As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.
I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.
The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.
This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.
This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.
Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:
While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".
She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.
I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.
I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.
Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?
This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?
This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??
This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?
Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.
As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison
Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.
You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.
You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»I doubt the Court "contacted" Oma Hamou to "tell her they can still hear the Bill of Review". I agree that they most likely sent her a letter saying the thing was automatically dismissed for lack of anything happening for over 12 months, which did elapse October 6, 2010.
Texas Rule of Judicial Administration requires a TRIAL or other final disposition within 12 months. Further, the Texas courts have the independent authority to dismisss under TRCP 165(a) for a plaintiff's failure to prosecute their case with "diligence". The local Rule for District Court is that they AUTOMATICALLY dismiss ANY CASE filed when nothing has happened for 12 months, under this rule.
I'll make sure to double check Monday Morning when the court opens up for business.
If not, Bob will make a special appearance to have it dismissed...
OR maybe, better to LET Oma actually do something so Bob can haul her in for that Debtor's Exam...
New Blog, start here:
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"After all the Forensic Document Examiner's testimony does say the document you provided to the courts is a fraud...."
At law, testimony is a statement given under oath under the supervision of or before a court.
Any "testimony" that is given for the purposes of legal actions must be given with notice to and in the presence of the opponent and/or his counsel.
So, Rob. Do you know how Bob received this notice and when he or his lawyer attended the giving of this "testimony"?
Or is Oma just lying again, throwing legal phrases around to try to lend gravity to her delusional claims?
My bet is on the latter. It's what grifters do when cornered.
Nope. No notice. Bob has not even been served with legal process on a Bill of Review (which after a year is in and of itself sufficient cause for dismissal) much less anything else.
abd just WHO is the "forensic document examiner"? before being admissible in Court Bob must be provided with the name and credentials, and then be provided a chance to cross examine them.
It's all a HUGE LIE. Typical Oma Hamou tactics. Oma IS just lying again, throwing legal phrases around to try to lend gravity to her delusional claims...
This should be REALLY amusing. I read the PDF that Oma Hamou MUST have a HEARING to keep the Bill of Review alive AND she MUST show up for that hearing.
Can't WAIT for Bob to show up at the hearing and say: She hasn't even served me, She hasn't done ANYTHING for a year and she never filed an appeal of the Judgment anyway...Oh and Oma here is your Debtor Exam Order...
"Oma says she sent the one page document".
Lord Oma Hamou just digs herself a deeper muddier shit filled hole, doesn't she? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
See how Oma lied? Typical. She first says "The Courts contacted Oma to TELL her they can hear her case".
The Court sent her a notice that they were going to DISMISS it unless she can PROVE by filing a Motion with the Court, requiring here to BE THERE, that she has a good case to keep alive.
and GEE, just what HAPPENED to the FBI?? I thought THEY were swooping in the windows and breaking down the door to arrest us any moment now...
My money is that these new threats by Oma are because the FBI told her they won't do anything. OR they told her to stop coming by and calling all the time....or they just laughed at her.
Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 21(a) "Methods of Service of Process" requires all Petitions be served either IN PERSON or by Certified or Registered Mail with proof of receipt.
So, where is the PROOF of Certified Mail or Registered Mail?
Ignorance of the Rules is not a valid reason.
Sorry Oma. You blew it, big time...
So, Oma "plans to come to Austin" and the DRAMA QUEEN plans to "Hire a Bodyguard"...
That costs a LOT of money. Just WHERE does an unemployed woman, living on $2500 a month, with that much alone in rent, GET THAT KIND OF CASH?
I mean, Hamid Refai wants HIS money. Eric Cowan REALLY wants HIS Money.
No worries, I'll contact Refai's lawyer and have him send me HIS Debtor's Exam and will personally serve it on Oma for him. Should be fun.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"If it is true that Oma had to hire a company down there to serve Bob Atchison she can honestly testify she was not aware of this rule"
Oops, ensnared yourself in another one of your lies.
Last year you kept posting that you had a team of lawyers working on this Bill of Review for you. In fact, when you accidentally sued yourself, your excuse was that you got the drafts your "lawyers" sent you mixed up.
So now you're saying that this crack legal team isn't even aware of how to serve process in Texas?
Wow. You really are a lying bitch. It never ends.
Good grief. Looks like a whole evening's work to expose all the lies in Hamou's latest rants.
"Snoopy" posted:
"Bob is not being represented in this action brought against him by my friend Oma and the record bears this fact out"
What action? No process has been served in over a year. There is no "action".
And as Bob has never been served, there is no "record" of who is or would be representing him.
C'mon. Point out the "record" that "bears this fact out" that Bob Atchison "is not being represented".
If you can't, you've been nailed in yet another of your incessant lies.
Poor STUPID Oma.
You REALLY don't get it do you? A bill of Review is A NEW LAWSUIT.
Send all the crap you want by "mail" that is meaningless.
I really DO hope you stand in front of a Judge (The Hon Gisela Triana is not longer on the bench). I can't WAIT to see you have your ASS handed to you for total negligent failure to abide by a single Court Rule.
by Snoopy on Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:46 am
Oma has an attorney writing a brief for the BILL OF REVIEW which will be submitted to the State of Texas
Postby handmaiden on Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:15 am
The Bill of Review did get filed, and Oma's attorneys just told her that she did make that mistake in the filing. She accidentally uploaded the wrong file instead of the corrected file that they sent her.
by Snoopy on Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:54 am
My friend, Oma filed The Bill of Review against Bob Atchison on time - Case No: GN-09-003478 - the petition was accepted by the Travis County Courts.
I hope Bob they toss your ass in jail for what you did inside Judge Traina's courtroom when you obtained your fraudulent judgment against my friend, Oma Hamou!
I hope they toss you in jail for the crimes you have and continue to commit against my friend Oma Hamou.
Tuesday she is filing a criminal complaint against you and we like I just did regarding the Bill of Review I will provide the name of lead agency this complaint will be made at.
Your days of honoring thyself are numbered.
by handmaiden on Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:34 am
How disappointing it must be to you to know that Oma's lawyers actually did manage to do things, and Oma did get the Bill of Review filed in spite of all your attempts to thwart/scare her.
Postby handmaiden on Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:55 pm
Oh, and yes, the Bill of Review was filed electronically. Before they chose that path, Oma and her attorneys checked out all their options to make certain that they could legally file it that way.
by Snoopy on Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:38 pm
The Bill of Review has been filed. You can verify this with the court in the morning. Bob Atchison will have to Answer and argue Oma's Motion is invalid. He will eventually have to argue in legal pleadings several key things:
1) The Invoice Bob Atchison submitted to the court was fraud/altered & forged.
2 Both Bob and his then attorney gave false testimony. They both committed the crime of perjury.
3) Bob Atchison's lawsuit should be tossed out as it names the wrong Plaintiff & Defendant.
The case is going back to Judge Triana's court room. If perjury wasn't committed it would have impacted the outcome of the verdict. If Bob Atchison hadn't altered/forged a document it would have impacted the outcome of his lawsuit against my friend Oma Hamou and verdict. The fraud perpetrated on the court continues to impact my friend's life by the lies published by Bob Atchison and his web design company.
My friend is filing criminal charges against Pallasart & Bob Atchison on Tuesday.
Touche' Little Munki! :wink:
and ONLY Oma Hamou can equate lawfully being served with LEGAL PAPERS from people to whom she OWES MONEY as "bodily harm".
Do I wish her physically hurt? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Do I hope that the people who are owed MONEY by her get their day in Court with OMA HAMOU? ABSOLUTELY YES.
Me, Blake, RJ...once or twice each, once from Burbank, but EIGHT from Palmdale and NOBODY ELSE, but Oma Hamou who is "snoopy" doesn't live there....
RJ, Blake, Mitz...Who takes the bet that NOTHING comes of the Bill of Review??
My money says this is all BS and Oma Hamou won't actually EVER show up here.
Further, on the WAY LONG odds she does, the Court sends her packing. Any takers??
The positive thing is that if she DOES show, at least honest people who need to serve her with their legal papers will know exactly when and where to find her.
Poor delusional Oma Hamou...Pretending to be the hugefatwhatleMorbidlyObeseThing it calls debbie:
Proxy servers show what they are, just that they are PROXY servers.
The Palmdale hits are ROADRUNNER.RoadRunner is NOT a proxy and does not permit proxy use
Try again you pathetic sociopathic LYING CRIMINAL?
Seriously, is ANYTHING more pathetic than Oma Hamou photshopping her head onto some else's body? It isnt quite to scale, it looks nothing like her skankiness, and its so badly done...
Plus that forty seven year old hasn't looked anything like that for over two decades. Pathetic sociopath
Oy, darlings, she's now making sexual comments about herself! Darling Omele thinks she has a nice tuchis, and wants the world to know, so she has her fake people talking about how much they like, you should forgive the expression, asses and racks. Specifically hers. It's a good thing they're not "neck" men, because according to the picture she posted of her head on someone else's body, the poor darling doesn't have a neck.
Omele, darling, these are the characters you created to defend your honor on the internet. But just like the poor man with the teenager foot fetish you dragged through the mud, you have them talking about things in ways that make them look like drooling idiots, darling. Is that wise when you are about to unveil your latest scam on poor Darling Russophile Lady? You know, how you are actually going to go into a court in Texas and wreak revenge upon poor darling Bobbele for having been rude enough to win a lawsuit against you? I'm sure Darling Russophile Lady will believe it --- she would believe you if you told her the moon is made of halvah, darling --- but is it wise to give her a look-see into the very dark corners of your mind?
Also, is this the way you raised little Imperial, darling? And were you like this with Marcus Demian's other children before you went on the lam with them? Because if you were, I totally get why the courts returned them to their father''s custody.
Now wash your mouth out with soap and try not to return to your roots, Oma. Please. Auntie Mitzi is begging you, darling.
And you know why? Of course you do, darling!
Also, darling, can't you get someone to take a look at the strange way your head fits on your not body in that picture? If it gets out, you'll get job offers from the freak show at a carnival! Of course, it would be work, and you could finally put your grift skills to use in a traditional environment! Such fun, darling!
Ah Mitz
Unbridled NARCISSISM at its finest. The ONE thing that bothers Oma Hamou more than ANYTHING is to be called out for not being a SEXY, BEAUTIFUL, ATTRACTIVE, TALENTED YOUNG THING, desired by all men...
Look at that sad evidence. A half an hour on a Saturday night, and all Oma can DO is post those same old, horrid over retouched shots of her emaciated face on somebody else's body and pretend how "HOT" she still is for a mousy little nothing living in the hinterland of the Antelope Valley, up to her liposuctioned ass in debt and a string of time in jail behind her, hanging out with a hugely fat and genuinely hideous "assistant" to try to make herself look just a little better...
Honestly, she will tolerate being described as felon, grifter, handmaiden of Satan himself, con artist and whore, but she CAN NOT STAND being described as what she really is: MIDDLE AGED, SAGGY AND MOUSY.
Those disgusting anti woman posts would have been funny if they didn't actually make one vomit in the mouth just a little...
Funny, but there is NO SUCH PLACE as "The Coffee House" on Washington Blvd in Marina del Rey. The place Marcus Demian owned when Oma married him IS still there, but now is called "Joni's Coffee Roaster" and IS on Washington...
Oma, really, at LEAST fact check your lies ok?
Now then:
Back to why the Bill of Review is DEAD:
Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 99: Issuance of Citation.
a. Upon filing the petition, upon request the clerk shall forthwith issue a citation and deliver the citation as directed by the requesting party. The party requesting citation shall be responsible for obtaining service of the citation and a copy of the petition.
There are NOTICE requirements here, Specific FORM it must take etc etc.
"The Responsibility for obtaining service INCLUDES seeing that the service is properly reflected in the record." Primate Const. v Silver
Further, DELAY of three months alone was sufficient as a MATTER OF LAW to sustain lack of diligence.
What part of this is unclear to you? or are you SOOOO SPECIAL that the Court won't apply the law to YOUR case??
Yes Oma, we KNOW that SIX YEARS AGO a TEMPORARY order was issued. We've read it now eight thousand times. Keeping on reposting it will NEVER change the fact that it MEANS NOTHING TODAY. You FAILED to pursue it. YOU DISMISSED YOUR CLAIMS BY NON-SUIT.
Remember what Judge Triana explained to you in front of me? "It will mean that none of it ever happened. It goes away as if it never existed.'
and just WHAT have you done about it in the last six years?
except use the paper as part of your CON GAME to defraud landlords out of their rent.
Oh, and Blake, I finally discovered the root of Oma Hamou's hatred of Google Earth. Her Ass is so big, she's afraid it will show UP on Google Earth.
Just poking my head in on a very restful Sunday to see what's new in the world of Oma Hamou. And yes, Rob, I will take the bet, although it's a sucker bet. Nothing is going to happen. However, I plan to be in Texas in late January, and if you and Bob aren't running from the F.B.I. or the C.I.A. or the Secret Service, I will happily take you both to dinner if she doesn't come to Texas for the suit. If she does, I will sing the aria of your choice to you between each course.
Glad you're up early and having breakfast, "Snoopy", it's the most important meal of the day. I like lox stirred into scrambled eggs. Fish are brain food, you know. You should probably order up a whale.
I have a suggestion for Oma. Since she is so proud of her "ass", as her two "gentlemen friends" refer to it, she should come to New York City. No matter how saggy the caboose, New York City construction workers will yell sexually suggestive phrases, and given the way that "Snoopy" and "Sandman" express themselves, my bet is that Oma would enjoy it. And it's probably been a long time since the last lustful catcall. Remember, Oma, we've seen relatively recent pictures of the equipment, girlfriend. If you are still being carded, you must be drinking in the Helen Keller Bar and Grille.
Back to my book and cup of coffee. Have a good day, everyone!
Sounds wonderful! Looking forward to dinner. I'll bring a good bottle from my cellar! Stay in touch with the details.
So, hmmm
WHY is Oma Hamou suddenly focusing on MARCUS DEMIAN and crap that happened over twenty years ago??
Let's face it, Marcus is like 85 years old now, but Oma is SCARED?? Oh, and Oma, you LIE in your "testimony" that Marcus lives in California. He doesn't. He moved some time ago, and let me know where he moved to. I certainly won't tell you even close to WHERE he lives now, but I can swear under penalty of perjury that he lives more than one thousand miles away from the closest Calfornia Border.
So, umm, what happened with the Bill of Review thingy? and the FBI??
Really, why trash Marcus yet again for the millionth time. Aren't you OVER that yet? Seriously butter butt, it was decades ago and you just, well, obsess about it...
Per "Snoopy":
"my friend Oma Hamou happens to be a very attractive 47 year old woman who still gets ask for her ID"
Yes. By police making traffic stops. By landlords trying to find out her real name. By sheriffs investigating her.
Carded. Fingerprinted.
You say po-tay-to. I say po-tah-to.
I was showing the pictures that Oma posted of herself, to a neighbor. After he stopped laughing, he literally turned to me and said
"She really USES those pictures? When the guys finally MEET her, do they ask for a REFUND? or do they say they left their wallet in the car and drive off?"
Too funny...Had to share. OH and before Oma starts in, he's married, two kids in college and a republican banker. LOL
Hey Oma.
If you ARE coming to Austin for the hearing (and make CERTAIN Bob gets NOTICE with proof thereof), I really HAVE to ask:
How many Happy Endings will it take to raise the cash??
Oma "happy ending" Hamou. LOVE IT!
You've been so busy with your self pity party, about how you pay SOME rent, but RESENT when the landlord comes after you for ALL the rent..and how you BOUNCE checks to your landlord, then EXPECT them to honor MORE checks from you or WANT to keep you as a tenant...
you ignore the points:
When men meet you after seeing those old pics of you..Do they WANT A REFUND or DRIVE AWAY IN HORROR?
HOW MANY HAPPY ENDINGS do you need to pay for your trip to Austin??
Oh no. Poor American Express. Oma SAYS her trip to austin for the Motion for the Bill of Review (WHICH interestingly has NOT been FILED OR PUT ON CALENDAR) is PAID FOR ON HER AM EX CARDD!!
I wish I were as foresighted as OMA HAMOU, to know WHAT DAY to book plane fare for a MOTION NOT YET ON CALENDAR..much less filed.
Hmmm anyone else suspect OMA HAMOU IS LYING??? I know I DO..
OH and Oma, you still haven't answered HOW MANY HAPPY ENDINGS you need to PAY for the trip to Austin...
OR do you plan to STIFF AmEX AGAIN for these charges like you did ten years ago??
You remember? those charges STILL unpaid by OMA HAMOU despite the judgment against you...
ALSO, still waiting about how many tricks turn tail and RUN when they see the REAL Oma Hamou after those ancient photos you send...
You able to get even $20 per trick?? Well, maybe more from the BLIND or mentally challenged...
Hey, Rob. I see "Snoopy" has not answered your question yet.
Yesterday Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"That trip to Austin where the courts will determine whether or not to listen to Oma's case against Bob Atchison has already been paid & booked"
Just how does one "pay & book" a trip for a case that is not even properly filed and served yet, much less on the court schedule?
As usual, the lying bitch is just lying.
There will be no trip to Austin, so the bodyguards (snicker, snicker) can stand down. Just as there is no FBI investigation.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Why snicker the Judge recognized my friend's genuine fear of you during the last litigation that's why she allowed him to sit at the counsel table instead of having him sit in the corridor with Rob Moshein"
Right. The judge agreed Hamou might be attacked right in open court.
You really do think other people are as stupid as you and Michele Biernat, don't you?
In fact, you told the court this person was your assistant (just as you introduce "Debbie" as your assistant to landlords). It's only in your ludicrous rewriting of events on the internet that he has become a "bodyguard" that the judge allowed in court because the bailiffs were not capable of keeping order in her courtroom.
And I see you haven't yet answered the question about how you can book a flight for a hearing that is not even on the court's calendar.
Blake, while you were posting, I was on the phone with the District Court clerk's office.
Oma's case is set on a docket, but not what she says it it. The case set for hearing on docket for November 19 is the automatic DWOP docket. Dismissal for Want of Prosecution. According to the Clerk, this is one hearing where ALL the cases being Dismissed for Want of Prosecution after 12 months inactivity are dismissed en masse at one time.
Oma Hamou has NOT filed a Motion to Retain a Case on Docket, NOR has she SCHEDULED any such hearing.
So exciting about the bodyguards, darling? Do they all wear dark glasses and suits like the darling men and women who surround President Obama? And the judge has no problem when you bring them into the court, because I am guessing that this is what they have bailiffs for, darling. I mean, I'm pretty sure that there are people to protect the judge and if they spot darling Bobbele or Robbele sneaking up behind darling Omele, well, darling, I think they have guns. Or at least stern looks!
So this is the reason that darling Omele lives so much of her life on the run? Because she is afraid? Darling, it isn't because of the . . . how do I put this delicately, darling? . . . the people to whom you owe money, darling? Well. Live and learn, as Aunt Masada used to say.
And perhaps she is planning to move to Austin for the duration, Blakele, so she bought an open-ended ticket. I mean, she has darling "Sandman" to put her up, or perhaps she has rolled an old guy to pay for another hotsy-totsy hotel room like the last time. I thought she ran through fifty grand during the previous suit. Room service is such fun, darlings! Beluga for everyone!
Have a safe flight, Oma. Be careful of the people sitting two down and on the aisle! You never know, darling! You never know.
Or someone could be hiding in the bathroom, darling.
Now I'm nervous!
Mitzi Kedem
For some odd reason, Hamou decides to post information showing that Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein own a home and property worth around $1 million dollars.
Quite a contrast to a grifter who rents houses she cannot afford, fouls them with hordes of cats, gets utilities in the names of other people, takes in other convicted felons as roommates, and then winds up in jail or evicted after stiffing the landlords by passing checks on closed and empty accounts.
My goodness, Oma. You must be right. You have been completely vindicated in proving to all your herds of supporters (and by that I mean Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland) what liars everyone who exposes you are.
But why are they living in nice houses, with readily-available addresses, and being interviewed by local papers, and hosting local events -- while you are in hiding from process servers and your latest round of victims?
"Snoopy" posted:
"(You)continue to do all that you can to secure her freedom is taken away and she is tossed into jail."
Darling! You get it!
So proud, darling! So proud!
You spilled the beans about last Saturday's interview with the paper! That won't be published until the first week of December.....
I did find it odd as to exactly why Oma posted the TCAD information about the house, I mean, just what is it supposed to PROVE other than we are normal, solid people who own a home and PAY their bills??
I guess Oma Hamou must find it repulsive that people PAY their bills and live in their own home they own...sort of the same way the Addams Family found it repulsive when Pugsley became...a Boy Scout....
Darling "Snoopy",
So darling Omele gets a form letter telling her that her case will be dismissed on the 19th and she will be springing into action, darling? That's a short time to raise the funds you will need, darling.But I have faith in you and your special "skills".
Bring a bodyguard, darling. Mr. Atchison will be bringing a Debtor's Examination.
Oy, you're a putz.
Oops, did that slip out? Sorry, darling!
So proud, darling. Caring so much!
So, Oma. You ask what the point is of my mentioning that you told Eric Cowan "Debbie" was your assistant.
Well, nitwit, the point is that a woman who pays rent by passing bad checks, who recently filed for bankruptcy, who has had multiple evictions in the past two years is not likely to be keeping personal staff on payroll.
This crap you told Cowan about having personal staff is in the same vein as your earlier claims that you had maids (at a time we know you were living off bad checks and scams) and your claims that you had a bodyguard in Austin and your requests to be provided bodyguards and staff in Russia.
You are a sociopathic egomaniac who is so desperate to maintain appearances of being an important woman of substance that you will tell lies that anyone with a lick of sense (that eliminates Michele Biernat, of course) knows are the ludicrous and pitiful fabrications of a seriously disturbed mind.
Darling Robbele,
You should contact darling Mr. Refai's lawyer, Eric Cowan and anyone else you think might want to submit a letter to the darling judge --- assuming she shows up, which of course she won't, darling --- outlining the dealings that they have had with darling Omele. It might be a real eye-opener, darling!
Typical Oma. The Court gives her only TEN DAYS from last Friday to DO SOMETHING, but she just can't get around to doing that until NEXT WEEK.
Look at that PDF. Its only two pages. Fill in the blanks.
Cancer of the fingers, darling. She can't type. It has obviously spread from the colon to her hands.
Darling "Snoopy",
Not a threat at all, darling. Just a statement of fact. And while darling Omele will surely try any trick she can to get out of the Debtor's Exam, it will be up to the judge, won't it, darling? And her track record with judges in the last five years? Not so good, darling.
I'm worried now about her poor fingers, darling.
Mitzi Kedem
Oma Oma Oma
Can't you even READ what you typed ten minutes ago..YOU said:
"Just got off the phone with Oma who has told me she has 10 days to do something with respect to her Bill of Review. She plans to file the appropriate documents next week regarding this matter. "
So which IS IT? She's already done that or she won't until NEXT WEEK??
thats it you people you leave Lil Bit alone shes trying as hard as she can to get her damm life back togeteher and all you people do is ride her ass like she was a trick pony. bad enoufh she has to spend her time movinbg aqll the time and laying low, which is something she knew how to do for a long time anyway thanks to some other things but now she has to haul her ass to Texas to make sure that her bill gets reveiewed. HASNT SHE SUFFERED ENOUGH WITH THE FIVE CANCERS AND THE NUMONIA AND ALL OF THE OTHER SHIT THAT SHE GO4ES THRU SHES LIKE LIZ TAYLOR!
Don't you remember? Oma Hamou has every judge under her finger. They grant ANYTHING she asks them..OMA speaks and JUDGES listen...
Well, except for Motions to Continue Trials, and except for Motions to Withdraw as Counsel for Failure to Pay, and except for her Motion to Have Her Felony in Montana granted Clemency by the Governor, AND Except for her Motion to Forensically Examine Bob's computers, well, you get the point.
I just got off the phone from a very interesting conversation with Assistant District Attorney Bryan Stodghill in San Bernardino County. He was the lead prosecutor on the Batchelor rent scam, where Hamou (using the alias Alexandra McConnell) wrote one of her recurrent "accidental" checks on a closed account.
Although the case was over a year and a half old, he recollected the case without even having to look it up.
He confirmed what Mrs. Batchelor's son had already told us -- the only reason they did not prosecute the case to conclusion was that Mrs. Batchelor needed her money more than she wanted a conviction. Mr. Stodghill said Hamou was forced to pay full restitution both for rent and damages to the house as a condition of the dismissal.
I asked Mr. Stodghill in what condition Hamou left Mrs. Batchelor's house. His answer (and this is an exact quote): "She basically destroyed the house."
Mr. Stodghill also confirmed that all the continuances in the case were at the request of Hamou, who was having trouble coming up with the restitution money.
Rob, I think it's time we create a register of how to contact people who are willing to talk with any police agencies, victims, landlords, or anyone else who has been damaged by recent contact with Oma Hamou / aka Alexandra McConnell.
Erik Cowan
Thomas Ward
Attorney for Hamid Refai (victim of cancer scam)
Nancy's Reseda Screen & Glass
Has information about people looking for Jim Sproul and Oma Hamou for bad checks and missing cars
Bryan Stodghill
Prosecutor in San Bernardino Felony Forgery Case
If anyone wants information and contacts on a much wider array of convictions in several states, default judgments (a dozen and a half of them), and scams against the elderly -- some going back to the 1990's -- please email to:
OOPSIE again Oma. Guess you aren't aware that the Criminal Court Calendar for Victorville is ONLINE, and a quick perusal of this morning's docket shows Bryan Stodghill was NOT in Court "all morning". In fact, he wasn't IN COURT this morning at all.
Great Idea Blake.
So another person has come forward to SHARE. The DA who prosecuted Alexandra McConnell for Forgery, for writing YET ANOTHER check on a closed account.
How MANY checks on closed accounts does someone have to write before they just aren't accidental anymore, but DELIBERATE??
I think your idea deserves its own separate blog site...
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"this particular DA is in court at this very moment and has been in court "ALL MORNING" so that makes this asshole's entire statement a big fat lie"
You should learn how to use voicemail, nitwit. He's pretty good at returning phone calls.
Of course, you'd have to leave him a working number and not panic like you did when Thomas Ward's secretary asked you for a callback number.
By the way, Mr. Stodghill was only somewhat amused to hear that you had been posting on the internet that the Batchelor case dragged on for so long because the DA's office kept coming to court unprepared.
Pretty much the same reaction when Thomas Ward was told you were claiming on the internet that his client, Hamid Refai, scammed you.
Ditto when Eric Cowan saw you were claiming on the internet he ran a rent scam on you and filed a false insurance claim.
I'm starting to see why you think you need a bodyguard.
And a little piece of advice. Tread carefully with any future scams in San Bernardino County. I really don't think you want to come to the attention of the DA's office there again.
You seem to have better luck working Palmdale for victims. Focus, girl. Focus.
Oh, yeah. And San Bernardino now knows that Jim Sproul works some of your scams with you. You might want to give him a heads up, too.
Check this out Blake. Let me know what you think:
Oma, Oma, Oma. Why would anyone take your word that no one talked to Bryan Stodghill this morning?
That's why I posted his phone number. People can call for themselves and find out.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted (along with a string of profanity):
"Because you and your ilk have done this in the past, published phone numbers to law enforcement who read the shit you claim they said only to have these nice people call you and your ilk a Goddamn liar."
It seems perfectly reasonable to give others the means to verify what a person claims, which is what I have done by posting these phone numbers.
If you want to convince people that you are telling the truth, why don't you give us a phone number of someone -- anyone -- who will verify your version of things? (Don't bother with Biernat's number at Benefit Design Group, though.)
Maybe the phone number of the Palmdale Sheriff.
Or the phone numbers of any landlords who will say you were a good tenant.
Or the deputies who carried you off in cuffs from the Batchelor residence?
Or the police officers who so admired one of your earlier houses for its refined taste and stunning decor?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Actually we do have a copy of their [the deputies who arrested Hamou at the Batchelor house] report and it doesn't say what you pretend it does in fact those nice sheriff's officer are willing to testify to the condition the house was in when they arrested Oma because after all it is in their report and the report does say the house was clean and tidy etc."
Well, for starters, I never "pretended" anything about a report. I just suggested you pose their phone number so that anyone who wishes can verify the truth.
In any case, though, it's easy to clear this up since you have a copy of the report. Just post it.
You've posted emails from all sorts of people, letters from lawyers, any number of things.
So, c'mon. Post the deputies' report that records the great condition of the house.
But how do you suppose Mr. Stodghill never saw that report which, as you say, would have cleared up his misperception right for the start? It's normal procedure to read the arresting officer's report in preparing a prosecution, after all.
Oops, almost forgot. Why did the animal control authorities come into a clean, tidy house and massacre your cats? Is that something they normally do when everything is in order?
Threatening your victims with "defamation" suits Oma, if they come forward with their side of things??
Threatening ME with a defamation suit? Really??
Threatening ME that you are going to "alert law enforcement when you're here in Texas"?? REALLY??
Alert them to just exactly WHAT? That people are fed up with getting bad checks from you?
or That people are SICK of you trashing their houses that they have to evict you out of?
All law enforcement has to do is call each one of those phone numbers and get the story for themselves, and as good investigative officers THEY WILL...are you REALLY so sure you want them to actually DO THAT?
Now Handmaiden-who-is-Oma chimes in with:
"Well, Oma has talked to her lawyer, who said that he talked to the DA. Brian Watson told her that Mr. Stodgill would never make the statements published by Bob Atchison and catagorically denies ever saying those things that the Rob/Bob cabal is falsely claiming that he said."
Like I said -- easiest thing in the world for anyone to verify.
Call Bryan Stodghill at 760-243-8600.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I ask Mr. Stodghill what was the source of the bad check she gave Mrs. Batchelor. I told him Hamou had given Eric Cowan a check drawn on Reseda Screen & Glass, but the account had been closed. She claimed it had been closed without her knowledge. (For clarity, this was not a check drawn on Nancy's Reseda Screen & Glass, a legitimate company. It was on a Reseda Screen & Glass that has only a post office box as a business address.)
Mr. Stodghill said the check she gave Mrs. Batchelor was on a personal account of Hamou's. Since she couldn't use the defense that she didn't know her own account was closed, she fell back on the defense she used earlier in Orange County that she picked up the wrong checkbook "accidentally".
Don't believe me?
Call Bryan Stodghill at 760-243-8600.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Nope, cause when they finally were allowed inside of the home cats were dead, starved, dehydrated, there was no litter boxes, water or food dishes and furniture was turned upside down etc. and of course all of this is a well documented fact."
I see. Oma left the house neat and tidy when she was taken away in handcuffs.
So what happened? Did Mrs. Batchelor, a 67-year-old widow, trash her own house? Steal the litter boxes and feeding dishes but leave the dead cats lying around? Flip all the furniture over?
And what happened to the cat massacre by gunfire you described months ago? How do cats who took a hail of bullets die of starvation and dehydration?
It's just simply amazing how stupid you think people are. I guess that's what comes of too much hanging around with Michele Biernat.
RJ was having posting problems and called to asked me to re post this, from my email copy:
Rebecca Jordan has left a new comment on the post "Why I Must Defend Myself From Oma Hamou aka Alexan...":
My goodness, this place has been hopping today! I did think that this would eventually be the way it would play out, i.e. the number of victims reaches critical mass and they start talking to each other and to law enforcement. If you were smart, Oma, you would pull your site down right now. If there really is a "Snoopy", you should convince the woman you keep saying is your "friend" that it will not be in her best interests to keep this nonsense going. Every time Blake contacts someone, he gives them the address for your website and this one. Forget fake F.B.I. investigations, these things are now being read by real law enforcement officials. You are not going to be able to play your silly games anymore, Ms. Hamou. People do have breaking points, and you are rapidly reaching those of your victims. It may be true that law enforcement was willing to ignore you in the same way that we ignore a low-level yeast infection. But if it gets painful enough, or widespread enough, then someone is going to do something about it. You have an unenviable record of judgments and scams. You do not impress the D.A.s with whom you deal, and they probably don't appreciate being impugned on the internet. Blake is right. If you want to verify anything he has said, you have only to call the numbers he has so kindly listed.
You're busted, girlfriend. Do yourself a favor and extricate yourself as quickly as possible.
Rebecca Jordan. By the way, I was not kidnapped in Montana by Oma Hamou. I have only "met" her through these two forums. I am not Bob Atchison.
I think that about covers it.
Posted by Rebecca Jordan to Rob Moshein in my own words at November 8, 2010 2:40 PM
Rebecca, I can only add that you aren't ME either. I was busy when you posted keeping an eye on the Univ. of Texas Film School students who were using the living room and dining room as sets for a student film. I had a blast with them. Nice kids....
Something just occurred to me.
IF Oma Hamou is so eager to clear her name/record, then WHY the drama over MY new blog, omahamousvictims?
IF she has nothing to hide, then why wouldn't she ENCOURAGE people to pick up the phone and call those numbers and ASK those people about Oma Hamou and her alias name Alexandra McConnell?
I'd think she would APPLAUD me for posting that contact information IF she were telling the truth...
Umm snoopy what be Oma in hiding:
I couldn't have committed perjury as I never TESTIFIED in your trial.
I couldn't have commited FRAUD in your trial as YOU nonsuited any suit against me thus we never went to trial.
Exactly WHAT documents do you allege I forged? First I've heard of it.
Don't over think the issues. the only thing the Court will listen to on the 19th is WHY they should allow you to continue with something you have done NOTHING with for over a year, including not even asking for service of process or proving why a Bill of Review is proper even though you NEVER filed the legally required appeal or Motion for New Trial.
dont count those chickens just yet Oma aka Alexandra...
To Mr. Bryan Stodgehill.
If you ARE furious about what I posted about anything you said, please email me. or send me a letter
101 Laurel Lane Austin TX 78705
I'll gladly post your communications here.
Poor Oma. In total meltdown...
Handmaiden-who-is-Oma posted:
"For example, Mr. Stodgill is furious that the Rob/Bob cabal would lie about him online the way they have done."
Well, I don't know how Mr. Stodgill feels about anything. But Mr. Stodghill, the Assistant District Attorney for San Bernardino County, is not the least bit concerned. In fact, he said he'd be glad to talk to any law enforcement people from other jurisdictions who wanted to call him.
He was a bit miffed, however, to hear that Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell was posting that his office caused a case to drag out for over a year because the they could not get their act together and kept coming to court without the proper documents, without settlement figures, etc. -- with "Alexandra" clamoring all the while to pay up and bring things to a quick conclusion. For poor Mrs. Batchelor's sake, of course.
Again, anyone is free to call him. He's a nice guy.
And, even though the case was over a year old, he remembered it without even having to pull the file.
I guess Oma is right. She really did impress him.
Snoopy (who really is Oma) posted:
"There is nothing on record at any court house regarding me so this entire statement is false."
Uh, huh.
I guess you don't know we found that default judgment Marmaduke got against you for what you did with his grooming brush.
This is interesting. Sandman (who, of course, is Oma) posted something that he/she says "someone" wrote about Rob and Bob.
Notice how it is written with long run-on sentences, lack of commas, and other grammatical errors -- exactly the way Snoopy (who, of course, is Oma) writes when he/she is in a lather.
"Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein spew lies and defamation calling the names of individuals and sensationalizing stories they themselves have skewed to harass and abuse individuals based on a lack of collective education and ethics need to be given a reality check especially with and attempts to ingratiate themselves. Attacking people is as cheap and pathetic as you are and your mission to misuse information you are contriving and not privy to and extort by skewing facts is really a true reflection of the content of your libelous sites about Oma Hamou be proud of your lack of ethics morals and self justification based on attacking others to appear victimized as you damaged your image with your own stupidity and ignorance."
So Snoopy-who-is-Oma gives Sandman-who-is-Oma "permission" to publish something "someone" wrote.
One can see why she comes stumbling out of every court battle with her dress torn and her hair all over the place.
There is one other MAJOR flaw in what Oma wrote purporting it to be from the ubiquitous "someone" who just can't be identified...
The first sentence is in the third person. "Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein are..." "they have" "they need to be".
THEN mysteriously, or not so, the writer loses her cool and her focus and suddenly shifts to the FIRST person: "pathetic as you are and your mission to" "you are contriving" "the content of your" "your lack of" "you damaged your image with your own stupidity and ignorance"
Oopsie. again....
Well, this is a woman who altered a check before showing it to the a judge in the Cowan case, falsely claiming it to have been paid by the bank. (Of course, she got caught at it and was evicted.)
Of course that message "Sandman" got "permission" to post was faked.
In fact, no reason to think she does not forge most of the stuff she puts up on the internet. Just look at all the bad checks she's been passing for 20+ years, always the results of "accidents" or "misunderstandings" or "bank errors".
Isn't it also "interesting' that the side that claims to be the beacon of truth, ie Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell, can only post anonymous unproven text, but hey, guess what?
I have a whole LIST of people who are glad to answer the phone and talk about their experiences with Oma Hamou pretending to be Alexandra Mcconnell:
Erik Cowan
Thomas Ward
Attorney for Hamid Refai (victim of cancer scam)
Nancy's Reseda Screen & Glass
Has information about people looking for Jim Sproul and Oma Hamou for bad checks and missing cars
Bryan Stodghill
Prosecutor in San Bernardino Felony Forgery Case
"Oma is arrested for writing a bad check"
NO OMA. You were arrested THREE times for writing THREE bad checks. One in Montana, One in Utah and One is Wyoming.
Also you WERE in violation of your Utah probation. They only let you go when you got your "employer" to pay the VICTIM RESTITUTION which was part of your probation, which you had failed to pay. (Sound familiar??)
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"I wrote 1990-1991 Oma is arrested for writing a bad check – this encompasses all three states you moron. God!"
No, dimbulb. "A bad check" is clearly in the singular. It does not cover three bad checks in three different states.
Of course, we're talking about a woman here whose writing is so incompetent that she can't avoid tripping over herself even when she tries to fake a message sent from "someone" to "Sandman" (both of whom, of course, are Oma).
Then, again, we're talking about the Woman Who Sued Herself, so maybe I've just got unrealistic expectatations about her ability to write English.
Here is the Utah Transcript:
02-06-96 Note: ON 3-25-96; IF NOT ST REC SHE BE COMMITTED TO
($4500 TO
11-12-96 Note: Hearing (MOTION HEARING): JUDGE: PAT B BRIAN
11-12-96 Note: Deft not present
Someone sent this to me and gave me permission to post it:
"Oma Hamou has been responsible for property destruction across the Los Angeles area. She has faked illness time and again to get out of court appearances. She has written bad checks with the same frequency that most people blink. Her word is worthless, and along with Jim Sproul, she has victimized people like Hamid Refai, Eric Cowan and Don Morton. I know for a certainty that the entire film production was a scam."
I swear according to the perjury laws of the state of Hawaii that this is a true statement by someone.
The State of Utah sent me the following:
"It's not easy being a state that has to deal with Oma Hamou, so I feel your pain, California. Why don't we get up with Montana, grab a drink and talk about it?"
I swear by the perjury laws of the state of Hawaii that this is something that the State of Utah wrote.
Someone sent me the following and gave me permission to publish it:
"I am afraid of Oma Hamou. She has barred me from her website, and who knows how far she will go to stifle my opinions about Russian history? The decision to bar me from her website is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me. I weep into my pillow at night. How can she hate me this much? HOW?"
I swear according to the perjury laws of the state of Hawaii that someone actually sent me this.
*yawn* *yawn*
Russophile! You're back!
Someone sent me the following and gave me permission to publish it:
"Russophile, a/k/a Michele Biernat, is a moron. I can't understand how someone with functional brain cells can believe a thing that Oma Hamou says, but I guess her irrational hatred for Rob Moshein is so great that she can't see what an ass she is making of herself all over the internet."
I swear according to the perjury laws of the state of Hawaii that someone actually sent me this.
The state of Hawaii sent me this:
"Justin, you do realize that when you swear by the perjury laws of Hawaii (or when Oma pretending to be you does the same with California) that it is a meaningless action? You do realize that?"
I swear by the perjury laws of the state of Hawaii that the state of Hawaii actually sent that to me. And it's not meaninggless, State of Hawaii! Michele Biernat believes every goddam thing she reads on the internet!
I haven't been anywhere you fake turd Justin. But unlike you, I have better things to do with my time than stay on the internet all the time. There's gun practice, trying to keep my husband's stupid business afloat, putting flag decals on my neighbors' cars, writing my boys about people I need them to visit when they're home on leave, cross burnings.
You think your so funny with all this harassment of Oma Hamou, don't you? You pansy asses.
Well your gig is almost up. The FBI is going to come down on you like a ton of bricks. And we're going to find out who you all really are.
That's a promise. Oma made it to me personally. And that's good enough for me.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Another document I will be uploading is a document from Mr. Cowan's first UD on Oma that says once the check cleared and it did they would dismiss that first UD and it happened."
And then there was a second UD, and she got her ass evicted.
Only Hamou (and, of course, Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group) would think it's a plus in her column to boast that a landlord's first attempt to evict her for an earlier bad check was stayed when she finally made the check good under threat of eviction.
"See. I'm very conscientious. I always make checks good once people go to the police or to court . . . given, that is, that they can find me."
Yes. What a good gal
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Had she trusted Mr. Cowan she would have gladly provided him with $5,000 and both of them could have worked out a payment plan as they previously did and work this stuff in a good manner."
Had she trusted Mr. Cowan -- the landlord she expected to accept a "payment plan" for the rent she had been trying to pay with bad checks?!?
Here's a landlord's view of a payment plan, Oma:
"Pay me the rent each month when it's due."
She didn't trust a landlord to whom she was passing bad checks.
The woman is stark raving mad.
And Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group, her ardent supporter, is just plan stupid.
Dear "Snoopy",
Pay attention when you read. Of course it wasn't Russophile. I can't imagine her using a word like "turd".
Glad to see you are out and about, BFF. I spent my lunch shopping for some clothes to wear to Europe at the end of the month. Scored a terrific Lauren coat!
And Blake kind of has a point, "Snoopy". If the best "your" friend can do is try and stave off eviction or jail by making some kind of victim restitution, it sort of begs the question as to how "she" winds up in those darn pickles in the first place.
As for the rest of "Snoopy's" and "Handmaiden's" blather, I repeat Irina's quote. "She thought we were fools." Why? Because that's how Oma Hamou rolls. The trouble starts when she runs into people who aren't. Like Dr. Sautov, who wound up deleting her emails unread. Like Pushkin, which wants nothing to do with her. Like Eric Cowan and Mrs. Batchelor, who successfully sued her. Like Mr. Stodghill, who clearly remembered her case and called her out the lies she has published about it on her forum. Like the Morton family, which attempted to prevent her (disgusting) manipulation of their senile father. Like Tina. Like Hamid Refai. Like Bob Atchison. Like Rob Moshein. Like Penny Wilson. Like Rebecca Jordan.
Rebecca Jordan
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Not true as when the check from the Florida account was issued it was not closed that it took 3 weeks for Mr. Cowan's bank to process the check is certainly not Oma's fault and that business account was at the time in existence for more than 3 years."
You still fail to explain why you were writing checks on the business account of a company in which you supposedly weren't involved enough to know they were closing their account.
Of course, this wasn't a real company, anyway. It was that shell company you and Jim Sproul use for your scams and that only has a post office box address. I wonder just how many accounts it has opened and then closed in order to build up a supply of checkbooks that can be used to pass fraudulent checks. (And by the way, we also know about that shell film company you have registered in Florida.)
And in the era of electronic clearing houses, it does not take banks 3 weeks to process out-of-state checks. Hell, foreign transfers are posted in less time -- if the account is valid, of course.
What sometimes happens is that a bank that gets an NSF check returned will run it through a second time just in case the check was presented before a covering deposit was made. If the bank really did take 3 weeks, it was only because the check bounced twice, including the first time it was presented.
Snoopy (who, of course, is Oma) posted:
"But you forget she made one check good and attempted to make the other good but her money was returned to her. As the documents will prove it was at this time Mr. Cowan had filed a false police report and had lied to animal control about the animals inside of Oma's home, that he said in court she could stay if she paid the back rent is a fact."
Well, then, Oma, for a landlord not to let a tenant who has given him multiple bad checks set up a "payment plan" it must be that he just plain doesn't like her.
From Snoopy (who is Oma):
"Where is that altered document??????"
Nice trick, but not good enough.
As explained earlier, it was a copy of a check you showed to the judge with the "NSF" mark whited out before copying. Eric Cowan had the actual check stamped "NSF".
So let's do this. Why don't you post the check showing the bank's stamp indicating it was paid by the bank?
Betcha can't. You've got two hours, or we'll know you're a liar.
And protest and obfuscate all you will. Any moron (except, of course, Michele Biernat) knows courts don't evict tenants who have paid their rent.
"Snoopy" just posted:
1. I have never shown any Judge a copy of any check that makes this asshole's statement false.
2. About the only thing Bob got right about the rest of this statement is yeh, Eric Cowan provided the Judge with a copy of the check which was never shown to Oma but claimed to have the words NSF on it. I don't doubt his bank did not send him a copy saying this. What I am saying as Debbie is - this: "
What you are saying as Debbie is this? Debbie? I thought you were pretending to be me? Isn't "Debbie" supposed to be "Handmaiden"?
Postby Snoopy on Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:28 pm
What I am saying as Debbie aka Handmaiden is - this:
Oopsie. Third time's a charm.
Now then Oma who is snoopy who admits to being debbie aka handmaiden:
Why all the blather about Oma "would have" made the checks good or Oma "wanted to make the checks good" and then blaming the landlord evicting her?
Take the self pity party backpeddling off to some brain-dead idiot who might actually swallow that koolaid. I hear Portland is nice this time of year.
And another thing.
IF all these things are the "lies" you claim, and all those people are "furious" they were published here, just WHY hasn't ANYONE of them actually contacted me?
You know, an email, a letter, a phone call?? So far, nada.
Chew got sum 'splainin to do here Lucy....'SPLAIN!
Oh, jeez.
Snoopy (who is Oma) posted:
"It was only until the bank representative contacted the corporate offices of that bank did she learn it did not mean the check was paid."
Do you really, really expect us to believe that not a single employee in a bank branch would know how their bank denotes "paid" on a check and that they would have to call "the corporate offices" to find out? People bring questions about their accounts and their statements to the bank every single day.
You are so used to trying to lie your way out of situations that you spew utter nonsense that only the most abysmally stupid moron (that would be Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group) would buy.
The pace, depth, breadth and rank untenability of your lying is simply unbelievable.
Snoopy who is Oma who is debbie wrote:
Where's the proof Rob the DA in San Bernadino forced Oma to pay damages on a home you say she destroyed. Prove this happened
Call Bryan Stodghill at 760-243-8600.
Ask him yourself.
My my my Palmdale has been hitting my new blog a LOT today, eight times already. FIFTEEN times yesterday
Odd tho, aside from Blake, RJ, Mitzi and me, ONLY Palmdale still reading like a crazed fool....
Snoopy (who is Oma) posted:
"What I wrote is a fact and that fact has been verified by the courts as being just that, a true statement of the facts told to my friend Oma Hamou"
I see. Your claim that your bank had to call its corporate offices to find out how checks were marked paid "has been verified by the courts".
All righty, then. Post this court "verification".
Oh, Oma does it help any that Mr. Stodghill couldn't remember the EXACT amount you paid, without looking at the file, but that it was in his word "substantial" and somewhere between $7500 and $15,000.
He was also QUITE clear that you were having a LOT of trouble raising the cash and that was why Brian Watson kept asking for all those continuances, to allow you the time to come up with the money, until the Judge had had enough already and said one more and that's it...By THEN of course, you had signed that note to Hamid Refai....
Easy to prove what you say Oma/snoopy/debbie.
POST THE CHECK TO MRS BATCHELOR. Go on. Just POST THE CHECK.....That will end any doubts and prove what you claim. Go on...
So what have we learned today, children? That "Snoopy" is also "Handmaiden". Hmm.
That banks in California employ people who do not know how to verify checks (I suppose it explains the budget crisis). Hmm.
That Oma Hamou's theory of landlord/tenant relationships bears no actual resemblance to anything that might be sanctioned by law. Hmmm.
That Oma Hamou has no logic left. None. Zip. The only person reading your blog who "believes: you, Oma, is my BFF. And she is on record as saying that she will not call actual people who have had dealings with you --- people like Mr. Stodghill --- because by definition that would be "stalking". However, after Blake and Rob have posted number after number for actual, verifiable law enforcement personnel, you simply stare at them and then announce that they are lying. That's a mighty big risk the boys are running, isn't it? They are posting these people's numbers on a website we now know they read. Surely if they weren't going to support Blake's or Rob's versions of the phone calls, they would have hustled right over to Oma Hamou's site and denounced them as perfidious liars. Have they? Hmmm.
I wonder if "Debbie" knows that you have been dragging her somewhat large heinder across the internet, pretending to be her, "Snoopy"? I suppose not. Hmm.
OMG, as the kids say. I just realized that if "Debbie" isn't real, then neither is Breadsticks or the retarded bisexual anime-loving boyfriend!!!! Oh no!
Breadsticks, we hardly knew ye.
SO..Oma Hamou who is snoopy who admits to being debbie actually
CONFIRMS what the DA told Blake!!
See, she admits that she paid $8,000 (exactly in the range he recalled). Further, she only lived in the house for 21 days. NOW, WHY did Oma pay the whole amount, the last month AND security deposit?
BECAUSE THE HOUSE HAD DAMAGES! DUH. Under the law in California, a landlord can ONLY retain security deposit for DAMAGES!
THANKS OMA. As usual, you always end up proving what I say is true.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"We on this forum are very happy that law enforcement who have contacted this DA [Bryan Stodghill]"
Yeah, right. "Law enforcement" is always right on top of Oma's complaints. That's why after years and years of your claiming they're about to pounce, no one on this blog has heard a single word from them.
The last time Bryan Stodghill discussed anything about you with law enforcement was when he was deciding the prosecute you for felony forgery while your ass was sitting in a San Bernardino jail cell under a $1 million bond.
Let me put this out there clearly, so Oma Hamou doesn't twist things.
She rents a house from Huiku Batchelor for $2800 per month.Writes her a check for 1st, last and security, total $8400. It bounces. She lives in the house for 21 days.
Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell is then ARRESTED and held to Felony Forgery charges as a result.
NOW, she admits that her Victim Restitution was $8,000 cash.
Now, the rent Oma owed was the first/last. First month because she LIVED there. Last month for not giving notice.
How much DAMAGE can anyone do in 21 days that costs $2400 to repair??
Clearly a lot.
THANKS OMA for clearing this up and confirming Mr. Stodghill's story
"Handmaiden", "Snoopy",
"Breadsticks", whatever you want to call yourself, dear ---
"Snoopy" was the one who posted that "he" was "Debbie", girlfriend. Or boyfriend. Or whatever "you" are currently pretending to be, Oma. I can no longer keep up with the sheer number of lies you are dishing out today, dear. Even for you, this has been a busy day of prevarication.
Handmaiden-who-is-Oma posted:
"actually implies that someone was well aware that Oma had been falsely accused, falsely arrested, and that she deserved some sort of recompense herself"
Damn. Busted. I guess it's time for me to report the real content of the conversations I've had with people.
In actuality, Mr. Stodghill was still wringing his hands in abject remorse over the horrors he brought down upon such a fine woman. He was especially distraught over her having sat in jail for two weeks before she could get bail set at a figure she could get a bondsman to cover. In fact, he was considering resigning his position as his actions in prosecuting Oma had resulted in such a miscarriage of justice and he was having so much trouble living with himself. (And he thought Alexandra was a simply beautiful name, one that captured the true essence of the intense spirituality he came to see in her. In fact, once he saw that picture of her kneeling in that white gown while she gazed devoutly at the ground in that church ruin, he just plain burst into tears.)
He felt it was only fair that she was clarifying on the internet that the incompetence of his office is what caused all the trial delays and prevented her from covering the bad check almost the very minute she found out she had picked up the wrong checkbook and accidentally written a check on a closed account.
And Mrs. Batchelor's son really said the reason he had to travel back to California was to give his mother succor and support as she wrung her hands over all the trouble she had caused such a sweet, gentle, tidy creature as Alexandra McConnell (who, of course, is really Oma Hamou).
Having gotten to know Alexandra (aka Oma) for the darling she is, poor Mrs. Batchelor was frantic, absolutely frantic, with grief over having acted precipitously to what some lying stalkers were saying about this fine, fine woman.
She said she would have fed and watered those cats and cleaned up that house herself if she had been but able.
Hahahahahahahaha ..............
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"As I personally have pointed out in my earlier post Mr. Stodgill was not involved in the case or was even aware of who Oma or Mrs. Batchelor was"
The minutes of the hearings show that Bryan Stodghill was the Assistant DA in court on her case on 5/13/2009, 7/14/2009, 9/8/2009, 9/29/2009, 1/11/2010, and 1/13/2010. There was also a hearing on 12/08/2009 where Bryan Stodghill had Tasha Soroosh make the appearance on his behalf.
Bryan Stodghill made more appearances on this case than any other assistant DA, which is the reason I called him for information. And, as I reported earlier, he was familiar enough with the case that he didn't even have to pull the file to discuss it.
And Bryan Stodghill was the Assistant DA present in court at the final proceeding who certified to the court that the victim had received "full restitution". (That victim would be Mrs. Batchelor, of whom Hamou claims Stodghill was not "even aware".)
The sheer audacity of her lies is something to be borne in mind by anyone reading all the pleadings, "drafts", faked emails, charges of perjury by others with which she plasters her "Ask Oma" forum.
The woman simply cannot tell the truth.
(And Oma, who said the film company registered in Florida was under the name Enigma?)
Blake's last post didn't show up either. So here it is:
Blake Springpasture has left a new comment on the post "Why I Must Defend Myself From Oma Hamou aka Alexan...":
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted (or rather ranted):
"Again, no one on this forum [the "Ask Oma" forum] has ever published FAKE ANYTHING - NOTHING!"
I see you've already forgotten that supposed message from just a couple of days ago that "someone" sent Sandman (who, by the way, is also Oma) in which you accidentally switched from third to second person, first referring to Rob and Bob and "they" and then as "you".
Writing bad checks (which you have been doing for decades) is a form of fakery, as one is claiming to have money they don't.
Claiming you never received money from Hamid Refai, who has the cancelled checks he wrote you, is fakery.
Claiming Eric Cowan scammed you rather than the other way around is fakery.
Claiming you paid no money to Mrs. Batchelor for damaging her house is fakery.
Claiming Bryan Stodghill is not "even aware" of who Mrs. Batchelor is is fakery.
Claiming Bob Atchison committed forgery and perjury -- when a jury heard your arguments, examined the "evidence" you presented, and decided otherwise -- is fakery.
Claiming for years there is an FBI investigation on your behalf that is about to result in dire consequences to the "criminals" Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison is fakery.
You are a lying bitch. You always have been. You always will be.
Everyone who does business with you knows it. Some (such as Jim Sproul and Michele Biernat) see it as one of your assets. Your victims see it for the sleaze it is.
Let us add to the list of fake things posted by Oma Hamou:
A false Dunn & Bradstreet report
False PR releases stating that her Motion Picture was fully funded
An address for an office in Russia that was a ruined building
False statements that Elizabeth Taylor and John Malkevich were signed to her film.
False statements that Federal Court cases were filed.
False statements that complaints with the Texas Attorney General's office had been filed.
False statements that Oma Hamou was in Cedars Sinai Hospital to avoid paying money when she was NOT.
Shall I go on??
At this point the woman is reduced to ranting and profanity, and mere wild-eyed denials of what is patently obvious to anyone who spends more than five minutes reading what has been posted or (even better) speaks with the people involved. This is possible because Blake and Rob have posted contact numbers, by the way. Oma can't even divulge who wrote an "anonymous" note to her because they will be driven off an internet history forum.
Really, Oma? Produce one single person other than Michele Biernat who left the forum and claimed it had damaged his or her life. Even my BFF maintains that she left under her own steam and couldn't care less about it because she can still read it whenever she wants.
Meanwhile, Rob and Blake have managed to produce several people who have suffered direct, measurable harm through their dealings with you. This does not include companies, who get less sympathy from the general public because they do not have human faces. But that is by no means an excuse to rip them off, unless you are Oma Hamou.
You are a con artist, a grifter, a common thief and a sociopath. I can't deny that I have received a fair entertainment from your antics these past two years, but that isn't sufficient justification to excuse your reprehensible conduct. The only sympathy that I can muster for you is that I now think you are clinically insane. I am not kidding.
You need professional help. Perhaps they will supply it in prison, but if by some miracle you don't wind up there --- given your current trajectory it seems inevitable --- you should consider seeking treatment on your own. There are bound to be free clinics in southern California.
Nothing to the Court today. Still on DWOP calendar, nothing from Oma...
seriously Oma, you just think you are SO special that the Courts will bend the rules just for YOU??
That isn't a guideline. It is the LAW. How can you explain that YOU are above the law?
You can't have a Bill of Review heard because you are WAY past the Statute of Limitations. See you not only have to FILE something, you have to have PROCESS issues and SERVED before the lapse or within a short and reasonable time. You haven't even asked for process to issue.
THIS IS THE LAW. Why are YOU above the law??
Is your ego really so huge or you are so insane that you think Judges will ignore the LAW because you ask them to?
seriously. Can't wait to see what they tell you on the 19th. I'll be there.
I see there's now a dispute about whether Judge Triana is still on the bench.
In a 2009 survey of 705 Austin attorneys:
"Judge Gisela Triana-Doyal earned the lowest percentage of overall 'excellent' rankings among the civil district judges—34%."
Is this the Judge Triana under discussion?
The same judge who withdrew the Temporary Restraining Order against Rob Moshein when Oma Hamou failed to go forward with proof of the allegations on which the TRO was based?
It's interesting how much Hamou has alleged in complaints and court filings over the years and how very little of it (i. e., none) she has ever proven in court.
In fact, she has a dozen and half outstanding civil judgments against her, three felony convictions, three probation violations, and an outstanding arrest warrant.
In the win column? Not a thing. Not one.
Blakele, darling, the wins are sealed.
Really, darling, she told us that.
And darling Rivka is so right. The Hamou Elevator is no longer going to the top floor.
I was mistaken about Judge Triana having retired. It was another judge. No matter. It doesn't actually matter, because they won't assign the Judge who will be hearing the DWOP cases until that morning.
The far more important issue is just HOW Oma Hamou will try to convince the Judge to IGNORE the actual LAW and do want Oma Hamou WANTS them to do, regardless of the law.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Mercury Insurance company the company who I was told came out and took pictures of the house has sent back my video of the condition the house belonging to Mr. Cowan was in prior to Oma moving out, stating there is no record on file with them of either Mr. Cowan or his ex-wife a M. Cowan ever taking out any kind of policy with them. I was provided the business card of the representative of Mercury Insurance by Oma who said this card was given to her when the agent came out and took pictures of the house"
If any sense can be made of this at all, it seems that Oma is claiming that Mercury Insurance did not issue a policy on the Cowan property -- yet they sent out a claims adjuster to look at a property they did not insure.
It really would help if she could write with a modicum of clarity, use proper punctuation, and avoid run-on sentences.
Then again, when most of what she writes is a lie, anyway, why bother?
Ah, we've received a communication from Olympus, from OMA herself.
Of course, it's the usual melodramatic treacle.
Handmaiden-who-is-Oma posted:
"Oma even discussed this with the fraud department, since the claims had been made over on Rob the proven liar's blog that claims had been filed"
Care to point out the post in which anyone here said Cowan had filed an insurance claim?
It was "Snoopy" (who is Oma) who started jabbering about an insurance claim in her initial panic that we had made contact with Cowan and found out the details of the bad checks, the trashing of the house, and the resulting eviction.
And now that the internal inconsistency of her post about Mercury Insurance has been pointed out, she's bobbing and weaving and now trying to claim that it might have been someone pretending to be from Mercury.
Uh, huh.
Hmmm. I see Snoopy-who-is-Oma is still blabbering about some insurance claim but still cannot point out where anyone here said Cowan filed an insurance claim.
It turns out she thought there was an insurance claim because some insurance adjuster showed up.
This is kind of like when she claimed she had called the police and they were investigating us -- when, in fact, it was she who was being interviewed by the Palmdale sheriff about passing bad checks.
Now that Oma has let the cat out of the bag (so to speak) about the visit from the insurance company, it raises an interesting question. If she had cleaned Cowan's house thoroughly immediately upon moving in and put it in the pristine order she claimed, why would Cowan have later felt the need to call in an adjuster?
Did he just want the adjuster to see the wonderful cleaning job Oma had done? Maybe it's like the police who visited her in an earlier residence and were taken aback by the splendor of her decorating.
Yeah, that must be it. Police and insurance adjusters come by to admire Oma's home-making skills.
Well, as usual, whatever Oma Hamou says just makes NO SENSE.
WHY would an insurance adjuster come out BEFORE a claim had been made? Besides which, what use would video tapes made of when she MOVED IN for claims of damage AFTER SHE MOVED OUT? Unless of course to PROVE the claim.
WHY would an insurance company reveal policy information to someone who IS NOT THE INSURED?
Good god, if MY homeowner's insurance started talking to anyone who calls in about my coverage I'd sue the PANTS off them
Like Judge Judy says: If it doesn't make sense it can not be true.
Sorry Oma, your tapdancing still makes NO SENSE.
Insurance companies DON'T discuss policy claims with parties not insured. Insurance companies don't care about photos of what a house looks like BEFORE somebody moves out. Only AFTER they move out and then IF somebody FILED a claim.
All we said here is the Erik Cowan tells us Oma trashed his house to the tune of $15,000. Nobody said boo about insurance.
And guess what, WHO GIVES A RAT TURD? nobody. All you are doing is more lies to try to cover up OMA HAMOU'S SCAMS, LIES AND DAMAGES.
Say there, what WILL you do Oma who is snoopy that admitted to being HUGEFATdebbie, when the court throws out the Bill of Review and you finally realize after months and months that the FBI (snicker) isn't doing jack?? Seriously. What then?
Poison my dog??
Fascinating. She is in total meltdown mode. It never ceases to amaze me that, for someone who has spent a great deal of time entangled in the American legal system, she has no idea how it works or what constitutes an actionable statement. I just went down to legal and had them pull up the entire "Mercury Insurance" posting history. Blake is right. No one here ever said that Mr. Cowan had filed an insurance claim. She/he/it did. That's not the bad part, Ms. Hamou. The bad news is that if you go public saying that Mercury Insurance spoke to you about a private insurance policy, you are defaming to company, you clot. And for the record, this might seem like the pot calling the kettle black. I have, after all, wrangled private information about you from the State Department, F.B.I. offices in New York and Los Angeles and one other source I have never mentioned (but it's a good one, trust me). Notice how I have never used actual names when I post, because as you have pointed out, these people might get into trouble about providing the information. Moreover, I did not go traipsing around the internet saying things that they hadn't said. The only people who read this blog are the eight or ten people over here who post, Oma Hamou and my BFF. Leighton has checked in occasionally, more from morbid curiosity than anything else, and there are occasional checks from my company as word gets out that a particularly insane piece of news has been posted either here or there. Unless Blake, Mitzi, Penelope, Justin or any of the others have friends, those are the only ones who read it of which I am aware.
But you have now fixed it so that the Mercury Insurance company, which surely conducts routine internet searches for mentions of itself, will now stumble upon the (certainly false, but still . . .) information that they are casually giving out private information about their customers. Not cool.
One more thing. Perhaps you could post the name of the person with whom Oma or "you" spoke, "Snoopy"? I mean, Blake and Rob routinely post contact information for their sources, who do not seem to mind being quoted and self-identifying as people who have been conned by Oma Hamou. Perhaps you could post a contact number for a single source who will back your story?
No. I didn't think so.
Rebecca, who is happy this morning because she has a bagel from Zabar's. Go me!
and RJ. La Traviata last night was really very very good. Thought you would want the update.
Off to Fort Worth for business today, a big public wine tasting for a major store, who asked me to come speak.
Well, Oma (aka The Woman Who Sued Herself) has once again done what she occasionally does when she gets rattled: inadvertently confirm what someone claimed but she denied.
In this case, Eric Cowan said Hamou trashed his house. He said nothing to us about an insurance claim, and consequently we posted nothing about an insurance claim.
Then, in her frantic attempt to throw up a smoke screen, Hamou manages herself to let us know that an insurance adjuster did come by to examine the property for damage while she was still in residence. The adjuster even gave Hamou a business card while she was there.
Obviously, the owner would not have called an adjuster unless he thought the house had demonstrable damage. And he would not have called in an adjuster while Hamou was still in residence if someone else had caused the damage.
Oma herself insists she thoroughly cleaned the house and put it in immaculate order upon moving in. So anything the adjuster saw was obviously a condition created during Hamou's residence.
Let's take a step back and put this in context.
More than a year ago, a former roommate of Hamou, Tina Van Veen, contacted us to say that Hamou was going by the name of Alexandra McConnell, that she was in trouble again with the law, that she was living in filth with hordes of cats, and that there was more legal trouble coming for her.
What came of this information?
Well, we soon found out that Alexandra McConnell had been arrested and was under prosecution for felony forgery.
We found that the complainant was a landlord named Huiku Batchelor who claimed, among other things, that "Alexandra McConnell" had trashed her house.
Then soon after that, we found that Hamou and Jim Sproul had run a scam against Hamid Refai, who had obtained a judgment against both of them.
In other words, every single thing Tina Van Veen claimed was independently corroborated, despite Hamou's howls of protest that Van Veen was lying to us.
Next we find out that Hamou rented another house. And yet again we have another landlord, Eric Cowan, making the same claim that Van Veen and Batchelor made, i. e., that Hamou lives in filth and squalor amidst hordes of cats.
Hamou's answer? That Tina Van Veen, Huiku Batchelor, and Eric Cowan all were lying about her living in filth and that -- miraculously -- they just happened to land on the same lie to tell.
Go figure.
Dear "Snoopy",
Thanks for the heads-up about the F.B.I. monitoring my posts. I will be packing this afternoon and preparing to seek political asylum in Chad by day's end.
I get the fact that you don't believe me, because if you did believe me you would be on the plane to Chad, or at least the next bus to Mexico. As I have said all along, it doesn't matter a whit to me if you do or don't "believe" that I have spoken to people. I have done these things for my private education. I haven't really bothered to share most of it privately with Rob or anyone else in emails, dollface. Do try and read my posts with some attention, "Snoopy", and you will understand my position a little better. One more time:
I do not believe that anyone other than about eight to ten people who regularly post, and with whom I have had delightful phone calls, emails and in one case, an actual by-God letter, read either your forum or this one.
Blake, Rob and one other person who does not post here but got tired of seeing her name constantly dragged into it have all contacted law enforcement offices. Each time they have done so the relevant people --- district attorneys, police detectives, etc. --- have been uniformly helpful.
As for your forum, I don't believe that anyone other than the aforementioned eight to ten people, my BFF and Oma Hamou regularly read it. I don't believe that there is a "Debbie" or a "Sandman" or an "Einnar" or a "Leslie" or a whatever she wants to call herself. I will call you "Snoopy" if you like, however. Happy?
I am not Bob Atchison, or Rob Moshein, or anyone else who has had interaction with Oma Hamou in the past. My impression is that those people tend to seek redress in courtrooms, not on internet forums. I am precisely what I say I am, Ms. Hamou, a middle-aged woman winding down a successful career who stumbled into this nonsense by accident. I became fascinated by it (in the same way that I became interested in the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright when I was in my thirties), and have stuck around. During the past two years I have learned something about Russian history (from books) and abnormal psychology (from Oma Hamou's website). I even managed to get myself to Russia a few months ago, and am happily looking forward to Prague in December.
Perhaps "you" could pass all of this along to Oma Hamou, "Snoopy". And mention this as well: your life is a shambles, girlfriend, and it is likely to remain so as along as you assume that society exists for you to fleece. Grow up. Put on your big-girl panties and deal with things. Get a job. The only person who has crushed your dreams is Oma Hamou. You are, however, right about one thing. There is still time to make something of your life. Other than a mess, that is.
Phew. This is why I didn't have children.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted to Rebecca:
"That law enforcement agency [the FBI] has been monitoring your posts and will probably in the coming days reveal your true identity which we on this forum will reveal."
Ooooo, Rebecca. The FBI is monitoring your posts.
Just think. There's a federal agent somewhere sitting over a computer screen just waiting to see what you'll post next.
I know I do.
But I wonder how long it's going to take him to uncover your true identity. Since he obviously hasn't been able to do it after all these months of investigation, apparently he hasn't quite figured out how to track down the source of a post on a Google blog.
My goodness. I wonder if the Islamic terrorists know that all they have to do is converse with each other over a Google blog in order to get their message out while hiding their identities and whereabouts from Homeland Security.
Okay, I have to confess.
Rebecca and I were just on the phone whooping it up about the recent insanity where Hamou inadvertently confirmed that she had damaged Cowan's house enough for him to call his insurer.
But while I was commenting on Hamou's rank stupidity, Rebecca pointed out that it goes beyond that. Hamou is actually mentally ill, marked by delusions of grandeur, pathological lying, denials of the obvious, and intense egoism.
And for a moment I had a twinge of regret at exposing an ill woman's follies here.
But then I thought again of Don Morton and her raiding the retirement funds of an elderly man with dementia.
And I thought of a 67-year-old widow whose son had to return home to help his mother clean up a legal and physical mess Hamou dumped on her.
And I thought of people getting sued by American Express when they didn't even know a credit card had been issued in their names.
And I thought of people providing goods and services only to have her either disappear or give them checks on closed or empty accounts -- or give them checks and then disappear.
And, before long, I was back to whooping it up with Rebecca.
Who gives a crap if Hamou is stark raving mad (which she is)? She's also a pestilence visited upon the innocent and unwarned.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma is spitting out lies so fast trying to throw up a smokescreen about the mess she made of the Cowan house that she can't even keep up with them.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma just posted:
"An insurance claims adjuster was never called to the Cowan house when Oma lived there, no one on this forum has said this."
Yet last evening Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"I was provided the business card of the representative of Mercury Insurance by Oma who said this card was given to her when the agent came out and took pictures of the house."
So, "Snoopy". If Oma wasn't living in the house, what was she doing there when the agent came out?
Does Cowan know she was trespassing on property from which she had been evicted?
Well, you have Rob and Bob beat, "Snoopy", if their own "friends" are coming to you to complain about them. Care to name one/ No, I didn't think so.
On the other hand, just look at the former --- well, friends is probably a bit strong --- associates of Oma Hamou who have been involved with Rob, Blake and a couple of others. I exempt myself, since none of the people I spoke with at the F.B.I. were aware of your existence, so they weren't betraying a "friendship". Irina at Pushkin says she never trusted Oma Hamou, so I don't suppose she falls into the "friend" category.
I suppose all Rob has are the legions of people that have dealt with Oma Hamou who are willing to publicly testify that that she is a con artist.
Cool. Really Cool. I would insert a smileyface, "Snoopy", but I'm an adult.
Well, Snoopy-who-is-Oma, it's hard to believe you're this stupid, but I guess you are.
You just posted:
"In my earlier posts I have said the representative from Mercury came to the house while OMA was still living at the Cowan residence."
Yes. I get that.
What I am asking is why you also posted this morning:
"An insurance claims adjuster was never called to the Cowan house when Oma lived there, no one on this forum has said this."
Can you really not keep track of your lies, even when they're just a couple of hours apart?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Time for Lunch am going to Greenblatt's!"
Good to know they take checks.
Order fish, "Snoopy". You know, brain food.
Girlfriend, you're mistaking the tide for the tsunami that is sweeping toward you. Run, "Snoopy", run!
Or at least go to Greenblatt's. Don't worry, we'll be here when you get back.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"I was provided the business card of the representative of Mercury Insurance by Oma who said this card was given to her when the agent came out and took pictures of the house it was at the same time animal control had been called to the house as well as a false police report made against my friend Oma Hamou."
I see.
The house was already in such a condition that the Cowans had called animal control, and a police report against Hamou had been filed.
(Good Lord. Just how many police reports have people filed against this woman over the years? There were the people in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana who got bad checks. There were the Mortons. There was Bob Atchison. There was Wild West Productions. There was Mrs. Batchelor. There was Eric Cowan. And these are just the ones of which we are aware. Of course, as Oma has explained, these are all false reports. Every last one of them. If she's been falsely accused this many times, her behavior must sow more confusion than trying to have pizza delivered to a funeral.)
Anyway ...... this was the moment that the Cowans picked to have an agent look at the house for underwriting a policy?
Besides, insurance companies don't usually send an agent out to look at a residential property before underwriting it. If they have some reason to physically examine the property before they do underwrite it, they don't just stop at the outside.
Who cares about the insurance company? Seriously. There WAS no insurance policy, at least according to Oma, so what?
Does that mean she didn't trash the place. Of course not. The landlord claims she did. Expressly. He has the bills and estimates and photographs.
The more salient point is: Tina was clear Oma lives in squalor and trashes her rental homes.
The DA was clear that Oma/Alexandra "pretty much destroyed" the Batchelor home.
Erik Cowan says Oma/ Alexandra trashed his house.
Oma tho, says everyone lies about her...
The same way she said Refai lied about the promissory note, until I posted it.
The same way she said Tina LIED about Refai, until I posted Tina's statements from MONTHS before Refai even filed the lawsuit...
Oma Hamou is indeed, to use your words, a lying bitch who scams people.
STILL waiting to hear from the FBI after TEN WEEKS now...
But if Oma says there was no insurance policy, why was Snoopy-who-is-Oma posting earlier that Cowan committed insurance fraud by filing a claim for damages against his homeowner's policy?
Oh, yeah.
She's a lying bitch.
And you're right, Rob. We've heard independently that she lives in filth from too many people.
So, yeah.
She lives in filth.
Judge Triana won't be reading anything Oma. The DWOP will be ordered. So far, you STILL haven't filed anything with the court. Even if you do, Bob's answer is waiting.
The law is clear. You did nothing for a year. You have long passed the Statute of limitations for a Bill of Review, and you are NOT legally entitled to a Bill of Review because the LAW requires you filed an appeal or motion for new trial, which you did NOT do.
Sorry "OMA" but YOU aren't above the law despite what your sociopathic ego thinks.
Oh, and Oma,
You can stop re-posting for the thousandth time the "draft" documents, since the LAW is clear on the subject. Seriously, were is your legal support for the notion that you are "entitled" to a Bill of Review, even though you have not complied with the LAW behind having one heard?
Still waiting.
Here Oma, learn something:
Common law in Texas vests the trial court with the inherent power to dismiss independently of the rules of procedure when a plaintiff fails to prosecute its case with due diligence. Villarreal, 994 S.W.2d at 630; WMC Mortgage Corp. v. Starkey, 200 S.W.3d 749, 752 (Tex. App.-Dallas 2006, pet. denied).
Lack of diligence need not amount to abandonment for a case to be properly dismissed. WMC Mortgage Corp., 200 S.W.3d at 752. In determining whether a party has demonstrated a lack of diligence in prosecuting a claim, a trial court may consider the entire history of the case, including the length of time the case was on file Oma: A Full YEAR, the extent of activity in the case Oma: NOTHING NOT EVEN SERVICE, whether a trial setting was requested Oma: NO, Not even SERIVCE REQUESTED, and the existence of reasonable excuses for delay.Oma: NONE, Id
I see Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell's sociopathic over inflated ego is in full overdrive now.
Sending herself cutsie songs of "love" and "encouragement" (sure signs of her feeling trapped in losses) and still proclaiming her "triumphant return" to major motion pictures, despite a DECADE of dodging debt collectors in dingy rental housing (no offense Mr. Cowan) in the Antelope Valley, more bad checks, Felony Forgery arrest and jail, and NO ACTUAL WORK IN MOTION PICTURES. She swore under oath, remember?? Her "employer" was listed as Enigma Films, a suspended and inactive corporation in California for the last FIVE YEARS...
Yeah, THAT should be a great resume to encourage investors for a Movie. At least ED WOOD got something on screen...and HE looked better in womens clothes than Oma...
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Bills? Bills means he hasn't paid something."
No, Oma. A bill is an invoice notifying someone that a payment is due.
For instance, some people get utility bills every month, notifying them how much they owe. That doesn't mean they haven't paid them.
Except in your case, of course.
You apparently are unfamiliar with the concept of paying bills.
Just as you are unfamiliar with the concept that it is illegal to write a check unless the account is open and has money in it to cover the check.
Been to the Courthouse. Mails come. Nothing from Oma. Guess that's par for the course.
Oh and Oma "list of names of people who cleaned that home prior to Oma leaving"
Well, that begs the question doesn't it? WHO cleaned the house AFTER Oma left? Clearly nobody....
Handmaiden-who-is-Oma posted:
"She also has not INTENTIONALLY written a bad check. The one on the closed account was an accident, as the evidence clearly showed which is why the charge was dropped."
Again, Oma is trying to ignore what both Mrs. Batchelor's son and the Assistant DA, Bryan Stodghill, said.
Oma was required to pay "full restitution" to the "victim" as a condition of not pursuing the case further -- and that only because Mrs. Batchelor needed her money more than she needed Oma to go to jail.
If the DA had believed Oma's story that writing the check on a closed account (which she had done before and has done since and will do again) was an accident, he never would have pressed charges in the first place, much less have her arrested under a high bail and then prosecuted the case for over a year while Oma struggled to come up with the money, asking for continuance after continuance.
How does one "accidentally" write checks to Wild West Productions on a closed account, and to Huiku Batchelor on a closed account, and to Eric Cowan on a closed account?
The woman is a grifter, opening bank accounts in order to procure checkbooks and then closing the accounts. She is a grifter who claims to have cancer to get money out of men. She is a grifter who claims to need people's social security numbers and then obtains credit using their identities.
And she has a partner in some of these schemes, one Jim Sproul, who uses a company called Reseda Screen & Glass that he runs from a post office box as his front.
They are both grifters.
Blake, Blake, Blake.
Ever asked anyone who has visited a prison how many prisoners admit they were guilty? The answer is virtually none admit guilt.
Now look at Oma Hamou / Alexandra McConnell:
Three felonies for writing bad checks: GUILTY but "not her fault".
THREE more bad checks to Rich Schaefer, Wild West Media and Monique Hahn. Oma WROTE the three checks on a closed account, but NOT her fault.
Bad Check on closed account to Huiku Batchelor. Oma WROTE the check on the closed account but NOT her fault.
(The DA's off pursued the FELONY FORGERY charge aggressively for over a year, but Oma says they KNEW it was an accident, but still for some reason PURSUED it for a year anyway.)
Bad check on a closed account written by Oma Hamou Alexandra McConnell to Erik Cowan but NOT her fault.
The woman is a criminal.
Montana sentenced her to prison, but accepted probation
Utah sentenced her to prison but accepted probation
Wyoming sentenced her to prison but accepted probation
Monique Hahn wants to see her in jail.
Huiku Batchelor wanted her in jail but needed the money more.
Hamid Rafai wants her in jail
Erik Cowan wants her in jail.
Brian Stodghill wanted her in jail but accepted that the VICTIM needed her money more.
Tina wants to see her in jail
Edna and Randy Morton want her in jail
Marcus Demian wants her in jail
Scott Landerstesee wants her in jail
John L and his wife want her in jail
I want to see her in jail.
ODD how ALL those folks WANT Oma Hamou Alexandra McConnel in jail, but NOTHING is really "Her" fault.
What are the ODDS? What ARE the odds???
Oma who is snoopy who admitted to being HUGEFATMORBOBOWIDERIDEdebbie:
IF Erik Cowan "has a problem" with a word on this blog, he has both my email address AND my cell number and is welcome to let me know whenever.
ODD that I haven't heard from him but "you" have, despite the fact that HE and Lilly are quite anxious to speak with YOU...but can't seem to actually FIND you...
Just because Eric Cowan has my cell number doesn't mean I have spoken to him, yet.
I gave Blake permission to give it to Mr. Cowan.
I DO hope to hear from him soon.
Learn more Oma:
A Case squarely on point. A Pro Se litigant fails to request service of process for a year and is Dismissed as a matter of law for Want of Prosecution. Sound Familiar??
Laurance Kriegel v. William C. Zapalac, Counsel of the Clerk's Office, No. 07-07-00342-CV (Tex.App.- Amarillo, Nov. 28, 2007)(Opinion by Justice Campbell)(pro se litigants, dismissal for failure to serve defendant affirmed)(Before Chief Justice Quinn, Justices Campbell and Pirtle)
Appeal from 287th District Court of Parmer County
We now enter the 464th consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 233rd consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 269 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY NINE WEEKS, over 1,883 days, 67 months, over five and a half full years! 450 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for OVER FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for OVER ONE WHOLE YEAR on the fictional "Bill of Review"...Which is now about to be dismissed for lack of prosecution according to Court guidelines under Local Rules.
We are also now past week 33 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." "the lawyers are working on it"...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full SEVENTEEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course learning the Oma Hamou was EVICTED for not paying rent in Palmdale this summer, and that she wrote a BAD CHECK to the Court for filing fees...
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER ELEVEN WHOLE WEEKS NOW. THREE WHOLE MONTHS. NADA
Have a great week guys. I know I will enjoy her squeals when the Bill of Review is once and for ever deceased.
Well well well. How can we tell that Oma Hamou Alexandra McConnell is shrieking at her computer in rage and frustration, with nothing of substance to say?
Just look at the thousands of meaningless words, lavishly illustrated, that she must re post for the eight thousand millionth time.
Which all mean? Nothing. Citing laws that Law Enforcement won't do anything about.
Putting up six year old letters from her own lawyer (purporting them to be the truth, instead of just the lawyering bs from her attorney that dumped her off onto another firm because she was out of money...)
the only genuine "pattern" over the last decade is the "pattern" of Oma Hamou writing bad checks and running up unpaid debts and trashing her rental housing.
THAT is the truth that Oma Hamou Alexandra McConnell hates me for telling.
Someone has to put that pattern out there for the world to see. She hates me for doing that.
Tough noogies Oma.
Oma Oma Oma...
"future litigation purposes"???
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY NINE WEEKS, over 1,883 days, 67 months, over five and a half full years! 450 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for OVER FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
Well, at least you've finally given up on the Bill of Review nonsense Oma.
Chalk up another Court that you lost in.
Darling, darling Omele,
Sweetness, I know it's not your Sabbath, darling, but surely G-d wants you to spend this wonderful day outside enjoying his creation, not hunched over a computer, darling. It's night here, darling, but I had a lovely picnic with the grandchildren today. Bitsy, can we talk about how adorable little Shlomo is, even with that somewhat unfortunate extra toe? Oy, I could pinch him! You see, Omele darling, maybe you should have given the baby with two heads a second chance! When
G-d sends us lemons, darling, make lemonade!
Happy shabbos, Robbele!
You do NOT have the "right" to have a Bill of Review heard under the law. This is exactly what we have been talking about, YOUR over inflated sociopathic ego telling you that you have "the right" to do lots of thing which are against the law, because YOU want to do them anyway.
One who has failed to file a Motion for New Trial or Appeal does NOT have the right to a Bill of Review. That is the LAW. You think otherwise, so in your mind you believe it is so, and go ahead anyway.
One who does not have a VALID driver's license and insurance does not have the RIGHT to drive a car.
That is the LAW. You think otherwise, so in your mind you believe it is so, and go ahead anyway.
One who does not have money in checking account, or who has CLOSED that checking account does NOT have the right to write checks on that account as payment for rent, goods or services. That is the LAW. You think otherwise, so in your mind you believe it is so, and go ahead anyway.
One does not have the right to pretend to have "cancer" to convince old men to give you money, when you don't actually HAVE cancer. That is the LAW. You think otherwise, so in your mind you believe it is so, and go ahead anyway.
One does not have the right to live in rental housing without paying rent on time and in full each and every month you live there. That is the LAW. You think otherwise, so in your mind you believe it is so, and go ahead anyway.
One does not have the right to damage and destroy other people's rental homes by virtue of having hordes of cats and dogs defecating and urinating and lord knows what else. That is the LAW. You think otherwise, so in your mind you believe it is so, and go ahead anyway.
Oma, the world owes you NOTHING. You want to have "rights" despite the law telling you otherwise.
Sociopathic. Seriously.
Off to shower and change and head downtown to a very swanky Media type's birthday party. RJ: Am wearing my new Ralph Lauren slacks, dusky pink oxford shirt, Ralph Lauren red silk and alligator suspenders (a HUGE splurge back when I was in law practice) and a bright pink paisley Polo tie. My Church's of London dress shoes (the theme is "Pink is the new Black"). The style editor of the local paper is another guest so I have to look good!
Can't over do it tho, as tomorrow I'm teaching my $60 per person Bordeaux class at Central Market.
Dear Rob,
You are stylin', as we used to say back in the Dark Ages! Knock 'em dead.
As for you, Oma-Who-Is-Handmaiden, your spelling is reverting under stress. And while I understand why you are not inclined to brag about your clothing, girlfriend --- we've seen the pictures --- it's one of the simple pleasures in life to dress well, and it doesn't have to be expensive. There are all sorts of consignment shops in Manhattan, and I can't imagine that you can't find some real bargains at places like that in Los Angeles. Since you're not spending the money on things like rent or paying off your bill, judgments and lawyers, you may as well blow some on a decent outfit.
Off to walk Frobe on the beach. By the way, has anyone heard from Penelope? It's been awhile.
Hi RJ,
Thanks. The party was a blast! Here is a good pic of me and the birthday girl. I opted for the new Hickey Freeman spread contrast collar shirt instead of the oxford, and dressed it up with my new Hugo Boss Tux jacket!
Dear Oma-Who-Is-Handmaiden,
You present no evidence. Rob presents evidence, i.e. he has posted numbers which any interested parties can call to confirm what he is saying. Now, you don't really need to post evidence, girlfriend, because anyone who stumbles onto these websites (as I did) who might be interested in either renting you a house (possible), making a movie with you (improbable) or engaging in a business deal with Oma Hamou (possible, provided you get a chance to work the scam enough) or anything else (a lot of ground) can simply verify the facts by calling Mr. Refai's attorney, Mr. Cowan, District Attorney Stodghill, Nancy at Reseda or any of the several others. If what you say is correct, they will angrily refute Rob's and Blake's characterizations of their words. If it isn't . . . well.
I would post the F.B.I. agents who laughed uproariously at the idea that there is an "investigation" or the State Department official who denied the story of "Snoopy's" adopted Russian child or any of the others with whom I have been in contact, but I'm not going to risk them being exposed to your nonsense. I'm sure you understand, since you have applied the same precautions to all of the anonymous sources you regularly quote. I'm sorry, that "Snoopy" regularly quotes. By the way, Justin, your posts the other day were hilarious. How did Utah's date with California go?
So all of the thousands of Oma Hamou supporters who constantly search the internet for news of Ms. Hamou, let's get those telephones ringing!
What's that sound? Oh, yes. Crickets chirping.
Dear Rob,
You look terrific!
It IS rather amusing how someone who looks like this:
gets all "bent out of shape" about my dressing well and looking good. I'll bet she "really didn't want to go the stupid prom" when nobody asked her to be their date either.
Those who can do. Those who can't complain loudly about those who CAN. LOL...
Funny but this is exactly what OMA HAMOU who IS snoopy who ADMITTED already to being HUGEFATdebbie does:
OMA is afraid that if “she” gives the name of whomever “she” talked to, that we would call and find out that “she” is lying, and quite possibly that “she” is not at all who “she” is claiming to be.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Freudian slips third floor??
Dear Oma Who is Handmaiden,
Right now, I'm drinking decaffeinated Earl Grey tea.
Hope that helps.
So Oma Hamou is going to start another blog about Rob Moshein. Well, maybe this one will work out better for her. Let’s review, though, what happened with two of her earlier effort to “expose” Moshein.
A few years back, there was the “Legends of Anastasia” forum, which quickly turned into an attack on Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison. But it didn’t turn out quite the way she expected. While prominent people on the Russian history scene, such as the authors Penny Wilson, Greg King, and Peter Kurth, were looking on, revelation after revelation emerged about Oma Hamou:
Her felony conviction history. Her arrests for probation violations. The $700,000+ in outstanding civil judgments against her. The long list of aliases. Her ongoing use of checks on closed and empty accounts. Her scam of an elderly man with dementia. Her use of misappropriated social security numbers. Her fake Sarskaia charity. Her habit of claiming accident and illness to duck her promises and her court appearances. Her unintentionally-comical faked press interviews about her cheesy movie project. The fact that her own lawyers have dumped her and sued her twice.
Then she started a new round of attacks on Moshein, focusing on his wine consulting enterprise and culminating in her Austin Wine Guy blog. But that didn’t turn out quite the way she expected, either.
We met Tina Van Veen and found out about two new aliases: Alexandra Murphy and Alexandra Oma McConnell. We found out that she lives in squalor in houses on which she pays rent by writing checks on closed or empty accounts. We found out about multiple evictions and that the houses she vacates are left in filth inside and with animals buried outside. And a felony forgery prosecution that resulted in forced restitution to an elderly-widow. We found out how she first started working with Jim Sproul and that he’s still working scams with her, such as the Refai scam where she yet again claimed cancer. And that Sproul has a shell company – Reseda Screen & Glass – with a post office box address that they use in these scams. We found out about a scam to acquire a car. And about an outstanding warrant for driving a car without a license, registration, or insurance.
And to top it off, we had the hilarity of her accidentally suing herself.
I can hardly wait for the new blog. Who knows what additional revelations about Oma Hamou it will produce?
just another example of how over self important Oma Hamou Alexandra McConnell thinks she is, in the scheme of things.
She can not conceive of the idea that Blake is not Bob. Blake is NOT Bob. Bob only posts under his own name, and then very rarely.
He is FAR too busy with work and projects to waste his time on Oma. I know Oma thinks she is SOOOO important that bob does nothing but plot and plan all day long about her, but under penalty of perjury, he doesn't. To him, Oma Hamou is like a dead rat under the house, it stinks to high heaven and that creates something unpleasant, but you can't do anything about it so you just ignore it.
You will have your world view turned upside down Oma Hamou if you found out the genuine extent of just how many people who, shall we say, "don't like you"...
"the next round of litigation"?????
ummm, exactly WHICH next round of litigation?
The one promised in 2006 right after you LOST to Bob?
The one from 2009 which was coming hot on the heels of the TRO?
the OTHER one from 2009 by virtue of the Bill of Review that is being dismissed on Friday afternoon because you haven't ever SERVED it on Bob yet??
Shall I really go back and cite your chapter and verse of the "any day now we SWEAR it's going to happen, really I took papers to her lawyers who are filing TOMORROW!" promises you have made over the last SIX YEARS.
Are YOU really so delusional and sociopathic that YOU believe that crap? Honestly nobody else does...not even Biernat...
and STILL nothing filed for the DWOP on Friday. Guess that one is now dead for certain, despite Oma's "promises" otherwise...
Another deadline blown by Oma. I knew she'd never show up in court on Friday.
Oh, Rebecca, my dear. How very kind of you to ask about me.
I do apologize for my long absence, my sweet, but I've had a simply horrible experience, and I could hardly bear to think about this forum since.
As I might have told you all earlier, I simply adore chocolate mousse souffle. Well, I was in the middle of whipping one up for an after-dinner treat about two weeks ago when a loud pounding commenced on my front door just as I slipped the souffle in the oven.
Way back in the kitchen as I was, and with my arthritis acting up, I could not make it to the door before it was broken down by some brutes from the FBI! Brutes I tell you. Absolute brutes.
It seems they thought I was Betty Ford (or whatever her name is), and they were there to slap me in handcuffs and haul me away for interrogation. (Or so they said. Don't think I didn't catch the look in the eye of the one who called himself Agent Dillard. Thank goodness the others didn't listen when he kept saying he wanted to talk to me alone.)
Anyway, my dear. You can imagine how shaken I was. Even after we cleared up the confusion about my being Betty Ford (or whatever her name is), I could barely get them out of the house. They claimed they were simply stunned by my decor and the exquisite taste it reflected. But I knew the smell of that souffle in the oven was in play. And nobody gets a piece of that while there's breath in me.
Well, sweetheart. There you have the reason for my prolonged absence. I still get jitters when I think about returning to this discussion, but I suppose it's time.
As my big, fine old daddy used to tell me, "just get back on that horse, girl, and you don't let anyone know you got off."
He said nobody would believe me, anyway.
O Mighty Shovel,
Things have been a little slow since my last report, Your Bloviousness. The large-jawed woman has not left her house once during the past few weeks. I peeked into the window of the room with the computer, and it is truly beginning to be squalid in there. There are empty bags of Cheetohs and Doritos scattered all over the place, and the floor has disappeared under phosphorescent orange crumbs. The large-jawed woman sits all day in front of her computer mumbling to herself and then furiously typing away. Even the incredibly large woman no longer comes around. The last time she was here, she came into the room and looked around at the discarded pizza boxes and half-eaten Chinese takeout and then tiptoed out to this large SUV and drove away. She left a note pinned to the front door. I hooked it after a few days because it was obvious that the large-jawed lady was never going to come out and get it. It read:
Dear Oma,
I can no longer stand to live like this. I know I said that I would give your rides down to the FBI office, but you never go. Anyway, I've been meaning to tell you that I heard from Jim, and he doesn't want you to have anything to do with the police. He says things are getting a little hot since the Refai operation, and maybe you both should think about heading up to Canada for a couple of months. Also, the landlord for this joint has been reading the stuff you put up, and I think he is going to have the place inspected next week. If you hurry, you can probably dig up the dead dogs, cats and that hamster you sat on and get rid of them before he gets here, but I don't know what you're gonna do with the horse in the spare bedroom. Good luck!
I did a little snooping, Your Immensity, and there is a BMW transportation device hidden under a pile of Ho-Ho wrappers out behind the shed. If she needs to head to Canada, I don't know how she will afford the gas, but at least there is a transportation device. The Cossacks took all of their four-door sedan trucks when they left.
Daryn's body is still on the living room floor, but at least it's stopped smelling. I haven't seen Felineous in a long time, but I guess he's still in there too. He was spending most of his time stoned on catnip.
Can I please report back to the Mother Ship? This place is getting creepy.
Your faithful minion,
Dear Ms P.
How dreadful for you! I simply can't imagine the experience of FBI agents coming to your home to interrogate you. I never have had the FBI contact me for any reason, ever, so I just can't imagine it.
Glad you are getting over it now.
So, the Bill of Review will be dismissed on Friday. THAT will be the end of that. Oma blew yet another deadline, but her motion would have been denied any way as a matter of law.
Chalk up another LOSE in her Litigation success column.
Well, Oma/Alexandra isn't in jail, Palmdale is still reading the blogs like a moth hitting a light bulb. Plus I checked. LAPD and SBPD.
Maybe another eviction is under way...We KNOW she isn't on her way to Austin.
I love watching snoopy blather on and edit stuff on the fly.
FIRST Oma who is snoopy said that she filed her motion on time WITH her amended pleadings.
THEN suddenly it changed to "she is working with an attorney and WILL file the amended pleadings later"...
Doesn't her ATTORNEY know that she has a legal obligation to SERVE BOB as the other named party on the Motion to Retain? since he hasn't been served.
SO OMA "IF" you filed the motion on time 1. WHY doesn't the Court actually HAVE IT? and 2. What date is the hearing scheduled for? since, it isn't on calendar anywhere.
Oh, and Oma, didn't the ATTORNEY working with you TELL you that you CAN NOT file "amended pleadings" until AFTER you get a Motion to Retain HEARD AND GRANTED???
Didn't your ATTORNEY EXPLAIND the DWOP process to you??
YOUR CASE WILL BE DISMISSED FRIDAY. Didn't that lawyer do his job?
or is this ANOTHER "attorney" who mysteriously doesn't know the laws in Texas?
Just got back from the Courthouse. OMA HAMOU HAS NOT FILED ANYTHING. I went to the specific office that must get the Motion, and they had nothing and confirmed they would have had something by now even if emailed.
ALSO: Oma is wrong, the Court doesn't have 45 days to "make a decession (sic). Once the deadline for the Motion to Retain has PASSED, the case WILL BE DISMISSED PERIOD and the court will take UP TO 45 days to actually issue the dismissal.
IF the Motion to Retain were actually FILED, that same office would have immediately set the Motion for HEARING on Calendar.
I REPEAT: they have NOTHING.
Further, Oma MUST serve BOB with the Motion and notice of the hearing date and PROVIDE PROOF OF SERVICE TO THE COURT, "if" she had filed it.
OH YEAH, forgot to add, that same nice man at the Courthouse, after confirming Oma hadn't filed anything was quite clear that the fact she had not even served process on Bob for a full year was enough for the court to refuse to retain. The Austin court judges really HATE their time wasted by people who can't get their acts together according to him.
Hi Oma, unlike YOU, I can PROVE my statement that you filed nothing and that I was at the courthouse. That nice guy I spoke with printed out the case file sheet for me, do notice the date and time in the upper right corner:
Darling Omele who is posting as Snoopele,
Oy, darling, you've been caught in another fib. I hope Darling Russophile Lady has noticed, because honestly, darling, if this keeps up, people are just going to have to keep an eye on their purses if they are around you.
Darling Pennele, such a shock. Luckily the darling FBI has an eye for decor, darling. If the Mossad come calling here I'll have to remember to take the plastic off the living room sofa.
Oma Oma Oma.
I was IN the Court Administrator's office. HE was the one who confirmed NOTHING had been filed. I just called AGAIN and the STILL say nothing has been filed.
The master docket page I posted contains EVERYTHING FILED IN YOUR CASE AS OF TODAY.
Trust me, whatever day the Motion is set to be heard, Bob and I will both be there.
No Oma.
I believe the Court Administrator's office is telling the truth. YOU are the one who is LYING. Can I be more clear?
so sorry if I failed to write in the conditional tense (I don't like passive/conditional tense)
Feel better now Oma who is HUGEFATdebbie?
Thanks Oma for ADMITTING I went to the Courthouse.
As you already know, the Courthouse is less than 15 blocks away from our house, and is something I pass almost daily. I didn't NEED to "rush" down, I had to go to the bank and was passing by, so it was no brainer to stop in and chat with the Administrator's office. WHO CONFIRMED nothing was on file in their office and who SENT ME downstairs to have the docket sheet printed as proof.
Say there Oma, YOU claim you filed on time. Where EXACTLY is YOUR PROOF? can't provide it. As usual
Lying Bitch.(as Blake likes to call you)
Sorry Oma.
Im not calling ANYONE. YOU CALL THAT STALKING, remember?
I went there yesterday. I posted my proof. Ball in YOUR court to prove you claims.
Lying lazy bitch.
hmm. One wonders exactly WHY Oma posts the same documents over and over hundreds of times to "prove" what she says, but she can't seem to post the proof she actually FILED something with the Court?
I guess she CAN'T. Of course.
Darling Russophile Lady,
I completely understand, darling. Are you hoping for an invitation? Because if you are, darling, this is where the friendship with darling Omele can really pay off. She used to be great at crashing royal appearances! Put her on the case, darling, and you'll be the toast of all of your other forums!
As for whether darling Oma is lying, Robbele, darling boy, ask yourself one of two questions: are her lips moving? Is she typing? Because if the answer to either of those is yes, she's lying, darling.
Mitzi Kedem
Of COURSE Oma lies Mitz. The proof is that she has to have fake anonymous sockpuppets pretend to have called the Court, instead of just POSTING THE PROOF she filed something.
Just found out the source for Oma Hamou's pretend character Justin Edwards.
Seems that there is another Justin Edwards, who is a Producing Fellow at AFI, who also does web work.
Somehow, somewhere Oma Hamou must have encountered him, and has created the fake persona from the details of his life.
Poor bastard probably doesn't even know it.
That's good.
Now you know who's been posting on the internet that Bob Atchison committed perjury and that you and he are under FBI investigation for criminal activity.
Maybe I'll get in touch with Edwards and see if he's got his proof ready to go.
I called the American Film Institute to get a contact number for Justin Edwards. They confirmed he is a second-year fellow there but would not give out contact information.
So I had a downtown L.A. law firm call back and ask to speak with Edwards. When the AFI asked what it was regarding, they were told that Edwards might be posting defamatory claims on the internet and that they would be contacting the AFI further about the matter.
They said the young woman on the phone became a bit flustered and offered repeatedly to have Justin Edwards get back in touch with the law firm.
Perhaps she'll get a message to Edwards.
WOW talk about coincidences. The photos of Justin Edwards at AFI are IDENTICAL to the guy in the cheesy black and white photo "justin" used to use over on the LOA forum.
and, HE went to Pepperdine, just like "justin" used to claim, back in the day...
Well, there you go.
I wonder if the AFI and the people supporting the fellowship know how many hours a day Justin Edwards is spending on the internet posting in defense of his best friend Oma Hamou -- and how much time he spends helping Oma Hamou sort and prepare all the legal documents for her various lawsuits and criminal complaints.
Then again, Blake, just what "if" Tina was RIGHT, that there IS NO "JUSTIN". Let's face it, she was telling the truth about "Hamid" and the filth and the cats and Jim Sproul.
Wow, what do you think will happen if THIS real Justin Edwards finds out what Oma Hamou is writing under his name, pretending to BE him...
Am I the only one to notice that Oma hasn't exactly DENIED being THAT "Justin Edwards"?
I mean, wouldn't the rational response be "sorry, not me, you got the wrong Justin Edwards"?
Oh, right. "rational" would be the problem.
Oh, yeah.
Total meltdown over on the "Ask Oma" forum.
I guess we'll have to start referring to Snoopy as "Snoopy Who Is Justin Edwards at AFI".
Yes Oma,
We KNOW you can continue to RE POST all those old documents to try to prove the Bill of Review which is being DISMISSED by the Court soon.
So, where is the PROOF you FILED a Motion to Retain? That should be easy, if you have it.
My money is that you don't.
Sorry but the word of "leslie" who is Oma Hamou, who is also Justin Edwards's STOLEN IDENTITY, who admitted to being HUGEFATdebbie, well, just doesn't PROVE anything, except your delusional sociopathic mental disorders.
Dear Mr. Moshein,
Just so you know, I am not the Justin at AFI (of course, neither is she). I told her this wasn't going to work, honest to God, I did, but she always thinks that she is smarter than everyone. Just so you know, all of that crap about me being wealthy and from the islands, that was crap. I'm so ashamed. If it is any consolation, she has ruined my life with this stuff. It's only thanks to Ms. Jordan that I have been able to get a job.
Well, Hamou's pattern continues.
Ever notice how she had "proof" that Atchison lied to the jury that found against her . . . but she failed to appeal?
Ever notice how she's been going to file a Bill of Review for years to "prove" her case . . . but she made sure not to file the brief on time or to serve process?
Ever notice that a "forensic document examiner" has evidence that Atchison produced a fake invoice . . . but no judge or jury ever has seen (or ever will see) that "evidence"?
Notice how she harps endlessly about a TRO she obtained based only on her allegations . . . but she dropped the case before having to present her actual proof in a courtroom?
Ever notice how she posts over and over a "draft" Bill of Review . . . but never actually filed the real papers with the court within the filing window?
Ever notice how she claims numerous people who have obtained judgments against her all did so by fraud and perjury (Atchison, Cowan, Refai, Batchelor, et al.) and she has "proof" of it . . . but no court has ever seen that proof?
Ever notice how she tries to manipulate people into confusing her allegations and half-baked legal filings with presenting actual proof in court of a single thing she says?
Ever notice how many default judgments she has against her and outstanding warrants for failing to appear in court when called?
Ever notice what a lying bitch she is?
As soon as offices open in California, I will be calling the American Film Institute. I agree that the "real" Justin Edwards probably has no idea that she has been plastering his name across the internet for the past few years. Moreover, the "Justin Edwards" in the picture you sent me, Rob, bears no resemblance at all to the poor guy I have been helping in Honolulu for the past year. For the record, I knew all along that he was not "Justin Edwards". While I don't use the kind of language you used to describe him, Rob, based upon your encounter in court (someone has to live in a trailer, after all), he did offer a convincing story as to how Hamou has snookered him into a lot of the nonsense several years ago. All he wanted was a fresh start, and he has had that.
Actually, Oma, if you think about it, the real "Justin Edwards" is likely to be most annoyed by the way you have portrayed him on the internet as a foul-mouthed lout. I suppose his name can be added to the list of Hamou victims, Rob.
I do hope you will be in court today, Rob, and that you will keep us posted if a heavily-laden black SUV disgorges two middle-aged overweight women on their way into court?
I would, however, bring a book. It could be a long wait.
Rebecca Jordan
Good grief, Oma, what are you doing online, pretending to be "Snoopy" pretending to be "Justin Edwards"? Shouldn't you be hauling ass, and a large ass at that, off to Texas to do whatever it is you keep threatening you are going to do?
Or perhaps the F.B.I. has issued a terrorist alert, Condition Moshein, that prevents you going? or it's the bodyguards' day off?
Mitz was SOOOO right. How do you know Oma Hamou is lying? Her lips are moving or her fingers are typing:
Oma who is snoopy said "in fact there was only my wife and I and Oma and the Judge and the court reporter in that room." when I agreed to the TRO (saying specifically "you can't restrain me from doing something I'm not doing anyway...") There were a LOT of people in the court that morning. Of course, I actually agreed to it in Judges Chambers, and there were only THREE people in THAT room, Me and the Judge and Slater the dogturd. LIE ONE FROM OMA.
Then of course:
Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:40 pm
"That trip to Austin where the courts will determine whether or not to listen to Oma's case against Bob Atchison has already been paid & booked all thanks to American Express"
See, the cool thing I haven't mentioned yet, though I've known for weeks now, is that there IS NO HEARING for DWOP or Motion to Retain. The court decides without a hearing. Thus, no REASON for Hamou to go to Austin, actually, much less hire the "bodyguard" (snicker).
I just wanted to watch Oma hang herself with more lies.
Its been amusing.
awww Oma, you took down the foul mouthed tirade rebuttal to Rebecca. bummer.
Say, still WAITING for one shred of proof that you actually filed a Motion to Retain. Are your lawyers (snicker) so incompetent that they didn't get PROOF you filed? Seriously?? Oma, can't you find COMPETENT lawyers? Oh, right, competent lawyers want MONEY...up front.
"Oma did make pay for"?? and written TWICE?
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