Friday, June 24, 2011

Why I Must Post and Defend Myself from the Lies and Tales of Oma Hamou

When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies spread across the Internet results now going back several years.

As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.

I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.

The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.

This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.

This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Case Number: MC020860
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.

Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:


Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:

I have put up a precis of the specific information for her victims and law enforcement here:
You are encouraged to share information you may have about her and her activities with me.

While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".

She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.


UPDATE May 19:
On March 24, 2011 when Oma Hamou agreed to settle her judgment with Bob Atchison and PROMISED to pay him, she asked ME to settle as well and asked me how much it would take. When I told her a mutual settlement on both sides was agreeable, she ran straight to the Austin Police and filed a Criminal Complaint against me for "extortion". After speaking with Det. S. at length recently, and after he expressed interest in her background and criminal record, he told me that no crime had taken place, I had done nothing wrong, he would not proceed with the case and that he "believes is is possible she filed this to be retaliatory and vindictive against me" trying to set me up. I am NOT being investigated for ANY crimes at this time, according to the Austin Police Department.

I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.

I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent. She has been promising to pay Bob Atchison $15,000 for over two months, even claiming she had the money CASH but could not use a bank to pay him, and had to fly to Texas with the cash to give him! This was of course all a lie.

Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?

This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?

This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??

This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?

Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.

As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison

Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.

You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.

You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her NEWEST Alexandra Moran, I encourage you to contact me.


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RobMoshein said...

New Blog! Start posts here. Thanks.

RobMoshein said...

Well, just got back from a very informative trip down to the Courthouse.

Seems nothing was filed yesterday on Hamou's Motion for Protective Order. Now since I left the court about 2:45 when she still hadn't shown, she either showed up too late and Court was over, she showed up late and the Judge said, sorry you're too late, or the Judge denied the motion. Either way, nada happened on that.

The Court Admin office was very clear that there is no "ex parte" Motion on Calendar for monday. Just Bob's Motion for Summary Judgment.

I wonder what poor guy she scammed to get the money she wasted on the plane tickets?

Blake Springpasture said...


Looks as if O'Connor really did get an attorney. Despite Hamou's disgruntlement, the judge continued the case on the restraining order until July 15 when O'Connor will appear in person to present his own evidence in the case.

So this matter is not going down just on Hamou's lying say-so.

Bob Atchison said...

Blake - thanks for the flash news from the courtroom...

RobMoshein said...

Wow, strike two for Hamou. She didn't get what she wanted yesterday, she didn't get what she wanted today. I wonder what sort of havoc will erupt over in Crazytown Hamou when she loses the Summary Judgment on Monday for strike THREE?

Seems the Judges aren't as stupid and easy as Hamou thinks they are.

Thanks for the update Blake!

Bob Atchison said...

Spin and lie - that's what Hamou will do next - it's her nature. All the lies about a trip to Austin yesterday from Hamou posing as "SNOOPY".... amazing bold lies.

Bob Atchison
Hamou Scam Victim

Bob Atchison said...




Mitzi said...

Darlings, such excitement! Bitsy was in court, and she said that you could have knocked darling Omele with a feather when darling Mr. O'Connor's darling attorney appeared and the darling judge listened to him and told Omele that he would continue the TRO but no, he wouldn't make it permanent until darling Mr. O'Connor gets to speak. Bitsy also had a few comments about the outfit, but we can save that for a little later.

So then the only thing on the table is darling Bobbele's motion for Summary Judgment? Oy, Monday sounds like it will be exciting too!

Caring so much for all of those poor animals, darlings. Caring so much!


Mitzi said...

Darling "Sandman" (so cute, darling!) who of course is Oma, darlings! It's so compassionate of you to worry about darling Mr. O'Connor's ability to pay his attorney --- you should only have such concern for the poor attorney's you've employed in the past, Omele --- but he apparently thinks it is worth it to get you, you should excuse the expression, the hell out of his life, darling.

Did Ralph come for the motorcycle, darling? I've been so worried. Truly.

I post because I care!


Blake Springpasture said...

Whoa, hossy. Meltdown City all over again on the "Ask Oma" forum tonight.

Wonder what's going to happen on the 15th. Here's my bet:

Hamou will claim to be in the hospital or to have had a relapse of one of her many cancers. (Or maybe she'll have an all new one -- but there aren't many body parts left that haven't been hit at least once: the breasts, the rectum, the anus, the colon, the uterus.)

Or will she have another one of her famously-timed car accidents? Or baseball accidents? Or fainting spells? Or heart palpitations? (Yes, folks, she has used every one of these excuses at least once -- not to mention my personal favorite: the friend who had to abort the two-headed baby.)

By these stratagems, she'll hope to wear down Mr. O'Connor by asking for continuance after continuance -- just as she did in the Batchelor case and the Atchison case.

Same old con artist. Same old bag of tricks. She really needs a new gig. REALLY.

Mitzi said...

Darling Blakele, G-d knows that will happen on the 15th. In the meantime, there is a Summary Judgment hearing on Monday, right?

Bitsy will be there, but alone this time. Nitzi is staying in California. The darling has finally completed her screenplay, As a Matter of Insanity!!!! Guess what it's about, darlings!!!!!

Blake Springpasture said...

Oops. I forgot the time she was raped by a crazed man who was muttering the whole time that he was driven to his act of depravity by what he read about her on the blogs.

Or the time she was pistol-whipped by her husband in a field.

Or the time she was photographed by the police covered in black and blue bruises for another supposed beating by her husband who, interestingly, was never arrested or charged with the crime. (The husband of course, had a different story to tell about what occasioned that beating. Something about a John somebody who went off on her in Vegas. I didn't get that John's last name, though.)

It'll be interesting to see a judge's reaction to her history of such histrionic claims of threats to her person. O'Connor is hardly the first person she has accused of putting her life in danger. In fact, such claims are part and parcel of her regular shtick. They're the guard she tries to throw up when the truth about her conduct closes in on her from time to time.

Mitzi said...

Darling, you used the word "shtick"!!! Darling Blakele, I had no idea!!! You're a mensch!

But seriously, darling, what Jewish mother would name her son "Blake"?

Loving your shtick, darling! Loving it!


Blake Springpasture said...

Seriously, though, folks. While a judge might not look at Hamou's criminal and civil history as relevant to her supposed fears of harm at the hands of Mr. O'Connor, what a judge most definitely will look at is her history of claiming that others have threatened her safety.

And Hamou has a long, long history of such claims.

Here's just a partial list of the people she has claimed have manifested an intent or desire to do her physical injury in the past few years:

Bob Atchison
Rob Moshein
Marcus Demian
Mike Pyles
Eric Cowan
Patrick O'Connor
An unidentified (and unreported) rapist
Mysterious people who fired gunshots at her

For the past several years -- long before she ever heard of Patrick O'Connor -- Hamou has claimed to be living in hiding because of the hordes of people who were out to do her bodily harm.

I think any rational judge looking at this history of histrionics would conclude one of two things (or both): Hamou is paranoid and/or she is really hiding from process servers and adverse judgments, which are the real things that have been chasing her for years.

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, Mitzi, my real name is Yakir, if you must know.

But I've told my mother I'd beat her like Royal on a Monday if she ever used it in public.

Blake Springpasture said...


Blake Springpasture said...


That John guy in Vegas was involved with a prostitute?

Boy, what an evening for surprises. But I do wonder why Demian was never charged with spousal abuse, since Hamou claims she went to the police about it and posts photographs to "prove" it was true.

Or why Hamou never reported that rape to the police where the rapist told her he was doing it because of some blog.

Or why Hamou never reported the gunshots fired at her and her "children" into the Cowan house.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hey, Hamou.

Have you sent that tape to the detective in Austin that you say you made? You know, the one that proves Moshein attempted to blackmail you?

Before you answer, remember that you -- er, I mean "Snoopy" -- posted several times that you were turning it over to him.

Did he get it?

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, "Snoopy". I think Oma lied to hersel -- er, you --about any tapes getting to the Austin Police Department. Or they went missing in the mail.

Because I know for a fact that no tapes of any blackmail attempt by Moshein have been received by the APD.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou really is quite the piece of work. I guess we have to keep O'Connor's attorney apprised of the material that is available to him.

Within the past couple of days, she posted plane tickets to "prove" she was in Austin on Friday to meet with the police and the court.

Now we all know that getting onto a plane these days requires a government-issued ID. And what was the name in which those plane tickets were issued and under which Oma claims on her "Ask Oma" forum to have boarded the plane? OMA HAMOU. (The website is Look on page 348 or 349 under the "Rob Moshein and his Lies" thread.)

Then last night she posts that O'Connor's attorney lied to the court in claiming Oma McConnell is not her real name.


Now, regarding her whining about that supposedly world-renowned document examiner who was "bullied" on this blog. I guess we should say something for O'Connor's attorney to read here.

Hamou produced a statement from a Curt Baggett who claimed Bob Atchison faked a document. Curt Baggett, indeed, runs a web-based business where, for a fee, he'll certify pretty much anything one wishes.

However, Baggett has been forced to admit in court that he lied about his credentials as a forensic document examiner. He's a charlatan who has claimed in various places to be everything from a real estate agent to a financial planner to a psychoanalyst.

And oh, yeah ........ he has a felony conviction history.

Every bit of the above information -- including Baggett's in-court admission that he lied about his credentials -- is posted on the web for anyone to see. (The actual court cases are also available, so no one is making this up.)

In short, Hamou paid some other con artist she found on the internet to produce supposed "proof" that Bob Atchison produced forged documents in court.

Can Hamou really be so deeply delusional that she thinks any of her shit is going to fly in front of a judge?

RobMoshein said...

Well Well Well. A NEW victim comes forward.

First, the background (published by Oma herself this past week):

Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The Motorcycle

Mr. O'Connor,

I will not be arrested for the motorcycle as you left it here because I was going to buy it. If you no longer want to sell it to me, I have no problems giving it to Ralph. He must contact me and arrange a time and the day with me so that we can coordinate our schedules. He or no other friend of yours can just show up and expect to gain access.

She admits here that she doesn't OWN the motorcycle and admits Patrick wants his bike BACK.

So what does "Alexandra McConnell" do??

She SELLS THE MOTORCYCLE to one "Craig" for $4,500!!

"Craig" gets suspicious because "Alexandra" can't produce the title (which of course Patrick still had) and would only give him a handwritten bill of sale (a copy of which I have in my possession now). The Sheriffs were involved YET AGAIN with her and her various names!

Wow selling property that she admits isn't HERS to sell! Isn't that "grand theft"??

Blake Springpasture said...


I wonder what Detective D. M. in Palmdale will think of this when she hears about it. And she will.

JustinEdward said...

At least now you know how she afforded the tickets to Austin.

Bob Atchison said...

When I spoke to the Austin Police Department last week they said Hamou had NOT SENT this tape she claims to have. She should give it to them (if it exists), it will prove the following:

I was in the court room and heard it all. I was astounded when Hamou offered to settle my judgment.

SHE also offered Rob $50,000 to take down his websites. SHE WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP. I had never heard anything about such an offer, nor had one been offered to Rob before. It was a complete surprise, her idea, there was no extortion.

It was another HAMOU CON.

In any case I wanted to keep my judgment separate from anything between Rob and Hamou.

Of course it was all lies by Hamou.

She promised to pay me the following week and then the next week and the week following.


Blake Springpasture said...

Last night on the "Ask Oma" forum, Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:

"He [O'Connor's attorney] even told the court Oma McConnell was not her true name. Amazing."

No. Here's what's amazing.

Just in the past two days:

Hamou has posted plane tickets she said she used to fly to Austin. They are in the name of Oma Hamou.

She appeared in court yesterday in Lancaster under the name of Oma McConnell.

Then this morning we obtained a copy of a bill of sale she signed for a motorcycle she did not own in the name of Alexandra McConnell (a copy of which we have).

Yet the lying bimbo dares to claim she does not use multiple names. And actually seems to think we cannot prove it.

RobMoshein said...

WAIT, not only is what "Alexandra McConnell" did "grand theft", she also committed "THEFT BY DECEPTION" for taking Craig's money for a motorcycle she had no legal title nor right to sell.

The SAME FELONY CRIME for which she already has a CONVICTION.

Craig should press charges on Hamou/McConnell/Moran ASAP.

Blake Springpasture said...

I wonder where Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group has gone.

She has vouched for Hamou's character. She has professed to know personally Hamou's posting buddies Debbie and Justin. She has defended Hamou's use of Debbie's mother Shari Porter in a fraudulent real estate deal.

Did Biernat also know about Hamou's stealing and selling another person's vehicle?

What else does Biernat know about Hamou's activities?

RobMoshein said...

I really can not WAIT to see what fabricated excuse Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell/Oma McConnell/Alexandra Moran will come up with to explain just exactly WHY she admits on June 18th that she doesn't OWN the Honda Shadow Spirit Motorcycle, and then just a few days LATER sells said motorcycle to "Craig" for $4500...without having the title of course...

this one should be good...I wonder what Patrick's lawyer will make of this in front of the Judge on July 15th?

Blake Springpasture said...

Based on this morning's revelations, I'd say there's a pretty good chance there'll be an outstanding felony warrant for Hamou's arrest by July 15.

Craig can't be too happy about the sheriff showing up to recover the motorcycle from him and the $4500 he lost to Hamou in her latest scam.

RobMoshein said...

This one is too good to pass up. Hamou just posted that it was "terrorism" for me to post this new scam of hers.

Seriously, she calls it "terrorism" to reveal that she took FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS from somebody selling them a motorcycle she had no LEGAL RIGHT TO SELL.

Smart move to retain a criminal defense lawyer though Oma. There might be a charge against you for doing that.

Blake Springpasture said...

So Oma gets a call from the sheriff's department, and the first thing she does is rush out and get a criminal defense lawyer?

Isn't that a bit of an over-reaction?

Usually when I get a call from the local sheriff, it's to ask for a contribution to their FOP fund.

RobMoshein said...

Sorry Oma, the letter I posted was copied from YOUR WEBSITE on page 348...YOU posted it, I didn't get it from Patrick so he didn't violate ANYTHING.

Blake Springpasture said...

Oops. Never mind.

I forgot about that little incident with the motorcycle. And I guess that explains the hit at 6:30 a.m. yesterday from the Monterey Park Sheriff Department, too.

Bob Atchison said...


O'Conner reported that Hamou had people impersonate FBI agents and had them call and tell people I and Rob were being investigated (a totally false and blatant lie).

Now Hamou claims the same thing has happened to her. Well, I don't believe it for one minute. It's probably another trick.

RobMoshein said...

and, btw, Oma, Patrick's lawyer has a copy of page 348, and 346, 347, 349, and don't bother deleting or editing them...

Bob Atchison said...

This (HAMOU) is the same person who lied and said she was in Austin on Friday to meet with the police department and do court business.


This is the same person who posted verification tickets to prove they came here. This is the same person who lies and says the Austin police Department, the LA Police Department and the FBI are investigating Rob and I.



You LIE about everything!

Nothing you say can be trusted.

Bob Atchison said...

I hope these two attorneys Hamou claims to have hired check out all the law firms she owes huge amounts of money to and demand cash up front before representing her.

Frankly, I don't believe Hamou has hired anybody. Nothing she says is the truth, nothing.

Bob Atchison said...

I hope Hamou remembers that anyone who has a judgment against her in California can attach any money she pays an attorney. The attorney will be legally bound to turn it over.

Bob Atchison said...

Tell us the names of your two attorneys tell us, please. Until, you give us their names so we can verify it it's just another LIE.

Remember how you claimed you had a 'Mensa' team of attorneys that were working for free because they "believed in you" and volunteered to carry on your war against me?

Someone should list here the law firms you have stiffed.


RobMoshein said...

Lets bring the discussion back to the relevant topic.

So, today Oma "doesn't know anything about the motorcycle."

Interesting that a week ago today, she knew ALL ABOUT it.

So Oma Hamou, "splain" this:

Where is Patrick's motorcycle?

If you don't have it, where is it and how did it leave your possession?

Why do I have a copy of a handwritten bill of sale for Patrick's motorcycle, in YOUR handwriting, from "Alexandra McConnell to Craig H*****?

Want me to post the copy on the internet? I'll gladly do it, but be careful what you ask for....


RobMoshein said...

Stupid and sloppy Oma, as usual.

WHERE is Patrick's motorcycle? Prove it "isn't his now is it?"

so, IF you know nothing about the motorcycle, how can you say I have no right to the bill of sale in my possession? That implies YOU know the document and actually wrote it...SO???

RobMoshein said...

WHERE is Patrick's motorcycle? Prove it "isn't his now is it?"

so, IF you know nothing about the motorcycle, how can you say I have no right to the bill of sale in my possession? That implies YOU know the document and actually wrote it...SO???

Which is it? Shall I post the thing??

RobMoshein said...

OK Oma, am tired of your games. You read this blog constantly I have the record.


You ADMIT the bill of sale is YOURS and genuine, I will not post it.

YOU deny it OR refuse to answer and I WILL post it for the world to see.

This choice is YOURS so you can't come after me...Which shall it be?

OH and before you scream about the TRO crap, it came to me from someone in LOS ANGELES and NOT ALASKA who has the right to possess the document...YOUR VICTIM!

Up to you OMA

Rebecca Jordan said...

My grandmother used to call people like you "bold as brass", Oma. You lie reflexively, but one can always tell you are lying when the only recourse you have is to post "prove it!" In fact, Rob does have the facsimile of the bill of sale for the motorcycle that you sold for $4500. In fact, the police are involved, girlfriend, and this time I think your fanny is going to wind up in jail . . . again.


Bob Atchison said...

You should just post it, Rob. Why wait.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou is floundering pitifully this evening.

First she says that she knows nothing about the sale of a motorcycle or about getting $4500 for it.

Then -- in the very same post -- she bitches that we have no right to a copy of the bill of sale she signed. Note she doesn't deny it exists. She simply argues we have no right to it.

Well, folks, here's what it says:

"I, Alexandra McConnell am selling Craig H---- 2002 Honda Shadow Spirit VT-1100 for $4500. Any questions please call me at 661-480----- or 310-909-----."

Handwritten in blue ink and signed by both seller and buyer.

The audacity of her lies simply beggars description.

As for Hamou's claim that Judge Livingston meticulously examined her motion and believed the statement from that crank document examiner Curt Baggett ........ here's what the court clerk actually said:

Any time someone files a Motion to Retain a cause of action that was going to be dismissed for lack of activity, the court figures that the plaintiff is now interested enough to go forward. So the clerks gather all such requests into a stack and give them with form orders to the judges to sign en masse. The judges do not even look at the case files.

Hamou would have you to believe that Judge Livingston all but conducted a full-blown hearing of all her claims and actually ruled favorably on their merits.

Nothing remotely like that happened, and Hamou knows it.

Just as she knows that she sold a motorcycle she did not own to an unwitting victim for $4500.

We can now add Craig H. to the list of recent victims that includes Huiku Batchelor, Hamid Refai, Eric Cowan, and Patrick O'Connor.

This is, of course, in addition to the much longer list of victims that stretch back at least to the early 1990's.

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, Oma.

What's meaningless is a bill of sale for a vehicle you don't even own or have a right to sell.

Actually, I take that back. That bill of sale is fraught with meaning. It proves a felony.

As for your harping about violating that TRO .......

There is only one person who is restrained by that temporary order: Patrick J. O'Connor.

It's true that he may not "ask" someone else to harass you. But here's the thing. O'Connor neither asked nor had to ask anyone to do anything regarding the fraudulent motorcycle sale. They had plenty of incentive of their own to unmask your criminal conduct.

I'm just flattered they turned to us to do it. We really do seem to be getting some traction here.

And I think you'd have a hard time convincing a court that making your provable criminal behavior public constitutes "harassment".

But I sure would love to be in the courtroom when you tell a judge no one should see that bill of sale you signed.

Blake Springpasture said...

So, Oma. I see you acknowledge a police complaint was lodged against you for trying to sell a motorcycle you did not own.

Now it's clear why you had to rush out this morning to find a criminal lawyer.


Blake Springpasture said...

You really are a fool, Hamou.

O'Connor may well be pissed about his guns. But I, for one, am delighted you overreached thus in your petition for a TRO.

My guess is that had you merely tried to keep O'Connor from contacting you or anyone else about your recent misdeeds, he would not have bothered to challenge the TRO, would have stayed in Alaska, and simply gotten you evicted through legal process.

However, in your zeal to extract maximum hurt for having your most recent scam made public, you gave him a very strong incentive to spend the money to get a lawyer to challenge the TRO and to return to California.

This is already not going well for you, and it's going to get worse (if being caught in a new felony is not bad enough).

Yes, you really always have been a fool.

Bob Atchison said...

Less than 48 hours away - I will have the great pleasure of being in court once more with Hamou, where she will loose again. Then I can proceed and focus on collecting the judgment she owes me.

Bob Atchison said...

You are right, Blake. Thank you.

RobMoshein said...

OK Oma, you had your chance. Here is the receipt to prove you "sold" a motorcycle that did NOT BELONG TO YOU!

and lest you accuse me of wanting to harm you in some way, I blacked out your phone numbers. If I had REALLY wanted you harassed, I would have left them wouldn't I?

Mitzi said...

Maybe darling Craig can hire darling Mr. Baggett to confirm it is her signature, darlings!

And Omele, sweetness, you hired a criminal defense attorney? darling, can you afford it? Oh, I forgot! You have that $4500 of someone else's money, darling!

Still caring about your finances, darling. Still caring!


Bob Atchison said...

Well, there it is - thank you Rob. The proof.

How will Hamou spin this?

Bob Atchison said...

Can O'Conner demand an arrest?

Bob Atchison said...

So Hamou has stolen the money from the bike? This guy Craig didn't get it back? $4500 is a huge amount of money to steal. Isn't this a big crime?

Blake Springpasture said...

I hope you have a better day today with facts than you had yesterday, Hamou.

For starters ........ yes, there was a hit to this blog from the Monterey Park Sheriff's branch of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. It's located at 4700 Ramona Boulevard in Monterey Park.

As for that TRO ...... you really need to read it more carefully before you try to brandish it over people who are not affected by it.

Under Item 2, "Name of person to be restrained", there is one -- and only one -- name: Patrick J. O'Connor.

All the TRO says about his friends or any other parties is that O'Connor is not allowed TO ASK them to do anything.

The TRO places no restraint whatsoever on actions they or anyone else take on their own initiatives.

Neither Ralph nor Craig is in any way restrained in taking his own initiative to turn information over to us.

And one last point ........ you most assuredly do know exactly who Detective D. M. is, as you have left a load of panicked messages on her voicemail regarding an earlier matter.

Didn't know we knew that, did you?

RobMoshein said...

I guess Oma lives in the Bizarro world of Superman comics...

She says the words "sold to" don't mean she sold it...

Her name on an eviction isn't hers...

remember that her name on bench warrants weren't hers either, until she found out they really were..


Blake Springpasture said...

So, Oma.

If O'Connor sold his motorcycle to Ralph Franco, exactly how could you sign a piece of paper saying you were selling it to Craig?

And why weren't you able to provide Craig with the title papers? Most people don't try to sell vehicles without having the title papers available to them.

Except stolen vehicles, of course.

Bob Atchison said...

Wow, that receipt is very damning as far as Hamou is concerned. Looks very bad for her.

How many names is she using right now? Moran, Occonnell, Hamou...

Bob Atchison said...

Wow, stolen, wow, I am shaking my head, why am I not surprised?

Another Hamou victim and so soon.

Blake Springpasture said...

Jeez, Hamou. You are really getting rattled for so early on a Sunday morning.

Could you please decode this sentence for me? I can't make heads or tails of it:

"Ralph came to you because O'Connor as to the Craig person he didn't do this now has he?"

Also, I never said the messages you left for Detective D. M. were "whiney" -- although I find it interesting you use that word.

I said your messages were panicked -- which is exactly how you are coming across this morning.

Lay off the coffee maybe?

Mitzi said...

Darlings, surely darling Craig will be concerned to get his money back from darling Omele, and Oma, sweetness, that is kind of a damning document, darling, since it does in fact say that you are selling him the motorcyle, which of course wasn't yours to sell, darling. Did he give you check, darling? A money order?

Darling, Mitzi is worried about you. As usual. There's the kid smacking you around, the constant outbreaks of cancer, the compulsive grifting, darling! How long can you keep this pace up? Bitsy said you looked terrible at the hearing, what with the dark circles under your eyes and the lanky hair.

Darling, you need to take care of yourself! Is there an Elizabeth Arden in Littlerock, darling? Take some of that money you swindled Craig out of and get yourself the works, darling!


Bob Atchison said...

If the cops come to arrest Hamou will they csll and warn her ahead of time or will they just show up?

What will happen to the cats?

Mitzi said...

Darling Bobbele, such a heart you have, darling! Worried about the cats!

RobMoshein said...

OK so OMA just admitted she was "selling" a motorcycle that she did not yet OWN!

Oma now seems to say that she though Patrick "wanted" to sell her the motorcycle, but hadn't yet, when she signed a paper claiming she was "selling" Craig the motorcycle, which she DID NOT OWN.

That is called Theft by Deception,

Blake Springpasture said...

So the more Hamou writes this morning, the more the lies keep on compounding.

First Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted that she had no idea who Detective D. M. is. Now she admits she knew exactly who D. M. was, posting:

"So when we line up the time these alleged panic calls were made to this DM person line the posts from your libelous blog on Oma well, it would make sense and shows how your words affect her."

And today Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:

"she [Oma] believed based on their communications he [O'Connor] was still wanting to sell the bike to her."

Yet the "Ask Oma" forum contains a post of an email sent from Hamou to O'Connor on June 16 -- more than a week ago -- that says:

"I will not be arrested for the motorcycle as you left it here because I was going to buy it. If you no longer want to sell it to me, I have no problems giving it to Ralph."

So Hamou clearly knew that O'Connor was not going to sell it to her. As for having "no problems" giving it to Ralph, why did sheriff's deputies have to get involved in retrieving the motorcycle?

She touches a keyboard, and the lies just spill out.

Bob Atchison said...

The cats are innocent, they have done nothing wrong.

They don't deserve to suffer for this. I hope Hamou has made arrangements with a cat rescue organization in the Antelope Valley to take them if she is in jail. They will need to be feed and cared for.

I can post the name of couple of rescue organizations here if it helps.

RobMoshein said...

Oma you said "I am selling this motorcycle to Craig" in writing, AND you gave him possession of the MOTORCYCLE which you did NOT OWN NOR HAVE TITLE TO....


Bob Atchison said...

here's what it says on their site:

Antelope Valley Dog and Cat Rescue, Inc. is a no-kill animal rescue.

Founded by Vilma Drever, the 2010 Antelope Valley Senior of the Year, this rescue is a safe haven for the dogs and cats Vilma saves from the surrounding desert.

Vilma and her volunteers have rescued abandoned, starving, injured and ill dogs and cats. We have provided them medical attention, food, and shelter. All want to be loved. We have found homes for some, some are still at our sanctuary, and others have been placed in temporary foster homes.

Join Vilma and her volunteers to make sure that each rescued animal has the food, shelter, medical attention, and love it so deserves. Become a volunteer, sponsor, and/or adopting family today!

I will donate money to them if they end up rescuing those poor cats. I will.

RobMoshein said...

So Oma, you now claim you gave Craig the motorcycle WITHOUT getting the $4500?? really???

RobMoshein said...

Oma is digging herself in deeper. She just admitted that NO MONEY CHANGED HANDS between her an Patrick for the motorcycle, yet she SOLD IT to Craig and GAVE CRAIG the motorcycle, where the Sheriff's deputies retrieved it....

Thats a crime Oma....

Bob Atchison said...

OK - sorry I am so dense - I just got it. The cops came and took the $4500 bike away from Craig but he didn't get his money back? Wow, he must be pissed off.

Hamou still has his money? I wonder what Craig will do...

Blake Springpasture said...

What Sandman-who-is-Oma is omitting is that the Palmdale deputy could not act on Franco's complaint because Franco had recovered the motorcycle for O'Connor and, as he was not the owner, he could not file the criminal complaint.

But Craig, who was enticed into an illegal sale of the motorcycle does have grounds for a complaint if he paid any money.

And O'Connor does have grounds for attempted conversion of property, even if Hamou was stalemated before she managed to complete the transaction.

I wonder just how thick the file at the Palmdale Sheriff's office on Oma Hamou / Oma McConnell / Alexandra McConnell is getting.

What a miserable existence she lives, going from one domestic eruption to another, from one legal scrape to another, from one scam to another -- and always having to look over her shoulder as the list of victims just gets longer and longer and the list of police jurisdictions who know her name(s) just gets longer and longer.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Another day of the crazy from Oma Hamou. It is indeed Craig who has the right to go after her with a criminal complaint, and I suggest that he does if he wants to see his money back. At the very least, he has documentary proof that she engaged in fraud. At this point, it seems as though have the people in the Los Angeles area have documentary proof that she engaged in fraud. Honestly, Oma, how do you find time to eat? And looking at the photos, you obviously DO.

RobMoshein said...

Don't you just love how now Hamou is admitting she committed a crime but crowing that she didn't get arrested for it...yet....

RobMoshein said...

Oma you miss the point as usual. It does not matter whether Patrick sold the motorcycle to Ralph, or to me or anyone else....

HE DID NOT SELL IT TO YOU! Yet YOU entered into a contract to SELL the motorcycle which was not yours and YOU gave POSSESSION of the motorcycle to Craig H. when you had NO LEGAL RIGHT to do so.


Blake Springpasture said...

Oma, if you're going to bother to lie about being on a flight to Austin this afternoon, you should at least quit logging onto this blog from Lancaster and posting on your forum while the plane is supposed to be in the air.

Years of constant lying, and you're still not very good at it.

However, we'll all looking forward to your august appearance tomorrow, so don't miss the early flight again this week.

Bob Atchison said...

I am really looking forward to tomorrow and seeing Hamou in court. I want her to come to Austin and sit in front of a judge with me. We can get a lot accomplished.

Blake Springpasture said...


"The Austin Police Department" met with Hamou on Sunday evening upon her arrival from L.A.

I'm impressed. They must be putting huge resources on the case.

Blake Springpasture said...

Did anyone notice that Oma accidentally let her mask slip again yesterday when she was so rattled?

I put up a post specifically addressed to "Hamou" about her leaving messages on Detective D. M.'s voice mail.

Within minutes Snoopy-who-is-Oma shot back on the "Ask Oma" forum:

"One, I have never left whiney messages on any answering machine. Never."

Well, no one accused "Snoopy" of leaving messages. It was Hamou explicitly who was addressed and accused.

And, of course, it was Hamou that answered.

(Thanks to an occasional reader of these blogs who contacted us this morning to point this out.)

Mitzi said...


So Bitsy just texted me from the hearing. Darling Omele is wearing jeans! Omele, Omele, darling,wouldn't a lovely suit be making a better impression?

Caring that you look your best, darling! Your best!

Blake Springpasture said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blake Springpasture said...

I just got confirmation that Craig H. had possession of the motorcycle that Hamou tried to sell him at the time the deputies confiscated it.

So that document Hamou gave him was not a contract for some future transaction she anticipated completing. It was acknowledgement of a sale she had already made.

Of a motorcycle she did not own.

Blake Springpasture said...

I forgot to tell everyone. There was a pickup truck last Friday at O'Connor's house where Hamou is living.

What? No Jaguar. No BMW. No Mercedes.

Oma, Oma, Oma. What's happening to you?

Mitzi said...

Darlings, you don't suppose she's wearing sneakers?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Just checking in to say that I hope everything is going well in Austin. Thoughts for you both, guys.


Blake Springpasture said...

The motion for summary judgment did not get ruled upon, as it has to be refiled under a different procedure.

However, the judge was quite clear that Oma Hamou must submit to a debtor's exam on the original judgment.

And she was personally served with notice for that exam just before the court convened.

RobMoshein said...

Actually Blake, Bob's Motion was denied on a technicality, it was a NO EVIDENCE Motion for Summary Judgment, but should have been a regular MSJ.

Hamou was not served with the notice of debtors exam today, she got THAT ages ago.

Bob personally handed her the Motion for CONTEMPT OF COURT and to COMPEL the Document Production.

She did look awfully shabby in old jeans, which do nothing but emphasis the already large ass.

New MSJ hearing already on Calendar for July 14th.

RobMoshein said...

anyone else notice how "odd" it is that with Oma in Austin, NOBODY posted a word on the Hamou Forum...

no, not odd really, since Oma IS all of them over there...

Blake Springpasture said...

Bastille Day.

Free Oma Hamou!


Blake Springpasture said...

Oh, goody. Oma had meetings with the Austin Police Department on Sunday night and is again meeting with them this afternoon.


She's turning into a regular.

Blake Springpasture said...

By they way, Oma, why haven't the Austin police yet served Bob and Rob with the TRO's you said you obtained against them last week?

Didn't you give them a copy of it at your Sunday night meeting with them?

And why didn't you give a copy to Bob and Rob in court today? Bob gave you a copy of his motion for contempt and order compelling document production.

Don't you think you should have returned the courtesy?

Bob Atchison said...

Yes, we lost on a technicality. The correct documents will be filed tomorrow and we will be back in court with Hamou on July 14th, where we will win.

We will see Hamou again on Wednesday July 20th for Motion to Compel and For Sanctions for Hamou's refusal to provide documents for her debtor's exam.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hey, Bob. When you get Hamou's financial information at the debtor's exam, you might want to check to see what the source of the $145,000 down payment was that she (or rather "Alexandra Moran") claimed to have in escrow at Titan Escrow in Palmdale.

I'll bet Shari Porter would like to know, too -- if she didn't already know all about that little piece of action.

Also, it'll be interesting to see if she reported the income she got from the unpaid loan from Hamid Refai or from her other scams.

Bob Atchison said...

Blake, thanks for the information. Yes, I will ask.

Rob was in court all afternoon with me - when you all were posting in here. I trust she now realizes that Rob is not you or Mitzi or Rebecca.

I wasn't upset about the delay. We made a mistake but we will correct it and file the right way. It's just a couple of weeks until the 14th.

Hamou cannot change the fact that her action in court was fatally flawed and cannot proceed. On the 14th we'll be able to put this to bed - once and for all. The bill of review will be over.

I really don't care that Hamou has to keep flying here or any scheduling conflicts she might have. I can't forget how sick I was in March when she forced me to appear in court. She has never extended me any common courtesy or respect. She ripped me off and continues to do so.

She lied to me in March about a settlement for weeks.

I have prayed about this and I have forgiven Hamou time and time again. Never again. I will pursue the legal collection of my judgment from Hamou if it takes me the rest of my life.

RobMoshein said...

OH, and Oma, remember Judge Yelanovsky told Bob that if you DO NOT SHOW for your deposition he should file for CONTEMPT OF COURT!

Bob Atchison said...

Yes, Oma Hamou is supposed to be here on July 6th at 10AM for her post judgment video deposition and she has been subpoenaed.

If she defies the subpoena and does not appear I will file for Contempt of Court and take any other appropriate legal remedies.

RobMoshein said...

Hi Oma, glad to see you got back to Palmdale, since your Road runner didn't read here at all yesterday, and you posted just moments after reading from there just now.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, if someone had been really "watching" me, they would have seen that I don't have a Blackberry. Never have had one.

Besides the only person IN the Courtroom during that time who could have been watching me was YOU OMA, since every single other person in the room was an attorney on another case, and the crazy old lady sitting next to you who was being charged with contempt....

and no, I didn't post a thing during the time in the courtroom...

sorry to burst your bubble, but Blake, Mitzi and RJ are not Bob nor I...but you believe what you want.

OH and motions for continuances work for BOTH parties....

Bob Atchison said...

I can confirm that Rob does not have a Blackberry and posted nothing from the courtroom. Unlike Hamou I don't lie, I confirm, Rob is not Blake, Rebecca or Mitzi nor does he post as them.

Hamou, on the other hand, is both Snoopy and Sandman. I have seen it (proof) for myself. It is so obvious to everyone.

I really don't care that she does it, it's just another continuous lie of Hamou's, and a stupid one at that. It's a joke.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Sorry about the technicality, gentlemen, and good luck on the next go-round. And no, Oma, they are not me. There is only one Rebecca Jordan!

And Mitzi was right. What on earth were you dressed for yesterday?

RJ. There is only one RJ!

Blake Springpasture said...

Look, people. It's time we end all this silliness about Rob's being Blake or fretting about who Blake is.

It's very simple. I am Brad Summerfield's cousin. When Aunt Gertie heard that Brad had gotten snared into some internet con game again, she gave me a call to see if I could do something about it.

So I took a look at the posting Brad was doing on that "Ask Oma" forum, and then I looked up some of the cases that were posted about her on the internet and found them all to be true.

So I just sort of got pulled into the fun and have been here ever since. We don't know what happened to Brad. He got furious at me and then disappeared months ago. Aunt Gertie is only a little worried, because Brad has, after all, done this type of thing before.

And we really are cousins. Gertrude Springpasture, who is the youngest sister of my dad Winslow Springpasture married Roland Summerfield in late 1958 in Scarsdale, New York. Just 10 months later they had their first child, Bradley. (And yes, it really was ten months. I can assure you there were enough people counting. Scarsdale can be like that.)

As for the surveillance -- who needs to do any surveillance of Hamou? She has enough chatty neighbors there in Littlerock to keep the news flowing.

Blake Springpasture said...

Snoopy-who-is-Oma just posted:

"Your not Bob nor do you represent so nothing you say means nothing to Oma ....... "

Your instead of you're?

Nothing you say means nothing?

Good grief. Maybe the jeans and the pickup are a step up for you.

And dimbulb. I've never met, talked to, or heard from Patrick O'Connor and doubt I ever will. So he could hardly have asked me to do anything for him. So much for that TRO you keep waving around trying to prevent people from finding out more about your current con game.

Bob Atchison said...

Oma Hamou always makes that grammatical error - YOUR instead of you are or you're.

We have been seeing that for ten years.

Bob Atchison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Atchison said...

BTW - in court yesterday Hamou claimed she had three top experts examine that invoice and they all said it was forged.

Three now?


Blake Springpasture said...

Yeah, she posted months ago that she had three "experts".

However, after she revealed Curt Baggett's name and we were able to prove inside two days that he was a convicted felon and a fraud who had to admit in court he did not have the credentials he claimed, she suddenly clammed up about the other two.

Don't worry about it.

For one thing, she's not likely to get past a motion for summary judgment.

And even if she did, you could rip those "experts" to pieces. The stuff about Baggett's convictions and his credentials being discredited is in public court records.

And I'm willing to bet her other two "experts" are about on a par with Baggett.

Besides, if I'm correct, you always admitted you sent invoices on different forms. It didn't mean the content of them was inaccurate -- something which the jury grasped even if Hamou didn't.

I guess she's funded her seedy existence for so long using forged documents and bad checks that she just assumes any document another person uses must be suspect.

Blake Springpasture said...

Good grief, Oma. Just how many police officers have you encountered in the past week?

According to you, you met with the Austin Police Department on Sunday night and again on Monday.

You dealt with deputies on the motorcycle episode.

Now you're talking to deputies about neighbors and stalking.

When do you have time to feed the cats?

Blake Springpasture said...

Oma, I guess you do not realize that Texas law does not allow evidence about unsuccessful settlement negotiations or unaccepted settlement offers to be introduced in a contract action.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou, what I wrote about Baggett is not "bullshit".

His felony convictions are a matter of public record. His admission at trial that he did not have the credentials or training he claimed as a court-recognized expert are a matter of public record. We have those records.

By his own claims on his various websites, he has been a realtor, a financial planner, a psychoanalyst. In other words, he has a long history of claiming expertise in an amazing array of fields.

I don't think any judge would pause for a second before pronouncing him a charlatan (as the Texas Appellate Court did) whose testimony as an expert is inadmissible.

You wasted your money (or whoever's credit card you used) when you paid that internet-based hack.

But if you ever do succeed in getting an actual hearing on your "evidence", I truly hope you are stupid enough to put Curt Baggett forward to the judge as an "expert" on anything.

And apparently you are.

Rebecca Jordan said...


You're related to the Scarsdale Summerfields? I think they are related to the Darien Wintermeadows.

Oma, girlfriend, why do you want more people when you appear in court with O'Connor . . . and his attorney. As for Dave Slater, dear, wasn't he the one who said that he couldn't wait to see you in his rear-view mirror? Or have you finally paid the poor man?

Maybe that nice Brian Watson?


Blake Springpasture said...

And the New Canaan Fallmead's as well.

I saw that Loftus was on here a while eons ago. But he never did have much of a stomach for criminals.

I think it goes back to his polo horse's being kidnapped when he was in Europe that summer.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oma, honey. All I did was ask if you had finally paid Mr. Slater what you owed him. And you said you had. And I assume that he would verify that if asked, of course? (Come on, you know someone is going to call him!)


Rebecca Jordan said...

I never, ever ceased to be amazed by Oma Hamou's understanding of how the law works. She thinks that the entire legal system is some kind of private domain for her shenanigans. Case in point: she has just posed a badly written, almost incoherent letter to Bob Atchison in which she asks him to refrain from lying (he hasn't been lying, Oma, and if he had been the court would have sanctioned him for it when he was standing in front of it) and could the courts please, please, please take her busy life in account when scheduling these pesty court dates?

Bob Atchison said...

All I can say right now is unbelievable. I have received several emails from Hamou, very strange ones.

You are saying she has posted these on her website as well?

Blake Springpasture said...

Yep, she's out of her mind.

She just happens to be unable to attend the hearing on July 14 because she has to be in another court on the 15th. (Perhaps she should try not to get so many cases going with so many different people at the same time.)

She just happens to be unable to attend the debtor's exam on July 6 because her adult son is ill. (How many times is this that she has claimed hers or someone else's illness as a reason not to meet her obligations? Cancers. Hospitalizations. Abortions of two-headed babies. Fainting spells. Baseball accidents. Car accidents. It's all part of the Oma Hamou con game scenario.)

She just happens to be available anytime after July 18, when she somehow thinks she's going to get a hearing on the Bill of Review ahead of the court ruling on the pending motion for summary judgment. (Right. She'll be available anytime after the 18th until she decides she won't be available.)

Of course, she's been playing this game about the debtor's exam for years. Even a contempt citation won't matter to her.

She is never going to produce true documents and information for that exam. It would leave her wide open to big time trouble with the IRS for unreported income and expenses in excess of visible income. It's the same reason she had to withdraw her sworn bankruptcy petition a few months ago once she realized Bob Atchison and other creditors were sent copies and were going to appear in court to unmask the lies she put into that petition.

But it'll still be worth getting the contempt citation.

RobMoshein said...

Anyone else notice that Oma has a "pre PLANNED EMERGENCY" with her ADULT son? seriously??

"Sorry, I cant be there nine days from now since my drug addicted violent 23 year old kid will have an emergency that day" riiiiggghhttt.

THAT was great for a laugh this morning.

RobMoshein said...

Actually, RJ, Slater got paid. When she ran out of money, he palmed her off to the junior associate of what was then Foster Malish & Blair, where she gave them the last $5000 she had as her "retainer" and they then fired her as a client when she ran up another $20,000 in fees and couldn't pay up (cue the huge number of excuses, promises, fed exes that never arrived etc). IN FACT, she admitted UNDER OATH in her BANKRUPTCY petition last year that she STILL owes them this money.

Oma got REALLY uptight because Bob told the Judge the TRUTH, that Oma had nothing but debts, IN HER OWN NAME, like American Express of $147.000 (which she admitted to under oath in Bankruptcy), $23,000 to Don Morton (admitted to under oath)and her bankruptcy petition from just ONE YEAR AGO she swore she HAD NO MONEY AT ALL! NOT ONE DIME. So Bob told the TRUTH...

The crux of Hamou's con game is that she can get people to believe she HAS money, like Patrick O'Connor, then scam them at the back end....

That is why she gets SO upset if someone calls her for what she is. BROKE.

Bob Atchison said...

In my opinion Hamou must have a stash of cash somewhere. She would need ready money if she had to quickly exit a property she was in, and that could happen anytime.

She travels to Austin and claims visits to places like New York frequently. At least one of the Austin trips she reported was a one day trip which must be expensive unless you are going stand-by. Factor in hotels, cabs, guards, meals, etc and Hamou travel could be expensive.

Also, she must be spending lots of money to build cat dwellings and animal shelters on Patrick's property for those 70+ animals. Let's not forget the cost of cat food, rent, transportation, power etc. out there.

I would estimate she spends $6500 a month at least. I don't know if she uses a checking account. She might do everything in cash.

It's possible she has $65,000 in ready cash. That's what she told me a few weeks ago. Of course, who knows what to make of that.

I am certain she would have no problem paying my judgment anytime she wanted to.

RobMoshein said...

Also, does anyone else find it rather psychologically disturbed that she writes letters about herself in the THIRD PERSON?? "Please be so kind as to contact Ms Hamou...
Ms Oma Hamou"

Now THAT is one whacked out psycho...try some of Nicholas's meds Oma, they might help you too...

Bob Atchison said...

Last night I saw this amazing film called Color Me Kubrick. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:

"The film follows the exploits of Conway as he goes from person to person, convincing them to give out money, liquor, and sexual favours for the promise of a part in "Kubrick's" next movie."...

All of the victims are deceived into giving in to "Kubrick" for sums of money, free food and drinks, and even sexual favours. Conway actually knows little about Kubrick or his movies, so he simply puts on a different persona — from reserved English gentleman to flamboyant Jewish stereotype — with each victim.

One of the biggest scams is when Conway promises to help establish Lee Pratt as a performing star in Las Vegas. Pratt is a British entertainer that has seen limited success as a flamboyant dancer and stage singer. Pratt is described as a "low-rent Liberace with an Elvis gleam in his eye." Conway makes huge promises to get Pratt a permanent seat in the spotlight in Las Vegas. While Pratt, Conway, and Pratt's manager try to decide how to conquer America, Conway lives a life of luxury on Pratt's bill. He sleeps in a high class hotel consuming vodka and cigarettes, until Pratt's manager becomes suspicious and catches Conway in the act....

From there, Rich exposes Conway's lies, and Conway is sent to a hospital after an apparent nervous breakdown — which, of course, is another of Conway's elaborate ruses. His case is published by his doctor and he is sent to the Rimini Clinic, a centre where famous celebrities go for rehabilitation. Conway is shown to be living the good life, and the movie ends with him relaxing in a hot tub..." to the finale of The Shining).

Bob Atchison said...

It's funny that film - Color Me Kubrick - stars John Malkovich and he talks about Elizabeth Taylor being in several of his phoney film projects.

You will remember Hamou told me John Malkovich was playing Nicholas II and Elizabeth Taylor was signed as the Dowager Empress in the Hamou film scam "As a Matter of Honor".

As everyone knows this is the con I was a victim of.

Bob Atchison said...

BTW - the film is a true story, Conway died in 1998.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oma, sweetheart, what part of "told to comply" don't you understand? And frankly, there is an excellent chance that this will all be over long before the 18th. I have a small bet riding with Blake, Mitzi, Justin and Bitsy that you will simply go underground long before then, and resurface under a new alias ere long. Because that is what grifters do, girlfriend, and in the end that is all you are. A grifter.

And yes, Rob, the bizarre references to herself in the third person in a letter she is writing herself struck me as being kind of deranged as well. I wasn't kidding about the need for a reality check for Oma Hamou.

Mitzi, I am so excited that you are coming to New York next month and that we will meet! Plan on staying with me out on the island for a couple of days at least!



Rebecca Jordan said...

Okay, girlfriend, so you haven't actually filed for a continuance? I suppose your time was taken up during the trip to Austin with all of the meetings with the police department? Couldn't you have dashed across to the courts and filed before you left?

I hope you are planning on sending them a copy of the letter to Bob you posted. They can probably use a good horselaugh in the system, and God knows they can rely upon Oma Hamou to provide them.

And seriously, girlfriend, the outfit in court. If you were trying to look as though you have no assets, well played, Oma Hamou. Well played.


Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, Snoopy (who is Oma), I think you've gotten yourself confused again.

You just posted:

"Now the Bill of Review hearing is on the 18th of July and it will be the end of Bob Atchison's case, it will be dismissed!!"

Remember, dimbulb. You don't want the case dismissed. It's Bob who is seeking to have the case dismissed by the motion for summary judgment. You want the case to proceed to trial and get a judgment in your favor.

Of course, you were inadvertently correct. The case will be dismissed once the proper motion for summary judgment is filed.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I'm actually inclined to believe her on the "Sheesh" remark she posted in response to your claim that she has money stashed away. Unless you count the money she grifts from her future marks as future earnings. At any rate, she isn't blowing it on clothes.

And Blake, she is, after all the woman who sued herself.

And Oma, I think you mean that Rob and Bob have made you "INfamous", and even that isn't true, girlfriend. You have taken care of that task all by yourself.


RobMoshein said...

No Oma, what makes you infamous is your amazing ability to be arrested on a regular basis, to be evicted annually, so sell Motorcycles that don't belong to you, to write bad checks, and to file bankruptcy UNDER OATH that you have NOTHING, no money at all, and less than a year later with no actual JOB you claim to suddenly HAVE MONEY!

Since you are rolling in cash now, according to you, perhaps Thomas Ward might want to haul you in for a debtors exam, he knows where you live now...

Rebecca Jordan said...

One more thing. "Rob and Bob's HATE ON HER (Oma) makes her famous"?

Their "HATE ON HER"? Is that a Southern California expression, Elly Mae? Because I have only ever heard that locution from Southerners I have known. Didn't West Virginia used to be part of Virginia?


Blake Springpasture said...

Blake is so impressed by the use of the third person to refer to oneself that he is going to try it for a while.

Blake certainly thought it lent mysterious gravitas to Russophile's otherwise silly posts as it does to Oma's.

Blake out.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I now wish to be referred to, and will only refer to myself, as The Rebecca. Top that, Blake.

The Rebecca. There is only one The Rebecca.

Blake Springpasture said...

Blake does not wish to get into one-upsmanship with Rebecca.

The elegance of Blake's name speaks for itself.

Blake Springpasture said...

Excuse me.

Blake meant to say, "The Rebecca".

Blake Springpasture said...

Blake congratulates Oma on her getting an attorney in Texas.

His retainer will be something on which Bob can levy for payment of his judgment against Hamou.

Blake does hope the attorney is not caught off guard by that.

Bob Atchison said...

Yes, I will attach it!

RobMoshein said...

Mr. Moshein wishes to post the following:

Robert D. Atchison
101 Laurel Lane
Austin, TX 78705

June 29,2011 Certified Mail, ReturnReceipt
USPS, email, fax

Oma Hamou
145 S. Glenoaks Blvd, #305
Burbank, CA 91502
And by email to

Re: Hearing for Motion for Summary Judgment Hearing on Bill of Review, Motion for Contempt, Deposition.

Ms Hamou;

I am in receipt of your emails of last night.

First, I am afraid that July 18 is not possible for me to attend your hearing as you are required to provide 45 days notice. As I realize that I did not give you the required 21 days notice for the Motion for Summary Judgment I will reschedule it for Friday July 22, 2pm which is thus more than 21 days notice from today. You have indicated that you are available all that week after the 18th. If you have a different date that would be more convenient, please advise and I will set it for that day. My filed Motion for Summary Judgment, you will find attached in email and enclosed in USPS mail and Fax. I’m afraid the Rules of Civil Procedure require all preliminary matters, like Motion for Summary Judgment, to be heard prior to your hearing.

The Motion for Contempt and to Compel Document Production is set already for Wednesday July 20 at 2pm, so I am sure you can attend that hearing as you indicated. As for the deposition, I simply do not believe that you have a sudden “personal emergency” some nine days from now and you have not objected to the date for the last weeks. If you refuse to show up, I will file a Motion for Contempt, as Judge Yelenovsky suggested, to be heard at the same time as the Motion for Contempt already on Calendar. You can then explain and prove the "emergency" to the Court.

Robert D. Atchison

Rebecca Jordan said...

The Rebecca is pleased with the deference Blake shows her.

Nice letter, Bob. I suppose the son's "emergency" can also be rescheduled. Or perhaps he can file for an emergency continuance.

The Rebecca

Blake Springpasture said...

Blake is pleased that The Rebecca is pleased with the deference shown by Blake.

However, Blake thought The Rebecca was going to eschew the first person altogether in her posts.

Perhaps Blake, though elegantly named, is confused.

RobMoshein said...

Mr. Moshein can confirm that the email Bob Atchison sent to Oma Hamou containing all the documents and the letter he copied here was sent successfully as Bob copied him on it, and Mr. Moshein got the copy...

Rebecca Jordan said...

The Rebecca thanks Blake for pointing out The Rebecca's mistake and vows that --- oh, hell, I don't have the stamina for this kind of nonsense. After all, I am not Oma Hamou.

So. What kind of emergency regarding her son could possibly be scheduled so far in advance that the mention of the word "continuance" could set her off like that?

The Rebecca wants to know.

RobMoshein said...

Mr. Moshein wonders what unexpected "emergency" will arise for the Motion for Contempt on July 20. Hamou was quite CLEAR to Bob Atchison that she was totally available for hearings AFTER the 18th.

Mr. Moshein will wager a nice bottle of wine that her excuse will be hospitalisation perhaps related to her alleged ass cancer.

Rebecca Jordan said...

These letters! The grammar! The spelling! The complete lack of logic!

The Rebecca thinks that the Oma had indeed better get herself a lawyer, although the Oma needs to make it clear to the lawyer that Bob Atchison will attach his fee in a Texas minute (up here we say a New York Minute, but you get the idea). Perhaps Bob's lawyer can call your lawyer and make that clear.

Oma, isn't it exciting! You can finally use the phrase "have your people call my people", and actually have people who really exist do it!

The Rebecca

Rebecca Jordan said...

By the way, as for the idea that your son's emergency is "none of your business", that is patently untrue, the Oma. It is germane to your desire for a continuance. The Rebecca suspects that a survey of outstanding legal actions in the area will be rewarding.

The Rebecca, or more properly, Ms. Rebecca Jordan

Mitzi said...

Darling Beckele, you're killing me, darling! Which is nothing compared to what darling Omele's letters to Bob are doing. Darling, you should sue Albion High School for letting you out with a diploma that suggested you had received an education, darling. Because, darling, on the face of the evidence (see, Omele, a legal term, darling, just for you!), you were swindled.


RobMoshein said...

Mr. Moshein wishes to remind Ms Hamou that Judge Yelenovsky TOLD Bob Atchison in Court in front of Ms Hamou that he was FREE to file a regular Motion for Summary Judgment and that he "may very well prevail" on that motion, the judge's exact words. Bob's No Evidence Motion was the improper technical vehicle and the Judge was CLEAR that it should have been filed as a regular MSJ and TOLD BOB he was FREE TO RE FILE. They are two different things, and therefore not "res judicata"...but you're free to argue that to the Court again.

Bob Atchison said...

Yes, Rob, that is exactly what I heard.

Hamou heard it as well, since we were in the same courtroom with the same judge.

I am still trying to comprehend her strange emails - I just got two more.

Bob Atchison said...

I have to read them 5 or 6 times before I can figure out what she is trying to say.

Bob Atchison said...

8th try - very odd - she is copying and pasting from documents she obviously doesn't understand.

Bob Atchison said...

Blake you wrote in an earlier post:

"Of course, she's been playing this game about the debtor's exam for years. Even a contempt citation won't matter to her.

She is never going to produce true documents and information for that exam. It would leave her wide open to big time trouble with the IRS for unreported income and expenses in excess of visible income. It's the same reason she had to withdraw her sworn bankruptcy petition a few months ago once she realized Bob Atchison and other creditors were sent copies and were going to appear in court to unmask the lies she put into that petition.

But it'll still be worth getting the contempt citation."

HOW TRUE - what you have written is now being proven.

RobMoshein said...


Give up trying to comprehend it. Hamou herself clearly doesn't even understand what she is writing, and she exhibits the clear usual signs of when she freaks out, gets into a blind rage and can't even form coherent sentences when making her toothless threats.

She confirmed she will show up at the Motion for Contempt for not complying with the Document production, which TWO Judges have reminded her she is obliged to do, she admits she is refusing to show up for the deposition, and she admits she will attend the Motion for Summary Judgment, which I suggest you have Judge Yelenovsky himself hear, so that HE can tell Hamou that he told you that you were free to refile it...

Bob Atchison said...

Great idea,Rob!

I will make sure I get Judge Yelenovsky to hear it. I am sure he won't forget what he said.

Blake Springpasture said...

Blake took a break to watch back-to-back episodes of "Maury" and a "Judge Judy" double header this afternoon -- only to go over to the "Ask Oma" forum afterward to find the real hillbilly fireworks going off.

First we have Snoopy-who-is-Oma referring to herself in huge bold-faced letters as "Drama Queen O". The flashes of truth from her are rare, indeed. But when they do come, they are certainly worth the wait.

Then we have her stumbling all over herself about what res judicata means. The only thing that is res judicata in this whole mess is the judgment Bob Atchison has against Hamou, which became res judicata when she failed to file a timely appeal or motion for new trial.

Blake is highly amused by all her ungrammatical fumings and illogical rantings and is grateful that what should have been a quick, simple adjudication of the Bill of Review application is going to drag on for weeks and weeks more.

Blake can't wait to see the lawyer The Hamoo coughs up for this round.

And -- most of all -- he can't wait to see the attempts to introduce the Curt Baggett "expert" testimony.

But Blake is disappointed that The Rebecca gave up so easily on the use of the third person. She truly sounded regal while thus referring to herself. He thinks she's earned her own portrait over the mantel in a cheesy wedding dress with a Korean flag.

Rebecca Jordan said...

As The Rebecca tried to explain to Blake, The Rebecca does not have the pretentious stamina to continue to refer to herself in the third person. It's harder than you think, Blake, and we should be giving The Hamou credit for her ability to pull it off.

Or not.

Anyway, back to reality, always a difficult trip for Oma. My goodness, but she has a busy court docket over the summer. Hope she can take time off from work to ---

Oh, wait.

And Mitzi, thanks for the flight information. I can hardly wait!

The Rebecca Formerly Known as The Rebecca, or in common parlance, Ms. Rebecca Jordan. There is only one Rebecca!

RobMoshein said...

Wow, Hamou's Palmdale Road Runner IP has been hitting this blog faster than a woodpecker on a pecan tree full of worms!

Clearly, someone in Palmdale is running scared and freaked out.

Anonymous said...

Hey, surveillance guy. It's me! I'm in the trunk. Let me out while she's on the computer. Let me out!!

RobMoshein said...

The only reason Hamou is scared of her address being on the web is because of all the people with legal papers who are looking for her, and the police departments that keep getting complaints filed about her...

Normal people don't worry about their address being out there, you know, like the PHONE BOOK, tens of millions of them...

Warren Buffett
3555 Farnam Street
Suite 1440
Omaha, NE 68131

President & Mrs. Barack H. Obama
5046 S. GREENWOOD AVE,CHICAGO,IL 60615 2806.

but Oma Hamou, a bankrupt nothing with huge debt lives in fear in the desert of the Antelope Valley?? puhleez...and she calls Bob a Drama Queen?

Blake Springpasture said...

Rob, it wasn't Bob that Snoopy-who-is-Oma called a drama queen. It was herself she called a drama queen.

Here's the actual "Snoopy" post that was addressed to Bob:

"No, DRAMA QUEEN O's emails to you aren't strange but you can explain to the courts at the hearing you published on your domestic partners libelous blog you found her above letter strange, o.k."

I did find it rather extraordinary that she would admit what a drama queen she is. But there it was, in black and white (and bold faced in huge type, too).

Bob Atchison said...

Rob - you are right.

Blake Springpasture said...

Oops. What's this?

Oma's son Nicholas was charged with criminal battery on June 17.

Wonder whom he beat up. His mama?

Bob Atchison said...

I just found this on the web regarding Contempt of Court in Texas, jail is a possibility here:

Civil contempt is also known as “coercive” or “remedial” contempt because it seeks to remedy the violation of a court order.

The purpose of the contempt is to persuade the contemnor to obey a previous order. This is the classic situation of a witness being jailed until he agrees to testify. The judge may assess a fine, imprisonment, or both, and the sentence may be determinate or open-ended. The only requirement is that the contempt is conditional — the contemnor may escape the sentence by complying with the court order. In this way, the contemnors are said to carry “the keys of their prison in their own pocket."

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, Rebecca. You might have been right, after all, when you told Blake this morning that maybe the son's "medical emergency" was really something having to do with yet another court appearance for Oma on another matter.

Jeez. What a household.

Mother and son both with multiple felony convictions. Mother and son both tied up in courts yet again. Mother and son living in yet another house on a scam.

Blake finds this all too funny. In a kind of sad sort of way.

Bob Atchison said...

Wow, Blake really? Amazing.

I remember I got a call some time ago by a guy who said he was Hamou's son telling me to leave his mother alone followed by a hang-up. I can still hear the voice. I don't remember exactly when it was. Based on this report perhaps I should have taken it more seriously.

Blake Springpasture said...

Blake thinks you ought to file for a TRO. Nicholas Moran has already been convicted of attacking a police officer. (And of theft, too, although that's a little beside the point, unless your wallet falls out of your pants while he's beating you.)

He did, after all, whup up on his mama.

RobMoshein said...

No Oma, there is a difference between a drop box, which is what you have in Burbank, and a place where the Process Server can hand you lawsuits and Orders for Debtor Exams and the police/Sheriff can come talk to you...

Rebecca Jordan said...

The Rebecca had a feeling something would turn up, Blake. In fact, Nicholas Moran (McConnell) should be annoyed with his mother for dragging him into this mess as an excuse.


Bob Atchison said...

Hamou has a long history of using drop boxes - remember that one in Beverly Hills on Camden Drive? Rob, you went there... remember?

She claimed it was the "offices" of Enigma Films, but it was just a drop box.

RobMoshein said...

Mr Moshein may confirm the following email was successfully sent to Oma Hamou, as he was copied on the email by Bob...

Robert D. Atchison
101 Laurel Lane
Austin, TX 78705

June 30, 2011
email, fax

Oma Hamou
145 S. Glenoaks Blvd, #305
Burbank, CA 91502

And by email to


Ms Hamou;

I am in receipt of your emails of yesterday.

Thank you for confirming that you do not object to the date of July 22, 2011 for my Motion for Summary Judgment Hearing. I will place it on calendar with the Court today, you may consider this your 21 days notice.

Thank you for confirming your attending the Motion for Contempt and to Compel Document Production set already for Wednesday July 20 at 2pm.

I am not yet certain that the August 15 date will be available to me, but I will advise you shortly on whether that date works or we will need to find another date.

I consider your response in your email to be a refusal to comply with the subpoena to attend my deposition and will file my Motion accordingly on July 7.

Robert D. Atchison

RobMoshein said...

Yes Bob.

Mr. Moshein went to the Camden Drive address Hamou used in Beverly Hills for several years. In fact, he went up there twice and spoke to the manager.

Hamou used it as a mail drop and for phone messages, but never actually had an office there. The manager told Mr. Moshein both times that she knew Hamou, but Hamou was almost never there except to fetch mail, but was also clear that LOTS of people showed up looking for her all the time, including process servers and Marshals and debt collectors....

Rebecca Jordan said...

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, Oma. There are certainly people on this website who despise you because of what you have done to people that they love --- Rob despises you for what you have done to Bob, and vice versa; Mitzi and Bitsy despise you for what you did to Nitzana Kedem; presumably the Batchelors, Eric Cowan, Hamid Refai and Thomas Ward despise you for what you did to them. Mr. O'Connor used fairly vivid language to describe how much he despises you. Blake Springpasture clearly despises you. Penelope isn't the kind of woman who despises people (well, maybe Betty Ford. Or whoever she is.) Justin despises you for what you did to his life. I don't even want to guess what emotions prompted your son to take a swing at you.

Oh, I forgot. The Mortons. Marcus Demian. Tina Van Veen. They despise you too.

But I don't!


RobMoshein said...

Oma, you forget that Mr. Moshein's parents lived IN Beverly Hills, just blocks from Camden Drive and Santa Monica. It was quite simple for him to walk around the corner from the Sharper Image store to the entrace and go upstairs, to the large open room, with little cubicles lining the walls and desks...which were explained that they were rented AS NEEDED by customers, and it was confirmed that Hamou never kept a full office there, just used the phone answering service and the MAIL DROP. The place is still in existence and any idiot can walk up those same stairs as I did...

Bob Atchison said...

From the past...

Enigma Royal Films, LLC 468 N. Camden Drive, Suite 215, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 and Oma Hamou and Enigma Royal Films, LLC used this address as their "office" address.

468 N. Camden Drive, Suite 215, Beverly Hills, California was in fact owned by "Global Business Systems" and which rented monthly office services including the receiving of mail and parcels, telephone answering and message services, and office space to be rented by the day or week.

It advertised itself as an inexpensive means to have the appearance of a Beverly Hills address, without actually having one.

It is commonly referred to as a "mail drop". Enigma Royal Films, LLC did not maintain a physical presence at this address.

RobMoshein said...

as he did...oops.

Blake Springpasture said...

Oh, chill out, Hamou.

The charges filed on June 17, 2011 in Los Angeles County were against Nicholas Royal Moran. Are you seriously going to argue anyone other than you, with your royalty obsession, would have given another Nicholas Moran the middle name of "Royal" and that this other Nicholas Royal Moran also happens to live in L.A. County near you and have the same violent tendencies as your son? (Although I could see how any poor kid saddled with the name of "Royal" could want to pound on someone.)

And you are hardly one to talk about dragging third parties or their children into things. Years ago, as part of your effort to portray yourself as some damsel in distress, you dragged Marcus Demian's name into your internet bio-blatherings. No one would have known he existed -- or that you were his tenth wife (yep, 10th) -- had you not harped about the supposed beatings, pistol whippings, and psychological abuses you suffered at his hands.

When people began to poke around into the back story of that particular round of trailer trash doings, you promptly trotted out his children as your supposed allies and witnesses.

You don't like having your son Nicholas dragged into things? Well, then don't make him part of your scams and your lies for reasons why you can't appear in court.

Jeez. You are nuttier than a pecan roll. And twice as sticky.

Blake Springpasture said...

So Demian has had 15 wives now, huh?

Well, Blake guesses the pool of truly stupid women runs mighty deep in your circles, huh, Oma.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, Bob has the LETTER you wrote asking for Russian Visas for her and her son NICHOLAS ROYAL...

do you DENY this is your son's name?

Blake Springpasture said...

Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:

"You have not ever proven this individual is Oma's son."

Don't have to. The petition for Conservatorship of Person that "Oma McConnell" filed regarding Nicholas Moran in April 2010 proved it.

Blake Springpasture said...

"won a judgment on her"?

"hating on Oma"???

What? Are we in full hillbilly mode now over on the "Ask Oma" forum?

RobMoshein said...

This letter kinda proves it as well Oma. Don't scream now, since you asked us to PROVE here you go..

The pertinent section in bold:
September 18, 2001

Dr. Ivan Petrovich Sautov

Archimandrite Markell

Father Gennady Zverev

Nadzedah V. Ovchinnikova

Valeri Michailovich Vakulenko

Re: Enigma Films / Partners

I trust that the reason why I have not received a reply is because of
the translation. I would like to call to your attention matters that are of concern. First, each of you are responsible for the contractors thatwork under you and that ENIGMA has entered into contracts with, as theywill be paid through the WMF for their services.

The wording "vendor" in my previous letter to you was concerning both Alexy Markov and Andrey Obraztsov.

I need one of you to contact these individuals, as I need each of you to understand their roles and importance to all of us. Their present contracts will be placed under the "Fedorovsky Cathedral" and Father Markell will respect Enigma's present Agreements. Andrey is an Ottoman and Enigma is proud to be a part of the combined efforts of all of you to educate the world concerning the true honor of Cossack. Traditionally, they provided security services for both the Imperial Family and to the Church. Today the Cossacky's continue this rich tradition through their services to our Church.
I agree with Father Gennady on any other decisions that he may have on additional security. I believe in OUR people and its traditions we want to remember. As to Alexy Markov his descendants can be traced as far back as Imperial Russia to Andrey Markov. Regardless, Alexy's craftsmanship is superb and is valuable not only to Enigma but to each of you.


Alexy's present contract with Enigma as "Prop master" and creates all of our costume jewelry, medals ecetra for our film project, "As A Matter of Honour". Currently he provides services to the Cathedral and to the Gorodok in restoring, repairing or creating precious icons and jewelry. His contract shall be placed under the Fedorovsky Cathedral and Father Markell will honor Enigma's present Agreement with him. I want the world to see what his hands can create. Remember after the project certain props will be auctioned of and all proceeds will go to benefit certain charities chosen by Enigma.

Valeri Vakulenko you are not only the project manager of the Gorodok but a partner. Enigma's present contracts with you will be placed under the Gorodok and shall be paid under this heading. This does not mean that Father Gennady will not receive the monies as promised; it simply is a way of handling this matter effectively for all of us.

Nadzedah V. Ovchinnikova you are my partner and I own a percentage of Russian Restoration. You are also the Project Manager of both the Fedorovsky Cathedral and Enigma's portion of the Fedorovsky Gorodok. Enigma has entered into a contract with its sub-contractor, Vladimir Galaktionov of Respect Architect. Enigma's present contract with you Nadia will fall under the Fedorovsky Cathedral as its project manager. All payments including any and all furniture that Russian Restoration shall create for the three-site locations shall fall under the Cathedral's contract with WMF.

RobMoshein said...

Part 2
Have you combined your efforts with either Boris or the Scientific Department representatives of the Palace to create and identify all furniture pieces that either need to be restored or created? I have been waiting for this list since my departure from Russia and to date I have received nothing.

Again, so that I am clear, you are listed as Enigma's project manager and Father Markell will honor all commitments there under

I am concerned about your business relationship with Pallasart, which is Bob Achinson's company. Enigma has severed all relationships with Pallasart. Prior to my departure from Russia, Bob Achinson sent through my account a large deposit from his client to you for furniture to be made. As of today's date neither Bob Achinson nor his client has received the furniture or the requested photos and a time schedule for completion. This places me, as a partner of your company, in a very precarious situation as I can also be held liable for this debt. As your partner I have defended you from him and explained that you are busy working. But I do not know what you are really doing? If you have a problem with Bob and his company please let me know and I will have my attorney here in LA work out a release of liability. The worse that could happen is the requests to return the deposit back to Pallasart but you need to communicate with me immediately, as I cannot protect our partnership if I do not know what is happening.

Again, neither Enigma nor myself as an individual no longer has any relationship with Bob Achinson or Pallasart. I personally find his company's ethics appalling. Russian Restoration's professional relationship with both Pallasart and Bob Achinson has become a conflict of interest in its partnership with Enigma. I ask of you, as your partner, to either complete this work assignment in which funds were provided for or communicate to me what is happening so that I can protect my interest in Russian Restoration from any liability.

One of several requirements placed upon Enigma by the financial institutions that are lending the money is that all funds from the Russian portion of the budget must abide by international accounting procedures and go through a nonprofit organization. WMF cannot enter into contracts with third parties because of its charter as a nonprofit organization. I believe that the above stated information will work effectively for all of us without jeopardizing their nonprofit status. Each of us must coordinate our efforts so that we can proceed with the restoration projects.
Each of you is responsible for those who work under you.

As I am for my own employees.

I have in the past, as each of you has, had disputes with employees.

Some create disturbances and some are team players.

Some respect me and some don't.

Who cares?

RobMoshein said...

part 3
I do care when our employees affect our project as a whole.

Let me explain:

Within the Fedorovsky Cathedral are certain women, who do not like me, and I am certain, prays that I do not return to Russia. How does this affect the rest of you? I will tell you. The financial institutions that are providing Enigma the loans for its film project that includes the Russian restoration projects, have been randomly calling the Cathedral to verify that certain works, which Father Markell signed for, have been performed. These documents reflect not only Father Markell's signature but also serve as verification of signed receipts as well bank statements of works performed and completed.

Also 'strangers", questioning my motives and ability have called the Cathedral who provided them with additional telephone numbers. These calls are from people who for one reason or another such as jealously do not like me. Lydia and others within the Cathedral and outside have told uch horrible lies such as that I, Oma Hamou, did not do any restoration on the Fedorovsky Cathedral or at the Alexander Palace. And at the most I contributed was a computer and $3,000.00. I want to scream at these individuals who dishonor me, in this manner.

What I have done is evident by the Cathedral's present condition. I have found myself in trouble, so to speak, with my banks because of thesevicious attacks on my character. These kinds of things reflect poorly on each of you and us as a whole as it jeopardizes the integrity of our partnership and project as well as my ability to FINANCE both the restoration and film project.

I expect that each of you will advise all employees and those around you not to speak on matters pertaining to either Enigma's partnership with each of you or any of our decisions.

All questions should be directed to the appropriate sources and anyone who violates this should be dealt with accordingly.

As for the letters that Enigma has solicited on behalf of our restoration projects and of which copies were sent to each of you. My office has received a very generous response. This can only benefit each of us as a whole. For your information I have been telling the financial institutions as well as others that my partners have been and are working to fulfill their obligations. Time and time again I have stressed that time is of the essence and the urgency for the money to be transferred to Russia. My hands are tied if I do not have 100% of your cooperation and support.

I am looking forward to receiving each of your reports on any and all restoration and plans that you have been doing. I need to know, just like all of you do, what is happening so that I am well informed and not caught off guard. Each of us has tremendous pressures upon our shoulders but as a partner I carry all of you as well as the financial burden of the film project. It isn't easy but it is not difficult. One for All and All for One.

Dr. Sautov like the WMF I am in need of your assistance with obtaining visas for myself, and staff members, Mark T. Anderson, David M. Davidson, William Morton and for my son Nicholas Royal Alexander Moran.

As to matters pertaining to the insuring of these three historical sites, Guideh Insurance, a subsidiary to Lloyd's of London, is currently reviewing the contracts and it is anticipated that it will it will be concluded soon. It is also one of the necessary requirements of the financial institutions that are lending the money to fiance Enigma's film project.
In my last email I wrote that one of the characteristics of the Imperial Family that I admired was their sense of "Duty and Honour". And as such I too am bound to each of you. To some it is a noble cause of a bygone era, but when I lived in Russia I saw this within each of you.

RobMoshein said...

part 4

I look forward to receiving each of your comments to questions that I addressed in both my last letter as well the present. I also look forward to receiving a progress report on the individual sites from each of you.

Thank you and as always I shall remain,

Very truly yours,



Bob Atchison said...

Well, there you go - it's proven. Blake and Rob have proved it.

I am not sure why Hamou is denying he is her son. That's strange.

RobMoshein said...

No Bob, it isn't strange.

Mr Moshein believes Hamou isn't "denying" its her son, rather she says "prove it"...just like she did when he confronted her on March 24 about all the crimes she committed and people she hurt, she never denied a single statement, but rather kept blurting "Prove it" "prove it"...

It is a game she plays...twisting words...

Bob Atchison said...

That's true. She told me to "prove" that she had been using the name of Ashkenazy and then I busted her. Not a word after that.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Lydia! Lydia was the name of one of the women I spoke to at Tsarskoe Selo last year!

Add her to the list, Oma. She really doesn't like you.


And seriously, Oma, the name Nicholas Moran (McConnell) shows up on half a dozen sites with you listed as a relative. You really want to run with his?

RobMoshein said...

Well RJ,

Mr Moshein thinks that the guy doesn't really have a lot to make a mother proud and WANT to own up to his being hers, now does he?

Assaulting police officers, theft, battery, violent temper and a drug problem, unemployed, lives at home with mommie, at an age when most normal kids are graduating college, working decent jobs and not getting arrested...

Mr. Moshein can't really fault Hamou for not WANTING to admit the guy is her kid....

Blake Springpasture said...

Oh, calm down, Oma. You're just pissed because we found out that after the court-appointed investigator filed his report, the judge denied your petition to be appointed your son's conservator.

No surprise there.

But, Rob. Forget the nonsense about Nicholas Moran not being her son. That letter you posted is an absolutely extraordinary mix of ego, paranoia, posturing, melodrama, bad grammar, poor punctuation, lies about finances, and preening self-compliments.

No wonder people in Russia were bailing on her right and left. It was quickly becoming apparent she was not only a fraud but quite out of her mind.

Bob Atchison said...

These were the ladies at the cathedral who called Hamou, Satan's Handmaiden or Handmaiden of Satan for all the evil they said she had done.

In Russia I think they must have used the "cheeort" which means devil so maybe Devil's Handmaiden is more accurate

I had nothing, nothing at all to do with that they came up with it themselves. It is such an evil - even demonic - name I have never understood why Hamou boasts about it and wears it like a badge of honor.

RobMoshein said...

Well Blake, there is that too...

Rebecca Jordan said...

Now there's a video tape exonerating you? Put it on youtube.

And no, the sites I was talking about aren't any that have anything to do with this nonsense, Oma. They are purely legal information; you and Nick are simply two of thousands listed on them. That's the point Rob was trying make, girlfriend. The public information that is out there really precludes a need to either make things up or crack into sealed records.

RobMoshein said...


Oma just ADMITTED that Nicholas Royal Moran IS her son! Thanks Oma.

The conservatorship records are not sealed. Anyone can get a copy. Just go to

do the search and get the whole docket and document images.

RobMoshein said...

Oma said "
She is concerned you and your ilk got a copy of her son's confidential court records which you have no right too"

which confirms we HAVE the court records...see above, they aren't confidential Oma...

RobMoshein said...

Mr. Moshein is sure Omas MENSA lawyers made good use of the video RJ...remember that 'crack team' of experts that Oma Hamou SWORE up and down was feverishly working on the boxes of documents "snoopy" personally delivered and that their Federal brief was going to be filed any moment...back three years ago....

The word "credibility" is nowhere to be found in Hamou's vocabulary nor personae...

RobMoshein said...

Here it is specifically,
Case No. MP005475
Moran, Nicholas, Conservatorship

McConnell,Oma Petitioner in pro per
Moran, Nicholas, Subject Person

then down under proceedings held:
01/06/2011 at 8:30 am in Department ATV12, DAVID BIANCHI, Presiding Appt. Conservator of Person - Petition Denied without prejudice

Shall Mr. Moshein post the PDF of the whole file Oma? or do you REALLY want to play that game still?

RobMoshein said...

OK Oma, since you decided to play the game, here you go:

notice at the top of the pages it says:


Bob Atchison said...

Wow, Rob, there it is, I read it myself. Watch Hamou will claim it's a fake.

Bob Atchison said...


Filing Date: 04/16/2010 Case Type: Conservatorship of Person (General Jurisdiction) Status: Pending

Future Hearings

Documents Filed | Proceeding Information
GREBE SIBYLLE - PVP Attorney MCCONNELL OMA - Petitioner in Pro Per MORAN NICHOLAS - Subject Person

Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding

Information Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)

01/04/2011 Report-PVP Attorney Filed by PVP Attorney

09/23/2010 Report-PVP Attorney Filed by PVP Attorney

06/28/2010 Ltr-Temp Conservator of Person Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/28/2010 Ord-Appt Temp Consor of Person Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Duties of Consor/Ack Rec-Handbook Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Conservatorship of Person 04/16/2010 Notification-Cons./Guard Address
Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Request-Waive Court Fees Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per
1 of 2 6/30/11 1:55 PM
Los Angeles Superior Court - Civil Case Summary

04/16/2010 Miscellaneous-Other Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Decl/Capacity-Conservatorship (X2 ) Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Ord-Appt Court Investigator Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Ord-Appointing PVP Atty Filed by Court

04/16/2010 Conf. Screening Form-Consorship Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Appt. Temp Conservator of Person 04/16/2010 Order-Court Fee Waiver (SIGNED BY COMMR DAVID BIANCHI )
Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

04/16/2010 Confidential Supplemental Info Sht Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

Case Information | Party Information | Documents Filed Proceedings Held (Proceeding dates listed in descending order)

01/06/2011 at 08:30 am in Department ATV12, DAVID BIANCHI, Presiding Appt. Conservator of Person - Petition Denied without prejudice

09/23/2010 at 08:30 am in Department ATV12, DAVID BIANCHI, Presiding Appt. Conservator of Person - Continued

06/17/2010 at 08:30 am in Department ATV12, DAVID BIANCHI, Presiding Appt. Conservator of Person - Continued

04/22/2010 at 08:30 am in Department ATV12, DAVID BIANCHI, Presiding Appt. Temp Conservator of Person - Petition Granted

RobMoshein said...

AND for those who want to see the images directly instead of the PDF here you go:

You will find the dimissed petition in January on page two, the -2.jpg above

Bob Atchison said...

I don't see how Hamou can claim that's a fake.

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