As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and is being evicted for non payment of rent and has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.
I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.
The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.
This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge.
This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.
Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:
While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".
She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.
I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.
I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.
Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?
This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?
This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??
This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?
Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.
As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison
Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.
You can verify all the arrests, judgments etc for yourself with simple online searches.
You are free to email me with your questions, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.
New blog. Start new comments here.
Me and my brother was looking for some parts for a customer and found you folks talkin about a convertible sedan. Some guy was saying that there ain't no such thing. Well there sure as hell IS. That woman who wants one knows what shes talkin about maybe cause she seen them where she grew up.
Bubba and me make lots of them here in Louisiana. All you gotta do is take a acetylene torch and slice the top off any 4door car you want. Some of em rattle pretty bad after that and the back doors can pop open on ruts in the road. So you ourght to wear seatbelts if the car still has em.
A couple customers griped cause they cut there hands on the sharp edges so we been wrapping them in duct tape after that and everbody seems okay with the job then. The only real hard part is making a top to keep out rain and flies and stuff. We been buying camoflage tents at the military surplus store in the next parish and taping them to frames we make from yard gliders. A couple of big eye bolts sunk in the windshield frame holds it in place pretty good. If it leaks we just use more duct tape. Everybody seems okay with that.
Course we ain't never tried to do a Mercedes. But you probly just gotta use a bigger torch. And some extra duct tape.
Wow. The fake pseudo "hick" stuff really cracks me up.
Yes, BFF, I'm still laughing.
Oh, my God. The whoppers just get bigger.
Now we hear from Snoopy-who-is-Oma that Oma does not have internet access!
We also get another rant about Bob's illicitly receiving Enigma's correspondence. You know, that correspondence that he is faking.
And Bob -- that story about her collapsing at the bank while trying to wire money to all the people who had made the preparations for her grand tour was priceless. I bet the high melodrama on display as she gasped, groaned, threw her head back, and pressed her wrist to her forehead as she went down was a sight to behold.
I thought the Mercedes convertible sedan [sic] and the squad of cossack guards for her son was over the top. But a private train?
The woman's delusions of grandeur really are cosmic in scope. And sort of funny in a really pitiful way.
The insane can be quite comic -- but ultimately they're rather sad.
Hamou told me Elizabeth Taylor (Dowager Empress), John Malkovich (Nicholas) and Fergie the Duchess of York (Anna Vryubova) were going to be in her movie. Of course, she, Hamou, was going to portray Alexandra.
Hamou tolf me she was meeting personally with Fergie to discuss compensation but had not yet concluded a final deal.
I called Taylor's agent and he told me she was in no way associated with the film, nor had they ever heard of Hamou. I called Malkovich's agent and they said the same thing.
Hamou had also offered her Korean-American travel agent in LA the role of the Queen of Korea
A Mark Anderson was supposed to play Grand Duke Dmitri and she had a black guy signed up for Jim Hercules.
She offered Rob the role of Trotsky...
I wouldn't take the role, Rob. She'd probably use a real hatchet.
Blake is right. The letters are simply amazing. I am beginning to revise my earlier opinion of Oma hamou. She's not simply a grifter. A "normal" grifter would have folded her tents long before this and stolen quietly into the night in the face of such damaging evidence that has been rolled out for years. Convictions, arrests, lawsuits, judgments, the sheer volume of her lies ("No, No, I can't pay this bill because I am . . going . . to . . be . . sick!" Really? Enigma had no other employee authorized to approve an expense? Justin, could you not sign checks back in the day?), the persecution mania, the private trains, the Cossack guards, the whole nuttiness of everything. Liz Taylor? Sure, why not? Liz playing a supporting role to Oma Hamou???? Yeah, that makes sense!
Anyway, I digress. Clearly Oma hamou went cuckoo a long time ago, and made the worst possible mistake a con artist can make. She started to believe her con was real. I'm not going to get into what it says about her life that her goal was to be Sherry Lansing with absolutely no experience, no credentials, no nothing, but I really do think she identifies to the point of madness with the Romanovs.
I just went and looked up Anna V. You were going to offer this to the Duchess of York? What was your selling point? "I need someone to play someone overweight and stupid. Fergie, I thought of you!" Well, why not? The poor woman has done wackier things, I suppose.
What am I saying? No, she hasn't.
No wonder you're still laughing, BFF! How did your chicken turn out, by the way?
Rebecca "Call me Imperial" Jordan
I had promised not to post much, but I had to after seeing your last post RJ.
By sheer coincidence, back in December 1976/Jan 77 when I went on my first trip to Russia, Sherry Lansing was one of the ten of us in the group! She hadn't made it "big" yet, but we stayed in touch afterwards...Nice lady...
Don't worry RJ, Oma promised me a "deal memo" for the role of Trotsky, which, just like Bob's money, never did materialize.
Hoo, boy. Now the FBI is back into this mess.
Oh, well. Can't wait for them to read this blog and find out about all Hamou's felony conviction history, the outstanding bench warrant in the LAX branch of the L.A. County sheriff's office, the felony forgery charge for stiffing Mrs. Batchelor, the recent Refai scam, the elder abuse investigation regarding her denuding Don Morton of his retirement funds, the bad checks in Orange County, the various aliases and social security numbers she has used over the years, the numerous outstanding civil judgments, her habit of not showing up when her case is called.
She does realize, I assume, that they'll check out not only the people making the claims but the claims themselves? As well as the person filing the complaint when they encounter all this information.
Probably a bad assumption. She doesn't really realize very much when it comes to reality.
Apparently Russophile is not aware that Hamou made exactly the same claim about having filed a complaint with the FBI against Bob Atchison about five years ago -- along with all the same assurances that the FBI was going to put a stop to people posting about her grifting history on the internet once and for all.
Don't hold your breath, Russophile.
On second thought, do.
O Mighty Grand Shovel,
This has been my first chance to beam a message to the Mother Shi --- err, Home Office in days. I thought Felineous had been keeping you updated, as a loyal minion should have done, but I just discovered that he has spent the past week or so stoned out of his gourd on something the humans call catnip. I managed to peek through the windows on the second floor of the house and discovered the limp body of your feline minion sprawled in the middle of a floor littered with mice chew toys and Doritos. He was snoring in the most disgusting way, O Soporifico Magnifico, and when I hissed his name a few times, Felineous didn't even bother to open an eye. He just muttered something about "no more watercress!" and rolled over. I just thought you should know, Your Dementitude, because you think so much of his minion skills, and he wasn't even conscious. At least that miserable little Daryn could stay awake for three straight hours.
When I realized that Felineous was pretty much useless as a minion for Your Bombastitude, I knew that I would have to report in, so I shimmied back along the tree branch from which I was hanging and resolved to "hang thirteen and a half", as we used to say back on Theta, until darkness fell again and I could slip out to the road and try and flag down another trucker. I didn't think I would have much trouble (you know me and truckers!) and for some reason my interstellar communicator, I mean laptop wasn't picking up a signal. Maybe it was the weather or something, because apparently it affected the large-jawed woman's ability to use her interstellar communicator as well. I could see her through one of the windows on the first floor pounding away at the keyboard with one hand and shoveling Cheetos in with the other. Finally she sat back and licked the glowing orange residue from her fingers, lips moving silently as she re-read what she had written. But when she tried to post it, nothing happened.
"Bovine fecal matter!" She growled. Then she raised her voice. "The divinely-accursed machine isn't working again, Debbie! Are you sure you paid the sexual-intercoursing bill this month?" (I am too polite to use the Terran terms the large-jawed woman actually employed, because my biochemical matrix raised me better than that!)
"It's the weather," another voice called from deeper within the house, in answer to her question.
"My posterior," the large-jawed woman muttered. But there was nothing to be done, so she waddled off toward the back, where I assumed the sleep chambers were kept.
I decided to try and get some sleep as well, and escape under cover of darkness.
As I said, I hooked my thirteen and a half toes into a high branch on the tree and assumed the upside-down sleep position. I was so tired (from the work I was performing in your service, O Mighty Deus Ex Machina! Always for you!) that I slept for hours. When I awakened it was long after dark. For a moment I was disoriented, but after a few seconds of struggling to emerge from a most peculiar dream involving truckers and a vegetable product the humans call "Crisco", I opened my eyes because I heard the faint sound of human singing wafting through the night. I dropped noiselessly to the ground (all right, I fell out of the tree, but I didn't make that much of a racket, and anyway, the singing drowned it out) and started cutting through the bushes in the back of the house toward the singing.
About a quarter of a meepbar away I saw the light of a campfire. A group of humans were sitting around a crackling heap of branches, and passing around a bottle of clear liquid. On the outside of the circle were several old heaps of metal. At least I thought they were heaps of metal, but as I crept closer I realized that in fact they were Mercedes. They looked a little the worse for wear, since the tops had been removed at some point by the application of heat, and the shards of metal that remained wrapped in duct tape (you know, the kind you used to use when we played those games on the Mother Ship that you told me never to mention and I never would except to get you to understand what the makeshift convertible-sedans looked like, Your Smarminess! Only for that!).
The large-jawed woman was sitting in the middle of the circle, alongside a substantial red-headed female who was wearing an actual tiara. She was the only one not taking hits of clear liquid, probably because she was giggling too hard as one of the human males sucked her toes.
"See, Sarah? I told you the boys would know what you like! Now tell me again how you can get me to meet your ex-husband to arrange financing for the movie!"
Before the red-head could answer there were growls from the men passing the bottle.
For the first time I noticed that what I had taken for small furry animals nesting on their heads were really bushy hats.
"You haff rubles, you pay us," the leader barked in a heavy accent. "Ve haff been bodyguarding you for many days now, Grand Duchess Alexandra, because you say enemies of Batushka Tsar out to get you! We are all giving up good jobs as waiters at restaurant in the valley for this, your Imperial Highness, and there are not so many Cossack-themed joints in greater Los Angeles area!"
"Yeah, well, a fat lot of good you guys were," the large-jawed woman shot back. "You couldn't even follow the Tsesarevich into town last night on his beer run, and stop him from kicking that cop's tires! Now Nicky is in trouble again!"
"I wondered where the dear lad was," the red-head said. Then she giggled. "Yes, Anatoly, yes! The little toe! That's right, my darling Hetman!"
"Just remember, lady, you promised me five bucks," Anatoly said from around a mouthful of toe.
"Of course, dear. Alexandra, can you spot me a fiver?"
"Not right now I can't," the large woman replied. "I told you all before, when I went down to the bank to cash a check to pay all of you, I got sick. I passed out, even! So I couldn't get the money. But I will pay you, I promise. In the meantime, you are going to have to get all of these convertible-sedans off my property, and stop with the damn singing! The neighbors are starting to complain!"
"But Matushka, the convertible-sedans are out of gas, and we haff no money to fill them!"
"Oh, Anatoly, that's heaven, absolute heaven!"
"Sarah, will you shut up? I'm trying to think!"
"You'll come up with something, Alexandra! You always do! Remember that time we took jobs in the candy-wrapping factory to make money? La, what larks we had as the candy came past on that coneveyer belt, going faster and faster! Remember how we stuffed them into our mouths and down our bras because we couldn't wrap them fast enough?"
"I remember. Debbie really liked that gig, but we didn't actually make any money, Sarah, and that's the point."
"I could introduce you to my former father-in-law, Alexandra. He's frightfully rich, and just your type. I think he's about to turn ninety!"
"We don't have enough dough to get to Santa Monica, let alone Windsor Castle. Give me a moment to think, can't you?"
At that point some of the Cossacks began to sing this really sad song about missing the snows of yesteryear and all of the fun times at the pogroms, or something like that. I took advantage of the noise to creep away and make this report. Debbie must have been right about the weather, because my communicator was suddenly getting four bars. It usually doesn't do all that well in rural areas since we switched to ATT&T.
I await your instructions, O Mighty Grand Shovel!
Your faithful minion,
My instructions, you dimbulb? Have I not told you several times you are no longer on the Thet -- er, my payroll and will not be put back on without producing truly useful information?
And I would appreciate your ceasing to report on Felineus. I know full well what he's doing, and your involvement will not help matters. Do you get my drift?
Now, as for those convertible sedans. I tracked them down using the coordinates from which you last transmit -- er, emailed me. You apparently don't know what a convertible sedan looks like, nitwit.
Those things you thought were missing their roofs are what huma -- er, people call pick-up trucks. And those blue oval emblems do not mean "For Obese Retarded Drivers" as you surmised in your secret transmissi -- er, email. The people you saw standing around them were just a coincidence.
Just because you saw lots of duct tape doesn't mean anything. One demographic group of huma -- er, some people use it for many, many things. In fact, I have found it to come in handy around the Mothersh -- er, around the "house" on numerous occasions.
One thing, though. Did you see anyone who appeared to be the Queen of Korea? That is someone I'd really like to meet.
Seems that the FBI must have a really big file from Oma Hamou already. Let us take her word, for the sake of discussion, to be accurate:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice.
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
From Oma Hamou's own website, July 15, 2004
I want the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to examine the true scope and breadth of Bob Atchison's and his associate's activities and the gravity of their actions. I pray that the FBI will prosecute them--
Oh, well.
At least Russophile is still a true believer in what Hamou posts.
I want to share your good insight from your email to me, as I think it hits the mark.
"snoopy" wrote "normal people when threatened with any kind of lawsuit or someone filing a criminal complaint would stop"
You are correct that the key word here is "threatened". That is exactly what these repeated claims from the last six years are. THREATS.
Oma who is snoopy misses one important point. "normal people" do not make the same threats over and over and over repeatedly for years, and then NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.
So, "normal people" who keep getting the same threats made to them over and over and over repeatedly with nothing ever happening do what Bob and I do, which is IGNORE THEM.
So, go ahead Oma who is snoopy and HUGEFATdebbie and "sandman" who allegedly "lives in Austin" but is too cowardly to prove it, waste the FBIs time and resources with your whining, lies, threats and fantasy of harm. Keep bothering those poor people, like you did at the Texas Attorney General's office who trashed your tirade to them, like you did the letter to Judge Triana, who did nothing except forward a copy to Bob's lawyer. I've heard this same broken record for over six years now...You filed a complaint with the FBI. SO WHAT? You told Judge Triana in so many words that you "already had filed an official complaint with the FBI." So, either you lied to a Judge or the FBI didn't DO ANYTHING.
So, I care..why??
1. I don't believe you and 2. frankly my dear I don't give a damn.
Is that clear enough?
I hope that the FBI can drop all of that silly work that are doing with homeland security and possible terrorist threats to us here in New York in order to take up the examination of a penny ante grifter with persecution mania. I know I will feel safer if Oma's ability to bilk people is restored to her after a thorough investiga --- oh for heaven's sake, I can't even type this with a straight face.
By the way, I received an email from Vladimir Putin last night:
I do not feel safe as long as that woman keeps writing me her crazy letters telling me how I am her hero. I fear for my physical safety if she is allowed to get near me.
I was kind of surprised because I thought he usually just sent mercenary assassins to take care of his enemies.
My favorite charge is the accusation that someone (gasp!) used "Google Earth" to get pictures of where someone lived! Isn't that the point of Google Earth? And yes, I know this question has been asked before.
Meanwhile, the nonsense continues. For every space alien minion on this site there is an equally improbable "snoopy" or "handmaiden" over there.
I am not grilling (my building association wouldn't let that happen in a million years!) but I am laughing.
At you, Oma.
"Private train"? "Cossack bodyguards"?
Oh, Rob, I just saw your post! Look at you doing Rhett Butler! Still trying to get that Trotsky part? Good for you! But remember, there's a light for every broken heart on Broadway. I have no idea what there is for broken hearts on Sunset Boulevard!
All kidding aside, I had a lot of respect for Lansing. It's fascinating that you got to talk to her. I spent a few hours talking to Twyla Tharp a couple of years ago. Very strong, dynamic, talented woman. I know nothing about dance (my company farms us out to various boards for nonprofits, and I was at a fundraiser she attended), but by the end of the evening I was enthusiastic about anything she wanted me to be!
Oh, dear. And there poor Russophile was just giddy with excitement that Oma was about to blow the lid off this blog.
But here's an interesting question. Suppose someone could prove who is who here. What real difference does it make?
Hamou's lies remain lies. Her actionable libels about Atchison and Refai committing perjury remain actionable libels. Her innumerable actionable defamatory posts that Atchison and Moshein were about to be charged with crimes remain actionable defamation. Her new threats to sue and file criminal charges remain as empty as the old threats. A grift remains a grift.
Let her sue. All it would get is an instant countersuit by numerous parties. And guess who would have the most trouble proving their allegations.
Wear something pretty for court, Russophile. We know there's something in that closet that would work for a sharp observer such as yourself.
I have no idea what there is for broken hearts on Sunset Boulevard!
For those hearts broken on Sunset, there is little besides cheap rental housing in Palmdale with hordes of cats and convincing much older men to give you money, sadly....
Oh, Oma, Oma, Oma. I don't have contempt for law enforcement agencies at all. I have contempt for you.
But surely the entire FBI will mobilize behind you? Why don't you have them over to the house so they can admire the decor? It worked with the SBPD!
I have endured 9 years of daily threats from Hamou, including her attempt to have me killed. This will never stop.
It amazes me Hamou spent $50,000 of Sproul's money to fight my lawsuit instead of paying me the $13,000 she owed me.
Hamou told the court she knew she owed me this money. She has always made it clear that she wants revenge anyway she can get it.
Well, the $50,000 wasn't just for the lawsuit. There was the posh hotel. The bodyguard / personal assistant. The room service.
I guess Sproul couldn't quite afford a private train to get her there, Cossacks to protect her, and a Mercedes convertible sedan to squire her around.
But at least it was Sproul's money and not her own that was being poured down the drain. That was the important thing.
So Alexandra Murphy filed a criminal complaint, huh?
Has anyone here ever heard from any law enforcement agency regarding Alexandra Murphy?
And, Russophile, dear lady. If you think things have not been interesting so far, I'm afraid you're in for real disappointment. You see, it's hard to have much of a show in court when Hamou so seldom shows for her appointments.
The headaches, the fainting spells, the stray baseballs, the car accidents, the rapes, the two-headed babies, the heart palpitations, the cancer, the assassination threats.
It's really hard for our girl to find a weekday between 10:00 and 4:00 when the dance card is not filled with a more pressing matter.
The F.B.I.!!! How exciting! And darling Blakele, I never did hear from them, but the Mossad showed up on my doorstep.
I kid. I kid.
Happy shabbos, Robbele!
So, Snoopy. Post a copy of that complaint filed by Alexandra Murphy.
And explain why, if IP's were traced back to Pallasart, the police never attempted to contact anyone at Pallasart. It would kind of be Criminal Investigations 101 stuff, it would seem.
Are the police in San Bernardino County really that incompetent?
So, Handmaiden-who-is-Oma, no one contacted Pallasart because the San Bernardino police had no jurisdiction in Texas?
Well, since you and Snoopy were so personally involved with her filing of the complaint, why didn't you have her file it with the FBI which has interstate jurisdiction? Or why not have her pick up the phone and file the complaint with the Austin police once she had the claimed IP in hand? Or why didn't the SBPD contact their fellow police officers in Texas to see if they would help get the supposed malfeasors at Pallasart to stand down? As you said, you were standing right there with her. (Real, real, real close.)
And I notice you still fail to post the complaint, although you say you have a copy of it.
You want anyone to believe you? Well then, post the complaint.
since the HUGEFAT debbie character insists I 'must prove' my statement that "like you did at the Texas Attorney General's office who trashed your tirade to them,"
here you go. February 24, 2006 Oma Hamou wrote to The Hon. Judge Triana:
I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office
Notice the specific language "I HAVE SWORN OUT", not "I intend to" not "I am going to", but the definitive I HAVE SWORN OUT.
So, let us accept this as true. Oma Hamou in fact swore out a complaint with the Texas Attorney General's office in February 2006.
HERE is the letter from the Texas Attorney General's office from JUNE 2006
They were asked to provide a record of any and all complaints received against Pallasart, Bob or me for all of 2005 and through June 1, 2006. They had NO DOCUMENTS FILED.
Therefore, IF Oma Hamou did swear out a complaint, as she said to the Judge, the AG's office MUST have trashed the complaint as it never made their files.
or of course, Oma Hamou LIED to the Judge. There is no third alternative, at least one based in reality.
Dears, I am just wringing my hands over that poor, poor Alexandra Murphy. Can you imagine how dreadfully frightening it must have been to be mistaken for a convicted felon who had recently been released from jail and was under prosecution for forgery, who was using aliases, and who is a con artist with innumerable court judgments against her?
I'm sure she was much comforted when that person showed up at her door with an enormously fat woman and a man who can be in Honolulu or Los Angeles or just anywhere he's needed at a moment's notice.
And to have them stand right by her side while she was meeting with the police and passing out copies of her criminal complaint against her stalkers! Well, it must have been the sweetest of balms to the paralyzing terror she must have felt.
Oh, if only we all -- and not just that charming Russophile -- could have such wonderful, supportive friends in our times of tribulation.
But, dears, think of the absolutely crushing disappointment it must have been to have it all come to naught. To have the police actually obtain an IP that Mrs. Hamou / McConnell assures us traced back to Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein and do nothing about it!?! Why it simply beggars belief. Not one phone call to Austin police. Not one attempt to contact anyone they think is involved. Not one piece of advice to file a complaint with the Austin PD or the FBI.
Poor, poor Alexandra Murphy. Bereft of all aid but for the heartfelt friendship and sage advice of Oma Hamou.
Dear Penny,
So good to hear from you, dear. We've been worried. How is everything going with the separation?
Thank for you asking, Rebecca, dear.
Things are going better than well. It's now more than a separation. It's a banishment.
That smelly pants soon-to-be-former husband of mine announced he was moving in with Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) -- only to find out she had just been evicted from her home and had a landlord looking for her!
She asked Mr. A. for money, claiming she had caught a really bad cold that had unexpectedly turned into bladder cancer. And the old fool came to me asking for a loan, saying he would get the money to pay me back from someone who fixes screen doors. He said they were going to send him a promissory note right away, and that was as good as money in the bank. In Nigeria.
Well, dears, let me tell you. I told him where he could shove it, even though I'm not sure Betty Ford (or whoever she is) even has such a place.
He is now begging me to take him back or at least let him sleep on the sofa. He promised Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) is now in the past and he will never mention her name (whatever it is) again.
I have to admit, my pet, I had a moment of weakness and was on the verge of believing him. But then the fax machine buzzed and I went over to see what was coming across.
Sweet Jesus in a bathtub! I had never seen such a vile thing! My face just lights up red thinking about it. I knew Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) was limber, because she was always telling me. But some things just should NOT be caught in the direct glare of a bulb.
But thank you for asking, my dear.
I love it. Seriously.
Posting Oma Hamou's OWN letter and then the response from the AG's office thus proving she had not done what she told the Judge she "had" done
is "playing real dirty"
See my point? Oma Hamou calls the bringing up the truth of her "playing real dirty"...
I am not scared of the FBI. I'm quite happy to speak with them and cooperate fully and voluntarily. Should they call. I'm not exactly holding my breath about hearing from them tho.
I had forgotten about the "head injury" in August which prevented her from attending all the motion hearings....THAT one was the SECOND baseball in the head from her son's little league game I think....
Perhaps should consider the idea that Little Nicky is aiming at her?
And Penny, stand firm, girlfriend! But if I can make a suggestion? Carefully examine any joint credit cards you might have had with Mr. A and see if there has been any suspicious activity, purchases of things that you never heard Mr. A express a fondness for: Cossack guards, private train. Betty Ford (or whoever she is) just adores a penthouse view, she gets allergic smelling hay! and she is always looking for another ticket out of Green Acres.
Helloooooo, Mr. Autumnvale!
Rebecca "Keep Manhattan Just Give Me That Countryside" Jordan
So. Five more posts from Snoopy-who-is-Oma and Handmaiden-who-is-Oma. But none posting the copy of that complaint she/they say she/they has/have proving Alexandra Murphy filed it with the police.
And, sweetie. I don't know about any PM's, but why would people not be laughing their asses off while swapping stories about your shenanigans in the real world and your ludicrous explanations of them on the internet? There are days some of us posting here fall out of our chairs hooting at your escapades and your "clarifications" of the circumstances surrounding them.
Personally, I doubt I will ever get over your accidentally suing yourself. But the colon cancer that spread to the uterus is a close second (besides being a medical first).
You're a natural comic and just don't seem to know it.
And you've always craved an audience. Now you're bitching that you finally got one?
Jeez -- try to satisfy some people.
Too true Blake, too true.
One of favorites for the sheer entertainment value:
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 13:39:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Allison Whitmore
Subject: Re:
To: Helen
In-Reply-To: <>
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Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1344576620-1121027956=:93929"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Length: 1073
I've been in the hospital. Yesterday before I was released Oma came by to visit me. She had flowers which the card read was from you and so I thank you for this. I don't deserve your thoughtfulness. I know that you know what happened. But you don't know really so I want to try and explain. I first want to say I am sorry. I am sorry for screwing things up. I am sorry for lying to you, to everyone. I found myself pregnant while in Russia and when I got back to the States the ultrasound showed that the fetuses had fused together, meaning it had one body and two heads. It freaked me out. The father of my unborn child was mean. I took the money that the office gave me for your ticket and had an abortion. I did it without thinking of the consequences. I just believed that I would be able to pay for your ticket on my credit card. At the same time accounting department was upset because of I spent $8,000 on the company credit card, but I couldn't explain this and having the abortion and dealing with my horrible horrible boyfriend and the realization that I had a child with 2 heads, 4 1/2 months pregnant, I just snapped. I don't really know who found me, I was told that the apartment manager let my mom in and they found me and rushed me to the hospital. I am ashamed. And seeing Oma and her bringing flowers from you and telling me she cared, it means alot. I am sorry. I am home with my parents. I am resting. I have begin therapy tommorrow.
Thank you helen for the flowers, thank you!
and then....a year later...
Date: May 8, 2006 7:11:39 PM CDT
Subject: Bob Atchison
Dear Helen,
We have been informed that Bob Atchison has said you told him a story about a woman name Amanda and an abortion which all resulted in your trip to Russia and somehow all this involved Ms. Hamou. As you know this isn't true. You should know that Ms. Hamou has not discussed you with any persons or any organizations other than with her attorney and accountant.
Do you have any idea why Mr. Atchison would make these kind of statements?
Kind regards,
So Hamou promised to pay for someone named Helen to go to Russia, but the money suddenly was not available because an employee of Enigma supposedly embezzled the money to pay for the abortion of a two-headed baby?
That's even funnier than cancer that comes and goes on cue and spreads to unlikely organs or baseball accidents or fainting just as she gets to the bank counter to send out money she has promised to people.
And Hamou is offended that people would be trading these stories with each other and be rolling on the floor holding their sides when they read this shit?
Which means she meant for these tall tales to be taken seriously?????
Good grief.
since the HUGEFAT debbie character insists I 'must prove' my statement that "like you did at the Texas Attorney General's office who trashed your tirade to them,"
here you go. February 24, 2006 Oma Hamou wrote to The Hon. Judge Triana:
I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office
Notice the specific language "I HAVE SWORN OUT", not "I intend to" not "I am going to", but the definitive I HAVE SWORN OUT.
So, let us accept this as true. Oma Hamou in fact swore out a complaint with the Texas Attorney General's office in February 2006.
HERE is the letter from the Texas Attorney General's office from JUNE 2006
They were asked to provide a record of any and all complaints received against Pallasart, Bob or me for all of 2005 and through June 1, 2006. They had NO DOCUMENTS FILED.
Therefore, IF Oma Hamou did swear out a complaint, as she said to the Judge, the AG's office MUST have trashed the complaint as it never made their files.
or of course, Oma Hamou LIED to the Judge. There is no third alternative, at least one based in reality.
Good grief, Snoopy-who-is-Oma. Take a breath. Do you perceive some kind of taboo against using periods to avoid run-on sentences?
And we're still waiting for that copy of the complaint you say Alexandra Murphy filed that resulted in the police tracking an IP to Pallasart?
It'll be interesting to see which policeman you put on the stand to prove that assertion.
I hope he holds up better than the "proof" you gave a jury that Atchison was using a fake invoice at trial. You know -- the jury that heard your argument and found against you.
As for your claim that people were forced by harassment or threat to join some campaign against you, everyone I have talked to tells me they were having so much fun back in the day watching your ludicrous claims fall apart publicly that their biggest concern was losing time to more routine tasks.
You were that proverbial car wreck that no one could tear themselves away from watching.
They remember you fondly. But no one seems to want to have lunch with you.
Go figure.
I can't speak for "back in the day", but I can tell you I am highly entertained right now.
Rob, are you and Bob in danger from Hurricane Earl? It seems to be hovering over the Carribean at the moment. Is it supposed to veer for Texas? My BFF seems concerned. I think it's kind of sweet, if odd, that she is concerned.
Meanwhile, Oma blathers on about how she will be able to introduce the "faked" evidence. Will no one explain the legal system to this woman? Her stupidity is almost frightening.
No RJ, Earl isn't going to go into the Gulf as far I have seen on the weather reports.
We're sunny and hot, 100 degrees all week.
I gave up trying to explain how the legal system really works, but, well, Oma prefers, it seems, to live in her fantasy that she can do whatever she wants with the legal system and that law enforcement will drop all they have on their plates to devote all their resources to pursuing her "complaints".
I saw she who is also snoopy ranted on for thousands of words about what Oma "wants" from law enforcement.
I'm far more interested in exactly what she "gets" from law enforcement, that being what the actually do or DO NOT DO about her "complaints".
So far, they haven't done anything. So far, despite Oma Hamou saying definitively that she HAS SWORN OUT complaints, like she did to Judge Triana over four years ago, NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. Ever.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma, of course you have some PM's from Rob. Quite a few new "members" signed up for the Alexander Palace, then sent him PM's asking about you, and then disappeared just as fast as they appeared.
And Rob gave them the same litany of your misdeeds that have been public knowledge for some time.
The fact that he knew those new members were you might have had something to do with what he wrote, don't you think? (The last phrase of that question is rhetorical, by the way.) It's not, after all, the only time and place you've used that rather transparent tactic.
Oh, and I stand corrected on my earlier post. It seems Russophile would have lunch with you any time.
Darling Russophile Lady,
If you are going to take Oma to lunch, darling, it goes without saying that it will be your treat! Just be careful to take your purse with you if you have to leave the table. It's lovely of you to be so generous with the invitations, but don't lose your head, darling. Or your credit cards!
Just a tip because I care!
Nobody knows more than me how much do you care, Mitzi. Thank you.
I did, however, offer lunch to Blake as well. Funny I haven't heard from him.
We now enter the 453rd consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 216th consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 258 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
Think about this, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT WEEKS, over 1,7496 days, 64 months, over five full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FIFTY WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 22 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS which Oma Hamou would have had to account for to the Bankruptcy Court, since she sort of forgot to mention that cash in her SWORN UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Petition for Bankruptcy. BUT, she dismissed the Bankruptcy rather than have to actually explain this.
THIS is the reason she dismissed her petition, she doesn't WANT to have to talk about what she did with all that money under oath and in Court...
Well, duh.
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI"
Oh, didn't I tell anyone?
I don't eat. I derive all my sustenance from following the Oma Hamau saga. It's very filling.
I find her content too saccharine for my diet. I need something with genuine substance.
Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
1. Oma filed "another" complaint since the FBI did NOTHING with these prior filings which Oma Hamou really did file...
2. These earlier statements over the last 2 years of Oma Hamou "having filed complaints with the FBI" ARE LIES...
The current statements of having just "now filed a complaint with the FBI" ARE LIES.
only one choice of these statements can possibly be true
Which one statement is true and which others are LIES "team hamou"??
Firstly, I hope youhave a nice trip, Rivka, darling, and that your business goes well.
Annd secondly, hoo hah, darling Omele is cracking again with the "Snoopy" talk. "I haven't read the criminal complaint." Darling, no one has read the verkackte criminal complaint because there isn't one, darling. You're making it all up the way you make everything up! And darling, I don't know from criminal complaints because frankly no one has ever sworn one out against me, but if they exist, isn't is part of the deal to notify the defendant? Or is it the custom in the United States for the FBI to let this information first leak out from "anonymous" posters on the internet?
Poor darling, you're just nuts. But I think we all kind of knew that, except maybe for darling Russophile Lady, whose belief in your nonsense defies, well, belief, darling.
And isn't publishing information that someone is under criminal investigation if they areen't against the law over there? Because it is here.
So concerned about your mental health, Omele. So concerned, darling.
Oh, oh, dear. How terrifying it must be to be threatened by Rob Moshein, or any forum administrator, for that matter.
But, Ms. Hamou / McConnell, dear. Could you explain exactly what the "threats" were? You say you have PM's from people named Helen and Penny Wilson that contained threats and that such PM's were sent to others. I can understand your not wanting to reveal their names, my dear (although you did reveal "Helen" and Penny Wilson for some reason that is surely your own. I do hope it had nothing to do with their figuring out your game and then passing information on to Mr. Moshein.)
But certainly you can reveal the nature of the threats that were made.
I do, however, find it somewhat confusing that Ms. Wilson and Mr. Moshein are now working together on a project and that there are several "Helens" on Mr. Moshein's forum, none of whom have disappeared or seem to be in particular fear of Mr. Moshein. Some even seem to argue with him quite vociferously from time to time.
Did he threaten to hurt their cats? (Dearest, I could certainly understand how awful that would be.)
Did he threaten not to allow them to post on some forum? (That, too, would surely be horrific. Look at how distressed it has left Ms. Russophile. She claims to want to have nothing to do with him or that forum, yet she just can't seen to get over not being allowed on it.)
Did he threaten to uncover their long histories of crime and fraud? (Oops. Forget that one, my dear. That would probably not be of so much concern to the Helens or Ms. Wilson.)
Did he threaten to examine an extraordinary string of illnesses and injury that seemed to befall them every time they found themselves in a jam?
Were there some outstanding warrants he knew about and held over their heads?
Please help me, here, dearest Ms. Hamou / McConnell. I really find it quite hard to imagine what Mr. Moshein could threaten that would compel good people to engage in some activity against their wishes.
Or does he have some evil powers of persuasion to which we here are not privy? If so, I do hope he has some time to discuss Mr. A. with me.
1. Oma filed "another" complaint since the FBI did NOTHING with these prior filings which Oma Hamou really did file...
2. Those earlier statements over the last 2 years of Oma Hamou "having filed complaints with the FBI" ARE LIES...
3. The current statements of having just "now filed a complaint with the FBI" ARE LIES.
only one choice of these statements can possibly be true
Which one statement is true and which others are LIES "team hamou"??
One doesn't need to "read the complaint" to answer this question.
Still waiting for the answer.
Oh, dear. Drat and tarnation.
Again Snoopy-who-is-Oma is posting that Moshein threatened members of a history forum if they didn't engage in stalking and harassment activity that Hamou claims is criminal.
Yet she steadfastly refuses to specify exactly what these threats were. He/she refuses to say what exactly constitutes this supposed power Moshein has to force well-meaning people on a history forum into alleged criminal conduct.
She claims she is protecting their privacy and protecting them from Rob's vengeance, yet she continues to post additional names of people who supposedly received these threatening emails. If this is the kind of "protection" she offers people who correspond with her in supposed confidence, no wonder people who once did won't now give her the time of day.
So Hamou -- tell us. What exactly were these threats that turned innocent history forum members to Moshein's evil purposes? We're not asking for names. Just for the exact nature of the "threats".
If you can't specify them, once again everyone will know you're lying through your teeth trying to drag your flabby ass out of another crack.
Darling Omele who is "Snoopy",
It's all right darling, we understand that you can't back up the whole idea of darling Robbele threatening people to do his will. Oy, darling,you come up with some nutty stuff, but that one is really crazy. And darling, considering it is Oma Hamou we are talking about, that is a lot of crazy.
And darling Russophile Lady, I understand how much it hurts. When I was a little girl there were a bunch of girls who played potsy on my street in Brooklyn and I always wanted to hang out with them. Always. I don't even remember why now, so many years later, except that they were the popular kids, and I wanted desperately to be part of the "gang". Of course they didn't want me because I was so young, and just between you and me, I was Jewish and they were Irisher, but still . . . so I did just what you are doing, darling. I made believe it didn't matter to me! I told everybody how I didn't need them and I was happy with my own friends over on Cropsey Avenue! And people believed me! At least I hope they did.
But of course it hurt, and even though you try and hide the pain by being such a smartmouth to darling Pennele, I can see the pain behind your words. Let it out, darling! Let it out!
I know you said you know I care, darling, but I don't think you know how much. So much, darling. So much. You poor bruised flower, you.
Mitzi. Your friend. Really.
Darling Russophile Lady,
You poor wounded bird, listen to you trying to convince me that you don't care! But darling, we both know it's not me you're trying to convince, darling! It's the poor little rejected girl inside of you! So keep talking, darling, until you get yourself into the honest place that my brother-in-law Dr. Moishe Kedem the noted psychologist and credit to the family is always talking about! You can do it, darling Russophile Lady! And maybe someday you'll have friends who actually exist and aren't pretend-people on the internet! (I know, darling, you've actually talked to them on the phone and heard their voices. You hear their voices! Just like darling Joan of Arc. Of course, look how that turned out.)
Sending you yes-beams, darling, so that you can work on the self-esteem. You can do it!
Caring even more than I thought possible, darling, and I can think a lot!
Oh darling Russophile Lady,
You're doing so well, darling! Listen to you with the BWAHAHAHAHAHAS and the OOHS! I can see the tears running down your face, darling, as you let the poison slip out of your soul! Of course, you're a little incoherent, but then what hysterical little girls aren't, darling? This is progress, progress, I tell you. Auntie Mitzi is so proud and cares so much! Such a brave little soldier you are!
Hmmm. So Hamou was corresponding with "a little girl" from a history forum.
I wonder if that little girl's parents knew their daughter was being befriended on the internet by a woman who uses multiple aliases, who has a felony history, who has been arrested three times for fleeing jurisdictions, who has been involved in at least two scams recently, who spins yarns of illness and injury to engender pity and obtain money from people, who bilked a senile old man out of his retirement funds, who sends salacious material via fax to old men, who has more than a dozen court judgments against her, who has an outstanding bench warrant issued for her arrest.
Encountering Hamou and her web of manipulative lies on the internet is exactly the kind of thing responsible parents fear for their children.
Let's just hope her taste in targets is restricted to the more elderly.
P.S. Along with teaching their little girl not to take candy from strangers or get into cars with them, I hope they also taught her not to give anyone mommy's or daddy's credit card numbers.
Baby steps, darling Russophile Lady, baby steps! But I am so proud of you for going out to lunch and meeting your friend and being friends with people all over the country. I mean, darling, that many friends must be a little difficult to manage, but I'm just going to assume that you mean it metaphorically, cross my fingers and hope that some of them do exist. And they have names like "Little Beernuts", darling? No wonder people like "Snoopy" and "Handmaiden" seem probable.
Good luck with cleaning your house. I have to do the same thing today because of course the Sabbath starts at sundown. When I light the candles, darling, I will say a little prayer for you.
And while I'd like to say that we are Best Friends Forever (such a darling phrase), I kind of limit intense relationships to people that I actually know, darling. Let's just say we are friends, with one friend trying to really, really help the other one.
You can do it!
Caring so much, darling, and because I do, I have to say it. Make sure you actually move the sofa when you vacuum, darling, so things can be really clean!
Oh, well, Sandman-who-is-Oma. I guess the Statute of Limitations is another of those legal concepts which leave you badly confused. As badly confused, apparently, as matters of jurisdiction and venue.
Darlings, so quiet!
Labor Day weekend. House full of company. Preparing for trip on Wednesday.
Things probably busy at the ranch, too. Haying and all. And Dromer leaving for fall term (if they let the little pissant out of their sight again).
I had told you before I'm busy with projects. I'll email the details, but won't put it out here just yet since Oma Hamou has this "penchant" for calling those with whom I'm working...funny how SHE makes the calls but "snoopy" posts about it. Just like Oma does reads cases on scrib'd but SNOOPY posts them...
Ah such a coincidence.
Oma clearly has nothing going on, thus the silence. No action on the "criminal complaints" Sorry to disappoint but no FBI or APD pounding on our door...
No "lawsuits" or TRO's
Bill of Review, nada
Maybe she's in jail again. That's what the last long silence was about.
Have a great long weekend!
Oh, happy Labor Day to all those dear, sweet workers out there. Just where would we all be without their unwavering ministrations to our needs?
It seems that scum slurper Mr. A. is going to have to join their ranks, too, my pets. Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) has left him high and dry with an empty checking account and barely a quickie to remember her by. And now the old coot is wanting me to scratch his itch! Why, I'd rather have to crochet with badly matched yarns than have that pestilence on me. It wasn't enough that he trie ...........
Well. Enough of that. Uh, where was I?
Oh, yes. Happy Labor Day to all those hard, dedicated workers out there. Er, I mean all those workers who are dedicated and work hard.
Oh, dear. I just keeping getting all fuddled here. I just don't know what's wrong with me, my sweets. Ever since Mr. A. showed up at the door last night in his new coveralls with that one strap draping off his shoulder I just haven't been myself.
Hello, all!
Seriously, this is a little boring up here. The food is heavy, there is really nothing to see, and I have never seen so many, shall we say, vegetarians in one location. The natives seem to have a real weakness for the watercress sandwich. I think they have watercress sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The hotel is nice, and the meetings are going well, but there is nothing to do. I just got back from an expedition to look at thermal springs. It was about as fascinating as it sounds.
Hope all are well!
Hi, Becks. I had forgotten you were going to be in Reykjavik over the holiday.
If you're bored, why not go see 101 Rehkjavik, starring Hilmir Snr Gunason? I hear it's always playing there somewhere.
And who could possibly miss a movie starring someone named Snr?
Darling Blakele,
Seriously, darling? It's not bad enough she's in Iceland, she should go see a movie set in Iceland while she's there?
Next time see if you can get them to meet in Cancun, Beckele.
A little sun, and the shopping is to die for!
Oh, Mitzi, dear. I really think Rebecca made a delightful decision to go to Rehkjavik. I hear it's so wonderfully clean and neat.
Mr. A's grandmother was from Iceland, and she used to say that Icelandic names captured the spirits of certain animals which became manifest in the people bearing the name.
And, dear, Snr was apparently a name that captured just the animal you might most want. In fact, Granny Grnt (whose full name was Grnttsalott Uf Hrrtn) used to talk about a Snr she once dated as a young girl. I'd fix her a nice platter of watercress sandwiches, and soon that woman's tongue was wagging to beat the band. I can't count the times she told me that once you had gone for a ride with a Snr (and I think we know what she meant), you'd never put a thumb out (and I think we know what she meant) at a passing Mnk or Rmg again.
It was only after she met and married Grandpa Brp (sadly, that was his full name) that she could really settle down and move on beyond Snr.
I've often thought of going to Rehkjavik myself, my pets, but I just make such a horrible hash of Icelandic names that I might find myself saying something not at all intended. Why can't they use nice, normal names of which any child could be proud? Such as Royal.
We now enter the 454th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 217th consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 259 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
NINE WEEKS, over 1,7496 days, 64 months, over five full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FIFTY WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 23 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS which Oma Hamou would have had to account for to the Bankruptcy Court, since she sort of forgot to mention that cash in her SWORN UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Petition for Bankruptcy. BUT, she dismissed the Bankruptcy rather than have to actually explain this.
THIS is the reason she dismissed her petition, she doesn't WANT to have to talk about what she did with all that money under oath and in Court...
Well, duh.
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI"
Darling Omele who is "Handmaiden",
Darling, except for darling Rob's post about how you haven't done a single thing you've claimed you've done for the past six or seven years, which is of course extremely credible, darling, no one was talking about you at all this past weekend.
You don't want us to talk about you, darling, you do want us to talk about you. You're so complex, darling.
And darling Russophile Lady, I am so pleased you had a busy weekend, and that you found time to get your hair done! (Darling, if you have any influence with darling Oma or that poor woman who was with her in court? Just a hint, darling!) I am not familiar with the Jaycees, darling, and wonder if one of your clubs is here in Israel? What does "Jaycee" mean, darling? Because of course to us the initials "J.C." are not the things that would draw many of us to join the organization, if you know what I mean, and I think you do, darling.
But still, darling, you got out of the house and interacted with people! So proud, darling!
Oh, Rebecca, sweetheart.
How simply awful that The Cabal sent you to Rehkjavik on assignment. I thought you were there for pleasure (especially if you could find a Snr). And I even tried to compliment her boy for his nice name, even at the risk to my own credibility.
Well, dears, I've said it before. You just can't please some people.
And Rebecca, my pet. I'm so sorry you were there on Cabal business. It probably completely scotched any chance of finding a Snr, as they tend to be elusive even when one can devote one's full time and resources to the hunt.
Other than that prospect, there really are much better places to be posted than Iceland. Even in September.
Do hurry home, my dear. You're everyone's treasure here, you know.
So true Mitz.
If one believed the blather of "just more evidence for Law Enforcement/FBI" bull blather from Oma Hamou, then the "FBI" must have more files than they did for Jack Abramoff. But then, they prosecuted him quickly and he is already out of JAIL in less time than Oma has been claiming that we are the ones being investigated.
L'Shana Tovah to you and the Kedem clan.
"next year in Jerusalem" (much easier for you than me I'm afraid)
Actually, Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. EARLY 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well??
OH, and here, for your enjoyment is the list of things the FBI WILL investigate. Notice that Oma Hamou's issues aren't on this list, anywhere...
L'Shana Tovah to you, Rob, darling. We have all gathered, as you might imagine, with the exception of my darling sisters who remain in Southern California keeping, shall we say, tabs on things.
And hoo hah, darling Russophile Lady, I was simply asking a question, darling. So snippy with the "WIKIPEDIA!". I did go and look it up, and it sounds darling. Do you have a secret handshake? Do you wear those darling little fez hats like those men who used to ride the tiny motorcycles in parades?
And don't forget to mention to Omele about a trip to the beauty shop.
Meanwhile, Oma who is "Snoopy", if I understand your very poorly written post, you are sending poison pen letters to Rob's friends? Oy, darling, is that wise? I mean, not for anything, but all he has to do is send them a list of sites that feature your various convictions and judgments, and, well, darling, chinky-cho, as my darling Mammele used to say. But if it made you feel temporarily better, darling. It's probably like all of the swearing you do when you play "Snoopy", sweetheart. It feels good to get back to your roots every now and then, just like it must feel good to try and write like what you think a smart person sounds like when you post as "Handmaiden". Darling, whatever gets you through the night.
Shalom, Oma, and remember, if darling Russophile lady brings up how much good a decent cut could do, she's only trying to help. Because she's a Jaycee, darling!
Oma Hamou who is all her characters, reveals her actual intent here. It wrote:
"if Rob was so idiotic as to send those people any information about Oma ... then he would only be proving himself to be exactly the type of low-life, sadistic creature that Justin says he provided them evidence of."
You see?? If I were to send ANY information then I'm a low life sadistic creature. IF I sent the truth of her Felony criminal record, IF I sent the evidence of her recent Felony Forgery charges, IF I sent her recent unlawful detainers for not paying rent, IF I sent the truth of her debts including IF I sent the recent Refai lawsuit...
She only wants me to be silenced for speaking the TRUTH of her life....
Darling Oma,
Why so angry with Wikipedia, darling? It was darling Russophile Lady who told me to use it, take it up with her. Sheesh.
And Omele, I wasn't suggesting that you girls go to the beauty shop together, although darling Russophile Lady has friends all over the place and perhaps she will get down to your neck of the woods, and then wouldn't a girls' day be fun, darling? You know it would. You could get manicures and you could tell darling Russophile Lady all about your life history face to face. Finally there would be someone in the room who believes you and actually exists! Such fun! But until then, all I was telling darling Russophile Lady was to stress the need for a decent cut. And what, they don't have beauty shops in Souhern California, darling? Trust me, that's not what Bitsy tells me!
And darling, surely you gave the FBI all of those documents before, or were the statements that darling Robbele so kindly listed just great big fibs? And does poor Mr. Refai know that you are calling it a fraudulent judgment? Darling, will you be suing him for fraud too? Is the FBI investigating him as well? They should change the name to the Federal Bureau of Oma Investigations! J.Edgar Hoover will come back from the grave to personally take the case (although I personally hope it's that Efrem Zimbalist, oy, so cute!).
But at least some part of your brain told another part of your brain to take down some of the foul language, darling. That's a good girl.
Thanks Oma Hamou for admitting publicly that all your actions are now driven by "bitterness and hatred" for me and Bob.
I'm certain that this will go a long way in explaining things, like why "snoopy" sends out hate mail to people I work with (none of whom actually have gotten anything yet, fyi)
and STILL waiting to hear which times Oma Hamou stated she had filed with the FBI were true and which were LIES...
Darling Russophile Lady,
Why so angry? I did go to Wikipedia, as you suggested, and I did read about your club, as you suggested, and I asked you some questions. Oy, darling, there's no pleasing you. And I'm a little concerned that when you bring out all of the wonderful people who have been honored by your clubn, darling, you bring out Elvis Presley and Bill Clinton. Really, darling? A dope fiend and a rapist? Are these really the kind of people junior Americans should be emulating? Mitzi doesn't think so, darling, but I am sure it makes it all glamorous for you, and that seems to be important. And thanks for the vote of confidence about the Oscar, darling! I know just what I'll say when I win! "Hello, gorgeous!" Just like you know who!
And Omele, darling, it's been a busy day for you, sweetheart, with all the posting under all the names and everything, but you really haven't answered darling Robbele's question. Why should anyone believe your hoo-hah now, darling, when you've lied like a rug before?
I do post because I care, darling. Darling Russophile Lady knows this, and I hope you do too.
My goodness, darling Russophile Lady, you're so fierce! And a little bit incoherent, darling, but I am learning to live with that, sweetheart. Have a good time at "little Beernuts"' (so cute!)game, darling, and try and sort yourself out. I'm sure you're the loudest mammele in the grandstands, darling, cheering him on! Mazel tov!
Rob, darling, did you get the email from Rebecca about her travel plans? So exciting! I know she'll be glad to get out of Iceland!
Omele, darling, really? "Scumbag"? Sweetheart, is this really the kind of language a friend of a Jaycee should be using? I don't think so, darling.
And darling Russophile Lady is apparently not going to say it, so I will. Think beauty parlor, darling. Think hot rollers. You'll feel better (and maybe it will help you to talk like a lady. Wouldn't that be a nice example to set for Little Imperial or whatever the boy's name is? You know it would, darling! You know it would!
snoopy what is Oma says I'm lying that Oma Hamou was being evicted from her rental house. well..
is Oma Hamou's sworn under oath statement that Oma Hamou's "Landlord has a judgment of possession against (Oma Hamou)Debtor's residence"...from her sworn under oath bankruptcy.
Also from Oma Hamou's sworn under OATH Bankruptcy...
She SAYS that her lease at 145 S Glenoaks Blvd Burbank, California 91502
See she wrote in her own handwriting "RESIDENTIAL" well...
It seems that 145 S Glenoaks Blvd Burbank, California 91502
is a FEDEX store called "Pack and Mail"...
Also, It seems "Reseda Screen and Glass" according to Hamou under oath,LIVES with her at the same address....Shall I post THAT page sworn under oath from the Bankruptcy petition? Glad to do it...
Just FYI...
Interesting that nobody on Oma Hamou's site,which is all Oma except for the dimwit in Portland, bothers to answer my question...
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. EARLY 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well??
So, Oma seems to think she LIVES at a Fedex store!! LOL
I love when Oma Hamou who is snoopy, in Lancaster, tries to have it all its own way...
First I'm called a LIAR for stating the Oma Hamou swore under oath she was evicted from her rental home..
So, to prove I speak the truth, I post the specific page but without any addresses...
THEN I'm a hideous monster for posting the document PROVING what I said was TRUE!!
Oh, and fyi Oma what is snoopy, I've spoken to each person I went to France with. You lied. Not ONE of them has heard from you. Unless you now want to call them liars...
Exact quotes from a few of their emails:
"the CIVB and the entire team have a lot of trust and esteem for you. This person must have a very boring life to spend her time doing those stupid things."
"No worries here. I haven't seen any emails. This sounds just horrible and I'm really sorry that you need to deal with this on top of everything else."
"Sorry Rob. That woman is MESSED UP!
I have not ever been in touch with her. She's just a crazy."
Darling Russophile Lady,
Of course you don't think I'm real, darling. Why would you? You believe that darling Omele is telling the truth, darling, and well, that kind of says that you wouldn't recognize reality if it bit you in the tuchis.
But anyway, sorry to hear about "Little Beernuts"' injury, and I hope he is up and around as soon as possible.
See how nice I am, darling?
Also, darling, you've been hanging around Omele a bit too long, I think, with the nasty Mrs. Rob/Bob comment. You're better than that, darling.
Or maybe not.
Mazel tov to you again, darling!
Also, Omele, if you are going to modify your posts as "Snoopy", how about a little less with the kitchen talk?
So proud of you, Omele! You managed to write the entire post as "Snoopy" with a minimum of profanity, you clever girl. Of course, you didn't tell the truth, but as I said to darling Russophile Lady just the other day, baby steps, darling. Baby steps!
Darling Russophile Lady,
You live something like seven thousand miles away from me, darling, so no, I don't think I will be heading over just to satisfy your curiosity. As much fun as it would be to hang out and go see "Little Beernuts" (please tell me the darling boy has a real name?) play sports. And really darling, why bother? I have nothing to do with you. I don't like the fact that you say such mean things about darling Robbele, but he isn't exactly singing your praises either, so what can you do? In a nicer world, you and Rob would be friends, Omele wouldn't be fleecing poor schnooks and the land would flow with milk and honey.
So you can either accept me as Miriam Kedem or not, darling. I can live with it either way, sweetheart, and I know you can too.
Darling Russophile Lady,
So sorry to hear about the dyslexia, darling. And you have gay friends! So proud of you for being broadminded, darling.
And no, darling, I am not going to spend thousands of dollars just to satisfy your curiousity. What, you actually though I was going to book a flight because you posted something on Oma's board? But I want you to know that even though you don't believe in me, I believe in you!
Miriam "Mitzi" (see how it works, darling?) Kedem
oh, and Oma what is snoopy and what is HUGEFATdebbie, all the Bordeaux people are well aware of the "justin edwards" alias you use...
I've got more pages from the Bankruptcy petition to prove other things I've said. I have the entire PUBLIC RECORD petition. You can't stalk people with publicly available records...
Shall I put them up?
Darling Russophile Lady,
Darling, I finally take your point about why you were upset when I wasn't impressed by Bill and Elvis getting the awards (and darling, I didn't do any homework, you told me). So I guess all it proves is that Jaycees may not be the best judge of character. But darling, I think given your association with darling Omele, and your "Amen, sister!"'s, well, darling, I think we all kind of guessed that. And calling me a matzoh ball, darling? Really? That and "Mrs. Rob Moshein" all in the same day? As my darling mother used to say, lie down with homophobic anti-semitic dogs, get up with homophobic, anti-semitic fleas.
But I still believe in you, darling, and do you know why? No one could make you up!
Caring so much, darling, and can we at least find out if "Little Beernuts" (so cute!) is hopping around?
Hey guys!
Guess where I am? I am so jet-lagged I can't see straight or sleep, although that may also be due to sheer excitement. Hello from the Nevsky Prospect. I'm in a four star hotel in St. Petersburg!
Talk to you all soon, have to get some sleep!
One more thing. Iceland is a little slice of boredom.
Have a wonderful time in Petersburg! I'm so glad Bob's contacts at the museums are taking good care of you. Thanks for the message for Bob from Father Markell.
We now enter the 455th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 218th consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 260 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY WEEKS, over 1,820 days, 65 months, over five full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FIFTY WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 24 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS which Oma Hamou would have had to account for to the Bankruptcy Court, since she sort of forgot to mention that cash in her SWORN UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Petition for Bankruptcy. BUT, she dismissed the Bankruptcy rather than have to actually explain this.
THIS is the reason she dismissed her petition, she doesn't WANT to have to talk about what she did with all that money under oath and in Court...
Well, duh.
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...
Interesting that nobody on Oma Hamou's site,which is all Oma except for the dimwit in Portland, bothers to answer my question FOR TWO WEEKS NOW...
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well?? Which year were these lies?? Still waiting for that simple answer...
Dear Rob and Bob,
St. Petersburg is everything you said it would be, and more. Thanks so much for calling Yuri and Svetlana about me, they have been perfect guides to the city. Last night I stood them to dinner at the restaurant in the Radisson. Everyone has been so friendly!
I'm a little overwhelmed by it all. Despite my years of travel, I have never been in Russia before, and it is beyond anything I could have imagined. I can see why you both love it. This trip makes me want to go to Moscow, but of course there isn't time.
Full news later!
Bob is so pleased that Yuri and Sveta are helping out.
Was Valeri G. able to get you the seats you wanted for the opening night of Kovanschina tomorrow at the Mariinski? Let's face it if HE can't get them, nobody can...I know Bob sent him an email asking for you.
I KNOW that Olga F will take good care of you at Tsarskoe Selo. Bob says to give her a big hug for him.
I join Russophile in asking that Hamou post the emails she has from Rob Moshein to other people. I, too, have an inquiring mind.
Of course, she'll say she can't because they're now in the hands of the FBI or some other law enforcement agency or lawyers or some such nonsense.
Odd how outraged she is that Moshein and Atchison have obtained (and actually posted) emails she sent, but she boasts of emails she obtained that were sent to other people (but which she seems unable to post). Of course, this is not the first time you have been taken in by her claims, Russophile. And it probably won't be the last.
But here's the bottom line. It doesn't matter whether she has emails or not. Any dope would know that people have communicated with each other over the years as her shady, ludicrous, and often comical career has been exposed. People have a natural tendency to share this much fun with their friends.
What is important is that she's engaging in the grifter's usual attempts at confusing issues. While she harps on about people sending emails as if they have some earth-shattering significance, she attempts to divert attention from her truly significant record of lost court cases, arrests, felony convictions, failures to appear in court and outstanding warrants, scams against elderly and/or married men, stiffing landlords of their rent, filing perjured bankruptcy documents, failing to claim income and financial assistance she obtained to the IRS.
So, yes, Russophile. Do what you can to get her to publish the emails she claims she has. But don't hold your breath.
Or do.
Quite right Blake. I've been asking the simple question for weeks now, still without an answer:
Either she DID file complaints and the FBI did NOTHING
No other possibility. WHICH ONE IS IT?
As predicted, Handmaiden-who-is-Oma has come up with a reason she cannot publish the emails from and to Rob Moshein that she claims people sent her. Just as she can claim Rob Moshein threatened people if they didn't participate in exposing her -- but cannot specify just what those threats were.
So, Russophile, you now have those emails, huh? Good. Why don't you publish them? Or will you, too, just claim you have seen things that prove all kinds of evil things were done to Ms. Hamou but likewise fail to produce any proof?
Or have you yet again rushed to her side, only to be left with egg on your face again when a new scam and default judgment surfaces?
It's interesting that Hamou was always willing to name names of people who she claimed supported her against Moshein -- such as Penny Wilson, Sautov, and others -- until she found out that Moshein had correspondence from these people of his own that told a somewhat different tale.
Now, suddenly, she has all sorts of additional information but her new-found scruples prevent her from identifying the source or giving actual examples of contents.
In other words, she's lying again but now hoping to avoid getting ensnared in those lies as she did last time.
So, Russophile. Have you actually received those emails yet from "Snoopy"?
Oh, dears. I do so love to read a nice letter or email, but I'm getting confused.
First, Snoopy says that he can post emails to Mr. Moshein from someone named Simon or Tsarfan or Mike if Mr. Moshein wants him to. Then Mr. Moshein makes it clear Snoopy is free to post them. Then Snoopy starts saying he can only post emails if the senders give him permission. Then Mrs. Russophile says Ms. Hamou has given Snoopy permission to send her emails that Snoopy says he cannot divulge without permission of the senders.
I'm so very confused, my pets. First Snoopy says he'll be glad to post the emails. Then he says he can't.
Goodness gracious me. I can see how Mr. Moshein got so confused by Ms. Hamou's bankruptcy petition and all the contradictions it contained to things Snoopy and Ms. Handmaiden have posted.
I suppose we have no choice, my sweets, but to accept Snoopy's and Ms. Handmaiden's explanations that they don't know what they are talking about half the time they post. Now that I think of it, I remember how very confused they both were when news broke about Ms. Hamou's recent scam of Hamid Refai, the $50,000 she got from him for "doctor's bills", and the default judgment entered against her and Mr. Jim Sproul.
I guess there are some things one can't tell even one's friends. Except Mrs. Russophile, of course. I think the collaboration between her and Ms. Hamou is simply heart-warming. True friendship is just so heartening.
And I do so hope Mrs. Russophile will let us know just as soon as she has those emails in her hands. Perhaps she can be prevailed upon to divulge to us what Snoopy can't. Or can. Or can't. (With him, one simply never knows from post to post, does one?)
Darling Pennele,
It is confusing, isn't it? But then it so often is over there. Last week darling Russophile Lady bit my head off when I went and looked up the darling Jaycees on Wikipedia at her suggestion.
Darling "Snoopy" or "Handmaiden" or whoever else darling Omele is posting as, what on earth do old emails prove, darling? That whoever these people are, they didn't like you? Darling, I think we have all kind of guessed from the things that you have posted on your own site that there are quite a few people in this world who didn't like you. Some of them were named Morton, some of them were named Batchelor, some of them were named Refai, some of them were named Tinele, some of them were named Moshein, some of them were named Atchison, some of them were working at that palace in Russia where they called you the "devil's handmaiden", so cute, some of them were named Demian. I mean, darling, the news that people don't like you isn't exactly the top story, is it?
Either she DID file complaints and the FBI did NOTHING
No other possibility. WHICH ONE IS IT?
As predicted, Snoopy posted that he would be glad to post emails between Rob Moshein and other people but, when challenged, tucked tail and ran. He's now suggesting a change of subject. (Actually, more like insisting on a change of subject.)
And Russophile, Rob is perfectly aware of the email traffic that has passed between him and others and, therefore, its content. He has no qualms about its being published. The actual point of all this is to demonstrate that Oma-who-is-Snooopy is just shoving another load up your chute about supposed "proof" she has of one thing and another. Proof which, as every time she has been summoned in a court case, she has been unable to produce.
As for your fond hopes that emails will divulge who else has taken issue with Hamou's internet lies, antics, and accusations, so what?
The court records and discussions with the litigants in many of those cases will support what has been claimed about Hamou.
And remember this. Hamou will also be subject to discovery about her correspondence, the identity of her characters -- and will be called to prove her libels that Bob Atchison committed perjury and that he and Moshein have been the subjects of criminal investigations and have neared arrest on several occasions.
Really now, Russophile. Which side of THAT case would you rather be called by?
But perhaps you realize that the last place Oma Hamou will ever find herself voluntarily is a court room (or a police station).
You do realize that the reason she has so many default judgments against her is not that she was in court but just not speaking loudly enough?
Or perhaps you don't.
Interesting that snoopy what is Oma said that the following is not worth "responding too" (its exact words...)
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well?? Which year were these lies?? Still waiting for that simple answer...
Why doesn't Rob post emails he received from other people, Russophile? For the simple reason that one cannot prove a negative and in this case need not try.
It is Hamou saying both that Rob sent and received PM's in furtherance of running a "cabal" with a criminal purpose and that she has copies of them.
In short, Rob is not the one making a statement on this point that will have to be proved. Hamou is.
But at least Snoopy-who-is-Oma has now said outright that you now have copies of such emails. So when she launches her famous lawsuit and is hit with countersuits for the claims she has made -- and with discovery for the names of her posters -- but cannot herself produce any such emails, you will be made party to the countersuit as she has now posted that you are in possession of the supposedly incriminating correspondence.
Fun all around. And congratulations. I guess we might get to see Portland after all.
Darling Blakele,
This is the part I don't understand about how things operate Over There. Darling Omele insists that darling Robbele was running some kind of "cabal" (and Omele,darling, it's like you're doing one of those things where you use a new vocabulary word a day) designed to cause "criminal" harm. Darlings, the only one with felony convictions and judgments here is . . .well, I'll just say that the initials are "O.H." and leave it at that.
And darling Russophile Lady, what consternation? From what I am reading, Robbele and Blakele are dying for you to post the emails.
I'll tell you about consternation. It's nearly Yom Kippur and I'm arguing with the goyim about this nonsense. Oy, something else to atone for.
Mitzele, who will be thinking of you all day Saturday, Robbele
When does Rivka get back from Russia?
You got that right, Mitzi.
I WANT Russophile to post those emails Hamou sent her that supposedly prove a criminal conspiracy.
This is rather funny. Hamou is backpedaling, trying to induce a change of subject, and Russophile can't let go of some bone that she thought Hamou would -- or even could -- toss her.
So come on, Russophile. Show us the proof of this criminal conspiracy that Snoopy says he/she sent you. It seems that Snoopy has backed down.
Speaking of "snoopy" backing down...
Interesting that snoopy what is Oma said that the following is not worth "responding too" (its exact words...)
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well?? Which year were these lies?? Still waiting for that simple answer...
Okay. I see Hamou and Biernat have gone mum on all their bluster about emails between Moshein and others that supposedly prove some kind of criminal conspiracy. Just as Hamou went mum when asked to identify the "threats" she said Moshein made to force people to participate against their wills in a campaign to expose Hamou for the crook she is. (Note here are at least two crimes Hamou has publically accused Moshein of committing -- and will have to prove when the time comes.)
So all we're left for proof of anything are things such as court records, sheriff records, direct information from recent participants in court cases against Hamou, and actual attendees of some of those proceedings.
When the libel suits and countersuits come, we'll see whose evidence holds up.
And I expect Rob will be seeing service of process on the first salvo shortly after the FBI wraps up their investigation and delivers the warrant for his arrest. Right.
Of course, if we proceed in the order in which Hamou issued her threats, I guess we'll first have to see Atchison get served on that Bill of Review that Hamou said she was going to file but never did. (Her ridiculous attempt at a filing was not legally sufficient, as all it said in effect was, "hold me a place. I'll get back to you when I'm ready.")
Biernat, you really might want to consider a less, er, ludicrous ally (and one with a cleaner criminal and litigation history) in your little vendetta against Moshein.
Hoo, boy. Try to help some people.
I just suggest that Russophile seek a more credible ally than a career grifter such as Hamou, and I get accused of intimidation.
What's that all about?
Darling Russophile Lady,
Happy anniversary, darling, and many more to you and darling Mr. Russophile!
I have to get this in quickly because it is almost you-know-what, but darling, make up your mind. Your post about how little you care when people post or when you post or whatever it was you were trying to say, darling, is right under the post where you say you can't wait to see everyone's consternation over here. I guess the urgency passed?
But enjoy your day!
What do you expect from someone so ignorant they don't even know the expression is "per SE"...not "per say" hahahahahahahahahaha.
My best wishes for you and your family on Yom Kippur, and Shabat Shalom.
I'm back! Rob and Bob, I can't thank you enough for all of the doors you opened for me, and I had the time of my life!
Details later!
I guess you don't say Happy Yom Kippur, Rob and Mitzi, but you know what I mean! And Happy Anniversary, BFF!
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well?? Which year were these lies?? Still waiting for that simple answer...
oh, and just because Oma Hamou has gone quiet (the usual sign of being in jail or avoiding court), doesn't mean she's disappeared...
Palmdale and Lancaster read this blog 3 or 4 times every single day!
Nobody in "Santa Monica" nobody in Austin that isn't me (bob stopped reading again as he couldn't care less)...
Just FYI.
Mitz, the Rosh Hashana gift box arrived YESTERDAY, oy the mails are slow. THANK YOU so much for the thoughtful gift of Kedem foods...
Oh, dear. What a rollercoaster of a morning.
I saw that Ms. Oma Hamou herself had posted on her forum, and a wave of excitement simply rushed over me. It was almost like having heard people talk of the Queen for so long and then suddenly finding oneself about to stand in the presence of the Great Lady in person.
Breathlessly, I opened the thread on which she had posted. Would she clarify all the confusion Snoopy and Handmaiden had spread with their posts that contradicted Ms. Hamou's bankruptcy petition? Would she explain how Mr. Refai confused her with Jim Sproul and some other woman? Would she reassure us that the colon cancer that spread to her uterus was in remission? Would she reveal more clearly just how the miscommunication with her lawyers caused her to sue herself in Texas? Would she tell us whether the deep respect the District Attorney in San Bernardino developed for her led to something more interesting? Would she let us know whether the police had ever found out who was driving that car without registration and insurance and using her identity?
But what did I find? A bland denial that she posts through Palmdale. Truly, my pets. That was it.
Well, my dears, I can hardly describe my disappointment. It was almost as if I met the Queen herself and found a run in her stockings, a scuffed purse, and a piece of toilet tissue stuck to her pumps.
I will write more later. But for now I just have to wait for this letdown to subside. I am virtually paralyzed with disappointment.
Poor dear Ms P,
Haven't you learned by now that Oma Hamou NEVER REVEALS ANYTHING OF SUBSTANCE?
Her website STILL says "she appeared in several films", but to this day after ten years she still won't say just exactly what those films were.
Same for her "moderately successful modeling career"...
Same for whether she lied to Judge Triana or not in that letter I posted...
Same for all those things "under oath" in her Bankruptcy petition...
Same for that Bill of Review and the "Federal Court" lawsuits...
well, you get the picture. Go have one small watercress sandwich, it will help your nerves.
Darling Robbele,
Don't enable her, darling. Besides, if she is going to try and understand darling Omele and how she operates, one watercress sandwich just isn't going to do it.
Glad you enjoyed the foodstuffs! And Rivka, darling, the nesting doll thing arrived. So cute, darling.
Damn you, Moshein. I hope you're happy with yourself. Don't you know you can't tell a woman recovering from watercress abuse just to have a "little"?
Me and Mrs. A. been having our problems, I know. But I was damned close to getting her to let me move back in with her. I had about convinced her that that thing with Betty Ford (or whatever her name is) didn't mean what she thought it did.
If you saw Betty (or whatever her name is), you'd know that sex didn't have much to do with things. It's about trying to help a woman who's losing her health and can't even buy herself much in the way of food or clothes these days without help.
Penelope kept throwing hissy fits about me selling a few damn doilies to raise shoe and stocking money for Betty (or whatever her name is). So what? Shoes don't last forever and you can't expect a woman to have cancer surgery in torn hose. And I was sick and tired of those doilies catching cat hair anyway.
Besides, Betty (or whatever her name is) told me that her nose cancer was going to spread to her lungs from all that breathing, and what man could stand by and see that happen? Penelope used to care about other people, least long as they were dressed right for the season.
But her watercress problem got the better of her good nature before she went for her little, er, trip. And just when I was about to get back in the house, here you go and screw her up again.
You owe me for my rent, you meddling sonuvabitch.
We now enter the 456th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 219th consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 261 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY ONE WEEKS, over 1,827 days, 65 months, over five full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FIFTY WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...
We are also now past week 25 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full ELEVEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS which Oma Hamou would have had to account for to the Bankruptcy Court, since she sort of forgot to mention that cash in her SWORN UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Petition for Bankruptcy. BUT, she dismissed the Bankruptcy rather than have to actually explain this.
THIS is the reason she dismissed her petition, she doesn't WANT to have to talk about what she did with all that money under oath and in Court...
Well, duh.
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER THREE WHOLE WEEKS
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. EARLY 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well??
Here I am, finally caught up on work and sleep! How has everybody been? I sent out the email last night with the description of my time in St. Petersburg, so I won't bore you all with that, except to say again that if you do get the chance to go, GO. As I said in the email, it might have been the contrast with Iceland, but whatever it was, I think I have fallen in love with an entire country. Or at least the small part of it that I have now seen. I am thinking of a jaunt to Moscow in the late spring.
Also, and contrary to what you may have read, Bob Atchison is pretty much loved over there. I had thought that my donation to the AP would have opened a few doors, and it did, but when I mentioned that I "knew" Bob, it was very pleasant to see people's faces light up. They are truly, truly appreciative of the attention you have brought to the project, Bob. And I wrote another check before I left in gratitude for the epic hospitality I enjoyed all over St. Petersburg.
Can you recommend a few books on Tsarskoe Selo in general, Bob and Rob? I am particularly interested in anything that might have to do with the landscaping. They had some lovely things, but of course they were in Russian.
Well, despite Oma Hamou's silence, maybe she isn't in jail this time since that very same Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner account reads this blog a LOT. Three times yesterday and once already this morning...
So Oma, Still waiting for your answer about whether you lied to Judge Triana or not when you told her in writing that you HAD FILED a complaint with the FBI....
Darlings, so quiet over there. Not that anyone is complaining, mind you!
Well Mitz, not sure. Palmdale/Lancaster reads the blog daily. But, a full week without psycho sock puppet theatre is usually the sure sign Oma Hamou and her alias Alexandra McConnell are back in jail...
We now enter the 457th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 220th consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 262 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY TWO WEEKS, over 1,834 days, 65 months, over five full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for FIFTY WEEKS on the fictional "Bill of Review"...Which is now dismissed for lack of prosecution according to Court guidelines under Local Rules.
We are also now past week 26 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TWELVE WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course the NEW DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou for FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS which Oma Hamou would have had to account for to the Bankruptcy Court, since she sort of forgot to mention that cash in her SWORN UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Petition for Bankruptcy. BUT, she dismissed the Bankruptcy rather than have to actually explain this.
THIS is the reason she dismissed her petition, she doesn't WANT to have to talk about what she did with all that money under oath and in Court...
Well, duh.
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER FOUR WHOLE WEEKS
Oma who is snoopy, YOU are the one insisting Oma Hamou filed a complaint with the FBI. I'm just trying to get YOU to admit WHICH time you made these statements was TRUE and which ones were LIES:
1. 2006:
February 24, 2006
from Oma Hamou
to "The Honorable Gisela D. Triana, 200th Judicial Civil District Court"
"due to the "statutes of limitations" regarding some of my claims against Mr. Atchison and his small web design company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc and its associates and the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Enigma Films and The Sarskaia Foundation, I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Attorney Generals Office in the hope that this man and his associates will be brought to justice. for the original letter.
2. 2008
by Snoopy on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:50 pm
that's why MY FRIEND Oma turned to the FBI and others because this nightmare has to end in this year!
Postby Snoopy on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:43 pm
can't wait until you are held accountable by the FBI and PAY for what you did to my friend, what you did so you can never do this again to Peter or Penny or anyone else. Your reputation when this all goes down is OVER --FINITO just like you tried and almost succeeded doing to Oma -- !!!!!!!!
Postby Mike on Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:52 pm
Did you give the police or FBI the PM's from all the different sites by people on AP about you which Justin says proves Rob and Bob asked people to harass you and others?
To my knowledge, yes, she gave the law enforcement people “everything,” which was several big plastic boxes worth….
Alexander Palace Obsession website
Sept.3, 2008
LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men
and also Sept. 3,2008
We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.
Alexander Palace Obsession website
October 18, 2008
(Oma) informed us that she did not file a criminal complaint [with the FBI] against Atchison, Moshein or anyone else until this year
3. EARLY 2009
Postby Mike on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:33 pm
she really does have an appointment to sign the whatever-it-is with a police detective. The FBI? Who knows if they are still investigating or what, but maybe when she files this brief (or whatever it is that they are doing, legal stuff goes way over my head...) with the federal courts(?) that, that might kick the FBI into high gear.
Postby Snoopy on Thu May 14, 2009 11:34 am
Oma has asked the FBI to investigate on her behalf this alleged incident and to examine the state case in Texas regarding Bob Atchison.
4. OR NOW IN 2010??? Well??
FOUR WEEKS NOW AND STILL WAITING FOR THE ANSWER......did you or did you not lie to Judge Triana in that letter??
The suspense is killing me!
Oy, Darling Russophile Lady is sick! And darling Omele is praying for her! That's probably why she's ducking your question, Rob! G-d won't listen to her if He hears that she's been a fibber!
Sorry you're sick, Darling Russophile Lady, and hope all is well soon!
and Oma Hamou displays the stellar education she clearly received at Albion High School, especially in her English skills (which are the exact same "quirks" which snoopy displays:
I will always pray for your family as does others who attend the same Church as I do! :wink:
OH, and quess where has read this blog FIVE times today, more than anyone else??
YEP! Palmdale!!! Hi Oma, still waiting for those answers....
So Oma seems to admit now she LIED to Judge Triana, since she dodges the simple answer...
or if she didn't lie, then the FBI didn't give a crap, since nothing happened.
Sorry Oma. nobody cares. Seriously. Nobody. Cares....Enjoy the heat in Palmdale...
Apparently she's not in jail, unless they have incredibly lenient internet use policies. On the other hand, from the way she has described her interactions with the various California police departments and district attorneys, perhaps they were so dazzled by her living quarters that they have decided to let her post from the clink.
I emailed Rob and Bob about this, but I did want to post it publicly: nothing of what she claims about the Alexander Palace's relationship with Bob Atchison is true. No one there harbors hard feelings about him, and he is known by many people as a benefactor. They are well aware of the Russian history website he runs, and appreciate the attention it has focused upon their work. On the other hand, it took me forever to find someone who remembers her at all, and the two that did were, to put it mildly, not fans. And while I did not physically meet with Markell, I did leave a greeting for him from Bob and he left a very nice message for them (and me) at my hotel.
I want to be very clear: conversations about her were a minimum part of my trip to St. Petersburg. I discounted Yuri and Sveta's opinions, as they are close friends of Rob and Bob, and could be expected to echo their sentiments. But I did manage to speak to several people at the palace; most of them spoke English, and one of them translated for those who did not. You will be pleased to know that you are not the chief topic of conversation there, girlfriend. Only Irina really remembered you, the other lady was simply repeating what she had heard. Neither of them were fans. However, no one referred to you as the "devil's handmaiden", although they certainly laughed when I mentioned the nickname.
One more thing. They laughed even harder when I described "Snoopy" industriously posting away on his laptop from his secret location outside of normal hours. Aside from the inherent improbability of an available wireless connection, they were amused by the idea that Americans would be allowed to traipse around unescorted.
Enough of that. Rob, I would say that you do indeed have your answer about her claims in regard to the FBI these past five years. On a happy note, I am informed that these kind of statements are actionable. I'm happy to see you have saved them.
Rebecca Jordan, the Toast of Pushkin
Did I mention that I had some kind of Georgian bread called harachi or something like that? Stuffed with cheese?
Thanks RJ. You are as always, correct, and wonderful
I love the new screaming about Oma not living in Palmdale. Exactly the same screaming that she didn't live in Palmdale, until it was proven that she really DID live in Palmdale, on Shellbark, which Oma Hamou admitted under oath in her bankruptcy.
Of course the "FBI" is taking her seriously, they've been taking her that very same seriously for six full years...and of course, nothing ever does happen...
Which is why, I don't lose an instant of sleep about her lunatic ravings using made up names.
Snoopy on Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:54 pm
you see Rob and Bob have written letters to these creditors even told them she lived in Montclair California and rented a home in Palmdale on Shellbark from the bank lots of lies, for yourself that she admits under OATH SHE DID live on Shellbark...
Also back on June 20, a full three months ago, snoopy also PROMISED
According to Oma the attorneys she has hired are lining their ducks in a row, getting everything ready for this to happen because when it happens they only have 21 days and they want to make certain you and your boyfriend have every opportunity to put your evidence on to prove you and he have had every right to do what you’ve done to her for 10 years, that Judge Livingston didn’t mean the words she wrote across the restraining order she issued against you, that the cops really did believe all the criminal complaints he filed against Oma which they dismissed for “lack of evidence” that they did this because according to him they couldn’t cross state lines, that the people you asked in California to stalk and take photos of Oma and run the license plate to the car Debbie was driving was all done legally, Bob gets to prove he has never provided the cops fake documents or used fake documents to win his lawsuit against Oma and the things he said to the cops about the priest in Russia, Markell and Oma was the God’s honest truth. You two get to prove everything you have done for 10 years against Oma has not been a threat, caused her any harm, the stalking of IP’s the letters you consistently write to her creditors and so on that all of this has been within your legal right to do so despite what Judge Livingston said. You get your day in court, her side gets theirs and we all get to watch and learn if this will put an end to your campaign to destroy her. Not a big deal. It is going to happen
How's that going Oma?? YOU promised that was going to happen, just like the FBI...
and we think you have a shred of credibility left....why??
Oh, dear! Oh, my goodness!
Mr. Moshein, I turned on the news this morning and almost fainted dead away when I heard about that gunman running rampant in Austin. I was so afraid I would hear he was shouting something about Ms. Hamou and how he could no longer take her being submitted to the unrelenting demands for her to explain the myriad inconsistencies in her postings about her criminal history, her cons, her bankruptcy filing, and all those cases she lost. And, of course, how she accidentally sued herself.
That scuzzbag Mr. A. had left the set tuned to CNN, so I immediately switched to Fox News to be sure I was getting an accurate report of events. But even they made no mention of Ms. Hamou.
However, they did make a rather cryptic reference to some high profile internet stalking case that had the local FBI so swamped that they had failed to see the gunman, even though he ran screaming right by the sandwich cart at which they all buy their mid-morning snacks and lunches.
Well, dear, it seems no one was killed other than the gunman, so at least I can rest easy knowing you're safe.
Until, of course, the FBI comes to arrest you.
Dear Ms P,
Thank you for the concern. It was one lone student as it turned out. The library on campus is indeed about ten blocks south of our house, but we could hear all the sirens and helicopters over the house, quite a to do.
Since Oma Hamou has lied repeatedly for the last six years about the various and sundry "law enforcement" "FBI" Federal court, LA Court and other "complaints" she "has filed" "Will File for SURE" "Has hired lawyers to file" "intends to file" and "is planning to file" she is clearly lying yet once again.
As a retired FBI agent I know here in Austin has said to me, as have the FBI Austin Field agents, AND the Austin Police Dept. "If you under investigation, trust me you would know it..."
The utter silence from that front for the last six years speaks far more importantly than the toothless threats made by a middle aged 47 year old cat lady who lives on the $2500 per month stipend from Jim Sproul....You know, Oma Hamou aka Alexandra...
Sorry Oma.
I don't feel "invincible". I do not believe a word you say! I don't believe Bob or I have committed any crimes. I don't believe YOU have filed any complaints and I do not believe that on the million to one chance you did file something that Law Enforcement gives a rat's turd about you or your psychotic rants.
Is that clear
AND only Palmdale/Lancaster reads this blog, aside from Mitzi, Rebecca, Blake, Penelope who's locations I know. ONLY that same Road Runner IP reads this blog aside from those people I KNOW. That should tell you all you need to know
Let me be clear: FBI is NOT investigating me or Bob. You make the claim Oma Hamou so the burden lies on you to PROVE they are....
You won't because you can't
YOU LIE. Is that clear enough? PROVE your statements. LYING BITCH.
Can I say that "Oma Hamou" for sure reads from Lancaster/Palmdale? No
BUT I can tell you that every time anyone on "team hamou", aside from the dimwit co conspirator in Portland, reads this blog it is ONLY from Lancaster California Road Runner service...No place else, NO proxy which was what "snoopy" SAID he THAT was a lie "snoopy"...
Hi Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner!! You're the only one reading who I don't know! Six times yesterday and once already today...
Still waiting for Oma Hamou to clarify whether she told the truth when she told a JUDGE that she had filed a complaint with the FBI, almost six years ago...
We now enter the 458th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 221st consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 263 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY THREE WEEKS, over 1,841 days, 65 months, over five full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for ONE WHOLE YEAR on the fictional "Bill of Review"...Which is now dismissed for lack of prosecution according to Court guidelines under Local Rules.
We are also now past week 27 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TWELVE WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER FIVE WHOLE WEEKS
Have a great week guys.
Darling Robbele,
I'll bet Mrs. Batchelor and Mr. Refai wish they could say the same thing, darling.
Oh, my pets. Wonderful news!
I was at the Kroger this afternoon picking up some fennel pollen and agave nectar for a simply delicious recipe for grape sorbet that a friend sent me. And as I reached into my purse to pay, it suddenly struck me that here was the answer to all Ms. Hamou / McConnell's woes -- Debit Cards!
Just think of it. No more having to remember to grab the checkbook on an account that wasn't closed. No more confusion about whether the account owners really did give permission to sign their names. No more dismay at finding out that other people really didn't mean it when they said they'd cover whatever checks were written.
With a debit card, it's so very simple, my sweets. If there's no money in the account, the card simply won't run, and a lady just puts the merchandise back with a polite apology for the misunderstanding. It's perfectly acceptable to say, "oops, I picked up the wrong card" or "silly me, I seem to have forgotten the password". One can usually beat a ladylike retreat with one's head held high and one's wrists uncuffed.
No more visits with defense lawyers and bail bondsmen. No more months and months of court appearances in torn hose. No more mean-spirited district attorneys who so unreasonably refuse to nolle pros the matter.
Yes, definitely. A debit card is just the thing for our intrepid Ms. Hamou / McConnell.
Good night, my darlings.
With a debit card, it's so very simple, my sweets. If there's no money in the account, the card simply won't run,
ummm, Penny, dear. THAT is the whole reason WHY Oma Hamou doesn't use them...she spends money she doesn't HAVE...
Oh, dear.
Never mind then.
A year ago today:
by Snoopy on Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:38 pm
My friend is filing criminal charges against Pallasart & Bob Atchison on Tuesday.
Well THAT didn't happen...
by handmaiden on Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:55 pm
Oh, and yes, the Bill of Review was filed electronically. Before they chose that path, Oma and her attorneys checked out all their options to make certain that they could legally file it that way. So, it is properly, legally filed, no matter what Rob thinks, or wishes. I guess it is time for them to really start getting nervous since the proof of Bob Atchison's fraud is there for the judge to see. Now it is time to start on the next part of their nightmare.
Well, none of that happened. NOTHING did for a YEAR.
Postby handmaiden on Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:08 pm
All of which will end up as evidence in a soon to be filed case against Rob, Bob and any other real people who are saying such things. It will be a civil suit because of the libel and defamation of character.
Well THAT didn't happen...
by Snoopy on Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:11 pm
It was filed electronically for many reasons all of which will be disclosed in court. I hope you are ready for this next round of litigation.
THAT never happened either...
by Snoopy on Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:11 pm
Prove to us on this forum and the general public my friend owes this woman any MONEY? Come on Ass wipe prove it. Publish your hard evidence my friend Oma Hamou owes this woman any amount of money.
THAT DID HAPPEN!! She paid the woman "victim restitution"
And so now, a YEAR LATER the "bill of review" is NOTHING...
Sitting on the veranda, relaxing after a long week. I am intrigued by the idea that she is reading your website, Rob, but not flying off into one of her patented rages. I'm not complaining, mind you, but it does make one wonder what is going on out there in Palmdale/Lancaster.
But whatever, it's nice to have her quiet.
So true RJ.
She's still reading, just today even, from Palmdale/Lancaster. It IS nice not to see sock puppet theatre in extremis.
I can only imagine that either the FBI told her to stop calling, they don't care (most likely) or she's back in legal trouble (actually, just as likely).
Nice that a full year has now passed showing that Oma Hamou and her "friends" aka co conspirators, sock puppets, fake alter egos are as full of hot air as we all know her/them/it to be.
Enjoy the weekend. Lovely here in Austin, except for the 75,000 tourists in town for Austin City Limits. Traffic downtown is horrendous.
We now enter the 459th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 222nd consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 264 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR WEEKS, over 1,848 days, 66 months, over five and a half full years! 435 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for OVER FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for OVER ONE WHOLE YEAR on the fictional "Bill of Review"...Which is now dismissed for lack of prosecution according to Court guidelines under Local Rules.
We are also now past week 28 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full TWELVE WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER SIX WHOLE WEEKS
Have a great week guys.
VERY interesting, that the ONLY two reads for this blog today, aside from me, were.....
Portland (Tualtin specifically) the dimwit co-conspirator
Let me be more specific then.
Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner and Comcast Cable are the ONLY ones, aside from me, who read this blog today.
Funny that "sandman" claims to live here in Austin, but has NEVER read the blog from Austin. Every time it, snoopy or Oma post, EVERY TIME, the blog is read immediately prior by Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner.
Sandman-who-is-Oma, gotta say I really liked the photo of you in skimpy swimwear, the hat, and the sun-roughened face. Glad you got the bikini wax, too.
Is that what you wore to tell Hamid Refai about your medical condition?
A bit over-dressed for the mission at hand, though, dontcha think?
We had hail in Manhattan! Hail!
I notice that she is back posting along with "Leslie" (I had forgotten about "Leslie", not one of your more memorable characters, girlfriend)along with the BFF being all snarky because Rob misidentified her town by a couple of feet. I think you're missing the point. He's pretty much tagged you as reading his site, hasn't he? Or are the Portland environs filled with others who only read when they know you are going to post? Which makes it all the more entertaining that "Sandman" never reads it from Austin. Or "Leslie" from anywhere. Food for thought, BFF, food for thought.
The puppies are adorable, though, and at least real, which is more than you can say for their putative new owners.
In the meantime, I had a small revelation on the veranda this weekend. It may be time to think about retirement. The trip to Russia reminded me how much I miss traveling, and I'm not getting any younger. Leighton wants to go to Prague in early December and she's invited me to go with her. It's another city I have never visited, and I have to admit it's tempting. Anybody else been?
And I hate to be mean, but I was struck by the same thing Blake was about the inappropriate picture she posted of herself in the bikini bottom. All of that obvious photoshopping on the stomach, and they couldn't have done something about her complexion? My mother always told me that a fair-haired girl and the sun are not friends.
And she knew what she was talking about. Until the day she died, she had the skin of a woman thirty years younger.
Time to hop into the shower.
As always you nail the point on the head.
The dimwit in Portland, Tigar or whatever doesn't UNDERSTAND that your server location doesn't locate where your computer is, rather where the SERVER it is logged into is located. Clearly her comcast service has its servers for her area in Tualatin (which was a typo earlier) That's why Oma reads from either Palmdale or Lancaster, the Road Runner servers are in the general area...
The most salient point is the photo Oma put up of herself. Not only is is hugely photoshopped, and not in a good way, but it is TWENTY FIVE YEARS OLD.
The REAL Oma Hamou is now 47 and looks NOTHING like that photo. Rather, that photo with her name in the hugest possible font is how she WANTS people to see her. It's all she has left.
The psychology of why she still uses that photo is the same as the middle aged man who still wears his High School Football jersey shirt and his varsity jacket thirty years later. Their current life is drab, dull, and for Oma, very short of cash, so all she can do is still cling to having once been (in her own words)a modestly successful model back in her early 20s, before she got knocked up with Nicholas and lost the model's figure.
My pets, please do not make fun of Ms. Hamou / McConnell's bikini wax. It is always money very well spent when one is attempting to wear such skimpy garments, especially for a photographer.
With all the high-def this and high-def that being all the rage these days, it doesn't take much in the way of a day or two of stubble or a stray hair here or there to turn wonderful photographic art such as Mr. Sandman creates into something that would make a dog's hair stand on end.
I do get the point about skin care, though, my dears. All the baby-like skin in the world, er, down "there" still can't distract from a blotchy complexion elsewhere, now can it?
But, frankly, my dears, given what appears to be Ms. Hamou / McConnell's means of soliciting contributions for the care of her numerous and recurrent ailments from her gentlemen admirers, I use the term "baby-like" with some trepidation in her case.
Well, now, my sweets. Enough of that. I think I've taken this conversation to within a razor's edge of decency. But some things just need to be said.
Bye, bye.
Darling Snoopele who is Omele,
No one would be zooming in on her vagina if she wasn't putting it out there as a target, darling. And by "she" I mean "you", darling.
I did get a little verklempt at your explanation as to why she is posting these old pictures, Robbele.
Caring so much, darling. So much!
Anyone else notice something? Oma and her made up minions, well except for the dimwit, remained silent for weeks. Nothing. No response to remarks about her probably being back in jail or the FBI putting her number on call blocking.
She only comes roaring back to life when reminded that she is a middle aged, no longer young, washed up never was anything for the last fifteen years, republishing age old badly retouched photos of herself as she desperately yearned to be (thin, "pretty" in her own mind, attractive, successful blah blah blah) but of course never managed to be anything except the unproven "modestly successful model" who maybe acted as an extra in a TV commercial NOTHING MORE.
Certainly for the last 12 years, what has she been? A legal "researcher" for a DA in Arizona? A renter from an old man in the Valley who gave her lots of money, $20,000 of which she still owes him a decade later...a dreamer who peddled a stack of paper she called a "script" that panned out to zero except for hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, STILL unpaid lo these many years later...
A hoarder of cats and dubious renter of little houses in the Antelope Valley, thrown out of two for non payment of rent that we know of, who faced FELONY FORGERY charges for a bad check...with no genuine employment record; who lives on the kindness of others, like Hamid Refai that gave her $50,000 for which she signed a promissory note, she never repaid and Jim Sproul who "pays" her $2500 per month (Her SWORN statement in Federal Court) who got only a judgment against him for co signing the Refai note as her thanks for his assistance...
THIS is the squalid reality of Oma Hamou in the last decade...
Hello, dears.
I was relaxing in front of the TV this afternoon, sipping a fruit smoothie and watching Judge Marilyn Milian, my absolute favorite Lady of the Law.
A man involved in a very nasty lawnmower dispute appeared in front of her. Among his woes was his claim that his former wife had sued him for divorce "behind his back". As it turned out, he had been served but simply failed to appear in court. Such, then, was his rather eccentric definition of something happening "behind his back".
Of course, now he was complaining to that perky Judge Milian about the terms of the divorce decree. And Judge Milian made a very interesting comment, noting: "You have to show up in court and speak. You can't blow it off and then later complain about what happened. That's not the way the law works." As one might expect, at the end of one very tense proceeding she pronounced him a liar about the lawnmower (and several other things), again mentioning his rather novel dissimilation about being divorced "behind his back".
Well, my pets. Don't you just know Ms. Hamou / McConnell's ears must have been wringing like bells at a village fire. Of course, I immediately thought of her and her various complaints about being mishandled at trials she failed to attend. Such as when Hamid Refai got a default judgment against her. Such as when she failed to appeal her loss to Bob Atchison and then later accidentally sued herself trying to pretend she was filing a legitimate Bill of Review. Such as when she failed to appear in court for driving without license, registration, or insurance and claims she'll get around to correcting the court's error later. Such as the numerous other default judgments that have been entered against her.
Perhaps Ms. Hamou / McConnell should take her plaint about how she has been dealt ill by the justice system to Judge Milian.
Oh ....... ha, ha, ha. I just snorted some smoothie out my nose. Please excuse me, my dears. Raspberry just will not come out of silk unless one gets club soda on it right away.
Ah, the "anonymous" users are "hearing about" anonymous "projects" of Oma Hamou again...and of course her boundless legion of (anonymous and non existent) "fans" will once again start the verbiage to try to convince somebody (with a minimal IQ and not higher) that Oma Hamou is on the road to "success" yet again...
We went thru this back in '05...
She must have a new mark for her con.
Oh, goodness me. I am so embarrassed, my dears.
It seems I wrote "wringing" in an earlier post when I meant "ringing". I do apologize to all for such a silly blunder.
As my sainted mother, Purcella Fallowfield, taught me, when you are a lady you always admit when your rong.
My my my...."snoopy" goes viral again, because I've hit home with Oma being on a new con.
Funny, but the Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner server read this blog FIVE times since I put that up. Nobody else did...
and NO, the FBI isn't "monitoring" anything....
Prove they are.
Sure Oma, of COURSE the FBI is "monitoring" all those websites...
You've been swearing up and down for FIVE YEARS now that the FBI is investigating, monitoring, breaking Federal LAW by failing to obtain Warrants, you've been repeating this over and over and over.
OF COURSE the FBI has NOTHING BETTER to do with their time than read this blog, I mean, it isn't even in their JOB DESCRIPTION. But, hey, who cares about terrorists and pedophiles, drug cartels, Bernie Madoff...OMA IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT! They just dropped everything the moment they heard your complaint...
Just like you told Judge Triana, in writing, remember?? Back five years ago??
LOTS of people read this blog according to you, but NOBODY reads it except for PALMDALE/Lancaster Road Runner, and the people I know...but somehow, somehow, Google doesn't know about it. Even the FBI can't read files that invisibly, nor monitor the private files of ANY website especially this blog WITHOUT A COURT ORDER. THAT is FEDERAL LAW and they can NOT get that Court Order without a HEARING and NOTICE TO ME....Federal Law. But you insist they somehow are...
THAT is why nobody with a brain BELIEVES YOU. I don't believe you. I don't for an instant believe you have fans, who post about your "projects" which I don't for an instant believe exist either
Here: *waving* HI FBI!! You know where I live. Same place for 18 years now! You have my phone number too. Drop by. Call. GLAD to chat, answer any questions. Seriously. I'll make coffee. Ask the Secret Service guys who used to hang around the park on the corner, and chat with me and pet the dogs, when Laura Bush was down the street, they know me. Call me. Please. Serious. Lets talk. Soon.
Oma Hamou has no dignity. "snoopy" by the writing style has no dignity. None of the sockpuppets nor the dimwit in Portland have a SHRED of dignity.
Oma Hamou writes bad checks. She runs up debts. She lies. She over photoshops old photos of herself to persuade people she is a young sexy model in skimy bathing suits and lying naked on horses and rocks, then permits them to be published ad infitum on the internet...She makes promises, some even in writing, she never keeps...She twists the tiniest shred of truth to her own ends. She writes letters TO Presidents, so she can pretend she is in "correspondence" with them...She hoards cats, gets evicted for non paying rent. She preys on old men for money (HI JIM SPROUL, Hamid Refai, Don Morton).
Actually, it's far less insidious than the dimwit and Oma think...
If I don't know who you are, and you don't have the courage, balls or common sense to identify yourself, I'm not going to allow you to post here. Period. You want to email me with your name and phone number privately, then you can post here anonymously. Otherwise, go away.
This morning:
Thousand Oaks CA Sprint
Bine Consulting, Halifax Canada
LOTS from Palmdale yesterday. Four visits from Honolulu which is the REAL Justin
RJ back east. Blake, Mitz and Ms Penelope...
No snoopy you clueless moron...I saying YOU are OMA....have been for years...
My my. VERY busy day for Palmdale/Lancaster and Anaheim for reading the blog. Good morning to the dimwit in Portland, and Oma in Palmdale/Lancaster who've already dropped by!
Why could it be that Oma Hamou is now trying SOOOO HARD to convince "somebody" that she is amid "successful projects"??? Lord knows nobody here believes that for a nano-second. Must be a new mark on the horizon. Let me guess: over 75, Middle Eastern, bad eyesight...
THREE more visits from that same Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner...and an interesting one from Ohio Northern University campus, that googled me...
Poor Oma can only blather about "court" like she has pretending to be "snoopy" for the last SIX YEARS...and of course, actually doing NOTHING...
LOTS of visits today, not just from lancaster/palmdale, but four from Laguna Hills CA, trying to use a Russian "web proxy" but it didn't work....nice try...
Why would Oma's "supporters" need to be so "anonymous"?? they clearly have lots to hide.
Oma Hamou WAS living in Palmdale until July! on Eagleridge Court...
She got a default judgement against her for an unlawful detainer (eviction) for not paying rent on the place!
Gets BETTER, MUCH!!! OK, check this out. She filed a motion to seal the records of the UD, OMA HAMOU GAVE THE COURT AN NSF CHECK FOR THE FILING FEES!!!!
Case Number: 10U01290 COWAN, ERIC VS. HAMOU, OMA
Filing Date: 05/05/2010 Case Type: U.D.- RESIDENTIAL (Limited Jurisdiction) Filing Court: Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse Status: DISPOSED BY JUDGMENT
So...just to be clear.
Oma Hamou was EVICTED in July for non payment of rent.
She wrote a BAD CHECK to the LA SUPERIOR COURT...
seriously, some people should not be allowed to HAVE checks, but then, Oma would be a homeless starving person without them...
Yeah, dontcha just know she would have loved to get those records sealed.
I wonder if the court's going to accept her explanation that she accidentally grabbed the wrong checkbook. Or passed out in line while trying to make a deposit. Or had a car accident while on the way to the bank to cover the check. Or was raped behind the dumpster at the bank. Or developed cancer while standing at the ATM.
As for all those aliases, it sounds as if things are finally catching up to her. That landlord had done his homework.
And how many default judgments against her does this now make? It's a serious question. I've lost count.
They were "unfortunately" unsealed because OMA HAMOU FAILED TO SHOW UP AT HER HEARING (NO BIG SURPRISE THERE)
Darling Russophile Lady and Darling "Anonymous One" (because what, all of the good names like "Leslie" and "Daryn" and "Snoopele" were taken, Omele, darling?) are hatching a super-secret plot that they can only talk about in code so they won't accidentally reveal it, except of course they have revealed it so that they can talk about it in code!
So exciting! Of course, it smacks a little bit of fourth grade recess with the mean girls, but actually, that seems about right, darlings, so you go ahead with things!
So when Robbele was claiming you were living in Palmdale (such a pretty name, darling!) and you were claiming you weren't, you were lying? Is it not a nice neighborhood? The rent doesn't seem to have been very high.
And with all of this you still find time to keep your vendetta going! Darling, you're multi-tasking! So proud!
She failed to show up at her hearing?
Think that had anything to do with that outstanding bench warrant against her in L.A. County?
So Snoopy-who-is-Oma is claiming he/she posted undetected from Cedars Sinai hospital. Right. So maybe cancer is the excuse she's going to trot out yet again for this newest round of legal trouble.
Very creative.
You want cedars of Sinai, I've got cedars of Sinai! And maybe she couldn't get a ride?
What seems incapable of happening, is Oma Hamou seems incapable of NOT WRITING BAD CHECKS ON A REGULAR BASIS.
Mrs Batchelor got one, the LA Superior Court got one. She went to JAIL for bad checks and got felony convictions. All those folks on the "trailer shoot" got bad checks... Poor Mr Cowan got NOTHING in the way of RENT.
One must ask, how much harm has Oma Hamou brought to herself by issuing all those bad checks, and getting all those judgments against her.
All I do is post the PUBLIC records. The harm comes from her own actions...
Well at least Michele Biernat of Portland and Benefit Design Group is admitting publicly to being a conspirator, so she can be named in any appropriate legal action.
Good grief.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma just posted that, "several California Judges who have SEALED COURT RECORDS believe just like Judge Livingston that my friend Oma Hamou is a A VICTIM OF STALKING."
You mean that there are even more court cases against Oma Hamou than the dozen and a half we know about?
Just since this blog began, we've already found out that she stiffed Mrs. Batchelor and got arrested, that she and Jim Sproul conned Hamid Refai out of more than $50,000 by faking an illness and defaulting on a promissory note, and now that she stiffed yet another landlord.
Or maybe the judges just seal the cases she wins. Yep. That must be it.
So Oma Hamou is embroiled in yet even more legal litigation...
This still doesn't address the IMPORTANT ISSUE:
We now enter the 460th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 223rd consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 265 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE WEEKS, over 1,854 days, 66 months, over five and a half full years! 440 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for OVER FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for OVER ONE WHOLE YEAR on the fictional "Bill of Review"...Which is now dismissed for lack of prosecution according to Court guidelines under Local Rules.
We are also now past week 29 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." ...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full FOURTEEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course learning the Oma Hamou was EVICTED for not paying rent in Palmdale this summer, and that she wrote a BAD CHECK to the Court for filing fees...
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER SEVEN WHOLE WEEKS NOW.
Have a great week guys.
Notice yet again, the despite being informed MONTHS AGO that she had an NSF check bounce to the LA Superior Court, Oma Hamou will NOW "make it good" this week, ONLY AFTER THE FACT OF IT IS REVEALED! IF I HADN'T SAID ANYTHING, SHE WOULD NOT "MAKE IT GOOD".
Just like Oma Hamou wouldn't make the Batchelor check good until she got ARRESTED and CHARGED with FELONY FORGERY...
Snoopy-who-is-Oma just posted that, "I offered to pay it [the bad check] for her but was told I have to go there in person to do this. Can't do this because I am at the hospital ...."
Or because it's risky for someone with an outstanding warrant for her arrest to walk into a courthouse in the county that issued the warrant.
It's amazing how every time Hamou gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar, someone winds up in the hospital. She and her alternate personalities must be the sickliest scam artist working the west coast.
I wonder what old married man is going to wind up paying for this round of "treatment".
Well, I guess we'll just have to wait for that case report to surface in a few months.
Here's yet another good one from this afternoon. Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted that:
"He [Moshein] came to court with nothing, nothing, while Oma's attorney came to court with EVIDENCE Rob had none to back up his word, NONE I was there in court so was my wife. I saw the monkey perspire and beg Oma's attorney to settle rather than proceed to trial ... "
But, Oma. YOU are the one who failed to present any proof. YOU are the one who dropped the case. ROB is the one against whom the temporary restraining order was lifted by the judge because YOU failed to prove the allegations you made.
Why, to read your post, one would think you had actually WON some case and that a permanent restraining order had actually been issued.
You have NEVER won a case.
You have NEVER proved a thing you have promised to prove in a court of law.
Hell, you even managed to sue YOURSELF.
Thanks for all the fun times, though.
Oma what is snoopy claims she "didn't know the check to the LA Superior Court was NSF." Really?? REALLY??
The notice from the Court was sent the end of July. Oma got BANK STATEMENTS one assumes, PLUS separate NSF notices from her bank.
Oma must be VERY negligent, never checking her mail, never checking her bank, not showing up to Court for her hearing...
but she, of course, wants you to believe she is innocent...
Just like she does NOTHING for six years, and expects the FBI to do something, despite her history of doing nothing to help herself, even when required by Courts...
Is anyone out there (aside from Michele Biernat of course) really STUPID ENOUGH to buy any of this??
Yet another one ......
Snoopy-who-is-Oma attempts to explain why she dropped the libel case against Rob Moshein by saying:
"Um, hmmm the only reason why she dropped it was because she didn't have an atto4rney [sic] by her side and had just gotten released from the hospital down there in Austin diagnosed with having an upper respiratory infection which turned into a full blown pneumonia."
(Note that yet another of her famously recurrent illnesses prevented a legal matter from going forward.)
Of course, the problem is that courts routinely grant continuances for such circumstances. There was absolutely NO reason to drop the case for the above claimed circumstances.
The fact is that at trial evidence would have been presented to show that the claims made about Hamou were true and therefore not libelous -- and Hamou could not afford to have such claims recorded in a case where judgment would have gone against her.
She likes to pretend that merely filing a complaint is tantamount to proving a claim. Of course, people of normal or higher intelligence know better.
The fact is that the temporary restraining order lapsed because the truth of the things posted about Hamou was never put to the test of a full-blown trial -- BECAUSE HAMOU COULD NOT RISK SUCH A TRIAL.
New blog up; take comments there.
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