Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why I Must Post and Defend Myself from the Lies and Tales of Oma Hamou

When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies spread across the Internet results now going back several years.

As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.

I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.

The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.

This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.

This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Case Number: MC020860
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.

Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:


Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:

I have put up a precis of the specific information for her victims and law enforcement here:
You are encouraged to share information you may have about her and her activities with me.

While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".

She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.


I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.

I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.

Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?

This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?

This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??

This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?

Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.

As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison

Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.

You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.

You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.


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RobMoshein said...

Am I the only one who noticed that Oma Hamou claimed the fellow at Pyles' lawfirm in Moline was supposed to be named "John Deere Corridor"??

Ummm, that is a section of Moline Oma. Not the guy's name.


Blake Springpasture said...

Sent from "":

" ...... Would you like to be involved in this? I hope you have a lot of money for a lawyer. I do."

Not you, huh, Biernat?

Blake Springpasture said...

This will be fun. First, there's the law. Then there's the jury.

Can you imagine when the jury hears about Don Morton, his dementia, the alias Hamou used, and the lewd faxes sent to him by a woman over 40 years younger?

Can you imagine when the jury hears about the claims of breast, colon, rectal, and uterine cancer?

Can you imagine when the jury hears about running a cancer scam against Hamid Refai?

Can you imagine when the jury hears about Hamou's near miss with death on 9/11? And the email she sent that very day to a publicity firm about it?

My guess is that the jury will react about the same way the people on Cold Harbor did when all this came out -- run away. Run awaaaaaaay.

Yes. This will be fun.

Blake Springpasture said...

Goodness, Russophile.

So, after denying it, you're now admitting it was you who sent that email? That "" really is you?

Getting caught in such a lie doesn't really help you, you know.

Mitzi said...

Darlings, so exciting! Rivka, darling, I know she's your BFF (so cute!), but darling, Darling Russophile Lady is one scary little Princess Poutypants, isn't she? I mean, she's sending threatening emails to that darling Michael man, and she's slapping people in high school and not remembering it, and and she's throwing her darling first husband's prosthetic leg out the window? I think someone needs more naps, darling!

Meanwhile we have this darling and very strange little man over on Amazon claiming to be a Catholic Buddhist Jew? Darling strange little man, I know there are reform Jews, but even they draw a line at some things, darling.

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, oh. Sounds like something bad happened to Hamou this afternoon. She always displaces like this when it does.

And, yes, "Snoopy". Of course you were with Oma at the police today. You are Oma. That's why the people at Katz this morning only heard a woman's voice when "Justin Edwards" called them, you know.

But it's good the police now know where Pyles is.

Poor Penny, though. I guess she can't go into deep cover like he can.

And the Professor. Well, after all those years on that island, I'll guess he'll be glad someone finally found him.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. I do hope Ms. Hamou / McConnell is alright.

If I remember correctly, the last time she posted about going to the police to file complaints about the nice people here, it turned out that fine, if somewhat ill-used, Mr. Cowan had gone to the Palmdale Sheriff -- and it was a detective there who had called Ms. Hamou / McConnell in.

So, yes, my sweet ones. There was a visit to the police on that occasion. But I do think Ms. Hamou / McConnell got mixed up about who put the meeeting on whose social calendar.

I do hope that hasn't happened again. The strain would be just awful. Just awful.

Blake Springpasture said...

Oopsy, "Snoopy". Tripped yourself up again.

At 8:30 p.m. today you posted:

"I never called anyone [at the Katz law firm] and that's a fact. Oma told me she did."

But at 11:01 a.m. today, "Snoopy" posted:

"I stand by what I was told and that is as of this morning this law firm is not representing a one Harmon M. Pyles. Got the name of the person at that firm who told me this [my emphasis] all anyone has to do is call and ask if they are representing this guy because he says they are."

Looks like you accidentally slipped out of character here, Oma. In one post "Snoopy" said Oma called. In another post, "Snoopy" said it was "him" the law firm told they were not representing Pyles.

Busted, you lying bitch.

Blake Springpasture said...

Boy, my head is spinning here.

For months Hamou said she was going to sue about being stalked, harassed, libeled, etc.

Then the story became she was going to leave it in the hands of the FBI and the police to handle.

Then this morning it was back to lawsuits that were on the way.

Now this evening it's back to the police who are going to do Hamou's bidding.

I hope she doesn't get mixed up and sue the police. I mean, after all, she has sued herself on occasion.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I wonder if the police thought it was odd when Oma would turn to the empty chair beside her and ask "Snoopy" to confirm what she was saying?

I wonder if the police thought is was odd when they looked at the records and they confirmed every single thing of which she has been accused?

I wonder if they called the Cowans, Refai or Batchelors?

I wonder if Gilligan and Skipper are in on it too?

I wonder if I really want this blueberry muffin. Yes. Yes, I do.


RobMoshein said...


This will be what? the eight, ninth time you have "spoken" to the police and/or "filed a criminal complaint" in the last ten years.



SO, what does all your blather about it actually MEAN?


Blake Springpasture said...

Well, "Snoopy". As you say, if Oma did all the things she's been accused of, then she would be in jail.

So, by that logic, if Rob, Bob, and Pyles did all those things you say, they would be in jail, too.

Only problem -- none of them have heard from the FBI or the police that you say have been investigating them for years now.

But it seems you have heard from the police. And just recently, too.

I would also add that they have never been convicted of anything. Or had any civil judgments entered against them. Or violated probation. Or run scams. Or had people looking for them at Reseda Screen & Glass. Or had bench warrants issued for their arrests. Or written checks on closed bank accounts. Or breached contracts.

Or faxed dirty stuff to old men. (Well, at least I don't think they have. Don't really know them quite that well.)

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, if there was a visit with the police yesterday, we all know it was not of Oma's doing.

Her walking into a police station to complain of being a victim would be kind of like Rabbi Shablinsky going to Gestapo headquarters to ask for an investigation of the late-night fire at the synagogue.

I do wonder what's up.

Well, we'll just have to watch the L.A. region arrest and court records. Something will show up sooner or later. Always does.

The Batchelor case. The Refai case. The Cowan case. The driving without a license case.

Blake Springpasture said...

"Snoopy" just posted:

"Nope not true at all because Oma didn't do a damn thing until August 2010 when she filed a criminal complaint against Bob and All with the FBI."

I see. So all those earlier charges on the internet that Bob and Rob were under FBI and police investigation were lies?

You do know that's libel, don't you, "Snoopy"? Libel per se, I think.

Well, it'll be nice for Bob to have this little arrow in his quiver now that you've recently put yourself under the jurisdiction of a Texas court.

And, of course, between this and your little snafu yesterday when you got your identity mixed up about that call to the Katz law firm, you've given him plenty of grounds to get a court order to reveal your true identity.

Boy, you are one smooth operator.

Mitzi said...

Omele, sweetheart, bubbele, you sound so stressed, darling! Schatzi, you know that this isn't because you have been trying to live your life and mean old Bob Atchison won't let it rest, darling! You know that you have been postin nasty things about him for years, darling, ever since you had your keister handed to you by the jury when he sued you.

I have no idea what Darling Russophile Lady has her panties in a knot about. Darling, so you were banned from the Russian club. So what? You keep saying you don't care, darling, and Bobbele has never had any contact with you by his own admission, darling! Are you just the kind of girl who likes to stir the pot, darling?

Girls, girls, take a load off. Go get your nails done. Eat some chocolate, for G-d's sake.

Caring so much for both of you. And you too, Imaginary Snoopy!


Blake Springpasture said...

"Snoopy" just posted:

"I don't give a rats ass. Let him sue me. I know he won't."

Uh, "Snoopy", you're so rattled that you're letting your mask slip again.

It is Oma who put herself under the jurisdiction of a Texas court, and therefore it was Oma I addressed in my post on that point.

Why are you talking about anyone suing you?

But thank you for saying you don't give a "rats [sic] ass" about committing libel per se. Nice touch for the case.


RobMoshein said...

Oma Hamou herself:
June 25, 2004:"I want the Austin Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to examine the true scope and breadth of Bob Atchison's and his associate's activities and the gravity of their actions."

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 23:49:00 EDT
"These men are intent to get Oma at any cost. On the advice of counsel Oma has turned to the FBI to ask them for help to investigate Bob Atchison and his associates, this John Lupoli who Bob says told him that Oma hired him to kill him.

Feb. 24, 2006
Oma Hamou to the Hon. Gisela Triana:
"I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigations (sic) and the Texas Attorney General's Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice."

So, Snoopy now admits that each of these statments were LIES. Especially the one where she LIED to Judge Triana-Doyal. I wonder what the Judge will make of THAT?

Shall I go through and publish the dozen or so more just like this??

Thanks Snoop.

Rebecca Jordan said...

As of today's date, you are still lying, Oma.

As of today's date, you still owe Mr. Refai upwards of $50, 000.

As of today's date, you still owe Mr. Cowan rent for the house from which you had to be evicted.

As of this date, you are still conducting a campaign of vilification against Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison.

As of this date, Oma Hamou is still unwelcome at Pushkin in Russia.

As of this date, Oma Hamou still owes Bob Atchison the judgment that was fairly leveled against her six years ago.

As of this date, Oma Hamou is entering her second decade of grift activities connected with the world of Russian history.

This is kind of fun, Oma. How many more can people here add to the list?

RobMoshein said...

As of this date:

Oma Hamou owes W. Donald Morton $23,000 on an unpaid IOU which is now over a decade old.

Oma Hamou owes a Judgment in the amount of $213,805 awarded on May 21, 2002 against Oma Hamou in favor of Boardrush, LLC. by the Supreme Court of the State of New York,

Oma Hamou owes Judgments in Case PC027665 in Los Angeles County Superior Court were granted for American Express Travel Related Services, to execute judgments for unpaid American Express Credit Card charges, against Enigma Royal Films, LLC, in the amount of $190,006 and $82,012; against Oma Hamou PERSONALLY in the amount of $127,155,

Oma Hamou owes a Judgment lien filed by NTT/Verio Inc. in California, filing no. 0317860421 against Enigma Films, securing Judgment against Enigma Films in the amount of $61,000

Oma Hamou owes Reed Business Information on a Judgment against her in New York Supreme Court, no. 03112486 against Oma Hamou dba Enigma films in the amount of $112,179 for unpaid advertising in their magazines in 2002.

Oma Hamou owes $10,000 to WESTAR LEGAL ENTERPRISES, LLC.

Oma Hamou owes $10,000 to the law firm of Freeman, Freeman, & Smiley.

Oma Hamou owes $20,000 to the Austin Law Firm Foster & Malish.

You are RIGHT RJ! This IS fun!!

Rebecca Jordan said...

Is it just me, or does Oma not seem to understand the purpose of a Bill of Review? DiCastelis read through it and kept saying things like "Holy fright, look at that!" he also said it is really, really obvious she is representing herself with this. C'mon, Team Hamou, chip in and get the woman a lawyer!

Rebecca. There is only one Rebecca! If you don't count the missing woman in Idaho or wherever the hell it was.

RobMoshein said...

No Rebecca, Oma Hamou is clueless about the use of and meaning of a Bill of Review.

She will, very very soon, get a lesson on the subject, from the Court.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hey, folks. Didn't Handmaiden/Debbie once post that she was a few years older than Hamou?

I'm sure this is nothing but a coincidence, but there's a D------ D---- H------ who was born in 1958 who's got quite a conviction history in San Bernardino. This woman's record is even longer than that of Hamou's former roommate, Tina Van Veen.

Convicted of driving under the influence.

Arrested for burglary.

Charged with perjury.

Convicted of felony grand theft.

Convicted of felony fraud to obtain aid.

Convicted for failure to appear in court.

Convicted of failure to pay court ordered judgment.

Convicted of driving without a license.

Has an outstanding bench warrant for her arrest. (Old, yes, but those things tend to linger on one's record for years.)

Jeez. It's almost like reading Hamou's rap sheet. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence that she has the same name as one of Hamou's Facebook friends.

Yep. A coincidence for sure.

RobMoshein said...

Say, didn't HUGEFATdebbie mention that she was also very close in age to me and I was born in '59....

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. I think it would just be so sweet if Ms. Hamou / McConnell did have a friend with similar interests. We all need that in our lives now, don't we?

And just think. They could drive each other to court without a license between them without the least bit of embarrassment over it. And they wouldn't even need to bother with one of those simply satanic GPS devices. I swear, my darlings, when a lady can no longer find the courthouse on her own without the help of some newfangled gizmo, what has the world come to?

Oh, I do so hope this DDH person is Ms. Hamou / McConnell's friend Debbie. I know it can be hard to make ends meet sometimes for a couple of working girls, and maybe the two of them together could qualify for volume discounts with defense attorneys and bail bondsmen. I know it sounds a nit, but an arrest here and an arrest there, and the savings could really add up.

Well, good-bye for now, my sweets. There's a knock on the door and a dark car in the driveway. And a lady always comes to the door promptly.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, my dears. It seems I have missed so very much excitement just in the past hour or so when that knock came on my door.

It seems these two lovely FBI agents were looking for someone and had the wrong address, but they were just so taken by my wildflower garden that I simply could not break it off. One of the gents was waxing absolutely euphoric about the depth of the color in the bluebells, but then he realized it was his sunglasses. It was rather comical to watch him try to peer over them to see the colors more accurately without actually removing the sunglasses. I finally just picked a blossom for him and told him to look at it later in his office or at home. He almost teared up with gratitude. Charming in such a big, gruff-looking man. Simply charming.

But my, oh my, did that clever Blake stir up a hornets nest over at Ms. Hamou / McConnell's forum. There's talk about computer hacking, stalking, murder. Just all sorts of things to raise one's hair right on end.

But given the number of convicted felons with whom Ms. Hamou / McConnell seems to share houses and accept rides, one would think she'd be a little less prone to taking such fright. I mean, dears, if her friends don't scare her, who could, really?

Mitzi said...

Darling Pennele,

Sweetheart, don't answer the door if you don't know who it is! Darling Omele's cabal may be trying to kill you, darling, because that's what cabals do, darling! They kill people!

So is darling Omele running a Home for Wayward Girls or something? That darling girl has a heart as big as all outdoors!


Mitzi said...

Darling Debbele,

The elevator doesn't really reach your top floor, does it, darling?

So, darling, how did a girl with such a big heart (so proud of you for the work with the dogs, darling!) make so many poor life choices?

Mitzi, whose own heart is big enough to care for you, Omele AND Darling Russophile Lady!

RobMoshein said...

wow. Palmdale has read the blog TEN times already today!

Blake Springpasture said...

This is just too good.

The proliferation of online court records must be about the most annoying thing that's happened to Hamou since the last time she got put in the pokey to cool her heels.

You know the saying: "Show me the bond papers."

Unknown said...

I would like to offer my services to anyone here who might have done some computer hacking.

Yes, I know my name has a familiar ring to it. And, yes, I am descended from that person. Unfortunately we had to change our name after that stupid Leopold and Loeb movie came out. You would not believe the hate mail I started getting.

And I want to be the first to tell you, those glasses WERE PLANTED. It was done by a cabal of high school students just because Loeb wouldn't give them a ride in his convertible. Some people get pissed over the stupidest things. And the car was always breaking down, anyway. So what was the big deal with that, I ask you.

Anyway, Great Grandpop kept those kids out of the electric chair. I can do the same for you for reading -- er, I mean hacking into -- Facebook.

Call me. I'll give you a good price. Especially when a lethal injection is the alternative. Or a firing squad. Are any of you in Wyoming?

Rebecca Jordan said...

Welcome to the insanity, Mr. Darue.

What can I say? You skip a day and look what turns up. Team Hamou certainly has what might be called a raggedy cast of characters.

Blake Springpasture said...

One of the cases against DDH was very interesting.

She was arrested for burglary. When the case went to the D.A., he filed charges of Grand Theft and Theft by Forged/Invalid Access Card.

DDH then pled guilty to Grand Theft.

This looks to be a plea bargain in a case where the defendant broke into someone's home or car to steal something like an ATM card and then used it to obtain money or merchandise.

We know that Hamou's roommate Tina Van Veen was involved in forgery and that the police caught her in a motel room which contained forgery equipment.

We now know that Hamou's friend and the person Hamou introduced to Cowan as her "assistant" Debbie has been involved in identity theft.

Given that Hamou has used at least 10 social security numbers obtained from other people (including 2 dead ones) -- boy, that stuff on Amazon was interesting -- this is starting to smell a bit like an identity theft ring.

I do hope those FBI folks and the police call soon. I'd really like to have a conversation with them.

Or maybe they can just call Michele Biernat at Benefit Design Group in Portland. She posted earlier that she speaks to Debbie as well as to Hamou by phone. So maybe Biernat can fill the police in, too, on what's going on with her friends Hamou and Holland.

RobMoshein said...

You know whats really amusing about all of this Blake?

The fact that for people "afraid of stalkers" they sure stay online discussing themselves so much! I mean, Oma Hamou confirmed Debbie's name was Holland and that information was on her Facebook page! Debbie Holland herself confirmed her name, and told people where she worked!

Oma Hamou keeps posting all about herself, daily, pretty darned odd for someone "scared to death" of alleged "stalkers"! She also claims to encourage her "friends" to do the same, and gives them all sorts of personal documentation and information to post publicly as well.

Don't you think the very FIRST THING the police would have insisted she do is SHUT THE F*** UP, shut down "Ask Oma" and disappear off the internet? Of course they would. But, Oma Hamou WANTS HERSELF OUT THERE! SHE USES HER SELF PROCLAIMED VICTIMISATION FOR HER OWN NEFARIOUS hiding behind fake names and using expired driver's licenses and bad checks...

Aleksandr Aleksandrovitch said...

Hokity Smokity, Amerikansi Friendskis! Is old friend Sasha back from Ulan Bator where he leared many, many interesting facts about Grand Duchess Bubbalova, favorite Romanoff of all timeski! Research indicate that during time in Mongolia, HIH run with strange crowd of yak herders, all of whom involved in yak theft. These strange herders move into yurts and become extra-friendly with old yak owners until old yak owners are willing to sign over yaks to them even though family not like this! These strange herders are also known to have rescued other yaks and created world famous in Mongolia anyway Run for the Yaks. HIH herself loves the yaks, and has many many many yaks in her own yurt until owner of yurt evicts her causing all yaks left in yurt to starve! Is not pretty sight according to records with yurt filled with large dead animals. At this point trail of Grand Duchess Bubbalova leads back to St. Petersburg when she crosses Russia on yak. Your friend Sasha will return to pick up trailski!

Mitzi said...

Darling Ms. Holland, it's you, darling! Bitsy got a picture, sweetheart! Not the best, but it did show that the outfit you wore to court wasn't a fluke, darling!

RobMoshein said...

Poor Oma. Doesn't she realize just how MANY people are looking for her?

Hamid Refai and his lawyer
Eric Cowan
American Express
Chris Malish
Freeman, Freeman & Smiley
Global Insight
The Superior Court in Los Angeles (remember Oma bounced her check to them?)
Reed Elsevier/Variety
Don Morton's family

I could go on.

Sorry to disappoint HUGEFATMORBIDLYOBESEdebbie, but no, no mail from Judge Triana-Doyal. I'll bet the FBI will be hand delivering that too when they finally drop by....yeah, that must be why nothing has come yet...

Mitzi said...

Darling, dark blue hoodie, jeans and blue and white running shoes, darling! The look is a little young for you, darling, but you offset it with the hair!

So stylish, darling!

RobMoshein said...

and let's face it Mitz, from that pic you sent me, you can not mistake the triple chin, jowls and stringy hair....exactly the same woman outside of court.

Mitzi said...

Darling, I'd be denying that I ever appeared in jeans too if my keister was the size of yours, but darling, it's definitely you, Bitsy is sure! And darling, not stalking, just curious to see who has been posting all of the nastiness about darling Robbele.

Darling, "you lie like the dog that you are"? Really, darling? On the other hand, it is perfectly believable that the girl who came up with that line wrote some of the stuff in that movie script!

Caring so much, darling. Caring so much!


RobMoshein said...

So much fun sitting there watching "snoopy" log out so HUGEFAT-EDNATURNBLAD-OBESE debbie logs in, then it logs out so "snoopy" can log in to post. Seriously funny. Plus only Palmdale is reading the blog today, aside from the regulars...

Oh, yes, Bob's paperwork is more than ready to go. Once it is filed and in the mail, I will be more than pleased to reveal the contents. See you in Austin, VERY soon Oma.

Mitzi said...


"Nefarious schemes and evil machinations", darling? Really? I think darling Omele is writing all of the lines today!

And Snoopele and Debbele! Girls, girls, no need to fight, you're both pretty! For a couple of middle-aged, overweight shiksas, that is.

Darling Debbele, you can go outside, darling. Seriously. Nothing is going to happen. As Bitsy said, "who's gonna schlep that tuchis?" Darling Bitsy. Always right to the point with that girl.


RobMoshein said...

Good Morning OMA!

Wake up and smell the SUBPOENA!

Yes, you will soon be getting the subpoena to appear for your Deposition as Debtor for examination by Bob, held on the day before the Motion for Summary Judgment (no evidence) is scheduled to be heard by the Court.

Other cool docs included are Bob's Answer, requiring you to prove you meet the legal burdens of relief by Bill of Review (including having filed an appeal or motion for new trial, including having served Bob within two months of filing the original petition, and having extrinsic evidence for review which is stuff that was NOT brought up at the original trial) AND the mandatory document production of all documents relating to your job, assets, financial affairs etc etc to which Bob is entitled under the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

You will find out the dates when the mail arrives, but we WILL see you here in Austin VERY soon. Oh, failure to comply with the subpoena for the Deposition will result in Contempt of Court AND dismissal of the Bill of Review.

Ciao Monkey!

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, oh.

RobMoshein said...

Oma has a Texas attorney? Well, then, she is obligated to disclose who the attorney is, as under texas law it is improper to serve papers and notices directly to the party if the party is represented by an attorney.

So, which is it Oma? you are pro se or represented by counsel??

Blake Springpasture said...

The Woman Who Sued Herself rides again.

RobMoshein said...

OK, so Oma does NOT have an attorney. Every time she does, she trumpets their name all over the place.

Thanks for that Oma. See you in Austin for that Deposition!

RobMoshein said...

Oma, I am rather CERTAIN you won't show up for the Deposition. My money is that you won't show up in Court for the MSJ hearing either.

Still waiting to hear the name of that lawyer. don't you think he would want to see the papers right away? any competent Lawyer would insist. OH and didn't he lawyer TELL you he has an obligation under the LAW to tell Bob that he represents you?

Of course he didn't because you don't HAVE a lawyer.

lying bitch.

RobMoshein said...

THIS is how it works Oma:

"If" your attorney contacts Bob and files a Substitution of Attorney, THEN Bob attaches every penny in his retainer account, which is an asset.

THEN Hamid Refai's lawyer will contact that lawyer about HIS debtor's exam and collecting HIS judgment.

THEN Eric Cowan can serve you through your attorney.

THEN anyone else who needs to serve Oma Hamou with papers can also serve you through your attorney.

Can't wait to hear from him so Bob gets his money and I can post his contact information on the internet so people can serve you!

Rebecca Jordan said...

So you don't think Team Hamou took the suggestion and chipped in to get Oma a lawyer?

And remember, Rob, we'll want pictures! Make sure you check your stockings for ladders, Oma!


RobMoshein said...

The whole depo will be videotaped RJ! Maybe Youtube? What do you think??

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, oh.

Mitzi said...

Omele, darling, you're finally going to be on screen, darling! Wear something pretty! Can you still fit into the drag queen outfit, darling?

RobMoshein said...

"you won't get to put it on Youtube"...well, thanks for at least admitting there WILL BE A DEPOSITION!!

Looking forward to it. OH, and Oma, FYI, you can not refuse to answer ANY question asked to you under Deposition in Texas. Each time you refuse, the deposition will be halted and then you will ordered by the Court to answer. Plus, Bob gets a full EIGHT HOURS to ask you questions. Cool, huh? Ask your "Tx" Lawyer, he will confirm that.

Blake Springpasture said...

On screen? Wear something pretty?

It would be nice if she'd just wear something.

Mitzi said...

Darling Blakele,

Baby steps, darling. Baby steps!


RobMoshein said...

I'm sure Chris Malish will be happy to give a client reference to your local "Texas lawyer" Oma. You remember Chris? You stiffed him for TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in legal fees. Maybe he can work something out with your new lawyer to get PAID?

RobMoshein said...

I love Oma Hamou's "logic"...

telling the WORLD that Oma Hamou runs up big bills she is unable to pay and uses cancer as an excuse to borrow money she can't repay and she rents houses she can't pay for and then trashes, that other people don't fall prey to her scams equates to "Persecuting her".

Welcome to Oma, we will see you at the deposition!! THEN at the hearing for Summary Judgment!

My money is Oma is a no show for both. Any takers?

RobMoshein said...

So Oma, just what part of the following is NOT TRUE?

You stiffed Foster & Malish for $20,000 in unpaid legal fees.

You signed a promissory note to Hamid Refai for $50,000 and he sued you, and won a judgment against you.

You were evicted by Eric Cowan for failure to pay rent to him, and you still owe him for unpaid rent and damages.

You bounced a check to Mrs. Batchelor, who called the police, who ARRESTED YOU, and the San Bernardino District Attorney pressed FELONY FORGERY CHARGES against you for over a year, which were dropped only when you paid "VICTIMS RESTITUTION".

You were sued by two separate law firms who did work for you, and EACH got a $10,000 judgment against you that you have not yet paid.


RobMoshein said...

Wow, did anyone else see the very public slap down to Biernat the felon lover on Amazon? Way to go MG Miller!

"How the AP forum was drug into this discussion I don't know other than Russophile and her constant need for attention and dragging into this discussion issues that were not germain (sic) to the book,"

Wait, didn't he used to be one of Biernat's friends?? Wow, she really does wear out her welcome wherever she goes.....

Blake Springpasture said...

I hear Pyles' lawyer is preparing the complaint to file against E. A. Hernandez. And Hamou has promised Hernandez that she will provide him the proof he's going to need to defend himself successfully against Pyles' libel suit.

So I guess someone will finally get to see all those emails Hamou has from various police agencies about their investigations of Pyles and Atchison and about how all the police support Hamou's view of things.

Won't that be a bonanza. Lucky Hernandez, to have Oma Hamou in his court. He must be so grateful.

RobMoshein said...

Hi Oma,

You've read the blog twice already this morning!

So, still no word here from your "Texas attorney", and no letters from Judge Triana-Doyal either.

Are those FBI agents bringing all those letters with them when they come by?? Still waiting on them too, since, what August? Yeah, six months ago. That silence speaks for itself doesn't it.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, please do fax Judge Triana-Doyal! I say fax her, call her, any time you want to!! Heck drop in on her in Court when you are required to be there for the hearing on Bob's Motion for Summary Judgment...

Blake Springpasture said...

Whew, it's been quite a week for Hamou.

She's been served with a debtor's exam at which she must appear or be cited for contempt. She's got to respond to a motion for summary judgment. Hernandez will be turning to her for the underlying evidence (her mere assertions on the web will not cut it in court) he will need to defend himself against Pyles -- evidence which Pyles will then obtain through discovery.

Poor old "Snoopy" is going to be wearing himself out hauling around all those boxes.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Herself, Blake. Herself.


RobMoshein said...

Some of what Oma Hamou got in the mail:

2. This is a Motion for No Evidence Summary Judgment made under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 166(a), as Plaintiff Hamou fails to plead any evidence of material fact required by law to support a claim for relief by Bill of Review. Specifically, she failed to pursue or exhaust her adequate legal remedies before seeking bill of review relief, any claim of relief by bill of review is barred by the Statute of Limitations and Laches, and Plaintiff Hamou fails to provide any evidence of extrinsic fraud by Defendant Atchison

I. Plaintiff Hamou in fact failed to file an appeal or Motion for New Trial in Cause GN303141. She clearly ignored the legal remedies available to her. Plaintiff Hamou in fact failed to exercise ANY diligence in pursuing any adequate legal remedies to the challenged judgment therein and has failed to show good cause for failing to ignore or exhaust those remedies. This is a required element for bill of review relief, one which she cannot establish, thus she is not entitled to bill of review relief.
II. Plaintiff Hamou exhibited the most extreme lack of diligence in this case by failing to even request service for a full FOURTEEN MONTHS after the lapse of the statute of limitations, when Texas law states that even a TWO month delay in service affirmatively demonstrates lack of due diligence. Her request for relief by bill of review is, as a result, barred by the statute of limitations and must be denied.
III. This is a motion in Equity, and it would be most inequitable to allow Hamou to wait sixty-two months to act, after all appellate avenues were foreclosed to her by her own inaction. Plaintiff Hamou’s Petition for relief by bill of review must be denied on the basis of Laches by her clear and intentional failure to pursue her claims for more than five years of time.
IV. Plaintiff Hamou’s pleadings mention nothing whatsoever other than issues actually raised during the original trial itself. Plaintiff Hamou, in point of fact, fails utterly to allege, much less prove, any extrinsic fraud as a basis for seeking relief by bill of review as required by the law. This is a fundamental element for bill of review relief, accordingly this Court must deny her request for relief by Bill of Review.

RobMoshein said...

Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 215.2(a): If a deponent fails to appear or to be sworn or to answer a question after being directed to do so ... the failure may be considered a contempt of the Court.

RobMoshein said...

Intrinsic fraud includes fraudulent instruments, perjured testimony, or any matter which was actually presented to and considered by the trial court in rendering judgment. The Texas Supreme Court has noted that "when the fraudulent acts themselves are in issue, or could have been in issue, in the prior proceeding, the fraud is intrinsic."
." Browing v. Prostock, 165 S.W.3d 336, 347-48 (Tex. 2005)

Plaintiff Hamou’s “Bill of Review” states specifically that she complains of the judgment in GN303141 “was made against defendant Hamou based entirely on perjured testimony that plaintiff gave at trial.” This document indicates that she wishes to “enter evidence and prove the material falsity of representations plaintiff (Atchison) made at trial”. Thus, Plaintiff Hamou therefore complains here only of matters intrinsic to the trial. Browning at 348. This Court must deny her request for equitable relief by Bill of Review as she fails to plead, much less prove, Extrinsic fraud as required.

. Hamou states further “Defendant had no authentic evidence so he apparently decided to make some up. Supplemental Bill of Review pg 5. “Hamou has since filed a bill of review on the grounds that but for Defendant’s forged e-doucments and forged invoice, his action against her for breach of contract would have failed.” Supplemental Bill of Review pg. 5. Hamou therefore complains here only of matters intrinsic to the trial. Browning at 348. This Court must deny her request for equitable relief by Bill of Review as she fails to plead, much less prove, Extrinsic fraud as required.
36. Hamou argues further “The fraud Defendant perpetrated at trial deprived Ms Hamou an opportunity to present her valid defense.” Supplemental Bill of Review pg 9. “She [Hamou] did argue that such emails should be disregarded.” Id at 10. Hamou therefore complains here only of matters intrinsic to the trial. Browning at 348. This Court must deny her request for equitable relief by Bill of Review as she fails to plead, much less prove, Extrinsic fraud as required.

RobMoshein said...

Poor stupid Oma. You can't hide behind the old trick of "I didn't get anything". The rule of Notice is the day it went into the mail, not the day you got it! Sorry.

Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 21a:"Service by mail shall be complete upon deposit of the paper, enclosed in a postpaid, properly addressed wrapper, in a post office under the care and custody of the United States Postal Service"

In this case Certified Mail, Return receipt requested, which happened at 1:15 pm on Monday February 14, 2011.

RobMoshein said...

Have your "Texas Lawyer" call Bob. I'll be glad to drive copies of everything over to his office myself, today!

RobMoshein said...

More stupidity from Oma. First. Pro se litigants are held to the same knowledge of the rules as an attorney. Tough noogies.

Second. SERVICE OF PROCESS by a Plaintiff in Texas can not be made by Certified Mail, unless the court so orders in advance. Bob therefore had every right to refuse anything from Oma. After said service of process, litigants in Texas MUST accept mail service of all other documents. So Oma has been SERVED whether she signs for the envelope or not.

RobMoshein said...

Oma, nobody inflict pain on Oma except OMA! You bring all of this down on yourself.

YOU wanted the Bill of Review, YOU pursued it, so deal with the consequences, including the deposition.

You wrote bad checks, so deal with the consequences. You signed a promissory note for $50,000 and got sued for not paying. Deal with it.

RobMoshein said...

Nice try Oma, trying to deflect the conversation. You always do that when your wide ride butt is an a crack.

Here’s what Greg King himself had to say about Kurth’s manuscripts:

“Penny and myself have early versions of PK's manuscripts, given to us by
PK in August 2000 along with a dozen boxes of papers. As we were working through the AA book over the last 3 years, trying to make sense of things, we had to assess certain things-and among those were differences in PK's earlier manuscripts from what was published. Mike was among those, as one of our trusted advisors and readers, whose opinion we sought about how to handle certain difficulties. This is how Mike is aware of earlier versionsof PK's MS.”

Obviously Felon Lover Biernat is still trying to stir up trouble behind the scenes by telling Oma what is on the King and Wilson chat room, since Oma was not let onto the site and Biernat can’t show her face openly there any more.

It's clear Biernat and Oma are pissed that they’re shut out of all this.

So Oma, where’s the “big fat lie” here? Oh wait, you are the one with the big fat lies, and the big fat "assistants" and the big fat DEBTS...

Rebecca Jordan said...

Dear Oma,

You do not have an email from Father Markell saying any such thing. And girlfriend, you are in the deep weeds with this whole thing. I'd wish you luck, but we both know I wouldn't mean it.

Rebecca. There is only oner Rebecca!

Rebecca Jordan said...


All of you rants about how things are "lies" would be a little more impressive if you weren't writing them from behind an identity that you demonstrably stole from the real Justin Edwards of the American Film Institute.

Just a thought, honey.

Rebecca Jordan

RobMoshein said...

Not to mention all the email and documents you "have read" or "have seen" but somehow you never PUBLISH....You know, like the one from that claimed I had hacked an account there, or the emails from Father Markell..

How's about you PROVE them? Oh,wait, you can't, besides you're too busy with the MSJ....

RobMoshein said...


Just got invited by the Bordeaux folks to attend a major wine media event for them in New York City, March 30. Hopefully you will be in town, and maybe we can meet for a drink!

Rebecca Jordan said...

I would love that! Do you know where you will be staying?

RobMoshein said...

Hotel not confirmed yet. Will email you the details when I have them. I have stalkers you know, so can't put it out here!

Blake Springpasture said...

I see a whole new boatload of crazy was unloaded at the Palmdale pier today.

Hamou must have gotten the envelope with the subpoena.

Rebecca Jordan said...

I notice that things are quiet over there today following yesterday's Oma outbursts and tantrums left and right. Do you suppose she really is listening to a lawyer?

I suppose there is a first for everything.


Rebecca Jordan said...

Apparently not. She's baaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaack.

RobMoshein said...

STILL nothing from Oma's "Texas Lawyer", mail just came (a really beautiful new book on the Faberge Stone animals) but nothing from Judge Triana-Doyal (guess that fax went into the trash, just like the ones to Sautov did...)

No FBI, no police...nice quiet warm afternoon here. Clearly Crazytown (aka Palmdale) is in a major tizzy tho, FIVE reads of the blog in the last FIVE hours....somebody in Crazytown is sure obsessed with us... right Oma??

RobMoshein said...

Oh, and speaking about crazy town, just got clarification about the Peter Kurth stuff Oma/snoopy was blathering about (did you chew yourself out good Oma??)

Pyles never SAID Kurth changed his position. What Pyles said, and seems to be the case from what I heard, is that Kurth selectively edited OUT the evidence that was less supportive of Anna Anderson intentionally keeping only the more biased evidence to make his manuscript appear more solid, and less objective.

All that drama from Michele Biernat the felon lover cancer scam supporter over nothing.

Penelope Autumnvale said...

Oh, dear. That poor Mr. Kurth. I think he used to be a respected author, wasn't he, my dears?

And now he has come to having to rely on Ms. Hamou / McConnell and her dear friend Mrs. Russophile as his mouthpieces.

Or perhaps it's part of his diabolically clever plan to research Ms. Hamou / McConnell as the basis for his next quasi-history book -- an expose' of the life and times of a small-time con artist.

My, now. Wouldn't that just be so titillating. From writing about all those society ladies to exploring the seedy underbelly of failed stardom.

And here we thought that frail little minx Anna Anderson had taken up so much court time. Why, Ms. Hamou / McConnell's career as a chronic defendant would give any lifetime litigant a run for the money.

Oh, dear, I made a pun. How I amuse myself. A run for the money. Ha, ha, ha -- oh, dear -- hee hee.

Bye, bye now.

RobMoshein said...

Oma you "would" think Bob's documents were badly written...they are in ENGLISH, a language of which you have a very poor command. Further, Bob submitted no "briefs". "Briefs" are submitted only in Appellate practice. Bob submitted his "Answer" and his "Motion for No Evidence Summary Judgment". Bob didn't say it was your "fault" he committed "pejury". If you could read English, and comprehend it, you would have seen that he denied completely every thing you wrote and asserted only that you have no legal standing to seek relief by bill of review.

RobMoshein said...

Here Oma, let's see if you can comprehend this:

from Bob's Answer "1. Defendant denies each and every allegation of Plaintiff Hamou's Petition and demands strict proof thereof as required by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure."

RobMoshein said...

Oma Oma Oma...those are called affirmative defenses. For example, what IS your own fault is the fact that you failed to file an appeal or motion for new trial. One who FAILS to do so, like you, may NOT seek relief by bill of review.

Wembley Investment Co v. Herrera, 11 SW3d 924 at 927 and Wadkins v. Diversified Contractors Inc. 734 SW2d 142, 144 (Tex. App.-Houston 1987)

RobMoshein said...

Here Oma, learn something about Texas law:

"An affirmative defense allows the defendant to introduce evidence to establish an independent reason why a plaintiff should not prevail; it does not rebut the factual proposition of the plaintiff's pleading."
Hassell Constr. Co. v. Stature Comm. Co., 162 S.W.3d 664, 667 (Tex. App.-Houston [14th Dist.] 2005, no pet.) (quoting Bracton Corp. v. Evans Constr. Co., 784 S.W.2d 708, 710 (Tex. App.-Houston [14th Dist.] 1990, no writ)

RobMoshein said...

Too many comments. New clean blog started so go over there.

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