As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.
I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.
The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.
This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.
This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.
Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:
While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".
She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.
I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.
I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.
Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?
This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?
This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??
This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?
Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.
As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison
Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.
You can verify all the arrests, judgments etc for yourself with simple online searches.
You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.
new post. Please post here.
The last thread closed with the breaking news that Oma Hamou (aka Alexandra McConnell) had just had another default judgment entered against her, this time for a renter scam involving an Eric Cowan.
Mr. Cowan is currently in severely straitened financial circumstances, in part as a result of his unfortunate encounter with Oma Hamou, and is losing his home.
This case provides a fascinating glimpse into the actual workings of a con, Hamou-style. So here are the details:
Oma Hamou sought to rent a house from Eric Cowan. She signed the contract as Alexandra McConnell but presented as her ID an expired California driver’s license in the name of Oma Hamou. Hamou explained to Mr. Cowan that she had to use an alias because she was being stalked on the internet.
Hamou was driven around by a very large woman, whom she introduced as her assistant. (This is the woman known as “Debbie” who drives a vehicle owned by Advanced Paralegal Services.)
Hamou moved into the house with a roommate, one Steve Lee, in whose name the utilities were obtained. She paid two months deposit and the first month’s rent. Over the course of her eight-month occupancy, only one other rent payment was made. The current balance due is $9,600.
As she began to fall behind in rent payments, Hamou told Mr. Cowan she had developed rectal cancer. She often professed to be in the hospital, usually coinciding with the rent’s coming due.
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When pressed hard for rent, she resorted to fraudulent checks. One was a check on a closed Florida business account drawn against Reseda Glass (the company associated with Jim Sproul, her associate in the recent scam against Hamid Refai). Another was a bounced check which Hamou fraudulently altered for the first eviction hearing.
Hamou appeared at that hearing with a copy of a rent check which she claimed was good and on which the bank’s “NSF” stamp had been whited out. Hamou insisted she thought the check had cleared. As it happened, Mr. Cowan had the original check at the hearing, with the “NSF” stamp clearly visible. The judge was rather annoyed and gave Hamou one hour either to get to the bank for proof the check had cleared or to bring back her bank statement showing the check had been paid. She returned an hour later, saying that the bank manager told her the bank had made a “mistake” in telling her the check had cleared.
Hamou failed to appear at subsequent eviction hearings.
Hamou had over 40 cats in the house, to the point that the landlord notified Animal Control. The house was left in “unliveable” condition, with every room covered in “every cat fluid imaginable” and with an overpowering stench. The estimate for repairs to make the house suitable again for habitation is $15,000.
Thus Mr. Cowan joins the list of people going back many years who have suffered severe financial harm as a result of crossing paths with Oma Hamou and who had to turn to the legal system for help.
I posted on the August 26 thread before I had seen Rob's comment transferring us to this one.
Blake, this is fascinating. The poor man.
Thanks for the new information! We needed to update the Oma Hamou Reality blog...
Glad to help out.
Ah, Oma turns to the old "blame the victim" by trying to trash Eric Cowan now.
Maybe the guy had a PROBLEM paying the mortgage because OMA HAMOU wasn't PAYING HER RENT...
Now she trashes him by accusing him of insurance fraud? OF COURSE he has the photos and receipts to prove it.
By the by, I haven't spoken to Eric Cowan. Prove I can't because it isn't true...
I do hope to hear from him though...
Burbank, Thousand Oaks Sprint, Palmdale/Lancaster Road Runner, Blake, RJ and two others I know, are the only ones who read the new blog so far...
oh, sorry, forgot to include the dimwit co conspirator in Portland she read it once too.
As predicted, Snoopy-who-is-Oma is having a meltdown at the revelation of the details of her recent rent scam.
And, as usual, she misrepresents what happened in legal proceedings. For instance, she says there were no additional eviction hearings other than the one she attended. What she forgets in putting that lie forward is that there is an official court record showing a default judgment. And, of course, most people know that default judgments can be issued only when the defendant is not present at the proceeding in which judgment is rendered.
Now, we know what will happen next. Snoopy-who-is-Oma, or Sandman-who-is-Oma, or some other stand-in will appear to say that Hamou knows nothing of any of this (oops, that has already happened, I see). Or that it's an error in the court records that she will soon have corrected. Or that she's going to appeal. Or that she was going to make good on the past-due rent until someone read the internet and prevented her from making payment.
What's also absolutely predictable is that she turns on Mr. Cowan, who is the real victim here, and starts an assassination of his character, trying to paint him as the person who lied, who forged documents, who stole from her,etc.
It's what she did to the Mortons. It's what she did to Marcus Demian. It's what she did to Bob Atchison. It's what she did to Mrs. Batchelor. It's what she did to Hamid Refai. It's what she is doing to Eric Cowan.
It's what she will do when her next victim emerges. And the next. And the next ..........
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posts:
"Oma hasn't responded to anything on the web because she is at the Federal Building in Los Angeles meeting with the FBI regarding her claim against Bob Atchison."
Now isn't that a coincidence? The very morning that news breaks of how she worked her scam on Eric Cowan, Hamou happens to be at the FEDERAL BUILDING (claps of thunder, music of doom) meeting with the FBI.
Good grief. Sometimes her lies can be downright funny. Who can forget passing out in the bank line? Or getting hit on the head by a baseball? Or the colon cancer that spread to the uterus? Or the two-headed rape baby?
But this one's just pitiful. And desperate.
What picture of "debbie"?? I haven't posted any pictures of debbie on this blog...
I feel so sorry for the poor man. She destroyed his home, and of course it is unlikely he will ever see a dime of the judgment.
Can I ask a question? Why on earth do the imaginary friends not offer the woman a place to live? Is it because they fear the depredations of the cats? 40 cats? Really? 40 cats?
You're real, BFF. Isn't there room in Portland, at least until she gets on her feet? I mean, all of "you" constantly reveal that "she" has real problems, almost an inability to manage her own affairs. This is the second eviction in under two years? Surely she needs a guardian to protect her from herself, and the public from her shenanigans. Come on, BFF, help a sister out.
And while I don't think you are a dimwit, BFF, I am puzzled. What do you defend here? The wreckage of Mr. Cowan's property? The stiffing him on the rent? Do you simply not admit that these judgments are real? Are you under a spell?
Incidentally, I called the FBI office in New York because I am fed up with the posts about how they are "monitoring" the site. I also used my name and asked them to run a check to see if anyone has spoken to the FBI in regard to a Rebecca Jordan.
Guess what?
So no, Oma-Posting-As-Snoopy, or Sandman or whoever the hell you are at this moment, no one is looking at this site from the FBI. So I directed the nice person I spoke with over to it. Unfortunately, the first post he hit was Illuminati's. I thought he would never stop laughing. That was this morning's other hit from Manhattan, Rob.
Poor Mr. Cowan.
People, please. I have enough of an image problem already.
I request -- No, I DEMAND -- that you remove all reference to rectal cancer from this blog.
It's bad enough that people associate me with all sorts of grossness. But I will NOT have my name associated with THAT woman!!! There are limits to what my reputation can stand.
Honestly, "Snoopy", you need to be a better imaginary friend to Oma. I see no photographs on this forum at all. It's your site that runs the slide show, my dear.
And exactly what are you telling the FBI, girlfriend? That someone is posting public records on the internet? As you frequently sign off, "it isn't libel if its true."
I just re-read your post, Blake. Is the idea that she can no longer drive? I mean, why present an expired license?
I have a meeting in ten minutes.
Carry on.
Maybe they won't LET her renew her license because of the BENCH WARRANTS still out there for driving without a license, insurance or even HAVNG A VALID LICENSE...
It seems "snoopy" can't read. It who is Oma wrote:
I did however get a chance to tell her that Rob and Bob wrote lies about the Cown incident and published a photo of Debbie
Look at my blog, NO photos of "debbie"... and Bob doesn't bother with the blogs, aside from reading them once in a while for the laugh value.
Wow, I just saw the picture snoopy identified as HUGEFATdebbie. She really IS a hugely fat as I was told...umm, by the way, Watchtower, whoever they are, clearly READ this blog, so maybe they already KNEW I also call her "Morbobo", and clearly they write English well, so the three words "just this year" could really sound like oh, Six or Seven HUNDRED MILLION ENGLISH SPEAKERS....
Check again there Oma. doesn't have any such file...and you can't access the account...better prove that one...
and you wonder why I call her DIMWIT...
"OOOPSIES! Mr. Moshein's report is WRONG again! Russo was on his blog spot about 9-9:30 this monring not 12:30 and hasn't been on SINCE. Gotta love when the crap goes haywire."
ummm, CST means Central Standard Time idiot...NOT Pacific...the log itself is Easter Time...
Here you are: - - [19/Oct/2010:13:29:59 -0400] "GET /HamouFugitive.jpg HTTP/1.1" 304 - "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; AskTbARS/"
The others who claim they don't appear is because they DON'T EXIST!!!
I had forgotten about the hair on the friend. Oy. And I have only one question. You can't pay your rent, darling, but you can afford all that cat food? Priorities, darling. Priorities.
And Rivka is right, you schlemiels. Someone should offer darling Omele a place to live. What's the matter with all of you? You don't make bail for her when she goes in, you don't show up in court to support her, all you verkackters do is hang out on the internet waiting to scream after she gets into trouble. Doesn't anyone check on the poor darling to see if she is paying her bills on time, or dressing herself properly, or anything? What kind of imaginary friends are you, darlings?
So worried about the Cat Lady. I mean, forget the way the house smelled. Is she bathing? Is someone making sure?
Darling, I think what's "disturbing" is that darling Mr. Cowen is out 10,000 dollars and has a trashed house to show for the experience of renting to Oma Hamou. Seriously, darling, that's what's disturbing.
I had forgotten the pictures of darling Omele's apartment, and yes, darling, that is what it looks like in the pictures. A generic apartment. Maybe a little nicer than most, although it is hard to see around the scratching posts and tschochke that litter the place. Is darling Red still with us, darling?
Darling Russophile Lady, Mr. Cowan is a real person and he is disturbed. Really, darling, take a few minutes off from being a mean girl and think things through before you post, or darling Robbele will call you a dimwit again.
And I do care, darling, about darling Oma and about darling you.
I'm still wondering just WHY Animal Control "showed up" if Eric Cowan didn't call them, like he said he did. (Oh, and BOB hasn't spoken to anyone about this except me. BLAKE spoke to Eric Cowan himself...)
I mean, Bob and I have had two dogs and two or three cats almost all the time for 18 years and Animal Control never dropped by for ANY reason....
OH, and those photos aren't FROM the Cowan home....they were posted long before then...
Oma being snoopy just wrote:
You have not published one shred of evidence other than Oma was evicted from this man's house
Au contraire moron:
I posted the ACTUAL PUBLIC RECORD of her Unlawful Detainer (eviction) and the judgment. Go check the LA Superior Court record for yourself the Order of Posession to Cowan is there:
Case Number: 10U01290
Filing Date: 05/05/2010
Case Type: U.D.- RESIDENTIAL (Limited Jurisdiction) Filing Court: Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse Status: DISPOSED BY JUDGMENT
it that lives in darkness had the audacity to write:
by Snoopy on Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:03 pm
Now Mr. Cowan becomes a victim of libel/harassment at the hands of Oma's known stalkers Rob Moshein, Bob Atchison
NOTHING could be further from the truth. I have the utmost sympathy and support for Eric Cowan, and am heartbroken that this struggling man fell victim, as so many have done before like Mrs. Batchelor, to Oma Hamou's game.
He can always contact me,, at any time to correct ANYTHING I have posted here which is incorrect, wrong or misleading about him or his experience with Oma Hamou. He has my word that I will abide by anything he ever writes me.
My dears, I think everyone on both forums should just calm down a bit.
I know it's very exciting for some to uncover yet another attempt gone awry of Ms. Hamou / McConnell to find a nice home. But just think of the poor little mite. How very tired she must be of having to pack, unpack, pack, unpack, pack, unpack ......
Why, that alone could explain all the confusion about where the good checkbooks are. And, dears, why just assume Ms. Hamou / McConnell whited anything out on a check? With so many rescued animals on the loose, who's to say one of the sweet little kitties didn't simply lick the NSF stamp off or dissolve it with urine without Ms. Hamou / McConnell noticing before she copied the check to show that nice judge? Stranger things have happened. In fact, they happen to Ms. H/M quite regularly by all accounts.
While I am not in a position to offer Ms. H/M any lodgings at the moment (as Mr. A. is still coming around and has proven to be, um, unreliable around aging women whose real names cannot be easily ascertained), I can perhaps offer her some advice. There are several wonderful lines of luggage that hold quite a bit and, being mounted on four wheels, are very easy for a lady to handle. I believe they are called "spinners", and for a lady frequently on the move, they can be a real boon. Why, I bet Ms. H/M could get packed up and out almost before the Sheriff arrived with the eviction notice.
I would offer to lend her one of my spinners for a trial run, but I'm not quite sure how I'd get the cat urine out of the liner should something go amiss. Perhaps she could try one from a reputable department store with a liberal return policy? Or where all the video cameras can be easily spotted.
I do hope this advice helps the poor thing.
Oh, and I hope that charming Mr. Lee found a safe place to live.
Darling Russophile Lady,
So now I'm not a good Jew? Darling, darling, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm a terrific Jew.I light the candles, I give to the poor, I don't keep graven images around the house,darling, I'm an excellent Jew. Alright, so maybe my home isn't the most kosher around, but who are you to throw the rocks, darling Russophile Lady? What are you, Reformed Latter Days Saints? Do you think that your very strange conception of G-d is happy that you hit the bottle? Merlot this and Merlot that? Goys whi live in glass houses, darling Russophile Lady.
It's because I am Jewish that Ms.Hamou's behavior offends me. You have mercy, we have justice, and the two are not always all that compatible. She bilks people. . Bilking people is wrong, darling, despite the fact that your prophet seems to have made a career out of it.
Darling Russophile Lady, thanks for your concern for Judaism, but seriously, darling? If you want to love my people, plant a tree or something. Trees are always good.
Well, my pets. I must say I slept much better last night after I read Mr. Snoopy's post telling us that Ms. Hamou / McConnell is now living quite comfortably in a 4 bedroom and 4 bathroom home.
I'm glad you found a nice place, my dear. Something with a good ventilation system, I trust? And do try not to get evicted from this one. I know you must be simply exhausted from all this moving around.
If I might offer a helpful hint, perhaps it might be a good idea to take the opportunity of this recent move to do a little housekeeping regarding checkbooks. All these checks on closed accounts and other people's accounts and accounts that are bare of funds are just trouble waiting to happen, dear. Why not just toss out all those old checkbooks on all those other accounts that you keep accidentally picking up as you dash out the door?
I just worry myself sick that one of these misunderstandings won't be cleared up quite so easily. Just consider all court appearances, the money to lawyers, the money to bail bondsmen, the murdered cats, and all the other trouble that flowed from that little bit of confusion about whether you had the right to use someone else's empty checking account to pay rent to Mrs. Batchelor.
I know you don't take advice very well, my dear. But taking a little well-meaning counsel now and again really could help.
Oh, and dear ..... I almost forgot. How is the rectal cancer doing? I can't help worrying about your fragile health, even though I try to remind myself that you have managed to survive an absolute onslaught of multiple cancers for years. Perhaps it's a problem with your immune system?
Darling Pennele,
Just look at you with all of the concern! You-Know-Who (and I think you do, darling!) must be very proud because you are a follower, and if more of you were like you, darling, my family wouldn't have been chased out of the shtetl all those years ago!
I hope some people are paying attention, darling!
Penelope, you probably don’t have to worry about Hamou getting into real trouble for a while yet. There is a pattern to the way most con artists work, and Hamou’s fate will probably play out that way.
Most con artists work for years, scamming multiple victims and staying on the move. They generally try to keep the con small enough and the circumstances muddy enough that if they do run into the law, the case is either not big enough or the evidence firm enough for the police to devote serious resources to it. In other words, they exploit the fact that the system is inundated with more serious crimes and the penal system is massively overloaded.
They also tend to choose victims that are likely to make poor witnesses: the elderly, those without strong support around them, people who are themselves compromised (such as married men having affairs), those in straitened circumstances and without the wherewithal to fight back.
Eventually, though, the net begins to close on them. They accumulate such a list of victims in so many jurisdictions that, although no one case is large, the cumulative effect of the activity is enough finally to attract real law enforcement attention. Even though criminal intent might be difficult to prove for one specific event (such as a bad check), enough such events accumulate that the case can be built circumstantially.
All it finally takes is one policeman and one prosecutor who reach the point of saying this has gone on long enough and there have been enough victims. The Hamou case is slowly but inexorably moving toward that point.
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She had a very close scrape in the Batchelor case. A prosecutor there was willing to devote the time to seeing the case through. The only thing that saved her skin was the intervention of a son who was more interested in seeing that his mother got her money than in seeing the scammer go to jail and who wanted to spare his mother the stress of a trial. Even so, Hamou sat for weeks in jail, had to pony up bail, had more than a year of court appearances, and had to run another scam on Hamid Refai (with Jim Sproul’s help) to pay her lawyer, her bail bondsman, and to make restitution.
As you know, Hamou has been trumpeting for weeks that she has gone to the police about Rob Moshein, Bob Atchison, and this blog. As do many of her lies, this one contains a kernel of truth. Hamou has, in fact, talked to the police about being stalked on the internet.
However, she did not approach the police herself. (Con artists seldom do.) Instead, this blog was shown to the Palmdale Sheriff by someone else, and they decided to investigate not the blog authors but Hamou. She has even been interviewed by them, during which she protested that the bad checks she wrote her last landlord were just unfortunate misunderstandings.
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So, yes, Penelope. The police are aware of what is being said about Hamou on the internet. But, interestingly, it is not the blog participants who are the object of police interest.
Hamou (aka Alexandra McConnell) is now known as a con artist to the San Bernardino authorities. She is known as such to the Palmdale authorities. She is known as such to the Orange County authorities.
Moreover, her last three victims have managed to make contact with each other as a result of this blog. (I wonder if she’s still so cocky that starting her Austin Wine Guy blog that precipitated this blog was a good idea.)
So the net is slowly closing in on her, limiting her range of action, enabling victims to find each other, lengthening the list of police agencies who have her name(s) in their files.
That is why she screams bloody murder about this blog and tries to back its posters down with threats about criminal complaints and all kinds of dire consequences. Every new escapade that gets uncovered tightens the net just a bit more.
And she knows it.
I wonder just what ALL of these people might say if in the same room:
Edna Morton
Scott Latendresse
Monique Hahn
Raleigh Studios
Kirk Monroe
Tim Cox
Marcus Demian
Mrs Batchelor
Hamid Refai
Eric Cowan
Richard Baumann
Just to name a few...Yes, the "harm" Hamou alleges is the fact that her victims are now able to put their stories in one place at one time, here, so that others might not be so willing to take her checks or her word for repayment.
OH, and since "snoopy" is wanting to direct the FBI in their research, let me help them:
Call Devonshire Division LAPD. File there on the theft of money from Don Morton's account reported by Edna Morton.
Call Irvine PD, Det. Coltrane if he's still there, otherwise pull the bad check file in the name of Oma Hamou (Monique Hahn, Wild West Productions and several others got bad checks).
San Bernardino DA office, pull the Felony Forgery case in the name of Alexandra McConnell Case No. FVI802540
San Bernardino Sheriff's office recent report made by Eric Cowan re Bad Checks for rent, and pull the Court Reporter record from the Unlawful Detainer
Case Number: 10U01290
Filing Date: 05/05/2010
Case Type: U.D.- RESIDENTIAL (Limited Jurisdiction) Filing Court: Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse )
for the June 29 hearing about her presenting a copy of her check with NSF whited out to the Court. Mr. Cowan has the original WITH the NSF on it, I'm certain he'll be happy to give it to you.
Oh, my goodness, Ms. Hamou / McConnell. I hope you don't think I believe you had sex with Mr. Refai.
After all, a woman who has had colon, rectal, and uterine cancer and is still going to the hospital around the first of every month does not strike me as someone who would be having much sex for recreation or business.
I gaze on all those alluring pictures you, er, I mean your friends, keep posting of you from all those years ago, and it just breaks my heart to consider all the horrible disease that was going to descend upon you over and over. Around the first of every month.
FBI, about Oma Hamou's unfulfilled promises to pay, please contact:
Chris Malish, Foster, Malish & Cowan, Austin TX
Freeman, Freeman & Smiley, Attorneys Los Angeles, CA
Global Insight, Santa Barbara, CA
Westar Legal Enterprises, Los Angeles, CA
Reed Elsevier, Inc. dba Reed Business Systems, publisher of Variety Magazine, NY NY
NTT/Verio, Los Angeles, CA
Boardrush LLC, NY NY
and of course, Bob Atchison, Pallasart, Austin TX, he's VERY happy to talk to you anytime.
OH, and I forgot American Express, they have a BIG file on Oma Hamou and a lot of debt...
Mr. Snoopy, my dear. I don't think anyone here wants Ms. Hamou / McConnell dead.
By my reading of things here, they are simply having just too much fun watching her escapades unfold.
I, however, would like to see her dress in a bit more ladylike fashion.
ah, so Oma Hamou admits all the above is TRUE, but falls back to the "it isn't HER FAULT". NOTHING is HER FAULT...
half a dozen Police Investigations, NOT her fault.
Dozen bad checks written over the last ten years? NOT her fault.
TWO evictions? NOT her fault...
FAILED promises to pay up about $700,000 to seven or eight people/companies? NOT her fault.
She signed a promissory note for $50,000 but DIDN'T get the money OR show up to Court. NOT her fault...
See? Oma Hamou wants to portray herself as nothing but a VICTIM, which of course is her DISGUISE for her activities....
Dear Mrs. Biernat,
Not for nothing, sweetheart, but you're running around talking to someone named "Anonymous One" and you're talking about who is and isn't REAL? I think you should have all the fun with this you want to, but honestly, if THAT'S the best you've got, you're in trouble.
Also, and again, not for nothing, but Oma Hamou must have more brushes with the law than are statistically possible. Mitzi and Rebecca are right, what is the matter with her so-called friends (aside from the fact that virtually none of them actually EXIST?) But "Russophile" does, and so does that woman in the unfortunate outfit and shoes, and can't SOMEBODY please explain to Oma Hamou that if you are perpetually broke, renting a four-bedroom, four-bathroom house in Southern California is probably not the route to go? If she is actually living in one of those places now, it's only a matter of time before someone else joins the list of people she has stiffed on rent.
It isn't rocket science, people!
And can I just say that one of the reasons you get sick so often might be because of the cat fur all over the house? I looked at the pictures of that one place you lived in and figured you must be hacking up furballs all of the time!
I don't care as much as my sister does, in fact I don't care AT ALL, but someone has to say it!
SHALOM! <--- and I'm one of those secular Jews that horrifies Oma so much, the funny thing is that Mitzi really does practice.
So, WHERE is the police report of theft by Bob Atchison? There isn't one.
Where is the report filed for FRAUD by Bob at trial, the appeal, motion for new trial?? Nada.
How many times has Bob Atchison been investigated by the police? None.
How many times have I been investigated by the police. None.
How much time have Bob or I ever spent in jail. Zero.
How many Felony Charges have been filed against me or Bob ever? None.
How many times have Bob and I been evicted in the last ten years? NONE, we own the same home for the last 18 years...
So, just WHERE is all that "proof" of those charges again??
Russophile (Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland, Oregon) just posted on the "Ask Oma" forum:
"Funny how we don't see the fraud on the part of Mr. Moshein and Atchison, funny they are mute on that."
Well, Biernat, this is the first time I've actually seen you make an explicit published accusation of fraud against Moshein or Atchison.
I do hope you have more proof than the claims of Oma Hamou to make an accusation of such a crime.
After her little stunt with the altered check at the Cowan hearing, one would expect you have more to go on that any "documents" Hamou produces.
Would you care to be more explicit in the particulars of the crime you are accusing them of committing?
"Theft" is not a Federal Jurisdiction crime, unless the "thief" crosses state lines during commission of the crime. Bob hasn't gone anywhere with any money. Therefore, the FBI will do NOTHING about it, and even reporting it is a FRIVOLOUS and FRAUDULENT complaint.
Second, the money American Express paid on Oma Hamou's behalf (she herself STILL hasn't paid a dime out of her own pocket) was TEN YEARS ago. Both Texas and Federal Criminal Statues of Limitations for Theft are FIVE YEARS. Thus NO law enforcement agency can or will do anything about it. Therefore, Oma Hamou filing a criminal complaint about this is FRIVOLOUS and FRAUDULENT...
"Fraud" in a Texas Civil matter is NOT under Federal Jurisdiction. Thus the FBI will not investigate or ever do anything about it. Thus, Oma Hamou filing a criminal complaint about this is FRIVOLOUS and FRAUDULENT.
Thus, I can know for a FACT that nobody is investigating anyone for any of this...
PROVE the FBI is investigating anyone. Go on. PROVE IT. You keep demanding documents and proof, so put up or shut up. If some report exists, post it.
OH, and the Texas Statute of Limitations for all the rest is THREE YEARS so nobody will do anything about anything at a trial FIVE YEARS AGO.
Notice Oma Hamou now posts "draft" documents, never submitted, as proof of anything. Anyone can write anything well after the fact to try to prove something. The "Bill of Review" was never even a viable alternative, and Oma Hamou did NOTHING for over a year about it, which makes it dead and dismissed and of no meaning.
and once again, Oma Hamou tries to shift the discussion AWAY from her own criminal behavior by trying to portray the messengers as the "criminals"...
United States Attorney Pratice Manual:
Prosecution Policy Relating to Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud
Prosecutions of fraud ordinarily should not be undertaken if the scheme employed consists of some isolated transactions between individuals, involving minor loss to the victims, in which case the parties should be left to settle their differences by civil or criminal litigation in the state courts.
Defenses—Statute of Limitations
The statute of limitations for mail fraud and wire fraud prosecutions is five years (18 U.S.C. § 3282)
Honestly, Oma, how many judges have "slapped" you with eviction notices? None of which were ever rescinded, of course.
I have just spent the last twenty minutes slack-jawed in front of my computer, reading the utter nonsense that she has flooded her site with today. You need to get legal counsel stat, girlfriend, because you are skating dangerously close to a lawsuit from Cowan should he choose to pursue one. And while you may think of yourself as Grace Darling, the fact of the matter is that your legal history is checkered --- to put it mildly --- and you lost. After you skittered back from the bank with the news that they had "made a mistake" in telling you that your check had cleared (and there's an affadavit I'd like to see posted), you faded into the night and never returned to court. You do not exactly emerge from this as Jane Q. Trustworthy Citizen.
And BFF, I know that you don't want to hear this, but Blake is actually right in holding your toes to the fire about the "statement" that Atchison and Moshein are guilty of fraud. Implicit in the "statement" is the accusation. And FYI, that clarification comes to you from a lawyer who makes 225K per annum.
But my goodness, it's been a busy day here, hasn't it?
And one more time: I contacted the FBI yesterday. There is no investigation, sorry. The nice man I spoke to told me that every day there are several hundred complaints filed with various offices (more when the moon is full). Anyone can file a complaint. An investigation can only be undertaken by the Bureau, and there is none happening at the present time.
Anything else? No, I think that about covers it. Wait, I meant to say that the dog in the photographs she posted yesterday was beautiful! And if I was "Debbie", I would slaughter you in cold blood for posting that picture all over your site, Oma. We all have bad hair days, but they don't need to be memorialized on the internet.
Umm, Russophile. "Making a statement" that someone was involved in fraud is the same as making an accusation against them of fraud. And you have clearly asserted that Moshein and Atchison were involved in a fraud.
You should remember that Hamou presented her "evidence" in court that Atchison had forged documents and received money from her for work he did not do.
She could not even meet the civil action burden of "preponderance of the evidence" to get that judge and jury to believe her.
What do you think your chances are going to be of meeting the much higher criminal standard of proof that there was any fraud. You'd better hope Hamou can supply you with better evidence than she could supply herself.
Dancing on the head of a pin is apparently not your strong point.
I've inquired of some people on this blog to tell me more about this Mike Pyles you and Hamou keep talking about. Word is he retired some time ago and has relocated to one of his other homes to be a caregiver for his partner. He mostly seems to have dropped off the internet.
But apparently he worked for a pretty big company. She might want to be a little careful about making claims it is involved in any of this. I doubt if Hamou would want them looking into her antics.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma just posted that:
"This statement is false as I swear under the penalty of perjury under the laws that govern the state of California and the US that I have seen the criminal complaint filed with the FBI office by Oma against Bob Atchison and All."
Very impressive.
Except for the fact that Hamou also swore under penalties of perjury that the information she put in her bankruptcy petition was accurate, even though there were known inaccuracies in it -- such as the failure to disclose the money that court records prove she obtained from Hamid Refai.
Besides, so what if she "filed" a criminal complaint. She also "filed" a Bill of Review that was fatally flawed; and "filed" a bankruptcy petition that got withdrawn as soon as the sworn inaccuracies were posted on the internet; and "filed" a motion to seal the Cowan case documents that she paid for with a bum check.
Hamou's famous "filings" are worth less than the paper they're written on.
The question is whether the FBI is "investigating" anything involving Moshein or Atchison. And the answer is NO.
I'm just impressed that Mr. Russo is aware of the fact that you are dragging his name and business across the internet this way and doesn't have a problem with it, BFF.
I appreciate the fact that it is easier to cast this in high school terms (Team Hamou, Team Moshein), but in fact I don't consider myself a "team" player. While it is true that both Bob and Rob were exceedingly kind to me during my recent trip to Russia, and Rob has been especially thoughtful in both recommending wines and occasionally sending along a bottle, I wouldn't describe us as close friends or anything. I've never actually spoken with Bob, although Rob and I have called a couple of times when I wanted clarification about something. Have you met either one of them? Or is all of your animus based upon internet posting?
You know as well as I do that Ms. Hamou is sketchy, BFF, and I can only imagine the effort it takes for you to hold your nose and type support at the same time. I know nest to nothing about your beef with Moshein, but you must hate him to the point of irrationality to ally yourself with her. However, your life, your choice.
And what's in Vermont? When I was a kid we used to go up to Stowe for the skiing and stay at the Von Trapp place. Later I saw Mary Martin on Broadway and then Julie Andrews in the movie, and I have to tell you, the real Maria was nothing like either one of them! I remember her as being one scary lady.
I'm excited! My niece Leighton and I are going to Prague right after Thanksgiving. Our tickets are purchased, and we are making a side trip to Vienna on the way back. Kaffee mit Schlag, here I come!
In Texas:
A false statement which charges a person with the commission of a crime is libelous per se. Leyendecker & Assoc., Inc. v. Wechter, 683 S.W.2d 369, 374 (Tex.1984).
I have NEVER been charged with nor convicted of ANY crime, much less "Fraud".
Care to submit to Texas jurisdiction Michele Biernat?
Dear "Anonymous One" (and I can't believe I typed that with a straight face. Oh, wait. I didn't.),
I am not an attorney making 225K. I actually make substantially more than that, thanks. However, I have attorneys one floor below me who find this entire thing hilarious, and are always glad to offer free legal advice to the needy. And boy, are you girls needy.
ummm, Oma what is snoopy, you seriously might want to rethink the thing about Mike Pyles' former employer. They manage over twenty BILLION in assets, the owner is in the Forbes 200 richest, and they have a full time huge law firm staff at their disposal...they could create, umm, trouble.
Dear Oma/Snoopy,
To whom are you swearing under penalty of perjury that you have seen the complaint? And you need to read carefully, girlfriend. I said there was no investigation. And there isn't.
We've been through this before, Oma. Remember when you claimed to have adopted the Russian child? It took about two hours to run that one through the State Department and disprove it --- to my own satisfaction, anyway. You screeched about how it was unethical to do things like that, and I told you to grow up and pay attention to the way the world works. I have a multitude of friends from college and the business world who went into public service, and several of them landed career jobs at State. And one can always call in a favor. This time I didn't have to do that. I simply called the FBI office and asked nicely. Yes, I mentioned my company, and the personable young man with whom I spoke turned out to have been at St. Paul's a few years after Leighton attended. We had a lovely chat and he was quite forthcoming. He also turned out to have a terrific sense of humor, which really helps when you are reading these sites.
One thing: I have never, ever claimed to be "Rebecca Jordan" from Idaho, sterling woman though she undoubtedly is. I have been in Boise once on business, and no one kidnapped me. That I remember, anyway.
Oma, sweetie, you screeched like a stuck pig. The "Snoopy" persona is not a good one for you, girlfriend, since you always sound semi-hysterical. No, scratch that. Hysterical.
No one "stalked" you and your family in Russia, for the simple reason that you weren't in Russia. Try and keep up with the line of argument, dear. Nor did I think that you would somehow pull a Perry Mason moment and suddenly confess to your lies. I called State, just as I called the FBI, to see if you were lying for my own personal satisfaction, and of course it worked out pretty much the way I thought it did.
I don't remember insisting that you lived in Montclair, but if it makes you happy to remember it that way, have a party. On the other hand, since you lied for months about not living in Palmdale until the nice judge slapped an eviction notice and judgment on you, how can one believe you? Given the glancing relationship you have with the truth, you may have been the mayor of Palmdale.
say there snoopy, who is Oma. Just WHY should Blake prove who HE is when YOU won't prove who you are??
You already ADMITTED "Justin Edwards" isn't your REAL NAME, so YOU post under a fake name.
"sandman" posts under a fake name, "debbie" posts under a fake name. NONE OF THEM proves their identity either....
Pull the trigger on what, Russophile?
Apparently you are as confused about how the law works as is the Woman Who Sued Herself.
It is not me you accused of committing fraud, but rather Moshein and Atchison. Therefore, it would not be my cause of action but theirs.
I simply brought the point of your accusation forward because I was rather surprised to see you give them such a nice little insurance policy should you ever try to insert yourself into any legal action between them and Hamou.
Of course, no rational person would rush to the aid of a con artist as maliciously industrious as Hamou has proven to be. But I'm afraid we crossed the bridge about your rationality some time ago.
By the way, people have told me Pyles was quite the writer. I'm flattered my posts remind anyone of his.
Hey, Oma. Why do you keep going on and on about paying Mr. Cowan $10,000 to live in his house, as if you did something noble?
All you paid him was a security deposit, which almost all landlords require, and rent for two of the eight months you lived in his house.
You signed a contract for a certain amount of rent. Crowing about paying substantially less would be like walking onto a car lot, picking a car that cost $40,000, plunking down $10,000 and becoming incensed when they don't let you drive away in it.
As we learned with the promissory note you signed for Hamid Refai and other obligations you undertook, a contract means nothing to you, either at the time you sign it or the time you violate it.
But this crowing about paying one quarter of the rent owed is something only you would think should impress anyone. (Except Russophile, of course.)
Crowing about paying substantially less would be like walking onto a car lot, picking a car that cost $40,000, plunking down $10,000 and becoming incensed when they don't let you drive away in it.
Well, that is EXACTLY what she did to Reed/Elsevier Variety when she paid them $10,000, then ran up a bill for another $100,000 she refuses to pay...
IT wrote:
During the lunch break for the court that day, I went with Oma back to the bank, and it was the bank manager who eventually contacted someone at the home office and found out what the particular code really meant, and that it did not mean that it was paid. So, everything Oma did say was correct to the best of her knowledge.
THIS actually confirms Eric Cowan's story!!!
IF there were no question about the ORIGINAL check Mr. Cowan presented the Court versus the COPY Oma Hamou presented, WHY would she NEED to go the bank to confirm the check was NSF??
There are no "codes" for an NSF check. I've seen a couple. There is a huge STAMP across the check saying so. No hidden "codes"...
So, since HUGEFATOBESE denies that picture IS her, then, no problem and all of 'snoopy's' screaming is pointless..
Well, dear. I think it was very kind of Debbie to donate her lunch hour to driving Ms. Hamou / McConnell to the bank.
Just think what a sacrifice that must have been for the sweet thing.
And it must be very inconvenient for poor Ms. Hamou / McConnell to be unable to drive or procure a new license. I do hope that little nastiness about those unanswered charges in Los Angeles County can be sorted out favorably for her.
Handmaiden posted the following:
"When Oma had the carpets cleaned just after taking posession of the [Cowan] house, she found out that they were white, not brown as they appeared."
I see. These carpets were so dirty that Hamou actually mistook the color of an entire house of carpets?
Does anyone (except Russophile, of course) actually believe that an entire house of carpeting could be so thoroughly and consistently dirty that one could actually mistake white for brown as the original color of the carpets?
Jeez, woman. When lies get this absurd they aren't even fun to poke at.
ummm Blake
They LIE. OMA HAMOU LIES. "snoopy" lies. "sandman" lies, HUGEFATMORBIDLYOBESEdebbie LIES. The whole lot.
Sue me. Please.
Darling Handmaiden who is Oma but who says she is Debbie,
Darling, the picture was photoshopped? I knew it! I told Bitsy that there is no way any woman in her right mind would carry her bag resting on her tuchis like that.
And darling Omele, what makes you think that picture is you, darling? You're always posting pictures of yourself that show you to be svelte, darling. The woman in the photo is obviously zaftig, darling. How could she be you? Unless the pictures of you that you post have been photoshopped, and darling, you keep saying they haven't been!
Darling Oma,
I have never said you were "fat as a whale", darling, I said you were zaftig, which means that you are a full-figured girl. Darling, there's no shame in that! Look at darling Liz Taylor during the 1970's. It just means that some of the sand in the hourglass has redistributed, darling, and it happens to all of us!
And while I still don't think the lady in the picture is you, darling, I changed the picture because you're so sensitive. Because I care, darling!
Let us assess credibility:
Oma Hamou:
THREE Felony Convictions for bad checks.
THREE Arrests for violaton of Probation
EIGHT arrests
FELONY forgery Charge
Almost a year in Jail
A DOZEN outstanding Judgments for Money
A DOZEN Default judgments, never appearing in Court when required.
TWO Evictions for Failure to Pay Rent in the last two years
Dozens and dozens of addresses over the last 20 years.
Me and Bob:
NO arrests ever
NO criminal charges EVER
NO evictions
NO Felony Charges
No outstanding judgments
Owning the same home for 18 years
OH and...
Bob and I:
Verifiable and continued employment and Pallasart a successful business
Oma Hamou:
NO success for her companies an NO verifiable employment for TEN YEARS
Once again, the Woman Who Sued Herself (aka Oma Hamou) demonstrates how little she understands (or chooses to misstate) the law:
"The reason Bob Atchison has not in the five years he obtained a judgement against Oma in a Texas court filed any document in the Los Angeles Superior Court to enforce this judgment against her is he knows once he does this she will file a motion asking the court to set it aside based on fraud and forgery and perjury."
'Fraid not, toots.
As you were aware the judgment was entered against you and you had raised your claims of forged documents at trial, you lost any right to contest the judgment once the period for filing an appeal passed, which was eons ago. No court in Texas, California, or any place else would allow you another bite at that apple once you failed to appeal in a timely fashion. Any dolt (except Russophile, of course) knows that.
The reason Bob Atchison did not seek to enforce the judgment in California was twofold: (1) you have no assets, and (2) you do not show up in court when you know you're going to lose (hence the numerous default judgments against you and the outstanding bench warrant).
This little ploy of claiming you're going to take all kinds of legal actions and hoping a reader will think that means you can actually prove anything you claim in a court of law is getting a little tiresome.
But perhaps not as tiresome as sitting in a jail cell for almost a year of your life.
It is fascinating to sit back and watch Hamou throw out the lies so fast that she actually gets confused and proves herself wrong.
When "Handmaiden" posted the following, Hamou must have forgotten she had called Eric Cowan a liar for relating exactly the same event:
"During the lunch break for the court that day, I went with Oma back to the bank, and it was the bank manager who eventually contacted someone at the home office and found out what the particular code really meant, and that it did not mean that it was paid."
This was like the time Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted that she had never signed a promissory note to Hamid Refai -- until she found out the promissory note was part of the public court record.
Or the time several years ago she stood in front of Judge Triana and claimed she had filed a criminal report with the FBI -- which has not surfaced even today.
Or when she posted a series of claims about work, health insurance, assets, household staff, and other things and then filed a bankruptcy petition that made sworn assertions that contradicted the posts on her own forum.
Or when she told Cowan that Debbie was her "assistant" or posted about her "maids" while claiming to the bankruptcy court that she has insufficient income even to meet her basic living expenses -- much less employ personal staff.
Or when she claimed she did not live in Palmdale and then got evicted from a house in ........ Palmdale.
Oh, it just goes on and on.
Good morning, my dears. I've been mulling over the recent information about Ms. Hamou / McConnell's latest eviction, and I must admit I'm feeling a bit smug right now.
Mr. A. used to pester me to no end for us to invest in residential property. But I had heard such horror stories about bad tenants that I held the line and refused the venture. I have to say that Mrs. Bathelor's and Mr. Cowan's experiences in renting to Ms. Hamou / McConnell have vindicated my view.
Mrs. Batchelor had to go to the police to get her past rent paid and then had to deal with an awful mess left by uncontrolled animals. Then Mr. Cowan followed on her heels in having to take the same actions.
Yet only yesterday we were told that Ms. Hamou / McConnell was living "comfortably in a four bedroom and four bathroom house".
This is a woman who recently filed for bankruptcy and reported only $2500 a month in total income. She has been evicted from at least two abodes in the past year or two for non-payment of rent.
In effect, she is now bragging on the internet that she is in the process of ripping off yet another landlord, as she clearly chooses to live well beyond her means at the involuntary expense of others.
I know the poor dear doesn't want to live on the street, as she's having trouble keeping her stockings in good shape even as it is. But a woman who tricks landlords into renting her lodgings she clearly cannot afford is exactly the kind of tenant from h-e-double-l I was seeking to avoid when I refused Mr. A.
I do hope her current landlord manages to find this blog while there is perhaps still time to head off the coming disaster. (I fear the carpets are already done for, though.)
Dear me.
I loved her recent post where she claimed no one could have talked to Eric Cowan because "he works".
Since when does having a job prevent a person from answering his phone?
Sure, with the scams and the arrest warrant hanging over Hamou's head, she cannot afford to answer her phone or her door without knowing who's calling.
But people living within the law answer their phones fairly routinely.
oh, and every bank I have EVER heard of sends notices of NSF checks, maybe Oma Hamou just doesn't open her mail either...or doesn't tell the bank her new address ever time she gets evicted.
Poor Oma who is snoopy. You just dont GET IT...
The FBI only investigates FEDERAL CRIMES. Not California crimes. They tossed your complaint into the same trash can that the Texas Attorney General's office did the ONE time you filed years ago...(and claimed to have filed three more times since, but I have the letters FROM the AG's office showing THOSE claims (like the one you made in writing to JUDGE TRIANA) were LIES
Uh, Russophile. When did I say I "did some research" on this Pyles guy? What I wrote was:
"I've inquired of some people on this blog to tell me more about this Mike Pyles you and Hamou keep talking about."
In other words, I did exactly what you suggested one should do -- inquire of Mr. Moshein.
Damn. You caught me.
I find it very interesting, though, that you think it worse to expose a scam artist that to run scams on people.
Each to his own sense of morality, I guess.
Well, the moral dimension aside, it's also great fun, Russophile.
That's why you're in the middle of this, isn't it?
Or do you actually believe Hamou has had rectal, colon, and uterine cancer? That the stream of bad checks she's written on personal and business accounts were just accidents? That Mrs. Batchelor and Mr. Cowan were both lying when they said she trashed their houses? That the scam against Hamid Refai was just a big misunderstanding? That the D.A. in San Bernardino came to admire her while still prosecuting her for a felony? That the process servers were lying when they certified to the court that she and Sproul had been served in the Hamid case? That the woman the police stopped for driving without license, registration or insurance was not Hamou but an identity thief?
I know you'll try to duck the above questions. But how about answering them?
Do you actually believe the crap Hamou spews out?
Also, how can anyone believe ANYTHING Oma Hamou says when:
October 6, 2005 11:57:24 AM CDT
You really are an asshole!
I was sincere about my offer to settle.
Who cares about my corporate or personal debt?
You yourself owe money, you jerk!
I have all the dirt on you, you scum bag -
Talk about jealous - you are not employed. You have receive money from others--
Thanks for showing me and others what a pig you really and truly are!
I hate you. I hate Bob. But I was willing to walk away but not now.
We will file the appeal and re-file my lawsuit and go back in court and reinstate my restraining order agaisnt a psychopath who obviously is hell bent on making my life miserable -
[then another one an hour later:]
I hate both Bob & you for the lies you’ve told and what you’ve done to me but despite this hatred I offered a sincere settlement and you declined. I am going to go to the bank and then to my attorney and go from there. It really is too bad that your such a jerk – a total fucking asshole.
[then next day October 7, 2005]
As to the judgement it is true it does exist but if I decide to re-file and file a criminal complaint against both Pallasart and Bob Atchison I am certain that truth will prevail in all aspects of what you have done and said, what Pallasart and Bob Atchison has done and said against me and my companies.
[and on January 21, 2006]
If I were you I would remove the current post regarding our lawsuit because it's not over - and what Pallasart and its associates have just published is not true. I don't know what web site your readers are referring too since I am unable to locate it but I do plan to include the current information that Pallasart published in my current pleadings which will be filed on Monday. Its not over. Not by a long shot. You got up on the stand and you lied. And I am going to prove this.
Govern yourself accordingly,
Then February 24, 2006.
Oma Hamou sent a letter to the Hon. Gisela Triana.
"Due to...the seriousness of the crimes which have been committed against me and my companies, Engima Films & The Sarskaia Foundation I have sworn out official complaints with both the Federal Bureau of Investigations (sic) and the Texas Attorney General's Office.
Snoopy on Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:54 am
My friend, Oma filed The Bill of Review against Bob Atchison on time - Case No: GN-09-003478 - the petition was accepted by the Travis County Courts.
I hope Bob they toss your ass in jail for what you did inside Judge Traina's courtroom when you obtained your fraudulent judgment against my friend, Oma Hamou!
I hope they toss you in jail for the crimes you have and continue to commit against my friend Oma Hamou.
Tuesday she is filing a criminal complaint against you and we like I just did regarding the Bill of Review I will provide the name of lead agency this complaint will be made at.
Your days of honoring thyself are numbered.
THAT never happened. AND the Bill of Review sat untouched for a YEAR... still no credibility...
Russophile posted:
"As a cancer survivor, I can feel for her.
Ever consider that Ms. Hamou has a rough time trying to FIX everything with you and your buddies/cronies/psycho's all ganging up on her all the time? Just a thought."
I, too, would feel for a cancer survivor. What I don't feel for is using cancer as a stage prop for running scams? Does that really not offend you? That she claimed to a church official in Russia that she had colon cancer that spread to her uterus (which would be a medical first)? That -- years later -- she claimed to Eric Cowan that she was behind on her rent due to rectal cancer? That she claimed medical bills to scam Refai?
As for Hamou trying to FIX everything -- wouldn't the simplest way be to get a job, quit pretending to be a Hollywood executive, find lodgings consistent with her income, and not spend decades passing bad checks?
A woman who claims to be bankrupt, who has been evicted twice in recent months, who enlists a cohort to sign promissory notes and then bolts -- and has now moved into yet another large home -- is making her own problems.
It might be awkward to have those problems exposed, but the problems are of her own making.
And there are actual victims.
You say you talk to Hamou and you feel sorry for her.
Well, maybe you should try to talking to some of her victims and see how they feel.
Mrs. Batchelor is a 67-year-old widow, for God's sake. Cowan's finances were pushed over the edge. Don Morton was a senile octogenarian when she secured his "permission" to walk away with his retirement money.
For once, be honest, Russophile. Do you really find this okay?
by Snoopy on Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:33 pm
She may "still" be afraid of you but she isn't backing away from her commitment to hold you assholes accountable. You did everything you could to bully, intimidate and harass her into not filing a Bill of Review she did it anyways. She is filing another civil suit against Bob Atchison and his web company and she is filing the criminal complaint and asking law enforcement to investigate. She isn't backing down and there is nothing you or your Pallasart can do about it.
Get ready. Round two. :wink:
Nope, still nothing credible.
How about Russophile CALLS Eric Cowan and gets HIS side of the story?
Nitzi, Bitsy, Mitzi and our brother Fritzi, darling. You can make fun if you want darling, but at least get the names right!
And I have no idea what the TRF is, darling, truly, I don't. I do know that you have posted both on this site and over on darling Omele's that you like Merlot. If you are doing this all over the internet, mazel tov, darling, but I didn't have to "stalk" you to find out that you like wine, you told us, darling.
Darling, hanging around with darling Omele seems to have taken its toll on your ability to read your own posts. But I see you haven't really answered darling Blakele's question (no surprise there, darling). Darling Robbele keeps posting links to third party documents that clearly explain that Ms. Hamou is kind of a deadbeat, darling. And of course we all want to give people a chance. But all she ever does with hers is to rent houses she can't afford and cost people like Ms. Batchelor, Mr. Refai and Mr. Cowan money, darling. To say nothing about the tax payers who have to pay and pay again every time she fails to show up in court or defaults on a judgment. You should actually be thanking darling Bob for not taking the lady to court. He'd win, I'm sure, but then what? Do you actually think she would pay up, darling? Ms. Batchelor got a check because someone was actually slapped with a jail term, darling. And someone was facing another one. That's the only reason she got paid.
So darling, a little advice from Mitzele, which hoo-hah, you will probably ignore, but I have to try because I care, darling. You know I do! Read your own posts more carefully. I do, because I care about what you write. And try to stop hating darling Robbele long enough to actually take a look at the evidence he is posting, darling. Your friend isn't an unfortunate soul, she is someone who bilks for a livelihood, darling.
And, Russophile -- as for "ganging up" on Hamou.
Have you forgotten that this blog got started back in 2008 only because Hamou had launched her "Austin Wine Guy" blog to try to undercut Moshein's new business venture?
Go back and read the first post.
Had she not pulled that stunt, I doubt if any of us would be talking today about Huiku Batchelor, Eric Cowan, Hamid Refai or any of her other victims.
The woman brings this on herself. Over and over and over.
She's a con artist and, of course, she desperately wants all this public discussion about her antics shut down.
Too damn bad.
If anybody has to go to the mat to prove what's been posted on both sides, fine with me. I'd place my bet against Hamou any day of the week.
umm, verifying the story is NOT stalking. Funny that when actually CHALLENGED to find out something for YOURSELF, you decline Biernat.
or, more likely, it is EASIER for you to accept the propoganda spoon fed by Hamou to you than maybe, just maybe, discover other people have a FAR different experience when dealing with her and discover the extent of her lies...
Russophile posted:
"Blake, currently a family friend beat rectal cancer and now its' moved into his lungs. So yes, cancer spreads whenever, however. It's cancer. It's ugly."
Exactly my point. Colon cancer does spread when untreated. I never argued otherwise.
However, like rectal cancer, it spreads through the lymph and vascular systems to remote organs. It does not spread "next door" to the uterus.
If you don't believe me, you might want to ask your oncologist.
Hamou, ignorant as to how cancer really spreads, was lying to generate pity.
Just another of the stage props for her scams.
And I remain surprised that you think that's okay.
Blake is quite right. I'm talking as sincerely and honestly right now to you Michele, no snarky comments or anything.
My Grandmother had a double mastectomy for Breast Cancer. My Mother had a single...My older sister is just finishing up HER chemo for HER breast cancer. Susan G. Comen Foundation is one of my primary charities.
It sickens me that Oma Hamou plays the 'cancer card' to elicit sympathy, avoid paying rent when due, and to take money from well meaning older men like Hamid Refai. I spoke on the phone with Refai's attorney who gladly explained to me how Oma told him about her "cancer" and how she had no insurance and desperately needed $50,000 for treatment. Hamid believed her and had Sproul co sign because he KNEW Hamou didn't have the money and wanted to make sure he got repaid. Oma Hamou USED that money to pay Brian Murphy to keep her butt out of the California Women's Corrrectional Facility and to pay the Victim's Restitution ordered to Mrs. Batchelor.
Just stop hating me long enough to use your brain Michele.
If I believed for an INSTANT Oma really had cancer I would have a different perspective. She DOESN'T. She uses cancer for her own ends.
Do you REALLY support that?
So do I, BFF. Rob Moshein called me to let me know that things were hopping this afternoon, and I took a look at what she has been posting. Her only response is always that "false, libelous and defamatory" nonsense. Any competent lawyer to whom you show the TRO document will tell you that it lapsed for lack of proof, and in any event, has nothing to do with her recent actions. If all she did in court on the few occasions that she bothered to attend court was to spout "this is false, libelous and defamatory", no wonder she has had all of these judgments handed down against her, and judges have slapped her with eviction notices.
I am particularly offended by the dexterity with which she plays the cancer card. As you and I know, cancer is a serious business, not a forensics ploy to avoid paying your rent. There is no evidence at all that she has had cancer. If there is, post it. There was no reticence about posting the highly generic discharge sheet for her bout with the flu when she was in Texas, for heaven's sake. Incidentally, Oma, I have had the flu to the exact extent that you say you did, I took the same pills that were prescribed for you in that document (essentially Tylenol with attitude), and I could have been in court if necessary.
You've had cancer, BFF. I've had cancer. Do you routinely use it as an excuse for dumbass behavior?
Sorry Oma, I'm not going to let you play that sorry ass game any more.
Oma Hamou claimed she was IN Cedars Sinai for "cancer". My late Father was on Staff, and simply looked at the patient register that same day. Oma Hamou was NOT IN CEDARS the day she said she was for "cancer".
On my Father's grave Michele, and the world, that is the exact truth.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"in emails from Patricia Lupoli you told her Oma didn't have cancer"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this like years ago?
And, according to Eric Cowan and Hamid Refai, she's still constantly in and out of the hospital with it today.
Colon. Uterus. Rectum.
Boy, that's one slippery case.
And, Rebecca. I get your point about posting proof of the pneumonia and other illnesses.
Good grief, the woman posts pictures of herself half naked. She posts private emails. She posts pictures she says were taken during her hospitalization for spousal abuse. She posts a discharge sheet for pneumonia.
But she can't post one single thing that actually proves she has had all these cancers?
Yes Blake, the "cancer" in Cedars incident was back in early Summer 2004. Over SIX years ago...
Hamou is a "colleague" of Peter K?
Does she mean Peter Kurth?
Does she know the meaning of the word "colleague"?
And does Kurth realize that he is the "colleague" of a con artist?
Looks as if Jim Sproul has some company.
Well Blake, remember she wrote a letter TO Putin, and called HIM a "colleague". I think she defines "colleague" as "somebody I wrote to once".
Well, I looked up "colleague" on, and here's the definition:
"a fellow worker or member of a staff, department, profession, etc."
This clearly implies a professional connection.
We know what Hamou's profession is. How is Peter Kurth involved in it?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma is now posting that he doesn't have access to her medical records.
Yet just the other day he posted her discharge papers for the pneumonia. He was also the one who posted the photo relating to her hospitalization for spousal abuse.
Yet now we hear he doesn't have access to her medical records?
Peter Kurth, darlings?
He's an author who writes about Russian history. I just ordered his Tsar, a large picture book with commentary, because it has beautiful pictures of Tsarskoe Selo.
Okay, Russophile. You think Moshein is evil.
But you still haven't answered a very simple question. I thought you might duck it, but I was nevertheless hoping you'd stand up on this.
Are you really okay with Hamou using cancer to get over $50,000 from Hamid Refai? To use it in an attempt to duck rent payments?
Or do you really believe she has had all these different cancers for years on end?
These questions don't require you to prove anything. We just want to know your views on this.
"Evil" is a strong word, BFF. But what on earth does it have to do with anything? You may hate the messenger, but take a look at the message. I have no real idea why you two hate each other apart from the nonsense that you toss back and forth on the sites, but whatever it is, it has nothing to do with Oma Hamou's status as a con artist. She would be that whether or not you and Rob were BFFs, BFF.
And Blake is right, Oma Who Is Snoopy. You yourself posted her discharge with the pneumonia incident in Texas, on her very own site.
What gives here?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma is a posting fool this afternoon, but not one word of answer as to what her professional association is with Peter Kurth.
Did they work together on a book? Was he involved in her film project in Russia? Is he working on her new film project? Does he help her set up her marks?
Hmmm. Another post from Snoopy-who-is-Oma.
But still no clarification of Hamou's professional association with Peter Kurth.
Come on, Snoops. Step up the game. What is Oma Hamou's professional association with Peter Kurth?
And Russophile. No answers to the questions about Hamou's cancers?
What's up, ladies? Cat got your tongues?
God God, Hamou.
How the hell does someone get arrested on a blog?
And what's this about an arrest, anyway?
Tina Van Veen. You. Now Peter Kurth?
Do you have any friends who have not been arrested?
And you STILL haven't answered the core question here.
What is Hamou's professional association with Peter Kurth?
What exactly is "libelous, false and defamatory" about asking how you are a "colleague" of Mr. Kurth? You yourself brought the word into play. Is it libelous, false and defamatory to describe you as such because of your reputation? Then stop doing so.
Well, Snoopy-who-is-Oma is dancing around the Maypole and getting herself all tangled up.
Lots of posting now about Peter Kurth, I suppose trying to show that he and Rob Moshein don't like each other. No real news there.
But not one word of explanation about what her professional association with Kurth is.
C'mon, Snoops. WHAT is the professional association between Oma Hamou and Peter Kurth?
Umm, Snoops. Reposting an earlier post still does not answer the question.
WHAT is Hamou's professional association with Peter Kurth?
In what way are they "colleagues"?
It's nice to know that you and Mr. Kurth are friends, Oma. It doesn't answer the question: how are you colleagues?
Of course you aren't, in any sense of the word. Which once again demonstrates how little you know what you are talking about, girlfriend.
Hmmm, I noticed the alleged email from Peter Kurth is THREE years old. Nothing more "recent"?? Bob and Peter have been in pleasant communication with each other within the last year....
Oh, Rebecca. I think she knew exactly what she was talking about.
She wanted to drag Peter Kurth into this to try to create an impression that she runs in important circles and to blunt the ongoing revelations about her real activities.
She just made one of her recurrent tactical blunders in trying to add gravitas to the impression by claiming she was a "colleague" of a well-known author.
It's the same thing she tried a while back with Penny Wilson and Greg King, until she found out about a more recent chain of communications than the ones she published and that indicated King and Wilson had become aware of her true character.
It would be interesting to hear what Peter Kurth thinks of her today.
Perhaps he will read the day's posts on this blog?
Typical. Another long, long post of documents and photos to try to deflect the conversation from Peter Kurth.
Hey, Snoops. Here's an idea.
You obviously are privy to the communications between Peter Kurth and his "friend and colleague" Oma Hamou.
Friends and colleagues are usually in frequent communication.
How about posting something more recent than three years ago of the correspondence between Kurth and Hamou?
Now, don't tell us you don't have access to it. You've already tried that stunt today with Hamou's medical records, to which you seem to have only the access you find convenient.
We'd like to see some evidence of the warm, current ongoing relationship between Hamou and Kurth. He did say that he'd be her friend always, after all.
My eyes tear up just thinking about it.
If you don't have any of these more recent communications to hand, perhaps Bob Atchison can send Kurth a link to today's posts to see if he wants to help his good friend and colleague out of her current predicament?
And don't worry.
He'll probably overlook all the talk about scams, victims, widows, senile old men, arrests, trashed houses, evictions, bad checks.
That's what true friends do.
Ahhhh, Russophile. You're back online.
Perhaps you can now answer the simple questions I posed.
Are you all right with Hamou using cancer as a stage prop for scams?
Or do you believe she has had at least three cancers over the past six years?
All it takes is a simple yes or no to each question.
Does Bob describe himself as Peter Kurth's colleague?
Back to her cancer(s) for a moment. Snoopy, did you carry Oma up the stairs into the hospital? You took her to a hospital with an emergency room you have to climb stairs to enter? Or did you carry her down stairs out of the hospital? Were you attempting to slip out without paying a bill, because every hospital I know discharges patients in wheelchairs. Moreover, they don't discharge people so weak that friends have to carry them out. Or did you carry her up the stairs into one ofthe fabled four bedroom, four bath pleasure palaces she rented? Again, what hospital releases a cancer patient in that condition.
The rectal cancer was so strong that she couldn't write checks to cover the rent, and yet she could pack up and lam out once she was evicted?
That is one selective cancer.
Shameless. You are absolutely shameless, Oma Hamou.
Darling Rivka,
See, darling? This is why darling President Obama wanted to reform the American health care system, darling. All those stairs, darling.
Bob and Peter have known each other for many years. They were very close friends, but then had some rough patches after the DNA testing showed AA was NOT Grand Duchess Anastasia.
Peter and Bob reconciled a couple of years ago after the last set of remains were identified. Peter wrote Bob something to the effect that Bob "now carries the Banner" for Romanov studies.
I don't think Bob would describe Peter as a "colleague", rather as a friend of many years, and a now more distant friend. I don't think Bob hears from Peter very often since. Bob says he doesn't want to "feed the evil to the dragon" of Oma by getting involved in this discussion publicly.
So Mr. Kurth doesn't feel the need to insert himself into the firefight between Moshein and Hamou? That's interesting, since they're "colleagues" and all. And BFF, there is nothing in either of the emails that betrays any particular hatred of anyone, merely a desire not to get embroiled in this upcoming book by the authors of Fate of the Romanovs. I've read that and enjoyed it very much, and also just finished Suzanne Massie's Land of the Firebird. She's the ex-wife of the author of Nicholas and Alexandra, which I just realized everybody probably knows. Sorry, I am late to the Russian party.
So she isn't a "colleague". That's not surprising, and I suppose Blake is right about why she claimed she was.
Back to the cancers, BFF. You know perfectly well she is lying about this, even if through some miracle she is telling the truth about anything else. Or do you seriously believe that she has been playing tag with cancers only when things look a little dicey on the legal front?
And what is wrong with her friends? The imaginary ones, I mean. Someone for whom you rush to the internet at the drop of a hat is sick with cancer, and you people just let her lay about the house unable to pay her rent? Shame on you.
If you actually existed.
Which you don't.
Well, well. Two more posts from Russophile and still no answer to the questions about Hamou's cancers.
I guess we just have to assume that, since she professes to be a staunch supporter of Hamou, she either believes Hamou has had multiple cancers over a span of years, or she thinks it's okay for a woman to use cancer as a stage prop for scamming money, goods, or services from people.
I find it odd that over the summer we were told on the "Ask Oma" forum (at that Hamou was in Russia working on a new film project, yet she was telling her landlord that she had cancer and was in and out of the hospital.
Oh, well. What can you do?
If Russophile actually believes the cancer story, then she really is unimaginably gullible.
If, on the other hand, she believes it's okay to fake cancer in order to extract money from others, then ..... well, if she really is a cancer survivor herself, I simply don't know what to say to that.
I think she answered your question, Blake. She believes her. There you go.
Oh, and BFF, I think you might have missed the point of Mitzi's post about Obama.
But at least you finally answered a question someone posed to you, which is certainly more than "Snoopy Who is Oma" can say.
Careful on the stairs, girlfriend.
I just saw this:
"THOUSANDS who google Oma's name are led to these libelous sites"
THOUSANDS? There are THOUSANDS googling Oma's name?
Just ran my google analytics. since the first day this blog went up, until today, the number of Google Searches for "Oma Hamou" is....
and I know from traffic that a bunch of these are Oma Hamou googling her own name...
Well, Rebecca. You were right. She does believe Hamou's crap.
Even that "Snoopy" happens to have all kinds of medical records to post about Hamou except, conveniently, for anything that indicates cancer.
And that Hamou was in Russia on a film project while at the same time being treated throughout the summer for cancer. Around rent day.
And that Hamou actually spent the money she and Sproul conned out of Refai on medical bills.
Oh, well. In a way, it's easier to accept that she's just terminally dim than that a cancer survivor would actually support a con artist faking cancer to get money out of men.
Am I the only one who sees the amusing irony of Oma Hamou posting documents written by the same lawyers she STIFFED for $20,000 in legal fees and who never followed through with the threats in that letter...
Makes me chuckle.
As for Biernat. She didn't think I was "evil" when she BEGGED for my professional wine advice on this very blog. I don't hate her, I don't think she is evil. She IS Stupid. Very. She is also mean, clearly. Worse she would rather go down in flames than admit to being WRONG. Which is a pathetic combination. Choosing to remain stupid, and revel in the stupidity, instead of learning the truth and admitting being wrong.
Ah well. You lie down with dogs, don't complain when you get fleas...and get judged by the company you keep.
Oh, I'm dropping by the Austin FBI office tomorrow...should be "enlightening".
I actually didn't discover the FBI doesn't have an Austin field office until after I posted. Thanks tho snoopy for trying to help me out. I'll call them in San Antonio, and offer to drive down there if they want me to. It's only an hour drive. I'll have lunch at this really great Tex Mex place I know down there.
Sure if the FBI really "does" want to talk to Bob, he's more than happy to go on down. To your utter disappointment, he honestly has nothing to do with any of this. He finds Oma Hamou beneath his time, effort and talents. Oma is nothing more to him than an evil troll living in slime under a rock. He spends his time building websites for customers, working in the garden and reading. Oma is, as they say, nothing but a timesuck as far as he is concerned.
Bob never lied. I created OmaHamouReport. ME...not Bob.
Ask yourself this Oma Hamou. WHAT if the FBI does NOTHING?? What if they don't give a crap?? Which is where my money is wagered.
IF you filed before, and BIG IF, they did nothing then, why now?
YOU do nothing yourself. You could have appealed. But failed
Motion for new trial. FAILED
Bill of Review. FAILED
Local Law Enforcement IF you filed.NOTHING.
Now years later? NOTHING...
THAT is your reality...
Reading this Biernat??
Dear Rob,
Why on earth are you dropping by the FBI office? Jack told me that there was "nothing" as far as investigations are concerned. Are you going to file a complaint?
The irony!
And yes, Blake, I am afraid my BFF does believe Hamou. I don't think she is terminally dim. I think that she has allowed her hatred for Rob Moshein (and yes, BFF, I know you said you don't hate him, but that is demonstrably untrue simply by reading your posts) to corrupt her reason. As I said before, there you go.
And Oma, if you are reading this (ho, ho, ho), I just want you to know that Rob isn't kidding about Bob's involvement in all of this. I have spoken with Rob, but never, ever with Bob. If he is the Grand Orchestrator of the Cabal, he is kind of slack about it. It made it all the more gracious when he extended himself to provide me with contacts during my recent trip to St. Petersburg. I did send a proper thank you note, but if you are reading this, Bob, thanks again.
Given that the nearest FBI Field Office is 50 miles south in San Antonio, I'm going to call first. If they were just downtown, no big deal. I want to be able to say for myself "under penalty of perjury in the State where I live" that I spoke to them. I KNOW there is no "investigation" but just wanted to be able to say I asked and didn't get tossed into jail when I showed up.
Bob is watching some old Masterpiece Theatre stuff on DVD, Oma Hamou is the last thing on his mind, somewhere behind this morning's dog turds in the back yard.
OH, you'll love this RJ.
I meant to mention. (First, Bob is pleased to have been of assistance, he is happy to help my friends. Your note on Mrs. John L. Strong paper was lovely by the by)
Bob spends about a total of ten minutes a MONTH reading this blog. That only for the laugh factor. Oma Hamou is that worthless to him.
THAT of course, is what drives Oma more mad than anything. She SOOOOO desperately WANTS to think Bob gives a crap about her. Sad, no??
Sorry Oma, being snoopy.
Rebecca's thank you note was indeed on Mrs. John L. Strong paper. So this isn't a lie...
beautiful note paper, engraved, high rag content. Lovely.
That wasnt' a lie.
Russophile posted:
"IF you THINK you know anything about cancer you would KNOW that uterine cancer is 1 in a million. I had it, I was that 1 It is also a VERY RARE AND SLOW GROWTH cancer. Ms. Hamou may have had this cancer for YEARS and never had known."
Umm, Russophile. I think you're forgetting something.
Hamou said she had colon cancer that spread to the uterus.
I'm surprised that a cancer survivor would not have researched something about the nature of the disease. (No. Scratch that. In your case, I'm not surprised.)
When a cancer spreads, the metastasized cells retain the characteristics of the original cancer. One of the reasons it wreaks such havoc is that the cells continue to function at the new site as they did at the old, mimicking in distorted form the behavior of the original site's normal cells.
So if colon cancer actually spread to the uterus (which it doesn't), it would still be colon cancer. It would not become uterine cancer. Nor would it develop at the pace of uterine cancer but rather of the original cancer.
If you're going to try to support her in using cancer as part of her scams, you really ought to focus more on the details. Lord knows she doesn't.
No, she doesn't. Nor can she read. I have repeatedly stated that she may indeed have filed a criminal complaint with the FBI. Anyone can file a criminal complaint. The agent with whom I spoke could not find any record of such a complaint, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she did. Since the "evidence" she posted this morning (names heavily blacked out, etc.) says she did this before, it could have happened. And the Agent Name Heavily Blacked Out told her that the Bureau wasn't interested in an "investigation".
What I have said, on the basis of a conversation with the FBI offfice in New York, is that there is no investigation.
Alright, Oma, now swear under "perjury" that there is, not a complaint, but an investigation. How exactly does the whole "swear" thing work, by the way? Has a bailiff simply moved into your home for moments like this? I suppose it would save time in the end.
I found the letter Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted from Foster & Malisch to be a curious choice.
After two pages of posturing about all they were going to do to Rob Moshein, what actually happened is they dropped Hamou as a client. All the threats went exactly nowhere. (She lucked out in only having them walk away from her. In two other cases her lawyers actually sued her. And won.)
While it may elude Hamou, this is part of a pattern.
She started attacking Rob Moshein's trade name as the Austin Wine Guy on the internet, first on her alexanderpalacereality blog, then later on a new website she created called theaustinewineguy-robmoshein blog. Those attacks in turn begat this blog.
And what happens?
Hamou's victims are now reading this blog and comparing notes among themselves and with others -- and not about anything she claims Rob Moshein did, but about her activities.
She trumpets for years on end that "law enforcement" is investigating Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison and will soon take action, including criminal charges, prosecution, and possibly imprisonment.
And what happens?
At least two of Hamou's victims actually do show this blog to "law enforcement". In one case, she winds up being arrested and prosecuted for felony forgery, sitting in jail for two weeks under $1 million bail, and finally being forced to make "victim restitution" to a 67-year-old widow. In the other case, the Palmdale police actually opened an investigation, not of Moshein or anyone here -- but of Hamou.
It's this kind of smooth operating that has landed her in jail numerous times, that has given her a felony record, that has left her with more than a dozen outstanding civil judgments, that has gotten her evicted from her two most recent homes, that has brought more and more of her antics into public display.
I can't wait for her next move.
Russophile, at long last you finally answered the question about your views on Oma Hamou's numerous "cancers". And for that I thank you.
But you left another question unanswered.
Among Hamou's victims have been a 67-year-old widow, a man who lost his home, and a man in his 80's with dementia (and was so impaired that the police in the Elder Abuse Unit of the L.A. Police could not use him as a witness).
I asked you whether you were all right with her conduct in these matters. And you have not answered.
You say that, whoever I am, I am going to be mortified when my real name is attached to my participation in this blog; that I am going to be ashamed I might have hindered Hamou in continuing her activities undisturbed.
So I ask you again. Are you really all right with supporting a woman whose victims include the above people?
Just spoke to the San Antonio FBI Field office. The nice agent said the exact same thing the other agents told me the LAST time Oma Hamou swore under whatever that she filed a complaint...
1. They will not, as policy, say whether a complaint was filed or not
2. "If you were under investigation, trust me, you would know it." The FBI ALWAYS talks to the people being investigated, as well as their friends, co workers, etc.
3. When I told him that Bob and I were glad to drive down there if they wanted us to, he chuckled and said "there is no need for you to do that."
4. He explained that the Bureau gets "a whole lot" of complaints filed that are worthless. "A lot of people say a lot of stuff" that they don't investigate. They also won't exactly TELL the person they WON'T investigate, he explained, because they never know how "stable" those people are...
He DID make certain to ask for Oma Hamou's name, and her web url...but would not tell me exactly why...
SO, there you have it. On the chance she filed something, well, sorry Oma, but the FBI didn't actually DO anything about it. They don't care, it seems, as much as you WANT them to.
Feel better now?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma just posted:
"Oma never made any sort of statement about anything related to her cancer."
Ummm, Snoops. Think again.
There was recently posted on this blog a written communication from Oma Hamou to a Russian prelate in which she claimed she had colon cancer that had spread to her uterus.
Then Oma Hamou needs to shut her site down. If she can't stop her imaginary friends from posting lies about her medical conditions, the site is only harming her.
And wile it is interesting to learn that Mike Newson (whatever happened to him, anyway?) "suffered" because of his defence of Hamou, it is completely irrelevant to how cancer spreads.
Epic fail on the response, Oma Who Is Snoopy.
Wow, Rob.
Did you also give them the link to this blog?
You know. Just in case Oma made a typo in giving it to them.
Dear Rob,
Exactly the response I received from the New York office, down to the "if you were under investigation, you would know it."
Epic Fail Number 2, Oma, and it's not even noon.
Also, BFF, why not call an FBI office and see what kind of response you get? Or would that be like talking to one of Oma Hamou's victim, somehow an act of "stalking"?
Rob, did you explain to this agent that Oma had a follow-up meeting with the FBI at the FEDERAL BUILDING in Los Angeles on October 19?
Maybe he can find the complaint by calling the L.A. office.
Epic Fail Number 3, Snoopy-who-is-Oma,
Your last post in completely incoherent even with additional editing. I have "harrassed" you? Just how have I done that? I do think you are lying, yes, but then I think Oma Hamou lies with the frequency that other people breathe. If you are not Oma Hamou, and of course you are, but for the sake of argument let's say that you actually exist as an independent entity, which of course you don't, but --- she needs to shut you down pronto, amigo, because you are defaming her across the internet by publishing lies about her medical conditions and the state of a non-existent investigation that has been launched against a citizen by the FBI. I would propose that after my phone call and Rob's this morning that the FBI might very well be taking a look at these sites (actually, the agent I spoke with did, while we were on the phone), and girlfriend, how happy do you think they will be to find that you are dragging them through your mud.
Let's take the most ridiculous assumption as being possible. The FBI is engaged in a secret investigation Of Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison. Well, it isn't much of a secret anymore, is it? You have been posting about it all over the internet!!!! You have put the FBI in the position of having to perjure itself when it tells me and Rob that there is no investigation.
Have a Red Bull before you post again, Oma. Or at least a cup of coffee. The neurons aren't firing on all eight cylinders yet.
Great point RJ!
I do wonder how the FBI would react if the "complainant" goes screaming all over the public interwebs that they are investigating someone secretly? I mean, doesn't SECRET mean "not telling the whole world over and over on a daily basis"??
Epic Fail indeed.
Say, this is a good one, I'd forgotten about THIS golden oldie direct from Oma Hamou herself:
Date: June 24, 2004 12:32:32 PM CDT
Subject: (no subject)
Sarskaia will not remove this web page down. You bullied and threatened Mike so badly last week and told him that you were going to name him as an accomplice to a murder for hire. John can sue all he likes, but the facts are the
facts and the FBI is investigating and they will be calling you and checking out your facts just like they will mine. (emphasis added) They are going to check out who you are and who your friends are and who and what John L***** is. After all he has said that I conned him out of doing some $24,000 worth of work that I didn't pay. I want the FBI to tell the world if this is true or not.
You are in communications with this LABloodhound. You gave this creep letters that I gave you so that he could publish them. You and your friends pretend that no one can connect you together but we already have, you told LA Bloodhound everything that Mike said to you. Silly rabbit tricks are for kids! The FBI will determine through their investigation if your friend and you had a right to defame me, stalk and intimidate people of course in your eyes you guys have
committed no crime.
You've been telling people that I defrauded JP Morgan and poor Father Markell had to sell his flat, well, let's see if the FBI comes back saying this is true? I don't think so! You called Mike to tell him to have me remove this web page or else the big bad Bob is going to SUE Mike. I like Mike alot but I am not removing this page.
Does it make you feel good to be a bully?
For years you have bullied me and intimidated me and bombarded people with damning letters about me. You've accused me of hiring someone to kill you and for conning a bank out of $60,000 and that this bank went after a Russian priest
who was forced as you said to sell his flat. I say you are a liar and a scumbag and a jealous bitch! But for the sake of argument I have asked the FBI to investigate all of you and all of your filthy lies. (emphasis added)
You tell people that you are such an innocent victim, you are not a victim, you have made it loud and clear that you will do anything and everything to destroy me and my projects. You are one scary monstor (sic)and I am afraid of you but
I am not afraid of the truth and I know that the FBI will clear my name of all wrongs that you have accused me of doing. I hope that they prosecute you and
your friends for the wrongs that you've done to me and my companies!
Have a good day!
Oma Hamou
C'mon, Oma. Don't scurry away just because Rob called the FBI this morning.
The FBI now has the url to your "Ask Oma" forum.
So. Let's set you post it again.
Did you file a complaint with the FBI? Did you meet with the FBI on October 19 at the Federal Building in Los Angeles? Are they investigating Moshein and/or Atchison?
And don't say you're not free to say. You've already posted all the above claims before.
Russophile, I'm not doubting that you had uterine cancer and that it went undetected for years.
I'm saying that Hamou has been claiming colon and rectal cancer for years, occasionally embellishing with claims it spread to her uterus (which would be a medical first).
I don't understand why you keep defending the proposition that the uterine cancer could have been eating away at her for years.
She has never claimed to have uterine cancer.
Let me try this more simply. Colon cancer that spreads to the lungs or liver, for example, does not become lung or liver cancer. It remains metastasized colon cancer, as the cells originated in the colon and retain some of the characteristics of colon cells. Likewise, lung cancer that spreads to the brain (one of its frequent paths) remains lung cancer that spread. It does not become brain cancer, as brain cancer cells are markedly different from lung cancer cells that colonize the brain.
For the life of me, I cannot discern why you're so intent on defending the proposition that Hamou's uterine cancer could have been with her all the years she's been claiming various cancers.
Not even Hamou has argued she has uterine cancer.
And, by the way --
I see you still have not answered my question about whether you're all right with Hamou having chosen a 67-year-old widow, a financially-stretched man, and a demented octogenarian to be among her victims.
Don't worry about forgetting, though. I'll keep reminding you.
Back to cancer:
Full-name: Alexandraenigma
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:14:46 EST
Subject: (no subject)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: AOL 7.0 for Windows US sub 120
Your Eminence:
I am writing to you to ask you to remember me in your prayers-
2 weeks ago I underwent surgery to remove cancer from my colon and I have 100
stitches inside of me. The physicians told me yesterday that my white blood
count is high and that I have 2 choices chemotherapy or another surgery as
they fear that it is spread in my uterus.
I am scared.
I am a single mother and I work hard and now my health is not good.
I have been in the hospital and now I may have another surgery this week.
Some things are worth more than money-
Please forgive me and pray that my health be restored.
I kiss your hand and remain,
God's Servant and Servant of the Church
So, ok. In 2002 she wrote the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, a very important Russian Church figure, that she had "colon cancer" that "spread to her uterus.
Then in June 2004, she told Patricia L. that she had BREAST cancer, and was "in Cedars for treatment". But, she wasn't in Cedars. Here is the exact phrase:
Needless to say we have
heard all about you and we feel that this women is nothing more than a scam artist and whaco. Her newest claim to getting people to feel compassion for her is that she has breast cancer.
THEN in 2009-10 it was "rectal cancer"...
Snoopy on Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:32 am
yes she is still undergoing treatment for her cancer.
handmaiden on Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:30 pm
I can definitely attest to the fact that she has indeed suffered from cancer.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Yep did happen but thanks to the excellent police investigation conducted by the San Bernadino Sheriff's Department they were able to determine there was no fraud involved nor was the check in question forged."
If the sheriff determined no crime was committed, they never would have referred the case to the District Attorney, nor would the District Attorney have spent over a year prosecuting activity he did not even deem to be a crime.
Do you really think we are as stupid as you rely on other people to be?
My goodness, BFF, you are really going around the barn on this one.
She said that her colon cancer had spread to her uterus. Not possible.
She claims that she has been carried up and down stairs, puking her guys out (her phrase. Well, Snoopy's, which amounts to the same thing.) Were you released from treatment by being carried downstairs by Mr. Russo?
The cancer seems to be tidal, in that it comes and goes. It changes locations seemingly at will. She is riddled with these potential life-threatening diseases, and yet there is no document she can post in support of her condition (as opposed to the discharge paper she has posted in regard to her bout of pneumonis in Texas). She lives her life on the internet --- not the smartest move, as Blake pointed out earlier --- and yet she can't do that? For what reason? Privacy?
Are you going to call the FBI? Or are you worried that if one card is removed from the house she has constructed, the entire edifice will come tumbling down?
Again, I am not interested in whether you think Rob is "evil" or "dangerous". I doubt that the army commanders with your son in Afghanistan are particularly interested in the moral character of the warlords with whom they routinely deal with information about the Taliban. I doubt that our government is all that thrilled to be in bed with the Saudi royal family and the insanely repressive regime over there. And let's not get started on Pakistan. What they are concerned about is whether the information these people relay is true. If it helps, think Of Rob as a warlord. It's silly,but whatever floats your boat. Focus on whether his information is true or not. You can verify it by getting in touch with the FBI office in Portland or wherever, or by contacting Mr. Cowan. But for heaven's sake, BFF, stop twisting all over the place. You know she is sketchy.
Allow me to write like "snoopy" just once so maybe "snoopy" can understand...
The Court SLAPPED Hamou with an EVICTION you drooling baboon and didn't give a rats ass that she paid $10,000 to live in Cowans house because she DIDNT pay ALL the rent she owed him. Asswipe. She lived there for EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS but only paid 10,000 in rent on a house that rented for $2500 fucking dollars a month. boomchowmunki *devil face*
gee that was kind of fun.
Calm down, BFF. While I didn't know that it was your ADOPTED SON who was in Afghanistan, I think the operative word in the phrase is SON. Do you not care for him as much as the others because he is ADOPTED? Surely you are not that kind of person. And if for some reason you DON'T, then think of all of the other soldiers, each of whom is somebody's son. My point was (and is) simple. Do you think that the military discounts intelligence because they disapprove of the moral character of the informant?
Also, since I have no idea what your first husband's name was, and can't remember your current husband's, I referred to him as "Mr. Russo" simply to indicate the relationship. I'm sorry he was a bastard. I had a brief relationship in London during the 1970s with one of those. He actually became physically abusive for about ten seconds before I called the police. It came out of nowhere, too, as in there was absolutely no warning that he was capable of behavior like that. Anyway, BFF, again, my point was (and is) simple. When they released you from the hospital, did you have to be "carried" out in someone's arms, or did they provide a wheelchair?
And you haven't answered my question about calling either Cowan or the FBI, still less Blake's about your moral relationship vis-a-vis Hamou's victims. Or is silence the answer?
In any case, do stop yelling at me with CAPITAL LETTERS. I wasn't yelling at you.
I am not a praying woman, but I do think about your sons, and I do appreciate the fact that they are in harm's way for our country. Make of that what you will.
Let's give Oma a "break" like Dimwit suggests.
Let's accept the following as true.
In 2004, when she wrote Bob, that he and we were all under investigation by the FBI.
In 2006, when she wrote Judge Triana, that Bob and we all were under investigation by the FBI.
In August 2010, she filed a complaint with the FBI amd we are all under investigation YET AGAIN.
So, NOTHING HAPPENED. EVER. No "Mulder and Scully" at our door playing Good Cop/Bad Cop and flashing badges...
There can only be one conclusion, even Biernat can understand it, it being so obvious. THEY DON'T CARE. The FBI found NOTHING.
Now, if Oma Hamou REALLY wanted to "make things right", she wouldn't fantasize about "book and movie deals" that "might" or MIGHT NOT pan out. She would go get a genuine J O B. You know, like millions of Americans do, every day. If she can't make ends meet on one, get a second part time J O B. Holidays are coming up, the malls all need seasonal help.
If she really does only get $2500 from old Sproul, STOP RENTING FOUR BEDROOM HOUSED FOR $2500 A MONTH. Rent a 2 bed 2 bath APARTMENT. I just googled, and you can find a really nice 2/2 unit in a newer building with a huge pool for $900 a month! You could live for a whole YEAR there for what you paid Eric Cowan...
Whats up with the cats? How much money must that cost? Keep two, not forty.
LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS OMA. That way you don't keep getting evicted for not paying your rent, and sued for not repaying money you have to borrow under false pretenses.
There Biernat. I gave her the break you asked for. Feel better?
I know this has nothing to do with cancer or fraud or the FBI, but if you get a chance check this link out! It's Prague, and Leighton and I are going to see it! I just hope this thing is still running!
OK, OMA, one more piece of advice, still giving you a break.
STOP SLEEPING IN UNTIL ALMOST 11AM. Really. The world gets up by 8 at the latest. Working folks, much earlier, usually.
Get that JOB....
OK now THIS is most interesting.
WAY back on July 8 2009, the real Tina V. posted the following:
I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole.
Now, see, Refai didn't even FILE his lawsuit until SEPTEMBER 23 2009
so NOBODY HERE could have made any of that up. Tina was telling the truth. She KNEW the guy was named "HAMID" and guess what? She said OMA TOLD HIM SHE HAD RECTAL ("asshole" to Tina) CANCER. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT REFAI'S ATTORNEY SAID TO ME ON THE PHONE MONTHS AND MONTHS LATER.
PLUS the cat thing is EXACTLY what Eric Cowan described to Blake about HIS experience with Oma Hamou.
OK Biernat, that has got to ring some sort of alarm even with YOU.
It probably won't, Rob. She seems to have taken the position that this is entirely your "fault", and that the various victims either deserved it or are lying when they talk about their experiences with Oma Hamou.
Which brings me back to my original question, BFF. Alright, you don't want to speak with Cowan. Or Mrs. Batchelor. Or Hamid Refai's attorney. Or Edna Morton, whose octogenarian father was Oma'd. That would be "stalking". How about the FBI? After all, your name has been splashed all over both websites, so you presumably are part of the "investigation". Would you be "stalking" the FBI if you called them? Or "stalking" yourself?
It would be very nice if all of this would "go away". In fact, it really has no impact upon either of our lives. By your own admission, you post to annoy Rob Moshein (which doesn't seem to be working, by the way, since he doesn't seem to "get" your sense of humor). The only three people whom the nonsense impacts are Rob Moshein, Bob Atchison and Oma Hamou. However, Oma Hamou continues to affect people left and right, and not in a good way, either. She has a trail of recent judgments. People have rented to her and been stiffed, and their homes have suffered damage as the result of her neglect. She has made desperate efforts (unsuccessful, true, but not from lack of trying) to professionally harm Moshein and Atchison. Perhaps if she could cut the crap --- to put it in plain English --- and get her life in order, things would "go away". This garbage about people looking her up on the internet and then evicting her is just that, garbage. If the rent weren't already in serious arrears, they couldn't evict her. I suspect that the internet merely confirms what they already know. They are screwed.
"Left Oma crying and upset" my Aunt Fanny. The only reason she is crying is that she has been caught. Again.
It really doesn't matter if you have seen affadavits from an entire harem that claim Mr. Refai was supporting them, Oma. The fact is that the court slapped you with a judgment that you had welshed on your debt and failed to repay him. The fact that you claim to have been a kept woman is irrelevant. Clearly he didn't take your word for it, he had Mr. Sproul co-sign.
And whoa, whoa, whoa. Now Mr. Cowan "knew" that there could have been as many as fifty cats in the house? I flatly do not believe that. No one in his right mind would rent a house to someone with fifty cats, Cat Lady. And even ten cats are enough to produce the stench and stains that he describes, Oma.
Why wouldn't Russophile believe you? She probably does. Don't worry about it.
And yet the FBI hasn't gotten in touch with you. Hmmm.
Anyway, ever been to Prague?
Dear Oma,
They do probably know how to locate "real" identities. In the case of Rob, myself and Russophile, they don't seem to have cared to do so.
There is no investigation, girlfriend.
And "AnonymousOne" (giggle), if they had tried to keep the Manhattan Project a secret using your methods, the Japanese would have had the bomb by 1943.
Well, damn, BFF, I was hoping you'd been. And truly, I think you and your chum over-estimate by a mile Bob Atchison's interest in any of this. Of course, I have never spoken with him, emailed with him, or anything at all with him. I sent him a thank-you for his help when I was in St. Petersburg and Pushkin (and glad you liked the writing paper, Rob, my mother was a stickler for that kind of thing; when wedding invitations arrived she used to do the rub-your-fingertip thing across the letters to find out if they had been engraved or not). As I said, if he is the leader of the Cabal you claim exists, he is doing a very poor job.
And "AnonymousOne" (giggle), glad we are entertaining you. It seems fair. You're entertaining us.
"Darling" Rebecca? Mitzi, is that you? Have you snuck over to the Dark Side?
Well, Russophile has put up 11 posts since I posed my question this morning. Perhaps I'd better repeat the post.
But before I do, I see you're still confused about this cancer thing, Russophile. It was Hamou herself, not Snoopy-who-is-Oma, who, in a letter to a Russian prelate, said she had colon cancer that the doctors feared had spread to her uterus. (Boy, those must have been some amazed doctors.)
Now, the repost of my question to Russophile:
Russophile, at long last you finally answered the question about your views on Oma Hamou's numerous "cancers". And for that I thank you.
But you left another question unanswered.
Among Hamou's victims have been a 67-year-old widow, a man who lost his home, and a man in his 80's with dementia (and was so impaired that the police in the Elder Abuse Unit of the L.A. Police could not use him as a witness).
I asked you whether you were all right with her conduct in these matters. And you have not answered.
You say that, whoever I am, I am going to be mortified when my real name is attached to my participation in this blog; that I am going to be ashamed I might have hindered Hamou in continuing her activities undisturbed.
So I ask you again. Are you really all right with supporting a woman whose victims include the above people?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"I want Blake to tell us all who the 67 year old widow is that lost his home because of OMA??????"
Well, I want Snoopy/Oma to learn to read.
I listed three victims: a 67-year-old widow (Huiko Batchelor), a man who lost his home (Eric Cowan), and an 80-year-old with dementia (Don Morton).
I know you find commas abhorrent, as they apparently trip you up and you seldom use them when posting your run-on thoughts, but they really do serve a purpose for people who know how to use them.
I see Hamou is back to claiming that the sheriff and D.A. in San Bernardino County, after a simply superb investigation, concluded she had done nothing wrong in the Batchelor case and that the whole thing was just an unfortunate understanding.
Even on the face of it, this is nonsense, as D.A.s do not prosecute actions they do not view to be criminal.
Once again, I have to remind everyone that we have actually talked to the Batchelors. (Russophile, of course, thinks Hamou is the more credible source. We happen to place our bets on the Batchelors, though.)
What we found is that the D.A. had every confidence he could prove the forgery charge against Hamou. That's why he commenced prosecution.
But Mrs. Batchelor's son, who returned home from out of state to help his mother deal with Hamou's mess, was pressing for two things: to get his mother paid the money she was owed, and to spare her the stress of a trial.
The D.A. knew that if he got Hamou convicted of a felony on top of her past history, she would go to prison and there would be no prospect of getting any money for Mrs. Batchelor.
So instead he agreed to dismiss the charges only on condition that Hamou make "restitution to the victim" ("victim" -- that's the word entered into the court record).
Even with that deal on the table, it took Hamou months and months to come up with the money, even though she has claimed on the internet that she was prepared to make the bad check good right away, except that her good intentions were fouled up by Mrs. Batchelor's going to the police and getting Hamou tossed in jail under $1 million bail.
(Oh, yeah. She also claimed the repeated delays in the case were due to administrative screw-ups in the D.A.'s office. That lie got exposed when someone actually began to attend the hearings and report what was really going on in the courtroom. They found a frustrated D.A. and a very irate judge who was rapidly tiring of the constant continuances Hamou's attorney was seeking while his client was desperately trying to raise the money.)
This is the real story about how the Batchelor case went down, not Hamou's nonsense that the police and D.A. didn't even think a crime had been committed in the first place.
I know this is tedious. But she repeats her lies periodically, and the truth likewise has to be repeated periodically.
Especially as we might have some late-arriving police agencies reading these blogs.
Oh, Ms. Hamou / McConnell. I am absolutely thrilled about your post concerning the cats.
I am having just a devil of a time finding a good cleaning crew to clean up behind Mr. A's final departure. Let me tell you, the man was a pig, my sweets.
Would you please, pretty pretty please, give me the name of a crew who could leave a house that held up to 30 cats at one time in such pristine condition as you describe?
Cleaning people like that are worth their weight in gold, my dear. GOLD.
Thanks in advance, sweetheart.
Stop relying upon word of mouth, BFF. Court records don't lie. She lost the suit with Bob Atchison. She lost the suit with Hamid Refai. She lost the suit with Mrs. Batchelor. She lost the suit with Eric Cowan. She lost the suit all those years ago with Marcus Demian. It is a matter of public record that she has run up debts to American Express and other corporations that she cannot repay.
You seem to present yourself as a political conservative, maybe even a Tea Bagger. But at least on side of what you consider fiscal responsibility. How on earth can you defend her record of fiscal craziness. Even assuming that she was not out to con people --- ho, ho, ho --- how on earth can you find her conduct acceptable behavior?
Go ahead and stick your fingers in your ears and chant "la, la, la, I can't hear you", but honestly, you know she is sketchy. Oma gives you one story and "Snoopy" another? Uh-huh. Five bucks says "he" communicates through emails. She is playing you like a flute, BFF.
Off to the beach for the weekend I go.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"This is a lie and verifiable by doing a simple Title Search the records on file shows not only is Mr. Cowan still the owner of this property but his payments are current - I encourage those who can, do a Title Search on the property located at:
40625 Eagleridge Ct, Palmdale, California"
Nice try, Hamou. However, Cowan lives 60 miles away from this house, and no one said anything about this house (other than you didn't pay the rent you owed, fouled it with cats, and got evicted).
It's his business on which house he chooses to try to keep up payments and which one he has to let go.
Sorry snoopy what is Oma. I'm not letting THIS one slide so easily by.
Since you LOVE timelines, let me do one:
on July 8 2009, the real Tina V. posted the following:
I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole.
Now. In July 2009, NONE of us had heard of Hamid Refai. NONE of us knew Oma Hamou had signed a promissory note to him, guaranteed by Jim Sproul. NONE of us knew about Oma claiming rectal cancer to Refai as the reason she needed the money.
Does it MATTER whether "lots" of women claimed they got money from Refai? Nope.
The reality exists, (sorry to burst your bubble on this one Biernat) that Oma Hamou had EXECUTED a promissory note to Hamid Refai. That note is up on the internet for the world to see.
HOW could Tina KNOW, unless Oma or Refai had told her? How could Tina LIE? She couldn't. This, thus MUST be true.
Now, Tina also mentioned "cancer in your asshole" as the reason Oma Hamou gave to Refai why she needed that money. How can Tina have lied about this, when the EXACT same thing was told by Refai's attorney? Unless, somehow "miraculously" Refai's attorney made up the EXACT same lie? I can't imagine the odds of that being even possible.
AT THIS SAME TIME, June 2009, Oma Hamou was being held to the fire by the San Bernardino District Attorney facing the Felony Forgery Charge. Brian Murphy was demanding his fees, and there was that pesky matter of the "Victim Restitution" needing paying...
THEN September 2009, Hamid Refai sues Oma Hamou, and gets a default JUDGMENT SLAPPED ON HER.
About the end of the year I discover this new Judgment.
LOW AND BEHOLD: The EXACT SAME STORY as Tina, albeit without the profanity, is told to me some SIX MONTHS LATER by Refai's attorney.
Now, I'm sorry, but you have to just do BETTER snoopy what be Oma about "explaining" this.
It seems iron clad that Oma Hamou clearly told Hamid Refai that she had "rectal cancer" as the basis for getting $50,000 from Refai. Oh, and just FYI Refai's attorney PROVED the money went to Oma Hamou to the Court's satisfaction.
This should be obvious to anyone.
This is like the LaBrea Tar Pit. BFF, no one wants to "hurt" Ms. Hamou. She takes care of that quite nicely on her own. And no one can stop you from jumping off the cliff with her if you want. I think several of us are curious as to how you reconcile your frequently voiced sense of personal honor with supporting a woman who has done actual, real, serious damage to a number of people. I can only conclude that you think the phrase "Buyer Beware!" applies to people who rent to her, i.e. that somehow they are asking to be dragged into a legal morass.
"Team Moshein"? "Team Hamou"? This is not some kind of recess contretemps, BFF. Several real people are hurting because of your chum, and I am not talking about Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein.
Have a good weekend!
Russophile posted:
"All that matters is that Ms. Hamou is working to rectify it all."
Jeez, Russophile. Are you really that thick? (Never mind.)
Hamou filed a bankruptcy petition recently saying she had income of only $2500 a month and was overwhelmed by debt. She has hundreds of thousands of dollars in outstanding judgments against her. She recently scammed money from Hamid Refai and got herself evicted from two houses.
Yet she brags on the "Ask Oma" forum that she is currently living comfortably in a four-bedroom, four-bath home. And her posting schedule indicates she remains as unemployed as she was when she filed that bankruptcy petition just a few weeks ago.
Is this honestly your definition of a woman who is working to rectify anything? Working? The word is anathema to the woman.
This is a woman who, as we debate this very point, is very likely running yet another renter scam on yet another unwitting landlord.
Ask yourself this Biernat:
Did Oma Hamou CARE when she took money from Don Morton, an 80 year old man, $25,000 of which REMAINS UNPAID ten years later?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Hamid Refai when she told him she had rectal cancer and took $50,000 from him (which wiped out his savings by the way, according to his attorney and tina.) which remains UNPAID.
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Mrs. Batchelor when she gave her a bad check and let her cats trash the house?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Eric Cowan when she gave HIM bad checks and failed to pay rent for FIVE MONTHS on his house, and when she let her cats AGAIN trash his property?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Monique Hahn and the others when she wrote THEM all bad checks?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Foster, Malish when she allowed them to accrue 20,000 DOLLARS in unpaid bills, which remain unpaid?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Bob Atchison when she sat at my dining room table eating my Beef Stroganoff, and PROMISED to pay him $7,000 a month and Bob worked a LOT and she never paid him?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Scot Landertesee when she had HIM work his butt off for her "party" and never paid him for HIS weeks of work and out of pocket expenses?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Freeman, Freeman & Smiley when she ran up a $10,000 law bill which remains unpaid?
I KNOW she didn't care about American Express...
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Maybe the cruises he [Cowan] took his then ex girfriend and all the frills that comes with having a high maintenance girlfriend perhaps and I am not stating this is a fact, but perhaps this had something to do with your claim he has no money or how about having to pay his ex wife a cash settlement in excess of $100,000????"
Since when would any of this give you a pass on paying rent for which you signed a contract?
I'm afraid Russophile's hopes that you're working to rectify anything are destined to be dashed.
Your legal and moral compasses are so badly out of whack that you couldn't find your way onto the right path with a GPS system and landing lights.
Oh, good. Now snoopy/Oma just REFUSES to explain just HOW Tina managed to get the story spot on, yet it isn't "true"...
Why hold her to different standards than you do the Democratic Party, BFF? Don't spend what you ain't got.
I'll catch the 7:00 train. This is too annoying to leave. Oma,you actually play the date rape card? Cowan was somehow asking for you to stiff him on the rent because he has a certain lifestyle? You toss around serious concepts (cancer, for example) like they were confetti, girlfriend, and I have to tell you, Blake is right.
You have the moral compass of a snake. You lost the lawsuit with Cowan. I hope he sues your sorry ass for defamation of character on your website.
No love,
Well, "Snoopy" you should probably call Oma and tell her to fire up the computer and read how you have dragged her sorry ass through the mud again today.
Honestly, the level of dumbassery over there today is toxic.
I think you just insulted SNAKES everywhere.
Dear Snoopy (who is Oma),
That would be the "false police report" that resulted in a judgment against her and the nice judge slapping an eviction notice upside of her head? That false police report?
Rebecca (who is Rebecca)
Ah, Russophile. I see you're back on line. So let's try again:
Russophile, at long last you finally answered the question about your views on Oma Hamou's numerous "cancers". And for that I thank you.
But you left another question unanswered.
Among Hamou's victims have been a 67-year-old widow, a man who lost his home, and a man in his 80's with dementia (and was so impaired that the police in the Elder Abuse Unit of the L.A. Police could not use him as a witness).
I asked you whether you were all right with her conduct in these matters. And you have not answered.
You say that, whoever I am, I am going to be mortified when my real name is attached to my participation in this blog; that I am going to be ashamed I might have hindered Hamou in continuing her activities undisturbed.
So I ask you again. Are you really all right with supporting a woman whose victims include the above people?
I think she has answered the question, Blake. She supports her.
Well, she still believes Anna Manahan was Anastasia too. The 100% conclusive DNA testing isn't good enough either.
I suggest that the following Texas saying applies to Biernat:
Stop trying to teach a pig to sing. It frustrates you and annoys the pig.
It's just an interesting position to put herself into, gentlemen. She is supporting a predator. Oh, well. Her life, her call.
Meanwhile, it just gets better and better in Omaland. She is now publishing pictures of the pleasure palaces she has destroyed with the cats. I particularly like the fountain in front of the Batchelor place, Oma. I assume you rented it because it reminded you of the Alexander Palace? Or Versailles?
Anyway, I do have to dash. Have a good weekend, all. Even you, Oma. Try not to let the cancer break out on another part of your anatomy. Assuming there is one you haven't used left.
Russophile posted:
"Moshein and his sock puppets do it because they CAN. That's gonna stop."
But Mo-o-o-o-m, why can't we contact litigation parties listed on public government sites? That's one of the reasons trial records are public. (And can I borrow the car tonight?)
Yes, yes. We know you and Hamou desperately want to keep anyone from finding out what really happened in these cases and just to accept Hamou's version of events.
That way she run her scams with less risk of exposure and you can try to find a graceful way out of this corner you've stumbled into by supporting her scams without having to admit you hooked your caboose to an engine that was a lot smokier than you first realized.
But, as long as the other parties are willing to talk -- and they always seems to be after they've had a taste of Oma Hamou -- we are free to do so and they are free to do so.
Live with it.
Did Oma Hamou CARE when she took money from Don Morton, an 80 year old man, $25,000 of which REMAINS UNPAID ten years later? His grand-childrens' college fund disappeared thanks to Oma Hamou, according to his son.
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Hamid Refai when she told him she had rectal cancer and took $50,000 from him (which wiped out his savings by the way, according to his attorney and tina.) which remains UNPAID.
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Mrs. Batchelor when she gave her a bad check and let her cats trash the house?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Eric Cowan when she gave HIM bad checks and failed to pay rent for FIVE MONTHS on his house, and when she let her cats AGAIN trash his property?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Monique Hahn and the others when she wrote THEM all bad checks?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Foster, Malish when she allowed them to accrue 20,000 DOLLARS in unpaid bills, which remain unpaid? They are a small firm and this was a substantial loss....
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Bob Atchison when she sat at my dining room table eating my Beef Stroganoff, and PROMISED to pay him $7,000 a month and Bob worked a LOT and she never paid him?
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Scot Landertesee when she had HIM work his butt off for her "party" and never paid him for HIS weeks of work and out of pocket expenses? All she said was "so what? he didn't get paid"
Did Oma Hamou CARE about Freeman, Freeman & Smiley when she ran up a $10,000 law bill which remains unpaid?
I KNOW she didn't care about American Express...
Does Michele Bieernat of Portland, Benefit Design Group CARE about all these people who were harmed by Oma Hamou? I'll wager she doesn't....
Sorry snoopy what is Oma. I'm not letting THIS one slide so easily by.
Since you LOVE timelines, let me do one:
on July 8 2009, the real Tina V. posted the following:
I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole.
Now. In July 2009, NONE of us had heard of Hamid Refai. NONE of us knew Oma Hamou had signed a promissory note to him, guaranteed by Jim Sproul. NONE of us knew about Oma claiming rectal cancer to Refai as the reason she needed the money.
Does it MATTER whether "lots" of women claimed they got money from Refai? Nope.
The reality exists, (sorry to burst your bubble on this one Biernat) that Oma Hamou had EXECUTED a promissory note to Hamid Refai. That note is up on the internet for the world to see.
HOW could Tina KNOW, unless Oma or Refai had told her? How could Tina LIE? She couldn't. This, thus MUST be true.
Now, Tina also mentioned "cancer in your asshole" as the reason Oma Hamou gave to Refai why she needed that money. How can Tina have lied about this, when the EXACT same thing was told by Refai's attorney? Unless, somehow "miraculously" Refai's attorney made up the EXACT same lie? I can't imagine the odds of that being even possible.
AT THIS SAME TIME, June 2009, Oma Hamou was being held to the fire by the San Bernardino District Attorney facing the Felony Forgery Charge. Brian Murphy was demanding his fees, and there was that pesky matter of the "Victim Restitution" needing paying...
THEN September 2009, Hamid Refai sues Oma Hamou, and gets a default JUDGMENT SLAPPED ON HER.
About the end of the year I discover this new Judgment.
LOW AND BEHOLD: The EXACT SAME STORY as Tina, albeit without the profanity, is told to me some SIX MONTHS LATER by Refai's attorney.
Now, I'm sorry, but you have to just do BETTER snoopy what be Oma about "explaining" this.
It seems iron clad that Oma Hamou clearly told Hamid Refai that she had "rectal cancer" as the basis for getting $50,000 from Refai. Oh, and just FYI Refai's attorney PROVED the money went to Oma Hamou to the Court's satisfaction.
This should be obvious to anyone.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma woke up to a hissy fit this morning, posting:
"According to Rob/Bob/Blake Mr. Cowan lost his home - a proven lie told by proven liars because he only owns one home and no other proprety - they say Oma ruined him financially - another big fat lie told by Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison."
No, dimbulb. Here's the actual post:
"Mr. Cowan is currently in severely straitened financial circumstances, in part [emphasis added] as a result of his unfortunate encounter with Oma Hamou, and is losing his home."
Mr. Cowan was very clear with us in saying he had other financial problems. However, he was equally clear in saying that the loss of expected rent and the costs of cleaning up the pigsty she left behind were contributing factors in pushing his finances over the edge.
This will not be hard to understand for people who live on budgets rather than for people who spend whatever they want and just cover it with checks on closed or empty checking accounts which they in turn try to cover by running "I've got cancer" scams.
Then Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Thanks Chris for republishing the Draft Bill of Review it proves Bob Atchison won his case against Oma by creating a fake document and lying his ass off."
No, dimbulb.
It proves nothing, as it is just a string of allegations by a woman with a string of criminal convictions, arrests, adverse civil judgments, and an outstanding bench warrant for her arrest.
For years Hamou claimed she was going to get Atchison's judgment against her reversed by "proving" he committed forgery and perjury at trial, in part by filing a Bill of Review.
One should note this "draft" Bill of Review she is now posting on the internet is nothing more than her assertions.
She had the chance to appeal the adverse verdict. But she did not.
She claimed she was going to file and win a Bill of Review. But she did not.
What she did was wait until almost midnight on the last day of the Bill of Review filing period, email a fatally flawed document to the courts that she knew would never be heard, failed to order service of the Bill as the law required to make the filing valid -- and now trots it out on the internet in an attempt to confuse idiots (such as Russophile) into believing that an allegation is pretty much the same thing as proof.
To this day, she has proved nothing. And she never will.
HOWCOME snoopy can start throwing all of Eric Cowan's and Huiku Batchelor's personal financial affairs out on the internet to "prove" assertions and that is OK
BUT when I do it about OMA HAMOU, THAT is stalking??
Okay, Russophile – who is really Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland, Oregon.
Let’s get this all laid out. You say I am going to be mortified that I have been associated with revealing the activities of Oma Hamou (aka Alexandra McConnell). You, on the other hand, are proud to be coming to her defense as a poor creature who should be left alone to pursue her affairs in peace.
And let’s get something else straight. None of this would be going on today if Oma Hamou had not started attacking Rob Moshein’s new business venture on the internet back in 2008.
But she did, and here we all are today.
So let’s talk about what I view as one of the defining revelatory moments regarding the true character of Oma Hamou. And let me assure both you and her. We have witnesses to this story, armed with necessary documentation, who are available should any lawyers or policemen come calling.
-- Continued in next post --
-- Continued from above --
Now, on to the story:
In the late 1990’s, a woman (using a name different than Oma Hamou), in the company of two other women, moved in with a man named Don Morton to his home on Mayall Street in Northridge, California. Don Morton was in his 80’s and exhibiting signs of dementia. Soon this woman had ingratiated herself with this man and began telling him about her various needs for money. Before long, she had gained access to his cash assets and began to deplete them, including writing checks on his account and using his credit cards.
The Morton family intervened and went to the Elder Abuse Unit of the Devonshire Division of the Los Angeles Police department. When the police began to investigate, they found that Mr. Morton’s lodger was using an alias and was really one Oma Hamou. The Elder Abuse Unit was certain Mr. Morton had become the target of a con artist. However, Mr. Morton was viewed as too demented to make an effective witness against her, and Hamou had taken the precaution of getting Don Morton to give her written permission to access his money (not a hard thing for a determined younger woman to induce a demented octogenarian to do). Therefore, the police could not proceed.
The family had to consult with an attorney and begin legal proceedings before Oma Hamou could be “persuaded” to leave the house.
Even after all this, Hamou tried to maintain contact with Morton, including faxing him sexual material in an effort to get him to see her again. (Remember that this was a woman in her 30’s dealing with a senile man in his 80’s.)
Even after Hamou had been forced out of Morton’s household, credit cards that had been obtained by her in other names continued to arrive through the mail.
-- Continued in next post --
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"people who as the PR firm in Florida said have an agenda"
Would that be the same PR firm who did not get paid by you?
As with your lawyers and others you engage, it starts out with you being first their client, next their scammer, and then -- often -- the defendant when they sue you.
Should I bother to list the dozen or so lawsuits or police complaints that have been filed against you by people or firms who provided you with professional services?
Well, for some reason this site still is not putting up the third part of my earlier post.
However, I see that someone got it in their email and responded anyway, along with profuse quotes.
Good girl!
Oma who is Snoopy and Sandman,
Listen, girlfriend, is it a nice day in Southern California? Who don't you go out and take a walk or something? Or clean the comfortable four bedroom, four bath home in which you currently reside? Because you are doing yourself no favors with this nonsense. However, if you feel like jousting for yet another day about your checkered career, have at it. I am sitting here with a glass of Riesling, a good book and all the time in the world, Oma. I just spoke with Blake and I am about to email Mitzi and Justin Edwards. I should think my BFF would want the weekend off (I hadn't even planned on reading either site until Blake called, so I know how she feels). But there you go. I don't even know if Rob is reading you this morning. Bob certainly isn't.
I am reading a collection of M.F.K. Fisher's works on gastronomy entitled The Art of Eating, and I am getting an urge to cook. I may call the Perfect Family and see if they want to come by for dinner. But in the meantime, there is the book, the wine, and your idiocy to occupy the time.
Have at it, girlfriend.
Hi RJ,
Actually, I haven't been reading today since first thing this morning, when I pointed out the utter hypocrisy of Oma Hamou's views on 'stalking'...
I went down to my favorite wine shop for their Saturday tasting, my favorite Saturday "errand", and shopped for two birthday bottles of wine. One for dinner tonight, (Im taking Bob to my favorite restaurant tonight to celebrate my birthday tomorrow):"Freddie" Mugnier Nuit St. Georges 1er Cru 2005 and one for my present to myself, D'Angerville Volnay Campans 1er Cru 2007 for the cellar.
Bob is busy reading a new book on the Jewels of the Romanovs and their Court, which seems, sadly, full of mistakes, as Bob has been shouting at the book out loud!
Blake called me too while I was out about his problems posting to the blog, quite baffling...
OH, and Oma Hamou obtained American Express Cards in names of Don Morton, David Davidson, and two others, they are all named in the American Express Lawsuit...
New Blog. Go start over there now...over 200 posts makes things sticky.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"This is stalking Michelle as he knows if he continues to use the name of her place of business it will be picked up by internet spiders and when her customers Google her name they will be led to Rob Moshein's libelous site about Oma"
Now this is downright baffling, Oma.
Michele Biernat says she is proud to be defending you from our ilk. Although it's too bad she mostly seems to have time to do it only during working hours on weekdays, as there's just so much work to be done in rushing to your defense.
She says it is I who am destined to be mortified by my involvement in unmasking your history of scams of the elderly and others and that she looks forward to it.
I would think she would relish having a wider audience for my disgrace, as well as welcome having customers of Benefit Design Group in Portland find out what a noble service she is providing to a friend in need.
Very few convicted felons, probation violators, and con artists have had such a stalwart friend who, at the same time, is willing to be public about it.
You hang onto that one, Oma. She's a real peach.
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