As law enforcement seems unable to assist me, and the person behind this campaign to defame me and interfere with my business and profession, named variously Oma Hamou, Oma Mcconnell or Alexandra McConnell is what they call "judgment proof" meaning she has no money, I must place this blog here. She recently filed Bankruptcy, swearing under oath that her only income is $2500 a month from her friend Jim Sproul's company "Reseda Screen & Glass", that she lives in rental houses in the Antelope Valley and in July she was evicted for non payment of rent from a house in Palmdale, and she has over $500,000 in outstanding debts.
I would NOT even have written here, had this person not continually written her own false and defamatory statements herself and aided and abetted other personae writing "on her behalf" for the last three years. If she doesn't want me to say anything about her, she ought not have been continually blogging and writing about me much less aiding and encouraging others to do so as well.
The woman behind all of this goes by many names: Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, are the usual ones, but there are others. The reason this woman and her "alleged" friends crusade to destroy me is simple. I learned about her genuine background, and she wants me silenced from speaking about it.
This woman admits that her actions are all motivated by her bitterness and hatred towards me, and this is the reason for her actions.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy and her other aliases have a twenty year track record of FELONY CONVICTIONS, multiple arrests, failure to abide by the requirements of her probation for her felony convictions which lead to more arrests, many many civil judgments against her for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a history of writing bad checks, and currently she was arrested late in 2008 in San Bernardino California on a Felony Charge of Forgery of a Financial Instrument (she seems to have forged a large check) After 14 months of dragging the process out, she paid the Victim full restitution and the District Attorney dropped the Felony charge. She has a history of evictions and bad checks.
This woman also has a recent default Judgment against her in Los Angeles County, in the amount of $55,000:
Filing Date: 09/23/2009
According to the case, Mr. Refai, a married man, was "involved" with Alexandra McConnell, she kept telling him about serious "medical problems" and asking for "loans" for medical bills in the total amount of $51,000. This was confirmed by the fact that a woman who used to live in her house wrote on the internet THREE MONTHS before the suit was filed: "I lived with this lady, she is no good. SHE LIES. SHE HAS LIKE 50 CATS LIVING WITH HER AND HER HOUSE SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND CAT SPRAY AND PISS. She is dirty, filthy and uses old men for money I SEEN IT MYSELF. By the way Hamid's wife knows it was LIPOSUCTION you drained their bank account for, not cancer in your asshole. He had her sign a promissory note, co signed by long time co-conspirator Jim Sproul. She of course never PAID back the money. She, of course, never showed up in Court.
Here is the Final Judgment against Alexandra McConnell aka Oma Hamou and her "longtime friend" Jim Sproul:
Someone else has recently posted a precis of the criminal and debt history of this woman. You can go here to read the specific details for yourself:
While Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell claims to be a "Motion Picture Executive" her online anonymous "friends" admit she works as a Paralegal in the Palmdale area. She has no background experience as a "Producer".
She is nearly psychotic in her daily compulsion because I stumbled onto these actual facts of her past, and present, which do not coincide with the personae she wants to project to others.
I am called a "criminal stalker". First, being called a criminal is Libel per se in Texas, since I have never been convicted of ANYTHING worse than one speeding ticket. As for a stalker, well, I have no clue where this woman is, where she lives, and frankly I don't WANT to know, nor can I care less. In the words of one of her attorney's, Dave. S. "the faster that woman is in my rearview mirror the happier I'll be" (yeah I have the email he said that to me in.). I WISH NO CONTACT WITH OR FROM THIS PERSON.
I do NOT wish this person ill, or harm. Frankly, I do not care about her. The less I hear about her, the better. That said, no one should ever be subjected to harm or danger. I DO NOT WISH THIS PERSON HARM, nor have I advocated, wished, nor advised anyone to harm her. Such allegations are baseless, wrong and defamatory. I just want he to leave me and my partner ALONE and stop the thousands of pages of defamatory lies she puts up and allows "friends" to post on her website in order to cause me harm.
This woman, Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy has demonstrated she has no credibility. You can read in previous posts where she has outright lied, most notably when she filed a report about her business with Dunn and Bradstreet that was investigated by them and shown to be completely fraudulent.
Ask yourself if the following make any, rational or reasonable common sense:
This woman claims to be an actress and model, but for a decade steadfastly REFUSES to provide one single shred of evidence to support the allegation, not even a credit, reference or magazine issue. She says only "I was and I don't have to prove it. YOU have to prove I wasn't". Does that make sense?
This woman claims that her three felony convictions were not Her fault, but rather someone else's fault. Does THAT make sense?
This woman claims that her recent Felony Forgery Charges in San Bernardino are "just a big mistake" and "law enforcement and the DA" are on "her side" and "believe her", yet they STILL pressed charges and scheduling dozens of hearings over FOURTEEN MONTHS. Does THAT make sense??
This woman has claimed for six years non stop that I am being investigated by law enforcement and the FBI. Yet, NOTHING ever happened, I have never been contacted by law enforcement for any reason in those six years other than one speeding ticket. Does it make any sense to you that law enforcement is doing ANYTHING for six years now?
Buddha said Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Look at all the blathering posts she has put up on the internet, and ask yourself, do these things agree with YOUR reason and your own common sense? The answer is obvious.
As you can see, this woman and/or her cronies now LIE, falsify documents and use years old private letters to attempt to defame and disparage me, and Bob Atchison
Many people whom have come into contact with her call her a con artist and scam artist. She hangs out with convicted felons, even inviting these career criminals to live in her house with her.
You can verify all the arrests, judgments, evictions, etc for yourself with simple online searches.
You are free to email me with your questions,, and if you yourself have been a VICTIM of this woman Oma Hamou, Oma McConnell, Alexandra McConnell, Alexandra Hamou, Oma Demian, Alexandra Murphy, I encourage you to contact me.
1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»New blog, fresh start. Carry on.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"This is stalking Michelle as he knows if he continues to use the name of her place of business it will be picked up by internet spiders and when her customers Google her name they will be led to Rob Moshein's libelous site about Oma"
Now this is downright baffling, Oma.
Michele Biernat says she is proud to be defending you from our ilk. Although it's too bad she mostly seems to have time to do it only during working hours on weekdays, as there's just so much work to be done in rushing to your defense.
She says it is I who am destined to be mortified by my involvement in unmasking your history of scams of the elderly and others and that she looks forward to it.
I would think she would relish having a wider audience for my disgrace, as well as welcome having customers of Benefit Design Group in Portland find out what a noble service she is providing to a friend in need.
Very few convicted felons, probation violators, and con artists have had such a stalwart friend who, at the same time, is willing to be public about it.
You hang onto that one, Oma. She's a real peach.
Rob, I hope you don't mind if I repost this morning's output, since it is now buried at the end of a long thread, and it must be understood to make sense of the above post.
Okay, Russophile – who is really Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland, Oregon.
Let’s get this all laid out. You say I am going to be mortified that I have been associated with revealing the activities of Oma Hamou (aka Alexandra McConnell). You, on the other hand, are proud to be coming to her defense as a poor creature who should be left alone to pursue her affairs in peace.
And let’s get something else straight. None of this would be going on today if Oma Hamou had not started attacking Rob Moshein’s new business venture on the internet back in 2008.
But she did, and here we all are today.
So let’s talk about what I view as one of the defining revelatory moments regarding the true character of Oma Hamou. And let me assure both you and her. We have witnesses to this story, armed with necessary documentation, who are available should any lawyers or policemen come calling.
-- Continued in next post --
-- Continued from above --
Now, on to the story:
In the late 1990’s, a woman (using a name different than Oma Hamou), in the company of two other women, moved in with a man named Don Morton to his home on Mayall Street in Northridge, California. Don Morton was in his 80’s and exhibiting signs of dementia. Soon this woman had ingratiated herself with this man and began telling him about her various needs for money. Before long, she had gained access to his cash assets and began to deplete them, including writing checks on his account and using his credit cards.
The Morton family intervened and went to the Elder Abuse Unit of the Devonshire Division of the Los Angeles Police department. When the police began to investigate, they found that Mr. Morton’s lodger was using an alias and was really one Oma Hamou. The Elder Abuse Unit was certain Mr. Morton had become the target of a con artist. However, Mr. Morton was viewed as too demented to make an effective witness against her, and Hamou had taken the precaution of getting Don Morton to give her written permission to access his money (not a hard thing for a determined younger woman to induce a demented octogenarian to do). Therefore, the police could not proceed.
The family had to consult with an attorney and begin legal proceedings before Oma Hamou could be “persuaded” to leave the house.
Even after all this, Hamou tried to maintain contact with Morton, including faxing him sexual material in an effort to get him to see her again. (Remember that this was a woman in her 30’s dealing with a senile man in his 80’s.)
Even after Hamou had been forced out of Morton’s household, credit cards that had been obtained by her in other names continued to arrive through the mail.
-- Continued in next post --
-- Continued from above --
So, Biernat. We obviously have very different views of Oma Hamou. Despite her criminal convictions; her probation violations; her 20+-year history of writing bad checks and securing credit under false pretenses; her long string of adverse civil judgments; and her three recent scams against an elderly widow, a compromised married man, and a financially-strapped landlord, YOU see her as a fine woman just trying to get her life straightened out who should be allowed to continue her activities in peace.
I, on the other hand, see her as a woman who will use sex, faked illnesses, or any other tool she has available to procure money from other people. But, more to the point, I see her as a woman who has no compunction against working her wiles on an elderly person with dementia.
Next to child molesters and sex slave traffickers, I view this as one of the lowest forms of human life.
Buy, hey, Biernat. YOU have made it clear you are just fine with the conduct and character of this woman and have rushed to her support.
Oma Hamou is the one who chose to tell her life story on the internet. She is the one who claimed to be a model, an actress, a movie producer, the president of an international charity, a woman on whom feature stories were being published, a woman who moved easily among senior government and church officials in Russia and elsewhere. As such, she presented herself as a public figure and consequently opened her life up to public scrutiny.
It’s too bad the scrutiny has led her to her current predicament.
At the end of the day, which one of us will be the one who will really be mortified by our involvement in this?
I can tell you right now, it won’t be me.
Blake sent this to me because he was having trouble posting. Happy to oblige.
Great minds and all that, Rob!
Handmaiden-who-is-Oma posted:
"Yes, ENIGMA got business cards for people that were involved with the company, however there was absolutely nothing fraudulent about it. Having corporate cards for people is very normal business practice."
As usual, if there's any truth at all in anything Hamou says, it's only a partial truth that serves her purpose.
Yes, corporate cards were issued. However, Hamou was the only owner, officer, and employee of that company. There was never a federal employer ID number issued to Enigma Films or her fake Sarskaia charity.
David Davidson was a contractor who provided proof to American Express that the card Hamou had issued in his name had never been used by him. American Express therefore dropped him from their lawsuit.
Ditto with Peggy Anderson and Mark Anderson.
The only other one who went down with Hamou on the American Express lawsuit was poor, elderly Don Morton. A card in his name was used to run up all kinds of charges, and the court issued judgment against this very elderly man in his 80's.
Now, what, exactly was a very old man with dementia doing for a "film company" that required him to have a credit card?
The woman is a slithering, twisting, lying snake.
So, Snoopy-who-is-Oma, enlighten us.
Why did Don Morton, a retired piano store owner in his 80's who had dementia, need a "corporate" American Express card for Enigma Films?
And why was David Davidson not even aware that a credit card had been issued in his name until he was hit with a bill -- and later a lawsuit -- from American Express? Or that Oma Hamou was the one running up charges on it?
Hamou told Davidson she needed his social security number for a contract. Instead, she used it to obtain a credit card in his name without his knowledge.
There are at least nine other social security numbers that have traced back to usage by Oma Hamou.
As I said -- a slithering, twisting, lying snake.
You might ask -- how would Hamou be able to get other people's social security numbers?
Simple. She invents pretexts to try to get people to divulge them.
David Davidson is an example. One does not need the other party's social security number to enter into a contract with them.
On another occasion, Hamou promised to pay the travel expenses to Russia of a woman who researches and writes on Russian history. She pretended to need the woman's social security number in order to help her with travel arrangements.
Fortunately, that woman smelled a rat and did not divulge her number (and, fortunately, thereby preserved the integrity of her credit history).
This is yet another window into the inner workings of the con game.
Hey, Russophile (aka Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland, Oregon) --
I've been trying to sort out the motivations of a woman such as you in supporting Oma Hamou's con games, and especially her victimization of the elderly. I was talking to Rob Moshein, and he offered to send me an email about you that someone forwarded to him a good while back.
It was back around the time of the last presidential election, and you had posted on some website that you knew of a factory where the 50 or so black employees had marched en masse into the personnel office and tendered their resignations, explaining that since Obama was going to be President, they weren't going to have to work any more.
Are you really that gullible? Or are you so venomously racist that you would propagate such a story in an attempt to harm an entire group of people?
Or both?
Mitz, RJ, Blake, Ms P, Thank you ALL for the nice birthday emails!
Darling boychik,
So many happy returns of the day!
And Blakele, are you kidding with that story? Surely it has to be a joke? On the other hand, if Darling Russophile Lady did actually believe that, it certainly explains how she can find darling Omele credible.
A gay Jew getting all uppity and taking a white woman to task for running cons.
Is that maybe what all Biernat's outrage is really about?
I'm a Gay DEMOCRAT Jew ex Lawyer, ex Californian now Texan. That all alone should be enough to rile her Blake.
You know, Oma Hamou has been using the alias of Alexandra McConnell with recent landlords, telling them that she has to use an alias because she is being stalked on the internet.
And she has been obtaining utilities using names such as Alexandra Murphy or through other people such as Steve Lee (knowing, I suppose, that utilities have tight systems for checking the histories of applicants for service).
I wonder what her reason was for using an alias back in the 1990's -- before any of us knew of her existence -- when she concealed her true identity in renting from Don Morton.
And I wonder why she can only produce an expired drivers license as identity instead of a current drivers license or state ID card. Is there some reason she cannot obtain a legitimate government ID?
That Oma Hamou and Russophile (aka Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland) make quite the team.
Here Biernat is posting fabrications on the internet meant to show what a shiftless bunch of lay-abouts black people are, just waiting for the next government handout.
Yet at the same time she is avidly defending a white woman -- who has no job and trashes the houses she rents -- with a felony conviction history who has been running cons for years, scamming men, faking illnesses, racking up a dozen and a half court judgments, rents homes she cannot afford using aliases, tries to buy time by passing bad checks, and then finally gets evicted.
By the way, Hamou's history of evictions goes back many years. This is not, as she claims, something that started because of "internet stallking" by Rob Moshein. Just ask Diane Apt, for instance.
A racist and a con artist. Quite a team.
I also was trying to reconcile "snoopy's" statements about Oma Hamou driving all over LA and getting pulled over, yet she didn't HAVE a valid Driver's License to show Eric Cowan....
Rob, I need to make a slight correction to an earlier post, now that you sent me the actual text of what Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland posted on the internet.
Here it is, posted on November 7, 2008:
"This from one of the blog sites I frequent:
This is something I heard from my mom.
Her friend does administrative work at a manufacturing plant.
She said over 50 of the black employees have cancelled their health
coverage in the 2 days after bho's election!!!
Can you believe the audacity(:)) of these people. Do they actually
think that bho is going to cover them for free? Are they that stupid
to think it will happen BEFORE obama is even in the white house?
This was the dumbest thing I have EVER heard.
Anyone else seen a case of "Obama Entitlement" as bad as this one?"
The audacity of these people?
Are they that stupid?
So it seems Michele Biernat not only "frequents" racist blogs. She also propagates the racist nonsense onto other websites.
Where was this posted? And you're sure it was by my BFF? And who is Debbie Apt?
Again, happy birthday, Rob! Hope you had a blast. I wound up making an omelette for one on Saturday night, as the Perfect Family was otherwise engaged.
As I said in the email, Blake, I think that Russophile has tied herself to this cause for all kinds of complex reasons. I don't think she will be able to coherently explain tham even if she does answer, having noticed in one of her posts that "Snoopy" and "Oma" have given her different versions of the same events. It is certainly fueled by her hatred for Atchison and Moshein, as in "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of thing. But objectively, she has to know that Hamou is sketchy. In any event, I don't think you will be getting "answers" to your questions from her.
Diane Apt.
One of the earlier generation of bilked landlords.
I was told that post about blacks came from some Russian history forum. Rob could maybe give you more detail.
Gloves off, I guess. Russophile decided to join this fray and to parrot Hamou's claim that Moshein and Atchison committed fraud, that Moshein is pure evil, and so forth.
Evil is an opinion. Repeating an accusation of fraud is actionable libel. So she can join Hamou in proving the allegation of fraud if she wants to do anything about this.
They didn't come from our Alexander Palace Forum. They came from a forum I don't participate in, run by King and Wilson.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"The court records from American Express proves we on this forum [her "Ask Oma" forum] are telling the truth"
What the court records prove is that Hamou was not in court. This was yet another of the numerous default judgements entered against her.
What the court records also prove is that Don Morton -- a man who worked his whole life to build a successful business -- ended his life under a court judgment for non-payment of debt due to having crossed paths with Oma Hamou after he developed dementia and lost his ability to protect himself.
Dear Mrs. Biernat,
Have a little caffeine, Russophile. It will perk you up. It might even sharpen your senses so much that you can finally detect when you are being hosed. I'm not throwing rocks. It took me several years. Has she asked for a loan yet? Because she will.
Say, has Oma Hamou made good on the NSF check she gave the Los Angeles Superior Court yet?? she "promised" she would...
Dear BFF,
I'm confused. Oma is admitting "bonehead" actions? But she is claiming that all of them were inadvertant, and that she has consequently been misunderstood? So what appears to be a series of actions that have resulted in harm to the Morton, Batchelor, Refai and Cowan families are actually just misunderstandings?
Very interesting. She takes statistical analysis off the charts if true.
I have to ask. Is story that Blake posted about the black workers and health care something you actually posted somewhere?
We now enter the 461st consecutive week without any law enforcement contact, with me or Bob since Oma Hamou/Alexandra McConnell started threatening it.
This is the 230thd consecutive week since Oma Hamou wrote to a Texas District Court Judge that she had in fact "sworn out complaints with the FBI and Attorney General's office" against me and Bob, with NOTHING HAPPENING.
NOTHING ever manages to happen... she says she HAS filed these complaints, but...Nothing. Go figure. At least they ADMIT THEY LIE ABOUT ANY CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AGAINST ME PERSONALLY FOR THESE FIVE YEARS!
As well as consecutive Week 265 for nothing happening in the most recent round of threat of lawsuits against us, since Bob won his suit against Oma Hamou.
TWO HUNDRED SIXTY SIX WEEKS, over 1,861 days, 66 months, over five and a half full years! 440 separate claims of "impending" "immediate" "we promise its happening" legal litigation, but nothing ever happens. Ask yourself what shred of credibility can anyone have who makes the same statement almost daily for OVER FIVE FULL YEARS, but never actually does anything.
And, NOTHING happening now for OVER ONE WHOLE YEAR on the fictional "Bill of Review"...Which is now dismissed for lack of prosecution according to Court guidelines under Local Rules.
We are also now past week 30 of the "TRO" being requested"tomorrow" or "by the end of the week..." "the lawyers are working on it"...Wasn't FAT debbie the one who "PROMISED" to post it the moment it was issued?? And a full FOURTEEN WEEKS now since "snoopy" said CLEARLY "is why a California Judge granted a restraining order against the Nut." It has a very short time in which it must be served, and only 15 days to be HEARD...(California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.6(c)
So far, it hasn't appeared...Nothing has, except of course learning the Oma Hamou was EVICTED for not paying rent in Palmdale this summer, and that she wrote a BAD CHECK to the Court for filing fees...
More threats, more veiled hints...MORE "complaints filed with the FBI" who still haven't come pounding on my door, much less have not even read my blog yet...AFTER EIGHT WHOLE WEEKS NOW. TWO WHOLE MONTHS. NADA
Have a great week guys.
Russophile posted:
"I spoke to Ms. Hamou at great length again this morning and she's trying to clean it up. And she is WELL aware she's made some bonehead moves."
And just how is moving into a four-bedroom four-bath home after two back-to-back evictions, a string of bad checks, and a recent $51,000 default judgment "trying to clean it up"?
I would say the "bonehead" moves continue unabated.
But why not? It's just another landlord who will again eat the problems she leaves in her wake, not she.
Sorry oma what be snoopy. I didn't recently write anyone, nor did Bob, or anybody else I know of, about "taking down your website". Sorry to disappoint you.
Must be, gee, Eric Cowan, Mrs. Batchelor, or any number of other people you have made libelous statements about....
Nothing new here once again. *yawn*
Once again, the Woman Who Sued Herself proves what a crack legal mind she is.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"the 2009 Refai case which Rob lies and says it was a proven case when in fact it wasn't they got it by DEFAULT."
In order to get a default judgment, the plaintiff has to meet the burden of showing that conduct occurred which is actionable.
If the defendant has been served notice of the trial but does not show, the court takes the plaintiff's case as PROVEN, as the defendant was unable or chose not to contest the facts presented by the plaintiff.
In no court in the land can a default judgment be set aside on the theory that nothing was "proven" simply because the defendant failed to show.
Hey, Rob.
Maybe the "FBI" did finally act on her complaint, and they are the ones trying to take down her website.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted yet again:
"Notice the words hand written by Mr. Morton about asking permission to use Enigma's Amex credit card."
This is actually nauseating.
Don Morton had dementia, you vile reptile, and you knew it.
Your pretense that he needed a "corporate" card to assist your shell production company with anything is patently absurd. What you needed was his credit history to get the card issued for your use.
For the same reason that the L.A. Police Elder Abuse Unit could not use Don Morton as a witness, any commitment you induced him to make in writing would be unenforceable. He was unable to recount his actions, including even his conversations, and unable to make sound decisions.
That's why the police could not build a case on his testimony, and it's why his family had to move in with him to rescue him from your clutches.
You try to escape the net of the law by choosing victims who are compromised: a demented octogenarian, an elderly widow with no local family, a married man who gets himself involved with you.
It's what con artists do.
Some, however, at least have the decency to leave the elderly and the disabled alone. Only the slimiest of that low breed target them.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"I quote the detective on that case she said, there was no evidence any crime had been committed."
But why was a detective even involved, Oma? Why have so many of your ventures over the years wound up in police conversations, beginning long before anyone here knew of your existence?
Your marriages wind up in police conversations. Your check writing winds up in police conversations. Your driving around winds up in police conversations. Your rental experiences wind up in police conversations.
What Detective Sherry Daniels (who transferred from Devonshire to Van Nuys and would be glad to talk to the Palmdale Sheriff Department) actually said was that there was plenty of evidence of a con, but that Don Morton's dementia and the things you got him to sign made him too unreliable a witness to use at trial.
And you never answered these questions:
Why did you use an alias when you moved in with Don Morton?
Why did he find out your real name only as the result of a police investigation?
Why did a demented man in his 80's need a "corporate" card for some fake film production company?
(I say fake, because the claims you made to Dun & Bradstreet that your company had a production site and roughly a hundred employees turned out to be false, which resulted in their delisting this shell company once they became aware of the fraud.)
Russophile (aka Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland) says you're just a remorseful little thing who has made some "boneheaded" moves.
I say you're a blood-sucking serpent who preys on anyone whose wallet you can snag, using aliases, sexual wiles, faked illnesses, hijacked social security numbers, and a mousy little voice dripping with perplexity and contrition.
(We've heard that voice and demeanor described by police detectives, by landlords, and by scam victims. If Russophile has, in fact, talked to you, I'm sure she's heard it, too. While it might work initially, it becomes chilling once people become aware of what it really masks. At least those capable of becoming aware.)
oh, and the only reason the Santa Monica District Attorney didn't prosecute the case about having Bob Atchison "removed" was because the only evidence was the Affidavit signed by J.L. and not actual recording of the conversation. There was evidence, however he felt the case wasn't strong enough without a recording.
His email:
This is J***. I am ready to sign the affidavit concerning Oma. She
needs to be stopped. She has now threatened me that she will only take down the shit on her website that she continues to post if I retract my statement to the
Santa Monica Detective. What I please need from you is his name and
number again. Please don't let this info get out. I do not want her to get wind of it.
OH, and this one that shows Oma distorts the things even her FRIENDS say to her own ends...
From the REAL Mike Newson:
From: "Mike Newson"
Date: June 24, 2004 10:34:53 PM CDT
To: ,
Cc: "J*** L*****" <*********@****.org>
Subject: RE: (no subject)
This message came to me from all three of you.
I am physically sick from all this, but Oma you are putting words in my
I HAVE to resign, yes, we had a verbal agreement, but I just can not
continue on. I can not live this way. I am feeling suffocated, the room
seems to come close and then go away.
It seems that whatever I say gets sent out as a weapon. I told you that I
received some messages from Bob that for all intents and purposes asked, was
I really out of the picture as your webmaster, not all this, I did not say
that the communications were in any way threatening.
Defend you is one thing, become a weapon is another. I resigned verbally
some days ago, and formalized it today in an eMail. It has got to the point
now that just seeing messages from any of you, puts me in the bathroom. This is no way to live! I understand that there may be legal consequences in which I will have to respond, but otherwise I have to ask that I not be a part of this war of words any longer. I feel so sick, that I almost fear for
my life because of all this.
and what OMA SAID:
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:03 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Bob,
Mike is terribly afraid of you and John's threats. So afraid that he is
physically sick and tommorrow will speak with his own attorney concerning
You threatened him to name him as an accomplice in this lie of yours, that I
hired someone to kill you. Mike's report is with the FBI and the Austin,
Police Department. Your threatened him today that you are going to name him
in the
civil lawsuit, ok, don't you get it, you opened a criminal investigation and
your threats are now a part of the record.
Mike will speak with his own attorney, not with yours, like you tricked him
before, but with his. You caused this man, my friend to suffer great mental
anguish, because you told him that you would name him in a criminal
of being an accomplice for murder for hire. You threatened to also name him
in our civil lawsuit, well I am not threatening but telling you along with
Pallasart your friends are already implicated in our lawsuit.
Mike is at this moment vomiting. You have no right to continue to send to
letters or threaten him with a civil lawsuit. Once this "criminal"
investigation is over Mike can prosecute you for civil damages, I am going
to make
reference to what you have caused to happen between someone under contract
Enigma. He didn't quit because of non payment we had an agrement, he quit
of your threats and your interfering in my business affairs, the FBI and the
Austin police already have his statement.
This is an open invetigation to prove who's telling the truth!
You threatened Mike again, today 3 letters and 1 telephone call.
OOPSIE: Seems Oma's own FRIEND contradicted what she said...
yes Oma, please DO publish the letter from Dunn & Bradstreet. All it said was that the information was THEIR proprietary information. Note by the way that that report is STILL UP on the web and D&B could care less. The letter says NOTHING about it being "lies" or any of the other crap.
The D&B report WAS full of lies, LIES TOLD TO THEM BY OMA HAMOU.
Why wasn't it made up by others? Simple. Oma claimed to be a member of Women in Film in that report. She wasn't when they checked. HOWEVER three months later once she had the AmEx card in her hand, she JOINED to PROVE that claim was 'true'.
Here, enjoy:
Shall I post the other three pages?
Notice the first sentence: In a previous interview with Oma Hamou, principal.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"I never moved into Mr. Morton's residence."
Okay, "Snoopy". I'll play your little game.
Why did Oma move into Don Morton's house using an alias?
ummm, moron. I know what the D&B letter says because you've posted it like forty five times over the years...
Besides, Pallasart isn't posting it. I AM. It is public record from a Texas District Court.
Hoo, boy. Isn't this rich? Hamou is back up to her constant refrain that, no matter what she does, it's always, always, always her victim's fault.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
" the Cowan case well, the checks were made good and there was a UD filed in the matter, my personal opinion and mine alone is Cowan saw Oma as a mark. The attorney who advised Oma not to move into Mr. Cowan and another attorney says the ad Cowan ran was a scam – thank God those attorneys names and the ads itself have been provided to law enforcement."
So she's now accusing Cowan -- the landlord to whom she passed back checks from closed and empty accounts and who got a court judgment of eviction on her -- of being the one who ran the scam.
Russophile (aka Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland), you must be really proud of your girl for this one.
And Mr. Cowan, I hear you read the blog today. If you want to contact Rob Moshein, he can assist you with getting some help if you want to retain a lawyer to go to the police or to file a libel suit against Hamou.
Seriously Blake, to listen to Oma Hamou's tales, she has a lifetime of a "series of unfortunate events".
Alcoholic abusive priest father. Runs away to Hollywood were the mysterious "Abba" befriends her for a time. Gets knocked up at an early age.
Marries another "abusive" much older man, who rapes her at gunpoint, beats her often, then arranges circumstances with a fake police officer to arrange for Oma to get arrested, charged and convicted of THREE FELONY CHARGES in three different states, all HIS fault.
Each time she is arrested for felony violation of her probation, EACH time was some sort of Judicial "mistake".
She moves into the house of ANOTHER much older man, Don Morton, who also coincidentally has an EVIL son and daughter in law who have it out for Oma.
Some mysterious "man" files a "false" report with Dunn & Bradstreet which "mistakenly" says the interview was "with Oma Hamou"
Bob Atchison then concocts a decade long series of "lies and falsehoods" that cause Oma Hamou to incur hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt that ARE NOT OMA's FAULT.
EACH AND EVERY creditor is out to scam Oma. Bob, Boardrush, Mrs. Batchelor, Eric Cowan.
She writes dozens of bad checks over the last decade, but NONE are her fault. ALL 'mistakes'...
Mysterious never identified criminals "rape her" at the behest of what they read on the internet.
Police invite her in for investigation some half dozen times, ALL of which are mistakes or "frauds"...
Law Enforcement murders her pets, but then believe every word she says.
She has mysterious, but serious, unrelated cancers in the breast, colon and rectum...YET she somehow manages to pay all those medical bills without any income (by her own sworn testimony).
She is ripped off by older men who fake promissory notes to "bilk" fifty thousand dollars from a woman who he KNOWS has no money or assets...
But, Biernat believes all of this to be true...
Yeah, right.
Darling Russophile Lady,
If Oma Hamou is the "dumbest" crook on the planet, darling, and let's face it, there is a strong possibility that she is, how smart are you, darling, for aiding and abetting her? If everyone posting here is really darling Robbele or Bob, darling, at least they have some reason for the fight, which kind of stops them from being sociopaths, darling. On the other hand, darling Russophile Lady, you have inserted yourself onto the forums, calling darling Robbele "evil" ( a word that I would reserve for Hitler, darling, not someone who hurt your feelings by trying to bar you from an internet posting board. See the difference? Maybe you don't, darling, given it's you, but try, darling, try), and generally carrying on like this is your fight, darling. Before I call Robbele a "sociopath", darling, I think I'd take a long look in a mirror.
Just a thought, darling, posted by someone who cares.
Darling Russophile Lady,
18 to 24 alcoholic drinks a week? Where were you going to hear that, the Manischevitz Insurance Company? Oy, darling, your church can't approve of that, they don't even let you have coffee, darling!
But of course you're not an alcoholic, darling. Alcoholics are prone to blind rages, intemperate language, irrational behavior, all sorts of . . . . oh.
Still caring for you, darling, every 12 step of the way!
Russophile (aka Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland) posted:
"I hope Ms. Hamou comes back stronger than ever."
Amen, sister.
The L.A. basin is chock full of elderly and disabled people who have not yet been scammed. The energy drain will be enormous.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"It is a well documented fact Mr. Morton and his wife did whatever they wanted to do with their money, they never asked their family permission for anything, that they gave to E. Morton's sister in excess of $20,000 who unlike Oma never repaid anything back or to countless others and there are lots of people who will testify under oath that they were provided lots of money some received more than what Oma ever received from Mr. Morton."
Yet the Mortons never went to the police about any of these other people, did they, "Snoopy"?
It was all right for Hamou to con Don Morton because his family did what they chose with their money, and other people were given money. (In other words, since other people were given money, Oma was entitled to take what she wanted by whatever means necessary.)
It was all right for Hamou to welch on six months of rent to Cowan, to write him checks on closed and empty accounts, to claim cancer in attempts to duck payment -- all because Cowan spent his money on a girlfriend or made a divorce settlement with his wife. (In other words, since other people were given money, Oma was entitled to take what she wanted by whatever means necessary.)
This is classic sociopathic thinking.
Note the widely-recognized traits of a sociopath:
- Glibness/Superficial Charm
- Manipulative and Conning
- Grandiose Sense of Self
- Pathological Lying
- Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
- Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
- Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
- Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
- Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
- Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation
- Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
- Unable to feel remorse or guilt
- Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)
Mr. Springpasture:
That is as accurate a description of her as I have ever heard. You are so right! She thinks she is ENTITLED to everything because she was poor as a kid, and also because she thinks she is so smart and everybody else is so stupid. You know what? I kind of hate to say it because it sounds bad but she was right a couple of times about that. Yeah the Mortons eventually went to the cops but look at all of the shit she was able to pull off about the "movie" like going to Russia and faking out all of the people over there for a while. They caught on in the end like those two people who had her evicted but in the meantime people are out of money and she has it. But sociapath is the right word for sure. She has no connection to ANYONE. Everyone is someone THAT CAN BE USED. MIKE AND I KNOW THIS IS TRUE BECAUSE SHE DID IT TO US.
Yep, Justin.
"look at all of the shit she was able to pull off about the 'movie' like going to Russia and faking out all of the people over there for a while"
That's the "Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility" at work.
The "Parasitic Lifestyle"? Ask Jim Sproul, or Hamid Refai, or Marcus Demian, or Don Morton, or pretty much any older man she sidles up to.
The "Grandiose Sense of Self" is illustrated by her bragging that she's now living in a four-bedroom, four-bath house, even though she's been booted from the last two houses after passing bad checks to pay rent.
"Narcissism, grandiosity (self-importance not based on achievements)"? Claiming to be an actress, a movie producer, the CEO of an international charitable foundation, a correspondent with senior government and church officials when, in fact, there are no acting credits, no movie, a fake production company with no facilities or employees, a phone number for the charity that rang at a bank branch that had never heard of her, etc.
"Glibness/Supercificial Charm"? Exactly what Eric Cowan described. Exactly what Detective Sherry Daniels described. Exactly what drew Don Morton, Marcus Demian, Hamid Refai, and other men in.
"Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity"? Having a baby out of wedlock. Sending salacious faxes to an octogenarian to extract money from him. Setting up married men such as Refai for cons. Plastering the internet with pictures of her scantily-clad self in provocative poses.
"Pathological Lying"? Claiming she had colon cancer that spread to the uterus. Claiming constant hospitalizations every time she owes money. Claiming she signed no promissory note to Refai until it showed up in a public record. Claiming an identity thief was the person really charged for driving with no license, insurance, or registration. Claiming she was never served in the Refai case, despite a court record to the contrary. Claiming Cowan ran a scam on her. Claiming she has people under police investigation who (unlike her) have never been contacted by the police. And on and on and on and on.
"Manipulative and Conning"? Again, too many examples to list in one post.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"They [the Mortons] went to law enforcement because they found out about Oma's criminal past involving her marriage to a then Marcus Demian and it concerned them."
And how did the Mortons find out about Hamou's criminal past?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma responded:
"Mr. Morton himself told them he was proud of the obstacles Oma had overcome in her life and expressed this to his family."
Yes, yes. I'm sure Don Morton was proud of Oma. Just as the District Attorney who prosecuted her for more than a year for felony forgery admired her deeply.
But you still didn't answer the question.
How did the Morton's find out about Hamou's "criminal past"?
Poor Oma, she's clearly falling apart now, flailing, smoke curling out of her ears. I'll be she hasn't been to bed yet...
Don't twist the reality there Oma. About those harassing emails...
The FIRST ONE, "stan sutherkind" was traced directly to YOUR ROOM at the Hilton Garden Inn, exactly when the front desk confirmed you were there. The other one, that I at first traced to DFW airport, well, see, I called them to find out exactly what part of the airport that IP server serviced. They told me that THAT block of servers was leased to the Marriott Hotel Chain for use by all of their AUSTIN HOTELS...and YOU were IN ONE that night.
Nice try.
OH, and Oma, do 'splain just WHY Edna Morton would tell me herself on the phone that YOU paid Edna's sister Rose, using DON'S MONEY, to write the script "As A Matter of Honour"??
Now, WHY would she make that up?? and just HOW convenient was it that for a decade your alias name for your "secretary" was Rose??? hmmmmm??
OH, and stop saying Judge Livingston said ANYTHING about "crimes"...please do quote exactly where she said that...
My, my. Another few explosions from Snoopy-who-is-Oma, but still no answer to my simple question:
How did the Mortons find out about Hamou's "criminal past"?
Well, since she won't answer the question, I guess I'll have to.
They found out when they went to the Devonshire precinct Elder Abuse Unit to file a complaint about a woman who was conning Don Morton out of money. Detective Daniels started an investigation and found that the woman was using an alias and was really Oma Hamou, whose criminal history she quickly encountered.
And, Russophile (aka Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland), glad to see you have time today to help Anonymous One with THE PROJECT.
Tell me -- just how hard is it to find a site that will host a KKK rally?
Say Blake, if Biernat doesn't CARE what you write, then WHY does she keep on posting on and on about WHAT you post?
And about the "project", she's been "slyly", ok, blatantly alluding to it since before Hamou filed for Bankruptcy..just HOW long DOES it take??
Say Oma who is of course snoopy, since YOU are so big on demanding proof, how's about YOU PROVE the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg said all those things and denied that letter was genuine. Go on. I'll wait whilst you post those docs.
and really Oma, can't you come up with anything NEW to post...You keep posting four, five, six year old crap over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
at least I keep finding new arrests, unpaid judgments, evictions on YOU...
So, Oma.
You have protested that you never received any money from Hamid Refai and that his case against you and Jim Sproul was fraudulent.
Why, then, did you call his attorney's office last week to discuss a settlement ....... and then suddenly hang up when they asked you for a call back number?
Why would you be trying to settle a case where you were the one defrauded?
By the way, they hope your "cancer" has cleared up. Even so, they weren't real happy that you've been posting on the internet that Refai lied to the court about giving you money.
Gee, Oma. You must be the most perjured-against human on earth.
Bob Atchison won a judgment against you by committing perjury.
Hamid Refai won a judgment against you by committing perjury.
Refai's process servers committed perjury in falsely swearing that you and Sproul had been served.
Eric Cowan committed perjury in getting you evicted.
You poor, poor thing.
But here's an interesting question. You scammed Refai to make court-ordered victim restitution to Mrs. Batchelor and to avoid prison for felony forgery.
Who are you conning right now to try to pay Refai?
And whatever happened to Jim Sproul? Why hasn't he ponied up the money for being your guarantor to Refai?
Did you finally cross some line with that old scumbag that even he couldn't cross?
Guess we'll just have to wait until the next case surfaces.
And it will.
Date: July 30, 2004 11:20:48 AM CDT
Dear Bob,
So you have the letters that I wrote to Father Markell. During your deposition and in Discovery you can tell me how you came to posess these private communications. :) These letters do not equate embezzling money from any bank nor do they prove any of your allegation and are not an excuse for what you've done to me.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Mr. Refai has supported many women in the AV area which is also a well documented fact."
So once again we get the explanation that, since people willingly give money to others, Oma Hamou becomes entitled to scam them for what she views as her fair share.
Because Cowan spent money on a girlfriend, Hamou was entitled to bilk him on rent.
Because Refai freely gives money to some people, Hamou (using an alias) was entitled to con it out of him.
Because Don Morton distributed money to family members, Hamou (using an alias) was entitled to extract her fair share.
This is really an extraordinary illustration of Sociopathy on Parade.
And by the way, you dimwit, there is nothing illegal in contacting an attorney of record to inquire about a case in the public record and to pass along any information freely given.
What is illegal is to claim a person perjured himself when he told a court he had disbursed money -- and has the cancelled checks to prove he did.
And another thing, dimwit. If you really did have an attorney in the Refai matter, that attorney would have contacted Refai's attorney to discuss resolution -- not some con artist who hangs up the phone the instant she's asked for a call back number.
It simply amazes me how your (and Russophile's) stupidity causes you to think others are as dense.
Oh, and Bob got the letter to the Metropolitan of St.Petersburg from Vladimir, who had the copy to TRANSLATE into Russian for Oma. Vladimir was Oma's driver in Russia, who got scammed by Oma for money, as did friends of his, so he turned over all the documents he had to Bob.
OH, and Det. Daniels told me that Oma Hamou was most clever in taking the money from Don. She only forged his signature on ONE check. All the others, she had created fake invoices and bills for Don to pay, so that it WAS Don's signature on those checks. Sadly, by the time Edna and Randy Morton discovered the scam and got all the bank records, cancelled checks and invoices to the LAPD, the Statue of Limitations had lapsed.
Isn't it interesting how frequently people who have been scammed are willing to share their experiences (and their documents)? And how openly lawyers and the police will share their information in an effort to expose a con artist.
Poor Oma, still flailing and can't think straight anymore.
WHICH ONE IS IT OMA? First you say Hamid Refai NEVER GAVE YOU THE MONEY so he committed perjury
So which is it??
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"One: He [Refai] won his lawsuit by default. Two: There are no canceled checks therefore this makes your story a bunch of bullshit."
Well, Refai's attorney must have been mistaken. Why don't you call him back and straighten him out?
They're waiting to hear from you again.
You can also explain to them that there was no promissory note, either, and that their client faked that document, too.
Edna Morton shared.
Det. Daniels shared
Monique Hahn shared
Rio at Wild West Productions shared
Det. Coltrane shared
Vladimir shared
Nadezhda shared
Father Markell shared
Two people in Sautov's office shared (but I won't say in public because Oma will harass them)
Scott Landerstesee shared
Kirk Monroe shared
The AmEx attorney shared
NTT/Verio's attorney shared
Global Insights's attorney shared
Variety Magazine shared
Tim Cox shared
Marcus Demian shared
Perry Demian shared
Mrs. Batchelor's son shared
Hamid Refai's attorney shared
Eric Cowan shared
Forgot some:
Greg King shared
Penny Wilson shared
Tina VanVeen shared
the Lupolis shared
The Santa Monica PD shared
James Vicio at TransMedia shared
Chris Malish shared
Nadia in Russia shared
Helen Azar shared
Michael G shared
Oh, Biernat (of Benefit Design Group in Portland) just got her wig twisted because you booted her from a Russian history forum.
She can rant it's about all kinds of other things, but the bottom line is that if you had let her stay on that forum, she'd never have thrown her lot in with the likes of Oma Hamou -- a serial con artist who scams even disabled elderly people.
After I read her racist post about black people, though, I'm surprised she wasn't booted from that forum, too. Although some people did tell me that she later got her wine-swizzling ass so thoroughly handed to her over some Tea Party crap that she kind of skulked off on her own.
RJ seems to have a similar google problem as Blake had the other day.
Here you go Rebecca:
Rebecca Jordan has left a new comment on the post "Why I Must Defend Myself From Oma Hamou aka Alexan...":
So the Penny to whom my BFF is referring is Penny Wilson, the author? For a second I thought that she was accusing poor Penelope Autumnvale of playing both sides.
I give you credit for loyalty, BFF. You're going down with the ship. You do realize that Blake has been merrily calling people like Mr. Refai's lawyer and all of the others she has maligned on her website to let them know what is going on? I just got off the phone with him, and he says that they are not "happy", to put it mildly. I don't see why he would lie.
I also don't see how the racist remark about blacks quitting their healthcare program because Obama was going to be elected was taken out of context. Either you wrote it or you didn't, and apparently you did. The fact that it was posted on a site to which not everyone had access (like a private version of this website) doesn't give posters a license to kill. Everything on the internet is just a copy and paste away from being public knowledge, as poor Oma has discovered to her sorrow. I mean, really, Oma or Snoopy or whatever you want us to call you. All you are saying at this point is that everything is libelous and defamatory. I suppose it isn't pleasant to be called a snake or a dimwit, but everything else that has been posted --- the judgments, the evictions, the statements by the people involved --- these are true. And as one of you always says, it isn't libel if it's true. You have lost every single encounter with the law that you ever had, and girlfriend, you have had a lot of them. Blake has a point. God knows what poor sap is currently getting a little touch of Oma in the night in order to free up funds from his bank account to get our girl off the hook with Refai and Cowan.
HEY BIERNAT! While talking on the phone with Rebecca, about posting that missing post of her's, I had a great idea:
SINCE you believe in Oma Hamou so thoroughly
AND you believe she is so sincere to make things right
AND you are such a good friend
FLY her and all her cats up to Portland.
Put them up in your house until you help find her a suitable Four Bed Four Bath house
GIVE her a JOB at Benefit Design Group, let her loose with all the files of all your customers. I'm sure she will be of great help to you.
You game?
(I didn't think so)
Uh, Snoopy-who-is-Oma. Just what was "sadastic" [sic] about Rob's suggestion about going to Portland?
That you have to live with Biernat?
That you get a job?
CLEARLY Blake, she must find getting a genuine JOB to be Sadastic (sic) sick, and cruel. Lord knows she hasn't HAD one for over a decade.(The "Parasitic Lifestyle")
She wants to be a MOTION PICTURE EXECUTIVE! You know, Grandiose Sense of Self/Lack of Realistic Life Plan
Russophile posted:
"Moshein NEVER booted me from the history forum. EVER. I CHOSE To leave."
Then what has been the point of your earlier posts here and elsewhere crowing that you could still read the history forum even though Moshein had banned you and that people were sending you things from the "members only" section of that forum that you could no longer access?
You were clearly interested in keeping track of what was going on at a forum you had supposedly "chosen" to leave.
And sure, you "chose" to leave the forum only after it became clear Moshein was about to ban you -- which he, in fact, did.
It's sort of like being called into an employer's office for discipline and saying, "you can't fire me. I quit!"
It must be frustrating to hotly detest someone yet still fume obsessively over not getting invited to his parties anymore.
Ban name: Russophile
Expiration: Never
Ban will expire after: day(s)
Expired / disabled
Reason for ban, to be displayed to banned member: violent lunatics not welcome here.
Notes that may assist other staff members.
Restriction: Full ban
Banned entity
IP Location: United States United States Portland Benefit Design Group Llc
Resolve Host:
Darling Robbele,
I've been asking for weeks why her friends don't help the poor woman out! And they never respond, just carry on about how sadastic people are? Darlings, what is so wrong about trying to help this poor woman get some kind of control of her life??? You say you care about her, darlings, but you let her get herself in hot water with the law time and again, get herself thrown out of every house she lives in lately, and wind up with no money, no visible means of support??? Don't you care?
Because Mitzi does, darlings!
Poor Hamou.
First there was a "draft" copy of her famous Bill of Review, in which she accidentally tried to file suit against herself. (Lawyer error, of course.)
Then there was the "draft" copy of the Bill of Review, in which she basically told the court that this one was sort of a place holder, and she'd get back to them later (after the deadline for filing, to boot) with the information necessary to support the filing.
Now there's a "draft" copy of a Bill of Review that can never be filed (which, of course, is the only reason she thinks it's safe to post the pile of nonsense) because the deadline passed months ago.
And, of course, there has always been the problem that the court would never have granted a Bill of Review, anyway, because an appeal -- which, of course, was never filed -- was the appropriate vehicle for challenging the verdict Bob Atchison obtained against her from a jury.
This is one of Hamou's grifter tricks -- talk endlessly about lawsuits, police investigations, prosecutions that are "in the works", "about to be filed", "waiting for evidence to be delivered", "being drafted", "having the final tweaks made by the lawyers". And pretend all of them are real.
It's been going on for years. And what has actually happened during that time?
To the target(s) of all these supposed legal actions:
To her:
Another felony arrest. An outstanding bench warrant. Several other lost lawsuits. At least two evictions. Slews of checks on closed or empty accounts. At least two police investigations targeted at her.
Oh, yeah. And a blog that has taken information that was once only posted on passworded sites and moved it onto the open internet, where her last three victims and yet another police agency have become aware of her history of aliases, cons, and convictions.
No wonder just one teensy little phone conversation for an update with a victim's lawyer can set her off to throwing shit at the wall like a Tasmanian devil on speed.
Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland posted:
"Wow blake. Wrong again. Moshein NEVER booted me from the history forum. EVER. I CHOSE To leave. But hey, keep up with the sociopathic lies."
Well, now that Moshein has posted the actual ban notice, we see who the sociopathic liar is.
And Biernat seems to forget that she has posted about this ban notice herself on earlier occasions.
But I found this to be a more interesting post from Biernat:
"Russo never forgets. Never."
My, my. Is this yet another reference to her sending her soldiering sons to "drop by" on people who piss her off the next time they're home on leave from Afghanistan?
Or is she letting us know she's one of them tough mommas who pack heat at Tea Party rallies to let them f---- liberals know where the bear shits?
Or is it a reminder that she can do things such as throw a former husband's prosthetic leg out the window when he crosses her? (We're not the only ones who have been sent things from passworded forums. But I do kind of see now why she is fine with Hamou's conning the elderly and disabled.)
Hey, Oma. I saw your post where you explained that you did not know the Reseda Glass checking account in Florida had been closed when you used it to write a rent check to Cowan.
But what you didn't explain was why you had that checkbook in the first place. And why you thought you could use the funds of Reseda Glass to pay your rent.
Did Jim Sproul let you have the checkbook for the purpose of using it to write bad checks? Or did you obtain it from him under false pretenses? Or did you just steal it?
Is this why he refused to cover your ass on the Refai promissory note?
Big whoop, Oma, that you saw Mike Pyles was logged in to the AP forum. He's only been a member there for years and has put up around 3,000 posts. But a couple of other people noticed he was back too, so I gave him a call to see what's up.
Turns out he's been asked to give a guest lecture series on Russian history for the continuing education program at a university near where he lives so he's starting to refer back to some AP discussions as part of his preparation. He said I'd be seeing him logged in frequently for a while but he doubts he's going to do much posting as he's got a lot else going on.
I gave him an update of what's been going on with you lately. He said he'd "start bothering with you again when they ask him to do a lecture series on criminology."
and big whoop that I got fired nine years ago. The company was going to be sold to the son of the owner as the owner was in his late 70s and wanted to retire. The son died unexpectedly during surgery to remove a tumor. The owner then had to place the company up for sale, so he fired everyone who wasn't "essential" personnel, as Chain Wine Buyer, he didn't think I was "essential" Six weeks later, the chain that bought him out hired me right back... Big whoop indeed.
At least I HAVE an employment history for the last 25 years Oma...guess you're jealous you can't make the same claim...
"I just want to say, again -- I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm not an awful person, Mr. Slater. And you think I'm so awful, and I'm really not, you know. That's all I want to say to you... "
yep,that's what Bob Atchison said. AND HE MEANT IT. That was about as honest a statement as one can find anywhere. Notice how Oma wants to twist that honesty to appear somehow "bad"
Time's silence on that is a stunning statement after six years. As my Grandma Rose used to tell me "Sometimes G-d says NO by not answering"
BECAUSE Oma Hamou WANTS the FBI to investigate, they will drop what they're doing and race to the investigation.
"Grandiose Self Worth"
Maybe the FBI says "NO" by not answering too...That's where my money is.
Oma, thanks for the umpteenth repostings of all those photos of angels, you holding a candle and gazing beatifically (athough somewhat moose-jawed) into the ceiling, that rather strange shot of Oma-as-Empress, and the never-to-be-missed horse and bare breast shots. They are uplifting as always (in the sense that they never fail to crack me up).
Now I know difficult questions always bring out the wardrobe mistress and the prop master in you. But you forgot to answer my very simple question:
Why were you in possession of a business checkbook for Reseda Glass and trying to use it to pay your rent?
I just had an interesting conversation with someone at Nancy's Reseda Screen & Glass. Jim Sproul had sold this business to them in 1999, but they are no longer speaking to him because they found out Sproul was going around telling people they stole the business from him.
I asked about an Oma Hamou. I was told that she was Sproul's "girlfriend" and people periodically come by asking for her, usually because she has written a check on a closed account for Reseda Screen & Glass. They've been told Hamou stole these checks from Sproul.
A while back, a private investigator came by looking for Sproul and Hamou. They had bought a used BMW by promising to take over the loan note, but they did not make the payments and had disappeared -- along with the car, of course.
So -- no need for "Snoopy" to come up with one of his bullshit stories about how Hamou came to be in possession of a Reseda Screen & Glass checkbook.
Thurber Place in Burbank mean anything to anyone here?
Oh, yeah. Almost forgot.
There was also a very disturbing story about a Thomas Maxwell, Sproul's partner. Something about cleaning out the business account of $30,000 that went to Oma and Maxwell committing suicide. Very seamy stuff.
Good God, Blake! The stuff that is turning up is simply incredible, if sadly believable. So Nancy and Reseda join the list of those who have been burned by Oma Hamou. Eventually there will be enough people in this club that they should consider a class action suit.
And you still think that she is just misunderstood, BFF? Gloryosky, girlfriend!
Keep it coming, Blake, this stuff is fascinating.
In line with what she is posting, Rob --- have you ever been contacted by the San Bernadino Police Department about an alleged complaint by Alexandra Murphy?
Where is Jim Sproul currently in all of this? Has he thrown her under the bus in the Refai matter? I wonder if he is still contributing $2500 a month for her upkeep?
I know very little about Marcus Demian, other than that he was not convicted when she accused him of abuse. Is he still alive? Does he know that this woman to whom he was married is routinely abusing him on the internet (along with Messrs. Cowan, Refai, Atchison, Moshein and others)?
I notice she is now backing off on the rhetoric about the FBI to merely expressing the pious hope that truth, justice and the Oma Hamou version --- which pretty much eliminates the truth and justice parts --- prevail. Of course, if there was any evidence at all that there is an FBI investigation (and I swear under pain of perjury according to the laws of New York and the ENTIRE UNITED STATES and anywhere else you want to throw into the equation that there IS NOT, BECAUSE I CALLED THE FBI OFFICE IN NEW YORK AND THEY TOLD ME THERE WAS NOT), then I suppose Ms. Hamou would have that to look forward to. Except, of course, that she doesn't.
If you'll excuse me for using plain language, girlfriend, you are one crazy bitch. Thank God you don't read any of this (ho, ho, ho), so you won't know I said it.
I don't know if you are interested in musicals, BFF. I go to a lot of them. Did you ever see Evita?
At one point Evita Peron is touring Italy after the war as part of some kind of Argentinian Good Will tour. The Italians, fresh off the Mussolini experience, are less than enchanted to have her there because they regard the Peronist regime as "fascist". She is being escorted by an elderly man when she hears shouts from the crowd.
EVITA: Did you hear that? They called me a whore! They actually called me a whore!
ELDERLY MAN: Signora Peron, it's an easy mistake. I'm still called an admiral though I gave up the sea long ago.
If Rob is not a practicing lawyer, he is still a lawyer. I leave the rest to you, BFF, and Evita Hamou.
Just had a very interesting chat with Eric Cowan's "girlfriend" who, by the way, works in a law office.
They were not aware of what "Snoopy" has been posting on the "Ask Oma" forum about Cowan's running a scam against Hamou. Until now, of course.
But I did hear things like there have been other UD's filed that Hamou succeeded in having sealed. She tried to convince the judge in the Cowan case to seal the record, too, claiming that she is raising small children, that there has been gunfire aimed at her house because of stalkers, that she has been shot at herself. However, Mr. Cowan's "girlfriend" knew enough about the law to block the sealing of the record.
She also mentions another problem with a landlord we are going soon to know more about. Something about that house having to be sold at rock bottom price because of cat smells and animals buried in the back yard.
I wonder what the sheriff lady in Palmdale will think about this new information about the missing BMW, the other bad checks on Reseda Screen & Glass, etc.
Just got back home. Been to the bank, post office, car wash, cleaners, grocery store for the last four hours. Have all the receipts to prove that I haven't been near my computer. ALSO glad to provide my cell phone records, to prove that I swear under penalty of perjury in the State of Texas and in Federal Court that I have NOT spoken to ANYONE at Nancy's Reseda Screen and glass, and since I never spoke to anyone there, the statement that I told ANYONE there I was an attorney in Austin Texas investigating a case or anything even remotely close to that is a DELIBERATE LIE AND INTENTIONAL FALSEHOOD.
Notice how slippery Oma Hamou pretending to be snoopy is here:
"the address on any checking account belonging to Reseda Glass would not have Nancy's Reseda Glass & Screen. "
Of course not. The checks were the OLD CHECKS from before Sproul sold the company...
"I swear under the penalty of perjury I know for a fact Oma has never owned a BMW and or leased one"
OF COURSE YOU CAN. Oma Hamou can't OWN something she NEVER PAID FOR. She can't LEASE anything she never paid for...What Oma Hamou is alleged to have done, with accomplice Jim Sproul, is called GRAND THEFT AUTO.
"Mr. Moshein just admitted he's the Blake persona" REALLY? funny I don't see that statement please PROVE that statement. You can't.
I spoke to Blake on the phone. He was quite clear that he did not GIVE ANY NAME to the person at Nancy's Reseda Screen & Glass. He said he CERTAINLY would never have used my name. I had no idea he was speaking to them.
Further, he told me that the woman there he spoke to gave him permission to post this information, and that IF Oma Hamou (or sockpuppets) called the company to ask, she would just HANG UP ON THEM, as she has no desire to speak to her. She has enough on her hands what with all the private investigators, police officers and various and sundry creditors who come by regularly asking after Oma Hamou.
Isn't it INTERESTING that YET AGAIN another person step up to SHARE about Oma Hamou...
and more to come...
Who said anything about calling Nancy's Reseda Screen & Glass? I said I had a conversation with them.
Well, it's getting pretty clear that this Jim Sproul character is a lot more involved in Hamou's cons than we had realized.
They were working together on the Refai scam. They are working together in opening and closing Reseda Screen & Glass accounts at Bank of America in order to pass bad checks. And they are working together to scam people out of cars.
No wonder Hamou was arrested in L.A. County for driving a car with no license, registration, and insurance and then failed to appear for trial. (Case Number LAX7WA02012-01)
So, Oma is in the FBI office again today.
Funny how the day the news broke about the bad checks she passed to Cowan, she was in the FBI office.
Today, when news breaks about her involvement with Jim Sproul and their joint scams, she's again in the FBI office.
What is wrong with those agents? Why are they making her spend all this money on gas? Can't they go ahead and arrest us all and spare her and Debbie all the driving?
Especially with all those bullets flying and with all those small kids she's raising.
It must be particularly terrifying for Debbie. That would be one hard woman to miss.
Oh, dear, this is most worrisome.
I notice that pictures of Ms. Hamou / McConnell with her breasts bared often show up on her website when the poor thing gets herself backed into a corner.
You can imagine why today's revelations have me anxious that we're in for some full frontal shots.
Please, dear. I know all the driving and the flying bullets and having to put yourself under the protection of the FBI must be horribly stressful.
But do your best to keep your panties on, dear. Please, do try. A lady would.
Over HERE. NO. HERE...We're home.
Done with dinner. Come on by!
We're waiting. There is some cake left from Bob's birthday Tuesday. Italian Cream Cake. Its good. I'll make some coffee. Come by!!!
While you have Oma over there, ask for the police reports for the "gun shots" fired at her house that she swore to the Court were true.
Ask about that BMW. AND the bad checks and the OTHER evictions between Batchelor and Cowan.
See Oma. Your threats are tired, old boring and frankly, unoriginal.
I wish you no harm. You seem quite capable of bringing a whole MESS of trouble down on yourself, without any outside help.
Don't scream. I'll be posting lots of new stuff soon....
Nighty night. Hope the FBI offer you Italian Cream Cake and coffee...
Darlings! Cake and coffee! So sweet!
Blakele, she is scamming people out of cars? This is in addition to destroying homes she lives in and then trying to skip out on the rent?Omele, darling, what's left? Are you going to start knocking over banks, darling?
And Pennele, sweetness, I know what you mean! Always with the girls about to fall out in front of G-d and everybody! Does little Imperial or whatever the darling boy's name is know that is mother is putting the family business up for display all over the internet?
And Snoopele, darling, if there really is a you, which of course there isn't, but for the sake of argument, darling, does darling Omele know that you are littering the internet with pictures of her? Maybe that's why she's terrified, darling! Did you ever think of that?
And Darling Russophile Lady, have a glass of wine and calm down, you're incoherent. All you seem to be able to do is stick your tongue out at people and make ridiculous threats: "Russo never forgets!" Really, darling? Because you seem to have forgotten every bit of common sense you may ever have possessed in your crazed obsession with Rob Moshein. Darling, have you considered that you might be doing what we called "carrying a torch" for him? Seriously, darling, you're just obsessed with the man, jumping up and down and waving your arms to get him to notice you. And darling, you sound like an imbecile with the baby talk and then the "oh, we've got a secret PROJECT!" Darling, really? Because from where I sit you have bupkes in terms of knowing what you are talking about. And like darling Omele, you have children!!! Is it a good idea to have them see their mother acting like a fool in public? As public as this site is, and from what Blakele says, it's getting more public by the minute!
I only ask because I care, darling. So much! And AnonymousOne, I know what you mean about having a hard time keeping up, darling, I really do! I could scarcely believe that Oma has had time for all of the shady things she has done just in the past few years!
Take notes, darling! Take notes!
And it would be a good idea to get a name, darling. Ask Omele, she's good at inventing them. Maybe you can be "Esmond" or "Endora" (she has a Daryn, darling).
See how much I care, even for the anonymous ones? You know I do, darling!
Mitzi Kedem
Snoopele, darling, you want to get "a hold" of darling Omele tonight?
Reach down and give yourself such a pinch, darling! And voila!
Just trying to help, darling, because --- oh, darling you know why!
Damn it, Mitzi, I just snorted water up my nose laughing!
I'm sorry, Oma, did you just ask why Bob Atchison is looking for you? Everybody is looking for you! Cowan, Refai, Refai's lawyer, the owner of the BMW, the Mortons, American Express --- you owe all of them money. That's why!
When the FBI asked you where you live, did you run out of the building as a sort of version of hanging up the other day when they asked you for a return phone number?
Darling Rivka, maybe she couldn't remember the address! There have been so many recently, darling.
Oma, seriously. "They could always dig the remains up?" Seriously? You're a landlord's dream, girlfriend. "Sorry, there are some dead animals buried in the backyard, but you can always dig them up."
I found her "sealed" deposition thing hilarious, and would have paid cash money to see the face on whatever judge read it. No wonder it wasn't sealed per request. If Marcus Demian is still around, he must be rather old to be stalking her, no? I mean, he has had eighteen years to catch up with her. The Israelis managed to get Eichman in 15. And the necessity to live "underground" didn't seem to stop Oma Hamou from swanking around pretending to be a producer and foundation director. Or from putting herself all over the internet through a series of websites. I'm not sure how a witness protection program works, Oma, but I doubt it starts with "If you want to remain in hiding, put up websites and post pictures of yourself all over the internet."
This makes no sense to anyone. Alright, maybe one.
"One Oma was never evicted from the Batchelor house but you keep saying she was"
Evict: expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process
OK, so there was not an Unlawful Detainer filed by Mrs. Batchelor, however, Oma Hamou was lead out of the house in handcuffs by the San Bernardino Sheriffs, placed in the back seat of a cruiser and slapped behind bars in jail; then possession of the residence was given back to Mrs. Batchelor
there, feel better now Oma/snoopy??
Sandman-who-is-Oma posted:
"Because those on Bob Atchison's Team is willing to spin and twist the truth with the greatest of ease, it is left to those on Oma Hamou's Team to try to explain the 'reality' or the truth."
Bob Atchison's team? Hey, guys, I didn't get my jersey.
Interesting that even Oma puts "reality" in quotes when she refers to her version of things, and that she draws a distinction between that "reality" and the truth. Kind of Freudian.
As for who's spinning what:
Over the years conversations have been had with a slew of people who knew (or were investigating) Oma Hamou:
Edna Morton
Don Morton
Detective Sherry Daniels (LAPD)
Detective Coltrane (Irvine PD)
David Davidson
Kirk Monroe
Scott Landerstesee
Tim Cox
Marcus Demian
Perry Demian
Rio de Janiero (seriously, at Wild West Productions)
Monique Hahn
Huiku Batchelor’s son
Eric Cowan
Eric Cowan’s girlfriend, Lily
Hamid Refai’s attorney
Owners of Nancy’s Reseda Glass & Screen
Not once, not one single time did anyone say anything about Hamou being a fine woman, or that the situation had been misunderstood, or anything remotely similar.
What we instead heard were reports of using aliases, faking illnesses, writing checks on closed accounts over and over, writing checks on empty accounts over and over, signing contracts and then absconding, promising to make good on debts that were never honored, lying about her life and her associates, obtaining social security numbers under false pretenses, obtaining property under false pretenses, giving out business addresses that turned out to be remailing centers, giving out phone numbers that were not to the people or organizations she said they were, and on and on. The words "con artist" were used more than once to describe her, including by a police detective.
Every single one of these people who encountered Oma personally related the identical outcome:
Hamou walked away with someone's money or services obtained under false pretenses, left them holding the bag, and then dropped out of sight (except for subsequent phone calls from unidentified numbers to try to find out whether a police investigation was underway or was beginning to close in).
"The Los Angeles Police Department - The LA District Attorney's Office - Bob Atchison's first criminal complaint filed in California against Oma case was closed on the Murder for Hire scheme"
Total complete utter LIE. The LAPD never had anything to do with it, nor did the LA DA's office.
Sorry Oma Hamou, but you LIED here.
What about the police reports that people not associated with Bob or me made:
Edna Morton
Monique Hahn
Huiku Batchelor
Eric Cowan
just to name a few....
All misunderstandings, Rob. All misunderstandings.
Sorry Oma. You still lie. The City of Santa Monica is NOT the City of Los Angeles.
Santa Monica has its own self contained Police Department, and it's own District Attorney.
So you lie.
"A check provided to her by ENIGMA and which was paid in full."
A check which was written BY OMA HAMOU on a CLOSED account, and SIGNED BY OMA HAMOU.
Re Mrs Batchelor "The check which was provided to her by Oma was paid."
Sorry Oma:
City of Santa Monica, while in Los Angeles County, the Santa Monica PD and City Attorney HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE LOS ANGELES DISTRICT ATTORNEY.
"Oma wants the FBI Agency to..."
So what? I want my Mega Millions ticket for tonight to be the winning ticket...
Oma Hamou has wanted the FBI to...for six years.
Can I be more clear?
Do you think for one nano moment that the FBI would ALLOW YOU to be placing all this crap up there IF THEY WERE DOING ANYTHNG? of course they wouldn't.
You NEVER SAW ANY COMMUNICATIONS that "show there is an investigation". The FBI will tell ANYONE who calls that they NEVER EVER EVER discuss an investigation with the person who filed the complaint.
There is seriously only one person actually brain dead enough to possibly believe otherwise...and it sure isn't me, Bob, Blake (who is not Bob or me btw), Rebecca (who is not me, Bob or Blake btw) Mitzi ( who is not....etc etc), or Penelope (who is not ...etc etc.)
You would think someone with as much experience of the police and district attorneys as Oma Hamou would know something about jurisdictional lines.
Here's a primer, Oma:
Police = Municipality
Sheriff = County
State Police = State
FBI = Federal
Detective Daniels, who investigated the Morton scam, was with the Devonshire Division Elder Abuse Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department and transferred to the Van Nuys Division of the LAPD (i. e., a municipal agency).
Detective Coltrane, who already had an investigation of you underway for writing checks on closed accounts based on two separate complaints when we first heard of him, was with the Irvine Police Department (another municipal agency).
You were arrested by the San Bernardino County Sheriff for felony forgery in 2008 (a county agency). You were prosecuted by the District Attorney of that county, resulting in restitution to the victim.
You have recently encountered the Palmdale Sheriff (another county agency) for writing another check on a closed account.
There is an outstanding bench warrant for your arrest at the LAX branch of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department (obviously a county agency). In that case, you were a no show for a trial on the charges of driving without a license, registration, or insurance (which is understandable, I guess, given the missing BMW).
The FBI is a federal agency. They are not involved in any of this, and you should hope it stays that way. Especially since every time you start jammering that the police are coming after someone else, it's actually you they start investigating.
Hope this helps clear up your jurisdictional confusion.
by the way Oma/snoopy
saying Eric Cowan is committing fraud, and lying...and
"It is my opinion and not one shared by Oma or anyone else but I believe he saw Oma as a mark and figured if he called Animal Control and the cops they would do to her as they did in the Batchelor case I say this because while he was doing this behind the scenes he was pretending to be working things out with Oma regarding her stay there"
Don't you stop to think for just one moment that maybe they don't LIKE you making these public accusations about them, which is THE REASON WHY they spoke to Blake. They still have not spoken to me, or Bob. But I do hope to hear from them soon. They know how to reach me.
Oh, and how do I know now for CERTAIN that snoopy is Oma Hamou?
"Govern yourself accordingly" isn't how any lawyer worth anything would close a letter. It's a hack out of fashion phrase.
HOWEVER, Oma Hamou used that phrase constantly for years in every letter to Bob...
Darling Blakele,
So helpful with your list of how jurisdictions work. Maybe she can print it out, laminate it, and carry it in her purse.
You know, darling. So the next time a patrol car pulls up outside your rented house, you can do a quick check and know who you are dealing with, darling.
I suggest because I --- oh, Omele, do I have to even say it?
Darling Omele,
I don't know why you think that was wa photograph of you, darling. You are always telling us how svelte you are, darling, and the woman in the picture . . . well, let's just say that there is probably a plate of fried pork skins or some other shiksa delights just out of frame.
But because I care about your feelings, darling, I changed my Facebook picture. Go and look. I'll wait, darling.
See? Feel better? I knew you would, darling! And that's what I'm here for, darling. To make you feel better.
Mitzi Kedem
"Exhibit A"?
"Pallasart's Secret Links"?
Okay, it's official. Oma Hamou has lost her mind and joins Russophile in becoming downright psychotic over being banned from the Alexander Palace forum.
What the hell do some links to biographies of Russian royals that any member of that forum can access have to do with anything regarding Oma Hamou's career as a con artist?
Has her sociopathic megalomania reached these proportions?
This is just plain weird. Even for her.
Yes Blake,
She is long off her rocker. Still bitching and moaning about meaningless crap from ten years ago to try to mask the fetid odor of her criminal activities (and all the dead cats buried in the yard)....
Grow up already.
Bob filed a police report because you and Jim Sproul offered MONEY to JL to "Remove Bob Atchison". That is documented, Mike Newson ADMITTED as much in an email I made public, and JL GAVE an affidavit to the Santa Monica Police to that effect.
Oma Hamou hired Bob PERSONALLY as consultant for the movie. She was eating my beef stroganoff at my dining room table in front of me when she shook hands on the deal with Bob. $7000 a month from THAT moment until shooting wrapped was the contract. Oma paid NOTHING to Bob except the $800 in $20 bills she gave him as her "good faith" (and that terms means nothing to you).
Bob won. Get over it. You had your day in court and LOST. THAT is what bothers you more than anything.
People SHARE their information GLADLY with Bob when they become a VICTIM of Oma Hamou, just as he was.
Get over it.
Yes, Oma Hamou belongs behind bars. She has already spent an entire year behind bars over the course of her life, so she is quite familiar with it.
Eric Cowan wants Oma Hamou in Jail.
I want Oma Hamou in Jail
The San Bernardino DA wanted Oma Hamou in Jail, but Batchelors son wanted his mom to have her money...
Monique Hahn wants Oma Hamou in Jail
Scott L. wants Oma Hamou in jail
Hamid Refai REALLY wants Oma Hamou in Jail...
shall I finish the list? it's a long one of people who after contact with Oma Hamou, all have two things in common, they were scammed money and want her liposuctioned ass in jail...
JL's exact email:
Bob and Rob
This is John. I am ready to sign the affidavit concerning Oma. She
needs tobe stopped. She has now threatened me that she will only take down the shit on her website that she continues to post if I retract my statement to the Santa Monica Detective.
Sorry Oma, stop putting words in things that don't exist.
Where EXACTLY did I say "everyone is working to put Oma in jail"??
I didn't. WANTING you in jail is not the same as "working to put you in jail".
By the way, did anyone else notice Oma Hamou's HUGE EGO "inflated sense of self worth" in that her Motion she posted where she refers to herself in the document as "OMA" all caps, just the first name..Like "Cher" "Madonna" etc..."OMA"....hysterical...
"Now as to yours and Bob's false claims the Los Angeles County Superior Court Judges when reading this petition laughed at it etc."
UMMM, and just WHERE did I say that? I didn't. MORE made up LIES and BULLSHIT from Oma Hamou.
Now, it was ME who laughed myself silly when I read that self-important over inflated pile of crap that OMA wrote.
So exciting, darling! Now you're making up imaginary phone calls as well as imaginary friends! Darling, Blake is right, you may be getting over-excited. Have you considered that people calling you may be creditors?
Just a thought, darling. Just a thought.
Mitzi Kedem
Mitz, as usual, you are quite correct.
I can not, honestly, think of any person I would rather NOT call on the phone than Oma Hamou, a low rent grifter with an over inflated sense of self importance and "penchant" for writing bad checks. (Oh, and Oma, just because you made a few of those checks good, doesn't MEAN the people who GOT the bad checks you eventually made good, suddenly LOVE you...NEWSFLASH: They don't. Not one...)
Now, there IS a list of folks who DO want to talk to you:
Eric Cowan. He wants his money.
Thomas Ward. He REALLY wants to talk to you. He's Refai's lawyer and THEY want the money you owe him.
You hung up on him when he asked for your callback phone number, remember??
Chris Malish. HE wants his $20,000
NTT/Verio and Richard Baumann want their money...
Jaqueline Anker, the lawyer for Global Insight wants to talk to you about their getting paid...
Scott Landerstesee. He REALLY wants to know when you plan to pay HIM...
Shall I go on?? There ARE more...So, don't jump to un-necessary conclusions there Oma. Just cuz the phone rings, doesn't mean it's Bob or me. We DON'T want to talk to you. We KNOW you have no money...we KNOW how to tell when you LIE (which is pretty much every time you say or type anything) so, stop the DRAMA QUEEN act. It's old...but then, so are you...
Darling Omele who is Snoopele,
Darling, what's with all the yawning? You yawn, Darling Russophile Lady yawns? Girls, are you not getting enough sleep? Remember, darling, you're at a stage in life when you get a wrinkle for every hour of missed sleep, darling. If you are getting enough sleep, darling, you need to have a cup of coffee. Try it! You'll feel better!
Caring so much, darling! Caring so much!
Well, at least tonight is one night Oma Hamou aka Alexandra McConnell won't have to hide. Halloween is the one night the Handmaiden of Satan, and her grossly overweight minion, can cavort freely. She wants her old man tricks to give her treats!!
Oh lord, the paranoid schizophrenic activity is way over the top this morning. Seems somebody missed their meds...
the "secret" forum isn't exactly "secret"...It can only be read by registered users. There are over SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED people who can read that section of the AP Forum, from all over the globe. I don't think that is terribly "secret"...
As for the "cabal"posts in that section, here are the more recent and popular subjects:
Re: Those Who Have Passed Away - In Memoriam
Celebrities you would banish to a Desert Island!
Tell us what you are reading.
Volunteer work in Russia
This Day in History.
How did you pick your username.
VERY criminal activity. ALL directed at destroying Oma Hamou.. Clearly!!
Oh, and the link to, wasn't secret. It was INVISIBLE!
Bob didn't lie, I created it, he never even knew about it. I wanted Google to find omahamoureport, so I used the password Bob gave me when I wrote the Nicholas Mikhailovich bio, and I put a link on the bottom of the page in font size -25, which is virtually invisible to the eye or mouse, and I made it CLEAR on a white background so nobody but google bots could see it.
Big EFFIN deal... See how Oma Hamou makes up shit?
Oh, and Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group, Portland Oregon, married to Joel Biernat:
YOU can't log in to anything in the AP Forum because I BANNED you. You remember? The reason why you hate me so much.
And I care why if "snoopy" obtained a password and username under false pretenses in the Forum??
Poor Oma.
Her current life is clearly miserable, boring and very empty. All she can do is continue to rehash meaningless drivel from six plus years ago, that NOBODY but she cares about.
Well, yeah, nobody because Biernat is a nobody as well, with an ego that can't accept that fact.
She and Oma are obviously friends because they both have this over inflated sense of self and delusions of being more than what they really are.
So, what is NEW Oma?? Why can't you bring up anything more recent than FIVE YEARS AGO?
Oh, wait, the same reason that you keep reposting DECADE old badly photoshopped pictures of yourself...
never mind.
No Biernat you MORON. ANYONE can read ANYTHING in the Forum.
I don't ban anyone from READING.
YOU can't LOG IN, EVER. Idiot.
Rob, show a little understanding. You can see why Hamou would think the discussions in the members-only section would heavily refer to her.
"As for the 'cabal' posts in that section, here are the more recent and popular subjects:
Re: Those Who Have Passed Away - In Memoriam. [About what she did to Don Morton.]
Celebrities you would banish to a Desert Island! [Oma Hamou -- actress, model, film producer, head of international charity.]
Tell us what you are reading. [Court records, arrest reports, miscellaneous civil actions.]
Volunteer work in Russia. [Scamming people in Pushkin and anywhere else she met anyone.]
This Day in History. [ Oma Hamou's targeting her first victim. Her first bad check. Her first arrest. Her first criminal conviction. Her first probation violation. Her first business card from a bail bondsman. Her first adverse civil judgment. Her first eviction. Wow! This is a really lo-o-o-ng section.]
How did you pick your username? [All the aliases she has used. Another really long section.]"
Don't you know, Rob. Everything everywhere is about OMA HAMOU. To a sociopath, the sun is out only when he (or she) is looking at it.
Well, OF COURSE it is Blake...
I showed that ludicrous Ex parte motion to a couple of lawyer friends and they HOWLED in laughter at how self absorbed Hamou must be to refer to herself throughout as "OMA". Proper pleading, they said, would have referred to her as "Movant" or "Ms Hamou", but OMA like CHER, or MADONNA, or OPRAH???
True Confession Time, BFF and Oma:
I joined the Alexander Palace! I have a code name! I can access the secret part of the forum!
And guess what? Rob is telling the truth about what is there!
Guess what is not there? Anything about Oma Hamou! So while you've been monitoring the site for the past four years in your spy mode, Oma, what exactly did you cull from it that was about you? I ask because I scrolled through a random sampling of threads and none of them mentioned you. At all. I went to the thread that deals with Pushkin. No mention of Oma Hamou. I went to the thread about movies and television shows about the Romanovs. No mention of Oma Hamou.
Oma, why do you think that anyone over is (a) talking about you or (b) knows who the hell you are?
Unless . . . unless . . . is there a double secret Secret Part of the Website???
Good God, Oma, what could possibly still be a secret about the miserable life you lead that would cause a need for a hidden discussion?
And aall of this is pretty uninteresting. Let's get back to the real questions.
Who is she fleecing now? I'm betting that somewhere in the Palmdale area, some poor son of a bitch is about to discover that his four bedroom, four bath home has been trashed to a fare-thee-well, and the rent is seriously overdue. Any takers?
Handmaiden-who-is-Oma posted:
"I do know that Oma has succeeded in getting records sealed, and even won lawsuits when the pleadings referred to her as Oma."
Yes, yes, baby cakes. We know you've had other records sealed relating to your housing woes.
What we didn't know, though, is that you ever won a lawsuit.
If pleading simply as "OMA" seems to turn the trick (so to speak), you really should keep it up.
But I can't help asking the obvious. Wouldn't it be a better strategy to get the records sealed on the dozen and a half cases you've lost and let the ones you've won (snicker, snicker) be the unsealed ones?
It's the lost cases that seem to be causing you all the trouble, you know.
So Oma Hamou is back to posting about "threats" Rob Moshein has made to people who were unwilling otherwise to participate in discussions about the carnival show that is her life.
So I guess we're back to the question she ducked before: what, exactly, were those "threats" that would compel people to actions that Hamou claims violate federal and state laws and will bring down the wrath (soon, soon, I assure you) of the FBI?
C'mon, Oma. Tell us what these "threats" were.
Dear "Handmaiden",
Sure, I'll cover you. And I'll win. Because the last two "red herrings" about Oma's living quarters have been eviction notices.
Also, "you" shouldn't believe everything that "she" tells you. I was just in Russia, and you are wrong (if not simply lying) about how both Bob Atchison and Oma Hamou are regarded at Pushkin. I could find only two people who remembered her at all, and they didn't have anything good to say about the Hamou Experience (not so odd, given that I haven't seen very many people who do. Present company excluded, of course!). I think the Russian word for "grifter" was actually used.
Bob, on the other hand, gets very pleasant name recognition. They might have been telling me what they thought I wanted to hear (I have donated ten thousand dollars, and they all knew it), but I didn't get that impression. They are all familiar with the Alexander Palace website --- maybe not the secret SECRET part --- and they think quite highly of him. They thought reasonably highly of Dr. Sautov as well, and were quite definite about the fact that he had long stopped reading Oma's emails before he died, simply deleting them as they arrived. No, he didn't call her the "devil's servant" or whatever the hell it was, but he certainly had little to no regard for her. And I think I can even tell you why.
They need money. Lots of it. Oma didn't give them money. She promised to, but in the end all of her fantastic "plans", such as they were, came to nothing. And they (and presumably Sautov when he was alive) know that. She promised and didn't deliver, and it had nothing to do with Bob Atchison, according to Irinia A., with whom I spoke most frequently.
Several people, myself included, who have come to know about Tsarskoe Selo through Bob's work, have donated quite generously. They appreciate it. And they know very well on which side of the black bread the butter is placed. That was the common denominator I discovered that runs through all of Russian society. In that regard, their society is not very different than ours.
Voting for Cuomo tomorrow, BFF! Will be thinking of you!
BFF! What don't you believe? The "secret" part was filled with a lot of boring political stuff (you would like it, they are all conservatives!) and "Desert Island Discs" questions.
What do you do on the other site in the secret section? Talk about Oma? Plot the overthrow of the government?
If these cops don't believe the "lies", "Snoopy", then why does Oma spend so much time in handcuffs?
Also, Blake kind of does have a point. Wouldn't it be sensible to advertise the cases the poor woman has won? I doubt it would heavily mortgage your time to do it.
I'm certain that the LA Superior Courts keep the cases Oma Hamou has "won" in the super secret "members only" archives!
They can probably keep them in a very, very small envelope, Robert.
Dear "Snoopy",
This may come as a surprise to you, but people do change their minds about Oma Hamou as they have dealings with her. After all, even Bob and Rob had her in their home as a guest. No one ---- not Mr. Cowan, or the Batchelors, or the Mortons, or Mr. Refai --- will deny that she and Mr. Sproul are very convincing whilst in the middle of a con. The trouble is after it falls apart.
I repeat: in the last years of his life, Dr. Sautov was deleting unread emails from Oma Hamou. Father Markell wants nothing to do with her (he left a message at my hotel, and the gist of it was "hello to Bob Atchison". Oma was not mentioned. At all. Over a very nice lunch with Irina A., I broached the subject of Oma Hamou. We spent about twenty minutes on the subject, and moved on. You --- I mean Oma --- are not a good memory at Pushkin, Petunia. Irina was actually laughing when she told me about Sautov deleting the emails. But she got serious pretty quickly when I told her about the kind of life you are living. No surprise to her at all.
I don't really care if you believe that I donated to the Alexander Palace. I don't really believe that you exist as a separate entity from Oma Hamou. I think we will both have to live with our disbelief, "Snoops".
Rebecca Jordan, who was not abducted by Oma Hamou in some western state many years ago.
Honestly, BFF!
I did not just join the website, I joined about three months ago because you all were talking about it so much. I also became more interested in Russian history, or rather I at least wanted to follow what people were talking about when they tossed names like "Anna Andersen" about. I am indeed a "liberal", and was not for Hilary but a Barack girl from the start. I think Hilary is a perfectly competent person, but it troubles me that she stays in a marriage with a serial adulterer. Call me old-fashioned. Anyway, you need to stop spinning conspiracy theories about everything. I had no idea when I signed on today that you all were talking about "secrets". Frankly, I haven't really been back in awhile because . . . well, because most of the threads in that portion were pretty damned boring. Also, I found out what I wanted to know.
You keep dragging the authors of Fate of the Romanovs into this. They had/have a website?
I could probably get into a good conspiracy about whether I could be the next Queen of England. Whether a bunch of Russian history folk are trashing Oma Hamou on a "secret" portion of a website, not so much. I mean, what the hell, BFF? What could possibly be said in secret that would be worse than the crap that Hamou, you and Moshein toss around about each other on the open internet?
Also, I don't think everyone here is a "liberal", either. Blake was offended by the racist nature of the Obama story you apparently posted on another website. I know lots of conservatives who would be, BFF, even some black conservatives.
What about it, people? Are you all "liberals"?
Rebecca "Another Hot Mama for Obama" Jordan, who was not abducted by Oma Hamou in some western state years ago.
I'm fiscally a Conservative, and socially a Liberal. I believe in balanced budgets, less government, Gays in the Military, Health care for everyone who needs it and fair taxes for those with the ability to pay.
I guess Biernat will now call me a Commie.
I CAN tell you that one of the "sealed" Court cases is another UNLAWFUL DETAINER/EVICTION against Oma Hamou, which she LOST, for a place after Batchelor but before Cowan...
Prove me wrong.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Um, hmmm for starters let's just take 2 examples: Bob and Rob threatened Helen Azar & Penny Wilson and there is more and that too is a well documented fact!"
Oh, good grief.
I don't know Helen Azar, but I do know enough about Penny Wilson to know that no one is going to control her with anything you call a threat.
So, I ask again. What exactly was the threat that Rob used to make Penny Wilson join the "cabal" against you? I'm not even aware that Penny Wilson has ever spoken or written publicly about you.
And I've been shown some posts that indicate Penny Wilson and Helen Azar were at each other's throats for months over a book Wilson wrote and that both used incredibly intemperate language about the other.
Half the discussions about Russian history seem to involve people trying to tear each other's hair out.
This notion you hawk that Moshein has said -- or even could say -- anything to anyone that would induce them to engage in what you say is criminal conduct is just plain absurd.
The real burr you have under you saddle is that Penny Wilson and other serious historians became aware of what a colossal joke all your pretensions about Russian history really were.
And you can rest assured that Penny Wilson is not the only published author who has corresponded privately with people about what you are really about.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"2010 - The San Bernadino District Attorney's office and others like the Federal Bankruptcy Court did not beleive the lies published on the web or other communication by Bob Atchison or Pallasart or in their letters to these different officials - and I could go on...."
Yet the District Attorney prosecuted you for over a year and dropped the case only after you made "restitution to the victim" (the words used in the final court proceedings).
Yet you withdrew the bankruptcy petition after Atchison responded to the bankruptcy arbiter by pointing out the inconsistencies between what you swore in the filing and what you've claimed here and elsewhere.
Pretty odd actions when you are the one whom law enforcement always believes.
Do post exactly WHERE the Federal Bankruptcy Trustee wrote ANYTHING about Bob Atchison.
Feel free that IF you have the letter Bob wrote to the Trustee, to post it. Bob has no problem with a word it says being made public.
ummm Helen and I are FRIENDS, and have been for some years now. Penny W. asked ME to help with their new book, and Bob and I are both thanked in the book...
So, laugh all you want...the reality is not what you want to portray it.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Doesn't change the fact you and Bob in 2003/2004 threatened Helen and Bob threatened Penny in 2006."
Yet, oddly, you don't seem to be able to post what the actual threats were, despite having been asked every time you bring up this claim.
And, Oma. People know quite a bit more about you now than they did 7 or even 4 years ago. And your arrest and judgment record has gotten longer, as well, in the interim. There has been the arrest and prosecution for felony forgery. There has been the Refai scam. There have been the revelations about the missing BMW. It's become clear that you and Jim Sproul have worked more than just the Refai scam together. There have been more checks written on empty and closed accounts. There have been evictions. There's the outstanding arrest warrant. There have been reports by a former roommate and by more than one landlord of living in filth.
I'd be far more interested in seeing all the supportive messages you get from Penny Wilson, Peter Kurth, Helen Azar and anyone else (except, of course, Michele Biernat) these days.
I'd be far more interested in seeing all the supportive messages you get from Penny Wilson, Peter Kurth, Helen Azar and anyone else (except, of course, Michele Biernat) these days.
Please, anything within the last 12 months!
Dear BFF,
Why do I care what your opinion is, BFF? Simple. Because when you aren't ranting on about Rob Moshein or acting like an ostrich about Oma Hamou, I actually like you. We are interested in some of the same things, and when you talk about them, I think you're interesting. I also have sympathy for you as the mother of two sons in the military at a time when the country is at war. Sue me.
On the other hand, you need to pay attention to what I write before you pop off. I went to the Alexander Palace site a couple of times. I did not read threads about Greg King and Penny Wilson because, surprise, I am not interested in them as people, and they don't really seem to have much to do with Oma Hamou. I did a simple search for Oma Hamou's name on the likely discussion threads and failed to find it. Why on earth should I "know" that they have a website, or care if they do?
Honestly, BFF, when you shoot off the buckshot and hit everything in a ten mile radius, some of it isn't going to be relevant. This is one of those times.
And she has another eviction, Rob?
That's our girl!
Here is what one published author wrote me about Oma Hamou:
"is this Oma chick just insane or what? God..."
and another published author:
"I am still turning over in my mind the idea about a Romanov novel incorporating the sort of persecution and sturm-und-drang that Oma has brought into your life. I think it would make for a terrific undercurrent of suspense -- yet I need to think of a main "mystery" for the story. Any ideas? =)"
and ANOTHER published Author:
"On the Oma Hamou front -- I really think that she is so completely narcissistic that she believes she will be able to talk her way out of anything, even Tsarfan's proof of her conmanship (is that a word?). This can be the only explanation for her continuing to fight it out on LoA. I mean, it's a locked forum with only a couple of handfuls of members -- folding your tent and leaving such a place is hardly a major loss of face. The fact that she didn't take Tsarfan's offer to take her con elsewhere tells me that she has something already in mind for a further con -- perhaps even having to do with something like the "writing prize" that one of her alter-egos suggested yesterday.
The letter that she wrote to Helen -- well, she's just not normal, is she? And again, the narcissism is apparent. As is her complete disbelief in anyone else's intelligence. Oma must think that Helen is one dumb bunny if she thinks that such an "excuse" would be believed."
"others like the Federal Bankruptcy Court did not beleive the lies published on the web or other communication"
STILL waiting for you to prove this...
Poor Oma is seriously falling apart now. Calling the FEDERAL COURT to "read them stuff from the internet" about a DISMISSED CASE??
That author was really right.
And again, the narcissism is apparent. As is her complete disbelief in anyone else's intelligence. Oma must think that [ANYONE] is one dumb bunny if she thinks that such a [STATEMENT] would be believed."
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"That Bob Atchison was able to convince Vladimir to commit a crime over there in Russia by intercepting private business letters sent to Russia by Enigma to its Russian partners harmed Enigma as well as its Russian partners."
But, Oma, you said that letter Vladimir gave Atchison in which you claimed to have colon cancer that might have spread to the uterus (snicker, snicker) was a fake.
Poor Vladimir. Yet another person you stiffed for payment and whom you now portray as the villain of the piece.
The nerve of some people, to turn on the person who conned them.
Rob, it seems Oma has finally found a way to get her revenge -- posting yet again that ridiculous picture of herself sitting with that pancake face dressed in her rendition of a Russian empress (snicker, snicker). In front of a Korean flag, no less.
Well, she thinks her revenge is not just the RIDICULOUS photo of her (you still have to LOVE the Korean flag which has NOTHING to do with the Romanovs) of Oma Hamou looking like a hideous West Hollywood Drag Queen on Halloween on Santa Monica Blvd, but also the repeated umpteenth thousand times eye glazing post of ten thousands words of gibberish that one can't even follow much less understand.
I DO love now being called "old fart", so, since Oma Hamou is less than four years younger than I am, she must be the "almost as old fart".
"makes my blood boil"? are you SERIOUS? Oma Hamou are you really SO SELF ABSORBED?
They don't make my blood boil, Oma, they make me LAUGH at how pretentious you are and how little you understand anything. Seriously.
You are so sociopathic that you can't actually IMAGINE that you look ridiculous in those photos.
R I D I C U L O U S.
""I LOVE THAT PHOTO" and so does everyone else!"
Really? what does "everyone else" have to say?
The Double Secret Project that Darling Russophile Lady and Darling AnonymousOne have been concocting is coming to a head, darlings! So exciting!
And darling Omele, again with the "I am the Queen of Russia!" picture?? Honestly, darling, if you actually paid people --- but of course you probably didn't! --- to make you look like that, there's another lawsuit for you, darling, and I have to say, this one you could win! Of course we'll never know, because you seal the cases you win! It's only the cases you lose --- and darling, so many! --- that wind up as public records on the internet!
And darling Blakele is right, Oma, what gives with the Korean flag? I suppose if Coke would have given you some money you'd be sitting there all fantzy-schmantzy with a Tab in your hands, darling!
I only want you to look good, darling! Why? Because I care!
Just found this:
From: Monique <*********>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 13:54:34 -0700 (PDT)
To: Bob Atchison
Subject: Oma Hamou
HI Bob. It's been a long time since we have corresponded. I don't know if you know but I won the case. Oma never showed up at the second trial, which is not surprising. But this means nothing because she still hasn't paid the money she was ordered to pay, which also comes as no surprise. The next step I was told by the courts was to request an order of examination, that is, if I cannot find out where she
banks or works. If I have this info, I can order a statement of assets. Would you happen to have any of this info to help me? I have been through more than I ever imagined, as I'm sure you have. I hope you are having some success yourself with this horrid matter.
I just hope she's in jail seeing as I haven't heard hide nor hair from her. (emph. added)
Thanks so much.
another one from a PUBLISHED AUTHOR:
"Date: April 27, 2005 10:32:29 AM CDT
This woman writes to me much less frequently, but she still does on occasion -- or someone from her "camp" does -- and they're crazier than ever. The last few have asked me all kinds of personal stuff about you guys. I don't know why she thinks I'd know stuff like that. It's fairly transparent why she wants the information -- apparently, she is under the impression that "sodomy" (as she so delicately puts it) is illegal in Texas, and she seems to be thinking of turning you in! Lordy!
Hasn't her "suit" been determined a "niusance" yet? It's fairly obvious to me that she's hounding your guys out of spite and jealousy, not any real LEGAL reason."
This is a golden oldie Oma Hamou sent to the Austin Police Dept:
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:36 AM
To: *******.*******
Dear Detective ******,
I am asking your department to investigate Mr. Atchison's claims that I hire this John L***** to kill him or hurt him, to investgate his claim that I embezzled $60,000 from JP Morgan in Russia which in turn went after a Russian priest who was forced to sell his home to pay my debt. To iinvestigate who this JOhn L***** is and who is this LABLoodhound and Bob Atchison's other company.
My webmaster because threats to Mike Newson by both Bob Atchison and John Lupoli Mike Newson quit working for me.
[As I posted the other day, Mike Newson HIMSELF told Oma Hamou that THIS STATEMENT WAS A LIE. NO threats were made to him]
Please help me! Please Bob's got to learn that he can't file false police
reports and make false statements and continue to harass people. Please make
him stop!
Oma Hamou
So what did the Austin Police Department actually DO lo these SIX PLUS YEARS NOW?
Poor Oma. She's so delusional now, she can't even READ the stuff she tries to refute.
"you take it out of context out of the historical timeline of events "
"he contacts the woman and tells him his story of being a victim
Ummm, Oma, READ THE FIRST SENTENCE of what she wrote:
HI Bob. It's been a long time since we have corresponded.
SHE contacted BOB...idiot.
Also, I didn't post her LAST NAME. I'm not dragging her thru the mud. YOU published her last name, because YOU want to drag her thru the you do all your victims.
oh, and Jim Sproul PAID Monique off because if she didn't get paid, the Irvine PD would have prosecuted Oma for the bad check. They have the "Orange County Bad Check Restitution Program" to assist local merchants with bad check losses. The primary goal of the program is to obtain full restitution for the victim without adding to the financial burden of the criminal justice system.
In other words "IF" the writer of the Bad Check MAKES VICTIM RESTITUTION, they will not put them in Jail. Sound Familiar??
"Oma is and has been at the hospital "
There must be a Court appearance she needs to miss....
"why Judges in California have sealed many records pertaining to Oma"
Why is Oma Hamou "back in the hospital' YET AGAIN. Second time this year. FOURTH time in two years?
Labial Cancer that spread to the anus?
Colon Cancer that spread to the bladder?
Bladder cancer that spread to her breasts? HAS to be RECTAL cancer that spread to her BRAIN when her head was up there....
She's not in the hospital. I realize you know this, Rob, but I thought I would let you know for sure.
Although if she was in the hospital, it would probably be for Karpal. The woman does a lot of typing every day.
Someone who's been reading this blog sent me an article today from The Kiplinger Report. It had to do with the erosion of financial skills of people with dementia and the rapid decline of their ability to protect themselves financially.
One paragraph read:
"Even seniors in the early stages are prey for financial predators, says Marson, director of the university's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. 'There's an epidemic of financial exploitation aimed at people with mild cognitive impairment,' Marson says."
Needless to say, the case of Don Morton and our girl Oma Hamou jumped right to mind. Remember that Don Morton was already too impaired even to be a witness by the time his family went to Detective Sherry Daniels of the LAPD Elder Abuse Unit. (And remember that Hamou used an alias when she moved in to Morton's house, and her real name was uncovered only when the police began their investigation.)
This article mentioned that one of the things grifters often do is get their elderly demented victims to sign things in order to put a gloss of legality on what they're doing. I couldn't help but think of that note Hamou keeps posting over and over on her "Ask Oma" forum, meant to show that Morton gave her "written permission" to involve herself in (i. e., raid) his finances.
Oma Hamou and Jim Sproul are scum-swilling predators of anyone they can shake down, including the disabled and elderly if that's what it takes to get their hands on a dishonest buck.
And Michele Biernat of Benefit Design Group in Portland is no better by rushing to the support of people who make their livings by such despicable means.
There was also a 48Hrs last night about a woman who preyed on Military men, all just back from "the sandbox", she told them she had MBAs and graduate degrees (insert MODEL ACTRESS PRODUCER!!)married them (three married to her at the same time), bought a truck in one poor guy's name that she used to leave him and ransack their house, copied their drivers licenses and credit cards,
but SAID "I had their permission. THEY signed things..."
At least THAT criminal is now in jail...but it took one cop to actually take an interest. That woman last night would move around state to state to scam these poor guys, so no one jurisdiction gave much interest until a Georgia cop put it all together on behalf of one ex Marine (who lost his JOB because of the woman) she scammed.
All it takes is ONE victim to finally stand up to Oma Hamou. Bring ALL the evidence to one person at one time, and insist they take some interest.
I love the continued hypocrisy from Oma Hamou and more of her over inflated self esteem
Talk about the QUEEN of "the cops are doing XYZ" to Bob and Rob, for a documented SIX YEARS. Writing to District Court JUDGES that the FBI and Attorney General are "doing xyz" for her. and now the FBI is yet again "doing xyz" and Law Enforcement in LA is doing xyz for her. And Federal Courts are doing xyz for Oma Hamou...
I'm still here. Same address. Talked to a police officer on Sunday in the park actually about a crazy homeless woman who was screaming and ranting at everyone... Nobody tossed me in handcuffs...
I've never been in handcuffs EVER in MY LIFE.
Now Oma Hamou SLAPPED IN HANDCUFFS: At least a documented SEVEN TIMES...
I've never been in JAIL.
She's not with the F.B.I. I know you know this, Rob, but I just wanted to let you know for sure.
Boy. Take a day off, and there's so much catching up to do.
Snoopy posted:
"Bob threatened Penny Wilson and he threatened Attorney Dave Slater and lots of other people including Helen A. and others who participate on his history forum."
Once again, Oma, I ask you. What exactly were these threats? You keep saying people were "threatened", yet you cannot produce a single actual threat.
Maybe you could borrow one of Russophile's (from Oct 28):
"Now that you've brought Greg King and Penny Wilson in it, I've passed that along to others and I know a lot of people who now refuse to buy their upcoming book."
Poor Penny Wilson. First threatened by Rob and now by Michele Biernat.
(And Russophile, I think you forget that Penny Wilson was first brought into this when Hamou posted some old emails from Wilson having to do with her relationship with Moshein. It's not our fault that Hamou was unaware that Wilson -- who, unlike you, can actually adjust to new information -- had later come to see Hamou as the con artist she is and written Moshein to that effect.)
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Yep and one of those [seven] times [when Hamou was slapped in handcuffs] was because of the lies you and Bob publish on the web."
Yes, yes. You've said that already regarding Huiku Batchelor going to the police about your forging a check. But what of the other six times?
Well, Oma, I'm beginning to see why you are always in arrears on your rent. It just seems to take you forever to get anything done.
Way back on October 21 you posted:
"So Michelle, you think the Blake persona really is Mike Pyles...time will tell...I should know something by tomorrow or next week...."
Any progress?
I ask only because I know Michele Biernat believes you have the FBI hard at work on the investigation you ordered up and that all sorts of good things are coming to you as a result just any day now.
She must be so, so disappointed at all the delays.
I mean, there's not a chance in hell you have lied about any of this ......... is there?
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"Why play coy Bob when you know what you wrote to these different people but Helen told you she would sue you if you continue to harass and bully her and she forwarded those pms to Enigma. As to others, there have been others and those too were forwarded to us so you can pretend all you want that you have never done anything like this ever and the evidence will prove again you are a pathological liar."
So you have all these pm's. And you've never been reluctant to post pm's when it suited you.
Yet you still cannot specify what these supposed "threats" actually were?
Really, Oma. This is sounding about as logical as your claim that you've won lawsuits which, conveniently (at least by your logic), seem to be the ones that you've had sealed.
Russophile posted:
"Poor Blake, all pissy because his guy Alan Greyson is without a job today. Boo Hoo!"
Sorry for the slow response, Biernat. I had to look this guy up and it took a minute.
Seems his name is Grayson.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"We do know for a fact you are Bob Atchison hiding behind this fake account – yeh, the FBI is with Oma and damn it you can't prove they aren't."
Let's see. Oma was in the FEDERAL BUILDING with the FBI on that day we found out Eric Cowan had her evicted for writing checks on closed and empty accounts.
She was also with the FBI the day we found out about her history with Reseda Glass embezzlement and that BMW Credit was looking for her and Jim Sproul for failing to make payments on a car they had not returned.
And there she is again today, right back with the FBI this morning after getting out of the hospital just last night.
No wonder bombs are getting onto cargo planes, what with so much Homeland Security time and resources being devoted to Oma Hamou's complaint about Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison.
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"You [Moshein] threatened to fuck people's lives up, threatened to ban them from participating on your Goddamn history forum and all sorts of stuff."
Wow! That history forum must be some magical, mystical place.
Not only has being banned from it sent Michele Biernat so far off the deep end she's embracing a convicted felon and con artist. The mere threat of being banned would cause respected career women such as Penny Wilson and Helen Azar to engage in criminal conduct against Oma Hamou.
Wielding such a power over people as that intoxicatingly seductive history forum gives him, it's a wonder Moshein has not been elected President. Or at least governor of something.
Gee, go out for a hamburger and run an errand and come back to all kinds of fun!
Blake, don't you see? Oma can't pay her RENT because all she DOES is flit from hospital to the FBI and back again. I mean, how can the poor dear WORK and earn a living? All that time she spends...
OK, I can't believe I typed that without cracking up...
Seriously. How do I KNOW Oma Hamou isn't really with the FBI? Simple.
Now their MAIN office is in the Federal Building in Westwood on Wilshire. That, of course is almost a two hour trip one way from Palmdale, what with the traffic and all.
Now, Oma Hamou failed to do her basic homework before making up those lies...
See the FBI has FIELD OFFICES ALL OVER LA. Why? So people don't HAVE to schlep over to Westwood. Trust me, I've been to that building. Total nightmare of traffic and no parking...
Field offices of the FBI:
1206 W. Avenue J, Suite 211
Lancaster, CA 93534
Phone: (661) 948-9399
13911 Park Avenue, Suite 202
Victorville, CA 92392
Phone: (760) 951-7119
MUCH closer to home for Oma. Now watch, she's going to claim now that HER case is SOOOOOOO IMPORTANT they insist she come meet with the FBI high mucky mucks in Westwood. Also, IF they really want to talk to her, why not just drop by Oma Hamou's lavish Four Bed Four Bath, hardwood floor mansion, with the immaculate design, granite counters, and she will have her maid serve them coffee??
OK, I COULDN'T type THAT without cracking up...
She is at home. Hasn't left it all day.
Dear Rob,
Thanks for publishing that information, but I have been way ahead of you. I spent my lunch hour calling every F.B.I. field office in the Greater Los Angeles area, as well as the main Federal Building. I used all of my charm (considerable) and the name of the dear boy I spoke to at the Manhattan office. Did I mention that he and Leighton prepped at the same school?
Guess what?
Yes, I thought you would.
And I'm actually in a pretty good mood, BFF. The nutjob running for governor of New York got trounced, God is in his heaven and all is right with the world. It will be up to Mr. Obama to prove whether he is Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton between now and 2012.
I did have on small satisfaction yesterday. I had contributed some money to the Reid campaign. I'd like to think that every little bit helped!
I know, Bitsy, I know.
Oma Hamou is just making threats. It's what she has done for years now.
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 18:28:47 -0500
To: ""
If I were you I would remove the current post regarding our lawsuit because it's not over - and what Pallasart and its associates have just published is not true. I don't know what web site your readers are referring too since I am unable to locate it but I do plan to include the current information that Pallasart published in my current pleadings which will be filed on Monday. Its not over. Not by a long shot. You got up on the stand and you lied. And I am going to prove this.
Govern yourself accordingly,
Oma Hamou
Feb. 24, 2006:
Where she TOLD the JUDGE "I have sworn out official complaints with the FBI and Texas Attorney General's Office". and "I am not going to give up in fighting for justice and I will appeal any decision that is to the contrary."
OmaHamou on Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:08 am
I hope Bob and others close to him will go to jail for what they've done and learn/accept that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. I hope the courts will grant me a permanent restraining order against ALL of them.
Postby Oma Hamou on Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:59 pm
I am very hopeful that in the coming months Bob and Rob will be found guilty of the crimes they have committed against me which I hope will prevent future threats of harm to anyone!
by Oma Hamou on Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:49 am
I will not rest until Bob Atchison, Pallasart and Rob Moshein are held accountable for the crimes they've perpetrated against me. Despite what Rob Moshein published on the web about this matter, prosecutors have assured me a verdict based on 'amongst other things' fraud can be overturned and the person perpetrating the fraud can go to to jail and/or be convicted of having committed the crime.
Poor demented Oma Hamou. How do I KNOW you aren't down at the FBI? Easy. YOU KEEP POSTING.
Nobody believes your threats anymore Oma. NOBODY, well except Michele Biernat, from Portland Oregon, who co owns Benefit Design Group. SHE believes you, but then she also doesn't seem to mind or CARE that you scam money from old men, like Don Morton and Hamid Refai, nor CARE that you keep getting evicted from houses that you leave trashed with cat droppings. (Now maybe Biernat will rent to you, and THEN we'll see if she still doesn't mind.)
Snoopy-who-is-Oma posted:
"when in fact she lived in a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom house with a back yard"
Well, you gotta have someplace to bury the aniimals.
But this is another example of a sociopath's egotistical mind at work.
Hamou already knows we all know she failed to pay rent on her last three residences and left all three amidst legal actions against her.
To most people, the moral of the story is that one should not live in a manner one cannot afford.
To Hamou, the moral of the story is that she has a right to live beyond her means -- at other people's expense, if that's what it takes.
In her bizarro world where cognitive disconnects are the only means of holding reality at bay, she attempts to block out the fact that everyone knows she's actually a squatter in those houses.
And when reality forces its way in upon her fantasy and exposes the disconnect, her reaction is to rant, scream -- and, for some very odd reason, post pictures of bare-breasted women.
Michel Biernat (aka Russophile) posted:
"I don't own ANY PART of the company."
Well, add Joel Biernat to the List of the Wise.
So Biernat INSISTS:
let's see if we can get it RIGHT children: I don't own the company. I don't own ANY PART of the company.
Now let us go to the Benefit Design Group WEBSITE,
Michele Biernat
Michele has been with Benefit Design Group for 4 years, providing customer service, client management and internal quote processing. She has many years of customer service experience in the mortgage banking industry and provides crucial customer renewal services for the agency.
Now, Oregon is a Community Property State. Therefore, unless you signed a prenup with old Joel Biernat your current HUSBAND, permanently refusing ANY interest in the business, you OWN HALF.
Goodness, BFF, I hope you didn't sign a prenup!
And Oma/Snoopy, whoever you want to call yourself, you/she are not at the Federal Building. Or if you are, you are not pursuing any kind of investigation. Give it a rest, girlfriend/boyfriend. You're totally busted. On the off chance that anyone other than the usuals are reading any of this (and if I were Greg King and Penny Wilson I would certainly be interested in the fact that people are trashing their names, publishing items they purport they have written and misrepresenting their current positions), Rob has kindly posted the phone numbers. Have at it.
Honestly, girlfriend, don't you have better things to do with your time than sit in front of a keyboard all day? Like get a flippin' job? And I mean a real job, not simply a return to the halcyon days of yore, conning senile old men out of funds.
Well, it will only be an issue if you and Joel split up, BFF, and I'm sure you're too happy to even consider that. But if Rob is right, it's nice to know that there's a little nest egg, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Oh dear. It now appears Biernat is adopting the sock puppets too. I've been noticing that Russophile keeps logging out and then "anonymous one" logs in, the A-one logs out and Biernat logs back in to post.
Must be stockholm syndrome.
Well, RJ, if in the unlikely event that Joel divorces her, at least HE will have her public statement in writing that she owns NO PART of Benefit Design Group.
Girls, so exciting with the secret plan and everything! You should absolutely sit together in the lunchroom and make fun of the other girls, darlings! Such fun!
Bitsy, sister of my heart, are you and Nitzi on what darling Rivka keeps calling "stakeout duty"? Oy, the tsuris everyone goes through because of darling Omele!
Darling Russophile Lady, you must be so pleased that the darling Tea Party candidates did so well, darling! It's just a hop, skip and a jump to the next election, and then maybe you'll be able to get that uppity Obama out of office! Of course, all of those darling black people you knew who let their medical insurance lapse because he was elected will be up what my darling husband used to call "shit creek", but darling, who can worry about the details!
Now you and Darling Anonymous One have a cocktail and get back with the Secret Plan! I know when darling Omele gets back from the FBI she's going to want to hear all about it, and I'll just bet she could use some good news. Such a day she's had!
So proud of you, darling, making friends with AnonymousOne. I believe in her/him/it, even though I did watch you disappear from darling Omele's website and then seconds late, darling AnonymousOne turned up! What are the odds, darling! What are the odds?
and she wants someone, nay anyone, to BELIEVE THIS???
The only thing I can think of, is that the LAST time oma/snoopy wrote that "under oath Oma was talking to the San Bernardino Police" THAT part was TRUE, but it wasn't about Bob, it was because they were INVESTIGATING HER due to Cowan's complaint....
so just maybe she WAS talking to the FBI, but not about their investigation of Bob, but just maybe SHE is being investigated (thus needing to disappear into the "hospital" her favorite place to hide (well fictionally anyway.)
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