Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why this blog? 4

I have been asked to make a more concise version, as some previous posts are too long. So here goes.

When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies on the Internet results.

As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here.

The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) and is currently out of custody on bail and faces the Preliminary Hearing phase of her Criminal Trial proceedings in December, 2009.
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:

She is nearly psychotic in this compulsion because I stumbled onto the actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy et al, has for YEARS now, threatened me with civil and criminal actions. For years now, NOTHING has happened except more ongoing threats online.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read below in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.

Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?

This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?

This woman claims that her current Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they are STILL pressing charges and scheduling hearings. Does THAT make sense??

This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?

Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.

As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison

Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.

You can verify all the arrests, judgments etc for yourself with simple online searches.

If you have a judgment against Oma Hamou, Alexandra McConnell or her alias names and you want to collect, or serve her with a Debtor Exam, OR if you want to SERVE her with a suit, she is represented by a lawyer, Brian Watson of Victorville California. Service on him is valid as if you served her herself, as he represents her. Google his address and serve her there...

You are free to email me with your questions, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.


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Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness. It has been almost exactly a year since Ms. Hamou/McConnell/Murphy's last felony arrest, hasn't it.

This is no longer a laughing matter. I'm truly worried. I do hope the poor dear is not back in jail.

Of course, this would also be about the time a one-year lease would expire if she made such an arrangement after getting put out of that dear Mrs. Bathelor's house. Perhaps she's just moving into a new house/identity.

Let's do hope so.

JustinEdward said...

Yeah, but she usually hits an internet cafe or a library when she is without the internet because of a move. Or at least she used to do that.

I just wanted people to know that Rebecca called my bank yesterday and convinced them that the "Justin" on the other forum isn't me, so I get to keep my job. Thanks for all of the prayers, Penny, and I certainly appreciated the offer to send me the homemade pound cake! Yum!

The best part is that my wife has come out of the bathroom at last. She locked herself in there once she found out that I have been fired.

Russophile said...

Well I hate to burst all your bubbles---well, naw, I actually like it--but I just spoke to Ms. Hamou, and Handmaiden who's NOT Ms. Hamou and neither are in jail, just busy. And I spoke with them both yesterday as well.

Anonymous said...

Justin, dear, I'll get that cake to UPS later today. I do hope you like a nice strong dash of lemon in your pound cake.

I fear the cake fell a little in the middle, dear, as I might have checked it once too often to be sure it was perfectly done. I'd hate to have you eat an overdone cake what with the recent scare about your employment situation. There is just so much a person can take. But me -- I just love that little dense strip in the center.

Bye bye, dear.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oh, BFF! Of course you talked to them both at the same time! There's no way not to!


Rebecca Jordan said...

By the way, I also enjoyed the statement that the "real" Justin has a "creative" job.

I'll say. "He" writes fiction, and when "he" interprets you-know-who's legal history? Well, it doesn't get much more creative than that.

RobMoshein said...


Did anyone else see "48 Hours" tonight about the woman, Esther Reed, who faked Identities, conned people out of thousands of dollars of money, used people and claimed to have "stalkers" as an excuse to have the "new" names and "multiple addresses", and when asked said "People who tell lies to get things aren't necessarily con artists..."

All her friends said she was "a wonderful person" and they had no idea she was using them and lying to them. She is serving five years in Federal Prison...

Sound familiar? Just saying. Not making any assertions. You decide for yourself....

Anonymous said...

Damn, I missed it.

How big was her chin?

Anonymous said...

Hamou is posting again that she has made restitution on her bad debts. Yeah? Well tell that to American Express, Reed Elsevier, and a host of other people who hold outstanding judgments against her but haven't seen a dime.

What I really liked, though, was her saying that the police have never questioned her about crimes like those Esther Reed committed. Does that mean she was tossed in jail on her current forgery charge without being questioned? Probably so, as the police were just executing a warrant. Must have been the case in Utah, Wyoming, and Montanta, too, where she was arrested for felonies.

Or does it mean that among Reed's crimes were no bad check or forgery charges?

Since Hamou is incapable of telling a lie (ha ha ha haarrr hee hee haaaarrrrrrr) it must be one of those two explanations. Yep, that's the only possible answer. The only one. Yep.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oma now claims that she is making payments on her outstanding "debts". Has she set up a schedule with you. Bob? Moreover, these are debts honestly contracted --- that is, she entered into agreements with Amex and Elsevier, say, with full intention and ability to pay. It is only through a combination of bad circumstances and an inability to keep her accounts straight that she keeps finding herself in these awkward positions with the legal system.

Perhaps some of her "friends" may want to petition the courts to be established as her legal guardians. Her history indicates an inability to care for herself.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's just the beginning of the current round of lunacy.

She's also claiming that she "accidentally" gave Mrs. Batchelor a check from the wrong checkbook. That's the same excuse she's tried with the police on other occasions, such as when she "accidentally" put a checkbook on a closed account in her purse to pay someone down in Orange County.

I guess when you're a CEO, model, actress, film producer, head of an international charity, etc., it's damn near impossible to keep all your checkbooks straight.

Maybe a color coding system would help? You know -- a brown cover for the checkbook to use when you really do intend the person to get the money; a green cover for a checkbook to use for elderly and/or senile victims that aren't likely to testify; a red cover to use when you don't plan to still be in town when the check is cashed; an orange cover when the account was opened under an alias; a black cover when the checkbook was stolen, er borrowed, from someone; and a yellow checkbook to use when you plan to cry/whine your way out of the situation.

RobMoshein said...

Thanks for forwarding the newest stupidity from the KoolAid victim. Of COURSE District Attorneys will press Felony Forgery charges on someone who just grabbed the wrong checkbook. OF COURSE they will waste a YEAR of time and numerous manhours on a "compromise" for grabbing the wrong checkbook. They have NOTHING better to do with their time.

One small thing about all this, a piece of reality they/she as always fails to address or admit. "Compromise" means the DA HAS THE GOODS TO CONVICT HER and are willing to "compromise" on the charges...If REALITY were what Oma Hamou using her alias name Alexandra McConnell CLAIMS, the charges would just be dropped because they can't PROVE a crime.

Compromise means the DA can PROVE TO THE COURT THERE WAS A CRIME. Otherwise, any lawyer worth his salt would have already had the Judge dismiss for LACK OF EVIDENCE. WHY didn't Brian Watson do that?? This would have been done with months ago and Oma would be free. Only one logical reason. The DA has the evidence and Oma has NO CHOICE but to compromise...DUH.

The morons on "Team Hamou" expect anyone with functioning neural nets would actually believe their stooooopid lies...?

Mitzi said...


I haven't lived in the States in so long that maybe I missed the changes in the legal system? Hoo boy, all I can say is that it seems like a lot of trouble to go to, and that Mrs. Batchelor must have some pull with the authorities. Here she says she wants to pay, is ready to pay, was ready to pay, and it was all a mistake, and Mrs. Batchelor is able to keep the verstunkene thing going in the court system all because she read stuff on the internet? What is she, the Golda Meir of San Bernadino, telling everyone what to do and they do it?

That's a lovely suggestion, Rebecca, that her friends should establish some kind of custody over the poor woman and keep her away from financial matters, because let's face it --- with money she isn't so good, especially with other people's money. Not naming any names, but Bitsy, Frtizi and I have always had to keep kind of an eye on Nitzi, what with her propensity to fall hook line and sinker for people like --- well, you know.

Anonymous said...

Me and a few parishioners were sitting around after the sermon on Sunday exchanging Bible jokes.

Here's one:

Q: How does Sister Oma tell time and date?

A: In the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the year Evil-Merodach became king of Babylon, he released Johoichin king of Judah and freed him from prison on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month. (Jeremiah 52:31)

Here's my favoite:

Q: How does Sister Oma say goodbye to a photographer?

A: Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. (Job 1:21)

Anonymous said...

Good grief. And I thought engineers had a weird sense of humor.

Rebecca Jordan said...

No good deed goes unpunished . .

She is upset because I suggested that her "friends" might want to petition for guardianship, due to her manifest inability to run her own life. Even aside from the clearly indicated personality disorders (she posts again and again under different names, for example), there is the track record of what is clearly narcissistic personality disorder combined with an inability to manage her own finances. I mean, what's the big deal? She could be looked after, and prevented from doing further harm to herself.

As Mitzi would say, I'm only trying to help.

Off to Connecticut in the morning to spend Thanksgiving with my brother, his wife, my nephews, their wives and children. Thanks for the wine suggestions, Rob! Happy holiday, all!


Mitzi said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends in the States! Nitzi and Bitsy are in Los Angeles, and girls, I hope you have a wonderful time! And Rebecca and Rob and Bob and Blake and Penelope and Justin and Hedley and Loftus and Sasha and Grand Shovel and his minion and Omer, Gomer, Homer and Dromer, and Take a Hike and Angus and even you, Rev. Billy Bob --- happy Thanksgiving from the Kedems! Kirsty, go easy on the stuffing, darling.

RobMoshein said...

Thank you Mitzele, and the rest of you who sent private email wishes for Thanksgiving.

I am thankful to all of you who see reality for what it is, and understand how truth is manipulated by a certain woman for her own ends. Your support is wonderful.

Happy Holiday to you all.

RobMoshein said...


Yes, you are spot on. I thought your point interesting enough to post here.

It IS amazing how Oma Hamou/aka Alexandra McConnell etc steadfastly insists she is ABOVE lawful courts. SHE alone has the right to hold the COURT'S judgment in her own "contempt" and publicly admits to refusing to comply with lawful, legal Court orders to pay judgments.

What a red flag that is to anyone who wants to do any sort of business with Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell etc. I mean, you're so right, all she has to do is the same thing she did to Bob, and just say "The court was wrong, I refuse to abide by the Court's legal judgment" and she gets off scot free from paying...

Typical MO as per usual. Blame someone else, it is NEVER ever her own fault....

Anonymous said...

Boy, Handmaiden sure seems to be over-reacting to suggestions of mental care. You'd almost think she's had the experience herself.

Hey, it just occurred to me. We haven't heard from little Pita in a while. Ya' think ....

Anonymous said...

Now "Handmaiden" is wringing her hands over on Hamou's forum about how terrible it is for a person to lose her freedom and be put under the control of others.

Jail's a bitch, huh?

Thank goodness little Pita has her nose buried in the books and doesn't have to witness her mummy's distress.

RobMoshein said...


If 'handmaiden' has not had the experience of mental health care, she really needs it, from what RJ has been forwarding me...the lack of grasp of reality, the holier than thou attitude coupled with the lack of intelligent comprehension and lack of plain common sense. I'd say the nice young men in clean white coats would have their hands full.

Anonymous said...

Folks, another tape of a phone call arrived in the mail yesterday. This one's a little spooky.

Female Voice: Hello. Magdalene Sisters. Laundry Room. Can I help you?

Male Voice: I need to you come get my daughter.

Female Voice: Why?

Male Voice: My ex-wife's gotten her mixed up with a very bad crowd, and I need you to set her back on the path of rigtheousness.

Female Voice: And your name is ...?

Male Voice: Sayton. Well, actually von Sayton.

Female Voice: Did you say (brief pause)Satan?

Male Voice: Yes. Sayton.

Female Voice: I see. And your wife's name?

Male Voice: Handmaiden.

Female Voice: Whaaat?

Male Voice: Handmaiden. Handmaiden von Sayton.

Female Voice: Dare I ask your daughter's name?

Male Voice: Pita.

Female Voice: Pita von Satan?

Male Voice: Yes.

Female Voice: And what exactly is your daughter's problem ... (in a very low tone) other than her family?

Male Voice: Excuse me?

Female Voice: I'm sorry. A washer just stopped spinning. Your daughter. How can we help her?

Male Voice: Her mother was befriended by this con artist in California, and now little Pita thinks this woman is the cat's meow. But a bunch of lunatics in Texas who are after the con artist are now pulling little Pita into it.

Female Voice: But didn't she insert herself into it?

Male Voice: You don't understand. They're calling her all kinds of names.

Female Voice: Such as ...?

Male Voice: Breadstick. Baked Goods!

Female Voice: What's so bad about that?

Male Voice: Are you daft? Can't you see it's libel and defamation.

Female Voice: To be called a dough product?

Male Voice: My daugther's an artiste. She has a very spiritual and sensitive nature. Things like this get to her. Your heart would just melt if you saw her. She's a size 8.

Female Voice: And you think one of our laundry rooms is the answer?

Male Voice: Pita would see it as a living metaphor. And I don't think the cops would look in a convent laundry. You know, just hypothetically. And if you gave her a new name -- something royal sounding would be nice -- it would teach those bastards in Texas a lesson. They're libeling and defaming me, er, Pita.

Female Voice: Wait a minute. You're not really Satan, are you?

Male Voice: I am. Really. My voice just gets very high and tweety when I'm mad. I am too who I said.

Female Voice: I'm afraid we can't help your daughter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to put some clothes in the dryer.

Male Voice: Wait! How can you abandon little Pita to those goons in Texas? I need you to hide her. Pita needs you!

Female Voice: Try the Sisters of Blind Naivete. I hear they're opening a bowling alley out your way and looking for help. And they don't do background checks. I have a feeling you'll see that as an advantage. Goodbye. (click)

Gomer said...

Thanksgiving was kind of a bust up here3 in Victorville. Big Mama went and sweetened up the possum by corn feedintg the little bastard for a couple of weeks but there was still a little gamy taste to it. She made some red eye gravy to go with it that was pretty good but like she said her heart just wanst in it this year on account of worrying about Lil Bit. Lil Bit drove over for the day in her new car that we are supposed to call a classic but pretty much just looked like a 1990 Ford LTD with a bad paint job. The two big surprises were that Homer is out of the slammer on account of an appeal his lawyer got for him that his conviction wasn't no good because thew San Bernadino cops had waterboarded him, so he was there with his new grilfriend Raylene. The other surprise was that Dromer managed to haul ass home from England and he looks prettier than a two-dollar whore. All citified with his clothes and all and he talks now with this weird shit accent like he has a mouth full of tater tots. He and Lil Bit were kind of standoffish with each other on account of her not keeping up with him at Oxford but that wasn't the worst part, that was when we sat down to the meal and she asked Raylene where she had got her thanksgiving outfit and Raylene said KMart and Lil Bit kind of sneered up at her and then Raylene said bitch please Id like to see you get your ass into something this pretty and Lil Bit through the mashed taters across the table and beaned Raylene out cold so that she slid under the table. Her hand was tangled with the cloth and she pulled the whole table down on top of her possum and all and then Big Mama started crying to beat the band and saying THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS! And then when desert came it turned out that the deep fried hostess cupcakes had melted all over and shit and so we had to go out to the McDonalds for some hotfudge sundays that were pretty good and only a buck each and then Dromer said that we were just embarassing to be related to and there was a bitg fight back at the ranch. So he slammed his ass out and went back to England but he says he might come home for Xmas. Lil Bit not so much.

But hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and took a rest from being such bitches. Raylene has a goose egg on her head but is otherwise okay.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my poor dear Omer. I'm so sorry your Thanksgiving dinner was fraught with such disagreeable events.

It weighs heavily on me to admit that mine, too, was not quite up to my usual snuff. I burned the turkey, so fretful was I with worry over poor Ms. Hamou/McConnell/Murphy's prolonged absences and fear that she had sunk into despair at the anniversary of her last arrest. It just throws such a pall over the holidays.

My guests were astounded at how a fine cook such as myself could make so basic a mistake as to burn a bird. But they just don't understand how the stress of all Ms. H/M/M has been through weighs on me. Perhaps I did not, either, or I would have used the automatic thermometer of my very fine oven.

At least it sounds from your report that Ms. H/M/M, though obviously under emotional strain as her set-to with dear Miss Raylene indicates, was able to dress up and drive herself up to Victorville to be with kith and kin. A Ford LTD is a fine machine. I'm sure she enjoyed the drive.

May God bless you all this holiday season. (And I've got just the most wonderful recipe for a home cleaning agent that will get out dried mashed potatoes from anything, even silk and chiffon. I'm sure it would work for polyester. Drop me an e-mail if Raylene wants it.)

Rebecca Jordan said...

My Thanksgiving was wonderful. I'm going to be a great-aunt in late spring!

Sorry to hear about your turkey mishap, Penelope. It was sweet of you to worry so much about A HMM, but probably wasted mental effort.

I'm avalanched at work (thanks, Dubai!) but will post as I can.


Anonymous said...

The tapes just keep on coming. Found another one last night on my desk. I'll let you guess what's up here.

Male Voice: Y'all, this here's Raylene that I told you about. Somethin', ain't she?

Raylene: Hey, y'all. It sure was nice of you to invite me here for Thanksgiving dinner. Those were real nice horses I saw out yonder in the pen.

Second Female Voice: It's a corral.

Male Voice: (pause) That reminds me, Raylene. Sis here used to be a model.

Raylene: Sure nuff? But why do horses remind you of that? (long pause ... sound like a utensil dropping onto a table)

Tweety Female Voice: Mama, why the hell are you serving possum this year? I sent you money for a turkey.

Mama: Grocery store wouldn't let me sign the check over to them. Said they knew you too good.

Tweety Female Voice: Well, that's just ridiculous. (long pause ... sound like a plate slamming down)

Raylene: Uh (pause) ... that's a real nice LTD I saw out front. I love vinyl tops and them little round windows. Don't see many orange ones, neither. What year is it?

Tweety Female Voice: It's a classic. Very hard to find. All my friends in Hollywood have been looking for one.

Raylene: You know people in Hollywood? Wow! Who? (long pause ... sound of chair scaping back quickly and heavy footsteps receding and a female voice muttering indistinctly)

Tweety Female Voice: Oh, lots of people. I was an actress, and I'm now producing a movie.

Male Voice: Let's just change the subject, okay?

Tweety Female Voice: Why? It ain't my fault Mama is jealous of how successful I got. I'm going to make that movie no matter what you think. Those assholes in Texas ain't gonna get in my way no more. I got a plan.

Raylene: What's it about?

Tweety Female Voice: The plan?

Raylene: Uh, no. The movie.

Tweety Female Voice: It's about Empress Alexandra of Russia. I'm going to play her. I've already got the dress. It's a size 8.

Raylene: Who's gonna wear it?

Tweety Female Voice: I am, you dimwit.

Male Voice: All right now. You girls settle down.

Raylene: If you're a size 8 and that rustbucket you drove up in is a classic, then I'm the Queen of Sheba.

Tweety Female Voice: You bitch!

Raylene: Whore! (heavy steps running into room)

Mama: Damn it, girl, why do you set everbody off evertime you come home?

Tweety Female Voice: (voice starting to break) Things here ain't never been right since Daddy left.

Male Voice: G-ddammit. Don't you go bringing him back into this. He barely got out of the state before they came here with that warrant when you was still little.

Tweety Female Voice: (tremulous weeping) He's the only one of you that loved me.

Male Voice: I'll say.

Mama: (shouting) All right. Shut up. All of you. I ain't gonna tolerate that man's name getting mentioned at my dinner table.

Raylene: What the hell's going on here? Omer. Why you looking at your sister that way?

Omer: Cause it's just sick the way she keeps missing her Daddy after what he done.

Raylene: You don't mean ...?

Omer: I sure do. It was him what bought her that first horse.

Tweety Female Voice: That's it. I'm getting outta here. (chair sliding back ... quick, heavy steps ... screen door slamming ... long pause ... sound of car engine turning over but not starting ... sound of car engine turning over but not starting ... sound of ........)

Mama: Thank God. Now let's eat. Who wants taters?

Anonymous said...

What the .... Why is my tape cabinet open?


Rebecca Jordan said...

I hate to interrupt yet another contretemps between the Grand Shovel and his faithful Minion, but her account has been suspended and the forum is gone.


Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear God. I do pray she's all right. Even Felineus was upset to hear this, despite the trauma he was put through because of her arrest.

Do you think she accidentally sent the webhost a check from that closed account she's always confusing with her current account? I mean, it does seem to happen to the poor dear quite frequently.

Anonymous said...

Yes, folks. Another tape over the transom this morning. It seems our favorite web hostess is up to her old tricks (er, bouncing checks, of course).

Male Voice: BlueHost Customer Service. How may I help you?

Female Voice: You suspended my website.

Male Voice: Could you give me your name?

Female Voice: It's Handmaiden von Sayton.

Male Voice: Excuse me?

Female Voice: Well, I'm not the actual person on the account. She never goes onto her website, you see. I and my daughter Pita and our friend Snoopy handle things there for the site owner, who is a very busy international businesswoman, model, actress, and movie producer who does not deign to read her own forum.

Male Voice: Could you give me the account ID?

Female Voice: "robTXsux".

Male Voice: (pause) Okay. I have it up. What seems to be the problem?

Female Voice: I don't know. The account got suspended for some reason.

Male Voice: Our records show the check for the renewal fee of $57.40 bounced.

Female Voice: Oh, silly me. I, er, she must have sent you a check from a closed account by accident.

Male Voice: Our records show the same thing happened last year. Why do you still keep the checks from a closed account?

Female Voice: It's not me. It's her. Well, anyway, she's so busy flying around the world meeting important people that she gets things mixed up and was afraid she might throw out the checkbook for her current account that has this really huge balance. So she just keeps the checkbooks for all her closed accounts to be sure she doesn't accidentally throw out the wrong checkbook.

Male Voice: That sounds confusing.

Female Voice: You're telling me. But she has this really cool color coding system. She must have accidentally sent a check from her yellow checkbook.

Male Voice: What does yellow mean?

Female Voice: That's her business.

Male Voice: Well, we need $57.40 to reopen the account.

Female Voice: Will you take a credit card? It will be in someone else's name, but I can assure you she has his permission.

Male Voice: I'm sorry. I can't do that.

Female Voice: Why not? She does it all the time.

Male Voice: Are they aware of what she's doing?

Female Voice: Well, I think it's up to them to figure it out, don't you? I mean, how is she supposed to know what other people know about who's using their names? You're expecting her to be some kind of mind reader, and that's just not fair.

Male Voice: Miss, I don't think you understand how things work.

Female Voice: Look, I've got to run because I'm taking a dress to her seamstress. It's a beautiful size 8 evening gown that somehow popped a zipper. How can we resolve this?

Male Voice: Someone has to pay the $57.40.

Female Voice: Isn't there any other way?

Male Voice: No.

Female Voice: You don't understand. If I, er she, can't get that website back up those assholes in Texas are going to have even more people believing them when they say she's a cheat and a liar with a prison record and a bunch of civil judgments against her.

Male Voice: Is all that true?

Female Voice: What business is that of yours?

Male Voice: Well, you brought it up.

Female Voice: So it's my fault now? Is that what you're saying?

Male Voice: Miss, I really don't think I can help you. Just have someone send us a good check or give us a valid credit card number for $57.40.

Female Voice: You're going to cause this gorgeous, innocent woman to get raped again or maybe even murdered if you don't let her defend herself. Or you'll let other people like that shyster Mrs. Batchelor who ought to be the one thrown in jail get the wrong impression about her. How can you live with that?

Male Voice: I'll manage. (click)

The Public, All of Us said...

You are right, "Snoopy". We, the Public, have been reading these blogs. We have been enthralled by the charges and countercharges. We have been agog at the revelations of mutant babies, reincarnated Grand Duchesses, Thetans, homicidal cats, pictures of an unattractive woman in a variety of very odd poses, the truly astounding history of a little girl from East Nowhere, Michigan, and her rise to the bottom, the never ending inability to correctly spell "defamatory" or use the word "you're" correctly. Yes, "Snoopy", there are MILLIONS OF US, all deeply interested in the personal history of a woman who has never achieved one damned thing.

Whether you can hear it or not, the Public is laughing behing your back.

Anonymous said...

Hoo, boy. I can't wait for Oma to sue Rob to find out whether he is Rebecca, or Penelope, or Mitzi, or me. Then he/we can find out who is Handmaiden, Snoopy, Mike, Justin, Debbie, et al. so that we can sue them right back for all the things they have posted. Who knows? We might even show up in court and pay our lawyers. Hell, we might even have lawyers.

Bring it on, Lipo Ass.

Russophile said...

But Blake, you ALWAYS threaten. Are you actually going to go through with it?

Anonymous said...

Heh, heh, heh. Poor old Handmaiden has gotten her panties in such a wad that she's gotten herself all turned around, legally speaking.

After numerous posts about how she was going to sue people over here, she's now shrieking that she'll countersue if anyone sues her.

But since she has been claiming to be the first one to launch a suit, the countersuit will be ours against her. It'll be fun to see if we can localize as many judgments against her as we'll be able to localize against Hamoo. They're different people, you see. Heh, heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

What's this?

After years of bragging on her old websites and forums about how much she contributed toward the restoration of Russia's historical monuments, and especially the Alexander Palace, Oma (er, Snoopy) is now posting in all caps that NO ONE but the Russians have been responsible for the work, and certainly NO FOREIGNERS.

Is she now a Russian citizen? Or did Oma (right brain) lie to Snoopy (left brain)?

Heh, heh, heh.

Those In Power said...

Hello, The Public. How's it hangin'? We haven't seen you around since the Arkansas homecoming game. What a freakin' tailgate party, huh?

That Hamou woman can whip a whirlwind of words. And the more she writes, the crazier it gets. She was a huge contributor to the Alexander Palace restoration. No wait. No foreigners had anything to do with it. No wait. She was a huge contributor to it and the Feodorovsky Cathedral.

So that Atchison fellow got a call from the Alexander Palace with some questions about details of the restoration? Well, that sounds to me like being involved in the restoration.

Last we heard, her mail to the Palace office was getting dumped in the trash and her e-mails were going unopened. We wonder how many calls she got about the current restoration work.

We think you know.

RobMoshein said...

I hope they do subpeoena the following, they're in for a big surprise...

"Dear Bob,

Thank you for your mail, I hope you are OK now.

Architectural project of whole Palace and rooms interiors restoration are implementing by ******. Your photos of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna rooms are used in existing exposition. I hear many words of respect and gratitude about you in Pavlovsk and Tsarskoe Selo museums. I would like to download photos from your server for the restoration.

I'm interesting in historical photos of interiors and documents related only with building, decoration and description of interiors.
The photos of furniture needed only if they are with architectural details of decoration.
The more information I will have from your expertise, the more perfect restoration will be."

RobMoshein said...

So, just exactly how much expertise and assistance did the Tsarskoe Selo Museums ask from OMA HAMOU, the alleged "friend and colleague" of TSM, for the current restorations?? Was it more than NOTHING? I doubt it. At least Bob was asked and helped gladly...Can Oma Hamou, the person standing charges for FELONY FORGERY say the same?

RobMoshein said...

Notice the recent admission that "um, [oma's] companies have lots of judgments against them". Now the implication is that "Oma Hamou" owes NOTHING but her companies do.

Her "companies" are years now suspended from business in California, and have NO assets.

Now, put yourself in the position of ANYONE Oma Hamou and her alias names want to do business with. She gets a judgment, even one that SAYS "Oma Hamou", but they become "business debts" owed by non existent companies, with no assets. Would YOU do business with this person?

Even should you get a VALID judgment against Oma Hamou personally, she will just up and say you committed "fraud" and "perjury". She will do NOTHING for years, but refuse to pay the valid Court judgment you have. Should you try to localize the judgment to collect,she will accuse you publicly of STALKING and THREATS to avoid paying you.

would YOU do business with such a person? Judge for yourself, as these are REAL things she has done to those who have valid judgments against her.

Anonymous said...

We may all quibble about whether Hamou really is a model or actress or film producer. But one thing she is beyond all doubt: a typist.

Good grief. This is like something from a cartoon gag where every time a character puts his finger on a button, a verbal tirade spews forth until he lifts his finger.

Press "lipo" and get 5000 words flying from Hamou's fingers. Press "restoration" and get a 10000-word eruption.

Let's check this out ...





Russophile said...

Mr. Moshein, businesses that are S Corps have no assets either.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Got yet another tape today. This one was in Russian, so there was a transcript in English in the box with the tape. Seems to be something from Dr. Sautov's old office at the Alexander Palace:

(sound of phone ringing)

Female Voice: Da. (long pause) Okay, I'll tell her. (sound of phone being hung up)

Lala, that was the gatehouse. They've got a delivery down there for Olga Sautova.

Lala: What is it?

Female Voice: They said it was flowers.

Lala: Flowers? Well, why didn't they just send the delivery through?

Female Voice: They said it was C.O.D.

Lala: What? Madame Sautova did not tell me she was expecting any flowers. Maybe it's something for Dr. Sautov's funeral. What kind of arrangement is it?

Female Voice: They didn't say. Let me call back. (sound of phone being dialed) Pavi, what kind of floral arrangement is it? (long pause) That's it? Really? (pause) Okay, I'll tell Lala. (sound of phone being hung up)

Lala, it's not really an arrangement. They said it's a plastic bucket of carnations with a card attached.

Lala: What's on the card.

Female Voice: Oops. (sound of phone being dialed) Pavi, what does the card say? (long pause) Okay. Thanks. (sound of phone being hung up)

It's from someone named Alexandra von Montclair. And the words "Actress, Size 8 Model, Movie Producer and Monument Restorer" were embossed on the card.

Lala: What? This isn't making any sense. Why would someone we've never heard of be sending flow .... (pause) Wait a minute. Do you remember that unopened envelope we threw in the trash last week from that Hamou woman? Wasn't it postmarked Montclair, California?

Female Voice: You know, I think it was. But why would she be sending carnations to a funeral of someone as prominent as Dr. Sautov? And why C.O.D.?

Lala: Oh, Jesus, Olga. Snap out of it. Don't you remember? That woman never had the money on her for a pay toilet. Don't you remember all those car accidents she kept having every time her pledges came due?

Olga: Oh, yeah. Right. I had forgotten about her. Father Markell used to chew my ear off about her every time I bumped into him, but it's been a while since I've seen him.

What should we do about the flowers?

Lala: Who gives a damn? I'm not about to have the Palace pay for something else she dumped in our laps.

Olga: But, Lala. It's a funeral. Shouldn't it be the thought that counts.

Lala: The thought was a plastic bucket of carnations. Sent C.O.D.

Ola: Ohhhhh. I see what you mean.

Lala: Good. She never did.

RobMoshein said...

businesses that are S Corps have no assets either.

Thanks for proving how ignorant and stupid you are.

In a Subchapter S corporation the corporation's net profit or net loss is deemed distributed to the stockholders, who have to include it on their individual tax returns whether or not they actually receive cash. THAT is the only difference between a C corporation and and S...

ALL corporations need assets dimwit.

If a Chapter S corporation has no assets, then it is BROKE, and out of business. Nobody would extend credit to an S corp without assets.

Maybe that is the case with YOUR Chapter S corporation?? Is Benefit Design Group of Portland a Chapter S without any assets??

Russophile said...

Thanks for insulting me again, Mr. Moshein. You're such a PEACH.

Russophile said...

Hey, look at that. I NEW you would erase it. Good thing it's over at Ms. Hamou's forum. Funny how you ALWAYS SAY you tell the truth, but it's SELECTIVE, isn't it??

RobMoshein said...

Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group of Portland Oregon, if you don't like what I have to say here, then why do you keep coming here and posting?? It seems odd you hate me and what I say yet like a moth to the flame you can't resist coming back to get your wings burned...

Russophile said...

And I really don't care if your minions choose to correct my spelling. It's of no consequence.

Anonymous said...

Heh, heh, heh.

The more Hamou talks, the more she reveals about herself.

Being completely unable to grasp the concept of satire, she tries to prove she sent a very nice wreath to Dr. Sautov's widow. What's her proof? Well, that she took photos of the wreath she sent.

Who the hell takes photos of a wreath they send to a funeral? I'll tell you who. Someone who views sending flowers as a personal photo op and an opportunity for self-promotion.

See Oma kneeling devoutly at the altar. See Oma stretching out seductively on a horse. See Oma jumping nude over a campfire. See Oma standing in front of ruins she hopes to restore. See Oma rubbing her bare crotch against a rock. See Oma in her wedding dress. See the flowers Oma sent. See Oma drinking bottled water at a hotel in Beverly Hills.

See Oma make an utter fool of herself by trying to create an alluring image of herself on the internet with her mutliple arrests, her bizarre marriage, her illigetimate child, her convictions, her adverse unpaid judgments, her evictions, her dead cats, her used unregistered and uninsured cars, her crack legal teams that invariably end up suing her and/or losing her cases.

Photographing a wreath she sent? Sheesh.

RobMoshein said...

right up there with "you may use these photographs as my gift", meaning Bob somehow did NOT have permission? The psychosis on Team Hamou seems to be growing deeper as the next Court date looms closer on Tuesday.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I'm sorry. Most of the pictures are hilarious for a variety of reasons: the hats, the animal print pants, the wedding dress, the outfit she is wearing in whatever is happening with the priest in the cellar, but come on, girlfriend, you are totally rubbing your crotch against that rock.


RobMoshein said...

You know, RJ? How many times over how many years can the sockpuppet theatre self proclaimed "Team Hamou" type the same crap over and over and over and over, and actually think anyone gives a crap??

The same fifteen year old badly retouched photos, the hideous dress, her junk rubbing on rocks, tacky animal print pants IN A CHURCH...True story: an attorney I know stopped by the courtroom in jury selection for the trial Oma Hamou LOST, he asked which one was the "supposed Hollywood big shot producer", when I pointed out Oma Hamou, he laughed, loud, saying "THAT ONE? She looks like bag lady. 'Leslie' has better clothes than those old things." Leslie is the well known male drag queen who lives on the streets of downtown Austin, a local "celebrity"...

She LOST, she can't stand it. So she creates these "friends" (and NO NOBODY actually believes that "snoopy" "Mike" "Leslie" "handmaiden" or wonderbread are real people.) to try to hold a new trial in the court of the internet, but honestly, nobody cares. The proof??

She admits via "Snoopy" that she has no projects anymore. She admits thru "snoopy" and "handmaiden" that she can't pay all her bills and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in judgments. Nebulous "work" keeps her "busy" but there is no verification. She has raised up a kid so screwed up he has substance abuse issues as a result. She admits to being forced to rent cheap pathetic little tract houses in Palmdale, Victorville, Montclair, dozens and dozens of miles and lightyears from the real Hollywood and Beverly Hills, where she hangs a huge picture of HERSELF on the mantle and lives with dozens of cats and takes in convicted felons, drug dealers and various criminals as boarders. writes bad checks and is facing felony forgery criminal charges and she ADMITS to living like this.

Bob and I? REAL Jobs, which are easily verified. Real projects, easily proven. Whether she likes it or not, the Alexander Palace Museum restoration ASKED Bob for help. Bob graciously donated his help and photos. Bob's photos are the ones on DISPLAY in the Nicholas II period rooms showing the originals. I am working with the CIVB on their national project, mentioned in the NY Times...I have my successful Austin Wine Guy site, and articles in the press to prove it. Pallasart thrives and the client portfolio is public and easily verified. We own, not rent, same place for over 15 years, and our parties are written up in the local society pages. Never been contacted by the police for anything, never been arrested or charged with a crime.

THAT is what it's all about. Hamou hates the fact that she lost her case. She sat on her wide ass for years doing nothing, and we have moved on and are doing well. She is doing NOTHING except sitting at her computer typing late into the night trying to trash me and Bob in some sort of sick revenge.

Anonymous said...

Oh, do excuse me. Hamou is entirely correct. She did have her clothes on when jumping over the campfire. What a fun, light-hearted gal, huh?

It's just that over the years she's posted so many photos on the internet of herself with her bare tits cupped in her hands, her pants half unzipped, her shorts riding up in her crack that it's hard to remember when she had her clothes on and when she didn't.

And Rebecca ... you're so right. That full nude of her pressing against that rock was a pure bush-on-stone shot if ever there was one (and there aren't many, thank God). Let's just hope the rock didn't have a protrusion in a certain place.

RobMoshein said...

yes Ms. P, it is also VERRRY "convenient" that if Oma Hamou aka Oma McConnell aka Alexandra McConnell etc does not own property then people with judgments against her, like AmEx, Boardrush and Bob can not ATTACH that property and people who want to serve her with new lawsuits have a MUCH harder time finding her, her usual MO...

RobMoshein said...

Nope Ms. P. Oma Hamou aka all those alias names IS NOTHING. NOBODY. A convicted felon, facing more felony charges. Broke, huge debts she admits she can't pay. Too screwed up to even post herself, or more likely too scared to face lawsuits by posting herself, so she creates fakes names or recruits fellow felons to post on her behalf. Living in squalor in the bowels of the high desert with hordes of cats. A washed up never was who can't even produce an acting or modeling credit. Too craven and stupid to defend herself she depends on those also too craven and cowardly to give real names to type out her ludicrous "defenses" of her lifelong career of bastard children, failed marriage, arrests, convictions,more arrestes and more felony charges and huge judgments. All the while threatening criminal and civil actions that to this day never actually amount to more than her mental masturbation.

What a pathetic, worthless piece of trash is this Oma Hamou woman, who can't even admit to speak for herself...

and she wonders why nobody will do business with her....right...

Anonymous said...

At last, my dears! Tomorrow is the big day when Ms. Hamou/McConnell/Murphy's unpleasant little felony problem will finally be put to rest with the long-delayed civil settlement.

I am just so very excited for her. I know what a relief it will be to celebrate Christmas with her family without this particular saber hanging over her head. In fact, I'm planning a little party on Wednesday when the news of the long-promised dismissal of her charges will be posted on the San Bernardino Superior Court website.
Fresh watercress sandwiches all around for whomever wants to drop by. Dress is luncheon casual.

On another matter, could someone pretty please refresh my dotty old memory a bit? Ms. H/M/M keeps posting some restraining order over and over on her forum. Perhaps I am mistaken, but wasn't the case of which it was a part non-suited by Ms. H/M/M herself? Whatever was that all about?

The poor dear. It just seems that nothing that happens to her in a courtroom -- and there has been so very much -- seems to go her way. Perhaps tomorrow will be different. Yes. I'm sure of it.

There now. I can get back to crocheting that little jacket for Mewlie with an easy mind.

RobMoshein said...

Now the criminals at "TeamHamou" are violating US and International copyright laws by grabbing images of my likeness, without my permission and posting them on the Oma Hamou website, despite the fact that every image and every page are my copyright, as indicated on the bottom of each page. Glad to know Oma Hamou knowingly and expressly condones aids, encourages and abets the violation of copyright law on her website, bearing her own name.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear me. That poor woman just seems to jump out of one legal frying pan into another. It's no wonder her name has been on more court dockets than anyone I know.

I am assuming, of course, that she manages to jump out of the frying pan she will be in this morning in San Bernardino. The poor thing. She just can't seem to stay out of trouble.

My sister Priscilla was like that. Always dreaming, dreaming, dreaming but never doing. Although Priscilla did manage to keep her checking account straight. Her legal problems were mostly jaywalking. We just couldn't keep her out of the middle of streets. Until ... until (choke, sob) ... oh, dear. I can't go on.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Well, I'm sorry that she's doing it, but it is a nice picture, Rob. On the other hand, what is up with the one of her in her "wedding dress" on the purported cover of Variety? She wore a kokoshnik on her wedding day?


Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Penelope,

I am so sorry for your loss. Tragedy seems to stalk so many people associated with this situation, doesn't it? I am sure that Priscilla's last thoughts were happy ones, though. How could they not be, with you as her sister?

My very best wishes. I am going to send a bouquet, as soon as I photograph it, of course.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Rebecca. How very kind of you, and what a wonderful gesture with your plan to send a bouquet! However, Prissy had always said that if she was taken suddenly she would want all moneys by way of memoriam to go to my church circle. You can just make the check out to me, dear. But do feel free to photograph it. You never know when you might want to start your own website to publicize what a wonderful, accomplished, caring person you are.

Every time I look at Mewlie Fishbreath, I think of dear, dear Prissy. That adorable, skeptical, I'm-in-control-here look is just exactly the same.

Oh, I can't tell you how many times we warned Prissy about buses. They might look slow, but ... And then, having just sprained her ankle when she stepped into the hole in my watercress patch ... Oh, how I blame myself. I can't tell you how many shawls I've stained with tears before they were half knitted.

Well, dear, it was just the perfect storm for our poor, poor Prissy. Her with a limp, a driver behind schedule, a downhill slope. My dear little sister rolled two and a half blocks before that rusty Mercedes with the wired-on Jaguar bumpers came around the corner and ... and ... ohhhh, I jus't c-c-c-an't finish ....

We never did find her purse. And we never did figure out how her credit card was billed for car repairs after her death in some place called Baldy Mesa.

RobMoshein said...


Thanks for the nice words about the pic. It's fine, actually as each time she posts it, I write a demand letter to the hosting site, and the hosting site has removed it for violating their Terms of Service and copyright law. Imageshack removed it the first time in less than an hour after I sent the letter, the second, overseas host removed it sometime over night.

Ms P, so sorry about the tragedy. Having just lost my Dad, I know the pain.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Moshein. It's been just horrible.

We're still trying to find the driver of that rusty Mercedes. Prissy might already have been with her Maker by the time she got to the bottom of the hill (it was a big bus), but the family wants her purse back.

We've put in a Freedom of Information Act request for a copy of the police transmissions while they were giving chase to the Mercedes. I'll let you know if we get the tape.

RobMoshein said...

Oh, and RJ, that really was a cover of Daily Variety, she ordered the cover, but never did manage to PAY for it. Variety is owned by Reed Elsevier Inc. She still owes them over $100,000. I spoke to both their attorney and the account manager at Variety (who was a friend of a friend in New York by coincidence). She kept giving them excuses about not paying, then disappeared, the lawyer never could get service of process on her, as she kept dodging it.

She is pretending to be, are you ready, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia! thus the kokoshnik and hideous wedding dress....

RobMoshein said...

From: info@ultraxs.com
Subject: Re: Demand to delete my copyrighted photo.
Date: December 8, 2009 10:07:37 AM CST
To: rob@a*******.com

we are removing your picture and it will take not more than 12 hours.

Please hold on

XS.TO Admin

Anonymous said...

Oh, goody. Penelope, I got a tape from my "source" that I couldn't make heads or tails of until I saw your post. Now it makes sense. Here it is:

First Policeman: Dispatch, this is unit Viper. We've got that car in sight.

Dispatcher: What's the plates?

First Policeman: It's covered in mud, but I think it says "Sonny"?

Dispatcher: S-O-N-N-Y?

First Policeman: No. S-U-N-N-Y.

Dispatcher: What state?

First Policeman: Hard to tell. But I think it's West Virginia. The motto says "One State - One Dentist".

Dispatcher: Yep. West Virginia. Are there any other identifying marks on the car.

First Policeman: Well, there's a faded bumper sticker. Says "Size 8 You F-ckers".

Second Policeman: Hey, did you see that? What's that thing that keeps darting in and out of the driver's window?

First Policeman: I dunno. (pause) An elbow maybe?

Second Policeman: Yeah, that's what I thought. But there's something not quite righ ... oh, there it is again.

First Policeman: Oh, yeah. I see it. (pause) Holy shit. It's a chin.

Second Policeman: Naw. Can't be. Whoever saw a ... wait a sec. There it is again. (pause) Well, I'll be damned. It is a chin.

Dispatcher: Need a description.

Second Policeman: Hard to tell. But I think it's a woman. There's something that looks like part of a white dress that keeps billowing out the window. And the driver's got something on her head. Some kind of crown thingy. Hard to be sure, though. The driver's head isn't visible above the headrest.

Dispatcher: C'mon guys. Cut it out. Are you telling me this chase took you to West Hollywood?

First Policeman: Wait. She's turning right. Hey, can you make out what that is hanging off the side mirror?

Second Policeman: Looks like a purse caught on some kind of wire hook.

First Policeman: What the hell is going on here? Who is this person?

Dispatcher: Just got word back on the plates. They're expired. Like eight years ago. But they were originally issued to an Omer.

First Policeman: Omer what?

Dispatcher: Just Omer.

Second Policeman: How is that possible?

Dispatcher: West Virginia.

Second Policeman: Oh, right.

First Policeman: Damn. We just lost her in traffic. But we'll find her again. A car and driver like that can't go long without being noticed.

Second Policeman: Yeah. A sideshow like that would have to get somewhere out to one of those desert towns not to stand out.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Blake dearest. That tape just tore my heart out. To hear what was going on as my poor, dear Prissy was being zipped into a body bag is just too, too much for a loving sister to bear.

I've run completely out of hankies, and now Felineus, who is none too happy to be standing in as a tissue, is dripping wet.

Oh, sniff, sniff ... boo hoo-ooo-ooo ... wahhhhhhhh.

Please (sniff, sniff) excuse me, dears.

Mitzi said...

Penelope, such sympathy! I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose Bitsy and Nitzi, my own beloved sisters, although if one of them is going to be hit by a bus it would be Nitzi. I love her, I honest to G-d do, but she doesn't have the sense G-d gave lettuce. Ever since she was a little girl, she's been taken in by everything. She believed in Santa Claus for the longest time (I know, right? But when we were kids in Brooklyn my father and mother, G-d rest their souls and preserve their memories, didn't want us to feel deprived when you-know-who's birthday rolled around every year, and frankly, you can only celebrate so much with a dreidel, so don't judge) and her first husband? A con artist like you wouldn't believe, although given what we usually talk about on this board, maybe you would, if you know what I mean. And I think you do. Notice how I am not even mentioning her dealings with poor Ms. H.

Beckele, darling, did you see where she thinks you are jealous of the thing on her head? Wouldn't you like to have a sliver of the Oma Hamou McConnell Murphy Demian mirror? Everything she puts on looks great in her eyes! I have only one question. Omele, my little ball of chicken fat, what is going on with the animal prints? I am looking at the picture of you in the little room, but then you put up the shot of you carrying the flowers and wearing the shmatta for the thing with the priest? There is someone in the picture with you wearing a leopard skin scarf! I mean, is it some kind of Russian thing with the leopard skin?

Also, I hate to sound like your mother, darling (and a moment while we all think about what that poor woman has been putting up with all these years), but seriously, enough with the picture of you and that verstunkene rock, darling. It's bad enough what you are doing, darling, but trust me --- how do I say this delicately? --- it's not the best angle for your tuchis, darling, which looks kind of enormous. And for such a big fancy-schmantzy art photo couldn't you have washed your hair? It looks so stringy, darling.

I post because I care.


RobMoshein said...

So, thanks to RJ, "snoopy" is now posting that the "last time" Oma Hamou was arrested was 8 years ago. Somehow, like immaculate conception, Oma Hamou under the alias name Alexandra McConnell landed in San Bernardino county jail for weeks "without being arrested" despite the fact that the Court records indicate a Sheriff's department ARREST RECORD NUMBER.

Go figure. Oh and the image in violation of my copyright was deleted this morning.

Guess things didn't go very well for Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell this morning, since all "snoopy" could do was pretend she wasn't arrested a year ago for Felony Forgery charges and placed in jail and is now out on bail...without being actually "arrested" rolling on the floor laughing my ass off....

RobMoshein said...

Thanks RJ,

OOOOOHHHH, the "local press" has been contacted. Like I give a crap. Glad to talk to them again, I've known the locals for years. I've already been asked about the Oma Hamou hates Rob blogs, after they found it on google, and discussed it with them.

Like the old saying, any press is good press. Looking forward to talking to them again.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Ms. Hamou/McConnell/Murphy. It seems that annoying little matter of felony forgery will still be hanging over her head through the holidays.

Instead of that long-promised "civil settlement" being at last concluded, it seems her lawyer has had to ask for yet another continuance. The poor man must be charging her an arm and a leg for these endless court appearances while that simple little settlement is hammered out. (Or, given poor Mrs. H/M/M's straitened circumstances, perhaps he's just charging a finger and a toe.)

It's all very confusing. We heard from Ms. H/M/M two court appearances ago that it was a done deal except for that silly District Attorney's forgetting to bring the papers to court. Surely the poor man (or woman, as is the case from time to time) didn't forget those pesky papers again? The little butterfingers.

Or maybe Ms. H/M/M's attacks on poor old Mrs. Batchelor, in which Ms. H/M/M claims it was she who could have had Mrs. Batchelor arrested if she just hadn't been such a kind person, are what are holding things up. That would certainly seem to make Mrs. Batchelor a bit less inclined to settle this matter amicably if Ms. H/M/M expressed such an opinion in court, don't you think, dears?

Well, Merry Christmas to everyone else, my sweets.

Anonymous said...

She have Mrs. Batchelor arrested for going to the police about a forged check? Yeah, right.

That's like a drunk driver running a red light, hitting a pedestrian in the crosswalk, and then trying to sue the pedestrian for damage to the car.

Can Hamou get any more disconnected from reality?

RobMoshein said...

No, Ms P, of COURSE I did not give anyone "permission" to start annoying local news media folks about me. All I meant is that IF Oma Hamou is going to do this, or use her "friends" to do it, I have nothing to hide and happy to talk to anyone who cares to contact me about Oma Hamou and her decades of felony convictions, probation violation arrests, huge judgments, and outright lies about her "film"....

Anonymous said...

The civil settlement that is supposedly going to be concluded in Hamou's felony case was first mentioned in court on July 28. Since when does a simple agreement to make good on a bad check take 5 months and multiple court appearances to complete?

If the D.A. let his office get this tied up and spend this much time in clearing simple bad check cases off the docket, they'd have a 10-year backlog of cases.

Something has gone off track with this agreement. Hamou's attorney might get it back on track -- but this is far from the simple rectification of an inadvertent misunderstanding.

It was Hamou's attorney who requested the continuance yesterday, not the D.A. So the holdup is on Hamou's end of the deal.

Can she not pay? Is the D.A. imposing terms on the agreement Hamou is trying to avoid accepting? Did she leave Mrs. Batchelor's house in such sorry shape that something more than just a bounced rent check is at issue? Are the cats holding someone hostage?

Russophile said...

Yes Blake. It's your brain.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I have to say, Blake --- oh, hi, BFF, long time no see --- I wondered the same thing myself. That's a long time for somthing like this to drag on. I certainly hope poor Mr. Watson is getting paid upfront, although I imagine he took precautions.

Meanwhile, back to the putative cover of Variety. So for your wedding you dressed up like the Tsarina of Russia? That must have been so handy when the time came for publicity photos for the movie! Smart thinking, although that necklace alone must have excited comment as you lumbered down the aisle. I'm just kind of surprised, though, that you didn't have access to better drag. And I do mean drag, girlfriend.


Russophile said...

Really BFF, you need to shake it up a bit, you already made that comment before. Several times. Getting a bit tiresome, really. You're a kicky punchy gal, you can kick it up a notch!
We got back from Arizona watching the Cards/Vikings game and eating our way through Phoenix via Triple D. Utter low-class to Mr. Moshein, I'm sure! HA!

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oh, now, BFF, Oma has been screeching the same nonsense for years, I think I can repeat myself about the Variety cover without getting on anyone's nerves.

So you didn't rally round at the court room yesterday? It must have been lobely for her with only the imaginary people there.

What exactly were you eating that was low class? I've flown into Phoenix on business, and there were some lovely restaurants. But I suppose you and Mr. Russo are Sweet Tomatoes kind of folks? I ate there once, too. The breadsticks were fabulous.


Rebecca Jordan said...

Goodness. She couldn't pay because she didn't know how much the cashier's check (wise precaution there, San Bernadino!) had to be for? After five months no one slipped her that information?

That's credible.

And surely you are not still claiming that the SBPD and Mrs. batchelor conducted the Great Cat Massacre?


Russophile said...

We went to 2 Triple D joints and one that I believe was on the Travel Channel. Great chow, though, I'm sure Mr. Moshein would have felt out of place at the Heart Attack Grill, though it's all done in fun, but not necessarily good taste. HA!

RobMoshein said...

Hmmm, when I worked for Bob Shapiro, yeah, OJ's criminal defense lawyer, our office was in daily contact with the Los Angeles and San Bernardino, and Orange County, and Ventura County District Attorneys offices. How utterly nonsensical is it for anyone to begin to assert that Brian Watson and the San Bernardino DA's office were NOT IN CONTACT about the details of any alleged "civil compromise" and it was NOT UNTIL standing face to face in Court they came up with the amount Alexandra McConnel owes??

this is about as logical as when Oma told Helen about the two headed rape baby.

Seriously, this is the BEST they could come up with? I mean, Oma waiting for Santa Claus to give her the money in her stocking Christmas Eve is more plausible.

Anonymous said...

"I thought my husband would cover my bad checks."

"I had a car accident on the way to make a deposit."

"I brought the wrong checkbook."

"I forgot I had closed that account."

"He authorized me to use his account."

"I wanted to bring a cashier's check, but nobody told me how much to make it out for."

In a nation where tens of millions of people manage to write checks day in and day out without issues, how can one woman have such constant "problems" with check writing year after year after year?

Unless, of course, these are not really problems at all, but part of a plan.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oucharoo, BFF! I think Oma outed you as a lesbian! If that's the case, why so homophobic, girlfriend? That will teach you to bring Cher into the conversation!

And Oma, come on, that was not a designer wedding gown, unless you want to call J.C. Penney a designer. Wait! The Jacklyn Smith Collection! By golly, it is a designer model!


Russophile said...

Technically BFF, I'm gay. I love men.

Unknown said...

What's a "chinigan"?

Unknown said...

A chin the size of Michigan?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oh, BFF! You and your chinigans!

Just a quiet evening at home with Frobisher and a good book. I should be Christmas shopping, but what the heck, there's plenty of time!


Anonymous said...

Oops. There she goes again.

After posting in all caps that NO FOREIGNERS had anything to do with the restoration of Russian historical monuments in Pushkin, she last night posted that she had contributed to the restorations and let out millions in contracts.

I swear, you can't believe a thing that woman posts. She just invents crap as she goes to make whatever point she's trying to make. And she forgets her own earlier lies and ends up contradicting herself half the time.

And c'mon. She was gonna put millions into restoration projects? Hell, the woman can't even pay off the stolen credit card debts and other judgments she ran up in the U.S.

And she keeps prating about how she has paid her debts and then goes on to explain that means that she had paid some amounts toward her debts, but not all. Well, toots, most people don't consider a debt paid until it is paid in full. The creditors certainly don't.

RobMoshein said...


Thanks for sending me that post, but you missed the biggest contradiction. The "snoopy" creation corrects the "sandman" creation about Bob's role in the restoration of the Alexander Palace, and ADMITS that Bob, American Express and the World Monuments Fund, all AMERCIANS, in fact contributed greatly to the restoration of the Alexander Palace.

Bob Atchison BROUGHT the Alexander Palace to the attention of the WMF, convinced them to put it on their list of the 100 most endangered buildings in the world, and used that to go to his friends at American Express who paid for a new roof for the building. Putting on the new roof stabilized the entire building, prevented further deterioration by water, and was the INITIAL step in the entire restoration process for the AP. So, foreigners were in fact the catalyst to restore a building the Russian Navy didn't care about preserving.

Why did Sautov "hate" Bob, very simple. Sautov told Bob, that he could have full access to the Alexander Palace and archives, so long as Bob bought Sautov a "thank you gift' of a new S Class Mercedes Benz, then costing $75,000. When Bob said no, Sautov cut him off. It seems "someone" had been telling Sautov Bob was making a fortune off the website, which was far from the truth...

How very "russian", no??

Anonymous said...

Ah, manna from heaven. My source has just sent me yet another one of his "finds", this time a note that Ludmilla found in Dr. Sautov's files while she was clearing out his office at the Alexander Palace.

It reads:

Dear Dr. Sautov,

I cannot tell you how I came by this information, but I heard you need a car. I would like to donate my car to you. It is a very rare American automobile made by the American Motors Corporation (how much more American can you get, huh?). It is a lovely lime green color which was the most desireable color for this classic car, as you will see if only you will accept it.

I will have it thoroughly cleaned for you before it is delivered, but you will have to excuse the orange stains in the rear compartment. We've tried everything. But I think it just makes the car that much the rarer. And orange kind of goes with green, anyway. There might be a hubcap or two missing, but I'll try all the finest junk yards before I send you the car.

All I want in return is for you to allow me to roam the halls of the Alexander Palace in my wedding dress. It's a size 8, and I think it makes me look just like Empress Alexandra. Well, maybe a bit shorter, but real elegant, you'll see.

I may have a photographer following me, but that's not my fault. I did a little art work a few years back and all my friends insist I should document every aspect of my life for posterity and internet flame wars because I'm so beautiful I make everybody jealous. You will see if you just accept my car.

Since you're in Russia you won't need a valid title from me, right?

I know you want to know my name, but I want to stay anonymous because that's what my big heart tells me to do when I transact business. If you must call me something, just call me sexy. Ha, ha, ha. All the people who follow my career in show business love my sense of humor.

I know you will, too. Take the car. It's a lot nicer than anything that asshole Bob Atchison will ever give you.

With deepest respect and a shared loved of leopard skin, I am

Your Anonymous Friend

Russophile said...

BFF, the Public Broadcasting company is trotting out all sorts of goodies. I just got Mr. Russo tickets to Bill Cosby for a donation. Perfect holiday gift, and you don't have to navigate the crush of the holiday shoppers.

The Russian Navy said...

Not for you to speak for Russian Navy you Hamou person.

We do not like Alexandrovsky Dvorets. Place big drafty dump with always leaking roof. And smell like stale cigarette butt because Nikolai big chain smoker and wife and daughters blew few also.

Ever try teach class in Semicircular Hall? Like farting in empty wodka barrel. Noise just bounce off walls to make crazy.

Let dvorets go back public. Is what they deserve.

Russophile said...

Oh hum. Another sock puppet in the Land of Moshein.

Anonymous said...

Ho hum.

The Russian People said...

Shut up Hamou person.

Russian people think what Navy says right. Dvorets built by German woman for grandson who let Moscow burn down. Then crazy German woman last one live there and push husband around.

Then she think crazy starets what Russians really like just cause he always dirty and smell bad and lying in bed all day and drink.

Crazy German then take one time beautiful palace and make it look like tsotchke booth at town fair.

Russians very proud people and like Ekaterinsky Dvorets more because it named for real Russian woman who born peasant and dirty and smell bad and lie in bed all day and drink. And husband very tall and mean and make boyars cut beard and torture and kill men who not agree with what he says. Russian people like him very much.

Russophile said...

Russian Navy, you really believe this crap you post?? I mean, really.

The Russian Navy said...

We have ships with big guns. Not matter what you think. Good Russian People understand.

Russophile said...

Really? And what are you going to do with those "Big Guns"? Inquiring minds wanna know.

The Russian Navy said...

Russian People know.

What means "crap"? Truth always truth. Cannot have opinion about truth.

Alexandrovsky Dvorets big smelly place with dead Germans buried in front yard. Important admirals want modern warm office with always going wodka bar but get old run down dvorets. Generals think they are only ones important and push admirals around. When generals come on boats they sleep in latrine. Da.

The Russian People said...

What dolboyop is Hamou woman? Does not know what starets Rasputin is and thinks Sautov is meant. Too much time spent in snow without blouse. Always make crazy.

Russophile said...

You know Russian Navy, I'd bet a nice bottle of Merlot that you're not Russian or even in Russia. Yup, that's the kinda skeptic I am.
Oh Mr. Moshein!! 300 posts, time to change the bath water. . . .

The Russian Navy said...

Russian Navy goes all over world, Devushka. But cannot make member of Russian Navy if not Russian person. Or can hold much wodka.

The Russian People said...

Chill out body of Hamou woman.

Russian People make fun with self at all times. Sense for humor is how we made good time with Comrade Stalin as Great Leader and more Great Leaders after him.

Jokes of Russian People make us laugh at person who makes joke and at self. Also have many good sayings in Russian language.

Favorite is why should woman keep shirt on outdoors? Because squirrel can not tell what is nipple and what is acorn. Ha ha ha ha ha. Russian People very funny.

Uh oh. Good American friend just say joke not work in English language. Too bad to you Americans because you have many times look at Hamou womans tits.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Well, she has achieved what she wanted. A large public is reading these blogs. Think of it. The entire Russian people!

The Belarussian People said...

Solidarity we are standing with brothers formerly of C.C.C.P.!

Ghost of Boris S said...

Omuchka! Sorry to be break it to you, my leetle blinis, but is dead on money about Mercedes. All we ever crave here is foreign cars, since our own look like big boxes with wheels. While I thank you for offer of old, sorry, classic green car named after evil tiny elf, I wanted in life to drive big German power machine.

Meanwhile, here in afterlife I have connected with one hot mamushka. And she is imperial! Grand Duchess Bubbalova and I go for many, many pleasant rides in my heavenly Mercedes. We will give your regards to starets as soon as you figure out what word means, da?

Also, thanks for flowers. Carnations were beautiful; plastic bucket nice touch.

Do svidanya, my leetle Tsaritsa!

Rebecca Jordan said...

My comment was not directed to your breasts, Oma, but to your ego. Although both are impressively large, only the go is that way naturally.

I merely pointed out that since we now have evidence that the Russian People are reading your blog, you must be happy. But it was nice of you to post some shots of you in your underwear, or even less (by the way, Mitzi was right, Oma --- you may want to reconsider letting the amateur who took this picture pose you, the head turn is murder when it comes to accentuating what I think we can all agree is a rather, shall we say, pronounced jawline). I notice that the kittenish pose on your back proudly bears the logo "Enigma Films". That must have inspired professional confidence. I remember all of those photos of L.B. Mayer wetting his lips and arching his back and how much they did for investment confidence in M.G.M.

And there you go reposting my BFF's comment about liking to look at beautiful women. Ouch!


JustinEdward said...

That's not her underwear in the blue suit shot, Rebecca, it's a bathing suit. She liked that picture so much that she used to keep it around and show it off. But you are right about the pose with Enigma Films on it! The most peculiar people used to show up at Enigma asking the weirdest questions about the kind of movie we were trying to make.

Aloha from the Big Island!

Russophile said...

JustinEdward from the Big Island? Or maybe Janet Rasmussen??

Russophile said...

BFF, what's wrong with looking at beautiful women? I enjoy looking at their clothes etc. at a movie premier, the Oscars. Heck I even get the SI Swimsuit issue for Mr. Russo. Of course I look at it and say, "Hmmm, I need to work on my abs. Yeah, gravity has gotten to the buttski!" Etc. And that usually galvanizes me to make a trip to the gym. . .

RobMoshein said...

Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group, husband of Joel Biernat, resident of Portland, don't you get it? Nobody cares what you say. You openly befriend, defend and by your own admission are in regular contact with a thrice convicted felon, further arrested three more times on FELONY warrants for violating the terms of her probation, who has gone almost one million dollars in debt and is now standing FELONY FORGERY CHARGES in San Bernardino, California. Do you think anyone wanting to do insurance business with you will think THIS is the sound kind of judgment in your company that will make them confident in you? Just asking....

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Every time anyone mentions Hamou's tits she posts another round of those ancient photos of -- you guessed it -- her tits.

Thank goodness no one mentions her honey pot.

But I noticed something about the photos of her and Dr. Sautov. Both have the same color eyes. Both have eyebrows of one color and hair of another. One wanted a Mercedes, and one drives a Mercedes (although a "restored" one).

Do you think ...? I mean, Oma had an illegitimate child. Does that kind of thing tend to run in families?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Well, BFF, as Oma has pointed out, I have never been lucky enough to have a Mister Jordan, so I don't have to buy Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition. But I know what you mean about gravity and us girls of a certain age! But one of the advantages of being a single girl of a certain age is that I don't have to worry about keeping the hardware in place. Although I do, of course. I'll bet Oma understand what I am saying, since she has gained so much weight she's had liposuction. Not something I could ever do, but then I'm not judging. Just commenting! Fortunately I'm tall enough to carry it. I don't know what I'd do if I was 5'0 and 50 lbs overweight.


RobMoshein said...

Quite right RJ.

Since Oma Hamou using her various mouthpieces has nothing NEW or salient to say, she/they just keep repeating the same years old tired out crap, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Never actually DOES anything, just verbal masturbation about it. OVER and OVER and OVER.

Whats that old saying? "Those who can, do. Those who can't, or are too damn lazy, just talk about it." So, remind me, just what HAS Oma Hamou done in the last five years?


Nothing, but have her "friends" talk about it.

That should tell the "Austin media out there" lots.

Unknown said...

Damn and tarnation. I was just getting used to this place, even though it's not New Jersey. I mean, what is, right?

Then this new guy shows up and thinks it's some big calling card with me that he used to keep Uncle Nicky's old palace from falling apart. Like I care. I was only in the place a few times as a little girl, and I got my fanny spanked half the time for rummaging around where I shouldn't.

I'll never forget the time I came across Uncle Nicky's stash of porno hidden in his desk in his green study. Even Aunt Alix, who thought she had Uncle Nicky under her thumb on everything, didn't have any idea. All hell broke loose when I sashayed across the hall into the mauve boudoir with that handful of "post cards" Dadi Pedovich had sent Uncle Nicky from Brooklyn in the diplomatic pouch. I still don't see what the big deal was. Who cares if some chick wants to go around with her tits hanging out asking people to take her picture? You like, you look. You don't, you don't.

Anyhoo, this Boris guy is driving me nuts, yammering on endlessly about all the favors he did people for "gifts" (here I go, getting homesick for New Jersey again) and going on and on about some Atchison guy who wouldn't cough up a Mercedes.

And on top of Boring Boris, I've still got that chica loca in Montclair trying to contact me every few days through some pyschic. Don't they know what "Madame is not receiving" means? Sometimes I'm tempted to answer just to tell her that she's a little old to be walking around with her trinkets hanging out these days. But what do I care? I'm here. She's there.

Jesus, I miss New Jersey.

Ghost of Boris S said...

Bubbalova, my leetle wildflower of the vast and empty steppes, for why you do this to me? Have I not taken you for the many, many rides in my astral Mercedes? Is true, Pushkin is no Hoboken, but then, what is, my leetle matryoshka doll?

As far as feelthy pictures are concerned, you have not found stash of sainted Batushka Tsar, my leetle samovar, but those of starets Rasputin. Did you not notice who was in pictures? You, my Grand Duchess of Debauchery! See the peecture of you leaping like Siberian gazelle over campfire on the steppes! See the peecture of you in Livadia hiding family goods with artfully placed hands! See the peecture of you with Tsar's own regiment target shooting in your Daisyovna Dukeskis! Eet is always you, my large-jawed Princess of Petrograd!

So yearn not for the steppes of New Jersy, my darling Bubbalova, and come back to me. And wear the handcuffs. I love the handcuffs.

Ever your Cossack,

The Ghost of Boris S

RobMoshein said...

Just spoke with a good friend who happens to work for the "local Austin print media".

He told me: "People call [us] every day, all day to air their grievances, and complain about people. You'd be surprised how often. We just listen, and do nothing. I haven't heard anything, nobody has contacted me or the two other people I work with." PLUS, I went over the raw access logs and NOBODY from Austin, certainly not the "local news" has read my blogs at all.

I'd say, it's obvious the "local news people" did what most people do, including law enforcement, when Oma Hamou contacts them, they listen politely, hang up, shake their heads at the lunacy she spews, and then do NOTHING.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Mr. Moshein. My contacts were not able to find out why someone from the offices of Williamson County in Tennessee read this blog.

I didn't bother to check out why someone in the San Bernadino D.A.'s office read the blog Wednesday afternoon. You probably already know, anyway. I just wonder if they read enough to find out that Mrs. Hamou claimed that she could have had Mrs. Batchelor arrested ... and that the D.A. has spent almost 14 months showing up repeatedly in court for a case that was nothing more than a "misunderstanding" ... and that the D.A. keeps forgetting to bring the paperwork to court.

I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Alistair McEquus, Esq.

Anonymous said...

Yes, kids. I found another tape last night on my car seat when I left the Piggly Wiggly. It's kind of creepy that my source always knows where to find me. It's almost like he has a spaceship or something. Well, here goes:

Male Voice: Austin Statesman Investigative Reporting Desk. Randy speaking.

Female Voice: Ooooo, Randy. That's a nice name.

Male Voice: Who's calling please?

Female Voice: My name is Oma Hamou. You've probably heard of me. I'm an actress, a movie producer, and a size-8 model. I'm also at least 5'6" no matter what you read. Models have to be.

Male Voice: Uh, no. Sorry. Never heard of you. Why are you calling?

Female Voice: Well, there's this homosexual in Austin who keeps harassing me, and I want you to expose him.

Male Voice: What does being a homosexual have to do with anything?

Female Voice: Oh, you silly boy. I'm a model. A size 8. Real men love me. Whenever I want them to do something, I just bare my tits and unzip my pants while I stand with my hip thrust sideways. But this Rob Moshein -- he's the homosexual I'm talking about -- doesn't respond to my beauty. All he wants to do is keep talking about my criminal record or all those civil judgments against me.

Male Voice: Your what?

Female Voice: Oh. I didn't mean to say that. I just got flustered. (pause) Hey, I'd like to send you some pictures. Can you see them on your computer?

Male Voice: I'd rather you didn't.

Female Voice: (barely audible) Shit.

Male Voice: What?

Female Voice: Er, nothing. Anyway, this Rob Moshein is harassing me and I think you ought to do an expose' on him.

Male Voice: For what?

Female Voice: Well, he's claiming to be this big shot wine shit in Austin, and his asshole love partner Bob Atchinson claims he's got all kinds of influence with people in Russia.

Male Voice: Well, I know both of them by reputation. Our paper's done a few stories on them. I think their claims are true.

Female Voice: (shouting) No! No! No! They're lying faggot sonsabitches. (long pause) Are you sure I can't send you some pictures?

Male Voice: I've got to go, lady.

Female Voice: No! No, wait. I can send you proof that they lied about me in court.

Male Voice: Did you win?

Female Voice: Well, no. That Atchinson asshole did. And the judge was a woman, so there wasn't anything I could do.

Male Voice: What does the judge's being a woman have to do with anything?

Female Voice: Boy, you just don't get how things are supposed to work, do you? (barely audible) G-ddamn it. Don't tell me this guy's gay, too.

Male Voice: I'm hanging up, lady.

Female Voice: (panicked gasping) No! Please! You've got to make them stop. I'll send you pictures of Sandman or Snoopy instead.

Male Voice: Why would I want pictures of a fairy tale character and a dog?

Female Voice: Oooooo, no, Randy. They're men. Real hot men named Justin Edwards and Jim Sproul. C'mon, Randy. Don't you want 'em? You know you do, huh, Randy ...

Male Voice: You're crazy, bitch. I'm hanging up.

Female Voice: No! Wait! How can you let homosexu ...

(click ... buzzing sound)

RobMoshein said...

No Ms. P, I couldn't find anything about me on that link you sent me to http://www.yelp.com/c/austin/printmedia

Nobody over there seems to have mentioned me whatsoever...Certainly no "investigations"...and since when is "yelp" a "local media source?

More bs from the Queen of bs....

RobMoshein said...


Quite correct. Same bs, different day. First, they've been talking to "law enforcement". Nothing. legions of teams of lawyers. Nothing.
"Law Enforcement" told them I was responsible for the Oma Hamou Reality blog, which I'm not. That was a LIE. Google will NEVER identify a blog owner without a Court Order.
Now its nebulous and unidentified "press" in Austin. First it was specifically identified on Tuesday as "local print media" in Austin. There are limited "print media" in Austin, and I have good friends on them all. When Oma pretending to be 'snoopy' said specifically it was on yelp, and I checked to find NOTHING, there was a sudden about face. Seriously, those characters on 'team hamou' are psychotic if they actually believe the unproven nonsense they purport to be truth.

RobMoshein said...

Hey guys. Just found my good buddy put up a video of my birthday party on YouTube!! How cool. enjoy:


RobMoshein said...

Great point Blake. Worth sharing.

Oma Hamou claims to be an actress, but refuses EVER to post any proof.

Oma Hamou claims to be a model, but refuses EVER to post any proof.

Oma Hamou claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" but posts no proof EVER.

Oma Hamou has felony convictions and is standing Felony charges.

I have no negative contacts with Law Enforcement, EVER, aside from one speeding ticket, 72 in a 65 zone.

Oma Hamou was arrested THREE times on Felony Fugitive from Justice warrants.

I have NEVER been arrrested, much less convicted. Yet she insists I am the bad person.

A Friend posts a YouTube video of my party, but I'M the one "self promoting".

Local Press CHOOSES voluntarily to work with me, write articles about me VOLUNTARILY, and attend my parties VOLUNTARILY and the decides ON THEIR OWN to write about it, but somehow I'M the one "self aggrandizing".

For seven YEARS OMA HAMOU claims I am being investigated by Law Enforcement, but NOTHING ever happens. EVER. EVER....

Lets see: Oma Hamou makes claims about herself and her actions yet offers no proof. EVER. and refuses to do so.

I have the press decide for themselves to cover me, and international PR firms HIRE me, but I'm the "bad person"...

Decide for yourself what makes more sense...

RobMoshein said...

My My My...Palmdale has been reading the blog like crazy today...Somebody in Palmdale is, well, obsessed, reading it once an hour, all day...

RobMoshein said...


That last email of her posts was hilarious. Let us accept Oma Hamou's "logic" as valid!

We can form a Delaware corporation, I'm sure your boys can help, We call our corporation say "Enigma Motors Co", tell people we WANT to build cars in the US, and them apply for bailout money from the Government. You be President, I'll be CEO, we can call ourselves "Automobile Manufacture Executives" so we can get to Congress...Brilliant!

I mean, in Oma Hamou-land, all it takes is to form an asset-less corporation with the word "Films" in the name, go around telling folks you are "going" to make a "Major Motion Picture", without ever really doing it, you get to run up HUGE debts scot-free and call yourself an "Motion Picture Executive", well hell, then it should work for us!

What do you think? Blake, Mitzeleh, Ms P...you guys want in? I mean "Snoopy" "Handmaiden" Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group, Portland Oregon, all say this is perfectly acceptable, right??

RobMoshein said...

Hmm, RJ, you're right, "handmaiden" has a point, you have to make the scam look legit. SO, we go to Detroit, give some old falling down factory $4300 for "restoration" and sign contracts with them saying that WHEN we get the money, we will come back and restore the building and use it for the Auto plant. THAT way we can say we have a legit "real" project with "contracts" and NOBODY can say we don't, and that we are not Automobile Manufacturing Executives. WE will have CONTRACTS and a "COMPANY". It won't matter that we have ZERO real world background at building cars, and heck I've driven a car daily for 34 years, so I can legitmately say I have years of experience in the Auto industry.
At least this how it works in Oma Hamou-land.

Anonymous said...

So Hamou was going to make a blockbuster about Nicholas and Alexandra but thinks "starets" is a reference to Boris Sautov?

That's like trying to make "Schindler's List" without knowing the Nazis were Germans.

Now you all know why I turned her down on financing her miniseries on the U.S. Presidents. My people who read the scripts were howling with laughter. There was the episode about George Washington crossing the Rio Grande. And the one about Lincoln's Gettystown Address. And Woodrow Wilson pushing for the Band of Nations. And Lyndon Johnson sponsoring the Silver Rights Bill. And Ronald Reagan's belief in supple side economics.

The movie she ought to make? "The Doofus Affair."

RobMoshein said...

Dear Ms P,

You are so sweet to be concerned, as always. First, you are quite correct. That TEMPORARY Restraining Order DISAPPEARED and was of no effect the moment Oma Hamou signed the "non suit" of her claims. RATHER than have the Court and jury HEAR her, when a Judge ORDERED her to proceed, she chickened out and dismissed the whole thing. To keep bringing it up years later is meaningless. It is indeed MOST hypocritical to bring up a long DISMISSED claim as if it "means anything" and then IGNORE one's own criminal history and present Felony charges as "meaningless".

Second, you again correct and astute to point out that while Oma Hamou gave a paltry $4300 towards a tens of millions dollars restoration of the Alexander Palace, and has done NOTHING for the Palace since, Bob Atchison has then and continues to bring the Alexander Pace to over one million different people worldwide every year, thousand every single day, for some fifteen years now. How much good has come to the Alexander Palace and the State Museums of Tsarskoe Selo than the publicity, information and good will generated by the Alexander Palace Time Machine, a FREE website, open to anyone who cares to read and explore, and something that generates no profit to Bob? The Alexander Palace Time Machine has a Google Rank in the same level as Martha Stewart Living and Staples.com. Bob links to the "official" AP website and drives all that traffic to THEM.

What has Oma Hamou done except give a very tiny sum of money? NOTHING. What does she do today? NOTHING.

The Alexander Palace Time Machine is still updated, expanded and well used TODAY.

That is what Bob Atchison does for the Alexander Palace every single DAY.

RobMoshein said...

My my my. RJ that was a whole lot of aggressive and vehement response by the psycho sockpuppet "snoopy" that you sent over.

I'd say your assessment of my "hitting a raw nerve" is an UNDERSTATEMENT. LOL.....

Thanks for liking the video my buddy posted of the party!

RobMoshein said...

Well RJ, since Oma Hamou REFUSES to answer these fundamental questions, why should I answer her questions?

Why does Oma Hamou claim to be an actress, but REFUSES to provide a single shred of proof of this assertion? She even refused to answer when ordered to do so by a Judge in Litigation (Judge Livingston, who ordered her to comply with my Discovery Request for this information)

Why does Oma Hamou REFUSE to provide proof she was a model whose work was PUBLISHED? She REFUSES to provide a single shred of proof of this assertio. She even refused to answer when ordered to do so by a Judge in Litigation (Judge Livingston, who ordered her to comply with my Discovery Request for this information)
Since Oma makes these assertions, but refuses to answer these basic questions, why should I answer the questions of her psycho fake creation? and "if" this "Justin Edwards" is by some slim chance actually real, well, he is such a craven, gutless, testicle-less, piece of cowardly quivering dung, hiding behind Oma Hamou's skirts, afraid to identify himself and take genuine responsibility for "its" words, there is no reason for me to answer this low life, stupid, ignorant, cowardly, lowest class, uneducated piece of crap. I saw some cheap Santa Monica Blvd rentaboi male prostitute with Oma Hamou at a hearing in Austin. If that thin, scrawny piece of street trash in Goodwill clothes was really "justin edward" well, enough said. Trash is Trash.

RobMoshein said...

oh, and yes, I have the "answer" to my request for that proof, and when it came time to provide it, Oma Hamou failed to provide the documents. Had she not non suited her claims, there would have been a motion for sanctions. Since she dropped her claims (you know, the ones she NEVER pursued and now time has run out) there was no reason to pursue the matter. so the question remains...

WHY is proving her claim to be an actress and model, such a BIG DEAL? I know why and think most people with a brain know why as well.....

RobMoshein said...


and "if" handmaiden aka "debbie" is by some almost impossible chance "real" and
"is" a "teacher", would her school be PROUD she defends and befriends a convicted felon, currently standing felony forgery charges? Would her school be "happy" she encourages her "child" to libel and slander adults and use the internet to aid and abet such crimes?

RobMoshein said...

WAIT!!! Wasn't "debbie" the psychotic serial killer in Addams Family Values?? YES!
I knew this was too familiar...

That explains everything about "handmaiden" and why she is happy by BE Satan's "handmaiden"...all makes sense now

RobMoshein said...


and "IF" Debbie handmaiden really "IS" a teacher, why is 'it" so afraid? I mean,
"IF" everything she says it true, lets let her school know what "she" is saying online, they won't mind "IF" she is right...RIGHT??? If she refuses, well, ask yourself WHY?? I know the answer. do you??

RobMoshein said...

Whores are whores are whores. Oma, "snoopy", "handmaiden" all whores...all talk and no substance...whores.

RobMoshein said...


Oma Hamou using her "sockpuppet" pretend persona Justin STILL refuses to provide proof she ever was an actress or model. WHAT does that tell you? She seems to think that even a Court can't compel this answer..WHAT does that tell you? I know what it tells anyone with a brain...p

RobMoshein said...


As I thought. "Raw Nerve" is SUCH an understatement.

Thousands of words of blather..."handmaiden" indeed too scared to let her school district know what "it" posts here.

"snoopy" at least ackowledged "it" is indeed a West Hollywood street porn whore, who wears Goodwill cast off clothing. Thanks

Seems Oma Hamou insists that she can tell the world she is an "actress" and "model" but REFUSES to provide any proof of these claims unless "she is applying for a job".

Now WHAT does that tell you? I know it tells ME she is a FRAUD.

RobMoshein said...

Let's ALL live in Oma Hamou Land!

I'm a Detroit Automobile Maker Executive!. I Don't have to prove this statement unless you want to hire me...

I'm a Federal court judge. I so Do NOT have to prove this statement unless you want to hire me.

I'm a NASA scientist. I so SOO don't have to prove this unless you want to hire me!

I am a Gourmet Chef. I can outcook Gordon Ramsey! I so SOO don't have to prove this unless you want to hire me and demand my resume!

We love Oma Hamou Land! I can tell you I am an ACTRESS and MODEL but refuse to actually PROVE IT unless you require my 'resume' Oma Hamou land is fun

RobMoshein said...

Oma Hamou Land is SOOO FUN!

My name is Debbie. I'm a "teacher" but too scared to admit where I work cuz they wouldn't like what I say here, so I'll pretend.

My name is Scooch Pooch. I pretend to be some young girl, but I named myself after a dog rubbing its ass on the carpet all day long.

I'm Justin Edwards. I admit to wearing Goodwill clothes and being a West Hollywood Gay Whore.


The Russian People said...

Whole of Russian People at standstill all weekend while try to read all things Hamou person post. Much long writing for so short woman.

Russian People have great respect for court system of American People and very surprised to hear Hamou person say judges not important people since she only give actor and model information to people who matter but she not give to judge who orders.

When Russian judge say give Russian People do what told unless we like to wear very heavy coat many months of year. Hah hah hah whole nation laughs at joke we tell.

Unknown said...

Russian People very insulted that Hamou person think necessary to warn readers that we not really Russian People. If not Russian People who else speak like this?

Phones of Russian People ring off hooks all morning this day. Latvian People very angry that we post that Ekaterina wife of Great Peter was Russian peasant who dirty, smell bad, and lie in bed all day and drink. Latvian People want to say that Ekaterina is Latvian peasant who dirty, smell bad, and lie in bed all day and drink. Latvian people very proud of whore who become empress. Latvian people understand desire of Hamou woman to make movie where she is empress.

The Belarussian People said...

Sad we are in Belarus. Manny, many whores we have but no Empress to call our own! Weep we do! Even small Latvia has own Empress!

And we are really Belarussian folk. All many millions of us go to same internet cafe and type on one computer in country! How dare voice in Oma Hamou's head not accept us as real!

Russophile said...

What does it tell the world, Mr. Moshein that you still can't figure out that there are several different living breathing people on Ms. Hamous site? It says STUPID. It screams STUBBORN. And that's okay. Though I wouldn't, were I you, keep touting myself as some all that and a bag of chips sommelier since you can't figure THAT out.

Russophile said...

BTW, everybody though Ted Bundy was such a nice guy too. . . .

Unknown said...

I am Don Cossack. My people have long and proud heritage as defenders on horses of whore empresses of Russian People. And also not whore empresses who write much fewer letters and not as much fun.

My people, and by that I mean my brother Ron and me, will find it big honor to defend big movie star who play Russian empress. Brothers Ron and Don Cossack very loyal to those who honor Russian empress in movie but we must be paid with cash at time. Family tradition teach us that Russian empresses always say send bill but then move to other palace.

Russophile said...

Really, is Blake on vacation? He could come up with something better than Don the cossack. I mean REALLY.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Oh, BFF. Ted Bundy? Really? Really?

And not for anything, my dear, but what do you think the "world" thinks about you because you actually think that there are separate posters over at Oma's joint? I'm not sure what exactly the ability to distinguish con artists has to do with the ability to choose a good cabernet, but at this point I would place my money on Rob's powers of discrimination over yours, dear. Because you have signed on as a first class passenger on the S.S. Oma Hamou, which is basically saying you have a first class ticket on the Titanic. Only without the glamour or terrific background music. But enjoy the ride, BFF, and forget about all of the pesky icebergs.

By the way, Oma, I'm leaving for London at the end of the week for a few days with friends before Christmas, so if you start getting hits from over there, c'est moi.

Alright, former citizens of the U.S.S.R., you may have at it again.


Rob, I don't mean to belabor this, but I think you may have hurt Justin's feelings with your description of him as looking like a low-grade gayrentboi. He really has changed his life around since you last saw him, and he is trying make a go of it. As he told you, he did find you attractive, but he knows that the whole area is out of bounds. I think it behooves all of us who have had contact with OH to be forgiving of those who came late to sanity. Some people have to be really burned before they learn not to play with fire.

Oh, BFF, I wasn't talking about you, but I would keep a fire extinguisher handy. Just in case.


Russophile said...

Oh Rebecca, you're so SWEET to think about me. Now promise you won't get into any of those pesky Brazil airbuses? K?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Only if you promise not to go home with handsome strangers who might secretly be serial killers! We BFFs have to look out for each other, and God knows you have a propensity to fall for a line of bullshit --- it's one of the things that makes you so adorable, dear!


Russophile said...

Speaking of BS, those silly Latvians and Russians on Mr. Moshein's thread are a HOOT! Tell me, where does he get them? Does he troll around Austin looking for port stars in cast off Goodwill clothing? Does he tell Mr. Atchison or is it all on the hush-hush?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Goodness, dear, I don't know, I'm sure. The "rest" of Oma's "posters" treat them as real, so I just assume they are. It's the internet after all, where everything everyone posts is real. Kind of like putting up pictures of yourself ad nauseam and claiming you're a model. There's always some dope who will believe it.


Anyway, is it a slow morning in Washington, dear? You seem to be posting early.

Russophile said...

Not so early, and you haven't been reading Mr. Moshein's posts where he tells you where I am, where I live? Where I work at the drop of the hat? Oh Rebecca! I thought you were up on that! Those are the little details you excel at!

Rebecca Jordan said...

No, dear, I suppose I haven't. Thirty lashes with a wet noodle! It's not that you don't interest me --- you're my Best Friend Forever, after all! --- but you just don't stand out as funny enough in the entertaining melange of Oma Hamou Voices (basically everybody over on her site except you) and the folks like Omer, Gomer and The Horses of America over here. I primarily read this for the laughs.

And a quick check reveals that you are in Oregon. My bad. Is there a lot of difference?


Russophile said...

Thanks okay, Rebecca, I can live without being funny enough. Oregon and Washington are a lot alike scenic wise. Lots of waterfalls and greenery. Washington has the San Juan islands and those are lovely. Portland is known as the City of Roses. Very pretty. You just don't want to come here in February, it's rainy and crappy and people drive very badly. Tax wise Oregon sucks. But! One has to take the good with the bad. . .

Rebecca Jordan said...

You make it sound very pretty, save for February. I'm an odd duck in that I actually like cold, rainy weather (all those years in the Mideast left me with a taste for rain), but I can't really drive anymore, so I'd be hopeless out there. Los Angeles scares the bejesus out of me for that reason.

Oma, lighten up with the "burning the legs off ants" analogy. It doesn't work. In the first place, it gives no credit whatsoever to your own propensity to light things on fire. After all, you have been filling the internet for years with nasty remarks and lies about Moshein and Atchison, dear. It's sad but true that the weeds of crime --- in this case, your endless vilification and lies --- bear bitter fruit. But what I find interesting is this: you claim that Mrs. Batchelor looked you up on the internet and panicked at the idea that you were a con artist who might be liable to stiff her (which you are, but for the sake of argument let's assume that it is not true). Rob, how many times has a client dropped you because of what you find posted under her auspices on the internet? We hear a great deal about her legions of lawyers and now reporters chomping at the bit to write the expose of the century. Any of the people with whom you deal ever believe her nonsense?

No ... I didn't think so.

And Oma, I would be a little less sniffy about the Moshein/Atchison domicile. While it probably doesn't meet the standards of your upbringing (in other words, there are no wheels on it), it is paid for, and around here in the banking biz, we give points for that. He also seems to have actual real-live friends who do not fear to be associated with him. In public, even.

But perhaps, Rob, you might photoshop a picture of yourself to look like Nicholas II and hang it up with a few Korean flags on it for make-weight. That always dresses a room right up.


Russophile said...

It is very pretty, Rebecca. Think upstate New York--Lake Placid and Saranac Lake, but with more firs and less snow.

Unknown said...

A long weekend can do wonders, even here on the other side. I think I might have misjudged Ghost of Boris S. He's really quite the charmer when he wants to be.

As soon as he realized that cars - even Mercedes - don't cut any ice with me, he came to the realization that horses were the ticket to the heart of this spectral little babushka. And damned if he didn't bring me the biggest stallion I ever did see, even back on Daddy's estates in the old days.

And he had the good sense to drop his obsession, at least in front of me, with that drafty old palace Uncle Nicky, his crazy hausfrau of a wife, and their five brats used to priss about and call home. Who the hell needed that much space to knit, write diaries, and plaster photos on oneself into scrapbooks I never did see.

But back to Ghost of Boris S. He's really quite a man when you get down to it. And get down to it I did. In fact, he reminds me of my sainted papa, the Grand Duke Dadi Pedovich. Papa always had such a way with women. He certainly had his way with me.

Ah, Bory. Bory, Bory, Bory .... Your little Bubbie missy-wissies you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bubbalova. Does Sautov still have his moustache?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Oma,

I never said I had not been in Los Angeles. I said it scares the bejesus out of me as a place to drive. I was responding to our mutual BFF's description of Oregon in February.

I lived in San Francisco? Did I like it? I can't imagine I would have, since my entire image of California is of a large land mass waiting to fall into the sea. But since you know I lived there, Oma, perhaps you can tell me if I liked it. I have been to Oakland to visit friends of my family. Does that count?

Also, you promised an expose of my nefarious deeds. I am on tenterhooks.

BFF, I swear I think we can read each other's thoughts! My family had a summer house in the generalk vicinity of Lake Placid (really closer to Saranac Lake), on a small lake called Kushaqua. It was truly beautiful up there; Harry used to ship the entire family up there for July and August, and join us as he could when work permitted. I am sure that if Washington and Oregon resemble
upstate, they must be beautiful indeed.


Russophile said...

I spent a summer in Lake Placid when I was 16. Simply gorgeous. As were the Canadian rugby players. . . *sigh*
Remember Custard and Mustard? Can't get good custard ice cream here. *doublesigh*

RobMoshein said...

Yep RJ, Raw Nerve for certain. The timing on all those posts you sent me this morning shows Oma stayed up all night posting over and over.

Very Raw Nerve...not to mention obsessed.

Anonymous said...

Watch out below! Mount Oma is about to blow.

Good grief. Her blog has been growing at the rate of 2 pages a day lately. Who can wade through all that drivel? I mean, it's hilarious enough in small doses. But not after a half dozen pages of same old same old. That's just pitiful.

RobMoshein said...

Blake that was hysterical, what you just sent.

"if we keep posting the same crap over and over and over the we are most likely telling the truth..."

Thats really good. If we keep saying it enough, it becomes true. Isn't that the same thing Hitler said about the Death Camps, and Stalin said about the purges, and Bush said about WMDs...? Yeah, thought so...


Mitzi said...

So first of all, Happy Chanukah to everyone, although I have to tell you if I never fry another latke it will be too soon. My cousin Zelda's kids are in from Haifa, and we are eating like bandits. Not that the kids arrived empy-handed, mind you, Zelda raised them right; Asher and Golda brought a honey cake to die for. And can we talk tzimmes? Mama's recipe, so good. Brisket is coming.

Meanwhile, what in G-d's name is going on over in Crazy Town? Russophile Lady keeps posting all of these people who are supposed to make Oma feel good about having a record. Alright, Martha Stewart I get, although between you and me the woman is nuts, she keeps her horses in the barn during the day because she doesn't want their color to fade --- Martha, sweetheart, they're horses, not Chanels --- but Sydney Biddle the Hooker Lady? Oy, Russophile Lady, is this someone from whom Oma should take consolation? I mean, the worst I have heard is that she did some blue movies, the kind my husband Chaim, G-d rest his soul, used to watch when he thought I wasn't looking, but I never heard that she was what my father used to call a "working girl". So yes, felons can pay their debts to society and move on, but the key phrase is "pay their debts", and I think we all know how well that is going. I guess the check hasn't cleared yet, Mr. Atchison? At least Mrs. Batchelor will get hers on the 28th unless that butterfingers of a D.A. forgets to bring the paperwork, as Oma is always saying.

Omele, darling, you should excuse a yenta like me for putting my two cents in, but if I were you I would stop posting so often. It just makes you look nuttier, and let's face it, nuttier you don't need, sweetheart. And Russophile Lady, not for anything weith your list and all, but you are missing the point. If all of the fantzy-schmantzys stiffed Robbele on his fee as a sommelier, then I suppose he wouldn't want to have them in his living room. Or if that nice Matthew McConnaughey (so cute, I could pinch him, but Matthew, from the heart, inveswt in a shirt) spent years writing stuff about Rob and his partner on the internet, I don't think even his celebrity would make Rob spring for a bottle of Mogen David.

And now Oma will post that she isn't posting. Oy. Does the Russian Orthodox Santa take points off for telling big fibs, because if he does, I think there is going to be some coal in someone's stocking this year over in Victorville.

I post because I care, darling.


Russophile said...

Mitzi darling, if you cared you'd get your facts straight about Ms. Biddle Barrows. She was a Madame. A business woman. Sort of like our Rebecca. Smart, very smart. Chic, classy. She's got more money than you, my dear. And she's written several books and is on the lecture circuit.

RobMoshein said...


Happy Chanukkah to you and the Family. I never cared much for tsimmis...latkes and applesauce though are my favorites!

Best news and a wonderful gift for me. Just got off the phone with New York. The Bordeaux Wine Council gig winds up tonight with a break for Christmas and New Years. They are so pleased, they asked if I would continue working with them for all of next year! I said "of course" of course!

No they don't believe a word of the "strange lunatic" (their word), not mine.

Mitzi said...

Darling Russophile Lady,

Sweetheart, trust me, we aren't hurting. Everytime you eat a Yehuda matzo or drink something from our winery, we get a little something. Look for us in your local Sam's Club, darling, and stock up, we need the gelt. If you like tea biscuits, we do a nice line, darling.

I don't understand your point, darling. Because Sydney hired the hookers out and made some money doing it, we should look up to her? Maybe this is how Oma went wrong in the first place, she had all the wrong role models. It would explain the whole "I got off the bus and met a man who was like a father to me" part of the story.

But I suppose this answers the question that darling Beckele asked me last week about how someone like you could hook up with someone like her. You have the same approach to life, darling. So zestful!

And Robbele, congratulations! It's so weird, though, Herzilein. Why do you think that people always believe your side on the internet and not hers?

Also, I've been meaning to ask, Omele. Why are you such a fan of the American legal system when it comes to the vertsunkene restraining order that never went anywhere, and not so much when it comes to things like legal judgements that require you to pay people like Mr. Atchison?

Now you girls get right out there and make some money, darlings, now that Sydney has come up with a business plan.

So exciting to see a new start-up venture!


Russophile said...

And what is the name of the business you own Mitzi? I mean, fair is fair, your Robele is always touting my business about. Inquiring minds wanna know yours. Your Robele is always saying how REAL you are.

Mitzi said...

Darling Russophile Lady,

I should buy a dog and bark for myself? I have no idea what you do for a living, and I don't want a verkackte like you showing up on my family's doorstep. What you and Robbele have going on is between you kids, but as I have said before, you I don't know from Adam's housecat --- or want to know. I keep telling Rebecca that you aren't so nice, but she just says you're harmless. Me, I'm not so sure. So let's just say we're in groceries and leave it at that, darling.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Mrs. Hamou/McConnell/Murphy, my dear. I live down the road in Westport from Martha Stewart and know Martie quite well.

The poor dear has had more than a passle of trouble keeping her black horses black. Not only do they fade in sunlight, but they fade with sweating. Fortunately, Martie has the wherewithal to keep her barn air-conditioned in the summer. But for the life of me, I've never really understood what use it is to have horses that you can ride only in the dark in cold weather. When I ask Martie, she just mumbles something about that's how she gets to meetings with her stockbroker and warns me to stay out of her affairs. So testy. You'd think I had put a pink pillow next to a yellow one or something.

Rebecca Jordan said...

What a day!

Mitzi, all my BFF is doing is undercover work. She comes over here because she actually has an independent IP number, as opposed to the others (who are all Oma, of course.) She's mad at Rob and Bob because they threw her off the Romanov website they run. I think that's the reason, anyway.

So this morning I spent a hilarious twenty minutes looking up the women on the Women in Film website page that Oma posted, and guess what? Every damned one of them is listed on the imdb.com site with the exception of . . . you guessed it. I take that back; there were two others who were not, but they were easily traced to other projects and accomplishments. The website itself is non-discriminatory. In other words, if I sent them 500 bucks, I could be a woman in film. I might do it. I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!

My theory is that she joined this as a potential contact source, which would be smart, and then dropped it as soon as she got her name posted.

I am dying. Penelope just emailed me describing my BFF as a "little minx".


Russophile said...

No BFF, I left. That lovely Annie/Lori Stewart and Helen Azar not to mention the laxness of Laura Mabee's moding as well as Rob's contributed to that. Not to mention the welcome team of Dmitry. Lovely man. Then when Rob figured out who I was and that my IP could still read the AP forum he put a block on that.

Russophile said...

And Mitzi, listen to your friend Rebecca, I am harmless.

Mitzi said...

Darling Russophile Lady,

I can't forget that you threatened Rob with bodily harm, darling. Call me crazy.

And Omele, you may want to take the stick out of your tuchis about Sam's Club, sweetheart. We're carried by Trader Joe's too, so you can get all of your organic matzoh there and feel superior to the masses. Although looking at the clothes in your pictures, darling, I would have to say that warehouse shopping isn't exactly unknown territory, is it?

Also, for someone so organic, Nitzi says you eat Cheetohs like you were getting paid for it.


Russophile said...

Oh Mitzi,you're so funny! Here you go, trotting out that tired old arguement again that was disproved by Snoopy over on Ms. Hamou's site.
Honey, really, you need better material. Ask Blake for some help, he seems to be your whiz kid over there.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I think you missed Oma's point about being one of the "Women in Film". If you google her name, you can find her projects and accomplishments, too.

There are the pictures of her cupping her bare tits in her hands; the picture of her with her pants unzipped down to the briar patch; the picture with her short shorts riding up in her crack; the picture of her humping that rock. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. If you catch my meaning.

And her other accomplishments can be found on the internet -- ducking out on debts; ripping off old men; getting marks to take her bad checks; dodging process servers; making bail before Christmas.

Film. Projects. She's got it all, Becky.

Rebecca Jordan said...


You do not have to pay in order to be listed on imdb.com. There is a component to the website for professionals to post resumes, etc., but the rest of the site is simply a comprehensive data base for people who work or worked in the industry, past or present. Do you think that Humphrey Bogart saw the internet coming and reserved his spot on imdb? If you had done anything in the industry other than try to shill the script you hawked as your own, it would be there. I repeat, Women in Film is non-discriminatory. For five hundred bucks, Linda Lovelace could have joined. She is on imdb, by the way.


Rebecca Jordan said...

Also, Blake --- the "briar patch"? Ewwwwwww.


RobMoshein said...

Ms. P.

If Oma Hamou or her alleged "friends" want to know the details of my Real Estate Law Practice in Beverly Hills, I will gladly provide them, RIGHT AFTER Oma Hamou provides the details of her acting and modeling career. If those details are none of the public's business, despite her assertions to BE and actress and model, then the details of my practice are none of the public's business either. At least I have a California State Bar Member number...more evidence of MY career than hers...

Russophile said...

You mean this one, Mr. Moshein that was pulled from the California State Bar website?
There is 1 California attorney that matches rob moshein:

Robert Mark Moshein Not Eligible To Practice Law (#120046)

RobMoshein said...


It seemed really a waste of money to pay $700 a year just to say "inactive" on my bar card, that I have no inclination to re-activate any time in the near future. At any time, all I have to do is pay the Bar a chunk of cash and I can practice any time I want to.

RobMoshein said...


Quite right. My sister was a production assistant on some TV shows and SHE has an imdb listing. Trust me, she has NEVER paid to be listed on imdb.

So, of course. WHY is Oma Hamou the ACTRESS not found on imdb?

We all know the reason.

RobMoshein said...

Oh, the Bordeaux folks aren't stupid. They know immediately that the person who called was the person who wrote all the crap on the web about me.

they dont believe a word of it. Sorry....

Name THREE people who do and are willing to say so publicly and be contacted to confirm

I'll be not ONE person will do so. Because nobody does.

RobMoshein said...


and PROVE Oma Hamou does NOT post on her forum.

Your "say so" does not count. PROVE IT.

Unknown said...

The list of people who have been convicted of misdemeanors that Russophile posted on Hamou's forum was interesting.

Does she have a list of famous people with multiple felony convictions and who are currently in the court system on at least their fourth felony? (Other than gangsters.)

Anonymous said...

Bringing sunshine to dispel the dark mood in Hamouland. I just got another tape, this time left on a table at Starbucks when I went to the bathroom.

First Female Voice: Hello, office of Kirsty Allee, Thetan Level 7 and big television star. How may I help you?

Second Female Voice: I need to talk to Kirsty.

First Female Voice: And you are .... ?

Second Female Voice: I'm a big star, too.

First Female Voice: Yes, but who?

Second Female Voice: Kirstie will know me. Tell her it's Alexandra Oma calling.

First Female Voice: (pause, sound like receiver being muffled, then ... "urity. Now!") I'm sorry, Miss Allee is not in.

Alexandra Oma: Don't give me that. I know she's in. I've been watching the office, and there's no way she got out a door without being spotted. I'm a size 8 and even I get spotted every day.

First Female Voice: Please hold the phone. (sound like receiver being muffled, then ... "usty Mercedes with Jaguar bumpers. I mean it. NOW!")

Alexandra Oma: Jesus, lady. I just want to invite Kirsty to a party at my house.

First Female Voice: Could you give me the address?

Alexandra Oma: No. I've got some psycho assholes from Texas looking for me. They threw this big pissy party last week at their house, and I want to show them that I can have a big party at my house, too.

First Female Voice: Well, Miss Allee can't get there without an address.

Alexandra Oma: The place will be a little hard to find. I'll e-mail Kirsty with satellite coordinates.

First Female Voice: Yes, you do that.

Alexandra Oma: Aw, c'mon. Is Kirstie still upset about that broken axle and the orange stains in her van? That wasn't my fault. Tiny Daily was the one sitting on the wheel hump.

First Female Voice: (sound like muffled phone ... then something that sound like "yeah, I'll try to keep her on the line.)

Alexandra Oma: Hey, bitch. What the hell's going on? Do you think you can treat me lik ... (sound of car door opening) ... Get off me, you goons. Do you know who I am? All this shit about a f-cking party? (sounds of a struggle then a car door slamming) ... Hey! Bear breath. You can't treat me this wa ... (sound of loud shrieking receding into the distance). Click.

RobMoshein said...


You are SOO sweet and kind. The Chanukkah gift box arrived today! OK, so not the first night, but feh, the postal service between Israel and here, not so good, nuh?

Anyway, the cookies and pretzels and wine, from your FAMILY business are such a sweet gift.

תודה רבה!

Mitzi said...

It's nothing, darling. Have the happiest Chanukah with best wishes from all of the Kedems. Beckele and Penny, there is a little something coming your way for your holiday too, and Blake, if you will send me your address, boychick, I will make sure that you get a gift basket as well. Rebecca, I delayed yours until next Wednesday, you should be back from the U.K. by then, no?

Tonight was gefilte fish, and if I say so myself, it went fast! Of course there was a slight pall on the evening. We're all a little upset by the news that the meshugganahs in Iran are shooting missiles. I'd like to give those people such a pinch.


The Russian People said...

What is all talk about silly Jewish holiday? Russian People say Easter biggest religion holiday where we boil egg in onion peel and silk scrap just like tsar and wife do in movie where they in cabin in Tobolsk. Wife of tsar always tell everyone she very much understand Russian People who love her except they kill her. Also big deal for Russian People children to roll egg down hill and break egg of other Russian People children. But mostly big deal because very hard to find hill in Russia.

Aleksandr Romanov said...

Is true, Easter is most important holiday for my people followed by feast day for saint from whom you receive name. For me saint is my own father who is also Sasha. We celebrate with big feast and many, many glasses of vodka. Aleksandr/Aleksandra is most important of all Russian names, given only to those people who will cause much trouble like Tsar-Liberator, Tsar-Bends-Steel-With-Own-Hands-And-Holds-Up-Train-Roof-By-Himself his son, and nutski German princess who marries last Tsar and who looks like trouble a verst away, hoo boy howdy. You understand that it is not bad luck name despite cellar in Yekaterinburg, but more like a name which brings trouble to people around person with this name. Strange, da?

Hello to you, my brother Russians who post here!


The Russian People said...

Hello to Sasha from Russian People who very sorry you have name of bad luck. Many wives to tsar come from German princess because they bred for it. But they very nasty business for good Russian tsar. Great Catherine kill her tsar husband to take throne like Hitler try to do with Comrade Stalin who pretty much tsar. But wife of first Nicholas very mousy German princess who dance and let husband push around like good Russian husband who love wife. So not all German princess or empress named Alexandra kill people or get killed by Russian People. So maybe you all right with name of Aleksandr. Russian People hope so.

Russophile said...

Winophile, the internet is an interesting thing. But hey! I've got an idea, why don't you and Blake meet up, go find Martha Stewarts friends and tell them all not to hang out with her because she's a convicted felon. Sounds like something right up your alley.

Aleksandr Romanov said...

Spasibo to you I say my comrades! Is true name has been for many tsaritsas, but facts we must face! Name is bad luck! You know the old Puskin saying? "When an Aleksandra comes in skin of jungle beast then will the horses be nervous!" No one ever says this about Tatyana!

Aleksandr Romanov said...

Right you are one who is friend of my people! Aleksandra is friend of Putin and he is murderer! So is good idea to be forgiving of small faults! Is a good thing, da?

Your friend Sasha

The Russian People said...

Russian People not to understand how short woman who is 1.53 meters can play empress who very tall. Maybe long wedding dress hide very big shoes and not important be so tall when on back holding tit in hand. But okay that she very big friend of Putin who is murderer. Russian People not mind big leader who kill them. Shows Russian People how important leader is which is good reflection for strength of Russian People.

RobMoshein said...

Lets compare:

Martha Stewart: A decades long career of verifiable sources, appearances and accomplishments. Hundreds and hundreds of easily and publicly verifiable career events.

Oma Hamou: nothing. She refuses to provide any information about her alleged "careers" experience or background. She hides ALL information about herself while refusing to admit to anything.

MS: A successful, wealthy and highly profitable series of companies, publicly traded and earning a lot o money.

OH: Two long closed corporations, which produced nothing and are deep into debt.

MS: Lied to investigators about making money on a stock sale. Convicted.

OH: Committed theft by deception, Fraud and Theft by bad check. Convicted.

MS: Has thousands of friends who have no fear to stand up and identify themselves.

OH: has a group of three or four anonymous (if they actually are even REAL) lunatics who daily post the same garbage over and over without proving anything, much less their genuine identity. Oh, and Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group Portland Oregon, who is the only human who gladly associates themselves with this convicted felon publicly.

Yeah, their VERY comparable.

Russophile said...

Oh! Lookee there Mr. Moshein! You made a spelling error. Now where is Mrs. P when you need her?

RobMoshein said...

typo actually. I meant "they're"

Anonymous said...

Oh, my dears. Such quibbling.

I have been to Martie's homes on Turkey Hill Road in Westport and her new spread in Bedford. She may be a convicted felon, but she's an absolutely charming woman who can decorate. And I am quite sure she is not the kind of "businesswoman" who would display her private body parts on the internet.

It's as much about taste as crime, Russophile, dear.

RobMoshein said...

Ms P,

No offense, but it is also as much about credibility, talent, money, achievement, success, and disclosure, as anything else.

Martha Stewart has ALL of these, in spades. Oma Hamou lacks all of them, utterly. Martha Stewart is someone, successful, rich and well known. She has a successful, well adjusted beautiful child. Oma Hamou is a failure, dirt poor and in debt and in utter obscurity with a substance abusing screwed up bastard child (except of course in her own twisted mind... where she is equal to Martha...)

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