When one uses a search engine online using my name, and my trade name, The Austin Wine Guy, one finds scurrilous, defamatory and simply out right lies on the Internet results.
As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here.
The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) and is currently out of custody on bail and faces the Preliminary Hearing phase of her Criminal Trial proceedings on September 10, 2009.
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:
She is nearly psychotic in this compulsion because I stumbled onto the actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy et al, has for YEARS now, threatened me with civil and criminal actions. For years now, NOTHING has happened except more ongoing threats online.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read below in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.
UPDATE August 3, 2009:
Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell aka Alexandra Murphy, using the alias "Justin Edwards" recently posted a letter she purported to be written by author Penny Wilson. It is undated and shows no provenance, merely text. The context dates it to the time I still owned my wine shop, placing it circa 2002-3. I will not repeat the contents here as they are defamatory per se and scurrilous rumor about both me and Bob Atchison. I asked Penny Wilson about the letter and here is the respose:
Rob --
I didn't write this one. It seems to me that she's cobbled it together using some Jim Hercules stuff that I did write -- but I know nothing about this tax thing or a woman in Florida.
I enjoy a good relationship with Bob and Rob and appreciate their friendship; I dissociate myself from the sentiments of the past, and affirm that any communications written years ago do not reflect the current situation. I am surprised to hear that my private emails of years ago are being reproduced on a public website as though they are applicable today. Greg King, Penny Wilson's co-author had only this to say about the letter: "is this Oma chick just insane or what? God...
As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison
Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.
You can verify all the arrests, judgments etc for yourself with simple online searches.
If you have a judgment against Oma Hamou, Alexandra McConnell or her alias names and you want to collect, or serve her with a Debtor Exam, OR if you want to SERVE her with a suit, she is represented by a lawyer, Brian Watson of Victorville California. Service on him is valid as if you served her herself, as he represents her. Google his address and serve her there...
You are free to email me with your questions, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.
1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»Same rules for the new blog Oma...
awww Biernat is still too afraid to actually post here...just those little signal codes to Oma....roflmao.
Oh this is rich. You didn't know this, did you Rob? I can't follow the thread unless I post something.
Wow, guess you don't know everything like you claim, huh?
I'm sure you'll delete this to save face. . .
Actually dimwit, OF COURSE I know one has to post something before you can get email updates. WHY do you think I post the first comment?
I just wanted to see how genuinely stupid you are. and
you ARE.
Genuinely. Stupid.
Oh, and tell "Mike" I don't "admit" Oma Hamou is a victim. She PLAYS a victim. She wants people to BELIEVE she is a victim. That is part of her con and evidence of her bullying behavior.
The REAL victims are people like Mrs Batchelor, Monique Hahn, Bob Atchison, American Express, NTT Verio, Reed Elsevier and ALL THOSE LAWYERS she owes money to.
But then Biernat, you are too genuinely brain dead to actually SEE that. You are a victim yourself and you are too dense to notice.
Nice to see you're in a terrific mood to make friends and influence people, Rob. What a sunny personality you have!
Biernat, I don't WANT you as a "friend". You are genuinely stupid, lazy, obnoxious, threaten others with violence and gladly befriend CONVICTED FELONS and consort with criminals.
Remember that very true saying:
A man, or woman, is judged by the company they keep.
Russophile, I have no idea why you have attached yourself to Hamou and her long criminal record. But you have cast your lot in with her.
However, a kindly word of caution.
Remembering the story of Renfield, you should watch your master carefully lest you suffer the same fate he did.
Wow, I never thought about it, but Biernat really IS Renfield... eating flies and doing the dirty work for her master the Handmaiden of Satan...well it ended badly for Renfield. Biernat is probably so stupid it will end badly for her and she will have nobody but herself to blame for befriending a felon...
Dear Mrs. Biernat,
Your relationship with "Ms. Hamou" is on a "need to know" basis? Goodness, are you part of a Hamou cell? Take a look around the room at the next meeting. Is there anyone else there? Yeah . . . probably not.
And once again, thanks for your concern about my clients and my Facebook picture. You're stalking with the best of them, I see. Well, I suppose that was to be expected.
Rebecca Jordan. There is only ONE Rebecca!
I think what Biernat means is that she is so embarrassed that nobody NEEDS to know she is friends with Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell the convicted felon on trial for yet another Felony, forgery of a financial instrument ie a bad check for like $7,000...
You guys are SOO FUNNY! Do you write professionally? The stream of vitrolic invective really WORKS for you! Reminds me of that Janeane Garofalo and her Hate America show.
And Rebecca, STALKING YOU?? Perish the thought! I don't know if you're aware of this, but up on the right hand corner of your Facebook account is a "Friend Suggestion" box. And guess what girlfriend? YOU popped in! Who'da thunk we had so much in common? So I had to peek.
Have a FABULOUS day!
The fact that you think that what is written here is "vitriolic invective" and you think everything written by "Justin Edwards", "Snoopy", "Sandman" (truly appropriate because his writing puts one to sleep) "Mike" and yourself is all OK and correct shows how little your brain actually functions.
I mean that seriously, not as some snide jab. YOU Biernat are the only one who actually BELIEVES Oma Hamou and drinks the KoolAid about the felonies, arrests, bad checks and streams of creditors who continue to get stiffed by her, like Mrs. Batchelor.
The rest of the world scratches their head at you and can only say "W T F"??
Serious. Not a joke.
Oh Rob, did SOMEbody wake up on Friday with a case of the Mondays?
Don't you worry your pretty little head about me, Mister Grumpy Pants. I'm nobody, remember? You keep telling me that you know, how stupid I am, how my house is sub-par, you make fun of my life and every way you can in that cute little way that you have that's so very refreshing!
Golly I feel good!
How about a song?
The Sun will come out, tomorrow!
Well, at least you admit that much is correct... Thats a refreshing start.
So, Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell and all the other aliases now says:
I cannot currently find a job because those who are doing the hiring will check the internet for information about me and a google search will lead them to Rob and Pallasart’s web blogs about me. This causes them to distrust me, running as fast as they can away from me.
Well, IF Oma can't find a JOB, how then is she getting ALL THIS MONEY? You know, the money for Mrs Batchelor, Brian Watson and all those conveniently "unidentified" lawyer busy with all those Bill of Review, new litigation, Felony Expungment and all that??
Remember Oma, on ALL THOSE JOB APPLICATIONS you have to check that box asking "Have you ever been convicted of a Felony?" Y E S.
Dont ya think just MAYBE that might have SOMETHING to do with it??
Besides, so far, everything I've said here on this blog, my ONLY one, and under my name, is true.
Ask that idiot Sandman, who thinks he has an education but obviously failed English in High School why he chides OTHERS for writing under pseudonyms BUT DOES NOT HAVE THE COURAGE, GUTS OR BALLS TO WRITE UNDER HIS REAL NAME?? He admits because he is "afraid"...
I call that "a PUSSY"...so judge the PUSSY for what little the gutless wonder is worth.
Look Oma, just because you moved to Montebello, not so far, you can't pretend to be someone else...
Oh, and for Pete's sake Oma, stop calling it "stalking" when Google Analytics provides the same information. Lord, if GOOGLE does it for anyone for FREE, how can it be stalking?
This is SOOOO COOOL and FUN..
Now "Mike" logged in right the second after "Snoopy" logs off...then "Mike" logs off all of a sudden then "Snoopy" logs instantly back on!!
OK, now "Snoopy" logs off so "Mike" can log back in...this is great...
AND both people "Scott" and "Tom" who asked the same exact question, conveniently use the EXACT same IP proxy to mask their genuine location...
which is also the EXACT same IP proxy Oma Hamou aka Justin Edwards aka Alexandra Murphy happen to use....
and the Church Lady said:
"now isn't that CONVEEEEENNNNIENT????"""
and now she is soooo frustrated at being busted, she reverts back to the foul mouthed obscenity filled rants about how I'm such a LIAR...
Yeah, I'm lying about the Felony convictions. Right. and the Felony Forgery charge STILL OPEN against her is a lie. Right.
And ALL THAT DEBT, all those public records, they're all lies too, right Oma??
Don't you get it yet? NOBODY believes you any more. Your act is tired, worn out, you done screamed the same dialogue over and over for y
Nobody is LISTENING to you anymore.
Bob's business is hardly "tiny". It's doing fine thanks. Rated one of the top firms in TEXAS for web design.
The Wine Guy thing is doing well also.
We have LIVES. We have lived in the same house for 17 years.
What does Oma Hamou have? Lets see:
NO JOB by her own admission.
FELONY CHARGES outstanding against her.
A BENCH WARRANT for her arrest for failing to take care of that driving without a license thing (same thing her buddy James William Sproul was arrested for way back in the day....she must admire him so much as to copy him)
About $800,000 in outstanding debt (that she wants you to believe is just like ordinary Americans ....how many folks do YOU know who owe that king of money??)
A history of Felony Convictions and arrests as a Fugitive from Justice...
and how many addresses has OMA HAMOU and her many alias names had in 17 years?? LOTS and LOTS...
Lets keep it real, shall we?
oh, Oma Oma Oma...my Google analytics shows EVERYONE including the comments....
YOU posted the AFFIDAVIT from James William Sproul yourself. THAT is the person arrested. Check the LA court records....oops.
Poor delusional frustrated thing.
You just aren't as smart as you claim to be...I know it sucks to be you.
NOW Oma herself admits that "Tom Maxwell" the name used to post here today is DEAD, so "whoever" used that name was using a deliberately false name...
sound familiar?
"I have placed my life, my sacred honor, and my name on the line to defend a woman under attack, not because she is Oma, but because she was a woman, any woman, under unfair attack. I have paid and am paying a price for that, but I sleep well at night knowing that I did what I could when no one else was willing to step up and be counted."
"Mike" (actually Oma, of course) wrote this at some point in the past few days.
Dear Oma, if you think you've paid a heavy price for the nonsense and scams you have unleashed over the years, you should talk to the people you have conned.
And off to Disneyland? I will refrain from making the obvious Fantasyland joke.
Good move on running for cover, though. With any luck the collection agencies won't find you. Although I assume you had to report your new address and possible alias to the D.A. in charge of the Batchelor case? You may want to distinguish between your "debts" (a polite way of referring to fraud, by the way; honest debt implies that you have some intention of paying it off, clearly not one of your priorities, girlfriend) and those that might have been incurred by either Moshein or Atchison. As far as I can tell they have operated under their own names and made no attempts to avoid legitimate payments. Nor have they defaulted on companies like Amex and others by simply disappearing into the woodwork. This is how honest business people operate.
Perhaps things are different on the West Coast.
Rebecca Jordan
By the way, "Mike", I assume that "Mrs. Mike" is on board for the Clear Oma's Name Sacred Honor Crusade? "Mrs. 'Justin'" as well? They should form a Ladies Auxiliary. Order of Satan's Handmaidens. Something catchy like that.
Rebecca, You wrote:
They should form a Ladies Auxiliary. Order of Satan's Handmaidens. Something catchy like that.
I think "Handmaidens to the Handmaiden of Satan" is more appropriate.
Seriously thought Rebecca,
That is her con line all along.
The reality of her is that she has been ARRESTED at LEAST SEVEN TIMES since 1990. She says "Well, that was a long time ago, I'm not that same person, it wasn't my fault, it was because of somebody else...blah blah blah." BUT the truth is that she has arrests in the last nine years, including the CURRENT FELONY CHARGE.
But, see, saying this is somehow an "unfair attack". She wants people to BELIEVE that these things aren't "important". She wants to HIDE this truth from people.
Same goes for the Felony convictions. She wants to portray anyone who dares to bring them up as a "vicious attacker". She wants to HIDE the truth from people whom she deals with...
She says her many hundreds of thousands of dollars of just JUDGMENTS against her is like any other "normal" person. She wants to HIDE and DOWNPLAY the fact that the AVERAGE normal American has about $8,000 of credit card debt. That is ONE TENTH of just her AmEX bill...not to mention the rest.
To point this out is some sort of "vicious attack" because she wants to HIDE the debt from those with whom she seeks to obtain credit, goods and services...
THAT is her con....
"Sandman" (actually Oma, and as Mitzi would say, hoo boy!) wrote
"Rebecca, first, you have no idea who is the one actually posting. If you are not in the room with Mike or Oma, how dare you assume you know that it is not Mike posting.
The IP is the same, Oma. Unless you are all huddled around the computer taking turns . . .no, I didn't believe it either. How "dare" I? Settle down, lady, you are at best a road show Alexis Carrington.
You obviously are accusing someone of something based on no evidence,
hardly, Oma. The evidence is all over the internet, and not thanks to Rob Moshein, either. You have posted more damaging things about yourself than anyone. It is almost as though you are crying for help. I mean, if you want to get all pop psychology about it . . . which makes it extremely likely that you are the one who is posting under a false name, being probably Rob or Bob in actuality. It is a very common thing for people with certain psychological conditions to accuse others of doing/being that which they themselves are and do not want to admit to being. . . .and apparently you do. By the way, Oma, before you correct anyone else's grammar, girlfriend, you might take note of the eye-popping obtuseness of your last sentence. Physician, heal thyself.
As for the claiming that Oma does not, and never had, any intention of paying off her debts, you are not her so you truly have no knowledge at all of whether or not she intended to make good on her debts. Is that seriously an argument that you want to make? That no one can understand another person unless they ARE the other person? Perhaps Rob and Bo secretly love you, then. We just can't tell from what they post. You judge a person's intentions by her actions, Oma. You have grifted your way through all sorts of lawsuits and judgements. If you intended to pay, you would have paid. It isn't rocket science. Just because Rob and Bob decided to make it impossible for her to continue with her project because of their harassment and dishonesty, does not mean that she did not and does not intend to make good her debts.No, the fact that you have reneged on your contracts and gone to ground in an effort to avoid discovery does. And how exactly did they stop you from completing the project again? On a whim this morning I called Pushkin Village. Your name does not elicit rainbows and lollipops, Oma. Their names were never mentioned. Conspiracy, of course. Everywhere you go, conspiracy. It is just a slower process due to the harassment which kept her from being able to complete the project. Of course, people like Rob and Bob just like making trouble for people and refuse to accept any responsibility for their part in things;
Girlfriend, you don't want to go there on the "not accepting responsibility for actions" issue. You just don't, not after spending your entire adult life preying upon people. just like a 5 year old who is playing ball in the house doesn’t want to admit that they ended up breaking the expensive lamp."
Rebecca Jordan, or perhaps you can call me Concretewoman.
"Sandman" (actually Oma, of course) has written a long screed that is simply to long to post. It essentially reiterates a lot of the same old hooey that she usually puts out, but with exciting new twists: she is paying down her debts (anyone else believe this? Anyone? American Express? Mrs. Batchelor? Variety? Caterers? makeup artists? Bob?), she is on cordial terms with the City of Pushkin (not according to them, girlfriend) and most importantly she is not a woman. If you say so, dear.
At any rate, she essentially has no defence other than snottiness ("Bo" was a typo for "Bob", dear, sorry it was so taxing --- you can imagine what we go through when we are trying to decipher you as 'Justin') and a general "nyah, nyah, you can't prove I'm a crook!" Fortunately I don't have to do that, dear. The parade of lawsuits and felony convictions --- all of which are amply documented on the internet --- does that for anone who cares to look.
And a witty comment about "Concretewoman" to boot. My goodness. Concrete is at least hard, unlike "sand" which shifts positions at the slightest breeze.
As you so often say, Oma ---
Rebecca Jordan
Speaking of typos, I myself had meant to say "Seriously though, Rebecca" the extra "t" turning "though" into "thought" was JUST A TYPO.
Does that nice attorney in Colorado, who made the standing offer of HALF of any money he collected on American Express Judgment if you could find any of Oma Hamou's assets for him to attach KNOW about the new AmEx Card? Does he KNOW about all the "progress payments" she is "making"?
Oh, and again, which is it? There is a terrible contradiction in what she writes again: On one hand, Oma has no money, no JOB, no projects and can't afford to pay her debts - and at the same time she pays a maid a fortune every month, is PAYING the judgments off, and has teams of lawyers in FIVE STATES on retainer all busy working on her behalf.
So, which is it? Oma HAS tens of thousands of dollars a month to support all these things - maids, lawyers, travel, Mercedes, big house etc(despite NO JOB) or she is a poor penniless suffering VICTIM OF CONSPIRACY IN HIDING FOR A DECADE?
So, how do you reconcile those two logically?
Here is a great overview of Hamou I found on the web:
* She lies even when it is very easy to tell the truth
* Hamou lies to get sympathy, to look better, to save her butt, etc.
* She fools some people at first but once they get to know her, no one believes anything she ever says.
* She has a personality disorder.
* She is extremely manipulative.
* Hamou has been caught in lies repeatedly.
* She never fesses up to the lies.
* Hamou is a 'legend' in her own mind.
* She acts very defensively when you question their statements.
"Sandman" (Oma again, of course) has ranted one more time. This time there are snippy comments about how it takes a high level of education to understand his erudite posts (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), that "he" is a "man", "Justin" is a "man", and "Mike" is a "man". Girlfriend, I know that the real Justin is a man, and I assume that the real Mike is a man (with working hormones, Penelope forwarded me a look at some of his former websites. Very Nabokov.) Oma, however, is not a man, and you are Oma. Oma is also posting as "Justin" and "Mike". Use that fabulous higher education and figure it out.
Meanwhile, the rest of us mortals will just have to limp along doing the best we can with common sense. She has reneged upon contractual obligations, she has grifted old people, she has been in prison, she routinely uses aliases to hide her identity (I know, I know, from Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison, and not from the hordes of plaintiffs who have won judgements. Because of course that makes sense.) She is a crook, and what is worse, she is a stupid crook. She herself has posted so much damaging information about herself on the internet that it is now child's play to discover her various malfeasances.
And she is praying for everyone? How nice. I'm sure most of the people would appreciate it if she would slip a payment into the envelope after she says "Amen".
I do not what a Sandman does, by the way, so try and get on that, will you? Bring me a dream. And make him the cutest that I've ever seen . . .while you're at it.
Rebecca Jordan
The last paragraph should begin "I do know what a Sandman does". I know how much typos bother you, Oma. Although you might want to let the part of your brain that writes as Justin in on the secret.
Your welcome.
oh and, just HOW do you get an American Express card without a JOB? Oma herself says she can't GET a JOB.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe that American Express will gave someone with no JOB a card?
Rebecca, you work for a bank, can you explain that one?
unless of course, the card has "Her" name on it as a secondary card, but someone ELSE is the primary card holder and THAT person PAYS the bill...not Oma....
Good, so now we know that when Bob localizes his judgment to california, Oma will have those checking accounts and "wise investments" to disclose on her DEBTORS EXAM.
I wonder if that collection agency is reading that too. They are already in the LA area. Maybe I should email them the link to her forum just to be safe. They can serve Brian with the ORAP and then Oma can disclose all those sources of income in open court.
Right now Oma, Bob's judgment is VALID and you will have no option but to comply with the Debtors Exam before you file anything. AND don't forget, you are required to post a Bond equal to the amount you owe, along with the Bill of Review, if you actually "do" file it, and if they Court "should" deny it, BOB GETS PAID!! Cool.....
Oma, ask you Texas attorney if his malpractice insurance is up to date. Maybe you can get some money back afterwards.
But then , my money is on you NOT filing the Bill of Review, as you haven't filed ONE SINGLE thing you threatened to file in the last four years....
Regardless, if you have all those income producing assets, I"m sure ALL your creditors will be glad to know about them.
Oma Oma Oma
I've read the law, extensively about Bill of Review. You, doubtful.
File it already, why are you waiting?? HMMMMM????? You are so certain, why the delay?? Just put up or shut up already. You know the saying about "get off the Pot."
I can't wait. Serious. Do it. File the damn thing already. Bob gets PAID!!
A long day, and just about to call it a night. One more read, same old, same old from her. No one can "prove" anything (patently untrue, the list of her judgments is readily available on the internet) and a demand that we treat the voices in her head as though they are real people.
I do love the attacks on Mrs. Batchelor, who joins the list of those who have succeeded in winning cases against her through improper means. She "reneged" on an agreement. You may indeed be a man, Oma, if you could type that with a straight face, because I can hear your balls clanking from here. Big brass ones. She reneged on an agreement? Girlfriend, please. I am sure the poor lady can shortly expect the voices in Oma's head to start posting to the anti-landlady website she is undoubtedly constructing at this very moment.
And my goodness, Oma, try and file a lawsuit already. The man is begging you to bring it on. And as you so coyly said on your own forum, you don't have the patience of a saint. Truth to tell, you don't have the anything of a saint. Unless you want to promote yourself in religious circles as a Bad Example. Think of it. Hordes of young women, faced with your life story, might opt to turn to God instead of con artistry. You could have a purpose at last.
Think about it, dear.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow,
Rebecca Jordan
"Snoopy" who is also "Justin" who of course is Oma has now posted a screechy little rant of his own. Of her own, really, as they all are. Unfortunately, as Blake has already demonstrated, Mrs. Batchelor could not have searched for Oma Hamou on the web, since she did not rent the house to Oma Hamou. Indeed, the Batchelor family seemed quite surprised to learn of this.
Furthermore, Oma, the most cursory internet search under your name leads to your websites, not Rob's. And there is quite enough information, to say nothing of some very odd photographs, on those to spook the strongest little old lady. All of which you have thoughtfully provided yourself. It isn't the low-rent criminal behavior (stiffing old ladies for the rent money, really now), it's the high level of stupidity, Alexis.
Also, the police do not customarily take people into custody who are three weeks late on a rent check that they offer to make good. Nor do they euthanize cats because of superstition. You portray San Bernadino County in a very odd light, Oma. Why do you wish to live there?
Rebecca Jordan
CONVICTED FELON Oma Hamou's recent tirade by the Justin alter-personality is her typical reaction when she is in a corner and can do nothing else.
The FELONIES in THREE STATES were not "her fault". They were because of her ex husband.
The ARRESTS FOR PROBATION VIOLATION were not "her fault"...they were because of "court mistakes"...
The HUGE JUDGMENTS against her are not "her fault" for spending money she didn't have in the bank. NOSSIR, they are allegedly OUR FAULT because we told people about the truth of the CONVICTED FELON so nobody would give her money in time to pay the bills she racked up.
NOW it is THE REAL VICTIM'S FAULT AGAIN...the CONVICTED FELON OMA HAMOU gives the Batchelor woman a bad check. The current FELONY CHARGE against the already CONVICTED FELON OMA HAMOU is not because Oma passed a bad check OH NOOOOO...It is MRS BATCHELOR'S FAULT for calling the police.
Do you see the pattern. Oma Hamou, the convicted felon, PLAYS THE VICTIM. That distracts people from the REAL victims....like Mrs. Batchelor.
Just what state was that house IN after five cats were left inside unattended for a week?? Not Oma Hamou, the convicted felon's fault tho.....
(Oh, and "Justin" why is it you now insist on calling Bob and me "the two gay men" over and over and over? Just what could your point be?? like there is something perhaps bad about being "two gay men"????)
"Justin" who is actually Oma, of course, has once more posted her incoherent and illogical version of the Batchelor case, none of which makes even the most rudimentary sense. I appreciate your willingness to swear under oath and penalty of perjury, girlfriend, but since the last thing you will willingly do is enter a courtroom, it really means nothing. As Mr. Moshein has rather bluntly suggested, put your money where your mouth is.
What is sort of fascinating is the insight it offers into how you think, Oma. You really are a professional victim, aren't you? I confess that when I started reading all of this nonsense it was chiefly because of the National Enquirer aspect of it, but as it has unfolded it has been interesting for the insight it offers into your mind. Since you first left Michigan you have apparently believed that the world owed you a maximum living for a minimum work outlay. And before you start screeching about the film project and how hard you were working --- I've read Nitzana Kedem's article --- face facts, girlfriend. Yes, it is hard to keep a con of a certain magnitude in the air, and yes, I am sure it was no walk in the woods to be married to Marcus whatever his name is, and I am sure that catering to the whims of old men isn't the easiest task in the world, but come on. You were spending other people's money like water, plunging yourself and your "company" into debt that can't be repaid but allowed you to live high on the hog for the duration on someone else's dime, and you got to swank around pretending that you were a player. It wasn't a bad run, and it was hardly onerous work. Especially since others were left holding the bag, o devil's handmaiden.
But nothing that has happened to you is your own damned fault in your mind, while in point of fact everything is. And so you retreat into your fantasies of victimhood, of perpetual beauty as a size 8 and that your "work" was meaningful, when there is hard evidence that none of these things are true.
Also, what's with the "gay men" stuff, dear? If you are presenting that as a sexual oddity, I would cover my ass (literally and metaphorically) by pulling down some of the bondage pictures. To say nothing of the shot of you humping a rock.
Rebecca Jordan
Also, I LOVE the new Sybill-esque alter ego "handmaiden"...Oma Hamou the Convicted Felon now has a handmaiden!
Someone who loves her, treasures her for the good person she is, the kind, generous person...
Someone who overlooks all those arrests, those felony convictions, felony charges and umpteen dozens of individuals, companies and corporations ripped off for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Yes, Oma Hamou, despite being a convicted Felon, IS generous, and why not?, she is generous, generous with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, just ask American Express...
Dears, I know sometimes I can be just the densest little old thing. But I still do not understand how that poor Mrs. Batchelor took a check from "Alexandra McConnell", then went looking for her on the internet and hit on a site about "Oma Hamou".
Perhaps Ms. Hamou should rethink hanging onto the name "Oma" as she constantly reinvents herself, since it does draw some attention -- and not always kind attention, I fear.
She might even want to reconsider expropriating the name of a Russian empress. I know it sounds just so regal and fitting for someone of Ms. Hamou's exalted station, but Alexandra is not a very common name these days and, combined with "Oma" (which is German for grandma, did you know?) just seems to turn a bright white beacon on activities a real lady would prefer to keep in the shadows.
I just wonder how poor Mrs. Batchelor, after accepting a bad check from a woman who trails them behind her like a veil in one of those silly dance video things, feels about being called the one who reneged on an obligation. Does Ms. Hamou/McConnell not understand that the obligation that was first violated was her obligation to pay Mrs. Batchelor with a good instrument?
Honestly, dears, one would think several convictions and incarcerations would have driven the point home. But fine ladies often live with their heads in the clouds, I suppose.
By the way, Felineus Scratchpole and Mewlie Fishbreath say hello to all. Purlinda Disdaindia is grooming herself, and Felix Lickballs is, well, tending to needs.
Oh, dear. I hope I remembered everyone.
Just back from a camping trip in the desert! Heaven! Latkes fried over an open campfire, and all those stars twinkling down on us! Nitzi and Bitsy went along for an old-fashioned hen party. So much fun! Particularly after a few glasses of wine when Nitzi would stagger around naked, posing against rock formations and yelling "so who am I now?"
Oy, Rebecca, you may have hit something with the stupid thing. Now she's posting as someone called "handmaiden" that she knows Oma is a wonderful person who would do anything for anyone. Handmaiden, listen to Mitzi. At least listen to me on the off chance --- very off --- that you are real person. This is exactly how it started with that poor Tina Vanveen girl! And darling, that didn't end well, did it?
Omele, aren't you a little old to be posting these self-tributes? Wouldn't it mean more to you if you didn't have to write them yourselves, but they came from people who actually, well, darling, existed?
Sure they would, bubbele, so you march right out there and make yourself some friends. Try not to steal their money right away so they stick around for a bit, darling.
Oh dear. Now poor Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell the CONVICTED FELON has become addled again. The "Mike" multiple is babbling incoherently about people hiding behind alias web names being unreliable, untrustworthy and something to that effect. Ask the "Sandman" multiple if thats true, and the new "Handmaiden" multiple, and well, pretty much all the rest of them...
How many multiples did Sybill have?? Is Oma Hamou coming close??
Ask yourself some questions.
"IF" the bad check Oma Hamou Convicted Felon wrote to Mrs Batchelor was not a "big deal", WHY has the DA been aggressively prosecuting??
"IF" Oma Hamou, Convicted Felon's bad check to Mrs. Batchelor was not a "big deal" then WHY did the Court initially set her bail at ONE MILLION DOLLARS? THAT says the Court thought it was a BIG deal...
*oh, and if you have no problem with the Justin multiple calling Bob and me "two gay men" over and over because it happens to be "true" then WHY do you have a problem with my calling Oma Hamou Convicted Felon which also just happens to be TRUE??.
and don't expect anyone to believe, accept or buy into the rantings of someone who hasn't the courage to use anything but a made up internet name. Are you LISTENING "Sandman" and "handmaiden"?? Sell crazy to someone who is stupid enough to buy into it. Also, Sybill's multiples all had no knowledge of the others either...
Dont you realize Oma Hamou, aka Alexandra McConnell the Convicted Felon, that NOBODY CARES? Seriously, you are ridiculous. Pathetic, except for the umpteen dozens of people you have hurt by spending money you NEVER HAD IN THE BANK, then pretending its someone elses fault you can't pay the piper when payment comes due. It's nobody's fault but YOURS, nobody else's. Get real.
Oh Oma, does "Maxoderm" mean anything to you?
Darling Oma!
Look at you with the fancy-schmantzy new Handmaiden character, writing like a demon with the bold type-face and everything!
But bubbele, all you succeeded in doing was proving Rebecca's point. You see yourself as a perpetual victim. You always have. Sweetie, seriously, you need some help, you're meshuggah.
Don't you remember when you were playing "Mike" and you wrote all of those tributes to your "pert ass"? I do, it sounded just like an adolescent boy. But then I saw those websites that the real Mike used to run with the teenage girls --- you know, darling, the fetish pictures --- and I realized oy! That Oma! So clever, to make it sound like something a dirty old man would say! (Penelope, thanks for sending the links, oy gewalt I wanted to plotz all over the living room when I opened them!) And in the article that my poor sister wrote that you doctored up, Oma, you pay particular attention to making sure we know how beautiful you are. But serious too, darling, because you wear oatmeal skirts and glasses with your hair pulled severely back while you write to Putin! You're like a beautiful Brainiac! And all the pictures you post with the girls on display, even though most of the time you get your hands crossed in front of them, you little nafkeh, you. Why not post something that lets us see what you look like in this century?
And darling, not for anything, but really? Really? You tell Mrs. Batchelor that you are living under an alias? When you are renting a house from her? And she lets you do this because she is so nice and sweet, and a few months later she is having you hauled off to jail and killing your cats? My goodness, that San Bernadino County is like living in downtown Beirut! And again, not that you will listen or anything, but if Mrs. Batchelor is such an avid internet user, ummmm, is it such a good idea to post what my brother Fritzi would call a "lot of shit" about her? Remember, darling, you still owe her money. I'd be nicer, it couldn't hurt.
You know, life would be a lot simpler for you, Omele, if you would just loosen your braids and get on with things, as my Aunt Tovah used to say when my mother, G-d rest her soul, got on her nerves with the perpetual whining.
I'd lay off Disneyland for a bit, there's enough cartoon happening in your life. But maybe you could volunteer some time with the homeless or something? I know Someone Who Shall Be Nameless is still sending you gelt every month, and you have a lot of free time on your hands. So come on, be a big girl, get the tuchis out of the easy chair and go out and do something!
Rooting for you, darling ---
I said "*oh, and if you have no problem with the Justin multiple calling Bob and me "two gay men" over and over because it happens to be "true" then WHY do you have a problem with my calling Oma Hamou Convicted Felon which also just happens to be TRUE??."
so the Justin multiple personality replies:
You are asking the poster who goes by the name of Handmaiden this question. To me, you and Bob have for 9 years called anyone who defends Oma that person must be Oma because in you believe no one wants to be friend to her. This has been in your goal for 9 years and is a well documented fact." All together now: WHAT THE FU**???. Oma, lay OFF THE CRACK WHEN POSTING. You are incoherent. Serious, really....
Glad you had a good vacation, Mitzi. I spent the weekend out on the island with Frobisher and a lot of good books.
"Justin" posting as "Snoopy" (actually Oma, of course) just unleashed more of her perpetual moans about the perfidy of Moshein and Atchison. This time it makes even less sense than usual (think about that, kids). Oma, what exactly do you think Rob and Bob, TWO GAY MEN as you seem to be constantly bringing up, have to say about you that they need an alias to say? Both of them have been about as blunt as one can be on this blog under their own names, which is a lot more than you can say about your own sissy-girl behavior on your own series of websites.
And exactly how are they threatening you? By inviting you to sue them? I can't wait to see you unveil that line of reasoning in a courtroom. Although actually . . . I can wait. because you will never willingly go into a courtroom to testify in your imaginary lawsuit, because my dear, that would mean cross-examination by a competent lawyer. You know, the kind of competent lawyer who won Mrs. Batchelor's complaint for her. Because girlfriend, no one goes into a civil settlement out of the goodness of her heart. You lost, and they offered you a chance to make restitution rather than toss you back into the jug.
Rebecca Jordan
P.S. When you respond to me, could you channel the "Daryn Harrington" character? I can't help it, I'm a sucker for the name. I dated a guy named Harrington when I was at Miss Porter's.
There's that Maxoderm commercial again. It sure LOOKS and SOUNDS like Oma....hmmmmmmm
As usual, Oma, whether you are posting as "Justin", "Mike", "Sandman", "Handmaiden", "Daryn Harrington", "Leslie", "Take a Hike", Snoopy, Dopey, Sneezy or Doc, you cannot separate your personal mythology from objective fact. You went to jail over the Batchelor mess, dear. Not Mrs. Batchelor. You are the one who stiffed her with a bad check. You are the one who failed to make good. And no, dear, no one in the world believes you were hauled off to the pokey simply because Mrs. Batchelor discovered that you are, in fact, a convicted felon with a long trail of unpaid debt and contracts that you have skipped out on. I would have paid cash money to watch you attempt to explain to the old woman that all of these things were the result of TWO GAY MEN in TEXAS. Why don't you blame them for global warming, Oma? I mean, while you're at it.
And of course no one believes that you told Mrs. Batchelor your "true" identity, if in fact you even possess such a thing at this stage.
In fact, no one believes anything you say. There have been people who did. The technical term for them is a "mark", someone targeted by a con artist or grifter --- that would be you, girlfriend --- and chosen for either their gullibility, stupidity, kindliness, or whatever other virtue or fault would make them peculiarly susceptible to the likes of you. You sit and blather about digital time lines and impending lawsuits and teams of lawyers working upon your case in five states and God knows what else, and none of these things exist, Oma, and we all know it. I would give you the same advice that Mitzi has handed out, but I know it's useless. You're a crazy person. Perhaps it is the result of an unhappy childhood, perhaps it is a chemical disorder, or perhaps you are simply a 46 year old version of the Patty McCormick character in Bad Seed. But whatever the hell compels you to behave this way, it isn't going to let up. You will be a professional victim to the day you die, girlfriend, and that's sad. But what can you do?
Rebecca Jordan
Hoo boy. Seriously, this you have to see. She got all the voices in her head together to lie at once, one right after the other, and at the end she has put a picture of herself fencing around. I mean the thing moves. And then she writes "Touche!", you know the way she does when she is pretending to be poor Justin?
I give up, Rebecca, you're right. She's a fruitcake. With extra nuts, if you know what I mean, and I think you all do.
I suppose it is better than looking at the twenty year old pictures of her tuchis with her hands in cuffs. Although when you think about it, it was kind of a prophetic shot.
Sigh....more LIES and propaganda from the Oma Hamou alternate multiple personalities :
"17years of not having any other convictions or court cases with checks. " OOPS:
May 19, 2004: suit was filed in Los Angeles Municipal Court, Beverly Hills Division, against Oma Hamou and Enigma Films: HAHN, MONIQUE vs OMA HAMOU/ENIGMA FILMS, Case number 04S00922 Case Type:Small ClaimsDate Filed:05/19/2004 Status: Active Prayer Amount:$800.00 Parties Attorneys HAHN, MONIQUE (Plaintiff) LOS ANGELES, CA 90039 OMA HAMOU/ENIMGA FILMS (Defendant). Oma Hamou issued a check on a long closed (two years) bank account to Miss Hahn who provided professional makeup service for a "trailer" Oma Hamou produced. Oma Hamou the convicted FELON never showed up at this trial and default judment was issued against her. Checks on the same closed account were also written that same day to Wild West Media 17522 Von Karman Ave. Irvine, CA. 92614
That's only FOUR YEARS before Mrs Batchelor got another one the famous Oma Hamou convicted felon's BAD CHECKS...You can call the Irvine Police about the case, Detective Coltrane headed the investigation.
and isn't is still SOOOO co-incidental that ALL the people who read my blog and comments all come from the exact same proxy?? What ARE the chances??
Slim. To none.
Okay, I've been staying off the blog because Rebecca thinks it is a good idea to distance myself from this stuff because of my stress levels but she is really starting to piss me off with her shit. The person posting under my name on her forum is not me, it is Oma Hamou. And if anyone is reading her there I want you to know that. Rebecca is right. At different points there have been people who believed her lies, and I was one of them. No shame in that. So was Mr. Atchison. So was Mike Newson. So was Don Morton. So was this Mrs. Batchelor. She lies all of the time. I'm not so sure that she can't help herself, but there is no question that if it is a choice between running a scam and doing an honest day's work, Oma is going to run a scam. Shit, she lies when there is no reason for her to lie, people. What really pisses me off is when she posts how she was only thinking of the children with Demian. That is such a load of shit. She didn't give a rat's ass about those kids, including her own let alone Demian's. She took them to get back at him while she was trying to get his money and half of his property. Those kids want nothing to do with her now because as soon as she thought there was a chance to con Demian out of shit she turned on her story. Demian never was charged with anything in that case, but she managed to make life hell for him with her false charges. She is a liar!
Justin, I know it is hard to stay out of this because of what she has done to you. Your former "friend" may not be responsible for her actions simply because it is apparent that there is mental illness at work here. Rob put up some cracks about "Sybil" behavior, but honestly, I'm not sure that he hasn't hit onto something. Given that everyone posting over on her website is actually Oma Hamou, it is reasonable to assume that she may be in advanced stages of personality disassociation. In other words, she genuinely believes she is the person under whose name she posts. i think it is significant that her latest incarnation uses the false name "Handmaiden", and exists to bolster Oma's shaky self-esteem through lavish compliments. The "Justin" persona is probably the closest to her in actual content, since the vituperative rage she unleashes when she is writing in that character is a classic example of self-hate. "Mike" may be how she wishes to see herself, ponderously pseudo-erudite and drawn to Oma because her sexual attractiveness, or whatever sexual attractiveness she once had all those years ago. Notice how often he remarks upon her physical attributes.
I truly think we are dealing with a fragmented psyche. Of course, the fact that she may have been a basically dishonest person to start with has only been augmented by the precipitous decline in her ability to con people these past few years with the death of the Enigma/Sarskia scheme.
I am not a believing Christian in the religious sense of the term. I think Jesus had an ethical outlook that we might be advised to adopt, but her recent harping upon "forgiveness" strikes me as a fundamental misunderstanding of his teachings. While it is true that he might call her victims to forgive the woman, it does not let her off the hook. She must seek forgiveness and make what restitution she can for the damage she has caused.
At any rate, Justin, I think we all understand your frustration.
Rebecca Jordan
My my my, Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell the Convicted Felon currently facing another Felony Charge for Forgery and all her multiples seem to have their collective panties in a wad about the fact that I know that all the people who claim to be "Justin" "Mike" handmaiden, Oma, Leslie, Daryn, etc all use the one single self same IP proxy to read my blog. ALL those people from all those "different" places, each one is too afraid to reveal whatever vague geographic metropolitan area they live in and use the same single IP proxy server out of the many hundreds available out there.
YES, I'm ever so certain that someone is soooo afraid of revealing they live in Metropolitan Los Angeles, for example, and use say ATT internet. There is no doubt that it should be no trick to find that one single person out of oh, the 1.5 MILLION or so who use that in LA....
Get real, what a bunch of paranoid Drama Queens...Screaming for the sake of playing the Victim.
Oh dear, Now Oma's sockpuppet Justin is claiming that JustinEdward here is Bob Atchison.
I can tell you, under oath if you wish, that Bob Atchison has never ever ever posted a word on this blog that was not under his own name, nor have I for that matter. One of the nice parts of Google analytics, which I can update in real time, is that I can see that someone who does not live in Texas or California for that matter hit the blog this afternoon (that's all I will say about the location...) Bob has been busy all day, pretty much on the phone working out designs with customers. He is NOT JustinEdward...or me, or anyone else posting here, except for being BobAtchison...
afternoon MY time, before you scream that JustinEdward posted at 11:39 am Blog time which is Pacific. and, then someone else hit the blog after him, which was from the East Coast location I know is the one Rebecca uses.
OH yes "Sandman" sockpuppet...I know that the thousands of readers are drinking your KoolAid and deserting me and Bob, joining the Rebellion against the Evil Dark Side...
uh huh.
For seven years now, you Justin Oma Larissa et al have been telling me ALL about the "emails" of support you get from our "friends" who now betray us in support of Oma. Not once has a single email been produced, not once have either me or Bob heard from any of these "people"...
Google analytics is not stalking. It is an information tool, nothing more.
Whatever the hell else you were trying to say, well it was incoherent. Made no logical sense, at least in English. Oma, I've told you that you really must LAY OFF THE CRACK when posting, you become unintelligible when you do.
Sorry it was the Mike alter multiple Sybill personality, not the Sandman snoozathon posting one...
Oh, Oma, the convicted felon facing Felony Forgery charges, get a GRIP...
You put up a blank, un supported text document, purporting to be from Haley Demian, your step daughter by marriage...also discussing your son Nicholas McConnell, and pretend that the UNDATED, and UNADDRESSED text only screed is somehow TRUE, JUST BECAUSE YOU PUT IT ON THE WEB?? Yeah, right. sure....PROVE IT.
They aren't minors. They are adults. We hear you keep Nicholas in forced rehab to keep the money coming from Ashkenazy. When he is off the meds you force on him, Nicholas is fine. BUT you keep him drugged up, so they say to keep Severyn's money flowing...Is that true? I don't know for certain, but sources in Los Angeles report that it is..
So "Snoopy" aka the Justin sockpuppet alter says just now
Oma Hamou Reality August 27, 1991 - Oma Demian is arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on a warrant for failing to appear in Utah and fights extradition. The State of Montana places her child in "protective custody"
The statement concerning my friend’s child is not true and is flown to the state of Montana.
B U T:
S A Y S:
August 1991 - Oma Demian is arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on a warrant for failing to appear in Utah and fights extradition. The State of Montana places her child in foster care.
Is this great?? the Snoopy Alter personality is calling Oma Hamou's OWN WEBSITE A LIAR!!!
Tooshay munki
The strain of switching back and forth among the multiple personalities is beginning to tell. I also thought that the "letter" she posted that lauded her child-rearing skills was suspicious. Unfortunately, when you lie as much as Oma Hamou has done on the internet you really do forfeit the ability to have people believe something that is unsupported. In essence, she is asking people to take her word for it that this letter is written by a former step-child. In this case, I prefer to believe Justin. He has demonstrated far more truthfulness than Oma.
Severyn is the father of her child, correct? The "child" (who must actually be a young man by now?) is "Nicholas"? I'm not sure I understand her claim that she is concerned about her children's privacy, when she drags them into the sordid messes she unleashes on the internet. The constant allusions to the Demian marriage and the criminal activity that attended her flight with the young people cannot help their privacy, Oma.
Can I just add one thing?
The sheer volume of her traffic with the legal system is astounding. Moreover, girlfriend, one does not simply walk away from debt. If you think you have been shafted by any of the firms duped into providing free services to your companies or yourself, contest the claim in a responsible manner. The airy dismissal of anyone else's rights is truly disturbing. Almost sociopathic, actually.
Rebecca Jordan
Really, girlfriend? Really? Rob is excoriated for failing to believe in an undocumented letter that you put up on the internet? You know, the same internet where you have constantly published fake tributes to your talent (Kedem "article"), beauty (you posting as Mike Newson about your fanny, you posting as Mike Newson about your "career" as a model/actress --- and on a side note, I haven't seen your Maxoderm commercial, I hope you are at least getting residuals --- you posting as Mike Newson about what a success you were in fields where physical beauty was a prerequisite, when there is no single legitimate modeling picture of you extant), you publishing as Snoopy/Justin/Leslie/ ad nauseam about your generosity, the sheer wonderfulness of Oma Hamou the business woman, Oma Hamou the cat lover, Oma Hamou the --- oh, girlfriend, just once, just once I would like to read something that is actually documented about you that is not a rap sheet.
Luckily all of the Jedi Knights are leaving their parents' basements and the endless bags of Funions and Mountain Dews to enlist on Team Hamou. On top of everything else, Oma Hamou --- Nerd Magnet!
Oma, I assume, by the way, that you have permission from the Demian daughter --- assuming that the last thing you put up is actually written by Marcus Demian's daughter, which given your track record seems questionable at best --- to post this on the internet? Or have you simply done it again, girlfriend?
Dears, I do so like to believe that everyone here is honest and that what appear to be fabrications just result from simple misunderstandings. It makes the world such a nicer place, don't you think?
I believe I have figured out the explanation for all this unfortunate confusion about Ms. Hamou's style of living and finances. Just to get everyone on the same page, though, let's first recap what we have heard about Ms. Hamou, shall we, dears.
Tina Vanveen said that Oma Hamou lives under the alias of Alexandra Murphy in a house overrun with cats, that the place is a mess, that Ms. Hamou even has a mattress on the floor, and that Ms. Hamou spends her days furiously typing away on internet blogs using difference character names. Granted, we do not personally know Miss Vanveen. All we know about her is that her claim that Oma Hamou was arrested for a felony recently under the name of Alexandra Oma McConnell and was in jail for a while before posting bond was verified by court records and by posts on a website owned by Ms. Hamou. Oh, and yes, dears, I almost forgot. Miss Vanveen's story of the legions of cats was also verified on Ms. Hamou's website.
At the same time we are also hearing about Ms. Hamou's lifestyle from Mr. Justin Edwards, an intimate friend of Ms. Hamou's who, with his wife, attends all of her numerous court hearings, including even premiliary procedural hearings. Ah, such friends are dear, indeed, dears.
Now this fine Mr. Edwards tells us that Oma Hamou lives in grand style in a large, architecurally imposing and stunningly decorated abode which awes even the police who occasionally come calling to handle the many criminal investigations Ms. Hamou has prompted against others. Additionally, Mr. Edwards tells us that Ms. Hamou has full-time domestic staff, an obvious prerequisite to maintain such a fine establishment as hers. And, yes my dears, she drives a very fine classic Mercedes, as a woman of such presence certainly would.
Then Mike Newson, another intimate of Ms. Hamou's from their joint ventures into the world of art photography, says that Ms. Hamou is plagued by financial problems set in train by the despicable Messrs. Atchison and Moshein. Mr. Newson assures us that Ms. Hamou, while financially strapped, is paying off her myriad debts and court judgments just as fast as is humanly possible.
-- To be continued in next post --
-- Continued from above post --
Then a Mr. Sandman (oh, there's that wonderful little tune in my head again!), another intimate associate of Ms. Hamou, tells us that she is an honorable woman of means who accidentally wrote a bad check to a Mrs. Batchelor, her landlady. Even though Ms. Hamou has a history of passing bad checks to all and sundry, this time it was most assuredly an accident, as cash was right on hand to offer cash in recompense, had Mrs. Batchelor only been reasonable enough to accept it instead of going to the police with all that nasty business about her long criminal and civil history.
This led to the unfortunate deaths of several of Ms. Hamou's cats, who starved and/or were euthanized by Animal Control during Ms. Hamou's lengthy jail visit. Unfortunately, the domestic staff who help Ms. Hamou maintain her elegant lifestyle apparently were not very good at feeding and watering cats -- or simply defaulted on their duties while their mistress was, er, involved elsewhere, ahem. When the cat's away, the mice will play, eh, dears? (Sorry, I simply could not resist.)
So, with all this information from so many people who have posted in what, I am certain, was all good faith, what could possibly be the explanation?
Why, it's really quite simple dears. Oma Louis McConnell was joined at birth by three sisters, an exceedingly rare case of idential quadruplets that has only happened in West Virginia. It being West Virginia, all four girls were given the same name, in the expectation that they would later sort it out among themselves.
While Miss Vanveen, and Messrs. Edwards, Newson, and Sandman (oh!) are telling the truth about the Oma Hamou/McConnell they each know so intimately, they are each telling a truth about a different person without even knowing it.
It's really the only explanation, dears, as I am certain none of these people would fabricate anything at all, especially on the internet.
Well, now, that's settled. I've got to go feed Felineus, Purlinda, Mewlie, and Felix (if his tongue has not gone dry again from licking).
Bye, bye now.
Don't stop now, Penelope! This has the makings of an epic saga!
Do not be making fun of my company on this site if you know what's good for you. It's a legitimate product with thousands of satisfied customers and their fillies.
And what business is it of yours where I find my models? Why pay an agency fee when I can just scan the internet and find once-semi-hot women who'll work for what they can get? That Sarskaia site. Hey, what a goldmine. A product like mine getting to use a big time charity CEO for a spokesmodel. Classy, hey?
She was so nice I actually felt sorry that I couldn't use her in the lingerie shots she begged me to use her for. But what the hey. We all age and put on a few, don't we? Nothing a suit and a tight bun pull can't cover for a while.
So leave a legitimate businessman alone and do it somewhere else, guys and gals.
She is denying that she was in a Maxoderm commercial over on her website. I am inclined to believe her simply because it would be, after all, a legitimate credit as an actor/model, and if there is one thing that she needs, it is some kind of credibility in those roles. A commercial for a product like that may not be making the cover of Marie-Claire or Elle, but even a Maxoderm ad would constitute a legitimate credit.
Anyway, my opinion.
Rebecca Jordan
I'm proud of my company and my product Mrs. Jordan and glad you recognize my models get legitimate credit if they want it. Everyone needs helps saluting the flag sometimes if you know what I mean, and I'm there to help. For man, it's a matter of honor.
But maybe not all models would see it that way. I get a real deal on those commercials. They run in the Direct Response market, which means broadcasters who have unsold time slots which happen mostly at late or odd hours on limited-view stations. I just pay them to run a certain number of ads a month, and they slot them in wherever they couldn't find another sponsor. Sometimes you can get 10 spots for 50 bucks apiece.
It works fine for me, since a lot of my customers and their fillies are up at odd hours watching cable. Hard to sleep when you've just "missed an opportunity" if you know what I mean.
To Oma Hamou's alter ego "Justin"
First you dimwitted barely literate idiot, they are MINUTE orders...Not "minuet" orders.
Second you say "Notice the blog’s author when he writes”…Oma Hamou the convicted FELON….”
Same writing style as is appearing on Rob Moshein’s blog, GOTCHA!
Touche’. "
Ummmmm "gotcha" what you brain dead waste of oxygen? That I copy and paste things from their blog, or they do from mine? or maybe everyone just likes repeating the TRUTH that Oma Hamou IS A CONVICTED FELON? Hmm, we both write in fairly literate educating American English...maybe that IS the proof you need in a court of law to establish I write that other blog, even though I've already told you I don't, and THEY have told you I don't...
Thirdly, again you moronic beyond stupid ignorant pond slime, Monique Hahn DID serve Oma Hamou with the lawsuit. You see, you must PRESENT proof of service to the Court to GET a Default Judgment...oh, and the ONLY reason Monique and Wild West and the others were PAID was because the Irvine Police TOLD OMA they would prosecute her criminally unless she PAID them, so she had Jim Sproul run around and pay everyone off to keep her rather wide ass out of jail, again.
I meant "educated" English. Sorry, typo.
and, by the by, there is only ONE Pallasart owned computer in the house. Bob's. I never use it. I own my own computer, in my office upstairs. I own a laptop. I have no need to use Bob's computer, and the Pallasart servers are dedicated servers, so I don't even touch them.
So, bluster all you want to about trying to drag Pallasat into you psychotic delusions of conspiracy, but you will fail, just as Dave Slater failed, REMEMBER when Oma was slapped with Contempt of Court for even ASKING for the forensic exam of Bob's computers??
By the by, I was the one who put the link to my Oma Hamou Report blog onto one page in the Palace Biographies section, it was just there for a couple of days to make sure Google found it. Bob never knew about it until after I took it down. I told that to Slater, and will testify about it again if need be, so go on and try to drag Bob and Pallasart into your delusions with that stuff too. You traced NOTHING to Pallasart computers despite your blathering otherwise.
Like I told Slater the slimeball, I use the Pallasart internet access line, they are my IP provider. As such, they are immune from my actions for anything I do, thats the case law on the subject. Just like I can't sue the Portland comcast provider for Biernat's libel and threats of physical harm
Oh, and Biernat I DID see where you boasted about ripping your husband's prosthetic leg off his body, and throwing it out the window TWICE, and how you would do similar to me...
So, bring it on Oma/Justin/Alexandra...SUE ME! please! I will do the same thing I did before. I will file every reasonable motion, every reasonable objection, file substantial counterclaims, drag you, "Justin" "Mike" "Jim" etc to Deposition for every single second of my allowed eight hours, and make certain your lawyers get very rich responding to all that paperwork and appearing for the motions..., . I'm waiting....It will be fun.
Oh, and this has been fun again. I've been sitting on the front page of Oma Hamou Convicted Felon's "forum". Watching who's online.
So, first its "Mike" who posts a long repetition of the same things posted now for years, literally.. Eye glazing and brain numbing and says nothing.
but THEN "Mike" disappears, and who logs in a few seconds later but "handmaiden" who does her lickspittle slavering about how wonderful Oma is...then she's gone and poof, who logs in but SANDMAN...
Isn't is just a "mystery" why they all log in, then off and another one logs in, then off, and a third, all moments apart....
and they don't think "sockpuppet theatre" is appropriate?? ROFLAMO
Ooopsie: someone seems to be forgetting which sockpuppet they are logged in as:
Postby Sandman on Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:16 pm:
As for the "rather wide ass" and the names you call me, are we in elementary school here. Are you one of those people who think that everyone woman should be a size 0 and anorexic? Seems Oma didn't realize she was logged in as "Sandman" who claims to be a guy!! Can you say
B U S T E D Oma Hamou, convicted felon. We know you CAN....
secondly: I never was "bookeeper" for Pallasart. You couldn't prove that before, and you still can't. Also the Alexander Palace website DOES NOT BELONG TO PALLASART. It is Bob Atchison's personal property. Pallasart did the initial design, but IT IS NOT PART OF PALLASART. Bob CREATED THE FIRST WEB PAGE which he initially put on the APTM, THAT is what Bob admitted to. I CREATED THE OMA HAMOU REPORT. IT'S ALL MINE, ALWAYS WAS..Still is. You deliberately LIE to try to associate the two. Yes, Pallasart owns Bob's computer and the four servers, so WHAT? I don't use Bob's computer, why should I when I have TWO of my own? The servers CAN'T be used, they are SERVERS and configured solely as such...Again you LIE for Propaganda purposes...Oma.
OMA OMA OMA. now WHY did you remove that part where you forgot you were "sandman" and addressed me directly as YOU???
Tsk tsk...
My my. ALL Oma alternate personalities are brain dead today. I never SAID the Pallasart servers are IN THE HOUSE. They are on the same data line, but NOT IN THE HOUSE. So stop pretending I 'lied' about something.
Get a grip, or are you just trying to distance the issue from Oma forgetting to be in "Sandman" character and addressing her "wide ass and all the other other names you call me" slip up.
WHERE does it say Bob admitted to creating the Oma Hamou Report?? IT DOES NOT.
All it says is Bob admitted to creating a website about Oma to warn others about her lies and scam. THAT was the original website linked to the APTM. PERIOD.
Provide a single document that states Bob admits to creating the OHR. You can not because they don't exist.
Bob did not either know or remember that I had the password to access the APTM when I put the invisible link to the OHR, hardly a "deliberate lie". But, as usual you reject truth in favor of what suits your psychosis.
and "Sandman" UH RIIIIGGGHHHHTT, you "meant" to type "Oma" instead of "me"....also conveniently forgetting that I was addressing the sockpuppet JUSTIN, by that name...not Sandman the bore...MORE proof you can't keep your alters straight.
This is too much fun watching you self destruct into your typical frenzy of blather....
This has really gotten funny.
As a result of Hamou starting that austinwineguy blog to attack Moshein's business, look at what has come out about her.
She's living under two new aliases, Alexandra Oma McConnell and Alexandra Murphy in Montclair, CA.
Her recent housemate, who's currently in jail for a probation violation, is a fellow forger with an even longer criminal history than Hamou's.
She's been charged with yet another felony and been sitting in jail yet again.
She's still out there passing bad checks, which she has been doing for years.
She lives with a bunch of cats and sits at home all day typing away on the internet under various names. She confirms it by accidently referring to herself in the first person when she's posting under the pseudonym of Sandman.
She gets so confused with all her lies that she has her fake friends describe her as living in splendor with a domestic staff -- while on the other hand moaning about her cats dying for lack of care in a rental house while she sits in jail for bouncing a check.
She claims she has legions of lawyers working on getting her criminal history expunged in three states, preparing a massive lawsuit in Texas, and handling her current legal woes in California. However, we now know the actual lawyer working on her behalf is a small-time criminal lawyer in Victorille with pickups parked out front and whose most pressing task is to keep her out of jail over the next few months.
She's not the svelte, seductive size 8 she keeps posting she is. Jail records show she's 5'0 and 155 pounds.
At least one collection agency has come across her current aliases and whereabouts as a result of her launching this most recent attack on Moshein.
This blog has been read from an office of the State of Tennessee, by law firms in Paris and New York, by someone in Berlin, by several people in England, from the University of Georgia, by prosecutors in San Bernardino County, by people in Cincinnati, Dallas, and several other cities. It has revealed her current names and whereabouts to Reed Elsevier (the owner of Variety who had earlier been unable to locate her to serve process on a lawsuit for $113,000 in unpaid advertising fees).
You would think a woman with so many reasons to keep her head low would not give other people an incentive to investigate her and stay abreast of her ongoing scams by attacking those people relentlessly.
But then, again, you would be thinking of a sane woman. And that's not what we're dealing with here, is it?
No. No, it is not.
Ask yourself one question: "If" I wanted to make things up about Sautov, why wouldn't I have made up far worse things?
What you don't know, Oma and the voices in her head, is that Bob and I have been VERY close for years now to someone, who was close to Sautov and remains most close to Archimandrate Markell. They even went to Sautov's funeral. Both men stayed at their house in a European nation as a guest.
This person refers to Oma as "she who lives in Darkness" and told me all those things about Sautov, even though they considered themselves Sautov's close friend.
So, don't believe me if you want. Those who knew Sautov know the truth. YOU didn't know Sautov well at all Oma. Your phone calls were ignored, your emails deleted unread and your faxes tossed into the trash unread. Sautov only gave you the time of day on the slight chance you could do the things you promised to do. When your promises turned up empty and unfulfilled, Sautov forgot you faster than a bug squashed on the windshield. Louisa was ordered that he was never to hear from you again.
Archimandrate Markell says only this about Oma Hamou: He has stepped on that rake three times now (meaning she has hurt him three times) and he will not step on that rake ever again. You got THAT in writing during the litigation Oma.
Again, don't believe me if that makes you happy. I know the truth. "snoopy" "Mike" "Sandman", they know N O T H I N G and prove as much with every post.
Oh and Oma pretending to be "mike"
It was all ME. Not Bob. Bob was watching television in the den. He hasn't read the blog all day. In fact, he intends to have nothing to do whatsoever with my blog, Oma's blog or any of it.
His exact words, earlier this morning were "Oma is evil. She has Satan on her shoulder. The Staryitsa at the Sobor saw it, and told me she saw it. There is nothing positive to be gained by having anything to do with Oma in any way."
So, stop trying to libel Bob and drag him into this. Its all ME.
Get used to it. Stop putting words into Bob's mouth, figuratively, that he didn't write.
Oma (posting as "Snoopy" or the false "justin" and "Mike", or the false "Mike Newson"),
Doll baby, you have NO credibility over in Pushkin, trust me. I had an earful last week, and then some. All Russia condemns you, o Satan's handmaid.
Do you truly think anyone at all believes you when you rant about phone calls from people like Sautov on your birthday? Or that Markell would still harbor pleasant feelings about someone who caused him such personal and financial distress? As far as Putin is concerned, girlfriend, time to pull the hair back in a severe pony tail, get out the oatmeal dress and glasses, and write to your favorite dictator. Perhaps you can get him to send along some money, although he's a little young to fall for your wiles, isn't he?
Has Mrs. Batchelor received her check yet, or is it all going to the maid keeping your house in such a state that policemen compliment you? All Russia wants to know.
I did enjoy the "all Russians" crack from "Mike" (Oma, of course, but still, when she writes as Mike there is an indefinable something --- oh yeah, that would be self-righteous pomposity). As though the low-rent machinations of a petty con artist and grifter are mobilizing St. Petersburg. There was also the idea that your ridiculous situation will have to be remedied by federal law? I suppose your victims will just have to muddle along with the penal code.
Rebecca Jordan, who speaks for all Russians. Why not? Somebody has to.
My goodness, when she is posting as Fake Justin (Snoopy), Oma Hamou has a gutter mouth.
The fact is, doll baby, it really doesn't matter a smidge whether you believe me or not. Your credibility is zero in this situation, Oma, and has been for quite some time. You can't keep your stories straight, you are perfectly well aware of the fact that you are persona non grata in Russia, that you are unwelcome in Pushkin, and that no one there has the slightest interest in your current situation.
Moreover, your estimation of Putin is moronic (which is not exactly a suprise, but still). His administration has been repressive of human rights, political freedoms and far from making Russia respected in the world, has severely dented the confidence of potential investors. I realize that you have a hot crush on him, girlfriend, but that's a fact.
So you have no evidence of anything you claim in regard to Sautov and Markell other than your statements that they love you. Yeah. Next?
Also, could you be a bit less vulgar when you write as "Justin"? You're embarrassing the real guy, sister friend.
Rebecca Jordan
The first cup of coffee on the porch overlooking the Sound, the first crazy post from Oma. The best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup. The second best is a good laugh, and Oma, thanks for providing one.
The only thing "proved" in law courts is that you owe Bob Atchison money, honey. You have failed to produce any evidence at all about Sautov's feelings regarding you other than your statements that he did. For a variety of reasons this is not good enough for an outside observer, the chief reason being that you are an inveterate liar. It is convenient to have Markell in Russia and Sautov dead, isn't it, because it means that neither of them has followed your nonsense for the past several years. Neither of them has seen how you have defamed them on your various websites by associating them with your schemes and putting words in their mouths. Can you cite a single contemporary American source who either supported or continues to support any of Enigma's or Sarskaia's projects? You claim that you lost 20 million in funding? From whom? Americans? 20 million to an untried "producer" with no track record in the industry, no connestions? Please, doll baby.
20 million from Putin's government? So at a time when the Russian economy was under huge stress, and you managed to scrape together a chump change donation for minor work on the palace --- $4300 is substantially less than the cost of hotel rooms in Texas during the trial period, isn't it? --- your boyfriend Vlad was thinking of heavily investing in an American venture when there were perfectly well-produced movies about the last days of the Imperial Family being produced in Russia itself, films which used Pushkin as a backdrop? But because a little girl with a dream from West Virginia showed up, the deal was on? Are you kidding with that crap, girlfriend?
Look, I am sure that your interest in the Imperial Family was genuine. I have nothing to say about your conversion to Orthodoxy, other than the dress was hideous and it doesn't seem to have affected your ethical behavior quite as much as Jesus would probably like, but that's beside the point.
The point, lest we drift too far from it in the witty byplay that has characterized our posts, is that you were derailed by this one lawsuit into some really creepy behavior, doll baby. You have stolen identities (at some point you do realize that the real Mike Newson would be deposed in the infamous lawsuit you keep threatening to unleash? Is there a Mrs. Newson? Will she be pleased to learn that you have been dragging her "husband" along on your joyride to personal destruction?), set up slanderous websites on the internet rather than simply pay the damned money and move on, and created in Rob Moshein an enemy as implacable as the kind you are to his partner, Bob Atchison.
Your stock in the Romanov world has plummeted because you made the fundamental mistake of assuming that everyone sees the world as you do. You are not Princess Leia, girlfriend, and the evil Galactic Empire is not shooting you down while Jedi Knights named Justin and Mike fight to protect you. It was apparently possible for people like Penny Wilson and Greg King, who are rational human beings to judge by their books (as an aside, I purchased Fate of the Romanovs a couple of weeks ago when their names were introduced, and enjoyed it very much), to dispute with Atchison and Moshein and come to an agreement with them. Atchison did not "crush" either of them. How could he? He runs a web design company and a Russian history internet forum. He is not the goddamned Wizzard of Oz, Dorothy.
No, the evidence as presented, and presented largely by yourself, girlfriend, is pretty clear. You are fixated upon the fact that you lost your credibility in Russia. Well, you lost it because you had nothing to back it up. I can't believe that the Russian government, Boris Sautov or anyone else would refuse to deal with you because your ass sat in prison in the early 1990s. And by the time your ass sat in prison most recently, the damage was done. The "damage" was in failing to live up to your promises, stiffing people both here and there, and generally behaving as though only your wishes and needs were important.
No, the evidence as presented, and presented largely by yourself, girlfriend, is pretty clear. You are fixated upon the fact that you lost your credibility in Russia. Well, you lost it because you had nothing to back it up. I can't believe that the Russian government, Boris Sautov or anyone else would refuse to deal with you because your ass sat in prison in the early 1990s. And by the time your ass sat in prison most recently, the damage was done. The "damage" was in failing to live up to your promises, stiffing people both here and there, and generally behaving as though only your wishes and needs were important.
Your life is a train wreck. It always has been. On some level I feel sorry for you (which should automatically demonstrate that I am not Moshein or Atchison), but most of the time I am agog that such an obviously mentally ill person is still walking around. The past few months have been a fascinating look into a very strange mind, Oma. Yours.
So as Moshein says, bring on the lawsuit. Atchison will get paid, and you will be forced into a courtroom and have to explain all sorts of behaviors. You've been threatening for years according to all involved. So put up or shut up.
Of course you will do neither.
Rebecca Jordan
Now you put up a BOGUS FAKE AFTER THE FACT LETTER?? Get a grip Oma.
Enigma Films did not HAVE the "Century City" address in 2001. All the Enigma addresses at that time were your Mayall St one, we have that correspondence.
And you made another huge oopsie.
You had NOT yet hired NTT Verio in December 2001, much less had they done the work yet. OOPS.
You seriously should stop creating documents after the fact to try to back up your tale of lies, it only get you further into trouble.
after the FACT letters
Rebecca, Oma get very wound up when you confuse precisely WHERE her wide ass was incarcerated.
She spent many months in JAIL, but not "Prison", she gets all lathered up when you do not speak with precision about where she spent time locked up behind bars with armed guards all around her.
Oma, Oma, Oma,
So you have once again failed to produce any documentation to back up your claims that Markell and Sautov thought you were the bee's knees? About what I expected. Just more wails that you have heard it from their own mouths. As I said, convenient that Sautov is dead and Markell is in Russia.
I will be happy to write a check for 5K this week to the palace. Does that mean that I am now able to make fun of your chump change donation? And was that all you promised them? My understanding is that Father Markell was caught short because he engaged work crews on the strength of your assurance of aid.
I have no idea what Mr. Atchison's religious beliefs are. On the other hand, he doesn't regularly post that he is praying for us, either, and you do a lot of promos about the role your Orthodox faith plays in your life. That is what I meant when I said that Jesus would not approve of your current behavior, doll baby. I myself am agnostic, and the behavior of so-called "Christians" like yourself does not push me closer to the faith.
Oh, so "Mike" will have to answer me? Interesting. How does that work, exactly, Oma? Do you stand up at the computer, twirl around slowly, and presto! The "Mike" character crawls out of your psyche? You should youtube it.
No documentation, no nothing, just idiotic assertions. I forgot. You're saving your proof for the epic court battle that you will be unleashing ANY MINUTE NOW.
You should be ashamed of yourself, girlfriend. And whether you can hear it or not, the people reading these blogs are laughing behind your back.
Rebecca Jordan
But of course she is right, Rob. She wasn't in prison. She was in jail. Of course, if she doesn't pay Mrs. Batchelor . . .
So she has them, but she didn't produce them because she was sick (as usual) when the time came to actually put her money where her mouth is? Was it Blake who enumerated the number of times she has pulled this . . well, let me just use a ladylike "manure" there.
And her lawyer withdrew? Was this the one she stiffed for the fee? I certainly hope Watson got a few bucks from her.
So we are back at the same place. No documentation of anything she says, no support save her word, which is worth about ten cents in a bull market, and I am waiting for whatever brain cells she allots to "Mike" to explain how thrilled his wife is with this behavior. You have said that the real Mike Newson checks this blog upon occasion, Mr. Moshein. Mr. Newson, if you are reading this, do you endorse the use of your name? Because if this thing ever does wind up in a courtroom, won't you and the rest of her team of white knights, Jedis and stupes be called to testify? I realize that the real Mrs. Newson must possess legendary powers of self-restraint (the whole Nabokovian website career), but defending Oma's "pert" ass might tax even her limits.
Listen! Can you hear it in the distance, somewhere over Montclair, California? "Wonder twin powers, activate! Form of . . .Mike Newson!"
I'll send the check tomorrow morning. No problem. In fact, I may do better than that --- I'll see if my bank wants to donate.
Also, doll baby, the email from Markell that you posted --- is there a date with that? And the blacked-out sentence doesn't read "where the hell is the money, devil's handmaid?", does it?
No one denies that at certain points in your cons you can be charming. Atchison fell for it, and I am sure that a priest hampered by a lack of English would have been an easy mark. My question is and has been, how do they all feel about you NOW?
Also, Oma, I just re-read your email from Markell. The man sounds less like he likes you and more like he is wondering where the hell you are. I seem to recall a similar email that Bob posted here some time ago. I assume that part of that fabulous allure that made you a legend in your own mind is the ability to keep men wanting you.
Of course, they are wanting you to pay them, but it's something.
No Oma was not in bed sick with "pneumonia" (Pneumonia is Oma Speak for I have to appear somewhere and I don't want to go)
I have the email she sent where she said she was too BUSY to attend, not too "sick"...
and Rebecca, as I said the first time Oma put up the alleged email from Father Markell, it is NOT BY FATHER MARKELL for the simple fact that Father does not speak a word of English, much less able to WRITE in English.
I HAVE a copy of Oma's contract with the Alexander Palace, do I have your permission to put up the contents for you to address specifically HOW you "lived up to the contents of the contract"?? I'm glad to do it. Remember Oma? you sent it to me for my comments, the FINAL DRAFT you signed...You were so anxious for my help, remember??
REALLYY??? I did NOTHING??? Then why did Oma PROMISE TO PAY ME FOR REVIEWING THE CONTRACT?? I did the work, and she was in a RUSH it happen ASAP...She never paid me of course. Oma has ALREADY ADMITTED ONLINE SHE OWED ME FOR THIS BUT SAID SHE CAN'T REMEMBER IF SHE PAID IT OR NOT. So weasel out of that one Oma.
If you didn't get the contract during Discovery it was only because YOU DIDN"T ASK FOR IT. I was asked for specific things, and if your lawyer didn't ask I didn't provide.
Maybe I SHOULD put up that contract and let Oma come to Texas to sue me...I think thats a GREAT idea
There was NO attorney client relationship. That was why I suggested Oma get one. She was adamant that she wanted my comments from a business perspective only and it was clear to her.
SHE owed me $500. NOT Enigma. She never paid, she even used the excuse she fainted in the bank with me saying she had not eaten all day. When she came to my parent's condo, she said she "forgot her checkbook"...always excuses which was why I just gave up. Wasn't worth the effort.
I don't have to answer your questions "Justin" Oma already knows, its redundant. I will say Oma came to my parent's condo just to say hello, as a "friend", she dragged along two people, a guy and his sister, I can't recall their names just now, who "worked for her" I don't remember if she met my parents or not, if she did it was just briefly. She stayed only ten or fifteen minutes and asked for a local place she could get some soup, so I sent her down Roberston to a local Italian restaurant that was open.
Yes "Justin"/Oma you remember how you pretended to be friends to me and Bob. You were all happy thoughts and cooperative, until you needed to pay Bob, and me. THEN everything changed. You know, you started to L I E, make stuff up, falsify documents.
Funny how you were so buddy-buddy until it came time to PAY MONEY you owed.
History has shown you do this time and time and time and time and time and time again. See how you've turned on Mrs. Batchelor?????? I'll bet you were super sweet friendly to her until she like wanted her MONEY when your check BOUNCED like a super ball on steroids.
Dear Oma.
Your last foul mouthed lying crack/alcohol induced tirade was more than enough. I will no longer read your foul mouthed lying psychotic rantings on your website. You have something to say or ask, come here.
From this moment on, I refuse to look at your website, forum, etc. You are EVIL. You are negative, you are a convicted criminal, withn numerous arrests and substantial debt of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. You indeed have Satan on your shoulders, urging you on and he similarly invades every single person who supports you in your evil satanic ways.
you pretend to be a Christian, but you show NOTHING of what a Christian would profess or believe. You defiled the Russian Church, you defile all that is honest and good.
Sue me already. You are too much of a low life penniless loser to do it.
Bye bye evil Satanic woman. Inflict your evil on someone else. I am over you and your negative evil energies. Rot in prison. You deserve it. I hope the ASPCA takes every animal away from you, you don't deserve to have animals, as demonstrated by your animal ABUSE of your cats, left alone with no care for a week. THAT IS ABUSE. NO ONE IS RESPONSIBLE BUT YOU.
Sue me. Please. File that "bill of review" I so can't wait to depose you, "Justin" "Mike" and Sandman...Trust me they ALL will face my deposition if you sue me. Are they "man" enough to do so? My money is that you/they all lack the BALLS to be deposed. Prove me wrong. I welcome it.
Is that clear enough for you?
Your story makes no sense. Of course that could partly be due to the fact that you have sprinkled words like "fuck" and "asshole" throughout it, which I would imagine is the West Virginia way to fight? or at least evidence that you have been hanging around with a lot of unsavory characters in your life.
A couple of months ago you were claiming that you had been raped by men muttering about how you deserved it because of what Bob had supposedly written about you on the internet. And yet there is no independent evidence that this occurred, like, oh, say, a police report. Then you claimed that you had given birth to a child recently. I suppose the child perished in the Slaughter of the Cats? But then you switched and started rambling about a miscarriage brought on by, you guessed it, the vicious posts about you on the internet. Then all of that went away.
Now you expect us to believe that Mrs. Batchelor, obviously the most powerful woman in California, had merely to tell the police that her 23 day old tenant was a squatter based upon . . . wait for it . . . internet websites and then . . . wait for it . . . the eviction procedures were completely thrown over the side because of this and you were tossed into the slammer with bail set at 1,000,000 simply because the old lady asked for it and then . . .wait for it . . . the old lady had your cats killed and then . . . wait for it . . . even though your bail was lowered it was still rather substantial and even though you offered to pay the old lady . . . wait for it . . . the state of California would rather have gone through the expense of a trial than an amicable out of court settlement.
Doll baby, doll baby. You need to spend more time developing your lies before you type. This will save you the embarrassment of later being called on the vast amount of contradictions that routinely prevent you from being credible.
Honestly, Oma. Think before you type. It isn't that difficult.
Rebecca Jordan
Rob, if you would prefer that we cease dueling with her on this blog, you have only to say the word. It's your website.
Frankly, I think you are doing the right thing. Of course I imagine life will be difficult for you and Bob, knowing that Oma Hamou and her imaginary legal teams are out there drawing up the papers and preparing to launch the Trial of the Century. Try and bear up under the strain.
If you take the Biernat woman out of the picture, she seems to have no friends that exist outside of her own head. Which is sad, of course, although I don't imagine that your reservoirs of compassion extend to deeply for Oma Hamou.
Rebecca Jordan
One more thing. The gratuitous attacks upon gay people on her blog are despicable, and her callous use of Justin's brother's death to make a point is beyond the pale. Each time I think she has reached the frozen limit she demonstrates that no, there are no limits to her asininity. None at all.
Post aways here. Just becuse I won't read the Satanic Verses of Hamou won't preclude you posting here. Be my guest.
Since she did not answer a single point I raised here on her website in the foul-mouthed, incoherent nonsense she wrote, I thought I would post it again.
Oh, and by the way, I encourage everyone to take a look at her website (except you, Rob!) and check out her latest line of defense. Since there are corrupt members of Congress, Oma Hamou is allowed to be a thief.
No, seriously. That's what she says.
I certainly hope she never finds out about the Nazis, or she will be putting people in camps.
Your story makes no sense. Of course that could partly be due to the fact that you have sprinkled words like "fuck" and "asshole" throughout it, which I would imagine is the West Virginia way to fight? or at least evidence that you have been hanging around with a lot of unsavory characters in your life.
A couple of months ago you were claiming that you had been raped by men muttering about how you deserved it because of what Bob had supposedly written about you on the internet. And yet there is no independent evidence that this occurred, like, oh, say, a police report. Then you claimed that you had given birth to a child recently. I suppose the child perished in the Slaughter of the Cats? But then you switched and started rambling about a miscarriage brought on by, you guessed it, the vicious posts about you on the internet. Then all of that went away.
Now you expect us to believe that Mrs. Batchelor, obviously the most powerful woman in California, had merely to tell the police that her 23 day old tenant was a squatter based upon . . . wait for it . . . internet websites and then . . . wait for it . . . the eviction procedures were completely thrown over the side because of this and you were tossed into the slammer with bail set at 1,000,000 simply because the old lady asked for it and then . . .wait for it . . . the old lady had your cats killed and then . . . wait for it . . . even though your bail was lowered it was still rather substantial and even though you offered to pay the old lady . . . wait for it . . . the state of California would rather have gone through the expense of a trial than an amicable out of court settlement.
Doll baby, doll baby. You need to spend more time developing your lies before you type. This will save you the embarrassment of later being called on the vast amount of contradictions that routinely prevent you from being credible.
Honestly, Oma. Think before you type. It isn't that difficult.
Rebecca Jordan
From what you wrote, it seems she is still at it with the last ditch thing she always reverts to: It's not her FAULT. Someone else is to blame for the trouble she finds herself in.
This time, it is the poor landlord, Mrs. B. The lady gets a forged check back from the bank. She makes the forever un-excusable despicable decision to Call the POLICE. It's not Oma's fault she wrote a forged check. Its Mrs. Batchelor FAULT for calling the cops.
It's not Oma's fault bail was set first at $1,000,000. then $25,000 (for a check less than $7,000 don't forget), no its the Court's fault because they must have read my blog and the other blog which Oma THINKS is mine, (but she has been told otherwise, and has no proof otherwise, but still obsesses otherwise.) I mean, the Court probably doesn't HAVE Oma's arrest records and Felony Conviction records or LAPD and Irvine Police reports in their files...
Mrs Batchelor is the evil person because she didn't care for Oma's property, the cats. Oma is not to blame for not CALLING SOMEONE FROM JAIL to get the cats. No, evil Mrs. B. is the fall guy.
Oma claimed rape because of what someone read. Not her fault she might have been somewhere she maybe shouldn't have been with people with criminal histories?? nah.
Bob won his lawsuit because he and his lawyer "lied"...not because the Judge and Jury HEARD what Oma had to say and DID NOT BELIEVE HER. Nope, not Oma's fault.
Oma had no lawyer at trial, but it wasn't her FAULT. No, it was that evil Chris Malish who was so money grubbing and selfish that he fired Oma as a client because she owed him over $20,000 and promised repeatedly to PAY him and never did. Nope, not Oma's fault.
Boardrush FORCED OMA to sign a contract which required an up front retainer of $20,000 BEFORE WORK STARTED. Not Oma's fault she signed it. No its the company's fault for wanting her to abide by the terms of her contract.
Oma's felony convictions aren't HER fault...no they are to blame because of Evil Marcus Demian's actions. Not because Oma wrote bad checks for thousands of dollars in three states.
Don't you get it? Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell is sociopathic. NOTHING is her fault. It is OK that she commits crimes because others do it.
Here is a standardized list of questions that define a sociopath. I'd say rather a lot of them seem to apply. I'll let you all decide for yourselves.
Do they frequently manipulate others to achieve selfish goals, with no consideration of the effects on those manipulated? Look at all the people made promises to, which never materialized. Bob, Father Markell, Mrs. Batchelor, Scott L., Chris Malish. Oma does not care about the financial effects of what she did on these people
Are they cavalier about the truth, and capable of telling lies to your face? Look at all the lies Oma tells. She "has" offices at the Fyodorovsky Gorodok. Her film is fully funded. She has a huge staff. She files a bogus Dunn & Bradstreet report....
Do they have an air of self-importance, regardless of their true standing in society? Oma Hamou believes she was an actress, major model, author, movie producer and has done hugely important work. She is the first to tell you. Yet she lives in Montclair in a little apartment, has no job, no acting or model credits, failed at her movie and has huge debt.
Have they no apparent sense of remorse, shame or guilt? Oma Hamou is PROUD of what she has done. she says so all the time
Is their charm superficial, and capable of being switched on to suit immediate ends? Clearly.
Are their displays of human emotion unconvincing? I'd call them laughable.
Are they quick to blame others for their mistakes? read my previous post
As teenagers, did they resent authority, play truant and/or steal? by her own admission she ran away from home to California...
Do they have no qualms about sponging off others?b Oma Hamou told me so in so many words in Court in Austin. "You live off Bob, so what's wrong if I live off other people" were her exact words.
Are they quick to lose their temper?
Look at how quickly the Justin alter erupts in an angry tirade of foul mouthed blather. Just like the earlier Oma emails I put up
Are they sexually promiscuous? I don't know and the answer disgusts me.
Do they have a belligerent, bullying manner? read the Justin/Mike/Sandman alters posts
Are they unrealistic about their long-term aims? a nobody with no experience, no funding, no backing believes she can produce a "Major Motion Picture"
Do they lack any ability to empathise with others? Oma Hamou does not care about the feelings of others. Read what she writes.
Would you regard them as essentially irresponsible? You be the judge
Here are more symptoms of Sociopaths:
# Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.Oma Hamou has had dozens and dozens of different addresses. She has not had a JOB in at least ten plus years. She clearly exploits others, particularly Jim Sproul, and Don Morton. She promised everyone she would pay them, but paid nobody
# Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily. This one speaks for itself.
Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed. THIS ONE IS KEY! See how she blames Mrs. Batchelor for her being charged with Felony Forgery when Oma Hamou HERSELF passed the Forged Check? See Oma Hamou blames Marcus Demian for her Felony Convictions??
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Mike Newson is such an accomplice. So is Justin Edwards...Oma Hamou had a dream of making a movie, so THAT end justified her means bilking people and companies out of hundreds of thousands of dollars for goods and services and Am Ex charges.
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
This one also speaks for itself. Look at all the fake identities and lies she creates...
# Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them Again, self evident from Oma Hamou's behavior.
Doll baby, just to make it explicit. All of the people posting on your website under their various names? They're all you. You, you, you. Everyone knows this.
Rob, you neglected on salient characteristic of Oma Hamou. She has an utter inability to recognize sarcasm.
And no, Oma, I'm not flirting with you. But you should consider taking a whirl with the other team. Double your chances, and there are a lot of rich old ladies.
You'll have to work on the homophobia, of course.
Rebecca Jordan
Except for me, Rebecca! That Biernat Woman! HA! Reminds me of Vivian Leigh and Sir Lawrence in That Hamilton Woman!
Don't flatter yourself Biernat. You are only a woman by means of having a Vageygey. A dried up, unused one...
You are an accomplice to a sociopath, Oma Hamou, who has had no job for a decade, who's"production company produced nothing but debt, and shown NO INCOME to hope to provide Hamou with anything close to an income. Serious, how do you pay yourself a wage when your company flops and produces NADA except hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. so WHERE is the money for her "house" and "servants" and her lavish lifestyle?
Rob, you want to pull it in a bit on the "vajajay" stuff?
You are correct, Mrs. Biernat. You are real. I'm not so sure I would be bragging about that, but of course Vivien Leigh did wind up losing her mind at regular intervals during the 1950s, so perhaps there is more in common that just that one movie.
Also, Oma, I am not Bob Atchison. I am Rebecca Jordan. I would post that in a size 78 font just like you did, doll face, but I'm not hysterical.
Oh, and Mrs. Biernat? If you take out Rob's somewhat unpleasant attacks upon your genitalia, he kind of has a point. You are lashing yourself to the mast of the sinking ship S.S. Hamou because . . .?
Oh. Right. Need to know basis. And I don't really need to know, as I already have a pretty good idea.
Oma is posting the strangest series of documents over on her site. They are all designed to make Bob Atchison look like a liar, and yet without exception they validate everything he has said. What on earth happens to this woman by this time of night that she does things like this?
Oh, and Rob? Brace yourself. She is "preparing a new round of litigation" that will shortly be unleashed. Because that last round of litigation went so well.
Make sure that you subpoena "Mark Anderson" for the trial, gentlemen. I'd be interested to hear him deny the meeting where Hamou introduced him as the actor who would play Grand Duke Michael under oath. This is exactly the kind of detail that lends credibility to Atchison's version. I'm just surprised she didn't add something like "and win an Oscar!" to the introduction. In a Hamou screenplay, how could he miss? Oh, wait. She didn't write it.
Never mind.
Doll baby,
Check your last post. There's that "Sandman" thing again. You signed it with your real name, Oma.
I want you to let "Daryn Harrington" out to play, Oma! He's my favorite!
"Mike wrote:My memory says that it was "Their" story about Oma that triggered the rape, and that it was "a Blog" that it was found on. I don't remember anyone saying that it was Rob's Wine Blog, which has now turned in to a Hate-Oma site, but at the time I don't think Rob had posted Oma's story there. Does anyone remember differently? Does this mean that Rob is claiming owner ship of the current Hate-Oma Blog in public?
Please note that you have about 24 more hours until this Forum is closed....
No, Mike, Oma says and this is what I Justin posted, was while she was being raped or in the process of being harmed they told her that they read on the web stuff about her using men, that she is a piece of shit that she was famous in a bad way, this is what she told me. Rob's Wine Blog? I don't think Mike, he wrote anything on that blog about her, did he? It was the Rob Moshein Speaks blog. Rob ADMITS in pms forwarded to us by people who don't want their names revealed that HE ROB created the blog because of Sandman's blogs about him and the Legends Affair."
By the way, doll baby, it seems that you actually did claim that you were raped. Don't you read your own stuff? This is from your own website.
Sorry if I offended you Rebecca. My apologies.
Now, which round of "new litigation" are we to expect? The "crack team of Mensa lawyers and others even more rarified" "to be filed within ten days (in 2006) " the "bill of review" or the most recent? there have been so MANY rounds of threatened "New Litigation" I can't keep them straight...Since I don't read the Satanic Verses Blog anymore, can you be more specific?
Mark T. Anderson...THAT was the shifty thin uncomfortable looking guy who came with Oma Hamou and his sister to my Parents' house way back..He WAS allegedly going to play GD Michael Alexandrovich. .He wrote the letter we have which he copied to J P Morgan bank about $60,000 needed for guilding he dome of the Feodorovsky Cathedral...Oma claimed she was paying for it, as I recall, and got Father Markell to sign the receipt, but it never happened until the Putin government paid for it....
As for Oma "forgetting" the rape thing...remember this trait of the sociopath: Are they cavalier about the truth, and capable of telling lies to your face?
Dear Ms. Hamou/Murphy, I am rather perplexed by your posting those pictures of your home. I know West Virginia is a fine, fine state, dear, that has produced many simply marvelous coal miners. But, alas, it is not the epicenter of the decorative arts.
Really, dearest. A home with what is known in the trade as "contractor white" walls spottily filled with furniture from the Value City Home Improvement Department is really not something to post in an attempt to prove an assertion of a home that stops visitors in their tracks.
It may well stop them, my sweet, but probably not for the reason you have been thinking.
Although, on the other hand, Miss Vanveen was living in a motel room at one point, so she might well have been genuinely impressed. And those police officers who were so kind as to attend you personally in your home and then rave about your astonishing taste -- well, dear, what were they to say? Their prior call had probably been to a trailer.
It's all a matter of reference points, now, isn't it, dear?
Hilarious. She is now denying that she said she was raped, when the statement that she was is posted on her own bloody website.
My favorite decorating touch, I mean my absolute favorite, Penelope, is the gigantic framed portrait (even better --- photograph!) of Oma in full-on Alexandra drag on the wall.
By the way, have you rummaged around on her forum and read some of the posts that went up before we became involved in this epic (well, before I did, anyway)? There is one from "Mike" about her childhood that will give you the heebie-jeebies. Daddy smacking her "cute" bottom, and the story of what appears to be a relationship with her father that . . . well, let's just say West Virginia and leave it at that. Which of course is horrible, but the tone she uses in writing about it is so odd that it trumps the horror. Lots of tributes to her own physical beauty, and a certain amount of smug wonder at what her burgeoning physical charms provoked. This is followed by the jaw-dropping statement (no pun intended) that when she arrived in Hollywood she met a man who "became as a father to her". Given what you have put out there about your own father, this may not have been such a good thing, Oma.
Also, I may have mentioned Richard DiCastelis from our legal division? Periodically he asks me if the nonsense is still going on, and I say yes, and boot this stuff up so that he can take a look at it. This morning we split a coffee and Danish while he caught up. Aside from the fact that the stuff she is posting completely undermines her chances of securing another trial --- and if you don't believe him, Oma, he suggests you ask Mr. Watson --- he is perplexed (as am I) by the fact that the evidence she has presented during the past two days completely demonstrates the exact opposite of whatever points she is trying to make. While it may help your astounding anger levels to screech like a howler monkey on the internet, Oma, you are going to have to do a lot better than that in court to achieve anything.
By the way, girlfriend, I sent a check to the Alexander Palace. I toyed with the idea of asking them to restore a broom closet and stick a plaque on it with your name, but nobly resisted.
And I am not Bob Atchison, Oma. He seems to have chosen the wisest course of all in this sorry display, he is ignoring it completely. Of course once your crack legal team starts the litigation he will have to give full attention.
To counting the money you will have to pay him, doll face.
Thanks for apologizing, Rob. Perhaps Mrs. Biernat might take a lesson? No, probably not.
Rebecca Jordan
I did a thirty second google and here is EXACTLY what was written and when:
May 12, 2009 by "Justin" on her old Forum on her website:
"I said the person who murdered Oma's animals said to the cops they read your blog the Oma Hamou Reality
That they who attacked, beat and raped her taunting her with Bob’s words while raping her saying that they had read the words on the Blogs and she deserved this because she uses men and cheats people like their blog says she does is also documented. The police report about these events also documents that the words on the web in the various Blogs were believed and this is why her pets and animals that she had rescued were literally murdered and why what happened to her in the aftermath happened. As an aftermath Oma did get pregnant from that rape and for moral reasons and respect for life kept the baby rather than aborting it. She had complications and ended up losing the baby in a premature birth."
and "Mike" on her new "tiki" site on May 17, 2009:
"Current events derived from meeting these villains have ended in very real attacks where in Oma was beaten and raped while being emotionally beaten with words from Bob's story on the web,"
then on May 20,2009:
"Diabolical people deliberately incite Fear, Anger, Greed, Panic, and Outrage, in some people, for the purpose of causing them to harm others.
(He believed what Bob said about Oma harming Father Markell, and threw her up against the wall… He believed what was said about Oma on the web and raped her...)"
and again May 21, 2009:
"So a question to all you women out there, does rape cause harm? How do you feel knowing that what someone read about Oma; the disparagement, the denigration, the propaganda of nothing she said is the truth, the images are all photoshoped, she is a bad person - the Devil’s hand maiden… and found that because of this she was raped, as the perpetrator was incited to action in part because of this?"
and again on May 29, 2009:
"We have seen this recently where information on the web detailing her “sins” and ridiculing her, the denigration of her and those around her, how she is belittled, and demonized as a felon and all the rest, lead someone to the point that as she “deserved” it because of the way she uses men that they raped her (all the while flagellating her with words from Bob’s story that they found on the web) to teach her a lesson, apparently from their actions believing that she was subhuman, and that they could become judge, jury and executioner for Bob, Rob, et al., for all (include those who have join in to ridicule her) their hands are now red because of their words. That Oma became pregnant from the rape, but chose out of respect for life to keep the baby, but then lost it, only adds to the horror."
So now Oma makes the claim they never said Oma was raped??
Remember the signs of a sociopath:
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis.
Are they cavalier about the truth, and capable of telling lies to your face?
Changes life story readily
Have you ever considered providing a link to her site to a psychiatrist? There's a book in her for someone.
Well, maybe the Prison psychiatrist at the California Women's Facility will have PLENTY of time to work with her soon. The clock is ticking on that "civil compromise" on the Felony Forgery charge.
or is she now claiming she isn't still out on bail for the Felony charge?
I got so caught up in the sociopathic aspects I forgot about this part:
Rebecca wrote: "My favorite decorating touch, I mean my absolute favorite, Penelope, is the gigantic framed portrait (even better --- photograph!) of Oma in full-on Alexandra drag on the wall."
I'm so glad to see someone else agrees with me! YEARS ago, I said that that I think that picture of Oma looks more like a West Hollywood Drag Queen than an Empress of Russia. I still do!
For years she kept posting and reposting the part of the Requests for Admissions she filed, where I admit saying that. Like it somehow just MEAN something? Stating personal opinion is not actionable in any way shape or form. I guess it just is sand in her craw that not everyone buys into her sociopathic belief that she is some major BEAUTY or could ever have hoped to play Alexandra Feodorovna (I mean, the middle aged Babs Streisand as Yentl was bad enough casting, and embarrassing to watch, but the middle aged Oma Hamou as Alexandra?? NOW THATS FUNNY)
Oh Rob! You silly sly boots bringing up my cancer history and hysterectomy again!
And Rebecca, as for me, I'm pulling a John Lennon: I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go 'round and 'round. I really love to watch them roll. . .
Blogger Russophile said...
Oh Rob! You silly sly boots bringing up my cancer history and hysterectomy again!
Umm, huh? WTF?? Biernat, YOU just brought it up. I never heard a peep of this before. Really, drinking so much and so early isn't good. At least you can't reproduce any more than you already did, that's a good thing for the Gene pool.
I AM Drinking! Right again! Lovely Diet Coke. My you ARE on your game today!
Really, Mrs. Biernat? You should be careful. You can dissolve nails in that stuff.
Meanwhile, over on the crazy: honey, you may want to consider that more than one person thinks you look like a drag queen in the picture because you look like a drag queen in the picture. I didn't guess you were dressed as Alexandra, but because I have seen the original of this that ran as a promo for As a Matter of Honour. The one with the Korean flags all over it?
Let's see, what else? Oh yes, the Markell stuff. Markell despises you for the things that you said about him, Markell is in Russia, and you have not produced one single shred of evidence to support your allegations against Atchison or the idea that Markell thinks you are swell. Seriously, doll face.
You have never been able to answer a simple question, Oma, or rather your silence about it does answer it. Why on earth would Moshein or Atchison feel the need to post under false names on this website, honey? Atchison did just fine under his own name and said basically what he wanted to say. What have I said that is so mysterious it would be necessary for him to hide behind my name? As for Moshein, darling, I fail to see that there is anything he needs a false name to say. Unlike you, who maintains the "Snoopy" character so you can curse like a redneck sailor, the "Mike" character so you can admire your own fanny, and the Handmaiden character so you can admire your own . . . character.
Of course, Mrs. Biernat is real. But she seems to have retreated into kamikaze mode, content to swoop through, cackle madly and swoop out. Sorry to hear that you have had cancer, Mrs. Biernat, and I had a hysterectomy myself about ten years ago. It sucks.
Meanwhile, Oma, can you explain why you now claim that you never said you were raped when your own board postings contradict you? Or have you already done what you did with the mistakes you posted as Sandman and Snoopy and taken them down or altered them?
Rebecca Jordan a/k/a . . . Rebecca Jordan.
I'm pretty pissed off Oma. Here you have this high class house down there and you never invited me and Big Mama to come down and see it? What the hell is that about that you treat your own family like that girl??? Also Big Momma recognized her couch in one of those pictures you know the one you said got stolen that weekend you watched her house by the tribe of people what broke into the house because that Atchison guy told them to and took the furniture and the apple pie Big Momma had made before she went out that day. Also you hurt Dromers feelings with that shit about you didnt have a child or nothing, because like he said if that rape never happened than he was never born and there werent no kid either. Dromer is down here with us now since June he was eating Omer out of house and home and we;re having a hell of a time keeping the little guy in feed ourselves so afore you send that old lady what you owe her you better get us some money for his keep.The rest of you people are just plain bitches.
Oh Rebecca, I switched to Vitamin water but that sly boots Mr. Moshein deleted it.
Oh I LOVE my hysterectomy, don't you? Of course the cancer was freaky deaky weird, but now, there are no "women's issues" if you know what I mean, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge, she said knowingly*.
So, what's Oma been up to on her site? It's so much quieter and relaxing since both Bob and I stopped reading?
Greetings, my good people. Dromer here.
You perhaps will notice that my writing is considerably more accomplished than when last you heard from me. Despite the many twists and turns portraying my lineage, ranging from the love of a good man for a beautiful woman to rape of a victimized innocent by crazed Atchisonians, I have undertaken my own inquiry into my origins and discovered that I was, in fact, sired by a team of Mensa lawyers in the early hours of one glorious and much jested-about spring evening. Hence the astonshing speed of my maturation and my pending matriculation at Oxford, being the first two-year old to attend that institution. Mine will be the first crib ever installed in a university dormitory, I am told.
Some of you have inquired as to why I have posted under two names on this blog -- Domer and Dromer. I would fain claim a typing error caused by cats jumping on the keyboard, but in my honesty I take after my fathers. Genetics being what they are, not all my genes, sad to say, would have come only from my illustrious fathers. My mother's changeling nature is, alas, also in the accounting.
Well, there you have it. I will soon be watching this blog from Oxford, as I become the third regular reader from Her Majesty's realm. (England, that is. Not various desert locales outside Los Angeles.)
Don't that Domer/Dromer just make you proud enough to want to spit. After that mother of his its damn time. And that typing of his. I ain't never seen nobody hold a keyboard liek that. Wer'e all looking for good things from that boy. Money too.
Did you come out of the hysterectomy sounding like Monty Python, Mrs. Biernat, or were you like that before the operation?
Now, as to "Snoopy", "Justin" and "Sandman", or as we like to call them, Oma, Oma and Oma. Do you truly think that posting nine year old emails from Markell says anything at all about anything? You claim to have carefully omitted personal information, but in fact the only thing that you have erased is the date, although there is a "2000" peeking out on one of them. As I have said before, Oma, you are a con woman, which means that by definition you must have a certain amount of charm in order to, well, charm people. Even your arch enemy, Bob Wizard of Oz Atchison, at one time liked you. So did Marcus Demian. So did the real Justin and the real Mike. The problem arises when people depend upon you to fulfill your word, as Markell and Sautov did, to say nothing of Mrs. Batchelor, Bob Atchison, Nadia, the Mortons and all of the other blossoms in your garden of deceit and lies.
However, take comfort from the fact that Mrs. Biernat believes you. I know I would.
Rebecca Jordan
Rebecca, I prefer D: All of the above. . . . :D
Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Oma. Honey, really. All Russia doesn't hate Bob Atchison, sweetheart. All Russia couldn't give a shit, to use language that should make you comfortable, about any of this. It's apparently only the name Oma Hamou that causes Russian women to invoke "Satan's handmaid" and drop small objects.
And really, you'll ask Oma, "Snoopy"? You know, all of your voices need to coordinate your take on things a little better, Oma. Periodically they announce that they are your knights in shining armor, Team Hamou or somesuch nonsense, and that you rigorously absent yourself from all of this as they post away, filling the internet with idiotic pictures of you and information that does nothing but confirm your history as a grifter and a con woman. But now we find out that you are giving "them" permission to post all of this? So Oma Hamou is responsible for this internet flame war? Take notes for the impending Trial of the Century, Rob.
Is Oma Hamou now posting alleged emails from Father Markell??
Dear Rob,
Her cerebral cortex --- that would be "Snoopy" --- put up a long post or two that were both filled with four letter words and violent language (to say nothing of outright homophobia --- Oma really is an attractive package of crazy, isn't she?) and then her pre-fontal lobes --- that would be "Mike" --- told herself that she (Oma herself!) --- who after all of the protestations by the voices in her head about how she never looks at this stuff turns out to have editorial control over the board, go fig --- deleted her own foul mouthed violent posts. But trust me, they were foul-mouthed and violent. You and Bob should be very careful that roving gangs of crazed internet rapists do not throw you down and have their way with you both, all the while muttering about how Oma Hamou's posts made them do it. Do you have pets? Lock them indoors.
At any rate, she did admit that one of the emails from Markell was indeed from 2000, but the other one is from 2009 and that they are BFF. We are asked to accept her word for it, although I am sure she is busy right now doctoring emails like mad, preparing to deluge the board with them.
Just another night in Crazy Town. It's probably the strain of overwork. You know, because she is paying down all of her debts.
Rebecca Jordan
And somewhere over Montclair the sound of screaming fills the air.
Is she still screaming that you are me or Bob??
I guess her sociopathic sense of self-importance and abilities just preclude her from realizing that yes, indeed, OTHER PEOPLE are reading and posting to this blog, who aren't me or Bob.
But then, when she gets that huge, expensive litigation underway, and her team of Mensa and smarter lawyers subpoenas the Google records, she will have the huge surprise to see that you aren't me or Bob, that Dear Mrs P, the Kedems, and the others isn't me, Bob or YOU, and the regular readers from Atlanta, Boston, New Jersey, Ohio, London, Paris, Berlin, ALL over Los Angeles (and not including her own from Palmdale, Lancaster, Hemet etc.) and perhaps she will realize how insane she has become. or not. I'd vote the latter.
Does she actually think for a second ANYONE cares if Father Markell is her bff or he really did say he stepped on the rake (that is Oma) three times and won't make that mistake again??
Lord, that sociopathic loon is stuck in the past and has no grip on the present. She USED to be a model, she USED to be an actress, she USED to have this movie thing, she USED to be bff with Father Markell and the dead Sautov.
What does she have TODAY? She is middle aged, needed liposuction, has an adult kid with a substance abuse problem, a rented townhouse in San Bernardino county (celeb bigshot glory A List real estate if ever there was), a house full of cats, a huge pic of HERSELF in Empress of Russia DRAG on the mantle, NO JOB, NO PROJECTS, closed companies not even still active with the Sec. of State, HUGE DEBT, oh, and the pesky tiny issue of an impending FELONY CRIMINAL TRIAL FOR THE CHARGE OF FORGERY OF A FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT (well that's what the D.A call it. Oma prefers the more genteel "bad check")... ALL OF THIS IS WHAT OMA HAMOU AKA ALEXANDRA MCCONNELL ACTUALLY HAS TODAY. No wonder she lives in her past fantasy world...
Hokie Smokies! Is not widely know but I am translator for Archimandrite Markell for many many many years now sinc etime when he is left holding big bag becaause of Satan's Handmaid. Message from poor man when I am apprising him of her writing on internets about him as her good friend is to go fornicate yourself lady and where is money you promised?
He is one angry man, my American friendskis!
And not for nothing Oma Hamou but ask Anna Politkovskaya's family about Putin.
Or Aleksandr Litvinenko's.
Rob, your diatribe about Oma is about like the wicked witch of the west standing on her porch and saying Oh my, Dorothy’s lawn is so horrible, it is all yellow and stinks of dog poop. Then the wicked witch lets her Great Dane out to run over to Dorothy’s lawn to take care of business, and she encourages all the neighbors to send their dogs over as well. Then having destroyed Dorothy’s lawn, the wicked witch decides to turn Dorothy over to the home owners association…
Oma, did someone turn you over to the homeowner's association? This seems kind of autobiographical. Was it because of the drag queen portrait? or the couch?
Justin, does it matter who is the man behind the curtain in terms of "Rebecca Jordan?" It could be anyone; Pyles, or Rob, or Bob or....or anyone who has ever had any dealings with you at all, Oma. On the other hand, you may want to seriously consider that I am exactly the person I say I am. Or not. I don't care. Rob, will you please ask your "life partner", another gay man in Texas if he minds being mistaken for me? The point is that, that whole blog started off as a parody with the aim of causing emotional harm to Oma. Words that Rob has allowed to remain on the web, words that poop poop? I'm sorry, did you just use the word poop in a sentence? all over Oma's reputation every minute of every day, causing immense emotional damage that he (THEY) enjoy and savor.The only problem with this is that your 'reputation' has been in the dumper for over 25 years, doll face. This is why I pray daily for H.R. 1966 to be passed. You see with Rob's blog and its comments all nicely documented for us, there exists in H.R. 1966 the possibility that ALL those who have gone there to hurt Oma will be able to all be cell mates for two years...Whereas you, Oma, will sit in one all by your lonesome. That is unless Mrs. Biernat is willing to split a cell with you.The White KnightYeah, that's you, Oma. Your own White Knight
Mike who is actually Oma Hamou posting under yet another stolen identity.
Site Admin
Domer/Dromer, who's your daddy? I'm your daddy, boy.
Just ask Oma/Alexandra. As my mama Mazy Ruth used to say, I never could resist a woman with a double name. (Halves the odds of saying the wrong name when the going gets rough, if you know what I mean.) Hot.
I'm a lawyer, too. Made 6 big ones with medical malpractice suits. Turned your mama right on, even after that rape by the Atchisonians. You just can't keep a good woman down (or up, as the case may be).
Enjoy Oxford, son. I'm paying.
And paying.
And paying.
Your post startled me for a second, as I at first thought the first paragraph was you directed towards me. I then realized you must be quoting the "Mike" alternate personality.
Please remember, neither Bob nor I read anything on any of Oma hamou's sites, blogs etc any longer.
The Wicked Witch analogy escapes me. Dorothy HAD a dog who pooped in the yard I'm certain. Besides, Dorothy lived on a FARM where lots of critters pooped in the yard. Second, Dorthy's house KILLED the Wicked Witch's sister. Lastly, there WAS no homeowners association in Kansas. The whole thing makes no sense, big surprise.
Bob says he wants to hear nothing about Oma Hamou or anything she has to say. Period. His position is that Oma is indeed Satan's mistress, so there is no reason to read or hear anything from her. It is all pure evil. So whether she cares to insist Bob is posting as Rebecca Jordan, Bob couldn't care less. Bob is far too busy with web design. There are clients lined up with work months in advance, so he doesn't waste his time on her sociopathic rantings.
I know you aren't Bob. I know you aren't me. I STILL don't post under any name but my own. Bob has moved on. He would rather spend his precious free time doing constructive, positive things, like reading the revised manuscript from Greg and Penny.
Oma's threats and screeching foul mouthed obscenity laden tirades are decade old news. Nobody cares, honestly. Bob knows the truth. Everyone who KNOWS Bob knows the truth. Bob doesn't care. I don't care. As I've said dozens of times now, if Oma just stopped and took down all the crap about Bob and me this blog would not be needed and I'd take it down. To us, she is like an old, fat ugly little pug dog that barks and barks and growls never shutting up...but in reality, all it is, is an old fat ugly little pug dog, it will never be anything more.
Every single person who reads her ever increasingly irrational tirades sees how literally insane she has become. She is like those wretched homeless lunatics who stand in parks screaming to anyone who will listen, but the louder they scream and the more foul mouthed they become, the more people see how crazy they really are.
Oh, dear.
Folks, she has done it again. If you recall, the other day Oma Hamou accidentally referred to herself in the first person while posting on her website as “Sandman”.
Yesterday, August 20, at 9:09 p.m. she was posting as “Mike” to list a series of contrasts between what the Hamou side writes and what the Moshein supporters write. She structured each point by first referring to herself as “one side” and then by contrasting what “the other side” says on the same point.
Six paragraphs into the post, she inadvertently slipped from the third person into the first person when she wrote, “One side said I was victimized and here is why.”
So, after letting the mask slip and revealing herself to be “Sandman” just a couple of days ago, she now does the same thing, revealing herself also to be “Mike”.
Well, at least she was telling the truth about one thing. "Mike" really was in the courtroom with her at her most recent appearance on the felony charge.
Oh, dear. She's really not very bright, is she?
But Mr. Moshein, dear. I would like to congratulate you on the good fortune bestowed on you by her starting the austinwineguy blog. But for it, we would never have heard from Miss Vanveen, of Ms. Hamou's newest aliases, of her rental problems, of her financial distress, of her felony arrest, of her horde of cats, of her choice of roommate, of her squalorous lifestyle, of her true size and weight, of her lonely days at a computer keyboard in the company only of her imagined friends.
It has truly been fascinating to behold such a life being brought step by step out into the daylight and displayed on the internet to a growing audience of readers.
I just cannot wait for the John Waters movie, my dears. Who but he to capture the true tone and aura of these events? Who but he?
Yes! Desperate Living II.
And, looking at that portrait of her dressed as Alexandra, the lead is as good as cast. Oh, Divine. How we have missed you.
Sorry about the confusion. I tried to make it obvious by putting my commentary in italics.
She is on again as "Mike" with a lot of blather as to how they have proven "their" points --- there is only one Oma, as she keeps on saying, but sometimes she calls herself "Mike" --- and a lot of silliness about how no one here has. Really, doll? Because I think that the constant trail of lies that you have left behind you and been caught in by the various posters on this blog is truly impressive, right down to Blake snagging yet another mental lapse when you refer to yourself by a personal pronoun when you are pretending to be someone else. Which seems to happen every day.
You have produced not one scrap of evidence to support your claim that Markell has good feelings about you, girlfriend. The emails date from a decade ago, and while he may have used a translator, which seems to be your latest dodge, neither of them particularly dripped with good feeling. Rather they were plaintive requests for you to contact him in Russia, not doubt to explain where the money was that you had promised him. Rob is not claiming to be Markell's best friend, and while I haven't heard from Atchison about this matter, didn't he introduce you to Markell and Sautov? So when your "project" dissipated back into the ether, I don't imagine that he looked very good for having presented you to them. At any rate, how they feel or felt about Atchison is beside the point (although I would emphasize again that you have presented no evidence to support your statements that they disliked him --- none. We have only your word, the same word that you have broken countless times. Sautov is dead, and I strongly doubt Markell is following this internet flame war, so there is no one available to say cut it out. If Bob wishes to give me contact information, I will be happy to try and get in touch with Markell and inform him about your statements regarding him. If he writes back, I will be happy to post it with the dates left intact.
So you didn't answer. Was the homeowner's association more embarrassed by the portrait or the couch?
And I had a postcard from Mitzi today. She's on vacation on Malta and having a wonderful time. Best regards to all, and she hopes that all are well. Even you, Oma. Nitzi is flying in this week with a preliminary script.
Rebecca Jordan
I emailed you Archimandrite Markell's current email address per your request.
Just for comparison's sake, it ends in @mail.ru, which I recall is DIFFERENT than the ones Oma Hamou put up claiming they are from him.
Thanks, Rob. I will email him this weekend and see what happens.
So, someone I know who keeps tabs on Oma's site, sent me the latest post there, something so appalling, it demonstrates the delusional depths of who Oma Hamou and her "friends" are.
The Handmaiden alternate wrote:
I guess homosexual men scorned are much worse than women scorned. Oh, and for the record, I am definitely not homophobic. Not only are some of my best friends homosexuals, but so was my uncle, and so are two of my cousins. Actually, I like sane homosexual men, they make the best friends a girl could have
Let us find the GENUINE meaning behind the statement by changing one word:
I guess BLACK men scorned are much worse than women scorned. Oh, and for the record, I am definitely not RACIST. Not only are some of my best friends BLACKS, but so was my uncle, and so are two of my cousins. Actually, I like sane BLACK men, they make the best friends a girl could have
THAT should tell you all you need to know.
Also, "Handmaiden" just because Archimandrite Markell has an email address, doesn't have a thing to do with his English skill or lack thereof. Tens of millions of Russians have email, and not one of them can speak, read or write a word of English. Here is the home page for everyone using @mail.ru addresses, tell me what you see there, (first clue, not a word of English....) http://mail.ru/
oh, umm "Handmaiden" did you NOT KNOW that ALL EMAIL ADDRESS PROTOCOLS are required to BE IN ENGLISH?? That is the international convention.
So, just because .mail.ru is in English characters, means ONLY that and nothing more. It implies nothing about the users, all Russians use english letters after the . so do the chinese, Koreans, japanese, Hindu, Urdu, israelis etc etc etc. Or are you implying that every single person who uses email must somehow be English speakers?
That shows how truly ignorant and stupid your particular Sybill alter is.
Mrs. Biernat has explained us to Handmaiden --- I do love the idea of Russophile typing industriously away to Oma, thinking she has met yet another acolyte of the Hamou flame, by the way --- so that Oma now understands us. This allows her to be so damned impressed with her own wonderfulness that she can look down upon us from the Parnassian heights of Mt. Intelligence.
I can't even type this with a straight face.
It was an interesting look into what passes for Oma's mind, though. Gay men are fun because they aren't going to try and seduce her (note, Oma --- at your age and general shape, no one is going to try anything, girlfriend). A little patronizing? Not all all, because she knows gay people. And presumably she knows black people. She's like the United Nations. Or Eleanor Roosevelt. Or someone.
I honestly think you do better when you are playing "Justin", dollface. You play stupid a lot better than when you try for the erudite lord-what-fools-these-mortals-be approach. The "Mike" and "Handmaiden" characters need work.
Rebecca Jordan
It is amusing, Rebecca, when the self rightous pretending to be "educated" alternate personalities can only resort to pedantic "gotcha" points instead of eruditely addressing the actual point. You can always tell another Oma Hamou creation, they all resort to that tactic...
I know someone who will translate a message to Archimandrite Markell for you if you need them.
But Rebecca, it's Sooo very important to understand and be understood. I have gone back and read some posts from that other site you know so well and I understand so much better now. . .
WTF?? sounds like some cult to me..."I understand so much better now...I'm GLAD to drink the Koolaid."
Wow, am now starting to get emails from people I haven't heard from in a long time. We can thank Oma Hamou for putting up that blog to defame me and my professional reputation.
Here are some samples:
"...if it means anything, you have my support in your
efforts to clear your name and stop this harassment and the libel from Oma. This has been going on too
long and Oma does need to be stopped. "
and another different email
"The Oma thing became very clear for me and I changed my mind about it some
time ago, when I read what you sent to me, and nothing she said after that point made any sense, she obviously is a fraud, and it becomes more clear the more you read that she is obviously a liar. "
Confidence tricks exploit typical human qualities like greed, dishonesty, vanity, honesty, compassion, or a naïve expectation of good faith on the part of the con artist.
Just as there is no typical profile for swindlers, neither is there one for their victims. Virtually anyone can fall prey to fraudulent crimes. … Certainly victims of high-yield investment frauds may possess a level of greed which exceeds their caution as well as a willingness to believe what they want to believe. However, not all fraud victims are greedy, risk-taking, self-deceptive individuals looking to make a quick dollar. Nor are all fraud victims naive, uneducated, or elderly.
Confidence tricksters often rely on the greed and dishonesty of the mark, who may attempt to out-cheat the con artist, only to discover that he or she has been manipulated into losing from the very beginning. This is such a general principle in confidence tricks that there is a saying among con men that "you can't cheat an honest man."
The confidence trickster often works with one or more accomplices called shills, who help manipulate the mark into accepting the con man's plan. In a traditional confidence trick, the mark is led to believe that he will be able to win money or some other prize by doing some task. The accomplices may pretend to be random strangers who have benefited from successfully performing the task.
Highland Travellers
In Scottish Gaelic they are known as the the (luchd siubhail) literally the travelling people or the Ceà rdannan ("the Craftsmen," or "Black Tinkers"), [ and poetically as the Summer Walkers. Highland Travellers are a distinct ethnic group and they may be referred to as traivellers, traivellin fowk, in Scots, or tinkers, originating from the Gaelic tinceard or (tinsmith). Mistakenly the settled Scottish population may call all traveling and Romani groups tinkers, which usually regarded as pejorative and contemptuously as tinks or tinkies.
Highland Travellers are closely tied to the native Highlands, and many traveller families carry clan names like Macfie, Stewart, MacDonald, Cameron and Williamson and Macmillan. They follow a nomadic or settled lifestyle; passing from village to village and are more strongly identified with the native Gaelic speaking population. Continuing their nomadic life, they would pitch their bow-tents on rough ground on the edge of the village and earn money there as tinsmiths, hawkers, horse dealers or pearl-fishermen. Many found seasonal employment on farms, e.g. at the berry picking or during harvest. They also brought entertainment and news to the country folk. Since the 1950s, however, the majority of Highland Travellers have settled down into organized campsites or regular houses.
From what I've read the "Travellers" raise horses, and many are in the Victorville area...and West Virginia...
Wow, how interesting is this? NOBODY on the "Team Oma" is reading this except for the braindead Biernat. Now, if "all" these "people" are out there, can it be much of a coincidence that NONE OF THEM are reading the blog? Nobody using the same proxy, no Northridge, no Palmdale, just Biernat the violent alcoholic idiot in Portland...
Oma, are you back in jail again or on the run because you can't pay Mrs Batchelor?? I checked the arrest records, so my money is on the latter. You're too old, fat and hagged out to con any old pervert out of that kind of money these days.
How odd that "Team Oma" is so "huge" but nobody is there, except Biernat the drunken violent idiot....
Sticks and stones may break my bones but your words will always be saved and stored off site.
Ah, the sophistication, adult, adroit, highly intellectual, witty, and so rapier-like in the insightful erudition of your comeback Biernat.
I am speechless.
That's funny, Rebecca always says "Ass" as well. Could there be . . . ?
Naw. . . .
No dimwit, there is no connection. I simply thought the word was apt in this case. I read it before when she posted it.
I know you are but what am I?
No, it couldn't. Everyone but you on "Team Hamou" is congenitally unable to distinguish between "your" and "you're". Could it be?
Naw. Of course not.
No posts on her site since Saturday, I see. The last time she evaporated she was hauled off to the pokey. I wonder if Mrs. Batchelor got tired of waiting for her money?
(I'm "Snoopy"!)
Not really. I'm
Rebecca Jordan
I'm the one who started "boomchowmunki"...but now SNOOPY is using it?? Could there be....?????
and never anybody else.
Seriously, Rebecca, you are quite right. The last time "team Oma" stopped posting for days, and not reading my blog was when she was JAIL...
I did check the LA, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orance county jails, and she's not there. I wonder why jail she IS in? or is she really disappearing because the is no way she can pay Mrs. Batchelor (and lets face it, she WOULD have paid her already if she HAD the cash...) and she really doesn't WANT to have that wide ass in PRISON...
Am truly beginning to think "Team Hamou" is back jail somewhere again. Still no reads of the blog from Palmdale, Northridge, Victorville, Hemet.. the usual Oma Hamou locations.
The only regular readers now are you, Penelope, the two in England, Berlin, Athens Georgia (go Bulldawgs!), New Jersey, and thats about it...
Seriously this is exactly what happened right after Thanksgiving and until Christmas last year...and we ALL KNOW where Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell was during THOSE WEEKS...
The San Bernardino County
Something else crossed my mind this morning.
Now, "Team Hamou" aka Oma Alexandra Louise and her voices in the head, all screamed about how Oma had the money to pay Mrs Batchelor, still HAS all this money so paying her is not a problem.
Now, logically speaking, "IF" this were the case, wouldn't one want to get this FELONY discharged ASAP??
Now, I used to practice law, it simply does not take six weeks to produce the simple paperwork to get this cleared up. Mrs. Batchelor shows the DA the proof of how much is owed. The DA gives that to Brian, Brian drafts up a paper or two, the DA approves the papers, and Oma cuts a cashiers check and gives it to the Court to hold, pays Mrs Batchelor when she signs the papers and the deal is done.
This aint rocket science or complex legal proceedings.
IF G-d forbid I was ever in such a situation, (for the sake of argument only of course) I know I couldn't get this deal done FAST enough and I would never permit my attorney to let it drag on this long...I'd be on the phone or in his office DAILY to get this finished.
So, why the delay with Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell??
I have my own suspicion of course...
Just food for thought.
Another thought today...
Was blaming Mrs. Batchelor for Oma's trouble really the BEST idea? I mean to make her out to be so horrible, and to publicly castigate her for calling the police and causing the great cat slaughter; was that the most "prudent" way to play things?
I mean, if YOU were Mrs. Batchelor and Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell wrote all those horrible things about YOU on her own website bearing her name, would that not just "maybe" want you to refuse to a compromise and prosecute her fully for the felony? Maybe Mrs. B would be a little more sympathetic towards Oma if "Team Oma" didn't trash Mrs. B so badly in public, dontcha think?
More food for thought.
A friend who reads Oma Hamou's libel/defamation site tells me I only practiced law "briefly".
I practiced law actively for ten years, and taught law for three years.
Notice the intentional libel of those who claim I was in practice "briefly" and intentionally slander my professional reputation.
At least I have a genuine resume of employment and verifiable employment unlike OMA HAMOU aka ALEXANDRA MCCONNELL.
Until "team Hamou" fesses up to exactly what Oma Hamou did as an actress, exactly what she did as a model, specific resume information, read what they write as the intentional slander it is intended to be.
Ask yourself this question: Since Oma Hamou insists she was an actress WHY does she refuse for a decade to provide specific proof?
Since Oma Hamou insists she was a "world famous" model, WHY does she refuse for a decade to provide specific proof?
SINCE Oma Hamou refuses to provide this simple informations do YOU believe anything "Team Oma" says can possibly be credible??
Rational humans see "team oma" for the criminal element bent on slander and destruction of their perceived enemies for the low life losers they are.....
So, tell us, what is the TRUTH of Oma Hamou's "career"?? If you refuse to provide the details, for a decade, explain why
I have a legitmate resume. Oma Hamou has nothing but a criminal record and debts from fraud.
It occurred to me last night. I asked myself the same question about Mrs. Batchelor, and why the increasing vilification of her, when after all it was Oma Hamou that gave HER a forged check (you know, Oma Hamou wants you to think she is the victim here, but don't forget the District Attorney looked at the situation and charged her with a FELONY, you think they waste their precious time and resources unless its a good case?? AND initial bail was ONE MILLION DOLLARS, so THAT Judge thought it was a good case too...)
What made sense? For "Team Oma" to publicly decry the person making the criminal complaint in the first place as a horrible cruel misguided person? I mean, folks, Mrs. Batchelor is the one in the driver's seat. SHE can decide to proceed to trial or accept a compromise. So, what is gained if Oma pisses her off by publicly saying nasty things about her? and initially, "Team Oma" didn't...they said she was "mistaken".
THEN a shift in tone. Suddenly, Mrs. Batchelor is evil and cruel, killing cats and demanding an innnocent woman go to jail, a horrible woman who has joined the ever widening conspiracy to "destroy" Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell.
Then the only logical and reasonable explanation appeared.
Mrs. Batchelor must have rejected the "civil compromise". Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell will have to stand trial for Felony Forgery (which IS the charge despite what Team Oma wants you to think). This also explains why the compromise has not yet happened and everything dropped...
"Team Oma" is making certain now to lay the groundwork for WHY Oma will stand trial and probably go to prison. She NEEDS to have someone else be to blame, just as someone else was to blame for her PREVIOUS FELONIES.
Mrs. Batchelor will now become another of Oma's "oppressors" and will be part of the vast network of "Bob and Rob" conspiracy to destroy Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell.
Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is the correct one.
as interpreted by Judge Judy:
"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true."
Does "Team Oma"'s explanation that a disgruntled landlord refused to accept cash money for a mistakenly issued bad check JUST because of what she read on the internet make sense? Does their explanation that this woman who refused the cash then became an evil human who deliberately tortured and murdered innocent cats in retaliation for the bad check all because of what she read on the internet - MAKE SENSE??
Not to any rational person who has read Team Oma....
Now, does this make sense? -
Oma Hamou issues a forged check to her landlord. The landlord discovers that this woman has a prior felony record of three convictions for issuing bad checks and call the police. Oma Hamou offers the landlord ANOTHER check, which the landlord rationally refuses. Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell is arrested. The DA looks at the evidence and charges her with Felony Forgery of a Financial Instrument. Alexandra McConnell is brought before a Judge, who looks at the same evidence and sets bail at ONE MILLION DOLLARS because the evidence is so compelling and because the woman has three prior Felony Convictions for issuing bad checks.
"Team Oma" makes nice to the landlord to keep her on "their side". Oma's lawyer offers a "civil compromise" which means Oma Hamou aka Alexandra will pay the landlord all the money owed and the landlord will drop the criminal charges. For whatever reason, maybe because the landlord doesn't like being badmouthed on the internet by Team Hamou, she decides to reject the compromise and press criminal charges. Suddenly, Team Hamou turns on the landlord, and now describes her as an evil cat killing person, who has fallen into the "Destroy Oma" cult bent on destruction of an innocent victim, who has been a victim all her life....all to portray the landlord as the evil one and perpetrate the MYTH of "innocent victimized poor Oma hamou"...
That seems far more rational and makes sense. Doesn't it.
I am particularly impressed by the "cat killer" charge. It represents Oma at her most paralogistic, and as always, it reveals how silly her entire site is. There are supposedly legions of folks fighting for her cause --- "Snoopy", "Mike", "Handmaiden", "Daryn Harrington" (side note, Oma? Please bring him back!) and God knows how many else. They all presumably knew she had cats. And yet none of her devoted retainers lifted a finger to save the animals, even though at least one of them routinely claims to live near enough to her to visit. I presume all of them knew that she had the cats. I presume Oma knew she had the cats, and could have placed a phone call to "Justin" to get him to take care of them.
But no. Mrs. Batchelor prevented this from happening, as if that could have happened. Of course, San Bernadino County as Oma has described it sounds like downtown Sarajevo, so perhaps the police merely stood by and sneered as the poor kitty cats met their doom. Because of course that makes sense. You know, kind of like the rapists who got Oma with child while muttering about Bob Atchison.
You are a sick, sick lady, Oma Hamou Alexandra McConnell. And Rob is probably glad he was never your lawyer, too, girlfriend. Who needs a client who is hellbent for leather to stiff you your fee?
Honestly, doll, has there ever been a single action in your life for which you talk actual personal responsibility? No, I didn't think so.
Rebecca Jordan
Quite right Rebecca,
I'm beyond grateful that Oma Hamou was never my client. She never even paid me for the minimal contract review she begged me to do for her when she was in Russia. I have the draft contracts and my notes to prove it...
MY clients could afford to pay me. One of my largest projects was for someone who is now deceased, to attorney client privilege no longer applies, plus my name is all over the permits, applications and plans at the Beverly Hills City HALL...I worked for Marvin Davis, the oil billionaire (who was the basis for Blake Carrington on Dynasty, Aaron and Candy Spelling were good friends of the Davis') on his estate The Knoll in Beverly Hills. I oversaw the contracts, permits and planning requirements for the $22 million remodel on the estate. I worked on Pickfair for Pia Zadora and Meshulam Riklis when they were still married...and Riklis still had his hundreds of millions of Mike Miliken gotten bucks...I did dozens of homes in Malibu, and consulted on about two hundred home sale transactions in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and Hancock Park. Now, I did donate 25 pro bono hours a month for people with AIDS through the LA Bar Association, so it wasn't all about the money....
I never had need to bother with bottom feeders with felony records and their low rent check bouncing in Victorville. Heck, Victorville was just an exit I passed on the way out to our house in Palm Springs to spend a weekend....
I think the cat slaughter thing is not the "most" paralogistic thing (tho it does qualify as the silliest...).
What defies ALL common sense and logic is the fundamental premise "Team Oma" puts forth that Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou "accidentally wrote a bad check to Mrs. Batchelor" and the following all happened as a result:
1. Mrs Batchelor didn't want to TAKE the cash money Oma Hamou told her she was paying her... RIGHT, how many landlords do NOT want cash to replace a bad check...
2. Mrs Batchelor read on the internet that Oma Hamou was a criminal and so became afraid and thus called the police. Doesn't EVERYONE believe what they read on the internet? Could it possibly BE that Mrs. B discovered that Oma Hamou has a felony history of convictions for bad checks and THAT was why she called the police because she REASONABLY feared she was another victim of a proven criminal?
The police came, looked at the situation and despite Oma being innocent of ANYTHING other than an accident, they ARREST her despite the obvious mistake RIIGGHHT. The police arrested her because they had EVIDENCE of a crime.
The District Attorney looked at the "accidental bad check" and despite it CLEARLY being an accident, they pressed charges
RIGHT. The DA office has nothing better to do with their time than press charges for an accidental bad check. They pressed FELONY charges because they felt they had sufficient EVIDENCE to CONVICT for a crime. That's the real world folks.
A Judge looked at the evidence and Oma Hamou record and somehow had an unexplained attack of mental disability and INEXPLICABLY set initial bail at ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Judge set bail at a million bucks because he LOOKED AT THE EVIDENCE AND HER CRIMINAL RECORD AND SET BAIL ACCORDINGLY.
THESE are the paralogistic leaps of reason and logic Oma Hamou wants you to swallow like cyanide laced Koolaid
Of course you're right, Rob. But the cat story is hilarious. Anyway, she is now saying that she will be filing in Texas. Tell Bob to start thinking about what he is going to do with her money.
That's great Rebecca, thanks. We will prepare the Debtor's Exam and paperwork to attach the money Oma will have to place as a bond when she files.
How cool. Finally somebody owed money by Oma Hamou will get paid. I hope Mrs. Batchelor gets her money too...
Am I the only one who thinks Oma should be focusing on that pesky FELONEY FORGERY thing coming up in ten days instead of filing a useless motion in Texas? Yeah, its useless, but I will have fun dragging her over the coals for wasting time filing it...
I hate to focus on the Cat Massacre, since it is a minor point, but she is now accusing Rob of being a Cat Hater. Mrs. Batchelor, who instigated the Cat Slaughter, apparently told authorities that the cats had "no owner" (a direct quote from Oma, by the way). This gave them carte Blanche to kill the puddy tats. If the authorities believed that the cats were able to break into the home and squat, why on earth would they not have thought the cats were capable of making a break for it, with or without Penelope's house. Seriously, honey, do you even read what you write?
I also enjoyed her digs at Rob for merely being a "real estate lawyer", as though this disqualifies him for comment upon legal matters because he is not a "real" lawyer. Of course, in Oma's experience, real lawyers are criminal lawyers. Why would that be, again?
Also, Rob does not mention having done pro bono work, especially for abused women and children, a not-so-subtle reference to Oma's claims against Marcus Demian. Those would be the claims that were dismissed in court.
Anything else? Yes, lots, but at this point the gentle reader is invited to head over to her site and read it. Anyone with an IQ above 35 will instantly see that she is lying. Those with IQs lower than that will require about 15 minutes of remedial help before the light dawns.
Oh, and I love animals. I have a dog, and prior to being hauled away to the hoosegow, I would do everything possible to ensure that he was in good hands. If I was not permitted to do so, I would raise hell at the jail until someone who could was notified.
If the Meow Massacre took place (something I doubt, but still, if it did), the blame rests squarely upon Oma's shoulders. My own personal belief is that it occupies the same reality as Oma Hamou the Actor, Oma Hamou the Model and Oma Hamou the Rape Victim. To say nothing of Oma Hamou the Size 8.
Rebecca Jordan
Yes, Rebecca I "must" be a cat hater. Ask my two animal rescue adoped cats how much I hate them. Especially the black male, who sleeps on top of me all night long, comes when I call his name, and is in fact snoozing in my lap as we speak, while his sister the tabby is walking back and forth in front of the screen while I try to type this. (I havent told the black one about the heinous events in San Bernardino, too traumatic for him....actually, I don't believe the entire story. What landlord would DELIBERATELY leave cats locked in their house to cause damage...)
Yes, I guess practicing Real Estate Law in Beverly Hills, for some of the wealthiest people in town, including real celebrities (you know, the kind who actually HAVE credits they gladly share with the world) is not "really" practicing law, nor success. It seems Oma Hamou believes that only lawyers who barely make it out of unaccredited law schools, paint their name on a window, and defend gang bangers and assorted lowlife criminals in some low income desert town are REAL lawyers.
As for my pro-Bono work, the Los Angeles County Bar Association which co-ordinates pro bono work ASKS attorneys to take up certain sections that need more help and where the attorney might have some special attributes to better serve the client. Battered and abused women had every female lawyer in the county signing up. Far fewer wanted to actually work with people with AIDS (this was the 1980s remember when AIDS was still a great stigma). I am beyond proud of my pro bono work for those people, fully half of whom I personally attended their funerals.
I realized Rebecca that whatever cracks were made about my pro bono work (and again, I don't read anything on Oma Hamou's websites or blogs) are probably just another example of the blatant homophobia, as expressed before ("some of my best friends are gay....").
Clearly the implication is that somehow, battered women are more DESERVING of pro bono work than gay men with AIDS.
An interesting side note is that a large portion of the work I did was landlords trying to get rid of people with AIDS as tenants because they didn't want them in their properties.
I've been on both sides of evictions and represented both landlords AND tenants. I'm intimately familiar with the process in California, which is why I can see what a total crock of crap Oma Hamou's story actually is about the bad check and Mrs. Batchelor. in fact, "if" her story was true, Oma would be suing Mrs. Batchelor in civil court, instead of facing felony criminal charges.
Oma is once again accusing me of misquoting her. For the record, in the last post on the bottom of p. 17 the following statement appears:
"Rob, are you a cat hater too?"
I don't mind the fact that she is paralogistic, but it does bother me that she can't read her own damned silliness with any attention. The rest of us do.
She also gives a withering put-down of Rob's real estate legal knowledge, outlining the exact steps that Mrs. Batchelor should have gone through in order to evict her from the home (and by the way, who knows this stuff off the top of her head? Not the first time at the Eviction Barn Dance, eh, Oma?). But Mrs. Batchelor did not follow these steps. She simply had Oma hauled off to the hoosegow by the cops. So in doing so, Mrs. Batchelor was able to circumvent the Californian legal system. The police played along with this miscarriage of justice; the judge played along with this miscarriage of justice; the prosecutor played along with this miscarriage of justice. This seems to happen to Oma Hamou a lot. Astounding.After you finally manage to pay this debt, Oma, I suggest that you file yet another lawsuit. Or at least make one of your interminable threats to do so. And don't stop with Mrs. Batchelor the Cat Killer, go after the entire state. They all did it to you, Oma. All of them.
As Rob has pointed out, the Cat Slaughter nevah happened, any more than the rape did. When under stress Our Girl tends to become really, really inexact in her statements. And if the legal system is on her ass about this debt, she is under a lot of stress.
I did love the idea that the Voices in Her Head have cut her off from the internet so she can concentrate upon filing in Texas.
Yeah. That's believable too.
I realize that it will probably be "handmaiden" who answers this with lordly disdain, or perhaps "Mike" with ponderous platitudes. I want Daryn Harrington let out of the box! Seriously, back when I was in high school in Connecticut he was a total, total dreamboat.
Rebecca Jordan
Or, ab absurdo asinus asinum fricat
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
"Re: Hi Oma!
Postby Russophile on Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:57 pm
I spoke to Ms. Hamou yesterday. She is well. She is strong and that is one of the things that I so admire about her. She has tenacity, she has strength, she has courage and intellect. After everything that life and those miserable basturds the Bobsey's have thrown at her, she is still STANDING.
Godspeed to you, Ms. Hamou, my thoughts and prayers are always with you!"
The mis-spelling of "basturd" is very witty, sort of like the "Beernuts" thing that your child endured. On the other hand, you may what to rethink your Latin phrase, honey. If there are jackasses rubbing up against each other, it isn't on this website.
Ave, Oma!
(Say it three times fast, it's hilarious!)
Damn it, I asked for Daryn Harrington and she trots out faux-Justin, i.e. "Snoopy". "He" has completed some work on a major screenplay (which I suppose means that she has ripped off yet another poor writer and is passing work off as her own?). There is a lot of vulgarity, because of course that is how hearty He-men talk, don't you know.
Her method of dealing with logical objections to her Batchelor story is to agree with the absurdity --- the police really did stand by and sneer as the poor puddy tats went west --- and to repeat the crap she has been spewing all over again. Truly, Mrs. Batchelor is a powerful woman in San Bernadino! Which is kind of hard to square with the idea that she collapsed upon reading the internet. Which of course she didn't.
Come on, Oma. Smile.
Rebecca Jordan
"Mike", or as we like to call her, "Satan's Handmaid", wrote:
"I have to agree with you, "The more I saw of Oma the more I became captivated by this tall, voluptuous, curvaceous, sexy and almost impossibly beautiful woman." and I met her many years later..."
Rob, send me a portrait so that I may wax poetic over you. We have to keep our side up! On the other hand, you could just do what Oma does and write the nonsense yourself.
"Handmaid" is a school teacher!?! THANK GOD! Teach Oma the difference between "your" and "you're"!
Oh . . . wait. Yeah.
Never mind.
Interesting. She pulled down the posts under "Snoopy's" name. Perhaps the studio was angry that she leaked the news about the new movie. Or perhaps Watson finally was able to convince her that attacking Mrs. Batchelor on the internet is not the smartest way to handle a creditor.
I thought to re post the minutes from the last hearing Oma had in Court:
Now, it only says "possible" civil compromise. It says NOTHING about it being for certain. It says NOTHING about it coming at the next hearing. It just says a compromise is "possible" and if it does not happen the court will not likely delay things further.
One doesn't have to be an attorney to read English. But it doesn't hurt to UNDERSTAND English. Something Oma Hamou and the voices in her head have a major problem with.
Shout outs to recent regular readers in:
Honolulu, Santa Monica, Buena Park, the Century City Towers, Chatanooga Tn, Vancouver Canada, Palmdale, Lancaster
Don't forget a shout out to BEEEEAAAAUUUUTIFUL Portland Oregon! Home of the Trailblazers!
And Rebecca:
Probeer niet zo hard, zult u zich kwetsen.
Don't flatter yourself you brain dead waste of genetic material who did society and the gene pool the dis-service of reproducing...
I only mentioned the new people, not the ones I know, like Rebecca, Peneloope, Mitzi in Israel, the two people in England...etc.
One day, Mr. Moshein, I shall bake you a humble pie out of all those insults and feed them to you, one by one. . . .
hmmm, it seems someone likes to dish it out, but can't take it when served up to herself. Fear not you waste of oxygen and resources better served for a sentient being, your very existence is an insult to those with a measurable IQ who might actually contribute something of value to the human race. Go back to stuffing your own face with pie and Merlot and beating your husband with his own prosthetic leg. Don't you grasp how genuinely STUPID you are and prove it publicly with every word your write.
Oh wait....
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