Monday, September 12, 2011

Why I must defend myself against Oma Hamou's lies and defamation.

When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies spread across the Internet results now going back several years.

As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She filed Bankruptcy June 2010, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.

I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.

The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. She uses a business name of "Enigma Royal Films, LLC" she also calls just "Enigma Films". The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.

This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.

This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000 which is admitted under oath was owing in her Bankruptcy Petition:
Case Number: MC020860
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.

Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:


She also has a history of failing to pay her attorneys. The following law firms have judgments against her and/or are owed money by this woman:
Freeman Freeman & Smiley in Los Angeles $10,000
Westar Legal Services in Los Angeles, $10,000
Foster Malish LLC in Austin Texas $20,000
Suzanne Curtis in Los Angeles $1,000

2011 "Alexandra Moran" rented a room from Patrick J. O'Connor, but presented an expired California Drivers License in the name of Oma Hamou. She then claimed to want to purchase the property. She delayed the purchase for FIVE MONTHS with numerous stories, and is now squatting on the property without permission nor paying rent Mr. O'Connor has retained an attorney and legal action is pending for yet ANOTHER EVICTION.  Patrick J. O'Connor will confirm.
Published on the web by Oma Hamou herself:
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The Motorcycle

Mr. O'Connor,

I will not be arrested for the motorcycle as you left it here because I was going to buy it. If you no longer want to sell it to me, I have no problems giving it to Ralph. He must contact me and arrange a time and the day with me so that we can coordinate our schedules. He or no other friend of yours can just show up and expect to gain access.

She admits here that she doesn't OWN the motorcycle and admits Mr. O'Connor wants his bike BACK.
So what does "Alexandra McConnell" aka Oma Hamou aka Alexandra Moran do??
She SELLS THE MOTORCYCLE to one "Craig" for $4,500!!

"Craig" gets suspicious because "Alexandra" can't produce the title (which of course Mr. O'Connor still had) and would only give him a handwritten bill of sale (a copy of which I have in my possession now). The Los Angeles County Sheriffs were involved YET AGAIN with her and her various names to safely return the motorcycle to Mr. O'Connor!
Selling property that she admits isn't HERS to sell legally! Isn't that "grand theft"??
Also, taking money for property you do not own nor have title to by claiming it is yours to sell is "THEFT BY DECEPTION" a felony crime for which she has been convicted three times in the past.

Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:

I have put up a precis of the specific information for her victims and law enforcement here:
You are encouraged to share information you may have about her and her activities with me.

While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".

She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.


UPDATE May 19:
On March 24, 2011 when Oma Hamou agreed to settle her judgment with Bob Atchison and PROMISED to pay him, she asked ME to settle as well and asked me how much it would take. When I told her a mutual settlement on both sides was agreeable, she ran straight to the Austin Police and filed a Criminal Complaint against me for "extortion". After speaking with Det. S. at length recently, and after he expressed interest in her background and criminal record, he told me that no crime had taken place, I had done nothing wrong, he would not proceed with the case and that he "believes is is possible she filed this to be retaliatory and vindictive against me" trying to set me up. I am NOT being investigated for ANY crimes at this time, according to the Austin Police Department.
She attempted to stonewall Mr. Atchison's debt collection by filing a "Bill of Review" for his Judgment. She lost, when Mr. Atchison's Motion for Summary Judgment was granted on July 26, 2011

She has FAILED to comply with Court Ordered Document Production and a Deposition by Mr. Atchison, who has now filed a Motion for Contempt Of Court against her on September 12, 2011

I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.

I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.

This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent. She has been promising to pay Bob Atchison $15,000 for over two months, even claiming she had the money CASH but could not use a bank to pay him, and had to fly to Texas with the cash to give him! This was of course all a lie.

Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?

This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?

This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??

This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?

Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.

As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison

Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.

You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.

You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her NEWEST Alexandra Moran, I encourage you to contact me.


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Bob Atchison said...

How silly you are, Oma. Rob is not Blake and I am not Rebecca. Again more silly lies. The FBI has not told you that. How silly and bird-brained.

I have never posted in here except as myself. Again, how incredibly stupid of you.

You know this anyway, time and time again you have been caught - red-handed - in these lies... big ones and small ones.

It's sock-puppet theater in your forum and we just laugh and laugh at it.

Come to Austin and tell your story to the judge. PLEASE! Stand up for what you believe in. Show the strength of your convictions. Don't be a silly coward. Here's another chance for you to get 'justice'. Come to Austin, stay at the Driskill or the Driskal or the Driskol - whatever you want to call it.


Bob Atchison said...

Really, Oma, don't waste so much time on all this 'garbage' that means nothing.

Work on what you will say to the judge on the 17th, prepare, get ready, buy an airline ticket.

Focus. Stand up for yourself where it counts - in court - don't run away and hide. Show how convinced you are that you are right, how much you believe in yourself.

RobMoshein said...

Oma are you so naive and silly as to believe the "FBI can do whatever they want" without RULES and LAW? I guess you are that stupid and silly...


They have to have a HEARING, which requires notice to the account holder unless they can demonstrate some breach of National Security. Are you so self absorbed that you think that YOU and your pathetic little life squatting in Patrick's house with a screwed up kid and a bunch of homeless animals and homeless room mates is of national importance?

Yeah you probably are that self absorbed...


Blake Springpasture said...

Oh, good grief.

It's obvious that Hamou lies about what attorneys, the police, the FBI, and all manner of people have told her.

Does she think we've forgotten about her ludicrous antics last week when she started posting about the outcome of the contempt hearing that in reality had been continued until next week?

Over the course of two days, "court officials" told her that sanctions had been levied. Then "Snoopy" found out a bench warrant had been issued. Then Hamou's "attorney" found out there was no warrant but that a $1000 "fine" had been imposed.

Of course, all the above claims were rank lies, as the hearing didn't even occur.

No "court official" told her a damned thing. No "attorney" checked with the courthouse. "Snoopy's" information was nothing but a fishing expedition as she frantically tried to get us to spill the beans on what happened.

Instead, we just sat around laughing among ourselves for two solid days as she made a bloody fool of herself.

No FBI agents or police officers have told her a damned thing about where posts on this board originate.

No attorney is going to file a federal action in California against two defendants in Texas.

No attorney is going to make a "special appearance" next week in Austin on her behalf.

No IRS agents have told her she is not heading for a full audit.

These are just this week's string of lies.

Blake Springpasture said...

As we respond to Hamou’s absurd rants from day to day, things sometimes drift off the rails of reality. So it’s worthwhile every now and again to clarify things and get back on the rails. It’s that time again.

So here goes:

We told Hamou that she did not qualify for a hearing on a Bill of Review. She thought otherwise. Now, not only has her Bill of Review been dismissed, but she submitted again to the jurisdiction of Texas courts in filing it. Consequently, the old judgment in favor of Bob Atchison is now an active court matter again, and Hamou is facing a contempt finding by refusing to comply with the court-ordered debtor’s examination.

No police agencies and no FBI agents have told her anything about where posts on this blog originate. Except in matters of national security, government agencies are not allowed access to such information without a court order. And an internet account holder must be notified of a request for such a court order. None of us have received such notification.

No federal court will allow Hamou to sue in California two defendants who are located in Texas. A federal lawsuit for whatever Hamou is claiming against Moshein and Atchison must be brought in the federal district in which they live. If Hamou had, in fact, consulted an attorney licensed to practice in federal court, she would already know this and would not have made a fool of herself by prattling on about a federal suit in California.

No California court is going to give Hamou a de novo hearing on any of her claims relating to the Texas judgment in favor of Bob Atchison. Hamou’s case does not meet the narrow criteria that allow California courts to disavow sister state judgments.

California state courts do not have jurisdiction over any individual without a nexus to California for the purpose of filing tort actions. Neither Moshein nor Atchison have a sufficient nexus to California for that state’s long-arm statutes to reach them on a claim of defamation. The case law extending California’s reach to out of state websites do not apply to a personal blog of this nature.

- Continued below -

Blake Springpasture said...

- Continued -

Neither of Patrick O’Connor’s lawyers discussed with Hamou or her attorney what discovery materials they did or did not turn over to O’Connor. To do so would be a breach of attorney-client privilege, and they know it.

No one violated any law or court order in acquiring discovery documents issuing from Patrick O’Connor’s subpoena of “Alexandra McConnell’s” loan application documents. Court cases are public matters, and documents relating to them are public. The only exception is when a person whose documents are subpoenaed successfully applies to the court for protection from disclosure before the documents are provided to litigants. No such application was made or granted in this case, and those documents are therefore subject to disclosure.

No attorney is going to make a “special appearance” on Hamou’s behalf at the contempt hearing in Austin on Monday. A “special appearance” is a legal term of art that applies exclusively to challenges to a court’s jurisdiction, and a “special appearance” cannot be used to address any aspect of a case other than jurisdiction. By filing a Bill of Review in Texas, Hamou submitted to that court’s jurisdiction, and any Texas attorney knows it.

Hamou can file as many lawsuits on as many topics as she wants in California. That will have no bearing whatsoever on the contempt issue in Texas next week. Hamou’s ass is in one big crack on that issue, and there’s not one damn thing she can do about it other than submit to the debtor’s examination that the court ordered.

A contempt proceeding is not a proceeding between a plaintiff and a defendant. It is a proceeding between the court whose order was ignored and the person who was under that order.

A court-imposed financial sanction is not a “fine”. One cannot pay a financial sanction and thereby make a contempt finding go away. The only way to resolve a contempt finding is to comply with the court’s order.

- Continued below -

Blake Springpasture said...

- Continued -

And now …… for the big one ……

Years ago Oma Hamou decided to broadcast her supposed life and career on the internet. She made a series of claims about being an actress, a model, a movie producer, the CEO of a film company with numerous employees, and the head of an international charitable foundation.

By initiating those claims in a public forum, she opened those claims to scrutiny.

At each step of the way in the years since, everything we have searched out and disclosed publicly about Oma Hamou is the result of our investigations of those initial sets of claims and the responses she made along the way to what we uncovered.

Her charitable foundation was not what she said it was. Her film company was not what she said it was. She failed to produce the acting and modeling credentials she claimed to have. Her film project and its claimed means of funding were a big ponzi scheme that revealed her to be a con artist. Every single thing we have uncovered and published about her since – the aliases, the different social security numbers, the numerous court judgments, the arrests, the multiple cancers, the evictions, the constant bad checks, the close calls on 9/11, the fraudulent bankruptcy filing, the fraudulent tax returns -- relates to her continuing career as a con artist.

So let her sue if she finally figures out in which court to sue. It’ll be a long case. But it’ll be a fun one.

And a jury will have a field day watching her squirm as her long trail of hyperbolic emails and melodramatic correspondence with people in Russia and elsewhere comes to light in the glare of a courtroom.

RobMoshein said...

Well, I just checked the docket for Monday morning. We are on calendar for 9am! Local rules REQUIRE that any attorney making any appearance at a hearing must ANNOUNCE that appearance in advance...Roger is on record of course. NOBODY announced for Hamou...
NOBODY notified Roger...

NOBODY will be there of course...

Bob Atchison said...

Well, there you ago - more Hamou lies exposed - there will be no 'special appearance' as claimed. No attorney - why am I not surprised?

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou posted:

"I also want you to know I have never been notified by Bob's present attorney of any court hearing on Monday the 17th, nothing has been sent to me nor has this attorney contacted me by email or by phone."

How strange, because Bob's attorney has received the "green tag" receipt back from the certified mail notice he sent to your mailbox address, and he will have it in court on Monday.

And, of course, since you used that mailbox address in pleadings you filed for your Bill of Review, that has become a legal address for notice to you of any Texas legal process.

The court on Monday will deem that you have been served.

There will be a hearing.

No lawyer is going to be allowed to make a "special appearance" for you.

You will be found in contempt of court.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

Have a nice day.

RobMoshein said...

Last night Hamou wrote:
in fact there really is a hearing on the 17th an attorney will represent me but I don't think a hearing will happen because I was never served notice of any


Opposie #2:
by Oma Hamou on Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:28 am
the attorney I have hired will make a Special Appearance on my behalf...One of those attorneys did speak with Bob's attorney.

Yeppirs, John Measells (I still snicker whenever I read that name...) did indeed speak to Roger about the Contempt Motion. Roger informed the attorney you admit you hired that the Motion was on calendar for Monday Oct. 17, 9:00am. THAT IS NOTICE OMA. YOUR LAWYER WAS INFORMED BY BOB'S LAWYER.

Lie all you want, you always do. You will LOSE AGAIN IN COURT. LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!

RobMoshein said...

OH, and I checked into Hamou's silly and stupid ranting about the FTC...The FTC takes complaints from people who have had their identity STOLEN and misused by criminals.

The problem here Oma, is that I have NOT STOLEN YOUR IDENTITY! First of all, YOU are a worthless person as shown by your tax records, Bankruptcy and huge amount of judgment debt.

SECONDLY I have never USED any of your personal information for personal gain!

They will TRASH this complaint, just like the APD did, the FBI did, the Attorney General of Texas did...and just about everybody else who you annoy and waste their time with your silly, inane and self serving rants...

Can't wait till the Judge SLAPS the CONTEMPT ORDER ON YOU MONDAY!

Blake Springpasture said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JustinEdward said...

Oma, I went to the FTC site and reported you for identity theft. Mine.

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, this is confusing.

I do not understand which identity Hamou thinks was stolen, as she has so many.

Was it the identity of Oma McConnell who got caught posing as a caterer at a reception for Queen Elizabeth?

Or was it one of the identities of the woman who moved in with Don Morton using an alias and who got numerous credit cards in different names?

Or was it the identity of the woman who was claiming to be Alexandra Murphy while she lived with Tina Van Veen?

Or was it the identity of Alexandra Moran who moved in with Mr. O'Connor?

Or was it the identity of Alexandra McConnell who tried to sell Mr. O'Connor's motorcycle without his permission and who Hamid Refai sued for a scam?

Or was it the identity of Oma Hamou, who stole other people's social security numbers as part of her ponzi movie scheme?

Or was it Oma Demian? Or Oma Ashkenazy? Or Oma Chedid? Or Rebecca Jordan? Or Jordan Taylor?

And of the at least ten social security numbers she has used (including two belonging to dead people), which one was stolen from her?

Perhaps it would assist the FTC investigation of this despicable identity theft if we provided them with the 10 social security numbers that have been traced back to Hamou's various aliases.

RobMoshein said...

and, Blake, Just exactly WHAT would someone GET from "stealing" Hamou's identity?? Lets see:

A crappy credit report...NO available credit...bunch of closed/written off never paid credit score in a range that almost no lenders would touch...

HER OWN SWORN WORDS SHOW SHE EARNS ONLY $34,000 a year and supports a screwed up in the head adult child...

Yeah, that's REALLY worth stealing all right...

RobMoshein said...

OH... and remember "snoopy" SCREAMING OVER AND OVER that Hamou HAS an American Express Card? NONE of her sworn statements show one...If she has one, it isn't HERS but someone else's account....

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou has no American Express card under any of the names by which the credit bureaus know her. Those names are:

Oma Abramov
Oma Ashkenazy
Oma McConnell
Oma Hamou
Oma L. Hamou

Also, while several credit accounts show as being cancelled for non-payment, her credit report shows "$0" as the amount of "available credit".

Of course, she has used other names:

Oma Demian
Oma Chedid
Rebecca Jordan
Jordan Taylor
Alexandra Murphy
Alexandra Moran
Alexandra McConnell

So who knows what credit cards she has obtained under other names and using other social security numbers? It's very hard for credit reporting agencies to keep up with con artists who use this many aliases.

And, Hamou ....... before you go screeching about this information being published, you should remember it is YOU who initiated the claim on the internet that you have an American Express card. Since you chose to discuss your access to credit on the internet, we have the right to challenge those assertions if we have countervailing information.

And, as you see, we do.

Blake Springpasture said...

Bob, good luck to you today at the contempt hearing.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about the "special appearance" Hamou's attorney is making and the arguments he uses with the judge as to why Hamou should not have to comply with the court's order for a debtor's examination.

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, well, well.

Hamou's attorney must have lost the address of the courthouse, as he failed to make his "special appearance" at the contempt hearing this morning to represent her "best interests".

At any rate, the judge held her in contempt, ordered her to pay $1000 in sanctions, and further ordered her to submit to the debtor's exam within the next 20 days.

If she doesn't, an arrest warrant will be issued.

I swear, she's just proceeding from one brilliant legal maneuver to another. That sworn bankruptcy petition has given the IRS evidence to open an investigation of her tax claims. That fraudulent loan application produced discovery of documents proving further fraud. That motion for a permanent restraining order against Patrick O'Connor resulted in a judge looking at her criminal and civil history and acknowledging her as a con artist. And that Bill of Review she filed against Atchison is going to result in her arrest should she ever return to Texas.

I wonder what brilliant legal move we can next expect from The Woman Who Sued Herself.

Bob Atchison said...


RobMoshein said...

Hi Blake,

Thanks for posting while I was still down at the Courthouse with Roger.

Nobody showed for Hamou. No "special appearance" she lied.

Judge Hurley had no qualms about signing the Order of Contempt of Court and Sanctions of $1,000. She mentioned specifically that she could issue a Bench Warrant if she fails to obey this one.


If you don't, Roger goes back again and requests a BENCH WARRANT ISSUE to haul you before the Court and explain WHY you refuse to comply. Can't WAIT!

I will of course publish the signed and filed order as soon as Roger sends me the copy.

Beautiful Day! Hamou LOSES AGAIN IN COURT.

Blake Springpasture said...

Once again, we are left wondering why Hamou even bothers to lie about things she knows will be proven a lie within days.

Late last week she was still proclaiming that she had an Austin attorney who was going to make a "special appearance" to represent her "best interests" in court this morning.

Obviously, any attorney would have told her that no "special appearance" could be made in a contempt hearing.

Equally obviously, she was lying her ass off yet again.

But the question is why would she lie about something she knows will be PROVEN to be a lie in short order.

The only reason that makes any sense is that her instinct to try to lie her way out of her messes is so ingrained in her psyche that she can neither maintain the distinction in her own mind between truth and lies nor, in the moment when the lie seems her only rescue, address the reality that the lie will inevitably be found out.

This is a deeply psychotic woman.

RobMoshein said...

Blake, we were expecting she would say her lawyer couldn't appear this morning because he was in the hospital after getting hit in the head by a baseball at his son's Little League game yesterday!

She can't even remember the lawyer she hired to call Roger ONCE...She said it was "Mr. Michaels" was "John MEASELLS"...not "micheaels"...

Nobody is going to walk into Court and try to convince a Judge that the Bill of Review was dismissed "on a technicality" and it should be heard on the merits...The Judge ALREADY RULED ON THE MERITS and TOLD OMA SO.

RobMoshein said...


"just talked to John Michael Measells and he stated he never received anything from opposing counsel. "


God Oma at least make up something not so stupid and ditzy.

RobMoshein said...

OH and Oma, buy the transcript of the Motion, it is on record. The ONLY representations to the court were:

Post Judgment Discovery in the form of Document Production and Deposition were made on Hamou. Motion to COMPEL these was granted and signed by Judge Harger in July. Hamou REFUSED TO COMPLY IN ANY WAY SINCE. Roger handed the Clerk NOTICE of hearing with the Green Card returned proving service on Hamou and marked it as Evidence 1.

The Judge heard that and signed the Order of Contempt.

Bob Atchison said...

You nailed it Rob!

Blake Springpasture said...

Well, the lies continue.

Hamou posted:

"I was awoken at 6 a.m. by the new attorney who informed me that the hearing was at 9 a.m. later I received a call and was told a Order had been signed."

That means that by 8:00 a.m. Austin time, Hamou's supposed "new attorney" knew there was a hearing at 9:00 a.m. In fact, the date and time of the hearing was posted on the court's website last Friday morning, something which any competent attorney would have checked.

So Hamou's post proves her supposed attorney had prior notice of the hearing. Yet he failed to appear.

But it does not matter. There is nothing any attorney can do to get this order for discovery rescinded.

And Hamou did not lose her Bill of Review on a "technicality" over missing some filing date. A Bill of Review was created for a very limited purpose of allowing people to seek review of a court judgment that a litigant failed to appeal because the litigant had no knowledge the judgment had been entered.

Hamou was in the courtroom the day the jury handed down the verdict against her and the judge handed down the judgment. She had the right and the ability to appeal. But she did not.

Failing to meet the fundamental criterion for which a Bill of Review was created -- to review judgments rendered without a litigant's knowledge -- is not a "technicality". It is a failure to meet the core requirement for that cause of action.

RobMoshein said...

Blake Blake Blake...

You KNOW Hamou never lets REALITY get in the way of one her lies...

This whole thing is way to try to spin her LIES that a lawyer was going to appear this morning, when in REALITY nobody showed up...

Judge Cooper TOLD HER IN COURT that she had to demonstrate EXTRINSIC fraud and the NOTHING SAID OR INTRODUCED AT TRIAL COULD BE CONSIDERED. She told her "If you can't show me something outside of trial that is a very big problem for you, very big.You can't tell me about anything that happened during the trial itself"

Bob Atchison said...

Poor Oma - what, no sock-puppets today to render support to their beleaguered heroine?

RobMoshein said...

Some new reality for Hamou:

[U]nder what circumstances is a matter to be deemed decided by the prior judgment? Obviously, if it is actually raised by proper pleadings and treated as an issue in the cause, it is conclusively determined by the first judgment. But the rule goes further. If the matter was within the scope of the action, related to the subject-matter and relevant to the issues, so that it could have been raised, the judgment is conclusive on it despite the fact that it was not in fact expressly pleaded or otherwise urged. The reason for this is manifest. A party cannot by negligence or design withhold issues and litigate them in consecutive actions. Hence the rule is that the prior judgment is res judicata on matters which were raised or could have been raised, on matters litigated or litigable." (Sutphin v. Speik (1940) 15 Cal.2d 195, 202 [99 P.2d 652]; see also Federated Department Stores, Inc. v. Moitie (1981) 452 U.S. 394, 398-399 [69 L.Ed.2d 103, 108-109, 101 S.Ct. 2424]; California Coastal Com. v. Superior Court (1989) 210 Cal. App.3d 1488, 1499 [210 Cal. App.3d 1488]; Ruby v. Debovsky (1954) 126 Cal. App.2d 21, 25 [271 P.2d 983]

Oma, you RAISED the issue of fraud at the trial. READ THIS, it means California will NOT LISTEN TO YOU.

RobMoshein said...

"The logical conclusion of [Hamou']s position, that when a [Bill of Review] is dismissed, in a context such as here, the underlying judgment is not final, is absurd: it is tantamount to stating the rule that all such underlying judgments from which [bills of review] are taken and later dismissed would never become final. Here, [Atchison]'s judgment was filed on [October 11, 2006]. The [Motion for Summary Judgment] issued July 26, 2011]. It is final. Viewed differently, absent [Hamou]'s appeal, the underlying judgment became final when the period for filing an appeal expired. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 2(a).) To hold, as [Hamou] would have us, that the dismissal of [her Bill of Review] in [2011], does not render Judge [Triana's] ruling final, would be to conclude, [six] years later still exposed to attack. This we will not do."

Lyons v. Security Pacific Nat. Bank (1995) 40 Cal. App. 4th 1001 [48 Cal.Rptr.2d 174]

Blake Springpasture said...

This whole "come to California to get me" schtick is just part of Hamou's M.O. as a con artist.

As the recent bench warrant and the string of default judgments she's had issued against her in California show, she pays no more attention to the rulings of California courts than she does any other courts.

RobMoshein said...

Oma you nitwit. I didn't have to be INSIDE the trial itself. YOU YOURSELF wrote IN YOUR BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF BILL OF REVIEW that the fraud was "Bob and his lawyer lied AT THE TRIAL" and the the "documents introduced at trial were fakes" and YOU brought that up AT THE TRIAL! These are YOUR OWN WORDS. You brought all this up to Judge Cooper AND SHE STILL DISMISSED THE BILL OF REVIEW!

Remember? You got all weepy and teary and cried, sobbing "But he lied...he committed fraud"...and then JUDGE COOPER STILL DISMISSED THE BILL OF REVIEW.

Blake Springpasture said...

Uh, Oma. Why would Bob's attorney have sent anything to Measells? Measells told Borgelt that he was only making inquiries on your behalf and that he did not represent you in the contempt matter.

Nor did any other attorney claiming to represent you make himself known to the court, to Borgelt, or to Atchison. Therefore, Borgelt owed no notice to any attorney about anything relating to this matter.

You, on the other hand, were legally served with notice of the hearing at the address you used to file the Bill of Review which, therefore, became your legal address for receiving process. It was up to you, not to anyone else, to let your supposed attorney know what was happening if that attorney chose not to identify himself to Borgelt or the court.

But so what? This whole "new attorney" thing is another of your endless lies. There is no "new attorney" representing you in this matter. If there were, for starters, he certainly would not have let you post this morning that he had prior notice of a hearing which he failed to attend.

Unless, of course, he is as hopelessly stupid as you are. And that's doubtful.

RobMoshein said...

Unless, of course, he is as hopelessly stupid as you are. And that's doubtful.

Nobody is as hopeless stupid as Hamou is Blake. THAT is how one knows she is LYING, when she makes up stuff so STUPID like that.

How genuinely dumb, dim-bulb is Hamou? WELL,
SHE put HERSELF into the position of getting sued by Patrick because she lied about having assets and squats in his house refusing to pay rent.

AS A RESULT, Patrick legally gets hold of the probably faked documents she submitted to the lender including copies of her tax returns. ALL OF WHICH contradict HER OWN STATEMENTS over the years INCLUDING to the Federal Bankruptcy Court made under OATH...

NOW she faces the FIFTH eviction in as many years and NOW the IRS is VERY interested in her alleged tax returns and bankruptcy petition...

AND she HAS BEEN SLAPPED WITH CONTEMPT OF COURT just today because SHE refuses to comply with a Texas Court's ORDERS...

She is so incredibly stupid that she just makes her already screwed up existence into an ever widening and deeper mess...

Anyone sane would have learned to shut the hell up on the internet and get a JOB to pay the bills....

RobMoshein said...


RobMoshein said...

Do you LOVE Hamou's latest round of genuine stupidity? Check it:

"why even the Unlawful Detainer filed by Patrick will not be on my record." As if that means it doesn't "count" as being evicted?? Of COURSE it does...

"besides it being mention (sic) in a court record none of the debt that these two morons have listed on the web for 11 years appear on any record which would prevent me from obtaining a loan from a financial institution..."
Seriously, Oma now thinks that just because it only appears in COURT RECORDS it doesn't count?

Umm Oma, why do you think your loan application included the question "Please list all judgments against you"...NOT "please let us know about what judgments appear OTHER than in Court records"...


Blake Springpasture said...

This bizarre notion that the judgments against her do not have to be disclosed on loan applications just because they are contained only in court records is proof that Oma Hamou is insane.

In her warped view of reality, court records reflecting upon creditworthiness and financial responsibility are not even relevant to a lender or a landlord or any other creditor unless that person can find out about them by some other means than her.

Well, readers ........ I think you now all see the purpose of this blog. We are that other means for her present and future victims to protect themselves from her continuing scams and deceits.

And I'd say her irrational rantings are proof we are succeeding.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou just posted:

"Under the law, I am under no obligataion to mention anything that doesn't appear and or is more than 3 years [old]."

Well, the $50,000+ judgment Hamid Refai obtained against you is less than 3 years old. And it "appears" quite clearly in California state court records.

Yet you did not disclose it on your loan application when asked to disclose judgments entered against you.

That is an attempt to obtain a loan by fraud, pure and simple.

You are a liar and a con artist. And you are getting more and more exposed with every new scam.

Bob Atchison said...


In the next few days I will have it and I will be sure to get it in all of the AKAs she uses.

I assume it will show up for law enforcement all over the country or anybody else that checks her record. I will be checking into what I can do to get Hamou to justice in Texas.

Short of collecting my judgment, this is the next best thing.

Blake Springpasture said...

Very interesting. If Hamou is picked up on a bench warrant, she cannot post bail but will have to appear before a judge to explain her noncompliance with the court order.

Given how her other appearances before judges have gone, that does not bode well.

Blake Springpasture said...

Hamou posted:

"I did not receive $50,000 from Mr. Refai."

The loan application did not ask you whether you received any money. It asked you if there were a judgment against you.

There is. Hamid Refai holds a court judgment in his favor against you. (And, of course, so does Bob Atchison. And so do other people and companies.)

Besides, you listed a $50,000 debt to Hamai on your sworn bankruptcy petition.

This is a perfect example of how you lie to suit your immediate purpose. When you thought you could use bankruptcy to escape your judgments, you claimed debts.

When those debts worked against your interest in applying for a mortgage loan, those debts suddenly didn't exist.

You are a con artist. Lies are your stock in trade.

Your problem is that no one used to be watching you to connect the dots for your victims. You could say one thing to one person and something else to another in putting your scams together. But now there is a place people can go to see all the lies arrayed in one place so that they can be compared.

And it's put a real crimp in your style.

Mitzi said...

Darling Blakele, you have probably made darling Omele's day! From a look at those pictures, you know it's been a long time since the words "Oma Hamou" and "style" appeared in the same sentence, darling!

Such a gentleman you are!

RobMoshein said...

copy of the Order of Contempt of Court slapped on Hamou yesterday, including additional $1000 SANCTIONS she now owes Bob has been posted on the updated Victims Blog.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Boy, when things start to break it doesn't just rain, it pours! Contempt orders, monetary judgments . . .and all of these as a direct result of the much-touted Bill of Review. The Bill of Review which you lost, girlfriend. I suppose it now remains to be seen if you will lose to Patrick O'Connor. Any bets, gentlemen? (And Mitzi! And Penelope! But this time with real money and not watercress, Penelope!)

Retirement is proving to be busier than actual work! I am giving up the New York apartment and having everything shifted out here, so that is taking time, but it should all be done by the end of this month. I don't envy you, Oma. Moving is a pain!

Rebecca Jordan

RobMoshein said...

Patrick has now sent me copies of all documents he got from Hamou, and I have his express and full permission to use them as I see fit!

These should be fun.

RobMoshein said...

New pages posted on the Victim blog from Patrick's docs..

1. Hamou claimed on her loan application to have $145,000 in liquid cash, but sorta kinda forgot to put down just exactly WHERE this money is, like what Bank and what account number. Maybe it was in a suitcase under the bed?? She also sorta kinda didn't mention it on her BANKRUPTCY PETITION, when she said she HAD NO MONEY...and funny but her 2010 TAX RETURN didn't declare it as income either!
OOPSIE. Hi IRS are you paying attention?

2. Hamou listed over $345,000 in DEBT UNDER OATH TO THE FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY COURT but sorta kinda FORGOT TO DECLARE A SINGE DOLLAR OF THOSE SAME DEBTS TO HER LENDER ON HER LOAN APPLICATION JUST A FEW MONTHS LATER. The ONLY debts she DID mention to the lender were the small ones, totaling only a few thousand dollars, some of these, according to her CREDIT REPORT are OLD MEDICAL BILLS going back ten years!
PLUS: she checked NO when she the lender's application asked "Are there any outstanding judgments against you? If so please provide details...She sorta forgot the REFAI judgment PLUS the others she remembered to the Bankruptcy Court.

Hello Mr. District Attorney, can you define DEFRAUDING A LENDING INSTITUTION FOR ME?

RobMoshein said...

OH and not a single one of the LITTLE debts was mentioned IN HER BANKRUPTCY PETITION!

By the by. She wrote a letter to the LENDER explaining that the reason she withdrew the Petition was because the AMOUNT OF HER DEBT WAS TOO HIGH FOR CHAPTER 13, but she DID NOT DISCLOSE A SINGLE CENT OF THAT DEBT TO THE LENDER!

THAT is fraud!

RobMoshein said...

Well, seems Hamou's grip on reality is slipping ever greater away.

She posted "I have a Texas attorney who will fight to make certain a civil bench warrant is never issued because of the judgement you got against me by committing the crime of fraud and perjury."

There is just a teensy problem Oma. Judge Cooper DISMISSED your Bill of Review. You no longer HAVE a legal ability to challenge the Judgment. SHE TOLD YOU SO. If the lawyer told you otherwise, I sure hope his malpractice insurance is current!

RobMoshein said...

GOOD! Oma BRING YOUR MONEY TO TEXAS! Since the Judgment is valid and enforceable, Bob will GARNISH THAT MONEY TO COLLECT HIS JUDGMENT!


Bob Atchison said...

All Hamou needs to do is produce her documents immediately and submit to her deposition in the next few days.

Since she says she is going to be here 'in a few days' she can come here and obey the court and all the judges who have ruled against her here - one after another.

Or - since she claims to have so much money - she can pay the judgment she owes me - along with the penalties. Of course she has lied about paying this recently - promised to pay in a few days in court - and oh well, we know what a lie that was...

Otherwise the Bench Warrant for the Arrest of Oma Hamou is next and we will get it.

RobMoshein said...

Oma. Your lawyer, Shane, must not be very competent. TRCP215.2(b)5 allows the Court to Stay ANY further process you file with the Court UNTIL YOU COMPLY WITH THE COURT ORDER, SINCE YOU ARE ALREADY IN CONTEMPT!


Blake Springpasture said...

So ...... Hamou is going to Austin in a few days to meet with her "Texas attorney".

I wonder if it's the same attorney that just yesterday was sent copies by Bob's attorney of the court's order to submit to a deposition and the contempt order that was issued Monday when the first order was ignored.

As an officer of the court, isn't it his legal responsibility to advise his client to comply with a court's order? (Or is her new admission that she may have to pay the judgment a result of the advice she received from her "Texas attorney".)

And, as an officer of the court, once the bench warrant is issued and he is sent a copy, won't it be illegal for him to know she is in Texas and not inform the police?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Bob Atchison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Atchison said...

Hamou will never pay the judgment and she has said so on numerous occasions. She promised, in court, to pay my judgment within a few days. It was a lie before the judge and a trick. I fell for it. I never will again.

I don't trust any promise she gives or any commitment she makes. I have seen 10 years of these lies and she will never change.

She must obey the court order, she is in contempt of court here in Texas.

As I wrote earlier, she has a few days to turn over documents and submit to her deposition. Roger is waiting here to handle it. AND she owes me money right now she has to pay. That is all she can do - obey the court or have a bench warrant for her arrest against her.

Bob Atchison said...

If Oma has talked to an attorney in Austin regarding her legal situation here I am sure they have told her that she must obey the order of the Texas Court - she is in Contempt of Court - a very serious situation.

As I wrote earlier Hamou only has two options to avoid the bench warrant for her arrest - and she only has a few days to do either of them.

ONE - she can pay the judgment plus the penalties and sanctions.

TWO - she can turn over the documents and submit to the deposition she has promised several judges she would do.

If she does neither of these things the result will be a

Bench Warrant for the Arrest of Oma Hamou

I am looking into my options on how to get the Bench Warrant served on Hamou and have her brought to Texas.

Rebecca Jordan said...

Who is representing Oma, Jethro Bodine? Girlfriend, you lost the Bill of Review. Pay Bob. And then, if you haven't been tossed into the clink, you will have to demonstrate that the things Rob has posted on your victims' blog are untrue. That should be interesting. How will you argue against things like documented judgments and court actions, as for example in the Refai case? Or the Cowan case? Or the Batchelor case? Or the. . . well, you get the idea.

You have been forsaken by everyone by this point, including my BFF (you cannot seriously expect anyone to believe that it has actually been Michele Biernat posting as "Russophile" in these last few weeks.

Pick up sticks and head out, Oma. Star a new life under a new name --- it won't be the first time. This one just hasn't cut the mustard.

Just please don't use the name Rebecca Jordan.

RobMoshein said...


It is quite clear what is happening. Shane, the lawyer she hired in Austin, looked at the Court Orders and Contempt Motion, etc and told Hamou that she HAS TO COMPLY, period. She must pay Bob's judgment now, whether she likes it or not. Period.

That is why she has suddenly changed her tune to "I may have to pay Bob"...

She doesn't HAVE any down payment money she would have used to buy Patrick's house. That was part of the problem with the lender, she refused to CONFIRM THE EXISTENCE of that alleged money to the lender!

Hell the Electric bill she posted was PAST DUE...she hasn't PAID ANYBODY ANYTHING...Why else is she fighting so hard for the remaining $1800 in escrow? She NEEDS that money badly. Why hasn't she MOVED OUT OF PATRICK'S if she has $145,000?

Why did she hire a FREE lawyer, who is working ONLY for the $1800 escrow money and not charging HER?

WHY didn't she account for ALL THAT INCOME on her tax returns? (are you listening IRS? I know you're reading...)SHE HAD NOTHING IN 2010! she admits to "earning" $2500 a month and had NO MONEY in June 2010 (see her SWORN bankruptcy petition)...She showed VERY little income as of April 2011 when she filed her taxes. SO WHERE DID THIS "MYSTERIOUS" $145,000 COME FROM?

Easy, it came out of Hamou's double-wide ASS! she LIED about it to the Lender (are you listening Mr. District Attorney? Defrauding a LENDING INSTITUTION!).

She came up with a tiny amount somewhere to pay Shane...Once Shane calls Chris Malish for a REFERENCE about Oma Hamou (and he will Oma, Roger is going to tell him all about that unpaid BILL for $20,000...) he will drop her faster than Dave "Dog Turd" Slater did!

RobMoshein said...

Here is where she FAILED to disclose exactly WHERE that cash was...

RobMoshein said...

I really really LOVE the fact that Oma Hamou, mother of a MENTALLY DISABLED CHILD, Nicholas Royal Alexander Moran, calls other people RETARDS!

silly hillbilly....

Mitzi said...

Darling Omele,

Bitsy's first husband, the miserable Alvin Gruberman (and bear with me on this, darling, I know where I'm going with it) had been married to the not-so-lovely Estelle Rabinowitz, G-d rest her soul, and when he married my sister he brought their child along with him, the always annoying and not very attractive Abby Rabinowitz-Gruberman. Little Abby, or Hellspawn as we used to call her around the kibbutz, was prone to picking fights with all of the other children, cheating at games, and then announcing that she was taking her jacks and going home, nyah, nyah, nyah.

See any parallels, darling? (You probably don't, darling, because you're you, but trust me, everyone else does.)

Also, darling, how do you think Little Imperial, or whatever unfortunate name you gave the darling boy, is going to feel when he learns that his darling mamma is calling people retards, darling?

Take a breather, darling. You obviously need it.


RobMoshein said...

Too many comments here. Also I merged all the docs from Patrick onto this blog, since it has much more traffic and very high google rank for searching for Hamou by name.

Take comments to the new blog! Thanks.

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