As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here.
I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.
The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge.
This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $55,000. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:
While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She may well be associated with a Paralegal firm called "Advanced Paralegal Services". This leads to the obvious question of whether those for whom this woman provides paralegal services KNOW the woman handling their private legal papers is a convicted FELON, with three convictions for crimes of Moral Turpitude and recently spent FIFTEEN MONTHS facing charges for Felony Forgery for writing a bad check. Does she disclose this important information to people who hire her as a paralegal so that they may make an informed decision?
She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto the actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.
I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.
I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read below in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.
Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?
This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?
This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??
This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?
Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.
As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison
Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.
You can verify all the arrests, judgments etc for yourself with simple online searches.
You are free to email me with your questions, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.
Blake asked me to repost his comment here on the new blog, since it is pertinent:
Blogger Blake Springpasture said...
Uh, oh. Hamou really was at it again.
She meets a married man named Hamai Refai. They become, er, "friendly".
She once again shows her preference for men with semitic surnames.
She starts hitting Refai up for money for a string of illnesses and medical crises that suddenly overtake her.
She gets $55,000 out of him, but he wants someone to co-sign a note for the money.
In steps Hamou's long-time associate, Jim Sproul, who agrees to co-sign.
Hamou (aka Alexandra McConnell) and Sproul then drop out of sight.
A default judgment is entered against them both.
Hitting up old and/or married men with a money-for-sex scam. Claiming medical problems for needing money and not paying debts and missing court. Then dropping out of sight.
Where have we heard all this before? Oh, yeah. Oma Hamou. And her other aliases.
That's quite a "good friend" you've hooked up with, Ms. Biernat.
A question to you, though. Just how much of your "good friend's" shenanigans are you involved in, since you yourself say you know quite a bit of what's going on behind the scenes that you cannot comment on?
May 28, 2010 11:26 AM
Just in case anyone wants to know the specifics I'll put it up here again:
Case Summary
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
Case Type: Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (General Jurisdiction) Status: Pending
Future Hearings
10/27/2010 at 08:30 am in department ATV10 at 42011 4th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534 Conference-Case Management
Documents Filed | Proceeding Information
REFAI HAMID - Plaintiff
SPROUL JIM - Defendant
WARD THOMAS J. ESQ. - Attorney for Plaintiff
Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information
Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)
11/19/2009 Default Entered (JIM SPROUL ) Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
11/03/2009 Default Entered (ALEXANDRA MCCONNELL ) Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
10/22/2009 Rtn of Service of Summons & Compl (AS TO JIM SPROUL ) Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
10/09/2009 Rtn of Service of Summons & Compl Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
09/23/2009 Summons Filed
09/23/2009 Complaint Filed
09/23/2009 Notice (OF ASSIGNMENT ) Filed by Clerk
09/23/2009 Summons Issued
09/23/2009 Notice-Case Management Conference (01/27/10 830AM DEPT A10 ) Filed by Clerk
I'm a sounding board Blake. Just what do YOU do with people who trap IP's and stalk them?? Hmmm?
Really, Russophile. If you think tracking IP's in internet flame wars is anything unusual, you are incredibly naive.
Although Hamou gets it wrong most of the time, she has put up plenty of posts over the years indicating she at least attempts to do it.
But you still haven't answered my question. Just how much did you know about your "good friend's" recent money-for-sex scam of Mr. Refai? You certainly knew she was involved in yet another default judgment, because the information has been posted here for some time. Are you going to contend you and your "good friend" never discussed the matter? Or just that she lied to you, too?
Oh, and have a happy Memorial Day.
That, nothing.
And thank you for the Memorial wishes, my son will be home on leave that day and we will be flying our flag.
Good golly. So you didn't know anything about this? That's good.
Blake, I'm not actually surprised by any of this, since it falls into a pattern of behavior for Ms. Hamou that goes back over two decades. But I do believe my BFF when she says she didn't know anything about it. Why would she? Oma Hamou isn't going to try and borrow money from her. She's female, young and non-Semitic. Mitzi, if you're reading this, tell Fritzi to watch his back!
I'm sorry, but this is hilarious.
And honestly, Oma, what's with the 57 year old stuff? I'm going to be 62 next month. It's better than the alternative, isn't it? Besides, the older a man gets, doesn't he look more attractive to a girl with your history?
Perhaps, Russophile, you can make a blow-up for your front yard of that picture of Hamou wearing short shorts with her cheeks hanging out and looking back teasingly over her shoulder while she holds a cocked pistol. Homeland defense at its best.
Well, the monkey in the tree throwing feces, aka "justin/snoopy" still is obsessing on minutae to try to smoke screen over the reality.
Alexandra McConnell/Oma Hamou failed to show up in Court, as did Jim Sproul. Default Judgment. Period. Unless, of course she intends to rush right back to Antelope Vally Court Tuesday morning and ask the Default to be dismissed...
There is indeed a promissory note for $55,000 signed by McConnell and co signed by Sproul, they never paid and they disappeared.
Can snoopy/justin/Oma/Alexandra care to explain this then??
Just exactly under what circumstances DID the man loan her $55,000??? He IS a married man....
I'm also kind of curious. I enjoyed the repost of the stuff from the King and Wilson website where Oma talks about rainbows and lollipops and carousel horses and everything, but I am curious. Neither Wilson or her writing partner seem to back Oma's version of what happened. The website is down, right? Have you heard anything from either one of them about Hamou's claim that they were forced into banning her? I just noticed that in that long, remarkably silly post by "Mike Newson" where he "quotes" a bunch of people about how bad things were on the website that Bob Atchison runs, that there was a lot of bad stuff attributed to Penny Wilson. But Rob says that they are now friends, and he and Bob are contributors to her new book. What happened to change her mind? Do you know?
So, Oma, what were the emergency medical treatments? What's the going rate for lipo?
Wink, wink to you too, "Snoopy". Just remember that you had better have a pair on that fateful day when we look across the crowded courtroom at each other. Somehow I doubt that you do, girlfriend.
And you are being harrassed how? You have routinely been posting that Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison are under criminal investigation for five years without offereing a shred of proof. That's libel, dear. And what have they posted? The actual legal cases in which you are involved. It's not their fault that there are so damned many of them.
I suppose you can always pay Mr. Refai what you owe him.
A moment while we all stop laughing.
I have the email from Greg dated 11/29/2007 where he said they were locking down their forum so that Oma Hamou would no longer be a problem and that Oma Hamou was not to be present OR discussed on their Forum, "according to our stated policy and the decisions made by Penny and myself".
Now, back to just exactly HOW Oma/Alexandra ended up owing another fifty five thousand dollars...
BFF, King and Wilson do their own thing. My heart belongs to Peter. HA!
And Blake, really, you're taking this Saul Alinsky thing a bit far, don't you think?
My dears, I really must weigh in on Ms. Hamou / McConnell's side here. I am just sick and tired of women being made the Jezebel in everything. That Mr. Refai was married, wasn't he? And he apparently wanted a new tango partner as much as Ms. Hamou / McConnell wanted his money.
The poor little thing. Just remember, my dears, she was going to jail for that Batchelor forgery if she didn't find a way to cover that debt. I mean, really, now. What's a non-working girl to do in such a strait?
Frankly, my pets, I have to admire Ms. Hamou / McConnell. I've seen the courthouse pictures. It she can get $55,000 for that ride, then more power to her.
As Betty Ford (or whoever she is) is always saying, "Women rule! And when they can't, they withhold."
Does anyone else here wonder that the Plaintiff in that case, the man who is owed $55,000 by Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou, might just be THRILLED to discuss all this with Law Enforcement? I'll bet he would, since he didn't know about that pesky Felony Forgery charge pending against her in San Bernardino at the time...I wonder if "Alexandra" told him about that when she was begging him for the money??
Darlings, what can I say? The fact that she goes after the Semitic boys is just proof that she has taste. And the fact that they go after her is just poroof that there is such a thing as shiksa madness. But I'm with you, Penelope. If darling Omele can still pull them in with that caboose, then G-d bless her is all I can say.
Does anyone else remember when darling Tinele was talking about the angry wife of some "Arab guy" who came knocking at Oma's door awhile back looking for the fifty thousand dollars she claimed her husband had given Oma without her knowledge?
So exciting, darlings! I'm rthinking Knot's Landing! Who's with me?
Fritzi is already past the shiksa phase. The first wife, Berndadette --- could you die with that name? -- (otherwise referred to as "Oh, her" within the Kedem circle) took him to the cleanedrs and back. So I think we're safe.
Saul Alinsky? I don't know him but I love the name!
Saul Alinsky? Perish the thought.
I just think gun-totin' babes in hot pants would make a great addition to any platoon. Put 'em upwind, and the soldiers would follow 'em into anything. The power of pheromones with nothing to hold 'em in.
Whore power to .... Ooops. I mean more power to the babes.
Oma, you do realize that if this all ever did wind up in a courtroom (it won't, but never mind, let's grant the premise), that Mr. Refai's lawyers, and Elsevier's lawyers, and American Express' lawyers, and Bob Atchison's lawyers will all be there to collect, don't you? Does your confederate realize this?
You can tap dance all over the landscape, girlfriend, shrieking about harrassment, but the fact is that you have once again been caught in yet another shady legal operation. What do you think the "nice judge" will have to say about that?
Also, BFF, they think you know more about King and Wilson than you apparently do. See what happens when friends don't take the time to know friends?
Your BFF
Mitzi, "shiksa madness" gave me fits.
Or BFF, I choose to omit.
I remember Penny had posted on her site that Oma Hamou was not to be discussed. Well, nobody discussed Oma Hamou, in fact I had no clue who she was. Until that day when the Bobsies came in, guns blazing (there's your gun reference again, Blake) DISCUSSING OMA HAMOU. How weird is that??
But BFF, that seems to support the contention that Wilson didn't want Oma Hamou as a participant. She doesn't seem to possess Rob's vast reservoirs of patience in putting up with people he doesn't like posting on his forum. If she didn't want Oma Hamou on her forum, then wasn't it a bad move on Ms. Hamou's part to disguise herself and seek entrance? And isn't Ms. Hamou not telling the truth wqhen she says she wasn't aware of this restriction? Was it something that was shared on the open board?
I'm worried about you, BFF.
I wonder what kind of day that old fool, Jim Sproul, is having.
Refai gets the benefits of the (ahem) "friendship". Hamou gets the cash. And Sproul is the one they're going after for the assets.
I wonder if the con went down quite the way it was planned from his perspective?
From what I understand, BFF, Penny Wilson was WELL aware Ms. Hamou posted under the moniker Alexandra.
It is interesting that all she is doing right now is caterwauling about things like King and Wilson, Anastasia Davis, etc, and basically trying to ignore this latest information. Oma, you may want to read your own tagline: "It isn't defamation if it's true."
Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice said. So now you think that Penny Wilson is a liar? Goodness.
But, Russophile, that would make no sense.
You and Hamou have said before that Wilson hated Moshein and was friendly with Hamou. Yet you have ranted in the past about how outrageously Hamou was handled on King and Wilson's forum when Moshein and others outed her.
Why in the hell would Wilson have countenanced that on her forum if Wilson's dispositions toward the respective parties was anything like what you and Hamou have claimed? It just doesn't add up.
"the Schwartyz guy"
huh??? wtf?
Dear God, she now claims that we are attempting to intimidate her into not filing the restraining order. You were the one saying it was going to happen last week, dear. My point about the lawyers is that there are a lot of people who will want to revisit you, dear, especially when they learn about the Batchelor mess and now this latest escapade.
That would intimidate me, but then I have common sense.
Didn't mean to follow Hamou's lead in trying to change the subject.
Let's get back to the question about Jim Sproul and the con he participated in with Hamou against Hamid Refai.
Hey, the MSN bot just hit the Hamou forum.
Wonder if who's looking happens to be looking up the pairing of Jim Sproul's name to Oma Hamou? Or checking out that criminal case in San Bernardino County? Or that outstanding warrant in L.A. County?
Hamou's internet flame war strategy rears its brilliant head once again. Heh heh heh.
Oh, and Russophile --
Starting a post with "From what I understand" might not be the best play.
Especially seeing that just yesterday you were defending the honor of your "good friend" Oma Hamou.
Oh and Blake, twisting my words around isn't a good play either. Makes you look shady. Well, I guess a retired architect who deals in antiques whilst running in a VAN gee, can't get much better than that. Hey, didn't Buffalo Bob run around in a VAN as well?? Hmmmm.
Case in point, I never called Penny Wilson a liar. I told you what I understood the situation to be.
And, again, from what I understand, not to mention contact with other posters from the AP, King and Wilson and TRF, it's not unusual for people to be on the "I hate Rob Moshein" band wagon at some point. The man just has that effect on people.
Oh, my bad, it's Buffalo Bill.
Well, you were the one who said Wilson directed Oma Hamou was not to be discussed, BFF. And Rob says that he has emails from King saying the Hamou was the reason their website was shut down. Somebody isn't telling the truth, and in this case, given their present association, my money is on Moshein, Wilson and King. She crashed a website where they specifically didn't want her. Oh, well.
Speaking of shady, while you are waving back to your BFFs on the other forum, ask them why Jim Sproul would link himself to this kind of scam. Justin, is he a crook, or just a dope? Neither is particularly pleasant to contemplate.
And the people who don't like Rob Moshein, BFF? Do they customarily litter the internet with the kind of nasty websites that Oma Hamou has placed out there to defame and libel him and Atchison?
Your "Peter" is "Peter Kurth", right? Does he know that the word "Faggot" is tossed around like confetti on Oma's forum? Or about the rampant homophobia that pervades all of "Snoopy's" and "Handmaiden's" posts?
Really, BFF, I am worried about you.
I believe that Peter is well aware and has used those words to describe the Bobsies as well. And Felix Yussopov and Uncle Ernie.
Don't worry about me, BFF, I'm just along for the ride.
One can also very easily say that very many people are on the "I am suing Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell because she owes me money and doesn't pay up" bandwagon. She has that effect on people...
Perhaps Handmaiden should read the court documents in the Hamid Refai case. It might clear up some of her confusion about Sproul's role in McConnell's (uh, Hamou's) scam.
As for Sproul and Hamou dropping out of sight (not "site"), failure to appear in court when summoned is a pretty good working definition of dropping out of sight.
It's good to hear the plaintiff knows where Sproul lives, as he does appear determined to go after Sproul's assets. As for Hamou (uh, McConnell), it seems he's already figured out she doesn't have a pot to piss in.
I hope for Sproul's sake Hamou has been a very good friend. She's certainly been an expensive one.
The "medical bills" alone must be staggering, given how many debts and promises to so many parties have gone unpaid over the years because of Hamou's chronic (and chronically convenient) medical emergencies.
For those who seem to have trouble figuring things out, here's why Jim Sproul participated knowingly in a scam against Refai.
Sproul has known Hamou for years, and he is fully aware of her history of financial problems and unpaid judgments. In fact, he is the person who funded her ill-fated attempt to win a legal victory against Atchison in Texas some years ago.
Sproul knew Hamou (aka McConnell) did not have the means or intent to repay Refai. If he was willing to cover the debt by signing a promissory note, he could just as easily have given the money directly to her and left Refai out of it altogether.
Instead, he signed a note in order to induce Refai to give Hamou $55,000, knowing full well that neither she nor he had any intention of repaying Refai.
Now, Hamou will probably howl to the heavens on her forum that they are going to repay Refai -- or at least they were until the case became unmasked on the internet, which somehow now makes it impossible or inadvisable for her or Sproul to repay Mr. Refai.
Of course, that will overlook the fact that they had already failed to repay Refai, that he had already retained counsel and gone to court, that neither she nor Sproul showed up in court, and that a default judgment is going to be finalized as soon as the "John Does" are removed from the case.
If Handmaiden-who-is-Snoopy-who-is-Sandman-who-is-Hamou wants to keep insisting that the court record says otherwise, she is perfectly free to post it, as she has so many other legal documents that seldom mean what she thinks or claims they mean.
So Hamou, do you really want to post the court record in the Refai case? Or will that effort encounter the same delays as your promise to post the TRO you've been momentarily going to obtain for the past two weeks?
Jeez, get on the stick woman. It's a shame you didn't have the TRO in effect before this juicy little Refai case made its way onto the internet.
What can possibly be the reason the police, attorneys, and courts are dragging their feet in coming to your assistance? Time's a wastin'.
Now at least we understand several things. NOW we know why "team hamou" kept talking about how "sick" Oma/Alexandra was last year, remember?
We also now understand the nature of the illness: her claustrophobia when placed behind bars in a 6 by 8 foot cell in the California State Womens' Correctional Facility for Felony Forgery.
Clearly poor Mr. R. was targeted to get the cash to pay Brian's legal defense fees, not to mention the cash to pay the Victim's Restitution ordered by the Court in exchange for dropping the charges. Probably the rental on the new house after Mrs. Batchelor's check bounced too.
In answer to your question, he's a crook. He must have known what they were doing when they scammed the guy. No one is really surprised by this, are you? She's been doing this kind of shit for her whole "career". Aloha!
You know, my dears, I really do like you boys and girls over here on this blog. Really, I do.
But I have to say I'm a bit disappointed in all of you right now. Has it not occurred to you that we're dealing with a woman in truly perilous health here?
Think about it, my dears. She's been prevented from paying a debt by being hit on the head by a baseball. She's had a car accident and several sudden illnesses that prevented her from paying the money she promised that Russian museum. She's been unable to attend court because of being admitted to Cedars of Sinai hospital. She missed several docket calls in her case against Bob Atchison when illness regrettably laid her low. She had an attack of heart palpitations that sent her to the hospital the day she found out someone from here attended the Batchelor hearing to find out what was really going on in that felony prosecution. She's been raped by people who read about her on the internet. And the aura of poor health that holds her in its grip even extends to her acquaintances, such as the friend she had to help with an abortion because the woman was carrying a two-headed baby, thereby preventing her from making another promised payment to a woman involved in the study of Russian history.
Yes, dears. Of course she looked tired and drawn during those Batchelor hearings. Who wouldn't, with all these health issues?
Given this history of high medical bills, I really don't think you ought to tread so cavalierly on her attempts to keep her medical costs covered by repeatedly becoming a "platonic" friend of well-to-do gentlemen who want only to help a lady in distress.
It's every American's right, don't you admit, dears?
Nice try, "Snoopy". Well, actually not.
Upon finding the new case report against Hamou (aka McConnell) and Sproul, it was assumed it was probably another rental scam, as that's been her most recent M.O. in trying to keep a roof over her head.
Now we've seen the actual case record and had some rather interesting conversations. Even we had not gone so far as to jump to the conclusion that Hamou was still in the biz of working older and/or married men for money.
Of course, we were proved wrong in our initial -- and given what we now know -- comparatively innocuous assumption about the underlying nature of the case.
"Snoopy", if you want to continue insisting we're lying about the nature of the judgment against you, er Hamou, and Sproul, the simplest way for you to prove it is to post the actual pleadings and proceedings.
Any particular reason you would not have done so already? Why not be a good doggie and do it now?
And, by the way, why hasn't Sproul already honored his promissory note to Mr. Refai if it was ever his intention? It would have avoided all this court nastiness and yet another default judgment in the long, long line of adverse judgments you continue to accumulate.
Either you have finally drained Sproul dry, or he was in on the con. Or both.
Good point Blake. Since the record shows "Alexandra McConnell" was legally served (Proof of Service of Process was filed) then she has the Complaint. Just post it and prove your claims.
Oh, wait, she won't. Just like the claim "a California Judge issued a TRO against the nut", "snoopy" is too gutless to even prove that false allegation as well...
a whole full page of blather last night. LOTS of "snoopy" profanity; LOTS of FAT debbie's spurious logic and breathless invective...Seems this new lawsuit sure did hit a very raw nerve on "team hamou"...
My favorite was the part where Oma says that devout Muslim men don't play around. Oy, get a life, lady!
But actually I don't think it matters how she got her hooks into Mr. Refai; what matters is that she and Mr. Sproul stole from the man, right? Right.
Oh, darlings, no wonder she was cursing like a sailor last night. What else can she say but "f" this and "f" that, because she certainly can't persuade anyone that she is telling the truth in this matter. Including a court, which is why she didn't show up.
Darling Omele, sweetness, wouldn't life be a lot simpler if you just got job like the rest of the world? And darling, again with the "GAY MEN" kvatch, what is it with you, darling?
But I am glad to hear that Mr. Refai wasn't one of our boys. I'd hate to think of a nice Jewish guy being taken to the cleaners by you-know-who. And the poor wife! Oma, darling, did you think about the poor wife???
Darling, I post because I care, even though you make it so hard, darling!
Memorial Day Weekend Shout outs to you loyal readers in Las Vegas and Atlanta! Say howdy sometime.
Snoopy-Who-Is-Oma posted this on the "Ask Oma" forum last night:
"The court record ... it says she was arrested 3 time for a probation violation but was never convicted of any wrong doing."
Well, that must have been a court on Mars. First, one cannot be put on probation by any court in the U.S. without first being convicted. Second, violating probation is deemed doing wrong in every single jurisdiction in this country. That's why people get thrown in jail for doing it.
She's been thrown so off balance by the record in the Refai case coming to light and revealing her caught in yet another con that's she just blathering nonsense in a desperate attempt to draw attention away from the Refai case.
She really ought to try to calm down before she starts typing such drivel as that contained in the above quote.
I just got into town from trying a case downstate and what do I find? Hamou / McConnell is in it up to her neck again.
All I can say is I hope the lawyer who is advising her in obtaining that TRO also advises her that she was obligated to report the money she got from Mr. Refai to the IRS as income, since she defaulted on the loan repayment.
Actually, I have some friends at the IRS. Perhaps I could mention it to them -- or send them a copy of the court record -- just so they can send Ms. Hamou / McConnell a reminder in case she didn't declare the income. I'm sure that, if that's the case, it's just an innocent oversight given everything else she had going on last year with the felony prosecution, all her illnesses, and all those visits to sympathetic police, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers.
Dear Oma-Posting-as-Handmaiden,
I write substantial checks every year to a variety of charities, including Doctors Without Borders, Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity and Amnesty International. I'll try and make it down to a soup kitchen or two, just for you.
Look, the fact is that you have been caught yet again in some kind of shady transaction, and once again you are being sued by a victim. That's all there is to it, girlfriend. I have no doubt that there will be other cases like this one surfacing. Mitzi is right. Why don't you just get a job?
I admire Mr. Refai for pursuing this action, even though the chances that he will recover his money are remote. And by all means contact the IRS. This nonsense has gone on long enough, I think. It isn't stalking, Oma, it's societal self-defense.
Hedley, if you want to contact me, you know how. I have some friends at Justice and the IRS. This isn't the kind of thing that I would normally bother them about --- why use atomic bounds when insect repellent will do? --- but there are times when action becomes a pleasure.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone,
Rebecca Jordan. There is only one Rebecca!
So, the hugely OBESE debbie wrote:"Since Oma did not get any money at all from Mr. Refai, there was nothing at all to report"
Let us examine this statement. SINCE Mr. Refai named Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou, HE clearly believed SHE owed him the money. "IF" "she didn't get any money at all from Mr. Refai" then OMA HAMOU AKA ALEXANDRA MCCONNELL IS CALLING MR. REFAI A LIAR.
Is this "devoutly religious Muslim man" Mr. Refai a LIAR "team hamou"?? Do you think he will be pleased to see YOU calling him a LIAR on the public internet??
Mr. Refai through his attorney tells a much different story. Is his ATTORNEY also a LIAR "team hamou"?? Will this lawyer be pleased to hear that YOU call him a liar as well??
You just gotta love it. Handmaiden-Who-Is-Oma posted this afternoon that:
"As for whether or not anything was shady, that will be up to the courts to decide."
News flash, nitwit. The court has decided -- to issue a default judgment against you along with Sproul. It's a little hard to use the courts to clear up all the mistakes by which they seem to mistakenly embroil you in lawsuits and prosecutions over and over when you refuse to show up (unless, of course, you've been arrested and jailed), even after having been served notice.
So, once again, Oma has been "accidentally" drawn into a legal action arising from something in which she had NO involvement. Just like the outstanding bench warrant for her arrest that was caused by identity theft. Just like she lost the case to Atchison because of forgery. Just like that whole huge judgment American Express holds against her was just a little misunderstanding. Just like that bum check she wrote to Mrs. Batchelor was just due to grabbing the wrong checkbook in error. Just like that other dozen or so civl judgments against her were all the results of misunderstandings and people so rudely insisting on being paid when it just didn't suit Oma to do so, for perfectly good reasons that are her own business and hers alone.
Becks (if I may) is right. This is about protecting society from a serial con artist.
Blake, feel free to call me "Becks", although it's never been an actualy nickname. I usually go by "RJ" at work.
And boy, is she ever pissed that the Refai lawsuit has come out. I have to say, I was hoping for a little more than "it never happened". Oma, there is a default judgment. You owe Mr. Refai money. Perhaps Mr. Sproul could write a check and the whole thing will go away? Until the next little mess surfaces. And it will, just as surely as the sun rises in the morning.
You are, in fact, a serial con artist. I have no idea what happened in your childhood, although there are some obvious inferences to be drawn from the mountains of things you have posted on the internet. But it obviously left you ill-equipped to function in society in any meaningful way. You were Demian's tenth wife? You have had an illegitimate child? You have been unable to keep a job? You have taken money from old men? Girlfriend, you are not normal.
You're also not very bright. "Semite" is not a classification restricted to Jews. It refers to the people of the Middle East. Islam and Judaism are religions, dear, not races. Mr. Refai is most likely a Semite.
Which is no matter, of course. He is basically yet another victim. And that's the only important thing.
So Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell is now claiming she's in the process of having herself removed from the Refai lawsuit, because the loan for which Sproul signed the promissory note had nothing to do with her, and she was sued in error.
In the past few months, how many legal actions has she promised to have set aside?
Well, she said she had teams of lawyers in the process of having her felony convictions in three western states expunged. (Oddly, they're all still in place.)
She said she was going to obtain a Texas Bill of Review to reverse the Atchison judgment against her. No, wait. She's going to use a California process to do it. (That judgment, also, remains in place.)
She said she was going to have the bench warrant against her in L.A. County quashed, as someone stole her identity. (Guess what? That warrant still stands.)
She says she's not aware of most of the other civil judgments against her, so she really can't comment on why so many people just seem to hear her name and walk into court to sue her for no discernible reason.
Of course, the real mystery is how she can make all these claims with a straight face and still think it's out of line for people to make her the object of ridicule.
I think the answer is apparent. She has lied so much for so long that she's lost grasp of how other people assess the facts they see. Plus she's stupid as shit.
Darling Blakele, I would walk on my lips before I would disagree with you, but "stupid"? I don't think so, darling. She has managed to keep obtaining money from people for years, darling. And when she is done, they are left with no recourse but to take her to court. And while it sometimes works out, like with poor Mrs. Batchelor, the rest of the people or companies get bupkis because darling Omele "skips", as we used to say back in Brooklyn. There are the occasional bumps in the road, a jail stretch here or there, a judgment that must be paid thanks to the anger of a judge who will put her in the slammer otherwise, like San Bernadino, but basically she has been staying two small steps away from a growing army of people who she owes money, darling. There is a certain instinct for self-preservation at work, if not actual smarts.
Darling "Snoopy", what a nice little tribute to soldiers on Memorial Day. Tell me, darling, was Mr. Morton a veteran? Because as much as I am sure he appreciates the words, wherever he is, he and his family would probably have appreciated not being fleeced by Oma Hamou even more.
Caring so much, darling. Caring so much.
You missed one other important point Blake.
"Alexandra McConnell" aka Oma Hamou was SERVED with the Refai lawsuit. It's right there in the record of Documents Filed. "10/09/2009 Rtn of Service of Summons & Compl aint Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff"
So, since Oma/Alexandra KNEW she was being sued, why didn't she just answer the Complaint saying she had nothing to do with it?? Why NOW "overturn" the default judgment?
Also, Morbidly Obese FAT debbie is wrong as usual...
first Mr. Refai isn't Muslim according to me you nitwit. It was your bff "snoopy" who said that first...
second you blathering fat Jabba the Hut, Default Judgments don't state the amount on the title, they state the amount in the body of the text.
However, the amount was confirmed by someonoe closely associated with the case, it is $55,000...and besides, you already KNOW the amount in question since that amount was stated clearly in the Complaint properly SERVED on Alexandra/Oma
So, let's see what fictional fantasy they spew today...
Well, FAT debbie Jabba the Hut continues to spout its lunatic idiocy.
"Jim Sproul, the only named plaintiff who actually signed anything, was never served."
Case Number: MC020860
Documents filed include:
10/22/2009 Rtn of Service of Summons & Complaint (AS TO JIM SPROUL ) Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
Robbele, darling, you were expecting the truth out of that one? Not for anything, darling, but you can't teach an old dog new tricks. And she's a very old dog by the time.
So things here are hopping. Shark Eyes cancelled out of seeing your darling President tomorrow, and everyone is jumping all over us. Oy. I'm not sure how I feel about this incident. At least with Oma things are black and white.
So is Mr. Refai a Muslim, darling? I'm so worried about him. And the poor wife, of course.
Okay, so according to Handmaiden-Who-Is-Oma, it's now the attorney for Hamid Refai who is committing perjury in order to get a judgment against her and Jim Sproul.
You know, just like it was supposedly Atchison and his attorney who committed perjury to get a judgment against her in that case in Texas.
Isn't it remarkable how the entire bar seem to become criminals the minute they go into court against Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell?
She doesn't even try to make rational arguments. Whenever she gets caught in another of her webs of deceit, she just spews untenable allegations left and right about anyone who crosses her path to try to get her ass out of one crack after another. What a lying bitch.
I wonder how the attorney would react if he knew Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell were accusing him on the internet of perjury.
You know, as I think about it, perhaps we should copy and send Refai's lawyer all the "explanations" Hamou's friends are giving on her "Ask Oma" forum about Mr. Refai's case.
The judge might find it interesting that she did not bother to appear when summoned yet she, er, her friends are holding forth in great detail on the internet about all the information they have about the case and about her innocence.
Also, I wonder if they'd like to know that Hamou / McConnell was being prosecuted in San Bernardino for forgery at the time she and Sproul were working Mr. Refai for money.
Now you can start screeching, Oma, about how we're just making the stalking and harassment case for you. Well, good luck. The judge you go to for the TRO ought to have a field day with these revelations. I'm sure he/she will be particularly impressed by your accusing Rafid's lawyer on the internet of perjury.
I sure hope FATdebbie Jabba the Hutt realizes that to say a Member of the State Bar of California "lied" and committed "perjury" is very much indeed LIBEL unless she can prove that statement is the truth. I do hope Mr. Refai's attorney is made fully aware of the statements made on in the forum called "Ask Oma" by one of her admitted close friends.
Dear Mr. Springpasture,
How long have you been dealing with Oma Hamou on this website? And you are just starting to realize that it is never her fault? Ever? Not one single damn thing that she has ever done, not one con she has ever run, none of it was her fault! That's standing operating procedure for Oma Hamou. The only way to get away from it was to get away from her, which is why my wife and I were so happy to get back to Hawaii.
Well, once again Handmaiden-Who-Is-Oma is trying desperately to backpedal.
She's now claiming that she never accused Refai's attorney of improper conduct, but only the process server.
However, this is the quote from her original post:
"If the Attorney filed this, then it was falsely and fraudulently filed."
One cannot commit fraud without intent. By asserting the attorney made a fraudulent filing she is, in fact, accusing the attorney of knowingly presenting the court with false evidence.
So, to recap, her argument is that she was unable to appear in court due to one of her frequent -- and always very convenient -- hospitalizations, and Sproul did not appear because a lawyer made a fradulent filing about his being served with process.
My goodness, it seems to take an a absolutely perfect alignment of the celestial spheres (or an arrest) to assure that the defendants appear in any case involving Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell. Hence the string of default judgments against her and the current outstanding bench warrant for her arrest.
If courts had this much trouble getting other defendants into court, the courtrooms of this country would be virtually empty.
Like I said -- a lying bitch.
FATdebbie does not understand the basics of California Civil Procedure.
The attorney files the Return of Service under his name and under oath that it is true and correct.
Therefore, her statement that "If the Attorney filed this, then it was falsely and fraudulently filed." is indeed Libel per Se, unless she provides genuine PROOF that the Service of Process is false. The presumption is that Service is valid unless proven by clear evidence otherwise.
My dears, once again with all this disrespect of women.
Of course Ms. Hamou / McConnell must lie to explain her way out of getting caught with her hand in Mr. Refai's cookie jar (and, apparently, Mr. Refai's hand in her).
What else is a woman of loose morals, few skills, less talent, criminal associations, rapidly fading looks, a propensity to target Semites and older men, and with a constant need of money to do to support herself?
I just think it's too much, though, my dear Blake, that you call her a bitch. A liar, certainly. But a bitch?
She can help what she does, my pet. But she can't help what she is.
Why, just yesterday I was telling my good friend Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) that ...... er, excuse me, my dears
So sorry. I'm back. Mr. A. thought he had something to add, and I had to disabuse him of that notion.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes. About that bitch thing. Please, dears. A bit more moderation. A simple "liar" would be sufficiently descriptive, don't you think?
Or maybe "pathological liar" if you want to put a bit more zest into your posts.
Thank you for listening.
I just love the hypocricy of FATdebbie. First it screams about everything I say is "false, libelous and defamatory", THEN now it says that I know nothing about "her" and nothing I say is credible.
So which is it? If it's not even credible then it's NOT LIBEL. duh.
It will be interesting to see the "proof" Handmaiden-Who-Is-Oma says Oma-Who-Is-Handmaiden has of the fraudulent filing made by Refai's attorney.
I wonder if it's as good as the "proof" she has that Atchison and his attorney lied to the court. I'm referring to the "proof" presented to the jury, which didn't buy it. The "proof" she was going to present on appeal. But didn't. The "proof" she was going to present in the Bill of Review. But didn't. The "proof" she was going to present in California to get the judgment reversed there. But didn't.
In fact, Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell seems to be lugging around the world's biggest load of "proof" anyone has ever heard about but, mysteriously, never seen.
Remember how she was going to "prove" that she had permission to use other peoples' names to secure American Express credit in their names. But didn't. Or she was going to "prove" that she could have prevailed when she sued Moshein in Texas. But didn't. Or she was going to "prove" that she filed a valid Bill of Review. But didn't. Or was going to "prove" she filed for a TRO a couple of weeks ago in California by posting it. But didn't. Or was going to "prove" she could have her three felony convictions expunged. But didn't. Or was going to "prove" she was not driving the car in the incident that caused a bench warrant to be issued for her in L. A. But didn't. Or was going to "prove" that federal, state, and local police were investigating Moshein and Atchison. But didn't. Or was going to "prove" that they were soon to be criminally prosecuted for all sorts of crimes, from perjury to stalking. But didn't.
Sorry, Penelope. But Blake S. is right -- LYING BITCH.
Credible, really? According to her:
Oma/Alexandra says she ran away from home as "a very young child" to Hollywood, BUT, graduated from High School in Albion, Michigan
Oma/Alexandra is arrested and convicted three separate times, in three different states for Felony Bad checks, but she SAYS even tho she wrote them, it wasn't HER fault.
Oma/Alexandra is arrested three separate times on three different occasions and jailed because of Felony Fugitive from Justice Warrants issued by each different State Court because she failed to comply with the terms of her probation, BUT she insists she didn't do anything wrong.
Oma/Alexandra put up numerous public statements that she is an actress, "somewhat successful" model, author and Motion Picture Executive, BUT never ever ever provides a single piece of extrinsic evidence to back up the claims.
Oma/Alexandra runs up about one million dollars in debt, including three different law firms, BUT, she insists that this is not her fault and is really no big deal and she'll pay the ones she agrees with whenever she can...the rest are all fraudulent and she refuses to pay them.
Oma/Alexandra states publicly that she HAD an office in Russia, the address of which was that of a ruined building without windows or floors, BUT she said a contract allowed her to use the address.
Oma/Alexandra says she was raped by men who read things on the internet, BUT she never produces the police report.
Oma/Alexandra is arrested for Felony Forgery charges in San Bernardino, jailed, and faced charges for over a year, BUT she says this is not her fault that she wrote a bad check and got arrested. It was all due to what someone read on the internet and the police and DA were in on it.
Oma/Alexandra is required by the Court to pay "Restitution to the Victim" BUT she says the Court records don't really mean this...
Oma/Alexandra screams that her precious adopted cats were cruelly killed by the San Bernardino Police and the landlord who intentionally locked the cats up in her property...
Oma/Alexandra defaults on yet another lawsuit, in which she is named a defendant for receiving $55,000 in loans for HER medical bills, is served properly, but she SAYS she has nothing at all to do with the lawsuit.
Oma/Alexandra's long time friend Jim Sproul is also named a defendant in the $55,000 lawsuit, Proof of Service is filed with the Court, but she SAYS the proof of service is a lie and Jim Sproul is the only one who actually SIGNED anything, so this is all just some mistake...
yeah, right. Credible.
L. B.
I can't approve of the term "lying bitch" on general feminist principles. However, Penny has a good replacement: "pathological liar", and I think we should consider this a better descriptor. As in Oma Hamou simply cannot help herself. She lies reflexively, and she lies brazenly, and she lies when it doesn't even matter if the truth comes out. I think that at some point she had some understanding as to how the truth works, but that stopped a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (Oma, dear, that was for you after your recent disquisition about the meaning of the name Jabba the Hutt).
So from now on I think you should call her a "pathological liar". On the other hand, I think the women of this forum are prepared to give you a free pass on "Fat Debbie", Rob, since she persists in using "Faggot". Go for it.
Is anyone else surprised by Al and Tipper's split?
Anyway, back to topic. Once again she is denying actual facts, as in court records that are readily available. This is what I mean by pathological, gentlemen.
Back to the grind I go.
L. B.
Wow, Atlanta has taken a huge interest in this blog. Shout out to y'all in Atlanta!
Well, clearly Alexandra/Oma has nothing new to talk about. Once again,the same five thousand word, impossible to follow, meaningless attempt to disparage Bob is repeated for the umpteenth thousand time.
The same trick as always. Avoid the genuine issue with a smoke screen.
So: Let's keep on track about this new FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR default judgment against "Alexandra McConnell" and Jim Sproul, which now she claims had nothing to do with Alexandra/Oma even though her name is FIRST UP on the lawsuit, and which Jim Sproul "never got" despite the fact that Proof of Service was filed with the Court.
Carry on.
The lying bitch can't even tell the story straight from the trial against Atchison.
Let's see if we can summarize this for the newcomers to this blog.
That invoice Hamou / McConnell keeps claiming Atchison faked was nothing of the sort, and she damn well knows it.
He originally invoiced her for $13,400 for the movie consulting services for which she had contracted with him. When she failed to pay that invoice, despite many requests, he finally offered to settle for a lesser amount, and he invoiced her for that amount. However, when she also failed to pay that amount, he sued her for the original amount, as he was entitled to do. Therefore, he introduced the original invoice in court, not the settlement invoice she had also failed to pay. She's pissed because she wanted the jury to see only the settlement invoice for the lower amount.
However, evidence reflecting settlement discussions is not admissable in court. There was no "fake" invoice introduced at trial, only an original invoice she desperately wanted the jury not to see.
As for the "perjury" she keeps going on about ......
There was a separate arrangement, not related to the movie consulting deal, by which Atchison had contracted to design a website for Hamou. He did so. He also sent her a CD with the images she requested. After prolonged failure to pay the $10,000 contract fee for the website design, she finally gave Atchison an American Express number for a card issued to a David Davidson, in the amount of $10,000.
American Express paid Atchison that amount but later sued Hamou (and won a default judgment) for using the card, as she had never paid American Express. (This was the lawsuit in which she also embroiled a senile octogenarian named Don Morton, who also wound up with a default judgment against him because of his unlucky association with Hamou.)
By the way, while Hamou finally paid for the website design (with a card issued to someone else), she never did pay the hosting fees. Consequently, Atchison did not host her website on the internet.
Also, Hamou seems to feel that by paying Atchison (albeit with someone else's credit card) for the website design, she was somehow off the hook for the money she owed him for the movie consulting. That's why she so badly wanted the jury to hear about that $10,000 payment for the website. Apparently she wanted the jury to see her as a gal who takes her rides and pays her money -- although somewhat hapzardly and only as much as and when it suited her.
However, since the website design was a separate deal for separate work and had no bearing on the movie consulting contract, Atchison's lawyer successfully blocked that evidence from the jury, mentioning that Atchison had entertained a lawsuit to get that money. The lawsuit had become obviated only when Hamou finally gave Atchison the American Express card issued to David Davidson as payment.
Hamou nurses this fantasy that if she could just have somehow shown the jury the lower settlement invoice (which she had never accepted or paid) or if she could have shown them that she paid another debt (with a card issued to someone else, no less), the jury would have sided with her on the movie consulting payment.
Such a fantasy rests on both a deep misunderstanding of the law and on an assumption that the jury is as stupid as she.
Of course, she is the Woman Who Accidentally Sued Herself.
Well, dear, I still don't like your calling Ms. Hamou / McConnell a lying bitch, but I do see your point.
I just believe the poor dear has raged and torn at her hair for so long over losing that lawsuit to that nice Mr. Atchison that she might have started to believe the twisted arguments she constructed to try to convince us that she was the wronged party. She certainly shows a lot of conviction if, alas, not a very good grasp of the law or logic.
I just think our poor, frustrated little thing should consider eating more watercress sandwiches. I find them a real balm to unsettled nerves.
Why, they might even help her get through that new legal mess she seems to have stirred up with Mr. Jim Sproul at her side. I can tell already, based on her irrational explanations about that lawsuit, that she's going to be pulling at that hair again. And, dears, it's not in the best of shape to start. It looked positively lifeless in that photo snapped when she was leaving court on her felony charge.
Perhaps Rebecca can suggest a nice treatment for giving it a little body. (Sorry, Debbie dear. No pun intended.)
Toodles, my pets.
Isn't it interesting that Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell has mountains of obscure documents, notes, and emails (most of which cannot be authenticated, by the way) that she pulls out of her ass and plasters all over the internet whenever she wants to make some point.
Yet when it came to a real court case, where real evidence had to be presented in accord with the rules of evidence, she had none of the invoices she claims would have proved her case and would have proved Atchison was lying and using faked invoices.
And when she had the chance to appeal -- again using real evidence in accord with the rules of evidence -- she failed to do so.
And when she filed for that Bill of Review in Texas (you know, the one in which she accidentally sued herself), she produced no actual evidence but only the promise to the court that "I'll get back to you on that."
The woman is a lying bitch.
Atchison won his case because he had hard evidence. Hamou lost because she had only her "claims".
Look at the stunts she's already pulling in trying to explain her way out of the latest default judgment entered against her in the Refai case for one of her scams. She's claiming she was in the hospital. That she was never a party to any of the transactions that resulted in Refai coughing up $55,000. That she will prove Jim Sproul, her co-defendant, was never served despite a court record to the contrary.
So, Hamou, you lying bitch. Where's the actual PROOF of any of the above. Where's the PROOF you were in the hospital on the court dates? Where's the PROOF the court erred in issuing a judgment against you as a party to the transaction? Where's the PROOF Refai's attorney fraudulently attested to service of process?
I dare you to show it. You'll, of course, claim we have no right to see it. Well, tell that to the court, you lying bitch. Because you don't have any PROOF of a damned thing you claim in the Refai case, the Atchison case, the Batchelor case, the L.A. vehicle case (for which there is a bench warrant outstanding for your arrest), or any of the dozen or so other cases where you lost either by default or after appearance.
You lying bitch.
Ohhhh. Oh, dear.
Dears, I went to bed last night just so upset over all this acrimony, hardly knowing what to think. Fortunately, I had a couple of watercress sandwiches to calm my nerves, and not ten minutes after I laid my head on that crisply-pressed pillowcase, the answer came to me.
Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell is really Bob Atchison / Rob Moshein! The poor dear simply can't be lying as much as it seems. I don't think anyone can lie that much. So the only possible answer is that Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell is really Bob Atchison / Rob Moshein!
I have the PROOF that earnest Blake, the poor, excitable thing, is demanding. Here, dears. Just think about it.
Ms. Hamou / McConnell claims that Messrs. Atchison / Moshein are under police investigation. It turns out that she is under investigation for felony forgery in San Bernadino County.
Ms. Hamou / McConnell claims that Messrs. Atchison / Moshein are about to be arrested. It turns out she is arrested and held for weeks under a $1 million bond. And it turns out there is a current bench warrant outstanding for her arrest.
Ms. Hamou / McConnell claims that Messrs. Atchison / Moshein are of interest to prosecutors who are going to bring them to justice. It turns out some very interested prosecutors spend over a year showing up in court trying to get her to pay that sweet little Mrs. Batchelor.
Ms. Hamou / McConnell claims that Messrs. Atchison / Moshein are going to be sued for their activities. It turns out she is being sued by Mr. Hamid Refai, and a court is issuing a default judgment against her.
My darlings, I simply cannot believe even a lying bitch would tell this many lies. And I don't think she is. I think she must actually be Messrs. Atchison / Moshein.
It's the only explanation that doesn't require us to agree that Ms. Hamou / McConnell is a lying bitch.
And I could never agree to that. I just couldn't, my pets.
Interesting theory, Penny! Those must have been particularly tasty watercress sandwiches!
Now that "Handmaiden" has tagged "Snoopy" back into the nonsense while she lumbers off into the working world, I suppose we can expect to be treated to a raft of verbose, stupid posts that over-demonstrate Oma Hamou's inability to offer a counter-argument to charges. No wonder she has lost every single court case in which she has been involved. And I see we are back to the "she is consulting a lawyer" nonsense. In the past two weeks we have had the breathless news that she was about to file a restraining order, that she had filed one but it was a secret restraining order, in that Atchison and Moshein had not been notified, and now we are back to the idea that she is consulting a lawyer. Girlfriend, please. And of course she is now free as "Snoopy" to unleash the rougher side of her foul mouth. Must be a relief, Oma.
Blake, would you please reconsider your use of the phrase "lying bitch"? I think it lowers us to her level, and the words "pathological liar", "con artist", "grifter", "gold digger", "Scottish traveler", "homophobic Jezebel", "untalented", "prevaricator", "paranoid", "irresponsible", "ne'er do well", "fly by night" and so many others convey the same idea, equally apply, and let you avoid using the words "lying bitch".
Of course, the important question remains. Will "Snoopy" be able to continue the Interpretation of Life According to Star Wars? I was always a Star Trek kind of girl myself, but I was just dazzled by her explanation of Jabba the Hutt (look, Oma! I spelled it correctly! I can't be Rob!) and I always liked Carrie Fisher. In fact, I just saw her a few months ago in a show in New York where she talked about her life. Very funny, very touching, and an amazing story of how someone with problems in Hollywood due to mental illness and other issues managed to regain control of her situation and get on with a productive life. You go, Princess Leia! And I hope a certain person can take the hint!
Okay, "P.L."?
See, Blake? "P.L." = "pathological liar". So much better than "L.B."
L. B.
Dear dear Ms P.
I do hope you were simply jesting while under the sway of so much, er, watercress late last night.
Bob and I are NOT that woman. Period. We are quite real, as you know. Neither of us has EVER arrested for anything. Neither of us have any criminal convictions (aside from one speeding ticket I got four years ago for 52 in a 45 zone) We don't have a million dollars of judgment debt against us, we don't change addresses faster than underwear like she does, having lived in the same house for over 17 years. We don't use multiple identities on or off line.
I would be hugely insulted by the mere suggestion of any association with that convicted felon with the regular propensity to create havoc with a checkbook, however I know you, and I'm sure it was just the watercress.
Why, dear, I know you and Mr. Atchison are both real. And do be at peace that I know neither of you is Ms. Hamou / McConnell.
I guess I was just so desperate last night to convince myself that our intrepid little scamster is not also a lying bitch that I came up with the only explanation I could for why all the things she claims are about to happen to you are, in fact, really happening to her.
Sigh ..... Oh, well, dear. I guess I have to face the fact that Ms. Hamou / McConnell really is a lying bith. There. I've said it.
Now I've got a headache. I think I'll fix myself a nice sandwich.
And, Ms. Becks, my dear. I do so thank you for coming up with a list of alternate sobriquets for our Ms. Hamou / McConnell. But, frankly, sweetest, I just don't see how "pathological liar" is really better. (However, I did smile at "homophobic Jezebel" and "Scottish Traveler". So conversant with history and geography you are, my treasure.)
But at the end of the day, calling Ms. Hamou / McConnell a pathological liar instead of a lying bitch is a bit like calling an embezzler a white-collar criminal. It sounds somewhat nicer, but the truth is that the crime is what it is.
So now Snoopy-Who-Is-Oma (aka the lying bitch) claims Moshein and Atchison have inserted themselves into her "business affairs".
Let's see what these "insertions" into her "business affairs" have revealed: her felony conviction history for bad checks; her multiple arrests for probation violations; more than a dozen adverse civil judgments; her recent arrest and prosecution for felony forgery; her being put under $1 million bond; a current outstanding bench warrant for her arrest; a new lawsuit where a default judgment is being issued against her and her sidekick, Jim Sproul; her switching to yet another name that is accumulating civil and criminal histories as fast as the last name.
If this is inserting oneself into her "business affairs", one can only conclude her "business" is to run one con game after another.
Oh, well. I guess it's a living, although not generally one the law protects from attempted interference by others.
Darling Pennele,
So glad to see that you have recovered from the watercress. Darling, have you considered that maybe it isn't the watercress, but the large glasses of "lemonade" that you drink with the sandwiches? Think about it, darling.
I appreciate the fact that Rivka is offended by the "lying bitch" thing, but darling, I'm from Brooklyn (just over the bridge, darling, you can't miss it!), and there we believe in calling a spade a spade and not a shovel. The "lying" part goes without saying after the nonsense we have seen posted during the last year, to say nothing of the verkakte "press releases" and "articles", including the one supposedly written by poor Nitzi. The "bitch" part is a judgment call, isn't it, darling? I think we're going to have to let darling Blake have his way with this, Rivka. Who are we to judge how annoying poor Omele can be, darling? I'm sure that the phrase has occasionally crossed the minds of a lot of people. The Mortons, the Batchelors, the Refais, that poor Mrs. Newson, darling Justin, most of the people in Pushkin, Father Markell (although of course a man of the cloth wouldn't say it, but darling, how bad is it with the whole "Satan's handmaid" thing, I ask you?) and so many, many others. So while I respect your distaste for the phrase, Rivka, what can you do?
Things here are very tense, as you can imagine. Think good thoughts, everyone!
Thank you, Mitzi dear, for your kind words of concern.
I apologize if my last post was not quite as polite as I prefer to be, but I must say that dear Blake's demeanor has encouraged me to "man up" a bit. (I think I have that phrase correct. I'm always hearing Mr. A's brother tell him to "man up" with me, and it's not too hard to figure out what that troublemaker is trying to do. We'll just see who gets a drumstick this Thanksgiving, though.)
Anyway, thank you for helping us remember why some of us might be tempted to call that poor, dear Ms. Hamou / McConnell a lying bitch when her behavior calls for it. Which, sadly, is pretty much all the time since the new default judgment against her for another of her scams has emerged.
The poor, poor lying bitch.
Honored Ms. Hamou, please forgive me contact you on this blog, but Great Beacon of Freedom North Korea block access to your website. Something about big lies it say.
I have passed along your request for to fund your major movie picture about Emperor and Empress of Imperialist Russia to our Very Most Esteemed Minister of Peoples Culture, Mei Fuk Yu.
Mei Fuk Yu say very interested in major movie picture but not sure you meant to ask Great Beacon for money, since you have cheesy portrait with Capitalist Puppet South Korea flag in it. You perhaps can ask those pigs for money you need, maybe they help while they still can. Big war coming you see. Make movie fast is what I say to you.
Today now closes the 439th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it. Despite that "team hamou" in one form or another has stated publicly that "Oma" with and without her lawyer(s) had already / was about to contact law enforcement to insist on proceedings against us over 370 TIMES in just the last five years!
As well as consecutive Week 244 for nothing happeningin the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
Think about this, TWO HUNDRED FORTY FOUR WEEKS, over 1,707 days, 60 months, five full years! 370 separate claims if "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FORTY WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 9 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full WEEK now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c) A temporary restraining order issued under this section shall remain in effect, at the court's discretion, for a period not to exceed 15 days. (d) Within 15 days from the date the temporary restraining order is issued, a hearing shall be held on the petition for the injunction.)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS...
Oh, Ms. Hamou. So sorry forget to ask you something from Mei Fuk Yu.
Very Most Esteemed Minister of Great Beacon wonder why you submit application saying major movie picture estimated to cost $30,055,000.
Very odd estimate. Where $55,000 come from?
Hope you have a great day, and I'm sure you'll be doing something fun tonight.
Oh thank you Honored Mr. Moshein. Our posts at same time give me answer to question.
Ms. Hamou, Very Most Esteemed Minister Mei Fuk Yu say good luck when try to get movie picture money from South Korea capitalist puppet pigs.
They can not keep even boats afloat.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
But People of Great Beacon of Freedom North Korea maybe send you $55,000. We understand how very much stress of telling big lies all the time can make you sick and need hospital.
We salute our comrade Lying Bitch Victim of great capitalist conspiracy to put you on trial.
WEll a MOST Happy Birthday to YOU BFF! A Gemini! So is Mr. Russo. You little vixens are always on the go, witty and have many irons in the fire. Hope it's a TERRIFIC one!!
(And don't worry about Algore and Tipper, she's probaby embarrassed because it's all coming out about his involvement with the Chicago Climate Exchange where he stands to make a gazillion dollars by that Emporer's New Clothes Cap and Trade bill.)
Oh Honored Ms. Hamou. Secretary who got better grade in English just tell me what Lying Bitch means.
So sorry I call you that because we do not say such things of people in Great Beacon of Freedom. When we want to convey thought we just say Most Esteemed Minister of Government Truth. Everybody know what we mean.
Now Sandman-Who-Is-Oma is posting that Atchison sued her because he was jealous that she was on TV?
First, why would anyone be jealous of a late-night spokesperson for male enhancement products?
Second, I think it more likely that Atchison sued Hamou to get paid the $13,400 she owed him.
And she lost the case. In a jury trial. Did I mention that?
Total crap, actually, Blake. Bob couldn't care less that she was on "television" in Russia. Which, as usual, has not even been proven.
Bob has been on television four times, five maybe? I know of at least three national shows, In Search Of, and History's Mysteries (twice) a few local ones, and one for Australian TV...
big deal. Bob sued her because she owed HIM money. As you pointed out, the jury agreed.
Inchon. Thank you for putting our flag on your picture, but we need to save our money for bombs we can drop from sky, not put on movie screen. Good luck with project, and may we suggest you contact Sikkim? They are desperate for any publicity, even bad.
Pyong, we will shortly unleash a bomb of our own! Ha Ha I say to you! Look to the sky, you communist dog!
Pyong, you have jammed our transmission! First part reads:
Honorable Ms. Hamou:
Please disregard invitation from warmongers in north to approach us in south about financing your picture, as we have still not recovered from the last bomb, Inchon.
By the way, if Sikkim says no, Ms. Hamou, we think that Bhutan may have 55,000 in the bank.
Mu Shu Park
Mu Shu Park, you capitalist puppet pig.
You attack Ms. Hamou with same lies you attack Great Leader Kim Jong-il. Great people like they always vilified by lies of imperialist lackeys who jealous because we look so good on big screen color TV in Great Beacon.
We will pay Ms. Hamou $55,000 of money because she pretty lady who have so sensitive soul. We see it in eyes and chin of so much airbrushed photos.
Die capitalist puppet pig you are Mu Shu Park.
Why I now hungry?
Wanted to remind you guys that I'm going to Bordaux, France, next Saturday for the week. The CIVB has invited me and the other four people in the Le Wine Buff program as their guests for a week of education, touring, tasting etc. We're even going to be featured in a magazine article, and videos! Too cool.
You will be on your own mostly as my computer access will be limited pretty much to after dinner back at the hotel for the whole week
Enjoy capitalist wine trip. Do not worry that we on our own. No one own anything in Great Beacon of Freedom where Great Leader of Beacon take care of all. Great Leader will make fix of anything go wrong.
To the so many emails I get asking to explain of how I know Mei Fuk Yu. Besides Very Most Esteemed Minister he also my second cousin in very prominent family called the Yu-Pu.
So many children in glorious state school founded by Great Leader always say to me, "hey, Yu-Pu" and it make me to be very proud.
Most sorry though to tell Ms. Hamou that $55,000 not available from Great Beacon. We soon to sink all boats of capitalist puppet pigs of South Korea and need money for torpodoes. Mei Fuk Yu say to Ms. Hamou that maybe Mr. Sproul honor debt. He know. He not called Mei Fuk Yu for nothing.
Bring it, running lap dog of communism! We stand ready to repel your invasion, shoulder to shoulder behind the banners of the Great Republic of South Korea! It is true that these banners seem to have strange picture of large woman flapping in the middle of them, but this is something we shall fix! And when we do we shall avenge our fallen comrades as a matter of honor!
Ha! Mu speaks!
Mu Shu Park you capitalist lapdog. Great Leader eat your country for lunch.
Damn. Why I hungry again?
But in Great Beacon of Freedom spirit of brotherly love between all people of Korea I warn you not sign promissory note for Hamou woman. You get your insignificant capitalist ass sued along with her when she not pay. And she sick a whole lot. Dockets of capitalist courts worst for her. Not a healthy woman.
Pyong, aren't you from that Asian dynasty? The Sum Ting Wong family?
Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone, it was fabulous, although I'm still not sure how I feel about being 62. (Actually, I am. Old. And the first one who says that old age is a state of mind will get clobbered!) Friday was dinner with friends, Saturday was lunch and dinner with family, and Sunday was just lazy. I didn't turn the computer or television on once, it was heaven.
But I return to find that we are now immersed in the standoff between North and South Korea? I'll tell you one thing, this board has never been boring!
Rebecca Jordan, there is only one Rebecca, and she is an old lady.
Darling Rivka,
62 isn't so old! Trust me! And many happy returns, darling!
So things are so quiet! Darling Omele seems to be in one of her hibernation periods. Those usually don't end well, do they?
Well Mitz,
I can tell you this much, late last week and all weekend, while things were so quiet over there, Atlanta GA was reading the blog fifteen times a day!
Today and yesterday, no more Atlanta, BUT, Vegas and Palmdale are reading again...
So okay, I'll throw a bomb--per say--in here. Hey Mitz! Whaddya think of Helen Thomas retiring?? I say: GOOD RIDDENCE!
I didn't know who the lady was, Russophile Lady, so I searched and found out. She's 89 and still working? Where are her children to let her be doing that? She looks just like Auntie Frieda, though, so that was something. Frieda's still coloring the hair and slapping on the lipstick and rouge because as she puts it, "you never know." And she's 91! Anyway, it's a free country over there and she should be able to say what she wants like all of the other crazies, although the idea that there are a lot of us who could go back to Germany and Poland? Not so much. The Germans and the Poles got rid of a lot of us.
I thought her remarks were completely tasteless and am glad she is gone.
Darling Robbele,
Atlanta AND Vegas!? I'm so impressed! I've never been to Atlanta, because frankly, who wants to go to Atlanta? But Vegas I hit with Bitsy and Nitzi three years ago to do a little gambling but mainly to see the shows. That Wayne Newton! I could pinch him! Nitzi made us go to one of those crazy circus things where they don't wear a lot of clothing and the music is too loud, which she liked, but then Nitzi doesn't exactly have the best taste if you know what I mean, and I think you do. (Nitzi, sister of my heart, if you're reading this, darling, I'm sorry, but you know it's true!). And then Bitsy took us all to see that darling Celine Dion, and even though talk about LOUD, she was wonderful, although she could have a dinner roll without worrying.
And I wound up winning fifty dollars on the slots! Which I gave to the darling girl who showed us around because she had to dress up like one of Cleopatra's slaves, and darlings, let's face it, who needs that grief?
I think Atlanta has a large Jewish community, so maybe Omele was scouting out future dates?
And Robbele, Bordeaux! If you have some time, let me know. I can meet you in Paris if you're free! Such fun it would be to drink wine in France with an expert!
But what if she needs the money? I still say, where are her children?
I don't believe she has any. I looked her up on NNDB and it lists her as being Middle Eastern. So that explains the comment!
I'm sorry Mitz that unless you want to meet me inside Charles de Gaulle while I wait to change planes, I won't even be in Paris. Am in and out of Bordeaux with all my time there.
Dear Mitzi,
You have no idea how much I would like to dance off to Paris and drink wine!
Congratulations on the honor, Rob, and I look forward to hearing about the Bordeaux trip.
My only experience with Atlanta has been at the airport and through watching Gone With the Wind. It probably looks a little different these days.
I love the pretend use of "movie production" speak that "snoopy" uses to try to convice anyone without functioning neural paths that "he" is "in the business"...LOL...
"Closed set" means nothing more than outside visitors aren't allowed, it isn't like being in an isolation tank without contact with the outside world or ability to leave the set...
God how stupid does she think anyone is??
and YES, I've spent plenty of time ON movie sets when I lived in LA, I know what "closed set" means.
I'm on a "closed set"? Sweet!
She's pulled this before, Mr. Moshein. Something is going on and she doesn't have unfettered internet access, which is why she didn't post when she was in Atlanta. "Debbie" and Oma may have had their asses handed to them at work after the "Einnar" crap.
I wish I'd known I was going to have this great career in the molvies. I would never have gone back to Hawaii.
I thought a "closed set" was where they make movies or TV shows that will never air, that will never be seen by anyone, that no will ever have heard of, and for which the actors will be given no credits in any trade materials or media websites whatsoever.
As near as I can tell, all the work Hamou has ever done as an "actress" has been on such "closed sets".
After all, she's never been able to give a single legitimate screen credit despite her frequent claims of having a successful career "in the industry".
closed set: A studio that is closed to all but specific crew and talent involved in the scene.
Closed set not big deal in Great Beacon of Freedom. All sets closed. All everything closed.
Great Leader work hard to keep us from having to see what really go on that bad for us.
We like Great Leader. He think he very good liar but we all really like him cause it so much fun to watch him tell big lies that he think make sense.
So sorry Oma Hamou person about not able to send you $55,000 American dollars. Great Leader making own movie with money. $55,000 American dollars (plus Army) get Great Leader cast of thousands.
What kind of movie they make in Atlanta?
I could only hear the soundtrack through the floor (I was under it). It sounded like this:
Boom chicka mau-mau, boom chicka mau-mau!
And it was very repetitive, like the songs of the Gloop on Alpha Centau --- I mean, in Greenland.
But it made me feel all tingly.
Oh boy. Atlanta sound like hot town.
Great Leader ban all good movies in Great Beacon of Freedom. Say our government sufficiently arousing. And stadium ranks of school girls should be enough for anybody.
My so good friend Meik Nu Son agree.
Meik Nu Son! He is photographer famous for pictures of schoolgirls with shiny patent leather shoes reflecting up! We had heard he had set up shop in the Ha Ha So-Called Republic to the North!
All our so beautiful women in Great Beacon look like schoolgirls and have tiny feet. Meik Nu Son find much appreciation to photograph here.
Laugh now Mu Shu Park. You think that only capitalist puppet pig boat we going to blow out of water? We barbeque your whole so-call country of capitalist lackeys Mu Shu Park.
Damn. Why I still hungry?
By way Illuminati II. I meant to ask. I understand that Illuminati mean Great Beacon of Light. We use word here all time. But what II mean?
Today now closes the 440th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it. Despite that "team hamou" in one form or another has stated publicly that "Oma" with and without her lawyer(s) had already / was about to contact law enforcement to insist on proceedings against us over 375 TIMES in just the last five years!
As well as consecutive Week 245 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
Think about this, TWO HUNDRED FORTY FIVE WEEKS, over 1,714 days, 60 months, five full years! 375 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FORTY ONE WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 10 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TWO WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c) A temporary restraining order issued under this section shall remain in effect, at the court's discretion, for a period not to exceed 15 days. (d) Within 15 days from the date the temporary restraining order is issued, a hearing shall be held on the petition for the injunction.)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS...
And, am off tomorrow morning for the whole week in Bordeaux to tour, taste and work with the CIVB. Should be great, but I'll have limited time and access so I won't be here much.
Take care guys,
Isn't it amazing? Oma goes to Atlanta and all of her characters fall silent. Or else Rob is wrong in his definition of a "closed set". Apparently they chain you down.
Of course it has been a busy week.
So Mitzi, are you going to France?
Maybe they're resurrecting a modern version of "The Dukes of Hazzard". Maybe that's why she posted that ass picture of herself in short-shorts brandishing a pistol. Maybe Big Debbie's with her playing the sheriff. Maybe, after seeing the Oma of today, they decided to rewrite the script to show the original characters as they've aged. (And hicks don't age well.)
It's the perfect vehicle for her comeback. From what, though, we'll apparently never know.
No, darling. No France. It's not a good time for travel abroad. We can hope that things calm down in the near future.
I must say this is interesting. Oma hasn't posted in five days. This is usually a bad sign in Oma-land. Or perhaps one of the phalanx of lawyers in her employ has finally convinced her that yes, there are indeed libel laws.
To paraphrase Gerald Ford, can our long national nightmare be over? And I repeat, isn't it astounding that all of the other posters have disappeared from her site? What are the odds, people?
Las Vegas so very hot city in many ways.
I hear it place where woman get beaten up by John and police take photo that she post to claim husband do the beating of her.
So strange thing that husband never arrested for beating of wife, most especial since police take her photo. And not because she pretty in that picture. Look very roughed up. That maybe one mean John.
Well, so much for our long national nightmare being over. Nice of you to try and calm her down, BFF, and congrats on having the boys with you. Enjoy your cruise!
And I don't know about this supposed picture, my little North Korean poster. It must be pretty bad if the mere mention of it brought her off a closed set.
Thank you BFF!! Ribs and chicken tonight, in fact, I am leaving shortly to get it on the Traeger pellet grill. Then we will be looking forward to shrimp, scallops, crab, lobster and all sorts of other delicacies. . .
Well, good news, Robbo and Bobbo! Oma is finally going to get you into court. Where she will prove you used forged documents. Where she will prove you have been under investigation by all sorts of police agencies and on the verge of being arrested / charged / prosecuted / convicted for, what ..... 5+ years?
Of course, if she can't prove it .....? Well, we've been down that road before, haven't we?
By the way, what was all that stuff about some john in Las Vegas? Who was Pang Pu talking about?
Of course, I always did find it interesting that Marcus Demian supposedly beat Hamou so badly that her injuries were photographed by the police -- yet no charges were ever filed.
Of course, they were going to be. Hamou was going to get a restraining order against him. Hamou was going to prove in court her claims about him.
Just like she's been going to do all these things to a host of other people for years.
Hmmmm. I wonder if Hamou has gotten that little confusion about the service of process in the Rafai judgment straightened out. Or if she's clarified to the court that she wasn't really involved in stiffing Rafai for $55,000 and that it was all Jim Sproul's doing. Or if she's gotten that bench warrant for her arrest in Los Angeles County quashed.
Boy, her lawyers have their hands full. She's going to have to stiff at least another half dozen marks to cover all the legal fees. Plus a landlord or two. Gotta keep a roof over a girl's head.
What Hamou person mean when she say that she succeed where Bob Atchison person fail?
He win in court. She lose. He never been to jail. She been many times. He free to travel. She arrested if she caught in Los Angeles County. He not have to hide from process server. She get caught in recent scam with so good friend Jim Sproul she commit while making to restitution to victim of felony forgery. He own home. She rip off landlord for rent money.
We need people like Oma Hamou person in Great Beacon of Freedom. Government have very slippery fish with her. Teach government good lesson.
So darling Blakele, let me get this straight? The ex-husband supposedly beat her and she had photographs but nothing was ever done? These photographs were supposedly taken by the police?
Darling, she has always had a "special" relationship with the legal authorities, hasn't she? And by "specal" I mean they apparently overlook a lot, and then get upset over a measly rent check or a $55,000 debt.
All this time I was hoping she was resting herself, darlings, and she was just stewing.
Back to posting. Back to caring.
Wow. That Snoopy one mad dog. We eat dogs here in Great Beacon, but I think no one want to eat Snoopy with so potty mouth. Maybe except Jim Sproul codefendant of Hamou want to eat Snoopy.
Where you Mu Shu Park? Lose another boat? Ha ha ha from Great Leader.
You no funny!!!!
We do not fear your flimsy submarines with torpedos, Pyong! Far more dangerous than mere explosion is chance that crazy woman with movie script get near to your leadership, you communist, because they are all very OLD and therefore make easy prey for American scam artist!
Be afraid and lock up your old communists!!! She can be anywhere!!!!
We know what you mean capitalist puppet pig Mu Shu Park.
Most Excellent Minister of Culture get visit from movie actress and model and exactly one hour later wind up giving her 55,000. She delighted and promise him very great movie for money he donate.
Now she get very sick in hospital and say might be impossible to make movie. When we ask what make her sick she say she thought Most Excellent Minister give her 55,000 U.S. dollars but find out he meant 55,000 KPW. That make 401 U.S. dollars. She say not even her can make movie of great empress for that little money because dress alone cost almost so much.
Most Excellent Minister very disappointed not to get movie of great empress. But he say at least he get the one hour of so good conversation for people's money. He not only man who pay her much money for one hour of so good conversation but we not tell him that.
And who make flimsy submarines you capitalist puppet pig Mu Shu Park? Such flimsy submarine blow ass off your big navy boat. Wait til you see our flimsy army of so beautiful school girls in white socks. No army soldier shoot at so beautiful creatures. Not such sexy girls in Seoul. We bring you to your knees pig!
And this is why the Korean peninsula can't have nice things.
Back from Bordeaux. What a trip!! Great time. Really cool thing is a journalist and photog were along from a national magazine for wine/beverage industry, and they decided to do a feature on Bordeaux, centered on me and the four other peeps working withe CIVB!! They took lots of pictures of me, and the others, should be a major spread. Look for it probably September. Will keep you guys posted. Is that too cool or what?
Home to see the lunacy never ends and the threats and attempts to scare me continue, from "snoopy"aka Oma/Alexandra.
We now sart the 442nd consecutive week without any law enforcement contact with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it. Despite that "team hamou" in one form or another has stated publicly that "Oma" with and without her lawyer(s) had already / was about to contact law enforcement to insist on proceedings against us over 380 TIMES in just the last five years!
As well as consecutive Week 247 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
Think about this, TWO HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN WEEKS, over 1,728 days, 61 months, five full years! 380 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FORTY THREE WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 11 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TWO WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c) A temporary restraining order issued under this section shall remain in effect, at the court's discretion, for a period not to exceed 15 days. (d) Within 15 days from the date the temporary restraining order is issued, a hearing shall be held on the petition for the injunction.)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS...
Sorry, that should have read a "Full FOUR WEEKS since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut."
and I notice that "snoopy" the lying coward has since also taken that statement down. Guess it wasn't really TRUE, was it??
hmmm, seems "snoopy" is stalking me, checking out the Bordeaux people's images from the trip to steal one without their permission, then a long post of "sour grapes".
At least people and magazines and winemakers take ME seriously. The only people that seem to have any serious interest in Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell are the police and people who are owed lots of money by her....Nobody else will publicly admit anything under a real name to do with her. Obviously.
at least "snoopy" stole a really GREAT picture of me...
, darling, it is a fabulous picture of you, and so sweet of darling Omele to post it on her site. Especially because you have your clothes on, darling, and of course for Oma, that makes it a rare picture to show up on her site.
Welcome home! So excited to hear about the trip!
Morning all! I hope everyone had a terrific weekend? Rob, it's nice to see you back. Did you have a good trip?
I have no idea if any of you are fathers. Blake? Loftus? Mr. Autumnvale? Sasha? Gomer? Omer? Einnar? Pyong? Fritzi? I know Justin has the cats. Rob? Bob? Moo? My boyfriend Daryn? Hedley? Hamid Refai? Of course poor Mr. Morton was one.
Mitz, RJ,
The trip was a BLAST! Really really a cool time. We were treated like VIPs the whole time, we even had our own "paparazzi"!
Two journalists were along, for a national beverage magazine (I won't name them just yet cuz I don't want Oma/Alexandra to start calling to annoy them like she did with Creative Feed). Originally they were just along to do a generic story about Bordeaux, but after three days, they decided to change the article to be Bordeaux Through Our Eyes, so we each were being photographed constantly all day long for the article. I'll start writing my section of the piece next week. They hope it will make the September issue.
Lunch with the legendary Andre Lurton, 86 year old genius who put Entre Deux Mers onto the tables of the world and considered the first "progressive" winemaker in Bordeaux who really took the wines to a new level. One of the great names in wine in the world today! Lunch in his home, the Chateau Bonnet, his family residence for two hundred years, with him personally!
Recorded wine tasting videos at the Ecole du Vin (Wine School) for Bordeaux Wine Council for the website...
Private tasting at Lynch Bages, including the long awaited 2009 vintage which very few aside from Parker have yet tasted, and lunch at the owner's restaurant next door...
Got to become friends with a dozen prominent winemakers....VERY cool.
I had a major great time. Will be writing up the blogs this week, complete with photos, so check out my wine guy website for the details.
I miss BDX already!
Wine in Great Beacon also very good. Made from grapes that grow on slopes of coal strip mines in Great Republic of China. Great Leader say it prove that much good living come from burning of coal. My many children agree but don't read so fast.
Most Revered Minister of Culture upset at so much confusion about picture of Hamou woman beaten into black and blue. He say that he get very close to her during his one hour of so good conversation and wish her all best. Still say it best 55,000 KPW he spend in long time.
He also tell me in most private way that I confused about what expungement mean. He say it not mean record destroyed but just that it not available through normal ways to ask. But available with right resources. And he have right resources.
My goodness, Robert, it certainly sounds like a wonderful trip! Congratulations, and I will look forward to reading the article.
Pyong, I am certainly impressed by your North Korean knowledge of what "expunged record" means in the American legal system. And of course it turns out you are right, the records do continue to exist, just sitting there waiting for someone to read them.
It might mean going outside of normal channels, naturally. Kind of like Irina in Pushkin, my friend at the State Department, people like that.
hmmm, hugely Fat debbie is back, lots of the same blather, personal attacks and bringing up my saying Oma looked like a drag queen in that stupid prom dress photo, which she did. I guess that REALLY bothers her/them since they bring it up regularly...
All that blather from Jabba the Hutts unwed mother, but what ever happened to the TRO she PROMISED to post? You know, the one "snoopy" SAID a California judge had issued???
So, Hamou's back to posting claims that no one has ever caught her in a lie. She conveniently forgets:
The telephone number she gave on the the website for her Sarskaia charity rang at a community bank that had never heard of her or her charity.
The address she gave for Sarskaia's offices in Pushkin was for an empty building.
She claimed the delays in the Batchelor case were caused by the D.A.'s lack of preparedness, but a person who attended a couple of the hearings found out it was her lawyer who was requesting all the continuances.
Writing bad checks -- of which she has been convicted three times -- is, by definition, a lie, as one is claiming to have funds one does not have.
She claimed to be unable to send a check she had promised because of being admitted to Cedars of Sinai hospital, but it turned out she was not registered as a patient.
She claimed Jim Sproul never received service of process in the Refai case, but sworn court records prove otherwise.
Rob Moshein has given specific posts spanning at least five years where Hamou has claimed that specific legal actions were underway, were already completed, were filed, were going to issue within a day, a week, etc. Not one single action has ever emerged.
Hamou claimed she never received a ticket for driving without a license, registration, or insurance in L.A. county, but there is an outstanding bench warrant for her arrest on those charges.
Hamou claimed she had no financial transactions with Hamid Refai, but he is holding a default judgment against her for $55,000 he gave her.
And this is just a very short list of examples of her lies that have polluted the internet for years.
The woman is a lying bitch.
Also, darling "Handmaiden", welcome back, I was so worried about you, darling. That being said, darling, not so much with the comments about Rob's clothing. Glass houses, darling. In your case . . . glass skyscrapers. In fact the jacket fits quite well, and he looks stylish. He also has a decent haircut, and, well, darling . . . let's just say you don't and leave it at that.
And darling Omele who is posting as Snoopy, you do look like a female impersonator in the picture. The visual is right there, darling. And I've seen it in color, which doesn't help matters.
Caring so much, darling. Caring so much.
Are you guys getting as bored with the lame mental masturbation from "snoopy" as I am??
Seriously. CLEARLY the drag queen opinion REALLY bothers her. She keeps bringing it up over and over, LIKE IT MEANS ANYTHING...which it doesn't. I love the demand I "prove" its a prom dress....LOL, like there is a specific "prom dress" requirement or specification. It looks like what a lot of lower class girls think is a cool thing to wear to their prom. It CERTAINLY looks nothing at all like any dress a Russian Empress EVER wore, which of course is the point of the hilarity...Period.
and more..."all Oma has to do is go to Court and get the Warrant dismissed because she can prove..." WELL ITS THREE YEARS AND BEEIOTCH AIN'T DONE IT...
more of "Oma hired attorneys who are putting their ducks in a row for the TRO" which was PROMISED SIX WEEKS AGO AND BEEIOTCH AINT DONT NOTHING...
Oma Hamou fired off press releases promising the public that her film "would be released in a year" over and over BUT BEEIOTCH AINT' PRODUCED NOTHING (EXCEPT HUGE DEBT)
At least "snoopy" now admits that the allegations the TRO had been filed and YES YOU SAID GRANTED BY A CALIFORNIA COURT, was NOTHING BUT AN ATTEMPT TO SCARE ME INTO SILENCE (THAT'S CALLED A THREAT BY THE WAY)....
June 21, 2010.
CASE MC020860
Congratulations to Mr. Refai, and good luck with collecting anything. I suspect you will need it.
I did love it when she said "judgments can be set aside". They certainly can, provided there is a reason to do so. If there is a reason to do so, wouldn't it have been more prudent to bring it forward before judgment was rendered?
I expect this will cut into the monies available for the crack team of lawyers she has working on the Bill of Review. Luckily they finished their work on the restraining order, which she claimed was in place. I'm sure she has compensated them by now.
And you're right about one thing. It isn't defamation if it's true.
Dear Snoopy who is really Oma Hamou:
Okay, girlfriend, you can dance all over the map with irrelevant comments, but the fact remains that it isn't defamation if it's true. You and Sproul just lost 54K in judgment to Mr. Refai. He isn't a "creditor", he's a victim of your witless conartistry. Why wouldn't Rob Moshein post this? After all, Oma Alexandra McConnell, you are the one who has been calling him a criminal for years, with no legal evidence to demonstrate that anything you are saying is true. This latest judgment is part of the merry pattern of your grifting life, and simply adds more money to the mountain of bad debt you have littered the landscape with in this decade. It's all out there, dear, the whole sorry-ass mess, in the form of statements and judgments on the internet. Not from Rob, pinhead, from court documents and statements.
So rant all you want about being stalked, but it doesn't hide the fact that once again you have been caught in a scam.
Later, gator.
Just got copies of the original documents from the Refai case straight from the Courthouse;
FIRST, guess where Alexandra McConnell lived and where she was SERVED? Yep, SHELLBARK COURT (but "snoopy" INSISTED she NEVER lived there...)she was served in person there on Shellbark, on October 2 at 5:51pm...
Oma/Alexandra owes Refai $53,819 HERSELF. Jim Sproul was sued SEPARATELY for $61,000
Attached to the lawsuit, is a PROMISSORY NOTE in the amount of $51,460, dated May 11, 2009, SIGNED by Alexandra McConnell as Borrower, with a note it was to be repaid on May 19, 2009
Jim Sproul, signed a SEPARATE PROMISSORY NOTE for $65,000, on May 1, 2009, borrowed "on behalf of Reseda Glass and Screen" to be repaid July 1, 2009....
There is a SWORN proof of service of summons that Jim Sproul was served at 22815 Ventura Boulevard, Woodland 11:20am on Oct. 2, 2009...which is his LEGAL mailbox at Printzone...guess FAT debbie was wrong as usual...
Glad to post the PDF if 'snoopy'aka Oma/Alexandra doubts what I've said here.
This is better than Murder, She Wrote! Darling Robbele is like Jessica Fletcher!
So excited!
Snoopy's last post was edited by Oma Hamou within five minutes of being put up! What are the odds, darlings? What are the odds?
My, my. The Snoopy-Who-Is-Oma profanity faucet is wide open since Rob obtained the court records in the Refai case.
Of course, he/she is falling back again on that tired old claim that she obtained a restraining order against Rob Moshein some years ago because a judge believed everything she said.
She, in fact, obtained only a temporary restraining order, based on some unproved allegations she made. For the order to have become permanent, she actually had to haul herself into court and PROVE the things she alleged in the complaint. She was unable to do that, and the temporary restraining order therefore lapsed.
She puts enormous emphasis on the judge's recitation in issuing the TRO that she had shown a "likelihood" of success. What she overlooks is the fact that that is a standard phrase always used in issuing a TRO based on allegations that must later actually be proved to give the restraining order permanent effect. She offered no such proof. And the restraining order became ineffective.
Hamou has relied for so many years on people believing her various webs of lies that she has long since lost the distinction between what she claims a matter to be and the actual truth of it. Since she makes her paltry living as a grifter (just ask Hamid Refai, the newest victim of her continuing scams), I guess it's a useful trait for that purpose. However, as a means of holding her own against people who put up actual court records and who talk to her actual victims and those associated with them, it's just not up to snuff.
Three felony convictions. Numerous stints in jail. Forced restitution to a victim of a recent felony forgery. The Refai case. More than a dozen unsatisfied civil judgments against her. An outstanding bench warrant for her arrest.
This is what is ON THE RECORD about Oma Hamou / Alexandra at courts spread over several western states.
As Al Gore would say -- an inconvenient truth.
I find the "spin" the snoopy character tries to put on the Refai lawsuit "someone sues her claiming she owes him"...
WELL, there IS the matter of the PROMISSORY NOTE SIGNED BY ALEXANDRA the Amount of $51,460.00
THEN the little matter that she was PERSONALLY SERVED at the residence on Shellbark that 'snoopy' denied she ever lived at..
and of course, we are now over 400 times "team hamou" has written on the internet that I am "about to be dragged into court" somewhere, over the last five years...
Still waiting. Not Caring (sorry Mitz)
We now sart the 443rd consecutive week without any law enforcement contact with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it. Despite that "team hamou" in one form or another has stated publicly that "Oma" with and without her lawyer(s) had already / was about to contact law enforcement to insist on proceedings against us over 380 TIMES in just the last five years!
As well as consecutive Week 248 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
Think about this, TWO HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT WEEKS, over 1,735 days, 62 months, over five full years! 385 seperate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FORTY FOUR WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 12 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full THREE WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c) A temporary restraining order issued under this section shall remain in effect, at the court's discretion, for a period not to exceed 15 days. (d) Within 15 days from the date the temporary restraining order is issued, a hearing shall be held on the petition for the injunction.)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS...
Since so many of you guys asked for the images of the Refai lawsuit, I started a new blog with the Judgment and the Promissory Note Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou signed. If you want more docs let me know. I have the whole file.
Take new comments over there please.
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