the tina van veen posts
i was going to do as you suggest and change my name but what the hell? i really dont care if she sees what i post and we need to talk
Oh, ladies and gents. This is just so, so exciting!
Glad to speak with you. You were very kind and thanks for sharing the information.
Please have the people you are working with contact me. I'm glad to help and happy to talk to them about everything.
This just gets weirder and weirder from your side, Rob. Talk about "laughing your ass off".
Rob...I am a friend of tina van veen and she has been arerested because of alexandrea. please call me asap 661 526-5404 deborah
661 878-5898 cell
rob i also wanted to give you patricks phone number, he is tinas boyfriend. 760 701-7330
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